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Psychotronic genocide

Psychotronic terror in Russia (according to information taken from the Internet, Ph.D. Tretyakova T.V.)

“Being a victim or becoming a Warrior is everyone's personal choice. And everyone is responsible for it.” - Don Juan Matus

Psychotronic terror is the use of radiation-type weapons and objects, biochemical (bacteriological) means with the use of hardware and computer technologies for covert remote control of the behavior, physiology and health of people in their familiar household and industrial environment. In addition, psychotronic technologies are used for remote killing and inducing suicide, organizing accidents, deliberately damaging electrical and radio electronic devices and equipment.

The terrible reality of today is the psychotronic terror of peaceful citizens of different countries, waged by the world psychotronic mafia, "zero power" using psychotronic (psychophieic, non-lethal, psi-weapons) weapons. As the 1st International Conference against PSI weapons showed, in addition to Russia, they are being developed and used in the USA, Germany, Israel, Pakistan, North Korea and in other countries.

Due to its versatility, psychotronic weapons are superior to all others put together - it allows you to control both one person and a group of people, entire countries and peoples.

Psi weapons are used for political, military and criminal purposes by both the international "psychotronic mafia" and the "psychotronic mafia" and the authorities, law enforcement agencies, scientific, commercial and criminal communities of individual countries.

The results of exposure to psychotronic radiation are intelligibly set out in the secret document “Help on Potential Threats. KGB of the USSR ... ". “The principle of remote influence of a psychotronic generator on a person is based on the resonance of the frequency characteristics of human organs - the heart, kidneys, liver, brain. Each human organ has its own frequency response. And if at the same frequency it is affected by electromagnetic radiation, then the organ enters into resonance, as a result of which either acute heart failure, or kidney failure, or inadequacy of behavior manifests itself. As a rule, they beat on the most weakened, painful organ. In some cases, death can also occur.

Psi-terror of a person is carried out in two stages, remotely and covertly. “... at the initial stage of the covert processing of human material, electromagnetic, sound and torsion radiation are used to suppress the will of a person to resist, resist, disobey, and also to reduce the protective properties of the immune system. The next stage is neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) specially selected for this human material - zombification ... ". In NLP, the attack is carried out by radiating equipment operating in the range of alpha-beta rhythms of the human brain in order to program its subconscious. Any information is stored in the subconscious, and a person takes other people's thoughts as his own, he can be controlled as you like. "Hard" and "soft" psychoprogramming are known. Moreover, a “hard” zombie can often be identified by its behavior (detachment on the face, slow reactions and memory lapses, incorrect speech and lack of ability to concentrate, ridiculous behavior, etc.),

whereas a "soft" zombie is essentially no different from other humans.
Created by psi-processing Psychotronic matryoshka contains several completely different personalities. When switching from one to another, the mannerisms, gait, smile and even the expression of the eyes change. When zombified, a person’s memory is destroyed, the perception of reality is disturbed, there is an increase or decrease in tone, the appearance of a runny nose, arrhythmia of the heart and numbness of the hands are possible.

Psychotronic processing is carried out by an organized group using torsion, electromagnetic, sound generators and other special equipment and biochemical means, with the aim of quickly or slowly destroying a particular person by remotely destroying his health, causing property damage, discrimination against the individual, deprivation of housing and livelihoods. In the “soft” mode, irradiation occurs through the electric and radio networks of the room and other communications, and at the same time the person does not realize that his body and psyche are affected. With a "hard", torture mode of exposure, the victim understands that they are torturing her and trying to destroy her.

The main tasks of Psi-terror are:

Organization of psychophysical pathologies of individual organs and the whole organism as a whole, up to a lethal outcome.
- Organization of management of human behavior and consciousness by forcible programming of his subconscious in order to create a "mass" citizen, turned into an "economic animal".
- Destruction of the human race at the genetic level due to gene mutation due to radiation. How these tasks are solved can be seen from the list of programs of one of the numerous research institutes in Russia - private enterprise A. N. Kochurov. (previously - Moscow Institute of Psychotronics). To control the psychophysical state of a person, suppressive radiation equipment, immune destructors-manipulators, hormonal modulators, paralyzers that block the conduction of nerve pathways and ... other similar equipment were developed. To control the psyche and consciousness of a person, developments are provided - mental modulators, activators, switches, translators of thoughts and actions, "Radio Voice", psi-generators based on the principles of sympathetic magic. And to work with a person at the genetic level, gene destructors, modulators, manipulators and a set of other programs were developed. All developments of this Private Enterprise were and are being carried out for the needs of the authorities, the military, special services, police, commercial and criminal communities.

The gradual psychophysical destruction of a person occurs by the following methods:

1. Chronic stress is created using the developed methods of psychophysical and material terror.

2. For a long time, tortures with insomnia, sophisticated tortures with pain, man-made rape, man-made energy suction, the introduction of man-made diseases, etc. have been carried out. The consequence of this is a weakening of the immune system and aggravation of stress.

3. The main organs of cleansing the body - the liver and kidneys (adrenal glands) - are put out of action.

4. A directed slagging of the body with toxins is carried out due to the pathology of the liver and kidneys, medicines, special chemicals used to diagnose the state of organs and systems of the body. All this leads to poisoning of the body. Special chemicals and other substances are introduced into the human body with drinking water, food, household chemicals, aerosols and gases are sprayed. Skin-penetrating chemistry is applied to clothes, shoes, bedding, the human body.

5. In the diet of the processed person, there is a lack of proteins, vitamins, microelements due to insufficient assimilation of them due to irradiation and material terror. The system of psychotronic processing and terror of people leads to chronic diseases and death.

In 2004, the Red Cross gave the following assessment of "psychotronic terror": "the construction of such a system cannot be seen otherwise than as a deliberate system of cruel, unusual ... torture."

The development, testing and testing on citizens of psychotronic weapons “did a lot of trouble, first in the USSR, and then in Russia. The brainless old men who rule the country, scoundrels in uniform and scum from science did not understand that the uncontrolled use of these weapons led and continues to lead to terrifying demographic consequences for the country.

Russian psychotronic mafia

Based on the materials of the Internet, one can trace the ways of creation, development and use of psychotronic weapons used in Russia for the psi-terror of citizens. (The annual population decline is greater than during the war years).

... in 1921, a special committee was created in the structure of the Cheka of the USSR for the impact on biological objects at a distance. And, precisely, the developments of this department formed the basis of psychotropic and psychotronic technologies. It is believed that D. Luni and F. Dzerzhinsky's daughter Margarita Teltse were at the origins of the development of methods of brain stimulation in the USSR. The main attention in these methods was paid to the use of psychotropic drugs based on synthetic and natural drugs.

In the mid-30s, our compatriot Mikhailovsky established that various combinations of electromagnetic pulses with a duration of 20 ms to 1.25 sec, repeating at a frequency of 25-0.4 Hz and modulating the carrier radio frequency (range of medium and short radio waves), affect separate areas of the brain responsible for emotional mood and work internal organs. This discovery was used to develop a technique for psychotronic processing by radio engineering means.

In 1932, the Institute of the Brain. V. Bekhterev received official task to begin pilot study distant (remote) interactions, the scientific leadership of the research was entrusted to Bekhterev's student L. Vasiliev. By 1938, a large amount of experimental material had been accumulated, summarized in the form of reports issued
in 1934 - "Psychophysiological foundations of the telepathic phenomenon";

in 1936 - "On the physical foundations of mental suggestion";

in 1937 - "Mental suggestion of motor acts."

After the end of the Great Patriotic War research into brain effects continued. At the same time, in research work, developments in this area and scientists from Germany that lost the war were used. All research and development was strictly classified.

In 1965 - 1968, the works of the Institute of Automation and Electricity of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences in Novosibirsk were most famous. The mental connection between people, as well as between man and animal, was investigated. The main material of the studies was not published due to security considerations.

In 1969, a decision was made in the Soviet Union to build over-the-horizon radar stations - Duga-2. Near Kyiv (station "Chernobyl-2") and on Far East- near the village Big Cartel (Komsomolsk-on-Amur), later - Krasnoyarsk-26. These complexes, presented as air defense systems, were actually intended for psychotronic influence on the population.

In 1970, by order of the Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, Pyotr Demichev, the State Commission for the Examination of the Phenomenon of Mental Suggestion was established. The commission included the largest scientists-psychologists of the country: A. Luria, V. Leontiev, B. Lomov, A. Lyuboevich, D. Gorbov, B. Zinchenko, V. Nebylitsyn.

In 1973, Kiev scientists received the most serious result in the study of psi-phenomena. Later, the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted a special closed resolution on Psi-research "on the creation of the research and production association Otklik under the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR." At the same time, part of the medical experiments were carried out by the Ministry of Health of the Ukrainian SSR at the Institute of Orthopedics and Traumatology. Studies on the influence of mental suggestion on the psychopathology of the central nervous system were conducted at the Republican Hospital named after. I. P. Pavlova.

In 1973, the testing of the Radio Hypnosis installation in military unit 71592 became well known (where it was created). The report on this test: "Impact on biological objects by modulated electrical and electromagnetic pulses" was heard at the Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics Russian Academy Sciences. The unit generates microwave radiation, the pulses of which cause acoustic vibrations in the brain. The capacity of the plant is enough to process a city with an area of ​​about one hundred square kilometers. At the same time, all the inhabitants of the city are immersed in a deep sleep, and the side result is the mutation of the cells of the human body. Supervised these works twice Hero Soviet Union, Air Marshal E.Ya.Savitsky.

Since the mid-1970s, in Omsk, at one of the numbered plants, psychotronic equipment for weapons systems has been produced, along with control systems for intercontinental missiles and spacecraft. After the start of "Gorbachev's perestroika" at this enterprise (together with one private company) they began to produce the Miranda biophysical metatron.

On July 4, 1976, radio communications on the entire planet in the range of 3 - 30 MHz were broken by unknown impulses with an interval of one tenth of a second. The signal was heard in conventional radios as a pulsing thud. In the West, it was determined that the source of the signal was the ZGRLS "Chernobyl-2", which was nicknamed the "Russian Woodpecker". Population Western countries panic seized - the front pages of newspapers were full of headlines: “The Russians are on the verge of discovering new technologies and weapons that will leave missiles and bombers in the past. These technologies will allow them to destroy up to five American cities a day by broadcasting radio pulses. They will be able to bring panic and disease to entire nations. “It was understood abroad that over-the-horizon radars were transmitting signals that could affect the psyche and behavior of the population. The carrier frequency of the radar was modulated by ultra-low frequency pulses, which caused the population to become depressed, fearful or irritated. Such low-frequency pulsed signals from Soviet over-the-horizon radars were recorded on the territory of many Western countries.

