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Interesting pedagogical situations and their solution. Analysis of problem situations. Pedagogical situations and an example of their solution

Blame shifting- the child's unwillingness to be responsible for his actions, a trick with which children try to avoid punishment and achieve encouragement.

Parents' opinion: Blaming a non-existent or existing friend (adult), or a cat (dog) that broke a vase (ate jam) is a very popular trick for children.

Expert opinion: Shifting the blame on another may be caused by a defensive reaction of the child, since it was already in his experience that, if he confesses, to say how it was, then he will be immediately scolded, punished, deprived of communication, pushed away with condemnation. Gradually, the delinquent kid understands that it is dangerous to tell the truth, it is better to invent the plausible, maybe they will not be punished.

Problem situation:

In the hall, on a coffee table, there was a wonderful castle assembled from a designer. Toy soldiers lived in the house, with whom Jan (almost 4 years old) played while his mother and guests were setting the table in the kitchen. When everything was ready, and I called my son to dinner, he ran into the kitchen, grabbed Uncle Kostya by the hand and, promising to show him something, took him into the hall. A minute later, Jan appeared in the kitchen shouting: “Mom, go see what he did!!!”.

I entered the hall and saw that soldiers and fragments of the castle were lying on the floor, and next to them was the confused Uncle Kostya, who says that Jan asked him to wait here, and he rushed off to the kitchen with a "bullet". And now it turns out that Kostya, who was caught at the “crime scene” with a destroyed castle and scattered toys, MUST collect them.

Often, parents themselves provoke such behavior of their children. The one who is guilty (scattered toys, broke the lock) is “bad” and the child has heard this from his mother more than once. So it’s better to blame someone else (Uncle Kostya) for your own misfortunes, and then they will scold him and force him to do unpleasant work (collecting toys). It should be remembered that the habit of blaming others can become a way of life for a child and escape from difficulties (friends are to blame, the teacher is bad, the boss is stupid). Because it's easier this way, you don't have to correct your mistakes and learn from them, let others do it.

First of all, you need to love and accept your child as a whole (well, who didn’t break vases in childhood, didn’t eat sweets without permission or didn’t scatter toys), but at the same time adequately treat his actions. The child should feel your emotional acceptance, even if something did not work out for him. You should not play along in case of shifting the blame on the child to another (“Oh, what Uncle Kostya is embarrassing - he broke everything!”), because. the child will never understand that shifting the blame onto another person is not only unethical, but can also deprive him of the respect of friends and loved ones. It is better to offer to eliminate the consequences together.

Keyword and definition:

pretending to be sick- behavior, actions of a child with deliberate concealment of the truth in order to mislead parents or relatives about their state of health.

Parents' opinion: A child's illness is always stressful for parents. You immediately try to do something pleasant for the child, to protect him from difficulties, to buy something delicious, to spend more time with him, etc. But then you notice that these are just manipulations and as soon as the child wants to get something or avoid something, then he immediately SICK!

Expert opinion: It is not uncommon for children, realizing that they are allowed a lot during an illness, begin to pretend that they feel unwell, deliberately distorting reliable information about their health for their own benefit ( skip kindergarten or school, get a chocolate bar or a new toy). The child begins to try to pretend to be sick as soon as he gets acquainted with a clear set of external symptoms of the disease and learns to imitate them.

Problem situation:

My son (7 years old) went to school this year. He was very happy about this, he was looking forward to the first of September. But after the first week, they changed him and the “concerts” began: every day something hurts him: either his stomach, then his head, then his leg, then suddenly a terrible cough. We were examined at the diagnostic center and were with him at the doctor, who said that the child was absolutely healthy, he was only pretending. Why? Why this sudden change? And how to "cure" it?

Situation Analysis or Life Skills that children and parents learn in this situation:

From the first years of life, children observe how one word “hurts” turns mom and dad into gentle, caring parents who go to the rescue and are almost always more responsive to the child’s problems. Of course, one cannot ignore the child's complaints of feeling unwell, but it is better to try to understand the reasons for such a sharp change in health. This may be due to problems adapting to the educational institution or there may have been rudeness on the part of the teacher or conflicts with other children at school. In addition, you can think about whether the child receives enough parental attention, whether they are interested in his school success and affairs.

Options for solving a problem situation:

You should not encourage such behavior, feel sorry for the child too much, or immediately run to the doctors. If parents see that the symptoms are simulated, then you can use the “Contraindications” technique. For example, if your tummy hurts, then in the evening “due to illness” you will not eat dessert (although the rest of the family will). And the words that “nothing hurts anymore” should not be taken into account, because “tomorrow it can get sick again, so it’s better to be patient.” Depending on the disease, you can choose different desserts: cakes when your stomach hurts, ice cream when your head or throat hurts.

Keyword and definition:

Memory problems- a non-existent problem that is the fruit of fiction, self-deception, the subject of manipulation by other people in order not to overcome difficulties.

Parents' opinion: Children at the age of 6-7 notice that just their laziness when entering school causes adults to blame, negative emotions, and a developmental defect (impossibility of remembering) causes anxiety, and they begin to pay more attention to the child, worry about him.

Expert opinion: The reference to the inability to remember something is necessary for children to satisfy their existing need not to be a "bad student" without doing anything. The basis of such behavior is the child's affective experience of his new role - the "student" and all that he now has to do in it (try, make efforts, etc.).

Problem situation:

First grader Fedya was brought to a psychologist by his teacher. She spoke with concern that the child was not able to remember what was asked at home, and at home he told his parents that he did not remember what was asked. At the lesson, he answered that he did not remember what he had taught at home. Looking at the boy, the psychologist noticed that he was very embarrassed and tense. How to understand the reasons for this behavior? What to do next?

Situation Analysis or Life Skills that children and parents learn in this situation:

The boy probably noticed that when children say “I don’t know” or “I didn’t learn”, they are angry or punished, and the reaction of adults (parents, educators, teachers) to the answer “I don’t remember” is different. Adults are surprised, worried, and if they are angry, then in some other way and write it off as health problems. Fedya quickly realized that, referring to a bad memory, you can do nothing, live quite calmly, especially not bothering yourself with studies and not receiving reproaches for poor academic performance, and therefore not be considered a "bad student". As soon as his trick is unraveled, then, not wanting to become a "bad student", the boy will begin to study.

Options for solving a problem situation:

When it becomes obvious that children are trying to mislead adults about the capabilities of their memory, then the “Indirect Questions” technique can be used. If the child answers all direct questions about homework or what happened in class with the classic “I don’t remember”, then it’s worth asking questions not directly, but, for example, in the form of incorrect statements:

- What did you do in the reading lesson?

I do not remember.

You don't remember, okay. Perhaps you made up a story from a picture.

No, we read the story.

What a story?

I do not remember.

Perhaps about animals?

No, about a boy and a girl. They planted apple and pear trees.

What were the names of the boy and girl?

Nothing else is said in the story.

Okay, what did they give you at home?

I do not remember.

Probably, the story is based on the picture, which is on the same page?

No, on the page where the story is, there is no picture.

And where is the picture on which you were asked to tell the story?

On page 35

That is great!".

In such a dialogue, the child forgets his role and gives correct meaningful answers. And it is very important to show him that you are convinced that everything is in order with the memory of the child.

Consider pedagogical situations and an example of their solution. Perhaps these questions cannot but excite almost any person. Why? The thing is that each of us is either a parent, or an older friend, or someone's relative, which means that from time to time we have to deal with childhood or teenage whims, serious insults, or even violent fights.

According to experienced specialists, even if difficult pedagogical situations (and an example of their solution will be shown below, by the way) do not fall within the scope of your professional activity, it is still possible to cope with them. To do this, you just need to know the basic laws and rules.

