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Рассказы брэдбери на английском. Ray Bradbury - Английский язык с Р. Брэдбери. И грянул гром. Пер. Норы Галь

"George, I wish you"d look at the nursery."
"What"s wrong with it?"
"I don"t know."
"Well, then."
"I just want you to look at it, is all, or call a psychologist in to
look at it."
"What would a psychologist want with a nursery?"
"You know very well what he"d want." His wife paused in the middle of
the kitchen and watched the stove busy humming to itself, making supper for
"It"s just that the nursery is different now than it was."
"All right, let"s have a look."
They walked down the hall of their soundproofed Happylife Home, which
had cost them thirty thousand dollars installed, this house which clothed
and fed and rocked them to sleep and played and sang and was good to them.
Their approach sensitized a switch somewhere and the nursery light flicked
on when they came within ten feet of it. Similarly, behind them, in the
halls, lights went on and off as they left them behind, with a soft
"Well," said George Hadley.

They stood on the thatched floor of the nursery. It was forty feet
across by forty feet long and thirty feet high; it had cost half again as
much as the rest of the house. "But nothing"s too good for our children,"
George had said.
The nursery was silent. It was empty as a jungle glade at hot high
noon. The walls were blank and two dimensional. Now, as George and Lydia
Hadley stood in the center of the room, the walls began to purr and recede
into crystalline distance, it seemed, and presently an African veldt
appeared, in three dimensions, on all sides, in color reproduced to the
final pebble and bit of straw. The ceiling above them became a deep sky with
a hot yellow sun.
George Hadley felt the perspiration start on his brow.
"Let"s get out of this sun," he said. "This is a little too real. But I
don"t see anything wrong."
"Wait a moment, you"ll see," said his wife.
Now the hidden odorophonics were beginning to blow a wind of odor at
the two people in the middle of the baked veldtland. The hot straw smell of
lion grass, the cool green smell of the hidden water hole, the great rusty
smell of animals, the smell of dust like a red paprika in the hot air. And
now the sounds: the thump of distant antelope feet on grassy sod, the papery
rustling of vultures. A shadow passed through the sky. The shadow flickered
on George Hadley"s upturned, sweating face.
"Filthy creatures," he heard his wife say.
"The vultures."
"You see, there are the lions, far over, that way. Now they"re on their
way to the water hole. They"ve just been eating," said Lydia. "I don"t know
"Some animal." George Hadley put his hand up to shield off the burning
light from his squinted eyes. "A zebra or a baby giraffe, maybe."
"Are you sure?" His wife sounded peculiarly tense.
"No, it"s a little late to be sure," be said, amused. "Nothing over
there I can see but cleaned bone, and the vultures dropping for what"s
"Did you bear that scream?" she asked.
"About a minute ago?"
"Sorry, no."
The lions were coming. And again George Hadley was filled with
admiration for the mechanical genius who had conceived this room. A miracle
of efficiency selling for an absurdly low price. Every home should have one.
Oh, occasionally they frightened you with their clinical accuracy, they
startled you, gave you a twinge, but most of the time what fun for everyone,
not only your own son and daughter, but for yourself when you felt like a
quick jaunt to a foreign land, a quick change of scenery. Well, here it was!
And here were the lions now, fifteen feet away, so real, so feverishly
and startlingly real that you could feel the prickling fur on your hand, and
your mouth was stuffed with the dusty upholstery smell of their heated
pelts, and the yellow of them was in your eyes like the yellow of an
exquisite French tapestry, the yellows of lions and summer grass, and the
sound of the matted lion lungs exhaling on the silent noontide, and the
smell of meat from the panting, dripping mouths.
The lions stood looking at George and Lydia Hadley with terrible
green-yellow eyes.
"Watch out!" screamed Lydia.
The lions came running at them.
Lydia bolted and ran. Instinctively, George sprang after her. Outside,
in the hall, with the door slammed he was laughing and she was crying, and
they both stood appalled at the other"s reaction.
"Lydia! Oh, my dear poor sweet Lydia!"
"They almost got us!"
"Walls, Lydia, remember; crystal walls, that"s all they are. Oh, they
look real, I must admit - Africa in your parlor - but it"s all dimensional,
superreactionary, supersensitive color film and mental tape film behind
glass screens. It"s all odorophonics and sonics, Lydia. Here"s my

"I"m afraid." She came to him and put her body against him and cried
steadily. "Did you see? Did you feel? It"s too real."
"Now, Lydia..."
"You"ve got to tell Wendy and Peter not to read any more on Africa."
"Of course - of course." He patted her.
"And lock the nursery for a few days until I get my nerves settled."
"You know how difficult Peter is about that. When I punished him a
month ago by locking the nursery for even a few hours - the tantrum be
threw! And Wendy too. They live for the nursery."
"It"s got to be locked, that"s all there is to it."
"All right." Reluctantly he locked the huge door. "You"ve been working
too hard. You need a rest."
"I don"t know - I don"t know," she said, blowing her nose, sitting down
in a chair that immediately began to rock and comfort her. "Maybe I don"t
have enough to do. Maybe I have time to think too much. Why don"t we shut
the whole house off for a few days and take a vacation?"
"You mean you want to fry my eggs for me?"
"Yes." She nodded.
"And dam my socks?"
"Yes." A frantic, watery-eyed nodding.
"And sweep the house?"
"Yes, yes - oh, yes!""
"But I thought that"s why we bought this house, so we wouldn"t have to
do anything?"
"That"s just it. I feel like I don"t belong here. The house is wife and
mother now, and nursemaid. Can I compete with an African veldt? Can I give a
bath and scrub the children as efficiently or quickly as the automatic scrub
bath can? I cannot. And it isn"t just me. It"s you. You"ve been awfully
nervous lately."
"I suppose I have been smoking too much."
"You look as if you didn"t know what to do with yourself in this house,
either. You smoke a little more every morning and drink a little more every
afternoon and need a little more sedative every night. You"re beginning to
feel unnecessary too."
"Am I?" He paused and tried to feel into himself to see what was really
"Oh, George!" She looked beyond him, at the nursery door. "Those lions
can"t get out of there, can they?"
He looked at the door and saw it tremble as if something had jumped
against it from the other side.
"Of course not," he said.