By the 1980s, compact microwave generators had been designed that could send commands to the human brain that controlled his behavior. It's called a miracle military equipment pulse-wave myotron. If you direct the radiation directly at a person at close range, you can completely suppress his will and paralyze.

At the beginning of the 80s, experiments were actively conducted to influence the subconsciousness of large masses of people (regions) from the territory of neighboring states. Zombification technologies are developing - the process of introducing specified information of a certain direction into the psychophysiological sphere of a person.

The largest closed centers for the study of mental impact on a person were located in Kyiv, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Novosibirsk, Minsk, Rostov-on-Don, Alma-Ata, Nizhny Novgorod, Perm and Yekaterinburg - only 20. Thousands of the best scientists worked on this problem.

Getting rid of psi-terror

Usually, psiterror is a lifelong phenomenon. Confirmed cases of getting rid of psi-terror, this is a rather rare phenomenon, because a person may not know until the end of his life whether he has been freed from psi-terror, or has just passed into the "latent phase" stage.

There are messages:

Once they escaped from psi-terror by "hiding behind the ground" (perhaps it was a temporary fall under psi-terror) . In another message - for a long time they were in a cave with the use of mantras (Uncle Rovny).There was a temporary deliverance until returning to Moscow.Another case of deliverance occurred in Kyiv with Galina . At the same time, an ardent appeal to God was used. There is an assumption that in order to get rid of psi-terror, you need to connect to some Egregor, i.e. imagine some idea, fantasy. Perhaps this is because the developers of the technology themselves are afraid of falling under psi-influence and left "back doors" for self-defense, which one could guess, even if "the memory is partially erased." The case with Galina, perhaps this is this Egregor, she constantly said to herself for a long time one phrase: "God, give me strength, so that only I would control My Thoughts!". In another case, the guy just groaned softly and, silently, waited out the psiterror (Sasha . There is a similar case, but, unfortunately, after a while, the psi-terror returned Irina ). There is information, though not confirmed, that you can get away from the impact by accelerating to a speed of at least 700 km / h, which gives you a chance to use private airlines. Moving to another place of residence, according to numerous information, does not save from psi-terror. Usually, the level of influence does not decrease with long-distance travel. Although, some subjects talk about a decrease in the level of exposure - the further, the less impact, but these are isolated cases. Zones of "fading" are small places where the level of impact is minimal, sometimes located in hometown subject.

Protection methods

Protection methods can be divided into three parts: protection and shielding from radiation, removal of the effects of radiation, changing fate so that psioperators remove the effects.

Presumably different people help in a variety of ways. It is possible that the psyoperators (as well as the equipment itself without the intervention of psyoperators) simply remove or reduce the impact in order to mimic the effectiveness of the method. Therefore, victims should try all available methods and develop their own. In many cases, those victims who themselves sought protection found an opportunity to reduce the level of psi-terror.
The technical version of the prayer (Duration of application from 2-3 months or more), mantras, spell, casting - to improve fate.

Household fans. Many subjects confirm that when the victim is blown with a fan, the level of exposure is somewhat reduced. Previously, it was believed that the effect is given by radio interference caused by fans. Today, fans do not create interference on the air. Perhaps the effect is given by the resulting air turbulence, which can create non-linearity physical vacuum, which can impair communication with the subject of the torsion generator of psiop. Multiple fans can be used at once.
Eniomodulators "Svyatogor"
, "Tigris", etc. There is one positive review for Svyatogor, two for Tigris, and one positive review for Svyatogor's joint work with technical prayer.
Broadband radio signal jammers. There are two positive reviews for Tetrafast

and one negative for an industrial broadband generator.
Esoteric, Eastern systems for removal of the audio effect (voices in the head). In an altered state of consciousness, the body's own frequencies change, leading away from the tuning of psychotronic generators of psiop. The method is applied by Olegom (Yekaterinburg) and AZ

(Moscow). Oleg also filmed the audio effect for three other people.
Device for psychoenergetic practices.
The author of Contradeum says that he protected himself from exposure using this technology. It is no longer known who defended himself in this way. We are waiting for experimenters.
Electric/magnetic field method for shielding a torsion signal. The electric field is used in Alexander Shpilman's experiments with an axion (torsion) field, he uses electret films and a voltage of hundreds of volts on the screen. In order to try to shield the torsion field, you need to be in an electric or magnetic field of high intensity. To be sure, it is advisable to use a high anode voltage from the kinescope of the TV. This is life-threatening - careful professional protection against electric shock is necessary. It has also been noticed that the settings of a psyop on a person can be knocked down by a magnetic field - magnets from speakers, transformer boxes.
Perhaps the information of Anatoly Akimov will be useful, that a polyethylene film can block a torsion signal. If two films are folded so that their feed lines are at an angle of 90 degrees, the passage of the torsion signal through the films is blocked. computer program for Amiga and Linux computers. MindGuard
to reduce psychotropic effects. There is one positive review. There is also a message that when the program was decompiled, it turned out to be a simulator that creates an external appearance of work. Continuously and even in a dream, listen to Russian-language music, so that it would only go astray, for deprogramming.
Vests Polovko
- from irradiation. According to Polovko, they help people in Riga. Her website: Testing in Germany showed weak protection and there is a negative review from Riga and from a Japanese citizen.
- myostimulators
BAT person. Help the body to quickly cope with the effects of radiation (pain, burns, deterioration of health) by stimulating internal defense mechanisms person. There are positive reviews - the devices restore health well and negative ones, since psioperators can enhance the impact.
Radamir , CEM TECH - home wave therapy devices. EHF radiation is used. CEM TECH is more broadband and more versatile. The devices influence BAT, BAZ by radiation of a special frequency range, stimulating the body to recover. Also carry out the method of electronic homeopathy. Reviews similar to myostimulators.
Brainwavegenerator . Computer program. Through headphones, with the help of binaural beats, it affects the brain with ultra-low frequency signals. Somewhat removes the negative psychological consequences of psychoterror. It doesn't help everyone. mind machines . The device is an analog of a brainwave generator with the addition of flashes. Bioshielding with Polovko's hand /laying a hand on a sore spot/, Reiki method. Sometimes it helps. With regard to psyterror, when laying on a hand, psyoperators most likely simply remove the effect. This shows one of the principles of psyterror - in general, psyoperators push a person to use protection. Neoguard. A small Bulgarian-designed device to protect a person from a general adverse energy-information impact environment per person. There is one positive review.
MAG-30. Low-frequency magnetic medical therapeutic device. There is one positive review. Outpost-1, Gamma, Efir, etc. Torsion protective autogenerators. Designed to remove the negative information component electromagnetic radiation household electrical and radio devices - monitors, cell phones, etc. There is one positive review for Outpost-1 and several negative reviews for all devices. One of the types of Gamma, in the instruction manual, was positioned as a defense against psychotronic weapons. Quickly out of production. The developer of Gamma is Anatoly Okhatrin, also a developer of psychotronic weapons.

natural minerals. Traditional remedy. It is believed that they can not only model the energy-information field in a certain way, but also work as a kind of accumulator, compensating for the losses caused by the impact. Of greatest interest in this sense are hematite, serpentine, onyx, carnelian (it is known that it has little radioactivity, during the 2nd World War it was used to accelerate wound healing, for which small pieces, about 15 mm in diameter, were attached to the wound).

Radionic programs

cybershaman , Spellcaster and radionics machine are simple but real psychotronic weapons. Efficiency in psi-terror has not yet been found.


The following information added by a site visitor is ambiguous. On the one hand, there is information about the unacceptable behavior of church officials under the influence of psioperators, on the other hand, some subjects were relieved by turning to the church, religion and rituals.

Proven for centuries and our fathers, great-grandfathers, our people, the method of protection:

. acquaintance with real Orthodoxy (listen to at least one lecture) . Ignatius Brianchaninov (one of the greatest saints of the 19th century). A word about sensual and spiritual vision of spirits. Sincere repentance, humility, the Holy Mysteries of the Orthodox Church (not by themselves as a rite (as with pagans), but with faith, with awareness of one’s unworthiness), a sincere desire to live according to the commandments of the Gospel, the Jesus Prayer (“Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God have mercy on me, a sinner").

Positive example:

I, too, when it started, thought they were people, wrapped myself in foil, put foil under the bed and hung it on the walls ... I took pills ... my experience - it does not help!
I decided for myself, whatever it was, but I would get rid of it, so I didn’t immediately believe other people’s words, I read everything that was on this issue, a variety of points of view and experimented, I was looking for something that would really help ... and found! And now I can testify - the Holy helps and protects!
I was not a believer, but I decided to check another, this time the Christian version, which I read on the net... The Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God - they generally left for several hours, then from the Iberian Icon, from the relics it was shocked, from the Shroud it was thrown 3 meters away! It was such a concrete experience that I could no longer ignore it... accordingly, I began to experience more... prayers, Unction, Communion, until God revealed to me what I was dealing with and why I needed all this.
I'm not writing this to "blame" anyone, but for those who have been tortured for 13 years or more ... Well, damn it, I don't have to believe, clean your brains from someone else's experience, if you don't believe, go, check, experiment... get personal experience!
Start simple, I already wrote, before eating, baptize food with prayer, before going to bed, all corners, windows and doors clockwise and the bed. Drink holy water on an empty stomach. Go, venerate the Shrine, wait for the Liturgy. Not in one, so in another they will show themselves! They don't take it very well! And to do this is not difficult, it won’t take much time, for the price it doesn’t cost anything, but maybe you will understand how to deal with psyops. Or is it better to believe in psiops and suffer for decades?
Moreover, on the page of psi-terror - a prayer helped someone get rid of it. Prayer is only one remedy, and there are many remedies in the Church.

I read somewhere that it helps a lot.

Prayer of the last Optina elders at the beginning of the day

Lord, give me peace of mind to meet everything that this day will give me. Lord, let me completely surrender to Your Holy will. Lord, for every hour of this day guide and support me in everything. Lord, reveal to me Your will for me and those around me. Lord, whatever news I receive during the day, let me accept it with a calm soul and a firm conviction that everything is Thy Holy Will. Lord, Great, Merciful, in all my deeds and words guide my thoughts and feelings, in all unforeseen circumstances, do not let me forget that everything is sent down by You. Lord, let me act wisely with each of my neighbors, without upsetting or embarrassing anyone. Lord, give me the strength to endure the weariness of this day and all the events during it. Lead my will and teach me to pray and love everyone without hypocrisy. Amen.