This article will talk about how to find with the younger generation. About the solution of pedagogical situations at school, as well as at home, will be discussed from a scientific point of view.

Section 1. What is the situation in teaching practice?

With the advent of situational approaches in the upbringing of children, such concepts as “pedagogical situation” and “pedagogical task” began to sound more and more often. What do these terms mean? Can they be considered as part of such a concept as an educational problem?

First of all, let's try to define it.

So, the pedagogical situation is, as a rule, life circumstances, facts and stories that arose in the course of the professional activity of a teacher or educator and gave rise to certain tasks and psychological and pedagogical conditions that require further resolution.

Some full-time pedagogical situations that occur quite often allow a teacher, educator or parent to quickly analyze the actions of students (household members), determine the problems that have arisen and resolve them positively.

Non-standard (non-standard) pedagogical situations (and an example of their solution, as a result) are complex, which means they require a longer period for elimination, although sometimes they can be completely unsolvable.

The role of such situations for the study and evaluation of the educational process is enormous. Why? The answer suggests itself. It is through such problems that one can see the existing advantages and disadvantages of all activities.

Section 2. Solution of psychological and pedagogical situations. What is the basis?

The primary cause of this situation is an event that arose as a result of any problematic factors in the school environment. These usually occur when:

  • dissatisfaction, expressed in irritation or negative attitude towards a person or object;
  • disagreement due to lack of agreement and similarity of opinions or views;
  • confrontation in the form of rivalry or resistance to the actions of someone, something;
  • counteraction - an action that prevents the manifestation of another action;
  • a rupture resulting from a disruption in the relationship between someone or something.

Section 3

Any conflict event requires resolution, and the teacher's job is to carry out step-by-step detailing of all his actions.

Such events can occur purposefully or accidentally. But, regardless of the reason, they must be resolved deliberately and balancedly, taking into account the interests of all participants in the conflict. For this, solutions to complex pedagogical situations are intended.

When a fact is discovered, it is necessary to describe a specific pedagogical problem and determine the nature of its content. Conducting an analysis and assessment of the situation helps to identify the essence of the conflict and formulate the most significant tasks. In accordance with the received and analyzed information, the specialist can choose specific methods of pedagogical work.

The choice of solutions largely depends on the professional experience of the teacher, as well as on his additional theoretical and practical training. Of great importance for resolving the conflict is the ability of the teacher to correctly conduct introspection and assessment of their actions and the decision made.

Teachers with extensive professional experience and experience do not particularly need step-by-step detailing of their actions. But such a technique can help in working with children when it is necessary to quickly and clearly resolve pedagogical situations in a preschool educational institution, for example, or in the lower grades of high school.

Section 4. Situation detection

During the course, the teacher constantly interacts with students and faces various difficulties. Experienced specialists have developed methods for solving complex pedagogical situations over the years, while beginners sometimes have a very difficult time.

Why? The thing is that it is difficult for schoolchildren to adhere to the rules of conduct on a daily basis and fulfill the requirements of teachers, therefore, violations of order, quarrels, insults, etc. are possible in the school environment.

The first action is the discovery of a fact. For example, a teacher saw a primary school student destroy the railing on the stairs with a knife. Either one of the students had a fight with a classmate at recess or did not fulfill his obligations, and the teacher also found out about it.

Section 5 Example Situation

It is better to describe the event in detail and title it, which will help to find the essence of the conflict in the future. Dialogue and even argument are important in the search for truth.

Here we have a ready pedagogical situation. In fact, examples can be given endlessly, but we will analyze, for example, the situation with damage to stair railings, which can be called like this: “That’s impossible!”

The teacher, going down the stairs, accidentally noticed how the student was trying to cut the railing of the stairs. Seeing the teacher, the boy ran away, forgetting even his jacket on the playground. The teacher told the mother of the child about everything that had happened, who simply did not believe that her son could do such a thing. She was convinced that her son was absolutely not to blame, and other guys did it, because they live in an apartment with perfect order and beautiful furnishings, everyone in the family treats things and furniture with care and accuracy.

When asked by his mother, the son admitted that he just wanted to try his knife in action. Imagine the boy's surprise and indignation when the teacher suggested that he cut a table or chair at home. He was simply sure that it was impossible to do this, because his father bought this table for him.

After restoring the picture of this situation, you can proceed to its analysis.

Section 6. The main pedagogical situations that arise in preschool and school institutions

It is almost impossible to find a ready-made solution of pedagogical situations with answers to all questions. After all, even for each age category, its standard cases are characteristic.

For children of primary school age, for example, the following situations are typical:

  • Sneaking, denunciation and complaints. Children know that their peers have a negative attitude towards snitching and denunciation. However, schoolchildren constantly complain to teachers: “But he took away from me ...”; “And she cheats from me…”; “And he pushed me,” etc.
  • Fights, brawls. There are many reasons for a child's aggressive and cruel behavior towards another person: due to differences in opinions and views; because of the desire to take revenge, stand out or assert themselves, etc. Such behavior begins to emerge and become stronger even in primary school age. Subsequently, more serious psychological and pedagogical problems may arise.
  • Exchanges. The relationship of children among themselves on the principle of "I to you, you to me" is widespread and supported by children. But an exchange without rules can provoke quarrels and contribute to the development of ambition, self-interest or resentment, leading to conflict situations.
  • Fears. Children of elementary grades are prone to a sense of fear. They are afraid of parents, teachers, strangers, animals, etc.
  • Damage to things. Many children neglect personal and other people's things, spoil them.
  • Nicknames and nicknames. In schools, children, when communicating with each other, most often call each other not by their names, but by nicknames, and quite often precisely for the purpose of humiliating dignity.

Such a plan of pedagogical situations (and the example of their solution will not be universal) can be enumerated ad infinitum.

Section 7. How to properly analyze the conflict

In order to correctly analyze the above example of a pedagogical situation regarding damage to school property, it is necessary to get answers to the following questions:

  • Who is the main participant in this event and dialogue?
  • What is the reason for the conflict?
  • What was the motive for this act?

The main participant of the event is the student. He treats his personal belongings with care, but calmly spoils school property. At the heart of this conflict is disagreement. The boy is sure that his act does not contradict the accepted norms of behavior. Although it is clear that you need to protect not only your own things, but also public ones. He does his actions unintentionally, because he does not realize that he is violating the rules of conduct.

The pedagogical problem, as they say, is obvious. Apparently, the father, having presented his son with a penknife, did not explain the main purpose of this item.

Section 8. What tasks need to be formulated first

Analysis of the event allows us to correctly formulate the tasks, among which the most significant ones should be singled out. After determining the significance, they begin to solve and resolve them. In our example, the following tasks arise:

  • help the child realize his mistake so that in the future he does not commit such acts;
  • to convey to the understanding of parents that when educating, attention should be paid to such qualities as thrift and accuracy: a child should be careful not only with his own things, but also with strangers;
  • have a conversation with the children in the class where the boy is studying, and do not ignore the cases when schoolchildren spoil things.

Section 9. Ways to solve the pedagogical problem

The most difficult stage after discovering the situation is the choice of a solution.

It is safe to say that this is not easy for a modern teacher. Of course, there is experience in solving regular situations, but it is still little studied. It is through the resolution of pedagogical situations that the teacher interacts with students, where he directly contacts the child about his specific action and deed.

If we return to our example of the situation, it is clear that the parents made mistakes in the upbringing of the child, which led to the violation of the generally accepted norms of behavior. The first mistake of parents is that they did not teach their son to take care of extraneous things. The second mistake - the father, having presented him with a knife, did not explain its purpose. In this case, the teacher can advise the parents to discuss the situation with their son, help him understand the wrongness of his misdeed, tell him about the purpose of the penknife, and in the future, together with his father, repair the stair railing.

Further educational work largely depends on the effectiveness of the applied variant of solving the pedagogical problem.