At dinner they ate alone, for Wendy and Peter were at a special plastic
carnival across town and bad televised home to say they"d be late, to go
ahead eating. So George Hadley, bemused, sat watching the dining-room table
produce warm dishes of food from its mechanical interior.
"We forgot the ketchup," he said.
"Sorry," said a small voice within the table, and ketchup appeared.
As for the nursery, thought George Hadley, it won"t hurt for the
children to be locked out of it awhile. Too much of anything isn"t good for
anyone. And it was clearly indicated that the children had been spending a
little too much time on Africa. That sun. He could feel it on his neck,
still, like a hot paw. And the lions. And the smell of blood. Remarkable how
the nursery caught the telepathic emanations of the children"s minds and
created life to fill their every desire. The children thought lions, and
there were lions. The children thought zebras, and there were zebras. Sun -
sun. Giraffes - giraffes. Death and death.
That last. He chewed tastelessly on the meat that the table bad cut for
him. Death thoughts. They were awfully young, Wendy and Peter, for death
thoughts. Or, no, you were never too young, really. Long before you knew
what death was you were wishing it on someone else. When you were two years
old you were shooting people with cap pistols.
But this - the long, hot African veldt-the awful death in the jaws of a
lion. And repeated again and again.
"Where are you going?"
He didn"t answer Lydia. Preoccupied, be let the lights glow softly on
ahead of him, extinguish behind him as he padded to the nursery door. He
listened against it. Far away, a lion roared.
He unlocked the door and opened it. Just before he stepped inside, he
heard a faraway scream. And then another roar from the lions, which subsided
He stepped into Africa. How many times in the last year had he opened
this door and found Wonderland, Alice, the Mock Turtle, or Aladdin and his
Magical Lamp, or Jack Pumpkinhead of Oz, or Dr. Doolittle, or the cow
jumping over a very real-appearing moon-all the delightful contraptions of a
make-believe world. How often had he seen Pegasus flying in the sky ceiling,
or seen fountains of red fireworks, or heard angel voices singing. But now,
is yellow hot Africa, this bake oven with murder in the heat. Perhaps Lydia
was right. Perhaps they needed a little vacation from the fantasy which was
growing a bit too real for ten-year-old children. It was all right to
exercise one"s mind with gymnastic fantasies, but when the lively child mind
settled on one pattern... ? It seemed that, at a distance, for the past
month, he had heard lions roaring, and smelled their strong odor seeping as
far away as his study door. But, being busy, he had paid it no attention.
George Hadley stood on the African grassland alone. The lions looked up
from their feeding, watching him. The only flaw to the illusion was the open
door through which he could see his wife, far down the dark hall, like a
framed picture, eating her dinner abstractedly.
"Go away," he said to the lions.
They did not go.
He knew the principle of the room exactly. You sent out your thoughts.
Whatever you thought would appear. "Let"s have Aladdin and his lamp," he
snapped. The veldtland remained; the lions remained.
"Come on, room! I demand Aladin!" he said.
Nothing happened. The lions mumbled in their baked pelts.
He went back to dinner. "The fool room"s out of order," he said. "It
won"t respond."
"Or what?"
"Or it can"t respond," said Lydia, "because the children have thought
about Africa and lions and killing so many days that the room"s in a rut."
"Could be."
"Or Peter"s set it to remain that way."
"Set it?"
"He may have got into the machinery and fixed something."
"Peter doesn"t know machinery."
"He"s a wise one for ten. That I.Q. of his -"
"Nevertheless -"
"Hello, Mom. Hello, Dad."
The Hadleys turned. Wendy and Peter were coming in the front door,
cheeks like peppermint candy, eyes like bright blue agate marbles, a smell
of ozone on their jumpers from their trip in the helicopter.
"You"re just in time for supper," said both parents.
"We"re full of strawberry ice cream and hot dogs," said the children,
holding hands. "But we"ll sit and watch."
"Yes, come tell us about the nursery," said George Hadley.
The brother and sister blinked at him and then at each other.
"All about Africa and everything," said the father with false
"I don"t understand," said Peter.
"Your mother and I were just traveling through Africa with rod and
reel; Tom Swift and his Electric Lion," said George Hadley.
"There"s no Africa in the nursery," said Peter simply.
"Oh, come now, Peter. We know better."
"I don"t remember any Africa," said Peter to Wendy. "Do you?"
"Run see and come tell."
She obeyed
"Wendy, come back here!" said George Hadley, but she was gone. The
house lights followed her like a flock of fireflies. Too late, he realized
he had forgotten to lock the nursery door after his last inspection.
"Wendy"ll look and come tell us," said Peter.
"She doesn"t have to tell me. I"ve seen it."
"I"m sure you"re mistaken, Father."
"I"m not, Peter. Come along now."
But Wendy was back. "It"s not Africa," she said breathlessly.
"We"ll see about this," said George Hadley, and they all walked down
the hall together and opened the nursery door.
There was a green, lovely forest, a lovely river, a purple mountain,
high voices singing, and Rima, lovely and mysterious, lurking in the trees
with colorful flights of butterflies, like animated bouquets, lingering in
her long hair. The African veldtland was gone. The lions were gone. Only
Rima was here now, singing a song so beautiful that it brought tears to your
George Hadley looked in at the changed scene. "Go to bed," he said to
the children.
They opened their mouths.
"You heard me," he said.
They went off to the air closet, where a wind sucked them like brown
leaves up the flue to their slumber rooms.
George Hadley walked through the singing glade and picked up something
that lay in the comer near where the lions had been. He walked slowly back
to his wife.
"What is that?" she asked.
"An old wallet of mine," he said.
He showed it to her. The smell of hot grass was on it and the smell of
a lion. There were drops of saliva on it, it bad been chewed, and there were
blood smears on both sides.
He closed the nursery door and locked it, tight.

In the middle of the night he was still awake and he knew his wife was
awake. "Do you think Wendy changed it?" she said at last, in the dark room.
"Of course."
"Made it from a veldt into a forest and put Rima there instead of
"I don"t know. But it"s staying locked until I find out."
"How did your wallet get there?"
"I don"t know anything," he said, "except that I"m beginning to be
sorry we bought that room for the children. If children are neurotic at all,
a room like that -"
"It"s supposed to help them work off their neuroses in a healthful
"I"m starting to wonder." He stared at the ceiling.
"We"ve given the children everything they ever wanted. Is this our
reward-secrecy, disobedience?"
"Who was it said, "Children are carpets, they should be stepped on
occasionally"? We"ve never lifted a hand. They"re insufferable - let"s admit
it. They come and go when they like; they treat us as if we were offspring.
They"re spoiled and we"re spoiled."
"They"ve been acting funny ever since you forbade them to take the
rocket to New York a few months ago."
"They"re not old enough to do that alone, I explained."
"Nevertheless, I"ve noticed they"ve been decidedly cool toward us
"I think I"ll have David McClean come tomorrow morning to have a look
at Africa."
"But it"s not Africa now, it"s Green Mansions country and Rima."
"I have a feeling it"ll be Africa again before then."
A moment later they heard the screams.
Two screams. Two people screaming from downstairs. And then a roar of
"Wendy and Peter aren"t in their rooms," said his wife.
He lay in his bed with his beating heart. "No," he said. "They"ve
broken into the nursery."
"Those screams - they sound familiar."
"Do they?"
"Yes, awfully."
And although their beds tried very bard, the two adults couldn"t be
rocked to sleep for another hour. A smell of cats was in the night air.

"Father?" said Peter.
Peter looked at his shoes. He never looked at his father any more, nor
at his mother. "You aren"t going to lock up the nursery for good, are you?"
"That all depends."
"On what?" snapped Peter.
"On you and your sister. If you intersperse this Africa with a little
variety - oh, Sweden perhaps, or Denmark or China -"
"I thought we were free to play as we wished."
"You are, within reasonable bounds."
"What"s wrong with Africa, Father?"
"Oh, so now you admit you have been conjuring up Africa, do you?"
"I wouldn"t want the nursery locked up," said Peter coldly. "Ever."
"Matter of fact, we"re thinking of turning the whole house off for
about a month. Live sort of a carefree one-for-all existence."
"That sounds dreadful! Would I have to tie my own shoes instead of
letting the shoe tier do it? And brush my own teeth and comb my hair and
give myself a bath?"
"It would be fun for a change, don"t you think?"
"No, it would be horrid. I didn"t like it when you took out the picture
painter last month."
"That"s because I wanted you to learn to paint all by yourself, son."
"I don"t want to do anything but look and listen and smell; what else
is there to do?"
"All right, go play in Africa."
"Will you shut off the house sometime soon?"
"We"re considering it."
"I don"t think you"d better consider it any more, Father."
"I won"t have any threats from my son!"
"Very well." And Peter strolled off to the nursery.