Prayer of the OPTINA ELDERS (the same one):

“Lord, give me peace of mind to meet everything that the coming day brings me. Let me completely surrender to Your holy will. For every hour of this day, instruct and support me in everything. Whatever news I receive during the day, teach me to accept it with a calm soul and firm conviction that everything is Thy holy will. In all my words and deeds guide my thoughts and feelings. In all unforeseen cases, do not let me forget that everything is sent down by You. Teach me to act directly and reasonably with each member of my family, without embarrassing or upsetting anyone. Lord, give me the strength to endure the fatigue of the coming day and all the events during the day. Guide my will and teach me to pray, believe, hope, endure, forgive and love! Amen!"

Academician Anatoly Fedorovich Okhatrin developed many devices that measure, visualize, sound energy-informational effects, for example, a photolepton apparatus takes pictures on which some threads are visible that connect a person with his photograph. Anatoly Fedorovich believes that through these channels there is an energy-information exchange between the original and its images. But if desired, these threads can be cut off - and then no magician will get you at a distance.

There are different methods of protection - magical, technical and religious. And we are becoming more and more convinced that religion provides the most reliable protection. Since ancient times, she has been conquering magic.

General health procedures

Baths with substances pulling out chemicals from under the skin - clay, salt, pine needles.
Inside - milk thistle meal daily, suck sunflower oil, drink clay or an analogue of clay with lignin - polyphepan. Coal is a weak remedy.
For a while, an old Chinese recipe helps to wake up to improve the functioning of blood vessels: ground green tea - 1 teaspoon, yolk with lemon juice and honey.
Literally everything needs to be adjusted - diet, consciousness - reading improving moods, like Sytin, affirmations, mantras, just by an effort of will to rebuild your consciousness in the right direction.
With increased left-hand rotation, it is better not to consume sugar at all. It only reinforces the left rotation. Like rolls, flour, pasta.

Breathing exercise to tone up

Suppose you are very tired or just feel overwhelmed, and you need to quickly mobilize, raise your tone. This is a simple breathing technique, from the arsenal of special services. 20 breaths in the system. Not 19, not 21, but 20. Phases are all given in seconds or, better, in pulse beats, that is, in the rhythm of the heart. Surely not everyone feels their heart to such an extent that it is for him to do it. Then use an account. Just do not forget to count not "one - two - three ...", but "twenty-one - twenty-two - twenty-three."
Breathing exercise. Given in cycles. Time is in seconds or pulse beats. The cycles go right after each other.

1. Inhale - 4, pause - 2, exhale - 4.
2. Inhale - 8, pause - 4, exhale - 5.
3. Inhale - 10, pause - 5, exhale - 8.
4. Inhale - 8, pause - 4, exhale - 7.
5. Inhale - 4, pause - 2, exhale - 4.
6. Inhale - 4, pause - 2, exhale - 4.
7. Inhale - 10, pause - 5, exhale - 9.
8. Inhale - 7, pause - 3, exhale - 6.
9. Inhale - 6, pause - 3, exhale - 4.
10. Inhale - 6, pause - 3, exhale - 4.
11. Inhale - 10, pause - 5, exhale - 10.
12. Inhale - 6, pause - 3, exhale - 5.
13. Inhale - 7, pause - 3, exhale - 4.
14. Inhale - 7, pause - 3, exhale - 4.
15. Inhale - 10, pause - 5, exhale - 9.

6. Inhale - 5, pause - 2, exhale - 4.
17. Inhale - 8, pause - 4, exhale - 4.
18. Inhale - 8, pause - 4, exhale - 4.
19. Inhale - 9, pause - 4, exhale - 8.
20. Inhale - 4, pause - 2, exhale - 4.

It is necessary to write down these cycles on paper and perform while looking at it. The result is felt immediately, without any buildups and preparations. Immediately, strength is added, and drowsiness disappears, and the form is excellent.

Energy self-massage to tone up:

Suppose you are tired, but you still need to work. Or you walk around the city, the end of the day, so you want to go home, and also "saw and saw" ... Here's a thing that will quickly relieve fatigue. The exercise lasts exactly one minute. It is important.
It is performed in seconds, but verbal counting is also suitable.

1. Vigorously rub palms - 5 sec.
2. Quickly rub your cheeks up and down with your fingers - 5 seconds.
3. Relaxed fingers<постучать>on the top of the head - 5 sec.
4. With the fist of the left hand, intensively rub the shoulder and forearm of the right hand - 8 sec.
5. With the fist of the right hand, intensively rub the shoulder and forearm of the left hand - 8 sec.
6. Gently press 4 times on the thyroid gland (this is below the Adam's apple) with the thumb and forefinger of the right hand.
7. Alternately press from one side, and then from the other side, on the pulsating sections of the carotid artery on the neck, counting to five.
8. Grope thumb depression at the base of the skull, press, count to three and release. Do it 3 times.
9. Tightly grasp the Achilles tendon with your thumb and forefinger, press and release. Repeat 3 times on each leg.
10. Vigorously rub with the crest of the fist, and if not very convenient, then with the heel, lifting the feet of both legs.

Exercise to strengthen the nervous system

It helps to overcome drowsiness and stiffness - sensations often experienced in the morning after waking up. It will give you a pleasant feeling of cheerfulness, which is achieved in this exercise by a good massage of the spine. This exercise will make your spine flexible and keep it supple and young. Yogis say: "You can evade old age as long as you have a strong and flexible spine." The "rocking chair" will also improve and strengthen your sleep.

The rocking chair is a very simple exercise, and in a few days you will be able to do it easily and freely, regardless of your age, flexibility and even weight.


Sit on the edge of the mat so that your back does not hit the hard floor. Pull your knees up and lower your head. Put your hands under your knees. You can connect them with a lock or not: for a start, do as you see fit. Rounding your back, rock back and forth, back and forth in quick, forward motions, similar to the movements of a rocking chair. Don't straighten your spine as you roll backward or you'll end up on your back and not be able to roll forward. Don't try to rock slowly, at least not at first.
Here's another one helpful advice: When leaning back, straighten your knees, and when leaning forward, bend them sharply. Don't stop after rocking back, but keep doing translational movements. Otherwise, you may get stuck.

On the first day, you will feel awkward and clumsy, maybe even afraid to lose your balance and fall. Do not forget that you are on the floor, so you can hardly fall anywhere. After a few days, when you get used to rocking, you may love it and appreciate its firming and invigorating effect. Keep your back round and your head tilted forward at all times, otherwise you may hit your head on the floor while moving backward and never want to do this exercise that could become your favorite again.

On the second or third day, you can try to combine rocking with deep breathing. Breathe in as you move backward and breathe out as you come back forward. Make sure that there are no buttons, zippers, hooks or snaps on the back of your clothes to avoid discomfort or even pain.

Do this exercise 4-6 times, then lie down and relax until breathing is restored and while lying on the floor, take a few deep breaths.

Rocking exercise stimulates the flow of nerve energy through the spinal canal and establishes a better connection between the central nervous system and the whole body.

Taken from: %D0%B8%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80%D1%80%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B0


For years I myself have been drinking an infusion for the heart (it is also vitamin): I put a teaspoon of rowan fruits, a teaspoon of hawthorn fruits in a liter thermos, you can put a teaspoon of rose hips (if there is no allergy), 5-6 pieces of dried apricots, pour boiling water, I drink during the day. For those who have high blood pressure, you can add a teaspoon of motherwort herb to a thermos (fruits and motherwort can be bought at a pharmacy). The infusion can be drunk for a month, then take a break. Victims of psyterror need to drink especially during the torture regime. I advise you to drink a sedative collection No. 3, it includes herbs of motherwort, oregano, thyme, valerian, sweet clover. I also drink collection No. 38/1 (Goryachiy Klyuch, "Gifts of Nature", it includes many herbs, weight 250 grams), which helps to restore hormonal disorders, dissolve neoplasms of various origins, and removes elements of radiation from the body. It can be bought at the All-Russian Exhibition Center in the Health pavilion. You can pick up another collection there.

Recently I bought Koltsov's functional state correctors (FSC) at Center Region LLC: 1st, 2nd, 3rd (female). I wear them all day, alternating, putting them on sore spots. FSC cleanse, heal, rejuvenate the human body. I hope that they will help restore the stolen health and save the rest. You can read about them on the website: com/

Electrosmog analyzer ME-3030V

The digital portable device serves for measurements of magnetic and electric low-frequency alternating fields. With this device, you can quickly and clearly determine the radiation in the workplace and in residential premises. The device is very simple and easy to use. To facilitate the perception of the results, there is a tone signal proportional to the strength of the measured field (Geiger counter effect). For more correct measurements, it is possible to ground the device. The auto-off feature saves batteries. Specifications: electric variable field 1-1999 V/m, magnetic field 1-1999 nT. Frequency range 16 Hz - 2 kHz. Accuracy ±2%. Size 74x180x32 mm, weight 175 gr. Powered by a 9 Volt battery (ordered separately). Supplied with ground wire. and - here you can buy an analyzer.

In the early 90s of the 20th century, retired colonel Pavlovsky Grigory Fedorovich founded the "Society of Persons Subjected to Remote, Bioenergetic Terror" in Leningrad. It was officially registered with the Ministry of Justice. This society united more than three hundred people, which provided moral and psychological support to people who were exposed to psychophysical weapons.

address: 1955220, St. Petersburg, Grazhdansky prospect, 27, building 2, apartment 65.
Born on September 17, 1943, the village of Kopani, Domanevsky district, Mykolaiv region, Ukraine, higher education, in 1966 he graduated from the Kiev Higher, Combined Arms, Command Red Banner School them. M.V. Frunze, qualification - combined arms commander. Recently he worked as a teacher of the military department of the Leningrad state university named after A.A. Zhdanov. In 1998 Pavlovsky G.F. was killed.
And their society was practically destroyed.
At present, another direction has been created - the St. Petersburg Department for Combating Psychotronic Weapons.
Resource data:
mail - piterski.otdel
website -

Videos about the psychotronic terror in St. Petersburg were provided to us, the Moscow Committee for Housing Ecology, by this department.