Section 10 Solution Examples

So, as they say, there is a pedagogical situation. Examples of solutions to both this and similar cases will be considered below. What are the features of the psyche and behavior of children, in particular adolescents?

  • Adolescent children are characterized by conflict, expressed as a challenge to society, stubbornness. For them, the opinion of their peers is of great importance and above the opinions of adults. The best way out of these situations is to try to understand them and the reason for such behavior, take into account their opinion, provide more controlled independence, cooperation.
  • Manifestation of anxiety, unstable emotional state, fear, shyness or inability to communicate with peers. What to do? Try not to compare with others, use body contact more, help make less comments about the child (only in extreme cases), be an example in everything. Also in this case, it is better not to force the teenager to participate in any competitions and work that takes into account speed.
  • Theft, theft of other people's things. If such an act is detected, the teacher should talk with the teenager, try to convince him of the need to return the thing to the owner with an apology. To support him, you can go with him, but only in the role of a silent escort. If the class knows about what happened, then it is necessary to discuss this unpleasant act with the children. At the same time, everyone should listen to the opinion and jointly draw a conclusion. Children must understand that such actions are illegal.
  • Lies, deceit. If the fact of deception is discovered, discuss the situation with the child and explain further negative consequences for him and for others. The main thing is that he understands that lying leads to a loss of trust of the people around him.
  • Loneliness, isolation, strong vulnerability, irascibility and irritability. With the help of individual conversations, help the child get rid of these and explain how to smooth and overcome them. In the team, try to praise the teenager and emphasize his positive qualities.
  • negative leadership. With such a child it is better not to argue and not to conflict, not to make comments in the presence of others. We must try to find contact with him and make friends, suggest how to become a real leader with authority.
  • The manifestation of school "bullying" - a social phenomenon expressed in an aggressive attitude with deliberate harassment, cruelty, insults and humiliation of other children in the presence of peers. It is important to remember that the teacher, having noticed such a phenomenon, should not focus on it and bring it to public consideration. This can set the perpetrators even more aggressively against their victim, which in turn makes the victim feel even more self-doubt and shame. Particular attention should be paid to the development of creativity, mental transformation and creative thinking. The basis of education should also include the development of empathy - a feeling of empathy with the emotional state of another person.

The concept of moral conflicts.


Lecture 6. Moral conflicts and ways to resolve them.

1. The concept of moral conflicts.

2. Types of conflicts (give examples of pedagogical situations and pedagogical tasks)

3. Features of pedagogical conflicts and ways to resolve them

Conflicts between adults and children, teachers and students are the reality of pedagogical practice. Conflict- this is the opposition of people, due to the contradictions that have arisen between them and accompanied by high tension and disharmony of emotional states. Due to the fact that its consequences are the stressful conditions of the teacher, children, the conflict should be considered as a violation of the moral pedagogical norms of interaction.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky writes about conflicts at school: “The conflict between the teacher and the child, between the teacher and parents, the teacher and the team is a big trouble for the school. Most often, conflict arises when the teacher thinks unfairly about the child. Think fair about the child - and there will be no conflicts. The ability to avoid conflict is one of the components of pedagogical wisdom, the pedagogical skill of a teacher.

In general, a new section of pedagogical science is devoted to the study of pedagogical conflicts - pedagogical conflictology, the author of which is V. I. Zhuravlev . In the work "Fundamentals of Pedagogical Conflictology" the conflict is considered both in the general scientific and in the pedagogical aspect. In pedagogical terms conflict is understood as a stress factor.

The following groups of pedagogical conflicts: didactic conflicts; conflicts of ethics; transcendental ethical conflicts (pedagogical offenses); conflicts of discipline; conflicts in teaching methods; conflicts in interaction tactics; conflicts caused by tactlessness of teachers. They should be combined into the following kinds:

1. Activity conflicts, arising from the student's performance of educational tasks, academic performance, extracurricular activities.

2. Conflicts of behavior (actions), arising from a student's violation of the rules of conduct at school, more often in the classroom, and outside of school.

3. Relationship conflicts, arising in the sphere of emotional and personal relations of students and teachers, in the sphere of their communication in the process of pedagogical activity.

In its development, the conflict goes through certain stages:

Ø the emergence of a conflict situation;

Ø strengthening of mutual emotional tension between the parties-participants;

Ø occurrence of an occasion;

Ø the onset of the conflict itself;

Ø positive or negative conflict resolution.

Let's look at each type of conflict.

Activity Conflicts:

They arise in the classroom between a teacher and a student, a teacher and a group of students, and manifest themselves in the refusal of the student to complete the learning task. This can happen for various reasons: fatigue, difficulty in mastering the educational material, failure to complete homework, and sometimes an unsuccessful remark by the teacher instead of specific help in case of difficulties in work.

Pedagogical situation:

“There is a math lesson in the 6th grade. Two boys are called to the board, they work on individual cards. Other children complete the task under the guidance of the teacher. One of the boys (Sasha) apparently finds it difficult in some way to complete the building: he often erases what he has written, looks back at the guys; the second student completes the task confidently. The guys completed the task, commented on it. The teacher checks the performance of the tasks by the boys at the blackboard. He approaches Sasha and declares: “Well, he is always like this, this Sasha! Look, he doesn't know anything!" Sasha flared up, shouted angrily: “Well, study for yourself!” - and ran out of the classroom.

The boy explained to the class teacher that he had nothing to do at the lesson. The teacher was outraged by such a reaction of the student: earlier, according to her, he was modest, quiet and did not resent such remarks.

Such situations in the classroom regarding academic work can lead to complete disobedience to the teacher, acquire the character of a conflict.

Then the conflict of activity becomes a conflict of behavior and attitude, which is much more difficult to resolve, because it can take on a group character and the teacher will be left without the support of students.

Action conflicts:

The pedagogical situation can acquire the nature of a conflict if the teacher made mistakes in the analysis of the student's act, made an unreasonable conclusion, and did not find out the motives. It should be borne in mind that the same act can be caused by completely different motives.

The teacher has to correct the behavior of students through the assessment of their actions with insufficient information about the circumstances and the real reasons. The teacher is not always a witness to a child's life, he only guesses about the motives of an act, he does not know the relationship between children well, therefore errors in assessing behavior are quite possible, and this causes quite justified indignation of students.

Pedagogical situation:

“Three years ago I went on a one-day hike with 4th graders. I checked everything as expected, but after walking 500 m, I decided to check it again: Olya M. had a heavy backpack (she took 4 kg of potatoes), it “cut” her shoulders. After consulting, the guys decided to give the potatoes to the boy who had the lightest backpack. But this boy, Vova T., immediately and sharply refused. The guys were unanimously indignant at his refusal, then Vova ran aimlessly, two boys ran after him, but did not catch up, and he returned home. We took his backpack and moved on. We rested, had fun… In the evening, two girls came to Vova, gave him a backpack and handed him a bouquet of wildflowers.

The boy was frightened by such an attitude, he expected another, for a long time he experienced what had happened.

On September 1, on the way to school, Vova caught up with me with a bouquet of flowers, apologized and said that he was wrong. We started talking and I found out why he refused to carry the potatoes. It turns out that when he was going on a hike, he kept thinking about how to lighten his load, he didn’t even take the necessary things - all of a sudden, potatoes! It seemed offensive to him, hence the reaction.

In front of the guys, I praised him, revealed the reason for the refusal and saw joy for a comrade in the eyes of the guys.

Based on the external perception of an act and a simplified interpretation of its motives, the teacher often evaluates not only the act, but also the personality of the student, which causes reasonable indignation and protest among the students, and sometimes the desire to behave the way the teacher likes to justify his expectations.