"Am I on time?" said David McClean.
"Breakfast?" asked George Hadley.
"Thanks, had some. What"s the trouble?"
"David, you"re a psychologist."
"I should hope so."
"Well, then, have a look at our nursery. You saw it a year ago when you
dropped by; did you notice anything peculiar about it then?"
"Can"t say I did; the usual violences, a tendency toward a slight
paranoia here or there, usual in children because they feel persecuted by
parents constantly, but, oh, really nothing."
They walked down the ball. "I locked the nursery up," explained the
father, "and the children broke back into it during the night. I let them
stay so they could form the patterns for you to see."
There was a terrible screaming from the nursery.
"There it is," said George Hadley. "See what you make of it."
They walked in on the children without rapping.
The screams had faded. The lions were feeding.
"Run outside a moment, children," said George Hadley. "No, don"t change
the mental combination. Leave the walls as they are. Get!"
With the children gone, the two men stood studying the lions clustered
at a distance, eating with great relish whatever it was they had caught.
"I wish I knew what it was," said George Hadley. "Sometimes I can
almost see. Do you think if I brought high-powered binoculars here and -"
David McClean laughed dryly. "Hardly." He turned to study all four
walls. "How long has this been going on?"
"A little over a month."
"It certainly doesn"t feel good."
"I want facts, not feelings."
"My dear George, a psychologist never saw a fact in his life. He only
hears about feelings; vague things. This doesn"t feel good, I tell you.
Trust my hunches and my instincts. I have a nose for something bad. This is
very bad. My advice to you is to have the whole damn room torn down and your
children brought to me every day during the next year for treatment."
"Is it that bad?"
"I"m afraid so. One of the original uses of these nurseries was so that
we could study the patterns left on the walls by the child"s mind, study at
our leisure, and help the child. In this case, however, the room has become
a channel toward-destructive thoughts, instead of a release away from them."
"Didn"t you sense this before?"
"I sensed only that you bad spoiled your children more than most. And
now you"re letting them down in some way. What way?"
"I wouldn"t let them go to New York."
"What else?"
"I"ve taken a few machines from the house and threatened them, a month
ago, with closing up the nursery unless they did their homework. I did close
it for a few days to show I meant business."
"Ah, ha!"
"Does that mean anything?"
"Everything. Where before they had a Santa Claus now they have a
Scrooge. Children prefer Santas. You"ve let this room and this house replace
you and your wife in your children"s affections. This room is their mother
and father, far more important in their lives than their real parents. And
now you come along and want to shut it off. No wonder there"s hatred here.
You can feel it coming out of the sky. Feel that sun. George, you"ll have to
change your life. Like too many others, you"ve built it around creature
comforts. Why, you"d starve tomorrow if something went wrong in your
kitchen. You wouldn"t know bow to tap an egg. Nevertheless, turn everything
off. Start new. It"ll take time. But we"ll make good children out of bad in
a year, wait and see."
"But won"t the shock be too much for the children, shutting the room up
abruptly, for good?"
"I don"t want them going any deeper into this, that"s all."
The lions were finished with their red feast.
The lions were standing on the edge of the clearing watching the two
"Now I"m feeling persecuted," said McClean. "Let"s get out of here. I
never have cared for these damned rooms. Make me nervous."
"The lions look real, don"t they?" said George Hadley. I don"t suppose
there"s any way -"
"- that they could become real?"
"Not that I know."
"Some flaw in the machinery, a tampering or something?"
They went to the door.
"I don"t imagine the room will like being turned off," said the father.
"Nothing ever likes to die - even a room."
"I wonder if it hates me for wanting to switch it off?"
"Paranoia is thick around here today," said David McClean. "You can
follow it like a spoor. Hello." He bent and picked up a bloody scarf. "This
"No." George Hadley"s face was rigid. "It belongs to Lydia."
They went to the fuse box together and threw the switch that killed the

The two children were in hysterics. They screamed and pranced and threw
things. They yelled and sobbed and swore and jumped at the furniture.
"You can"t do that to the nursery, you can"t!""
"Now, children."
The children flung themselves onto a couch, weeping.
"George," said Lydia Hadley, "turn on the nursery, just for a few
moments. You can"t be so abrupt."
"You can"t be so cruel..."
"Lydia, it"s off, and it stays off. And the whole damn house dies as of
here and now. The more I see of the mess we"ve put ourselves in, the more it
sickens me. We"ve been contemplating our mechanical, electronic navels for
too long. My God, how we need a breath of honest air!"
And he marched about the house turning off the voice clocks, the
stoves, the heaters, the shoe shiners, the shoe lacers, the body scrubbers
and swabbers and massagers, and every other machine be could put his hand
The house was full of dead bodies, it seemed. It felt like a mechanical
cemetery. So silent. None of the humming hidden energy of machines waiting
to function at the tap of a button.
"Don"t let them do it!" wailed Peter at the ceiling, as if he was
talking to the house, the nursery. "Don"t let Father kill everything." He
turned to his father. "Oh, I hate you!"
"Insults won"t get you anywhere."
"I wish you were dead!"
"We were, for a long while. Now we"re going to really start living.
Instead of being handled and massaged, we"re going to live."
Wendy was still crying and Peter joined her again. "Just a moment, just
one moment, just another moment of nursery," they wailed.
"Oh, George," said the wife, "it can"t hurt."
"All right - all right, if they"ll just shut up. One minute, mind you,
and then off forever."
"Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!" sang the children, smiling with wet faces.
"And then we"re going on a vacation. David McClean is coming back in
half an hour to help us move out and get to the airport. I"m going to dress.
You turn the nursery on for a minute, Lydia, just a minute, mind you."
And the three of them went babbling off while he let himself be
vacuumed upstairs through the air flue and set about dressing himself. A
minute later Lydia appeared.
"I"ll be glad when we get away," she sighed.
"Did you leave them in the nursery?"
"I wanted to dress too. Oh, that horrid Africa. What can they see in
"Well, in five minutes we"ll be on our way to Iowa. Lord, how did we
ever get in this house? What prompted us to buy a nightmare?"
"Pride, money, foolishness."
"I think we"d better get downstairs before those kids get engrossed
with those damned beasts again."
Just then they heard the children calling, "Daddy, Mommy, come quick -
They went downstairs in the air flue and ran down the hall. The
children were nowhere in sight. "Wendy? Peter!"
They ran into the nursery. The veldtland was empty save for the lions
waiting, looking at them. "Peter, Wendy?"
The door slammed.
"Wendy, Peter!"
George Hadley and his wife whirled and ran back to the door.
"Open the door!" cried George Hadley, trying the knob. "Why, they"ve
locked it from the outside! Peter!" He beat at the door. "Open up!"
He heard Peter"s voice outside, against the door.
"Don"t let them switch off the nursery and the house," he was saying.
Mr. and Mrs. George Hadley beat at the door. "Now, don"t be ridiculous,
children. It"s time to go. Mr. McClean"ll be here in a minute and..."
And then they heard the sounds.
The lions on three sides of them, in the yellow veldt grass, padding
through the dry straw, rumbling and roaring in their throats.
The lions.
Mr. Hadley looked at his wife and they turned and looked back at the
beasts edging slowly forward crouching, tails stiff.
Mr. and Mrs. Hadley screamed.
And suddenly they realized why those other screams bad sounded

"Well, here I am," said David McClean in the nursery doorway, "Oh,
hello." He stared at the two children seated in the center of the open glade
eating a little picnic lunch. Beyond them was the water hole and the yellow
veldtland; above was the hot sun. He began to perspire. "Where are your
father and mother?"
The children looked up and smiled. "Oh, they"ll be here directly."
"Good, we must get going." At a distance Mr. McClean saw the lions
fighting and clawing and then quieting down to feed in silence under the
shady trees.
He squinted at the lions with his hand tip to his eyes.
Now the lions were done feeding. They moved to the water hole to drink.
A shadow flickered over Mr. McClean"s hot face. Many shadows flickered.
The vultures were dropping down the blazing sky.
"A cup of tea?" asked Wendy in the silence.