Mila Arbuzova
I've been being bullied for the second year, by a gang affiliated with the FSO. They entered the apartment twice (using the fact that I knew one of them before, plus under the guise of tenants who wanted to rent a room), and processing began. They offered to join the gang, I refused, the pressilovo began. After being physically delivered, they now terrorize from a distance. Influence children. The son broke his arm, a fracture of two bones with a displacement - as if under the influence of a psi-command. During the "recruitment" they told me a lot of interesting things. It turns out that all this is a secret program of the special services, by 2020 they want to drive everyone into the stall of psychotronic control. The program includes those, first of all, whom they can somehow use, people with intellect, clairvoyant abilities, who have acquaintances in an environment that is of interest to the special services - among political activists, etc. At the lowest level, it's just a gang squeezing apartments from pensioners. The duty officers of the FSO who came to my calls did not even deny that I was in this program. I miraculously managed to get rid of the idiots. Now they come about once every two days, connect the generator to the wires of the home telephone and the Internet (as I understand it), after which there is a strong radiation and, as it were, the radiance of everything around (this is how I begin to see). They also disturb me at night, introducing idiotic videos into the brain, after which I feel very bad.
For those who are interested, I have a text about their program, in which I summarized the information that was told to me during processing, as well as my own feelings from connecting to their "network".
The FSO-FSB is the author and executor of this program of control over the civilian population.
But besides "control" they have several other goals - at different levels - such as the transfer of real estate and funds from the population to the security forces, the reduction of the "excess" population, plus the creation of a database on mental patterns, ways to hack and control them, and also in general information about people (and here it is already needed, it seems to me, not even by the special services, but by those who stand behind them and want to study humanity as much as possible in order to imitate it).
By the methods of facilitating the situation - I realized a few points:
1. it is necessary to close the hacked psyche as much as possible. Any bioenergetic practices, yoga, physical education, etc. are suitable for this.
2. Not a single psychic can constantly work for you - they get "kickbacks", they need to recover and clean up. So the effect of "permanent" exposure is nothing more than the memory of our psyche about former states, a kind of prints.
In order to neutralize this, one must strive to forget these states, not to think that someone is constantly influencing and invading.
3. Psi gangs are very timid, they try not to shine, not to leave the equipment where it can be found, etc. It is not the people who are engaged in hardware hypnosis who work with radiation equipment. People are faster. They cannot be invisible to video cameras and the like. As a rule, if there was no access to the apartment, they connect to your wires on the stairs, maybe to pipes (but this is more difficult). So, you need to install a video camera. This will turn them off. People digging in the shield, or attaching something to the wires, captured on video cameras - this is a reason to contact the police.
4. Psi bandits are incredibly paranoid. They are afraid of being poisoned by food, being infected through bedding, etc.
well, I don't know how to apply it yet :)
5. The Ministry of Internal Affairs is in the know, and it is difficult to prove the impact, because when measurements are taken, they can turn everything off. But: when there are other reasons for contacting the police, related to the psi gang, the police will do what they always do, they will only try not to start the KUSP, but simply solve the problem. For example, if psi-bandits are already in someone else's apartment, the owner of which is their victim, from whom they want to wring it out, at a certain stage they just need to be inside. This is a good phase to call the police.
6. Generators are most often hidden in various objects. I had a broken clock, the hands of which could be turned with pliers or remotely, transferring the generator to different states - from emotional upsurge and the "more time" - the worse the state of health. Look for some old things that emit radiation (in case the bandits were at your place). Most likely, when you find them, the bandits will turn on the generator hard so that you throw this thing away - and they will immediately pick it up (I had it that way). But it is better - overcoming unpleasant sensations, to use the thing as evidence.
The speech of the agents is controlled by the operators. Not all the time, of course, just when they "work". They don’t even remember the information that was thrown off in the normal state. They just recruited me for work, so they explained a lot themselves.
This information is a generalization of the data received by me during the failed "recruitment" in one of the gangs working under the guise of the FSO-FSB, and carrying out in parallel with their private interests general program intelligence agencies to "control" the civilian population. The procedure of hacking the psyche was done with me, the control of speech, movement, mental and mental processes through psi-operators was demonstrated, the downloading and uploading of information and energy was done. Much of what was done was explained by the performer. The text also uses generalized information received from other victims of psi-terror. Since I am not a specialist in the field of psychiatry and physics, I apologize for the possibly inaccurate use of certain terms.
"PROGRAM-2020" - a comprehensive program of control over the civilian population with the use of psychotronic weapons and tracking equipment. It operates on several levels and pursues several goals at the same time. In general, "control" means: 1. control of verbal, mental, somatic processes of people; 2. pressure on dissidents, political activists, various "non-conformists" from the artistic, technical, business environment, etc.; 3. reduction of the "extra" population; 4. creation of a database of mental patterns, improvement of knowledge about the human psyche, development of methods of suppression, pressure and manipulation of consciousness.
At the global level, the goal is to establish electronic control over each person, manage his behavior, emotions, worldview, etc. This happens by “hacking the psyche” and determining the biophysical characteristics (frequencies) of a particular individual, which are subsequently tuned to various hardware influences that suppress the psyche, change the consciousness and energy of a person, enhance hypnosis, pump various arrays of information into the brain and pump out any information from it etc. Thus, the human brain becomes absolutely transparent for those forces that have this equipment and data about the “psychotype” (or “pattern”) of a particular person.
The secondary task pursued by the program is the comprehensive use of processed human material for a variety of purposes. It all depends on the capabilities, intellectual and educational level of a person, the presence or absence of connections, an established image, etc. Most, remaining in their usual places, become part of an extensive spy network that supplies information from a wide variety of places.
Other people with the appropriate abilities and skills (intellectual, physical, technical, military) are directly involved in the work of psi-bands, performing the task of transferring funds, property, real estate from the population to the security forces. These gangs may be directly connected with the special services, their members, at least the middle and highest levels, officially work there (which I personally encountered), they may not be formally connected, however, their members may have certificates of employees of the FSO-FSB. Also through them they are supplied with techniques, equipment. Psy-gang management and communication between members goes through operators.
Political activists can be used to create a controlled opposition, to create fake social movements, to be nominated for various posts.
Also, one of the tasks is to reduce the "extra", undesirable population, and this includes not only politically active citizens, dissidents, creative, but also just old people who do not bring income to the treasury.
They get into this system in various ways. Often this happens after certain offenses, real or falsified (for example, drug stuffing or provocation to use violence). Instead of a real term, a person is offered to join the work of this network. Sometimes there are no offenses, and a person is simply intimidated, blackmailed by the existence of completely fictitious “cases” (for example, political ones), the danger of removing children, the recognition of mental inferiority, etc. In principle, anything can become a “topic” for pressure, and one should not think that political loyalty saves one from such persecution. If a person for some reason is interested in customers, then this will not save him.
A separate category of victims of psi-gangs are pensioners. One way to infiltrate their personal space is to sell all kinds of goods with delivery, for example, dietary supplements. The seller rubs himself into the confidence of lonely old people, he can carry out some small orders. After entering the apartment as a personal friend, he conducts, installs wiretapping, video cameras and psychogenerators, carrying out the usual procedure for breaking the psyche. People lose their memory, mind, become mentally controlled and, as a result, rewrite apartments for new owners. In my area, a psi-gang infiltrates lonely people under the pretext of selling dietary supplements.
The usual procedure for breaking the psyche and establishing control over a person looks something like this. Surveillance is established for a person, including through the Internet, his closest contacts are recorded - relatives, friends, business partners, etc. The meaning of this is, if possible, to upset things through quarrels and conflicts, leave a person alone, inspire children and relatives with the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mental inferiority of a person. There is an impact on the immediate environment. Sessions of hardware suggestion are conducted, during which the victim (and the immediate environment) is broadcast either some scary pictures, or looped videos, or just signs with various words or phrases. Spouses, husbands, lovers are instilled with the idea that they are not in their place, a feeling of discomfort or pain is aroused - so that the person leaves his other half. This is done so that a person is left alone - this way it is easier to influence him in the future, plus for psi-bands (actually quite shy, as they consist of people who themselves often hang by a thread), the absence of witnesses is very important.
After entering the victim’s home (under various pretexts), video cameras, listening devices, as well as psycho-generators are installed in it, suppressing activity, making a person drowsy, passive, depressed. It is in this state that it is most easy to break into the human psyche and then control it. All available information is analyzed - the sphere of interests, contacts, problems, weaknesses, complexes, phobias, fixed ideas, personality structure. If necessary, physical violence is used, and means of intimidation are demonstrated - instruments of torture, devices, etc. All conversations between the victim and the perpetrator are recorded, while the perpetrator is completely controlled by operators who dictate what questions to ask, leaking entire arrays of information to the perpetrator in order to interest or intrigue the victim. Based on the information received, reactions, emotions, range of interests, basic complexes, obsessions, type of psyche are analyzed. The individual biophysical characteristics of the victim are recorded, the type of psyche or "pattern" is ascertained. If this type of psyche is not yet in the database, the person becomes a “donor”, ​​based on the data on his pattern, a method of “hacking the psyche” is developed, which is then used when working with other people with a similar type of psyche.
After hacking the psyche, the need to use video cameras and wiretapping disappears - all information about a person and his life becomes visible to operators through his brain. Any information, ideas, thoughts, sounds, texts, inscriptions can be downloaded to it, whole videos can be broadcast in the sleep state, as well as various “viruses”, which then cause unpleasant feelings, longing, suicidal thoughts, or other emotions (depending on the tasks ).
Everything that the agent sees and hears is downloaded directly from the neurons, usually during sleep. Therefore, they are characterized by a long painful sleep, as well as dilated eyelids (the effect of round eyes). They are also distinguished by a characteristic manner of communicating, giving out entire blocks of complex information that is not familiar to them in the normal state. Also characterized by memory loss, loss of creative thinking. The agent works like a hard drive, exchanging files with the operator. During operation, the agent's speech is controlled by the operator. All this looks generally unnatural. Agents freely and instantly exchange information and commands, making up a living cyber network. Just like information, just energy is downloaded and uploaded. You either give away your energy, or it is pumped into you to perform certain operations (which was demonstrated to me).
All those caught in the network are actively zombified with slogans like “For Putin, for Russia!”. Through psychological pressure and, possibly, direct manipulation of the brain, a person is affected in such a way that it becomes difficult to keep any oppositional ideas in mind, to think freely. A certain range of topics and concepts - Putin, power, FSB, psi-weapons, etc. - are encoded in such a way that when they occur in their thoughts, even in a neutral key, pain, fear, discomfort, weakness, dizziness, sensations of pressure on the bridge of the nose, “the effect of hanging eyebrows” arise.
Hardware influence, hypnosis, psychological pressure is not performed constantly, since the effect of remembering certain states, mental reactions by the psyche is in effect. This is a very important point, which allows you to develop a method of resistance to psi-terror.
Psi-cyber gangs operate formally independently, however, methods, orders, technologies and management are received directly from the special services. If there are slips, breakdowns, the special services either deny the involvement of the perpetrators in them, or even formally condemn their actions, recommending that they contact the police, etc. However, the perpetrators are protected by all sorts of alibis, and in the event of a force majeure situation, the impact on the victim is enhanced. In addition, the use of psi-generators and other torture techniques is either unprovable (because at the slightest problem, the performers try to get rid of the equipment, and it hides in all sorts of things (for example, in watches), or complaints about their use lead to the recognition of the victim as mentally disabled However, it should be noted that the fear of being placed in a psychiatric hospital is one of the main motives for keeping the victim from seeking help, law enforcement agencies, etc. Performers work not only with the victim and her environment, but can also be included in Internet discussions , provoking unrelated people to various actions, eventually bringing the victim additional costs and harm.One of the frequently used tricks is connecting to a telephone conversation, imitating the voice of the subscriber.The number does not change, but from some point you will talk to the operator.This interference can be recognized by some unnaturalness of speech (mechanism) and obsessive repetition solving certain issues (switching usually occurs at key moments of the conversation, when you need to urgently get this or that information).
If there is no possibility of penetration into the apartment, the psi-generators are pressed against the external wires in the stairwell, as well as against the pipes, and then both the wires themselves and the devices to which they lead serve as a source of harmful fields. In my case, the generator was "charged" with water, which lingered in the cleaning filter - drinking such water causes dizziness, clouding of mind. If there are any loose, loose substances, liquids (and even hard objects from toxic materials) they will begin to diffuse rather quickly, exuding unpleasant odors.
Today, rented apartments are massively supplied with equipment for remote hacking of the psyche. The problem takes on a massive character, because everyone connected to the “program” actually becomes a cell of an extensive cyber network of agents, which many of them do not even suspect, but unconsciously perform the work necessary for the special services.
In fact, these people become live video cameras, their speech and behavior is controlled by the operator part of the time. They can greatly influence the life of the victim, create problems for her, an unpleasant life background, set other people against her. But most importantly, by communicating with other people, these unconscious agents also provide material for breaking into the psyche of new victims in the center.
In general, it can be said that psi gangs act along the line of least resistance, avoiding provable illegal actions. Since their actions and methods of work are absolutely illegal, their existence is possible only within the framework of the "secret" programs of the special services. Therefore, as a rule, they do not use official requests to various authorities, avoid direct contacts with neighbors, partners, friends, and colleagues of the victim. Thus, if the processing of the victim for some reason failed, and the perpetrators "lit up", they are likely to go into the shadows, interrupt contacts, without ceasing to secretly monitor the victim and terrorize at a distance. The purpose of surveillance is, first of all, to identify weaknesses in the life of the victim, possible violations of the law, etc., in order to manipulate him more effectively in the future.
If the victim, according to his data, can be useful to the perpetrators, then, having done the necessary procedures for breaking the psyche, the agents use him for their private purposes - either to participate in the work of the gang, or live at its expense on its territory, or force them into prostitution. Depending on the capabilities of the victim, she may also be forced to work in a network of whistleblowers, or to participate in fake public organizations(serving for the effective "divorce" of various discriminated social groups(veterans, disabled people, etc.), groups on the Internet that pit representatives of contrasting worldviews against each other, or even to work in government posts. The brightest ones can join the list of "manual" opposition, betraying their followers at the key moment. In any case, such a figure will always fulfill a certain order.
However, all this is not the main goal of the program, but rather its "side effects". With the help of new technologies, an extensive bank of patterns of the human psyche is being formed, with the help of which new people will be subsequently hacked and controlled. A database of information about people, their thoughts, feelings, processes and reactions occurring with them is being formed. The question is whether the special services are the main customer of this program, or someone else is behind them.
Currently, psychotronic weapons are out of control of the special services. Today it can be bought and used for personal gain against opponents, enemies, prosperous relatives, and so on. At the same time, few people think that even being tuned to a certain person, it still affects others, children, neighbors, animals, making them “inadequate”, i.e. easily amenable to hardware-enhanced hypnosis. The consequences of even a short use of psi-generators are deterioration and lapses in memory, a violation of logical abilities (this is very noticeable in children), a decrease in creativity, nervousness, tearfulness. With prolonged or intensive use, severe symptoms of psychiatric diseases appear.
My purpose is simply to warn. I can’t do anything else yet, I see the general. I was given this to see, and I want to pass it on to others. I want to stop this madness, but I don't know how.