Teachers are often in a hurry to take action, to punish students, regardless of their position and self-assessment of the act, as a result, the situation loses its educational meaning, and sometimes turns into a conflict.

Relationship conflicts:

They often arise as a result of the teacher's inept resolution of situations and are, as a rule, of a long-term nature.

Relationship conflicts acquire personal meaning, give rise to long-term hostility or hatred of the student to the teacher, permanently destroy the interaction of the student with the teacher and create an urgent need for protection from injustice and misunderstanding of adults.

It is difficult for the teacher to judge the nature of the relationship with the students in the class: among them there are those who agree with the teacher, neutral, following the majority, and opposing, disagreeing with the teacher.

It is hard for teachers to experience a conflict of relationships when it happens not with one student, but with a group supported by students of the whole class. This happens if the teacher imposes on the children his nature of relationships, expecting love and respect from them in return.

Pedagogical situation:

“A young math teacher worked as a class teacher in the 6th grade. It seemed to her that there was complete mutual understanding with the guys, she spent a lot of time with them and some of the girls literally followed her, but there were more boys in the class. To the question: “How does she get used to the class?” - she always answered that she was all right, with the guys there was complete understanding. In December, the teacher came to school in high spirits, in the teachers' room she said that it was her birthday. In such an emotionally uplifted mood, she went to a lesson in her class, expecting that the guys would notice her mood and congratulate her. But the expectation was not justified, the guys were silent. The teacher started the lesson, but when she tried to write on the board, the chalk slipped - the board was rubbed with something. The teacher's mood suddenly changed, and she, angry, turned to the class: "Who did this?" In response, silence. “Ungrateful! I did everything for you, spared no time, but you ... ”The school administration, parents were invited to the class, and it began to find out who did it. But the guys were stubbornly silent. Then the teacher said that they would not go on a hike. The guys were stubbornly silent. After the holidays, the class became unmanageable and the teacher left the school.”

The conflict revealed the true attitude of the children towards the teacher: they understood her insincerity in relations with them and cruelly demonstrated disagreement with her.

The relationship between the teacher and students becomes diverse and meaningful, goes beyond the role, if the teacher is interested in students, their living conditions, activities outside of school. This makes it possible to realize the educational value of the situation or conflict.

Tamara Ivanovna TAMBOVKINA is an amazing person and a wonderful teacher with great teaching experience. What has not been in her life over the years! Once upon a time, she stood in front of the class and revealed to schoolchildren the charm of the difficult Russian language, gave them a sense of belonging to Russian literature. Then there was a university with students - inquisitive and not very. Both the first and the second keep in touch with their beloved teacher to this day: they call, write, come to visit.
Tamara Ivanovna began to collect various pedagogical situations a long time ago, and in the senior classes there were very, very many of them. Mentoring work with primary school teachers and students of the Pedagogical University raised the question of the possibility of making such a sample for younger students as well. Tamara Ivanovna has been retired for a long time, but she does not know how to relax at all. And today she shares her invaluable experience.
In the proposed cycle, we will talk about a variety of pedagogical situations - both ordinary ones that a teacher encounters almost every day, and difficult non-standard ones, which you don’t immediately understand how to approach.

With the advent of the situational approach in upbringing, the concepts of “pedagogical situation” and “pedagogical task” appeared in our lives.

Pedagogical situation- this is a fact, a life story that the educator encountered in everyday work and which gave rise to pedagogical tasks requiring a solution. Some pedagogical situations (regular) are common, they allow in the process of analyzing the actions of students to quickly formulate pedagogical tasks, solve them and eliminate these situations. Others (non-standard) are rare, complex, unique, requiring a long time to resolve, and sometimes completely unsolvable.

At the heart of every pedagogical situation lies a conflict:

- dissatisfaction (negative attitude towards someone or something);
- disagreement (lack of agreement due to dissimilarity in opinions, views);
– counteraction (an action that prevents another action);
- opposition (resistance to the action of someone, something);
- break (disruption of communication, consistency between something, someone).

The teacher's work on resolving pedagogical situations consists of several interrelated actions:

1. Discovery of a fact.
2. Description (restoration, construction) of a specific pedagogical situation.
3. Determining the nature of its content.
4. Analysis of the pedagogical situation in order to determine the essence of the conflict underlying it.
5. Formulation of pedagogical tasks, identification of the most significant ones.
6. Additional theoretical and practical training of the teacher to solve the emerging pedagogical problems.
7. The choice of ways to solve pedagogical problems.
8. Self-analysis and self-assessment of the decision made.

Experienced teachers in most cases do not need such detailing of their actions; as for young teachers, such a step-by-step technique can be useful.

Let's take a closer look at each of these steps, using a specific situation as an example.

1. Finding a fact

The teacher learns that a 2nd grade student ruined the railing on the stairs: he cut them with a penknife.

2. Description (restoration, construction) of a specific pedagogical situation

The situation is described in full detail, titled (the title can help to understand the essence of the conflict), if possible, the entire dialogue is reproduced. Dialogue is always a search for truth, often a dispute, so it is important to convey it as accurately as possible. For example, a situation named:


“I go down the stairs and see: Volodya S. is cutting the stair railing with a penknife. Hearing my steps, he rushed headlong to run, leaving his coat on the landing. Catch the "intruder" was not difficult. I tell my mother about what happened, she is surprised:
- It can't be! Probably one of those guys who were with their son.
Volodya is embarrassed...
The apartment where the boy lives is clean, the parquet is polished to a shine, and the furniture is beautiful. It is felt that in the house they carefully treat the routine and things.
“Is it true that you ruined the railing?”
- I just tried how a knife cuts ...
Intervening in conversation:
“But why ruin the railing?” Here, try cutting a chair or your table at home. Is it all the same what to cut - a table or a railing ...
The boy has a mute surprise on his face, and he exclaims indignantly:
- It's impossible!
Mother explains:
“This is his table... My father bought it for him.”
After the situation is restored, you can proceed to its analysis.

3. Determining the nature of the content of the pedagogical situation

Each age period has its own regular pedagogical situations. For younger students this is:

Fighting. Aggressive, hostile, often cruel behavior of a child in relation to another is born and strengthened at primary school age for many reasons: because of the desire to assert themselves, to attract attention, to repay the offender, because of the mismatch of value judgments.

Complaints, snitching, denunciations. Children know that snitching and denunciation are condemned by their peers. Nevertheless, the teacher constantly has to hear complaints: “But he took from me ...”, “But he cheats ...”, “And he hit me ...”

Exchanges. Exchange operations between children are widespread (“I am for you, you are for me…”). In most cases, the exchange rules are known and followed. However, there is also an exchange that is not according to the rules, then it contributes to the development of ambition, self-interest, and can cause quarrels.

Fears. Students in grades 1-4 are constantly experiencing a sense of fear. They are afraid of parents, teachers, some classmates, strangers, animals, darkness.

Nicknames and nicknames. Children, as a rule, address each other not by names, but by nicknames, nicknames, and often - with the aim of humiliating dignity.

Damaged things. Children sometimes carelessly treat their own and other people's things, spoil them.

This list can be continued. Parsed pedagogical situation "It's impossible!" can be attributed specifically to the group "Spoiled things".

4. Analysis of the pedagogical situation in order to determine the essence of the conflict underlying it

The analysis will require answering the questions: who is the participant of the event and dialogue? what is the nature of the conflict? What are the boy's motives?

In the situation under consideration, the main participant in the event is a boy. He treats his belongings with care and, without hesitation, spoils what does not belong to him. At the heart of the situation is conflict-disagreement. The boy seems to be doing nothing wrong. Meanwhile, he acts contrary to the requirement to protect not only his own things, but also things belonging to society. He violates the rules of conduct unintentionally - in his understanding, this rule does not cover all cases when it should be followed.

Obviously, the father, handing the penknife to his son as a gift, did not instruct for what purpose it was intended.