And an awareness of the hazards of runaway technology.

Early life

As a child, Bradbury loved such as (1925); the books of and , and the first magazine, Amazing Stories . Bradbury often told of an encounter with a magician, Mr. Electrico, in 1932 as a notable influence. Wreathed in static electricity, Mr. Electrico touched the young Bradbury on the nose and said, “Live forever!” The next day, Bradbury returned to the carnival to ask Mr. Electrico’s advice on a trick. After Mr. Electrico introduced him to the other performers in the carnival, he told Bradbury that he was a of his best friend who died in . Bradbury later wrote, “a few days later I began to write, full-time. I have written every single day of my life since that day.”

First short stories

Britannica Classic: Edgar Allan Poe"s “The Fall of the House of Usher” Science-fiction writer Ray Bradbury discussing Edgar Allan Poe"s “The Fall of the House of Usher” in an Encyclopædia Britannica Educational Corporation film, 1975. Bradbury compares the screenplay with the written work and discusses both the Gothic tradition and Poe"s influence on contemporary science fiction. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.

Bradbury’s family moved to Los Angeles in 1934. In 1937 Bradbury joined the Los Angeles Science Fiction League, where he received encouragement from young writers such as Henry Kuttner, Edmond Hamilton, and Leigh Brackett, who met weekly with him. Bradbury published his first , “Hollerbochen’s Dilemma” (1938), in the league’s “fanzine,” Imagination! He published his own fanzine, Futuria Fantasia , in 1939. That same year Bradbury traveled to the first World Science Fiction convention, in , where he met many of the genre’s editors. He made his first sale to a professional science fiction magazine in 1941, when his short story “Pendulum” (written with Henry Hasse) was published in Super Science Stories . Many of Bradbury’s earliest stories, with their elements of and horror, were published in Weird Tales . Most of these stories were collected in his first book of short stories, Dark Carnival (1947). Bradbury’s style, with its rich use of and , stood out from the more utilitarian work that dominated pulp magazine writing.

In the mid-1940s Bradbury’s stories started to appear in major such as The American Mercury , and McCall’s , and he was unusual in publishing both in pulp magazines such as Planet Stories and Thrilling Wonder Stories and “slicks” (so-called because of their high-quality paper) such as and Collier’s without leaving behind the genres he loved. The Martian Chronicles (1950), a series of short stories, depicts colonization of , which leads to the extinction of an idyllic Martian civilization. However, in the face of an oncoming nuclear war, many of the settlers return to Earth, and after Earth’s destruction, a few surviving humans return to Mars to become the new Martians. The short-story collection The Illustrated Man (1951) included one of his most famous stories, “The Veldt,” in which a mother and father are concerned about the effect their house’s simulation of on the African is having on their children.

Fahrenheit 451 , Dandelion Wine , and scripts

Bradbury’s next , (1953), is regarded as his greatest work. In a future society where books are forbidden, Guy Montag, a “fireman” whose job is the burning of books, takes a book and is seduced by reading. Fahrenheit 451 has been acclaimed for its anti- themes and its defense of against the encroachment of electronic media. An acclaimed was released in 1966.

The collection The Golden Apples of the Sun (1953) contained “The Fog Horn” (loosely adapted for film as The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms ), about two keepers’ terrifying encounter with a sea monster; the title story, about a dangerous journey to scoop up a piece of the ; and “A Sound of Thunder,” about a safari back to the to hunt a . In 1954 Bradbury spent six months in Ireland with director working on the screenplay for the film Moby Dick (1956), an experience Bradbury later fictionalized in his novel Green Shadows, White Whale (1992). After the release of Moby Dick , Bradbury was in demand as a screenwriter in Hollywood and wrote scripts for Playhouse 90 , Alfred Hitchcock Presents , and The Twilight Zone .

One of Bradbury’s most personal works, Dandelion Wine (1957), is an autobiographical novel about a magical but too brief summer of a 12-year-old boy in Green Town, Illinois (a fictionalized version of his childhood home of Waukegan). His next collection, A Medicine for Melancholy (1959), contained “All Summer in a Day,” a poignant story of childhood cruelty on , where the Sun comes out only every seven years. The Midwest of his childhood was once again the setting of Something Wicked This Way Comes (1962), in which a carnival comes to town run by the mysterious and evil Mr. Dark. The next year, he published his first collection of short plays, The Anthem Sprinters and Other Antics .

Later work and awards

In the 1970s Bradbury no longer wrote short fiction at his previous pace, turning his energy to and . Earlier in his career he had sold several short stories, and he returned to the genre with Death Is a Lonely Business (1985), an homage to the detective stories of writers such as

– Готовы?

– Уже?

– Скоро!

"Do the scientists really know? Will it happen today, will it?"
– А ученые верно знают? Это правда будет сегодня?

"Look, look; see for yourself!"
– Смотри, смотри, сам видишь!

The children pressed to each other like so many roses, so many weeds, intermixed, peering out for a look at the hidden sun.
Теснясь, точно цветы и сорные травы в саду, все вперемешку, дети старались выглянуть наружу – где там запрятано солнце?

It rained.
Лил дождь.

It had been raining for seven years; thousands upon thousands of days compounded and filled from one end to the other with rain, with the drum and gush of water, with the sweet crystal fall of showers and the concussion of storms so heavy they were tidal waves come over the islands.
Он лил не переставая семь лет подряд; тысячи и тысячи дней, с утра до ночи, без передышки дождь лил, шумел, барабанил, звенел хрустальными брызгами, низвергался сплошными потоками, так что кругом ходили волны, заливая островки суши.

A thousand forests had been crushed under the rain and grown up a thousand times to be crushed again.
Ливнями повалило тысячи лесов, и тысячи раз они вырастали вновь и снова падали под тяжестью вод.

And this was the way life was forever on the planet Venus,
Так навеки повелось здесь, на Венере,

and this was the schoolroom of the children of the rocket men and women who had come to a raining world to set up civilization and live out their lives.
а в классе было полно детей, чьи отцы и матери прилетели застраивать и обживать эту дикую дождливую планету.

"It"s stopping, it"s stopping!"
– Перестает! Перестает!

"Yes, yes!"
– Да, да!

Margot stood apart from them, from these children who could never remember a time when there wasn"t rain and rain and rain.
Марго стояла в стороне от них, от всех этих ребят, которые только и знали, что вечный дождь, дождь, дождь.

They were all nine years old, and if there had been a day, seven years ago, when the sun came out for an hour and showed its face to the stunned world, they could not recall.
Им всем было по девять лет, и если выдался семь лет назад такой день, когда солнце все-таки выглянуло, показалось на час изумленному миру, они этого не помнили.

Sometimes, at night, she heard them stir, in remembrance, and she knew they were dreaming and remembering gold or a yellow crayon or a coin large enough to buy the world with.
Иногда по ночам Марго слышала, как они ворочаются, вспоминая, и знала: во сне они видят и вспоминают золото, яркий желтый карандаш, монету – такую большую, что можно купить целый мир.