Psyterror - Terrorizing a person (social groups) with the help of psychotronic means, allowing psi-operators to go unpunished. Bullying and the creation of diseases ... not sanctioned by a person to change his memory, thinking, values, emotionally, spiritual spheres of life, invasion of personal intimate life, interference in work, theft of information, deprivation of a person's livelihood and property, blackmail, intimidation, threats and much more. This is a set of measures carried out by an organized group using torsion, electromagnetic, sound generators and other special equipment with the aim of quickly or slowly destroying a specific person by remotely destroying his health, causing property damage, personality discrimination, deprivation of housing and livelihoods.

What should everyone know about psychotronic terror?

Today's release:
1. Is it worth contacting the police if you are being irradiated?
2. What does it mean to put a person "on the computer"?
3. Secrets of torsion education.
4. Methods of protection against torsion radiation.
5. How to survive in conditions of psychotronic terror?
6. Torsion radiation and sex for three.
7. Torsion exposure in psychiatric hospitals and prisons.
8. Torsion irradiation: questions and answers.
9. Application
10. Contacts
Back to magazine

3. Secrets of torsion education

26.07.2001 in Russian Federation an addition to article 6 of the Federal Law "On Weapons" was adopted, which officially confirms the existence of weapons and other objects whose damaging effect is based on the use of electromagnetic, light, thermal, infrasonic or ultrasonic radiation. However, at the level of education ordinary people this did not affect at all, did not cause concern and did not require explanations. Moreover, another type of radiation - torsion, which is used for remote irradiation of a person, was not mentioned at all.
The Federal Law "On Weapons" does not contain torsion radiation for a reason. It is not recognized by official science. While some prove that torsion radiation does not exist, others secretly create torsion generators, and still others use them. Also secret - for you and me. Even when we drink tea in our apartments, wash our husband's socks or have sex with him. Only few people know about it.
In 2001, the draft law of the Russian Federation "On Information and Psychological Security", which provides for the conduct of state examinations on the facts of exposure of citizens, was simply ridiculed in the State Duma. But the life of ordinary people shows that the situation with the use of psychogenic technologies is already out of control.
Information about the exposure of the civilian population is available on the Internet, but it is not given further progress. Yes, and they destroy it at the first opportunity. However, there is an opportunity to consult the Internet. Let's take a look?
From the materials of the Moscow Committee for the Ecology of Housing, it follows that in 1987 the USSR Ministry of Defense manufactured psychophysical weapons. It is this weapon that now carries out remote irradiation of people. But not only Russians are irradiated. This is also happening in other countries that have emerged in the post-Soviet space. What is it - a psychophysical weapon? At least in a nutshell.
Definition: a psychotronic (psychophysical) weapon is a complex of electron-beam equipment that remotely controls the psychophysical activity of a person, his behavior, consciousness and memory.
Types of emitters: torsion, microwave, microwave, infrasonic, ultrasonic, lasers.
Damaging properties: torsion radiation, electromagnetic radiation, acoustic radiation.
The Moscow Committee for Housing Ecology points out: “Using the latest special equipment, they use smooth, covert treatment of one family member and with sophisticated sadism of another, which leads to family conflicts, and allows special services and law enforcement agencies to present the victims as mentally ill. Many apartments were turned into torture chambers, and when people complained about exposure to state authorities, they were registered in psychiatric dispensaries or sent to psychiatric hospitals. Since the beginning of the 90s in Moscow, these weapons have been used as an apartment racket, the owners are destroyed, and the apartments are taken away "(www. Everything is correct. This is only happening now. And not only in Russia.
Move on. One of the authors of the addition to Article 6 of the Federal Law "On Weapons" Sergei Voroshilov also emphasizes that "at present, a striking situation has developed: there is the new kind crime, which people can not oppose anything. Despite the addition to the "weapons" article, a unit has not yet been created in law enforcement structures that would deal with this particular type of crime. Owning it gives simply unlimited possibilities. With it, you can take a person's life, bring him to suicide or insanity. At the same time, almost nothing can be proven. The criminals go unpunished. Citizens are "smoked" out of their homes with the help of technical means. Radiation sources can be located in adjacent rooms of communal apartments, on the upper floors or in houses opposite. The premises in the neighborhood are allegedly occupied by employees of the REU or DEP, the upper floors are rented by representatives of the interested structure by agreement with the residents who leave in this case for long terms. It is impossible to get into such apartments - people who have settled in them without a residence permit do not open the door to anyone. Victims of radiation sources complain of poor health, somatic and neurological ailments - headaches, hypertension, insomnia, or, conversely, immersion in unnatural sleep.
AT in a certain sense psychoterror - manual work. To increase the effectiveness of psychotronic terror, even a special instruction has been developed, which Professor V. Lensky mentions in his books "Sadists" and "Mutants" ( Vasily Lensky also spoke about how radiation and terror were carried out in practice - over him and his family.

Well-known human rights activist Nikolai Anisimov ( speaks about torture by torsion radiation for 12 years in his book "Psychotronic Golgotha".

There are also special sites on the Internet with a selection of materials on psychotronic terror (, as well as sites of victims of psychoterror ( We will not list everything.

Such civil projects are carried out with the sole purpose - to warn other people about the existence of directed radiation, to tell about how it happens, to teach how to defend themselves. You don't have to believe in it. You just need to know about it. Then the person has a chance to survive. After all, if it was only about irradiation, it would be half the trouble. But we are talking about psychotronic terror. This phenomenon is much more dangerous. And if you can still protect yourself from radiation, then there is no protection from psychoterror.

Psychoterror? What is it? - you ask.

Psychotronic terror is a set of measures carried out by a group of persons or a structure that uses weapons and other objects of a radiating type in conjunction with other means of destruction (chemical, bacteriological) with the aim of quickly or slowly destroying a particular person by remotely disturbing his health, as well as causing him property damage. damage, deprivation of housing and livelihoods, discrediting the individual.
In psychotronic terror, various types of radiation and their combinations are used. Torsion irradiation is the main one.
Why is it necessary to correctly determine the type of radiation to which a person is exposed? For correct definition types of protection.