5. Formulation of pedagogical tasks, identification of the most significant

Based on the analysis of the situation, it becomes possible to formulate pedagogical tasks (there may be several of them). The teacher must arrange them in order of importance, highlight the most important and proceed to solve them. So, in our situation, “It’s impossible!” the following tasks arise:

    to help parents realize what it means to educate their son such a quality as frugality not only to their own, but also to “not their own” things;

    find ways to influence the boy so that he understands his mistake and does not commit such misconduct again;

    in working with children in the class where the boy is studying, do not leave unnoticed cases when children spoil their own or other people's things.

6. Additional theoretical and practical training of the teacher to solve the emerging pedagogical problems

It is necessary to recall similar situations, to study the psychological and pedagogical literature, where the role of pedagogical situations in practical activities, their analysis and resolution, that is, the solution of pedagogical problems, is given a considerable place. Let's name the most important works:

    Burlachuk L.F., Korzhova E.Yu. Psychology of life situations. M.: Ros. ped. agency, 1998.

    Godnik S.M., Spirin L.F., Frumkin M.L. and etc. Pedagogical situations in the education of schoolchildren. Voronezh: VSU Publishing House, 1985.

    Natanzon E.Sh. Psychological analysis of the student's actions. M.: Education, 1991.

    Petrochenko G.G. Situational tasks in pedagogy. Minsk: University, 1990.

    Potashnik M.M., Vulfov B.Z.. pedagogical situations. Moscow: Pedagogy, 1983.

7. The choice of ways to solve the pedagogical problem

This is the most difficult stage. It is safe to say that the modern teacher is the worst at it. Although there is a wealth of experience in solving problems related to regular situations, it is poorly studied and described.

If we turn again to the situation “It’s impossible!”, We will find that the parents made mistakes in raising their son, which led to his violation of the rules of behavior: firstly, they could not explain to the boy why it is necessary to take care not only of his own, but also to other people's things that do not belong to him; secondly, having presented the son with a penknife, they did not say what it was intended for and how to use it. The teacher can advise the parents to talk to the boy about what happened, help him realize the wrong thing to do, tell him how to use a penknife, and work with his father to repair the damaged railing.

8. Self-analysis and self-assessment of the decision made

Depending on how effective the methods of solving problems used by the teacher were, their correctness, further educational steps are outlined.


If you look closely at the children, you can easily distinguish three groups conditionally: the first group will include neat, thrifty and non-greedy children; in the second - neat, partly thrifty (in relation only to their own things or, for example, only to money), more often - greedy; in the third - sloppy (sloppy), careless and mostly wasteful.

Preserving is protecting, washing, cleaning, repairing, putting things away, wisely accumulating. All this is done so that a person can live surrounded by beautiful nature, in a cozy, comfortable and clean home, walk in neat clothes, have the means to purchase the necessary things and food, quickly and easily find tools for performing various work, live in harmony with the people around you.

Thrift can develop with age into stinginess, thoughtless picking up of things. The classic image of Plyushkin from the poem by N.V. Gogol's "Dead Souls" recalls what can happen to a person if he subordinates his life to hoarding: "This is not at all funny, but sad; this is not a simple miser, but a man who previously lived a decent life, only thrifty, but later, with the loss of his wife and children, for decades absorbed by the stinginess that developed at that time, and reached incredible stupidity and vileness; he only saves, saves - there is no need, that his bread, hay, cloth, canvas rots for tens of thousands ... He only collects in a heap ... "

In the process of practical activity, the teacher accumulates knowledge about the content side of the pedagogical situation and considers how he will solve the problems that have arisen, which ideally come down to raising neat, thrifty and kind children and overcoming sloppiness, carelessness, carelessness and greed together with the family. Let's take a few situations as an example.

Situation 1. "Broken"

Seven-year-old Vadik is crying in the yard.
- What are you talking about?
Rubbing his tears with his hands, he says that he let the boys play with the typewriter, but they broke it ... Mom will not be able to buy another one, she has no money ...

Situation 2. “I don’t feel sorry”

In the family where Tanya grows up, there are three children. Their mother brings them up alone. The girl carefully treats her things, textbooks, notebooks ... Once she saw how a classmate Petya tore out blank sheets from a notebook and made airplanes out of them.
- What are you doing? Why tear up a notebook, because it costs money?!
- I have a lot of them ... I don’t feel sorry for ... If I want, my father will buy more tomorrow ...

Situation 3. "Spoiled picture"

What's that noise?
They say right away:
He drew in the picture...
He ruined her!
Yes, now I see: the boy is at the blackboard, at the picture that we just examined in the lesson. He looks up, tensely silent. And exhales sharply, hotly:
– I... I didn't mean to, I accidentally...
The boy cried out loud...

Situation 4. “We need to save paper!”

Children glue books: one cuts strips of paper, two stick them to the covers. Vova, having tried on the strip for the book, found that it was longer than necessary. The boy casually tosses the book and the strip to Masha, who has cut it.
- Why are you throwing a book, you will tear it! Masha says indignantly.
- And who cuts like that? You don't save paper, give me scissors, I'll cut it myself!

Many more similar situations could be cited. Things, objects, actors will change, but the meaning will remain. One of the children spoils, breaks, does not save. Sometimes this can happen unintentionally, due to ineptness or awkwardness, then situations take on a special character. In almost every case there are thrifty, tidy and conscientious children. This means that many parents and teachers are able to solve the problem of education, and their experience should be studied.

1. Talk to parents: are their children frugal? Don't they grow up greedy?

O.A. My daughter understands what can be given, donated, and what cannot. She knows how to take care of her things. Children must understand that every thing is given by human labor, that things need to be protected. Parents want to buy something for the child, to please him. And if he saves his things, then this is not greed, but thrift.

N.L. A greedy person is one to whom everything is not enough. Such a person worries and cares only about himself. His life's work is collecting, hoarding. He has no friends. Greed is often confused with thrift. The thing that was hard to get, you will take care of. Children do not always understand this. A lot of things we do, but we take thrift for granted, we don't really develop this quality in our children.

I.V. If we talk about greed, then we must first know the causes that give rise to it. In the family, the younger ones are often spoiled, and greedy, selfish children grow out of them. They quickly learn that all family members care only about them, so they are looking for any ways to acquire the cherished thing and achieve their goal. The most amazing thing is that they do not save anything.

I.Yu. I try to explain and show on the example of close people how to behave. I talk a lot after watching movies. I inspire you to be kind, generous, thrifty, to help people.

Interviews with parents show that the problems of raising thrift, kindness, and overcoming greed do not bypass them. They understand that saving things does not mean being greedy. Greed in children is overcome in different ways in families, but most parents choose one thesis - it is bad to be a greedy person, since greedy people are always alone, they are most often not loved.

Parents consider their own example and the creation of conditions conducive to the education of thrift as the main ones. Children of primary school age are especially sensitive to the order in their environment. From what a child sees every day in a family - an ordered life (order in an apartment, a regimen, certain family foundations) or a mess - depends on what he learns. Unfortunately, not all parents achieve success, so advice on how to raise children is needed.

2. Talk to the children about how they affect their peers who are greedy and careless.

Zhenya A. I would talk to them so they don't get greedy... I always give them my games, but I still don't like to play with greedy kids.

Olesya B. With such children it is necessary to play, then they will not be greedy.

Maxim S. First you need to identify greedy children. Then they must be treated for greed.