She knew they thought they remembered a warmness, like a blushing in the face, in the body, in the arms and legs and trembling hands.
Она знала, им чудится, будто они помнят тепло, когда вспыхивает лицо и все тело – руки, ноги, дрожащие пальцы.

But then they always awoke to the tatting drum, the endless shaking down of clear bead necklaces upon the roof, the walk, the gardens, the forests, and their dreams were gone.
А потом они просыпаются – и опять барабанит дождь, без конца сыплются звонкие прозрачные бусы на крышу, на дорожку, на сад и лес, и сны разлетаются как дым.

All day yesterday they had read in class about the sun. About how like a lemon it was, and how hot.
Накануне они весь день читали в классе про солнце. Какое оно желтое, совсем как лимон, и какое жаркое.

And they had written small stories or essays or poems about it:
И писали про него маленькие рассказы и стихи.

I think the sun is a flower;
Мне кажется, солнце – это цветок,

That blooms for just one hour.
Цветет оно только один часок.

That was Margot"s poem, read in a quiet voice in the still classroom while the rain was falling outside.
Такие стихи сочинила Марго и негромко прочитала их перед притихшим классом. А за окнами лил дождь.

"Aw, you didn"t write that!" protested one of the boys.
– Ну, ты это не сама сочинила! – крикнул один мальчик.

"I did," said Margot, "I did."
– Нет, сама, – сказала Марго, – Сама.

"William!" said the teacher.
– Уильям! – остановила мальчика учительница.

But that was yesterday.
Но то было вчера.

Now the rain was slackening, and the children were crushed in the great thick windows.
А сейчас дождь утихал, и дети теснились к большим окнам с толстыми стеклами.

"Where"s teacher?"
– Где же учительница?

"She"ll be back."
– Сейчас придет.

"She"d better hurry; we"ll miss it!"
– Скорей бы, а то мы все пропустим!

They turned on themselves, like a feverish wheel, all tumbling spokes.
Они вертелись на одном месте, точно пестрая беспокойная карусель.

Margot stood alone.
Марго одна стояла поодаль.

She was a very frail girl who looked as if she had been lost in the rain for years and the rain had washed out the blue from her eyes and the red from her mouth and the yellow from her hair.
Она была слабенькая, и казалось, когда-то давно она заблудилась и долго-долго бродила под дождем, и дождь смыл с нее все краски: голубые глаза, розовые губы, рыжие волосы – все вылиняло.

She was an old photograph dusted from an album, whitened away, and if she spoke at all her voice would be a ghost.
Она была точно старая поблекшая фотография, которую вынули из забытого альбома, и все молчала, а если и случалось ей заговорить, голос ее шелестел еле слышно.

Now she stood, separate, staring at the rain and the loud wet world beyond the huge glass.
Сейчас она одиноко стояла в сторонке и смотрела на дождь, на шумный мокрый мир за толстым стеклом.

"What"re you looking at?" said William.
– Ты-то чего смотришь? – сказал Уильям.

Margot said nothing.
Марго молчала.

"Speak when you"re spoken to."
– Отвечай, когда тебя спрашивают!

He gave her a shove.
Уильям толкнул ее.

But she did not move; rather she let herself be moved only by him and nothing else.
Но она не пошевелилась; покачнулась – и только.

They edged away from her, they would not look at her.
Все ее сторонятся, даже и не смотрят на нее.

She felt them go away.
Вот и сейчас бросили ее одну.

And this was because she would play no games with them in the echoing tunnels of the underground city.
Потому что она не хочет играть с ними в гулких туннелях того города-подвала.

If they tagged her and ran, she stood blinking after them and did not follow.
Если кто-нибудь осалит ее и кинется бежать, она только с недоумением поглядит вслед, но догонять не станет.

When the class sang songs about happiness and life and games her lips barely moved.
И когда они всем классом поют песни о том, как хорошо жить на свете и как весело играть в разные игры, она еле шевелит губами.

Only when they sang about the sun and the summer did her lips move as she watched the drenched windows.
Только когда поют про солнце, про лето, она тоже тихонько подпевает, глядя в заплаканные окна.

And then, of course, the biggest crime of all was that she had come here only five years ago from Earth, and she remembered the sun and the way the sun was and the sky was when she was four in Ohio.
Ну а самое большое ее преступление, конечно, в том, что она прилетела сюда с Земли всего лишь пять лет назад, и она помнит солнце, помнит, какое оно, солнце, и какое небо она видела в Огайо, когда ей было четыре года.

And they, they had been on Venus all their lives, and they had been only two years old when last the sun came out and had long since forgotten the color and heat of it and the way it really was.
А они – они всю жизнь живут на Венере; когда здесь в последний раз светило солнце, им было только по два года, и они давно уже забыли, какое оно, и какого цвета, и как жарко греет.

But Margot remembered.
А Марго помнит.

"It"s like a penny," she said once, eyes closed.
– Оно большое, как медяк, – сказала она однажды и зажмурилась.

"No it"s not!" the children cried.
– Неправда! – закричали ребята.

"It"s like a fire," she said, "in the stove."
– Оно – как огонь в очаге, – сказала Марго.

"You"re lying, you don"t remember!" cried the children.
– Врешь, врешь, ты не помнишь! – кричали ей.

But she remembered and stood quietly apart from all of them and watched the patterning windows.
Но она помнила и, тихо отойдя в сторону, стала смотреть в окно, по которому сбегали струи дождя.

And once, a month ago, she had refused to shower in the school shower rooms, had clutched her hands to her ears and over her head, screaming the water mustn"t touch her head.
А один раз, месяц назад, когда всех повели в душевую, она ни за что не хотела стать под душ и, прикрывая макушку, зажимая уши ладонями, кричала – пускай вода не льется на голову!

So after that, dimly, dimly; she sensed it, she was different and they knew her difference and kept away.
И после того у нее появилось странное, смутное чувство: она не такая, как все. И другие дети тоже это чувствовали и сторонились ее.

There was talk that her father and mother were taking her back to Earth next year; it seemed vital to her that they do so, though it would mean the loss of thousands of dollars to her family.
Говорили, что на будущий год отец с матерью отвезут ее назад на Землю – это обойдется им во много тысяч долларов, но иначе она, видимо, зачахнет.

And so, the children hated her for all these reasons of big and little consequence.
И вот за все эти грехи, большие и малые, в классе ее невзлюбили.

They hated her pale snow face, her waiting silence, her thinness, and her possible future.
Противная эта Марго, противно, что она такая бледная немочь, и такая худющая, и вечно молчит и ждет чего-то, и, наверно, улетит на Землю...

"Get away!" The boy gave her another push. "What"re you waiting for?"
– Убирайся! – Уильям опять ее толкнул. – Чего ты еще ждешь?

Then, for the first time, she turned and looked at him.
Тут она впервые обернулась и посмотрела на него.

And what she was waiting for was in her eyes.
И по глазам было видно, чего она ждет.

"Well, don"t wait around here!" cried the boy savagely: "You won"t see nothing!"
Мальчишка взбеленился. – Нечего тебе здесь торчать! – закричал он. – Не дождешься, ничего не будет!

Her lips moved.
Марго беззвучно пошевелила губами.

"Nothing!" he cried.
– Ничего не будет! – кричал Уильям.

"It was all a joke, wasn"t it?"
– Это просто для смеха, мы тебя разыграли.