Bioshielding by hand and individual products made of metallized film used in ISOUERTASCHE and EISBAR frozen food bags will protect against torsion radiation.
- hats, vests, plates, bandages.
Individual products made of metallized fabric will protect against microwave electromagnetic radiation.
Means of protection against acoustic radiation are unknown to the author.
In torsion irradiation, a remote effect of emitters on the human body and his psyche at the cellular and molecular level is used with the help of psychotechnologies - associative and neurolinguistic programming, radioacoustic effect, remote tomography and others.
The torsion complex includes: a torsion emitter (generator), a wireless sensor, special software, a staff of psi-operators and a wonderful computer.

Therefore, in psychoterror, the expression is used: to put a person "on a computer." For ease of torsion communication. Operational control of irradiation is carried out by a psi-operator. The 3D model on his computer screen represents the specific object being developed. There are neurolinguistic programs for men. There are for women. The place where the psi-operator directs the cursor on his model will also be affected by the torsion signal. Only the torsion signal will already "jump" over a living person.

Psi-operators vary in style and level of training. If it gets especially bad on weekends, then a professional is moonlighting. As for the sensor, this device is portable - it fits in the palm of your hand, and can follow its victim, tuning into its individual frequency characteristics.

Torsion irradiation
- consists in the perturbing effect of high-frequency magnetic fields in the microwave range on the physiological frequencies of natural oscillations of the internal organs of a person
- causes a reaction of the body in the form of functional disorders of organs and tissues
- irradiates internal organs, blood vessels, nerves, muscles, joints, pain points and receptors through the intact skin at the cell level
- used for remote control of the psychophysical state of a person, his behavior and the modernization of consciousness
- controls physiology, muscle movements, actions, emotions, memory, thinking, consciousness during wakefulness and sleep
- affects the physical state of a person, his intellectual activity, emotional state, psyche and dreams (their duration, depth and nature)

It is a narrow beam in the range invisible to humans with modulated electromagnetic pulses (MW)
- has a large range
- strikes remotely
- penetrates through any natural barriers - will reach the subway
- affects any biological object - humans, animals, birds, plants
- can hit several biological objects at the same time
- not felt subjectively
- regulated by psi-operator
- affects the body continuously
- has a point effect at the cell level. The exception is the acoustic shock wave. An invisible wave the size of a saucer can deliver a ranged strike. Places of habitual defeat - a head or a neck.
- affects only one point at a time. If a person is irradiated with two emitters, the effect will be on two points.
- moves on the human body from point to point at a speed corresponding to the speed of movement of the computer cursor over the holographic image on the monitor screen
- during the psi-operator's fun, it can be felt subjectively as a cursor jumping over the surface of the head and body, and during psi-rape - in the genitals or rectum
- leaves traces at the site of direct impact on the internal organs and walls of blood vessels in the form of tissue compaction of various shapes with an increase in the sensitivity of the skin surface. After the cessation of irradiation, the traces disappear. The longest traces remain on the lymph nodes and mucous membranes. For example, with the constant provocation of psychic sneezing, an ulcer forms on the nasal mucosa, because they beat in the same place.
- is directed primarily to vital organs - the brain, heart, spine, thyroid gland, organs located in the abdominal region, genitals, eyes and joints. The maximum doses of radiation occur at night, which is accompanied by an increase in body temperature and increased sweating.
- shielded by palm or fingertip - non-contact and through clothing. Using the highly penetrating non-thermal radiation component of one's own hand, one can shield the torsion radiation signals directed at him or another person. To do this, you need to hold your palm over the impact zone or simply put it on this place. Do as you please. This is a bioinformatic method of protection against torsion radiation. For permanent protection, individual shielding products must be used. You can make them yourself from the German ISOUERTASCHE or EISBAR metallized film used in frozen food bags. By the way: putting a pot on your head, spoiling the ceilings with grounded metal sheets or a foil outline is not worth it. Will not help.
- after shielding the torsion signal, an automatic breath occurs. In this case, the method of shielding - with a palm or a metallized film does not matter. Feature: a sigh occurs in a person who screens a torsion signal directed at another person with his hand.
- it is recommended to measure at a frequency of 3x10 to the eleventh power of Hz. For radio frequency measurements, ultrasonic equipment is used. The dogs don't like it, and they react with a heart-rending howl. And the device itself, during operation, makes a characteristic sound that is well heard from the street. Therefore, do not expect to take measurements covertly. There is another problem - civilian measuring equipment does not reach such a frequency.

Our generation is still lucky - we managed to be ourselves. With the inclusion of a torsion emitter, the former life of people ends. A person turns into a zombie, completely dependent on his master. You can't really say. There are no miracles here, it's all about technology.

Torsion impulses directed to the walls of the blood vessels of one or another internal human organ cause a temporary lack of blood supply. This leads to functional impairment. To do this, it is enough to act on only one point.
By acting purposefully, the object can cause exactly what the psi-operator wants - painful spasms in the internal organs, a temporary disorder in their activity or a chronic disease. To do this, you do not need to touch a person or enter his home. The torsion emitter will act remotely, penetrating through walls and ceilings. It is completely imperceptible - both for others and for the victim himself.
With a torsion effect on the blood vessels of the brain, memory deteriorates, mental activity is disturbed, headaches or tinnitus occur.
When exposed to the blood vessels of the human digestive system, constipation or diarrhea is tormented, flatulence begins. If during the day you voluntarily-compulsorily release gases 50 times, in the evening you can correctly answer the question: "Should everyone laugh at the psi-operator's jokes?"
With torsion action on the blood vessels of the lower extremities, the feet freeze. Even in a warm bed. This is a typical entertainment psi-operators. Some of the victims take a hot bath, some put on felt boots. And in summer too. The sensation is extremely uncomfortable, but the numbness of the hands is even worse. The brush becomes unmanageable. At the same time, only one hand becomes numb, but very strongly. After the termination of the torsion effect on the blood vessels of the hand, the numbness passes quickly, there is no tingling phase. As a rule, such "games" are arranged at night. But their consequences are manifested during the day, when various objects begin to fall from the hands.
If a psi-operator acts remotely on the upper part of the vertebral artery, the person does not want to get out of bed, and can lie like this all day. Distinctive feature: His eyes will be closed.
Each of us has a secret bio button - it's a lymph node on the back of the neck. This bio-button allows the psi-operator to control our behavior. With a torsion effect on this lymph node, a person constantly feels tired. You can be convinced of the psi-impact by yourself, just by touching the neck. The lymph node becomes hard and bulging like a pea. The torsion effect with the help of the bio-button works flawlessly, and on everyone without exception. Any resistance is useless.
In practice, it looks like this: a person needs to go to the post office for a pension, but he will sit at home - there is no strength. If you are going, even left the entrance, will return in a minute - it will become so bad. This condition is difficult to describe - there is neither nausea nor acute pain. It's something else, scary. Deadly fatigue? No, not that again. Now, if you take it, and nausea, and pain, mix it all up well, perhaps it will be similar to what the victim of torsion radiation feels.
The psi-operator affects the cervical lymph node systematically. This is where a person gets a constant feeling of fatigue, even after sleep. If it is necessary to force the victim to abandon his intentions, the power of the impulses is increased. As soon as a person begins to act in accordance with the plans of the psi-operator, the power is immediately reduced.
If the psi-operator "hit" the pancreas - the person runs to the toilet with diarrhea, to the kidney - there, but already out of small need. If the impulses hit the anterior wall of the nose, the person sneezes, into the tonsils, he chokes from coughing, into the esophagus, he cannot even swallow water. At x-ray examination you can see how the liquid is in the esophagus.
Impulses in the forehead between the eyebrows - a person cannot absorb the simplest information. If the psi-operator acts on the lower part of the back of the head, the victim throws tantrums for no reason, behaves aggressively.
When stimulating the inguinal arteries (at the same time, one is enough), even an impotent will want sex. And not only you want - everything will go with a bang! Unfortunately, doing the opposite is just as easy.
Impulses to the artery of the left forearm - a person is looking for a cure for pain in the heart, to a coronary vessel - is not looking for anything. In this way, the victim causes bouts of psi-angina pectoris. In the center of the chest - behind the sternum, a person feels a burning arching pain. I want to tear out my chest with my own hands. The attack is accompanied by cold sweat and great weakness. The hands are the weakest. The number of such attacks can reach up to ten per day. Moreover, this is done daily until the victim is broken.
If a person's heart is sick - he is dead, healthy - will survive. Have you seen patients on gurneys in oncology hospitals? How it looks like! After being systematically tortured with angina attacks, the victim of the psi-operator has the same strength and looks no better. And yet - a person perfectly understands that during the next attack he can die, about which he himself warns relatives. When such a person says: "I can die," this corresponds to reality and should be taken seriously. But here's what is characteristic: even after a series of attacks of psi-angina pectoris, the cardiogram shows the absence of a heart attack. But only up to a certain point, because there is a limit to everything.

Attention! This that rare case when the place of impact by torsion impulses does not coincide with the place of manifestation of pain. Despite the fact that the pain is felt in the sternum, it is necessary to shield the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart. You remember that shielding is done with the palm of your hand. By the way, another exception is the torsion effect on the artery of the left forearm. In this case, the pain manifests itself in the region of the heart. Thus, the heart hurts, but the upper back of the left hand must be shielded.

By acting on the carotid artery with torsion impulses, a person can be immersed in a deep sleep. It is possible - in a nightmare. A powerful impulse to the carotid artery - and a person can be awakened from a nightmare. This is done intentionally - a sudden awakening will make you remember the psi-nightmare for a long time. For a very long time. Depriving a person of sleep is also no problem. One of my acquaintances has been tortured this way for two years already, not allowing her to fall asleep during the day. She began to watch all the nightly programs, swallow sleeping pills and cry while she had the strength. Sleeps in snatches. But the fact that this is done intentionally does not allow. It might even be easier for her.
It is not so easy to realize and accept what is being done to people now. Especially the victim of torsion radiation. Therefore, the influence is carried out not only covertly, but also in an open form - demonstratively and aggressively. Performers are not afraid of anything. More precisely, the torsion man is afraid of only one thing - his boss. He will play later. On you and me.
How can one prove the fact of irradiation now? Yes, where is there something to prove: it's good if a person can get out of bed. When irradiation is carried out in a strict mode, when the victim goes to the doctor, the question should be put like this: "What doesn't hurt you yet?"
By acting on the thyroid gland, a person can quickly grow old. Wherein external signs aging - gray hair, deep wrinkles on the face - only berries. The entire body, including internal organs, is subjected to artificial aging. But a torsion emitter can also rejuvenate a person, make him slim. Literally in a day. Don't believe? Doesn't this happen?
Torsion miracles can be listed for a long time. I think the principle of influence is clear. Let me remind you that we are talking about torsion radiation, which allegedly does not exist.