3. Read and discuss passages of fiction about thrift.


Look at your hands, my friend... Look, my friend, at your hands, look at them with respect and hope. After all, everything that surrounds you, everything that is built, erected, mined in the world - and the table at which you sit, and the desk in the classroom where you study, and the window through which you look at the white light, and the roof over your head, and everything that you are dressed in, and the page on which these words are printed, and bread, without which you cannot live a day - everything, decisively everything, was done by human hands. They are controlled by a pen and a hammer. They hold the steering wheels of ships and steering wheels of cars, shovels and microscopes. They can carefully put a sugar cube in your cup of tea and a heavy brick in the foundation of a new house, extract a pearl from the depths of the sea and a splinter from your finger. And with a rattle for a baby, and with a soldier's rifle, human hands can handle. They can hit a basketball hoop and a rocket to the moon.

The hands of man, obeying his mind and will, turned the wild lands into rich fields, forced the wild apple tree to bear sweet fruits. They parted dense forests, forced mountains to part, drained mosquito swamps, watered dry deserts, blocked rivers so that the powerful force of water rushing to the turbines could drive a strong current for thousands and thousands of kilometers around.
The hands of a man, at the call of his heart, created amazingly beautiful paintings and statues that people will admire forever.
They can do everything, they can do everything, human hands can handle everything.
You just need to teach them to do a good job. So that they become dexterous, skillful, obedient to a kind heart and an accurate mind.
And so that a person respects the work of his own hands and the work of another person and never changes the “feeling of the elbow”, that is, that feeling of true brotherhood, which every fighter knows well, when in close formation, elbow to elbow with a neighbor, he feels with his heart that in all he is at the same time with his comrades.

(L. Kassil)


Why should people's hands be looked at with respect and hope?

The table you are sitting at
The bed you sleep in
Notebook, boots, a pair of skis.
Plate, fork, spoon, knife,
And every nail
And every house
And a loaf of bread -
All this is done by work,
It didn't fall from the sky...

(V. Livshits)


1. Is it possible to justify those people who break, spoil what others have created with hard work?

2. What do you think, what does the one who does not protect either his own or someone else's good think about?


Old Mazai loosened up in the barn:
"In our marshy lowland
Five times more game would be conducted,
If they didn’t catch her with nets,
If only they didn’t crush her with snares.
Hares, too - they are sorry to tears!
Only spring waters will rush
And without that they are dying by the hundreds,
Not! not much more! the men are running
They catch, and drown, and beat them with hooks.
Where is their conscience?
I went in a boat - there are a lot of them from the river
It catches up with us in the spring flood, -
I'm going to catch them. The water is coming.
I see one small island -
Hares on it gathered in a crowd.
Then I drove up: they babble with their ears,
Themselves from the spot; I took one
I commanded the rest: jump yourself!
My hares jumped - nothing!
Only the oblique team sat down,
The whole island was lost under water...

(N. Nekrasov)


1. Why does grandfather Mazay “feel sorry for the tears” of hares?

2. How does he relate to the environment around him?


The hurried marten began to cut a silk sundress for the summer. Bump! She shredded all the silk, cut it into shreds. And not like a sundress - a scarf from these shreds cannot be sewn.
The patient Tit began to cut an apron from canvas. Here he will estimate, there he will be smart, he will move here, he will turn there. She thought of everything, calculated everything, drew everything, then took up the scissors. Got a good apron. Not a single piece was wasted.
The marvel was given to Kunitsa. He looks at the apron - envious:
- Where did you study cutting and sewing, Titmouse? Who?
My grandmother taught me how to sew.
How did she teach you?
- Yes, very simple. She ordered me to remember five magic words.
- What?
- Measure seven times - cut one.


1. Why did Tit have a good apron?

2. What does the proverb mean: "Measure seven times - cut one"?

It is good if from an early age children are brought up on such works as "Fedorino's grief" by K.I. Chukovsky and "The Book of Books" by S.Ya. Marshak.

4. Discuss the situations and find out how the children would have acted in this or that case.

Situation 5. "Take care of the books"

The teacher distributes alphabet books to the children. One student silently returns the book to the teacher. The teacher, showing the primer to the children, asks:

- Why did Igor return the primer to me?
- He's torn.
What needs to be done to make the primer pleasant and to be able to use it again?
It needs to be repaired and handled with care.
– Who should do it?


Who thinks differently? Who will advise Igor what to do?

5. Have ethical conversations.

Topic examples:

What does it mean to be prudent, economical, thrifty?
- How should food be handled?
Are we careful in labor lessons?
How do you understand thrift? Who is thrifty in our class? Are you careful? Why do you think so?

“The word of the teacher,” wrote V.A. Sukhomlinsky is an indispensable tool for influencing the soul of a pupil. He was convinced that many conflicts might not have arisen if the teacher could speak with the student.

6. Involve children in practical matters at school and at home.

Practical activity, accompanied by psychological support from adults, is the main condition for the education of frugality in children. The following activities can be offered:

    Gluing torn books, visual aids.

    Learning the rules for using the textbook:

- do not bend corners;
- do not write in a book;
- do not color the drawings;
- do not tear out the sheets;
- do not take the book with dirty hands.

    Organization of the competition-review "How do you live, textbook?".

    Restoration of a damaged item (with the help of adults).

    Conducting a daily competition for the most accurate notebook.

    Minor repair of clothes (sew on a button, coat hanger or jacket).

    Rational use of paper, pencils, paints, glue.

    Saving pocket money.

    Neat maintenance of the workplace, games and toys.

    Using free time to do what you love.

    Giving children the opportunity to disassemble something to satisfy their curiosity.

The author will be glad if the readers of the newspaper have the idea to collect such stories in their pedagogical piggy bank, and is also ready to answer your questions sent to the address: Moscow, 121165, st. Kyiv, d. 24, editorial office "Primary School", for Tambovkina T.I.


Situation 1.

Morning. The group room is unusually lively: new toys have appeared in the play corner. All the guys are looking at them carefully. An interesting game is planned. Only Vasya, secluded, stares blankly at the children.

Why are you so sad? Didn't you get sick? - asks his teacher.

No ... I'm like that, - the boy whispers, turning to the wall so that no one sees the tears welling up in his eyes. And suddenly, burying himself in the teacher's dress, he sobbed:

I'm sorry for Mom... Dad came late again and drank wine with Uncle Tolya. And my mother was crying. Dad was making noise all night.

Analyze how Vasya's father's behavior affects the child's condition. What, in your opinion, can a kindergarten help a family in creating a healthy life?

Vasya's father's behavior has a negative impact on the child's psyche and affects his emotional well-being. As a result, the child may develop neuroses, mental retardation, psychopathy, organic diseases of the central nervous system, etc. The kindergarten is able to provide socio-psychological assistance to the family: consultations with parents (in particular, the father) on the problem of forming a healthy lifestyle, to inform parents on issues of child psychology, to assist the family in increasing its educational potential. All this is included in the plan of individual work with the boy's family. In addition, individual work can be carried out in various forms: conversations, trainings, reading, solving problem situations, etc. To work with the family, the educator must involve a teacher-psychologist. Only the joint activities of educators and a psychologist will lead to the best result.

Situation 2.

The educator invited all parents to the subbotnik, placing information about it on the group stand. 2 people came. The teacher is dissatisfied. Saturday had to be postponed. What can explain what happened? What to do next.

What happened can be explained primarily by the fact that there was no direct contact between the teacher and the parents. Parents (and perhaps not all) saw the information on the stand, and, most likely, perceived this information as optional. Most likely, the teacher does not work with parents in the proper amount. To prevent this from happening again in the future, it is necessary to work closely with parents, to carry out various forms of work with them: parent meetings, consultations, involve parents in creative work, hold open classes for parents, invite parents to participate in matinees, arrange excursions and trips with children and their parents, etc. If the teacher implements these and other forms of work with parents and announces it at the community work day, first at the parent meeting, and only then puts the information on the stand, then more parents will come to the aid of the kindergarten.

Situation 3.