He turned to the other children.
Он обернулся к остальным.

"Nothing"s happening today: Is it?"
– Ведь сегодня ничего не будет, верно?

They all blinked at him and then, understanding, laughed and shook their heads. "Nothing, nothing!"
Все поглядели на него с недоумением, а потом поняли, и засмеялись, и покачали головами: верно, ничего не будет!

"Oh, but," Margot whispered, her eyes helpless.
– Но ведь... – Марго смотрела беспомощно.

"But this is the day, the scientists predict, they say, they know, the sun. . ."
– Ведь сегодня тот самый день, – прошептала она. – Ученые предсказывали, они говорят, они ведь знают... Солнце...

Пер. Норы Галь

В представленной адаптации были собраны одиннадцать коротеньких рассказов всемирно известного американского сочинителя-фантаста Рэя Брэдбери, которые написались ним в различные годы ХХ века. Видение будущего в рассказах маэстро-сочинителя не всегда является безоблачным – особенно это читается в таких рассказах, как: The Pedestrian, All summer in a day, The Veldt. Фантастическое окружение способствует созданию текста на грани притчи (Death and the maiden), а также психологического изыскания (The best of all possible worlds, A scent of sarsaparilla). Неподражаемая авторская речь и тончайший юмор качественно дополняют сочинения Брэдбери, которые отлично знают и чтят во всем мире. Малообъемные рассказы, около четырех с небольшим тысяч знаков, могут использоваться для домашнего чтения и обговаривания на уроках. По доброй традиции в книжку помещены постраничное комментирование, словарик сложной лексики и удачно подобранные упражнения. Уровень адаптации – Pre-Intermediate.

Сегодня читаем короткие рассказы на английском языке . Рассказ Рэя Брэдбери «Крик из-под земли» (Ray Bradbury. The Screaming Woman) относится к уровню СРЕДНИЙ. Этот рассказ очень интересный с неожиданным концом. Прилагаются слова для изучения и комментарии. К сайту подключен словарь и если вы не знаете слово, то кликните по нему 2 раза кнопкой мыши и выберите подходящий перевод. Изучайте английский язык с нами. Удачи!

Слова, которые вы будете знать, если прочитаете эту историю:

  1. scream – 1. крик; 2. кричать
  2. pay no attention to smb – не уделять внимания кому-то .
  3. the bombed site – пустырь
  4. broken glass – битое стекло
  5. dirt – грязь
  6. rocks – камни
  7. rubbish – мусор
  8. stuff – дрянь, хлам
  9. hole – яма
  10. ground – земля
  11. bury – захоронить
  12. dig out (excavate) – выкапывать
  13. fill – наполнить
  14. shed – сарай
  15. spade – лопата
  16. shovel – совок
  17. choke – задыхаться
  18. suffocate – умереть от недостатка воздуха
  19. keep screaming – продолжать кричать
  20. cry for help – звать на помощь

Ray Bradbury. The Screaming Woman. Рart 1 (Часть 1)

Грамматический комментарий к первой части:

  • like зд. как (предлог) – второе значение; like – нравиться (глагол) – первое значение

like ours как наша
like burying people – как закапывать людей

  • go on – продолжать что-то делать

ПРИМЕР go on buttering your toast – продолжать намазывать хлеб маслом

My name is Margaret Leary and I’m ten years old. I haven’t any brothers or sisters, but I’ve got a nice father and mother but they don’t pay much attention to me. And anyway, we never thought, we would have anything to do with a murdered woman. Or almost, anyway.

<…> we would have anything to do with a murdered woman. — <…> нам приедется иметь дело с убитой женщиной.

When you are living in a road like ours , you don’t think about awful things that are going to happen, like burying people under the ground , practically in your back garden. And when it does happen, you don’t believe it. You just go on buttering your toast or baking a cake.

I’ll tell you how it happened. It was in the middle of July. It was hot and Mother said to me: “Margaret, you go to the shop and buy some ice-cream. It’s Saturday. Dad’s home for lunch, so we’ll have a treat.”

I ran across the bombed site behind our house. It was a place where kids played and there was broken glass and stuff.

On my way back from the shop with the ice-cream I was just walking along, when all of a sudden it happened.

I heard the Screaming Woman. I stopped and listened. It was coming from out of the ground. A woman was buried under the rocks and dirt and glass, and was screaming, all wild and horrible, for someone to dig her out.

I just stood there, afraid, and she kept screaming . Then I started to run. I fell down, got up again and ran some more.

Ray Bradbury. The Screaming Woman. Рart 2 (Часть 2)

Грамматический комментарий ко второй части:
We’ve got to – Нам придется (оборот аналогичный have to — приходится)

ПРИМЕР. We have got to dig her out. — Нам придется ее выкопать.

I opened the door of our house and there was Mother, calm and not knowing what I knew, that there was a real live woman buried at the back of our house, just a hundred yards away, crying for help.
«Don’t just stand there with the ice-cream melting,» said Mother.
«But, Mum» I said.
«Put it in the fridge,» she said.
«Listen, Mum, there’s a Screaming Woman…»
«And wash your hands,» said Mother.
«She was screaming and screaming …Listen to me,» I said, loudly. «We’ve got to dig her out. She‘s buried under tons and tons of dirt and if we don’t dig her out , she’ll choke and die.»
«I’m certain she can wait until after lunch,» said Mother.
«Mum, don’t you believe me?»
«Of course, dear. Now wash your hands and take this plate in to your father.»
«I don’t even know who she is or how she got there,» I said. «But we’ve got to help her before it’s too late.»
«Good heavens.» said Mother. «Look at this ice-cream. What did you do, just stand in the sun and let it melt?»

Ray Bradbury. The Screaming Woman. Рart 3 (Часть 3)

  • I don’t feel like an archaeologist – У меня нет желаний быть археологом сейчас
  • It took me зд. Мне потребовалось; (It takes – требуется)
  • feel like a real meanie – чувствовать себя настоящим злодеем
  • free of charge – бесплатно (устойч. выражение)

I went into the dining-room.
«Dad, there’s a Screaming Woman in the bombed site. »
«You look very unhappy,» said Father.»We’ve got to get spades and shovels and excavate » I said.
«I don’t feel like an archaeologist , Margaret,» said Father. «It’s too hot now. Some nice cool October day, we’ll do it, I promise.»
«But we can’t wait that long,» I almost screamed. I was excited and scared and here was Dad, putting meat on his plate and paying me no attention.
«Dad?» I said.
«Dad, you’ve just got to come out after lunch and help me,» I said. «Dad, Dad, I’ll give you all the money in my piggy bank!»
«Well,» said Dad. «So, it’s a business, isn’t it? It must be important for you if you give me your money. How much money will you pay by the hour?»
«I’ve got ten shillings. It took me a year to save, and it’s all yours.»
Dad touched my arm.
«Oh, you want me to play with you and pay for my time. Margaret, your old Dad feel like a real meanie . I don’t pay much attention to you, I think. Tell you what, after lunch I’ll come out and listen to your screaming woman, free of charge. »
«Will you, oh, will you, really?»
«Yes,» said Dad. «But you must promise me one thing.»
«If I come out, you must eat all of your lunch first.»
«I promise,» I said.
Mother came in and sat down and we started to eat.
«Not so fast,» she said. I slowed down. Then I started eating fast again.
«You heard your mother,» said Dad.
«The Screaming Woman,» I said. «We must hurry.»
«I,» said Father, «will sit here quietly and give my attention first to my steak, then to my ice-cream, and then to my beer. And another thing, young lady, if you say her name, this screaming woman, once more at this table during lunch, I won’t go out with you to hear her.»
«Yes, sir.»
«Is that understood?»
«Yes, sir,» I said.