Torsion technology is also used to create a psi-smell that only the addressee can feel. In the same way: by holding the fingertip under the nose, this signal is shielded.

You can also mention psi-taste and psi-pain. As a result of remote exposure to taste buds, the recipient's taste sensations change. When exposed to pain receptors, you can increase or decrease the pain reflex. It is clear that during the conduct of psychoterror, the pain is intensified.

Psi-taste and psi-pain are also screened with the palm of your hand. If everyone is happy to eat cutlets, but they seem bitter to you, slide your palm near your mouth. Your feelings will return to their places. And there is no need to change the cutlet. This is the psi-taste.

By the way, the victim's sense of taste and smell may simply disappear. Attention: we are talking about the disappearance of their subjective sensations, and not about the loss of taste and smell as such. The whole kitchen is saturated with the smell of chicken broth, you don't feel it. At the same time, other people will smell this smell. No problem? And if the smell of your favorite perfume disappears? What about your favorite cigarettes?

But that is not all. Psi-smell has one more trick. When a person smells a smell that does not really exist. For example, no one likes the pungent smell of urine. Don't even go to the toilet. In fact, it's clean. Approached your boss - and he turns away from you. If you don't tell me why, you won't know. After all, only the addressee feels the psi-smell. It could be a strong sweat odor. Gaza. Smelly socks. Fume. Bad breath. What exactly is decided by the psi-operator. So can smell be a weapon? And you still doubt?

And now - about psi-pain. If injections in the buttock suddenly become fatal, rub the place intended for injection with your palm. Did the pain appear after the injection? Hold your hand where it hurts. It is recommended to make several circular movements with the palm of your hand over this place. But this is already for the normalization of muscle tissue, the elimination of post-injection bumps. Similarly - using the palm or the tip of your finger (any), eliminate psi-pain when a finger is cut, pricked with a needle, calluses, bruises, household burns. With a psi-intensification of the pain reflex, even these little things cause significant trouble. The psi-operator accurately determines the presence and location of such damage. If the pain is severe, and the techniques for shielding the torsion signal are unknown, the person will be tortured.

- hard
- deadly

Exposure in the mild mode means the exclusion of psi-torture - a sharp increase (decrease) in blood pressure or temperature in certain parts of the body, the targeted creation of spasms in the tissues of internal organs, the impact on pain points, etc.
The impulses sent by the psi-operator cause a spasm of the blood vessel. On palpation in this place, solid nodes and increased sensitivity of the skin are found.
If pressure surges occur without psychological shock, then an instantaneous increase in the temperature of the blood, for example, circulating in the left arm, can be frightening. It lasts a moment, but you will not forget how your blood boils.
Torture also includes a high-power torsion impulse directed directly into the myocardium. As a rule, this method of influence is used as a punishment. For example, after applying to law enforcement agencies - so that it was not common. In terms of the strength of the impact, it is similar to an electric shock with which they are trying to revive the heart. Only here they hit the heart of the worker, and the impulse is applied remotely - no one touches the person. The pain is special - electric. Powerful, even deafening, but felt only at the moment of impact. There is no residual pain. If consciousness is preserved, the person falls into a stupor - he sits motionless, looks at one point. Forces disappear instantly, but you can speak. The cardiogram, made immediately, fixes the absence of a heart attack. The skin in the region of the heart has no damage. If a person was physically healthy, his condition can normalize within a day.
A similar impulse to the region of the heart, only more powerful, leads to sudden death with signs of natural heart failure. At the same time, no damage to the skin or other traces of violent death is observed. Isn't it now fashionable to kill football players with this weapon?
It was death mode. Fast. There is also a slow one: when the victim commits suicide, unconsciously realizing the direct command of the psi-operator. Suicide is also achieved as a result of exposure to impulses on one of the victim's brachial arteries.
The lack of awareness by the object of the factor of directional exposure allows you to play with people with impunity for a long time. Even when using the torture regime. A person begins to visit doctors, pay for examinations, buy expensive medicines. It is not in vain that this is "allowed" - in addition to spending the last of your strength, it is also a way of financial destruction. As for the intake of really necessary medicines - an impulse to the stomach, and they will go into the toilet without having time to assimilate. If such a person is told about the true cause of his ailments, he simply will not believe it. The main argument: "This can't be! And who needs me?" It is not for nothing that all information about the existence of psychotronic weapons is closed.

Methods of torsion impact
- secretive
- open
- combined

What was our upbringing like? That's right, communist. Now it has become torsion. Just as aggressive and intolerant of independent judgments. Only without slogans. Here is another principle: no one should guess about it. The torsion revolution took place everywhere, but so quietly that we did not notice it. Overslept?
With a covert method of exposure, a person does not realize that his brain and body are affected by a remote effect by a special emitter.
With an open method of exposure, a person understands that his brain and body are affected remotely by a special emitter.
With the combined method of exposure, a person understands that his body is affected by a remote effect by a special emitter, but he does not know about the effect on the brain

Forms of torsion impact
- individual
- collective
In order to hide the psychotronic impact on the object being developed, the use of individual forms is practiced: in a hard mode - for the main object, in a soft mode - for family members. In this way, an opinion is formed about the presence of a mental illness in a person.
To obtain analytical results, a collective form of torsion action is used. This form is used for a group of people living compactly, and is characterized by the presence of all the same complaints. The most typical are complaints about a sharp drop in working capacity and weakness, impaired attention, memory lapses, drowsiness during the day, insomnia at night, etc. As you can see, someone sings in chorus, and someone gets sick. Only in both cases there is a conductor.

Types of torsion impact
- temporary
- constant

If the torsion effect is temporary, the person is lucky. Usually these are random people who meet on the way of the developed object. The impact on unsuspecting passers-by is for one single purpose - the psychological suppression of the object being developed. For example, all passers-by (or sellers) start to sneeze. Or yawn. Or they just faint. If the object goes to the toilet, a few more people can run in there with diarrhea (they do not always have time). Irradiation of children has a special effect. For this, you don’t need much - a child can suddenly turn inside out right on the roadway.
"Temporary" victims of exposure can be a pregnant woman, and an old man, and a well-groomed madam, and a young man who looks athletic. For a psi-operator, all of them are only biological material for creating a holographic picture. It's not worth judging him - it's just work. Who among us would refuse to steer for him? What are you talking about!? True, torsion generators are still "fading". And the more power you turn on, the stronger. It is for this reason that people who have provided their apartments for the terror of neighbors first try to reduce the power of the emitter, and then leave the house themselves. Of course, temporarily. Because it is no longer possible to live in their apartment - you can only work there.
Now we already know what it means to get "on the computer". Let's assimilate the following position - "the computer" is not removed. Especially the persons who have got to rigid working out. How can this be determined? The sign is simple: settling strangers in your neighbors' apartment and your family having problems. It makes no sense to run after the performers and beg for mercy - they do not solve such issues. Although they will listen with a smile, pat on the shoulder and assure that everything will be in order. And really - everything will be all right. But only with them.

System of measures to ensure the safety of psychotechnologies
- putting the object under development on psychiatric registration and forced placement in a psychiatric hospital - in case of complaints and appeals of citizens to law enforcement agencies and medical institutions
- psychotronic impact on persons, including officials, to whom the object under development turns for help
- the use of special equipment for covert monitoring and listening to the object being developed and other persons, the use of beam components of weapons in order to change instrument readings
- targeted health disorder and initiation of various somatic diseases in the object being developed with the help of radiation components of weapons, chemical and bacteriological agents
- Deprivation of the developed object of livelihoods, housing, causing property damage, discrediting
- the use of tactics of circular psychotronic terror in relation to the object being developed - at the place of residence, work, route, in in public places
- destruction of the object being developed in a traditional or non-traditional way, as well as by bringing to suicide
- hiding from the civilian population information about the existence of psychotronic weapons, the features of their impact on the human body and biomedical methods of protection
- persecution of persons who publish materials about the facts of unauthorized exposure of citizens (including on the Internet), as well as specialists who take measurements
- lack of legal norms regulating the conduct of state examinations on the facts of exposure of citizens; identification of persons involved in the unauthorized use of weapons and objects of a radiating type, suppression of their activities and prosecution
- using the capabilities of state power structures for the implementation of psychogenic technologies and their cover
As you can see, the organs should not be disturbed. Their own, internal ones, even more so. There are not so few people who have fallen under psychotronic processing. There will be even more - the business is profitable. But now you are warned about the existence of a new type of weapon, and how to defend against it. It's not much, but it's also a lot. Thus, to the invariable popular questions: "Who is to blame?" and "What to do?", there was another option for answers. You now know him. Well, that's all for now. I write slowly - changing words in places, sharpening both phrases and pencils. But I love this process. I even cry for him. You can also not write. Like not reading. But who wants to - come in.
To the table of contents

4. Methods of protection against torsion radiation.

There are pharmacological substances that can protect the body from torsion radiation and contribute to its recovery, but this information is classified.
It can also be concluded that if special-purpose chemicals that increase the electrical conductivity of the body are used to enhance the effect of directed radiation, then in order to reduce such an effect, one should strive for the opposite.
To protect against directional radiation, various technical means are offered: installation of acoustic wave absorbers, a biological safety device DAR, Gamma (negative reviews), a mobile torsion self-oscillator ETIR IV (negative reviews). There are other ways.
Bioinformation shielding and the use of individual shielding products are effective alternative ways to protect a person from torsion exposure.

Bioinformatic protection.
Using the highly penetrating non-thermal radiation component of one's own hand, one can shield the torsion radiation signals directed at him or another person. This can be done both contact and non-contact. It is necessary to determine the point of influence and hold the palm over it. Or just put your hand on this place. Do as you please.

For shielding, it is necessary to determine the place on which the impact is made. As a rule, this is the place that worries. However, with pain in the heart area, the effect can be on the walls of blood vessels located on the left forearm (in front, but more often behind) or in the left armpit. That's where you need to put your hand. The second exception is for acute pain in the sternum (attacks of psi-angina pectoris), the palm must be applied to the region of the heart.

At the point of impact of the torsion signal on the internal organs, tissues and blood vessels, physico-chemical changes occur in the corresponding skin cover. On palpation, a firm convex seal of various shapes and sizes (depending on the duration and location of exposure) is felt on the skin with increased sensitivity. These changes are observed only at the moment of direct exposure, and after its termination they quickly disappear.