The teacher of the preparatory group at the parent-teacher meeting talked about how to prepare children for school, developing them physically. The grandmother of one boy actively insisted that her grandson not be taken for a walk and to the pool, because. he often catches cold. She argued this fact by the fact that teachers do not monitor how children dress, but at this age they cannot do it on their own. When asked by the teacher about how Seryozha would dress at school, the grandmother explained that she, as in kindergarten, would help him with this, for which she specially quit her job.

How to organize work with Serezha's parents? What can be offered to grandmother to solve this?

It is necessary to conduct consultations, talks with Serezha's parents, recommend for reading scientific and methodological literature on the psychology of children of older preschool age, literature on the formation of a healthy lifestyle in children of preschool age. It is necessary to make it clear to the boy's parents and grandmother that the child should be independent. Only then will he learn to dress himself when he tries to do it without outside help. Also, parents should understand the importance of walking in the fresh air and visiting the pool, because it hardens the child's body, strengthens his immunity. To work with Seryozha's family, the educator must involve a physical education instructor, a nurse and a psychologist teacher. Together with these specialists, it is possible to conduct an individual consultation with the child's family. The physical education instructor will explain that physical activity, swimming pool and walks harden the child's body, increase immunity. The instructor may also invite parents to watch the pool session. The teacher can involve parents in a joint walk with the children in order to show parents that the child, thanks to outdoor games, does not freeze on the street, that walks harden and develop physically. The nurse should also make it clear to parents that a physically developed child is less likely to get sick. Parents must be sure that walks are not carried out in bad weather, that the temperature of the water in the pool will not allow the child to freeze, etc. The teacher-psychologist should hold a consultation with parents on the topic of the independence of the child. The purpose of this consultation is to get parents to understand that overprotection does not allow the child to grow up and be independent. After all, why be independent when everything is done for you and prompted what and how? And it will be difficult for a dependent child in a school setting, because there is not much to expect help from anyone. The grandmother, with her help, can cause ridicule from her grandson's peers, which will negatively affect the boy's relationship with other children.

Situation 4.

Andrey's mother communicates with her son as if he already has positive, strong sides of his personality and character. Therefore, she builds her communication with him like this: “Why did you take this typewriter in kindergarten? I know that you are kind and honest. So take it to the kids tomorrow, they want to play with it too.” But Kolya's mother in a similar situation tells him: “Why did you take this car in kindergarten? You are bad! You're a thief!".

What is the fundamental difference in communication with their children among these mothers?

Those words that parents call their child leave their mark on the formation of positive or negative character traits. In this case, Andrei's mother contributes to the formation of his positive character traits, calling her son affectionately, with kind words, indicating his good qualities. And Kolya’s mother, on the contrary, forms negative character traits, calling the boy bad words, thereby rooting in the mind of the child that he is “bad” and a “thief”. Thus, mothers evaluate the actions of their sons (bad or good), and, accordingly, the child will grow up “bad” or “good”. In the future, it will become what was laid in it from childhood. All assessments of the child's actions are "recorded" in the internal system of the child in the form of self-esteem and his emotional state.

Situation 5.

Evening. Your shift is already ending, and for Vanya, mom did not come. Suddenly, Vanya's 15-year-old brother appears at the door and holds out a note from his mother with permission to pick up the child from kindergarten. Your actions?

It is necessary to call the boy's mother and find out the reason why she cannot come to the kindergarten herself for the child. If the reason is good (for example, the mother was in the hospital), then it is necessary to accompany the children to the house and make sure that the youngest child is not left unattended. If there are no good reasons, then the teacher must insist that the mother or any other adult relative come for the child. If the mother refuses to do this and still asks to give the child to a minor, then the teacher must again accompany the children to the house and subsequently report the act of the mother to the head of the kindergarten. In a conversation with the boy's parents, it is necessary to be guided by the Charter of the preschool educational institution. To prevent such behavior of parents, it is necessary to hold a parent meeting on the topic “Familiarization of parents with regulatory documents”.

Meeting progress:

1) Familiarization of parents with the legal documentation governing the educational process: the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the Model Regulations of the Preschool Educational Establishment, the "Convention on the Rights of the Child", the Charter of the Preschool Educational Establishment. For this, a multimedia presentation is used.

2) Distribute to parents in printed form excerpts from the documentation that are directly related to the parents of pupils, the organization of educational activities, and the development of children.

3) Invite parents to answer questions about the content of the documentation.

4) For independent, more detailed study, offer parents methodological literature on this topic, links in Internet sources.

Situation 6.

Sasha shuddered from loud sounds and conversations every time, and if one of the adults tried to hug the child, he covered himself with his hand, bent over and trembled. Educators often see bruises and marks of beatings on the boy's body. It is clear, because the boy is from a dysfunctional family. Your actions.

It is urgent to connect a teacher-psychologist to work with the boy. The psychologist and educators in this case work together. It is also necessary to notify the head of the kindergarten, which must take action. With the parents of the child, a conversation is held together with a psychologist and the head. The psychologist should explain to parents that the dysfunctional situation in the family negatively affects the child's psyche, and beatings cripple him not only physically, but also morally. Such an attitude towards the boy will not allow him to become a full-fledged personality in the future. The manager must confront the parents with the fact that if new beatings appear on the child’s body, she will immediately inform the guardianship authorities about this, which, in turn, will take further action. In general, it was necessary to take measures at the very beginning, when the teacher saw the first bruises on the child. In this case, subsequent beatings could have been avoided. If the situation with the boy does not change, then everything possible must be done so that the child is taken away from the family. This requires the assistance of guardianship authorities (social workers and psychologists).

Situation 7.

Anton (6 years old) was given an expensive remote-controlled car for his birthday. He brought the car to the kindergarten, but warned that he would not let anyone play with it, as he was instructed by his mother not to give anyone a car. Anton refused the children a toy, giving a variety of explanations: “You are a girl - you cannot be a driver”, “And you, Ilya (his best friend), do not know how to manage it.”

The teacher offered to show how to drive the car, and then give it to Ilya. Anton did not agree with the teacher's proposal, explaining that Ilya was slow-witted and would not be able to manage.

The children did not lose hope, but Anton was inexorable. They got tired of asking, and they left Anton alone. At first, Anton calmed down, but then he began to glance towards the playing children. He took the car to the locker. Then he could not stand it and tried to make contact with the children: “May I come with you?”

“Netushki! Go get greedy, we will play without you, ”Ilya answered him.

Blushing Anton, with tears in his eyes, shouted: "I'm not a greedy man - I'll give you!" But Ilya began to list other children, wondering if they would get a car. Anton ran into the locker room, grabbed the car and smashed it to smithereens. Anton's mother, having learned about the incident, defined her attitude in this way: "I knew it, I said: do not take the car to kindergarten." She blamed Ilya for everything.

Analyze the nature of the relationship between mother and son, on what they are based. What kind of psychological and pedagogical assistance can the educator provide to this family? Imagine an individual consultation with Anton's mother.

The boy found himself in conflicting feelings: on the one hand, he sought to fulfill his mother's order, and on the other, to remain on friendly terms with the children. The child is afraid of not fulfilling the mother's order and forbids the children to play with the machine, thereby pushing the children away from him. As a result, he fulfilled his mother's order, but he could not fulfill his desire (to play with children). The boy was in psychological stress, he tried to remove it by offering a toy to his friend, but he refused and thus deprived Anton of the opportunity to relieve the tension that had arisen. And the child found a way out - he broke the car, which, most likely, will lead to a conflict with his mother. There is an authoritarian style of relationship between mother and child. The mother suppresses the boy, imposing her opinion on him and putting herself in the position “I am right, but you are not!”. The teacher needs to talk to the mother about what happened. The mother should try to listen to the opinion of her son, allow more independence in making decisions by the child, compromise in relations with her son. At an individual consultation with the mother, the educator should talk about the psychological characteristics of preschool children, about the styles of relationships between parents and children, you can also recommend literature to the mother on the problems of relationships within the family, offer memos on relationship styles for their comparison (compare authoritarian, democratic and conniving styles). The task of the educator in this situation will be to improve Anton's relationship with the children.