Ray Bradbury. The Screaming Woman. Рart 4 (Часть 4)

  • nearly married – чуть не женился
  • I feel sorrу for her – Мне жаль ее
  • a terrible brute – ужасное чудовище
  • had the lead in our school play – играла ведущую роль в пьесе
  • either – тоже (в отличие от too упоотребляется в отрицат. предл.)

Грамматический комментарий к третьей части:
I had to – Мне пришлось (констр. have to — приходится в прош. времени)

Lunch was a million years long. Everybody moved very slowly, like in those films you see sometimes. Mother got up slowly and sat down slowly, and forks and knives and spoons moved slowly. Even the flies in the room were slow. It was all so slow I wanted to scream, «Hurry! Oh, please, get up, run around, come on, run!»
But no, I had to sit and wait while father and mother were eating their lunch. And the Screaming Woman was all alone.
«The lunch was very good,» said Dad, when he finished at last.
«Now will you come out to see the Screaming Woman?» I said.
«First a little more iced beer,» said Dad.
«Speaking of screaming women,» said Mother, «Charlie Nesbitt and his wife Helen were fighting again last night.»
«That’s nothing new,» said Father. «They’re always fighting.»
«If you ask me, I don’t like Charlie,» said Mother, «and her, either
«Well, I don’t know,» said Dad. «I think she’s quite nice.»
«Oh, I see. After all, you nearly married her.»
«That’s all in the past.» he said.
«I feel sorrу for Helen. She was sweet. Sweet and kind. But now she is very unhappy. Her husband is a terrible brute »
«Dad,» I said.
«Yes, Charlie often gets very angry.» said Dad. «Remember when Helen had the lead in our school play ? Pretty as a picture. She wrote some songs for it herself. That was the time she wrote that song for me.»
«Ha,» said Mother.
«Don’t laugh. It was a good song.»
«You never told me about that song.»
«It was between Helen and me. Let me sing it to you.»
«Dad,» I said.
«You promised your daughter to go with her to the bombed site ,» said Mother, «You can sing me that wonderful song later.»
«O.K, come on,» said Dad, and I ran him out of the house.

Ray Bradbury. The Screaming Woman. Рart 5 (Часть 5)

  • put a damp cloth on your forehead – положить мокрое полотенце на лоб
  • I don’t hear anything – я ничего не слышу
  • I heard her screaming – Я слышала, как она кричала.
  • lie – 1. лежать 2. лгать (2 значения)

The bombed site was still empty and hot.
«Now, where’s this Screaming Woman?» laughed Dad.
«We forgot the spades ,» I cried.
«We’ll get them later, after we hear her,» said Dad.
«Listen,» I said. We listened.
«I don’t hear anything, » said Dad, at last.
«Shh,» I said. «Wait.»
We listened some more. «Hullo there, Screaming Woman!» I cried.
We heard the sun in the sky. We heard the wind in the trees, really quiet. We heard a train, far away. That was all.
«Margaret,» said Father, «You must go home, lie on your bed and put a damp cloth on your forehead.»
«But she was here,» I shouted, «I heard her screaming and screaming and screaming. See here.» I called: «Hey, you down there!»
«Margaret,» said Father, «this is the place where Mr. Kelly dug a big hole yesterday, to bury his rubbish in.»
«You won’t help me dig ?»
“I’m going back home. Don’t be here too long,» said Dad. Dad went away. I heard the back door shut.
* * *

Ray Bradbury. The Screaming Woman. Рart 6 (Часть 6)

Используем языковую догадку:

Скорее всего, вы уже запомнили подчеркнутые слова. Теперь попробуйте, читая текст, догадаться о значении слов, выделенных курсивом (ниже перевод некоторых из них) :
Damn! — Черт побери!
rest — отдыхать
perhaps — возможно
Jiminy cricket! Быть того не может!
voice — голос
shook his head покачал головой
arms folded сложив руки
He’s the one. -Это он.
There’s only one thing to do. — Единственное, что остается сделать.

I stamped on the ground . «Damn! ,» I said.
The screaming started again. She screamed and screamed. Maybe she had been tired and was resting and now began it all over again.
I stood on the bombed site in the hot sun and I felt like crying. I ran back to the house and banged the door.
«Dad, she’s screaming again!»
«Yes, yes, of course she is,» said Dad.
I began to cry but Dad paid no attention .
I ran to the shed , got spades and I ran to the bombed site. It was hotter than ever. And I started to dig , and while I dug , the Screaming Woman screamed …
It was hard work. And I knew I would be doing it all afternoon and perhaps I wouldn’t finish in time. What could I do? Run and tell other people? But they’d be like Mum and Dad, pay no attention. I just kept digging , all by myself.
About ten minutes later, Dippy Smith came across the bombed site. He’s my age and goes to my school.
«Hullo, Margaret,» he said.
«Hullo, Dippy!»
«What’re you doing?» he asked.
«What for?»
«I’ve got a Screaming Lady in the ground and I’m digging for her,» I said.
«I don’t hear any screaming,» said Dippy.
«You sit down and wait a while and you’ll hear her scream. Or better, help me dig .»
«I won’t dig unless I hear a scream,» he said.
He waited. «Listen,» I cried. «Did you HEAR it?»
A scream came out of the ground.
«Jiminy cricket!» said Dippy. «Teach me to do it!»
«If you help dig, I’ll tell you about it, later,» I lied, because I wanted him to help.
«Fine,» he said. «Give me a spade .»
We both dug together, and from time to time the woman screamed.
«Oh,» said Dippy, «I’m tired. I think I’ll go home and have a rest
«You can’t do that.»
«Who says so?»
«Dippy, there’s something I want to tell you.»
I whispered in his ear, «There’s really a woman buried here.»
«Why, of course there is,» he said. «You told me, Maggie.»
«You don’t believe me, either
«Tell me how you do it your voice and I’ll keep on digging.»
«But I can’t tell you, because I’m not doing it,» I said. «Look, Dippy, I’ll stand over here and you listen there.”
The Screaming Woman screamed again.
«NO!» said Dippy. «But there really IS a woman!»
«That’s what I tried to say.»
«Let’s dig !» said Dippy. We dug for twenty min­utes.
«I wonder who she is?»
«I don’t know.»
Just then heard a voice : «Now, you kids, what do you think you’re doing?»
We turned. It was Mr. Kelly.
«Oh, hullo, Mr. Kelly,» we said.
«Tell you what I want you to do,» said Mr. Kelly «I want you to take, those spades and take that soil and put it all back in that hole you’ve been dig ging. That’s what I want you to do.»
My heart started beating fast again. I wanted toscream myself.
«But Mr. Kelly, there’s a Screaming Woman and …»
«I’m not interested. I can’t hear a thing.»
«Listen!» I cried. The scream.
Mr. Kelly listened and shook his head . «Can`t hearanything. Go on now, fill it up!»
We filled the hole all back in again. And all the time we filled it in, Mr. Kelly stood there, arms folded , and the woman screamed but Mr. Kelly pretended not to hear it.
When we were finished, Mr. Kelly said, «Go on home now. And if I catch you hereagain …»
I turned to Dippy. «He’s the one ,» I whispered.
«What?» said Dippy.
«He murdered Mrs. Kelly. He buried her here in a box. Why he stood right here and she screamed and he wouldn’t pay any attention .» ‘
«Yes,» said Dippy, «that’s right. He stood right here and lied to us.»
«There’s only one thing to do , » I said. «Call the police and they come and arrest Mr. Kelly.”
We ran for the corner telephone box.