If you have correctly determined the point of impact, after shielding, an automatic breath occurs.
The emitter makes an impact with a specially focused invisible beam with a lesion at a point the size of a needle mark. The exception is the acoustic shock wave. An invisible elastic wave with a diameter of a saucer delivers a sensitive blow to the head or neck area.

The emitter can only affect one point at a time. If they connect the second one, they will act on two points.

The speed of transition from point to point is the same as when working with a computer mouse. Actually, this is done with the help of neurolinguistic programming and thermal, computed tomography. If the psi-operator decides to play a little joke, the person can clearly feel the computer cursor jumping over him.

Screening happens instantly. The signal will go off immediately.

Shielding will continue until you remove your hand. The impact can be directed to another point, and then go back. Then you need to apply the screening technique again. Usually, to protect a specific place (throat, joint), 3-4 times such a blockage is enough. Block a choking cough by running your palm over your lips and throat, shield the tonsils with your fingertip.

Shields both the inner (better) and outer side of the palm. Right or left, own or someone else's - it doesn't matter. Therefore, you can ask someone to run their hand over points that are hard to reach for you, for example, the spine. Of course, you can help others too.

The palm itself can be shielded with another palm.

Fingertips also have shielding properties. A finger can be shielded with another finger - even on the same palm.

Shielding can also be done with the feet (leg area) and the tongue (oral cavity).

The presence of clothing on the body does not interfere with shielding.

Psi-intensification of the pain reflex from already existing injuries or ongoing manipulations (for example, an injection) is also shielded by the palm. You just need to run your hand over the affected area. The natural pain level will be restored. The psi-operator always knows what and where a person hurts. Even if it's just a small scratch or callus. How? Ask him yourself. Moreover, the psi-operator can turn a small pain into a big one. What can we say about serious inflammations! That's where the expression comes from - hellish pain. So let's screen!
With your palm, you can shield a smell that does not really exist, and is designed specifically for you (people standing next to you will not feel this smell). To do this, you need to run your fingertip over your nose - the smell will instantly disappear.
With the palm of your hand, even superficial tissue burns can be shielded. If the hand was not in motion, but was motionless, a trace will remain on the body in the form of an imprint of your palm - there will be healthy skin.

The technique of bioinformation shielding is available to everyone and everywhere: at home on the couch, and in the train car, and in the hospital ward, and in the prison cell. Doesn't require money. Doesn't raise questions from others. But she has a significant drawback - she is useless during sleep. Individual shielding products can help you with this.

Custom shielding products
There are two types of materials that shield radiation directed at a person: metallized fabric and metallized film.
In Russia, domestically produced metallized fabric article 56041 can be purchased in Yaroslavl using the services of Center-Service LLC, e-mail [email protected] ru. Metallized fabric is designed to protect personnel and patients of physiotherapy rooms from microwave radiation, but it can also cope with deliberate exposure.

Products made of metallized fabric are air-conducting. They can be done in one layer. Sew such a cape on a blanket - and it will protect your legs from cramps, and your hands from numbness. Make a bandage on the nose area - and stop choking at night from lack of air, stop sneezing and coughing. It will reliably protect both from superficial tissue burns and instantaneous heating of the cells of internal organs, carried out using a narrow beam of millimeter waves. In the manufacture of individual products, it is better to strengthen vital places (solar plexus, etc.) with two layers.

German-made metallized film can be purchased in Germany and Latvia. There, ordinary grocery stores sell special bags for frozen foods of two types - ISOUERTASCHE and EISBAR. The basis of the package is a metallized film measuring 1 m by 0.5 m (unfolded) of silver color. Outside, it is protected by a transparent polyethylene coating with a pattern.
In the open form, the metallized layer is unstable, and is easily destroyed by physical and chemical influences. To protect it, two films must be folded together with the metallized side to each other.
Protective products made of metallized film are made of 6 layers. Vital areas (heart area, solar plexus) can be reinforced with additional layers. Protective products made of metallized film will allow you to keep lunch and medicines in the stomach, get rid of forced diarrhea and urination, rape, and save you from many diseases artificially caused by external influences.
Metallized film can be used to create two-layer coatings that exclude viewing of rooms through ceilings or a TV.

Manufacturing technology of individual protective products from metallized film
Cut off the handles of the package, cut off the edges along the perimeter of the package, remove the polyethylene coating, and remove the metallized film.
Cut the metallized film into pieces, making a plate of 6-12 layers. Layers can be folded arbitrarily, but the outermost plates with a metallized layer must be inside.
Using adhesive tape, fasten the layers in the middle so that it is more convenient to work with them. Trim the sheets, round the corners.
Tape the plate with TESA self-adhesive fabric construction tape or adhesive tape.
Prepare the next plate in the same way.
Form cut elements from the obtained plates. They can either be glued together with the same tape, or sewn overlay with a needle and thread. This does not affect the protective qualities of the product.
The use of an awl, like the wrong cut, a split seam leaves holes open to attack. Make patches for these places also from a metallized film.
All products must fit snugly and fit your size.
Vest - the most difficult type of products for personal protection. Having opened the old fabric vest, according to the details obtained, you can make a pattern for a vest from metallized fabric. The vest is also thermoregulating, which allows you to keep warm in low temperatures and wind. The disadvantage is the lack of air conduction.
Velcro is sewn on helmets, vests, collars, bandages for fastenings and size adjustment.
Finished products can be worn over ordinary clothes - a T-shirt or T-shirt, and put on a sweater on top. Some products, for example, a headband or armband, a stand-up collar, can simply be sheathed with a decorative fabric.

Types of protective products and shielding areas.
Vital organs, as well as organs and tissues that are purposefully affected in order to disrupt their functions, such as knee and hip joints, lymph nodes (especially in the armpit), and individual blood vessels, are subject to protection with shielding products.
cap, headband: head area
stand-up collar: lymph node, thyroid gland
vest: lungs, chest, heart, spine, stomach, pancreas, liver
patch plates: abdomen, kidneys
universal pads: genitals, anus
bandages: arms, legs, joints
liners: heels, feet, armpits
insoles: feet

If someone is interested in the reason why you are wearing a vest, refer to osteochondrosis. It is not necessary to explain the true reason - no one will believe in radiation.

The easiest and most convenient way to fix it is double panties and socks. Shielding plates can simply be inserted between their fabric. Do not use smooth and loose underwear - the plates will slip. To prevent slipping, the inner layer can be glued with a tape adhesive plaster. And vice versa - it is better to leave the inner side of the protective vest smooth. Choose tight-fitting underwear and lycra socks.
It is recommended to make personal protective products combined, using both a metallized film and a metallized fabric.

The use of such products causes certain inconveniences, but eliminates physiological dependence, illness and torture, and allows you to return to life. For additional protection (when increasing the radiation power), as well as protection of exposed areas of the body (for example, eyes), use shielding with the palm of your hand.

Psyterror- Terrorization of a person (social groups) with the help of psychotronic means, allowing to remain unpunished for psi-operators . Bullying and the creation of diseases ... not sanctioned by a person to change his memory, thinking, values, emotionally, spiritual spheres of life, invasion of personal intimate life, interference in work, theft of information, deprivation of a person's livelihood and property, blackmail, intimidation, threats and much more. This is a set of measures carried out by an organized group using torsion, electromagnetic, sound generators and other special equipment with the aim of quickly or slowly destroying a specific person by remotely destroying his health, causing property damage, personality discrimination, deprivation of housing and livelihoods.

The most common with psiterror is a "soft" mode of exposure, in which signals of the desired frequency are fed into the apartment electrical and radio networks. At the same time, a person does not realize that a directed effect is exerted on his body and psyche. With a "hard", torture mode of exposure, the victim understands that her body and psyche are being irradiated.

  • 1 The main tasks of Psyterror are:
  • 2
  • 3 Diagrams
  • 4 Videos
  • 5 Protest against psychotronic torture and murders in Ettlingen and Karlsruhe 16-17 May 2011
  • 6 Links

Main tasks Psyterror are:

  • Organization of psychophysical pathologies of individual organs and the whole organism as a whole, up to a lethal outcome.
  • Organization of management of human behavior and consciousness by violent programming of his subconscious. Creation of a "mass" citizen with one signal system, turned into an "economic animal".
  • The destruction of the human race at the genetic level due to gene mutation due to radiation. These tasks are successfully solved by one of the numerous research institutes.

The gradual psychophysical destruction of a person occurs by the following methods:

The person undergoing psychophysical terror you can see right away - he is pale, emaciated and weakened, he has long ceased to smile because of the endless sophisticated physical and moral sadistic torture, he quickly gets tired and has a bunch of vaccinated chronic diseases. With a list of possible vaccinated diseases psi terror, ranging from headaches, dizziness and nausea to burn lesions of the genital organs and rectum during man-made rape of women, men, children, can be found on the Internet ( ).


  • call of the abyss , 2009 Channel One.

The secret psychotronic war of the special services has never been made public. Meanwhile, secret experiments were carried out in closed laboratories, the results of which are truly sensational.

Retired KGB general Boris Ratnikov instigated the cancellation of Yeltsin's 1992 visit to Japan. The reason is allegedly insufficient security of the event. In fact, the reason was the information of full-time psychics of the Russian special services. They reported that under pressure from Washington, Japan would demand the return of the Kuriles in an ultimatum form. The revenge of the American intelligence services was to be the death of Boris Ratnikov's wife. After a clear psychological impact, the woman almost jumped out of the window.

>Special services often recruit experts in ancient shamanistic rites and secret techniques. A resident of Pskov is one of those who are fluent in such rituals. She corrupts her husband in order to take over his business. A businessman dies of acute kidney failure.

1990 Oslo. handing over Nobel Prize Mira M.S. Gorbachev. The officer responsible for the security of Gorbachev's stay in Norway is captured by American intelligence services. They are preparing a provocation. The officer is zombified, pushed to a provocation.

International competitions of special forces. On the last day, our instructor showed a non-contact fight, which was outlandish at that time. The command needed to know the capabilities of the Americans. The instructor receives the task of hitting one of his overseas colleagues. A month later, Lieutenant Colonel Lavrov was driving a car, suddenly a veil appeared before his driver's eyes, his hands became wadded, and the car collapsed into a quarry near the road. The driver's brain was affected remotely. As it turned out later, this was the answer of the Americans.

According to official statistics, the accuracy of psychic officers is over 70%, sometimes they find their targets even in concrete bunkers. There are such groups of psychics in the CIA.