Situation 8.

The mother reprimands her five-year-old daughter for pushing her younger brother away from her desk:

You're behaving badly. After all, he is smaller than you, he must yield.

All yield yes yield! What if he bothers me? If in my drawing he draws scribbles?!

Anyway, you're older than him!

Supported by his mother, the boy continues his work.

Ah well? - the girl is angry, - you will know how to spoil other people's drawings! Here's to you for it!

The girl in the hearts pushes her brother. The conflict is growing. As a result, both cry.

In a conversation with the teacher, the mother complains that the children are not friendly, they do not know how to get along with each other.

What do you see as the reason for the conflict between brother and sister? Why do we not observe in this family manifestations of such a psychological feature of the girl as a tendency to guardianship?

The reason for the conflict between brother and sister is that children feel unequal treatment of their mother. It is wrong to make a remark based on the fact that the daughter is the eldest and therefore must yield to her brother. This is what contributes to the growth of conflict between children. It turns out that everything is possible for a brother, everything is allowed, because he is small, and the girl must yield to him as the eldest. This position of the mother (the position of inequality) is not correct. In this family, we do not observe such a psychological feature of the girl as a tendency to guardianship, because the mother, with her wrong attitude towards children, put the girl in the position “You are the eldest, therefore you must”. Thus, the girl feels slighted, perhaps she feels a sense of jealousy and, offending her brother, she splashes out all the negativity on him. In order for a girl to take care of her brother, her mother had to put her in the position “You are the eldest, so you can help the younger one, because you know and can do more than he does.” The mother needed to ask the girl to help her younger brother, to build a dialogue with him a little differently. When the boy ruined her drawing, the mother had to reassure the girl and give each child a blank sheet and agree that everyone draws only on their own sheet, and the daughter could show her brother how to draw correctly. In addition, a mother should praise her daughter more often.

A group event to unite families, improve intra-family relations, can be carried out in the form of a training. It is necessary to attract a teacher-psychologist to the event.

"Training for the correction of intra-family relations"

1) “Hello, can you imagine…”

The goal is to activate and bring the group together, relieve tension, increase self-confidence.

Course of the exercise: parents turn to each other in turn, finishing the phrase: “Hello, can you imagine ...” and begin to describe some kind of funny incident that happened to him and his child, or an unusual episode from family life.

2) "What kind of parent am I?"

The goal is self-reflection.

Course of the exercise: each participant can write down at least 30 characteristics - answers to the question "What kind of parent am I?". Then the parents sit in a large circle and take turns speaking, commenting on their story about themselves and answering questions.

3) "Marriage Announcement"

The goal is to develop the desire for self-improvement.

The course of the exercise: present the text of the marriage announcement, in which you must first of all indicate your main advantages, and also characterize your ideal in a few words.

4) "Affectionate name"

The goal is to reorganize the arsenal of means of communication in the family.

Course of the exercise: parents sit in a circle and tell what affectionate names they call their child, their wife (husband). When? Why?

5) "I am through the eyes of the family"

The goal is to understand interpersonal relationships in the family.

Course of the exercise: the participant must imagine himself surrounded by people close to him and make assumptions. “The son considers me…”, “The husband (wife) thinks that I…”.

6) "Frankly"

The goal is to express emotions.

The course of the exercise: you need to complete the sentences that are given, thereby expressing your attitude to what is happening.

During the course, I realized that….

I think the most effective...

I couldn't be more frank because...

In class, I was unable to...

Most of all I liked how I worked (a) ...

In place of the leader I ...

Situation 9.

The mother asks the teacher:

Why did the child become wayward, naughty? He was small - they did not know grief with him. And now (soon to school!) He has become different: he criticizes our orders. He is rude to all his opinion ... But we are always very strict with our son. We never deviate from our word: if they said, it means that he must exactly fulfill it. No concessions!

Analyze the nature of the relationship between adults and their son, what they are based on. Why did the boy become naughty? Can you offer assistance to this family?

In this case, the child must unconditionally obey the will of adults. It is clear that while the child was small, he followed the instructions of his parents, obeying their authority without further ado, but the child has grown up, he has his own opinion on everything, which he opposes to the will of his parents. But, since the parents do not take into account his opinion, emphasizing that they never deviate from their word, a conflict arises between adults and the emerging personality of the boy. And, therefore, the child begins to show self-will, ceases to obey his parents, is rude or does not yield.

The family should be assisted by educators and a psychologist. You can have an individual conversation with the boy's parents on the topic of the child's development as a person. The parent must understand that strictness in upbringing is not constant demands on the child and the submission of his will to his will, but a combination of requirements with a respectful attitude towards the child as an emerging personality. Parents should be encouraged to spend as much time as possible with their child. Joint games, reading books, walks will allow parents to better understand their son, listen to his opinion. Only when the parents begin to give in to their child in some way, to compromise, only then will he give in, and if not in everything, then in many ways agree with them.

Situation 10.

A five-year-old girl, rocking a doll, spanks her, saying irritably:

Laugh, just don't sleep! Now close your eyes! The teacher, noticing this, says:

This is not how mothers treat their daughter. Better caress her, sing a song, and she will fall asleep.

But the girl does not listen to her, objects:

And mother always does this when her little sister does not fall asleep for a long time.

How to explain the actions of the child in the game, based on the psychological characteristics of the girl? Name them.

What should the teacher have said to the girl? What kind of conversation do you have with your mom?

"Children are the mirror of their parents."

In this case, the girl strives to be like her mother, to be "adult", so she imitates her mother, rocking the doll and spanking her. She does what a mother does with her younger sister - she repeats the gestures, words and actions of her mother in the game with the doll. The girl shows negative qualities, but in her understanding this is not considered bad (after all, a mother cannot do bad things).

The mother should learn from the educator about how her daughter copies her words and actions and thereby “see” herself from the outside. The educator and psychologist should help the mother to do this. The mother must understand that if she does not change her behavior for the better, then the image of a cruel and evil mother will be fixed in the mind of the girl. The teacher had to say something like the following to the girl: “Look, the doll started crying, she thought they would kiss her, they would sing a song, but instead she got hit in the ass. Oh, how the doll was upset! Thus, the teacher will focus on what the doll “feels”, and most likely the girl will think about whether she did the right thing or not. And in no case should you scold the child, say "you are bad or you are wrong."

The following methods can be used to diagnose parent-child relationships:

1) "Faces of parental love."

This questionnaire will help both the father and the mother to assess the basis on which their attitude towards the child is built.

2) "Measure care"

Many violations in the behavior and development of the child are associated with insufficient or excessive attention to the parents. This test will help you figure out how correct the educational position is.

3) “Methodology for identifying children with parents” (A.I. Zarova questionnaire).

Diagnosis of the competence and prestige of parents in the perception of children, and features of emotional relationships with parents.

4) PARI technique (adapted by T. V. Neshcheret).

Designed to study the attitude of parents to different aspects of family life (family role, to the child: optimal emotional contact, excessive emotional distance from the child, excessive concentration on the child).

5) "Strategies for family education"

Evaluation of the strategy of family education.

6) “The scale of communication between a parent and a child” (A. I. Barkan)

On this scale, you can approximately understand the state of the child at the moment and at this time, find out how they communicate with the child at home, what emotions prevail in the process of communication between the child and the parent.

7) For a child, you can use projective techniques, such as "Drawing a family" and "Non-existent animal". These techniques will make it possible to draw a conclusion about relationships in the family, about what place the child occupies in the family and what parents mean to him.