Ray Bradbury. The Screaming Woman. Рart 7 (Часть 7)

  • in the bushes – в кустах
  • I beg your pardon. – Прошу прощения.
  • Sorry to have troubled you. – Извините, что побеспокоили Вас.
  • blasted kids – проклятые дети
  • W e’re really in trouble. – У нас неприятности.
  • his strap – ремень
  • sort of deaf – вроде как глухой
  • There was only one last thing to do. – Оставалось последнее.
  • Is anyone missing from your house? – Никто не пропал из вашего дома?
  • I was just about to give up. – Я готова была сдаться.

The police knocked on Mr. Kelly’s door five minutes later. Dippy and I were hiding in the bushes listening.
«Mr. Kelly?» said the police officer.
«Yes, sir, what can I do for you?»
«Is Mrs. Kelly at home?»
«Yes, sir.»
«May we see her, sir?»
«Of course. Hey, Anna!»
Mrs. Kelly came to the door and looked out. «Yes, sir?»
«I beg your pardon ,» said the officer. «We had a report that you were buried out in the bombed site , Mrs. Kelly. Sorry to have troubled you
«It’s those blasted kids ,» cried Mr. Kelly angrily.
We both ran.
«What shall we do now?» I said.
«I’ve got to go home,» said Dippy. «Gosh, we’re really in trouble
«But what about the Screaming Woman?»
«Forget about her,» said Dippy. «We can’t go there again. Old man Kelly will be waiting around with his strap . And I just remem­bered, Maggie, old man Kelly is sort of deaf
«Oh, my ,» I said. «No wonder he didn’t hear the screams.»
«So long,» said Dippy. «I’ll be seeing you.»
I was left all alone in the world, no one to help me, no one to believe me at all. There was only one last thing to do , and I did it.
I went from house to house, all down the road. And I rang every bell and when the door opened I said: «Excuse me, Mrs. Griswold, but is anyone missing from your house
It was getting late. I kept thinking, oh, there’s only so little air in that box with that woman under the earth, and if I don’t hurry, she’ll suffocate ! So I rang bells and knocked on doors, and it got late, and I was just about to give up and go home, when I knocked on the last door, which was the door of Mr. Charlie Nesbitt, who lives next to us. I kept knocking and knocking.

RayBradbury. The Screaming Woman. Рart 8 (Часть 8, последняя)

  • be calm – быть спокойной
  • be casual – казаться небрежным
  • It was all over. – Все было кончено.
  • hardly – едва
  • – «Я любила тебя, наша любовь была прекрасна.»
  • «Last one there’s a monkey .» – Кто быстрее?

Mr. Nesbitt opened the door.
«Oh,» he said. «It’s you, Margaret.»
«Yes,» I said. «Good afternoon.»
«What can I do for you?» he said.
«Well, I thought I would like to see your wife, Mrs. Nesbitt,» I said.
«Oh,» he said.
«May I?»
«Well, she’s gone out to the shops,» he said.
«I’ll wait,» I said, and came in.
I sat down in a chair. «It’s a hot day,» I said, trying to be calm , thinking about the bombed site and air going out of the box, and the screams getting weaker and weaker.
«Listen,» said Charlie, coming to me. –“My wife won’t be back,» he said.
«But Mr. Nesbitt,» I said, «why not?»
«Not today, that is. She’s gone to the shops, as I said, but -but then she’s going to visit her mother. She’ll be back in two or three days, perhaps a week.»
«I wanted to tell her something.»
«I just wanted to tell her there’s a woman buried in the bombed site, screaming.»
Mr. Nesbitt dropped his cigarette.
«You’ve dropped your cigarette, Mr. Nesbitt,»
«Have I? Oh, yes.» he said.
«It’s a real woman.»
«How do you know it is?»
«I heard her.»
«Margaret, did you - er - did you say anything about this to anyone?»-he said, lighting another cigarette. He tried to be casual .
«Yes. I told lots of people»
Mr. Nesbitt burnt his hand on the match.
«Anybody doing anything about it?» he asked.
«No,» I said. «They won’t believe me.» He smiled. «Of course not. You’re only a kid. Why should they listen to you?»
«I must go now,» I said.
«Stay with me a bit,» he insisted.
«Thanks, but no,» I said.
He took my arm. «Know how to play cards?”
He took out a pack of cards from a desk. «We’ll have a game.»
»I`ve got to go and dig.»
«A lot of time for that,» he said quietly. «Anyway, perhaps my wife will come home. You wait for her. Wait for a while.»
« YOU think she will?»
« Of course. Er-about that voice-is it very strong?”
“It gets weaker all the time.»
Mr. Nesbitt smiled. «You and your childish games. Here now, let’s play cards? - it’s more fun than screaming women.
«I must go. It’s late.»
«Stay a bit.» I knew what he was trying to do. He was trying to keep me in his house until the screaming had stopped. He was trying to keep, me from helping her. «My wife will be home in ten minutes, he said. «You wait. You sit where you are.’
We played cards. The clock ticked . The sun went down the sky. It was getting late. The screaming got weaker and weaker in my mind. «I’ve got to go”, I said.
«Another game,» said Mr. Nesbitt. «Wait another hour. My wife won’t be long. Just wait.»
In another hour he looked at his watch. «Well, I think you can go now.Good-bye, Margaret.» He let me go, because he thought that by now the air must all be gone from the box. The door shut in my face.
I went back near the bombed site. What could I do? Tell my father and mother? But they didn’t believe me. Nobody would believe me!
I ran over to the place where the screaming had been and just stood there. The screaming had stopped, it was so quiet. It was all over. It was too late, I thought. I put my ear against the ground.
And then I heard it, way down, way deep, and weak. I could hardly hear it. The woman wasn`t screaming any more. She was singing. Something about “I loved you fair, I loved you well.”
It was a sort of sad song. Very quiet. All of those hours down under the ground in that box must have made her crazy. She just kept singing, not wanting to scream any more, just singing.
I listened to the song. Then I went home. I opened the front door. «Father,» I said. «So there you are ! » he cried.
«Father,» I said. «She’s not screaming anymore.»
«Don’t talk about her!»
«She’s singing now,» I cried.
«You’re not telling the truth!»
«Dad,» I said, «She’s singing, and this is what she’s singing.» I sang a few of the words- «I loved you fair, I loved you well…»
Dad’s face grew pale. He came and took my arm.
«What did you say?» he said.
I sang it again, «I loved you fair, I loved you well.»
«Where did you hear that song?» he shouted.
«Out in the bombed site, just now.»
«But that’s Helen’s song, the song she wrote, years ago for me.» cried Father. «You can’t know it. Nobody knew it, only Helen and me. I never sang it to anyone, not to you or anyone. Oh, my God!» cried Father, and ran out of the door to get a spade.
The last I saw of him he was on the bombed site, digging, and lots of other people with him, digging. I felt so happy I wanted to cry.
I dialed a number on the phone and when Dippy answered. I said, «Hullo, Dippy. Everything’s fine. Everything’s all right. The Screaming Woman isn’t screaming anymore.»
«Great,» said Dippy.
“I`ll meet you on the bombed site with a spade in two minutes,» I said. «Last one there’s a monkey. So long!» cried Dippy.
“So long, Dippy!» I said, and ran.