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The most interesting facts about the world around. Interesting scientific facts for kids. Dutch East India Company

Interestingly, astrologers claim that a certain planet rules in each of the signs of the zodiac and it certainly affects the character of a person, his habits, hobbies, as well as the very life of the owner of this sign.

Moreover, the signs of the zodiac are used to classify diseases, parts of the human body, and even foods that can harm or benefit the body. Astrologers interpret any phenomenon as 12 stages.

There are many precious jewelry; a variety of services, the delights of life for which people are willing to pay money and a lot. However, there are several books, the cost of which can be compared with the budget of a small state.

One of them is the Codex Leicester manuscript. Its value at the auction was $45 million. This work has 18 pages, but they are folded in a special way, so it has 72 full pages. The year of its creation from 1505 to 1510, by Leonardo da Vinci- Worked in Milan. It got its name from the owner of Leicester. Bill Gates has owned the code since 1993.

Another book is the Gospel of Henry the Lion. In 1993 this manuscript was resold for $27 million. it handwritten book, the date of its creation is 1188. Initially, it was owned by G. Leo (1129-1195), then Duke 5, and in 1983 the German government acquired the book and transferred it to the library. Duke Augustus.

More Interesting Facts about the world around us - for lovers of travel. Oregon is a very picturesque, beautiful territory.. There are a lot of memorable natural creations here, but one of them is especially interesting and unique. This "building" is called Thor's well.. It is located on Cape Perpetua, the central part of the coast of the state.

Its versatility lies in the fact that in the middle of the sea water flows down the "well" drawing pictures on the water. And during high and low tides, storms, Thor's well turns into a real fountain. A column (several meters high) of salt spray breaks out of its bowels.

More interesting facts about the world around us, namely about some of its representatives, like animals.

To collect nectar and process it into one kilogram of honey, a bee needs to fly around more than two million flowers. And pigeons are able to fly tens of thousands of kilometers and, surprisingly, they will end up where they originally flew.

Moth butterfly caterpillars live in water and feed on aquatic plants. Moths do not have a stomach. And the ant has the largest brain in relation to the body.

Known on Earth more than 400 breeds of decorative dogs.

Bacteria are 70% of living beings.

The bat is the only flying mammal.

The pupil of a goat is square in shape.

A whale's heart beats 9 times per minute.

In 24 hours, the tit must feed the chicks 1000 times.

Other interesting facts about the world are presented on the Internet.

It is human nature to think about its existence. Who are we? What are we? What are we here for? It is impossible to answer all questions. But we do know something for sure.

This is our Earth. Looks good, right?

Throughout the history of the Earth, about 108 billion people have lived on it. Seven billion live here now. And you are one of them.

This is how we decided to move in.

Every day people make many flights from one part of the Earth to another. It looks like this:

And this is one part of the Earth, Antarctica, in comparison with the other - the USA.

That's the size of Africa really.

This is the size of the Pacific Ocean.

And it's so deep

But the Earth is just nothing compared to what is beyond it. Here are all the satellites that orbit our planet every day.

But to get to the moon, you need to overcome thousands of kilometers. Between the Earth and the Moon, you can place all the planets of the solar system.

One of the peaks on Mars is Mount Olympus. Everest is like a small child compared to her.

And this is how Jupiter would look to us if it were at the same distance as the Moon.

This is the amount of water on Jupiter's moon Europa compared to the amount of water on Earth.

So Jupiter every day protects the Earth from space debris and asteroids, "taking them aside."

It is very easy to forget that we are in constant motion - every day, every second ...

But our solar system also moves all the time. Now we are in the same position as 225 million years ago, when the Earth was inhabited by dinosaurs.

Indeed, everything we can see is in this yellow circle.

And all the radio signals that humanity sends into space are here. No wonder we still haven't encountered intelligent life.

But that's how many new planets we have discovered in recent years.

However, our galaxy is short compared to some others. Here Milky Way compared to IC 1011.

And they are made up of these molecules. That's what we are.

But that's nothing.
Just imagine, there are approximately 7,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 atoms in your body, each of which is billions of years old.
This is really what we all are and all we know so far.

Interesting facts about the world 3rd grade

Assignment around the world (Grade 3): Interesting facts about conifers.

Pine doctors. The coniferous forest is a natural doctor.
In a coniferous forest, the air is cleaner than in an operating room.

The needles contain vitamins C, B1, B2, B3, B6, as well as cobalt,
iron, manganese, carotene.
If the plucked needles are frozen and stored in the freezer,
when thawed, it will not lose its properties.
Eating pine needles is the secret of the strength of Siberians.

Preparations based on coniferous plants are used in the treatment of diseases such as:
neuralgia, pyelonephritis, diabetes, insomnia, bronchial diseases.
From the yew, a substance is isolated that effectively fights certain types of cancer.

Coniferous centenarians.

If you pay attention to the lists of the most ancient living trees, then conifers are impeccable leaders. There are 21 trees over 1500 years old, of which 20 are conifers.

Long-lived trees are given names.

Pine Methuselah. Age - 4846 years.

Spruce Old Tikko. Age - 9550 years.

Shells from cones.

During forest fires coniferous cones, lighting up,
turn into incendiary projectiles,
which "shoot" at a distance of up to 50 meters.

Amber is hardened resin.

Resin is released as a result of normal processes or damage to the plant.
Inclusions are often found in amber - arthropod insects adhering to a drop of resin,
did not drown in it, but overlapped with new portions of resin,
as a result of which the animal died in a rapidly congealing mass,
which ensured good preservation of the smallest details.

Amber room (Hermitage, St. Petersburg)

Nenets superstition.

According to an ancient Nenets belief, pines with a certain (spherical) arrangement of branches
you can’t beat with a stick - it is believed that the spirit of the wind lives there,
which can carry away the one who dares to disturb him to "nowhere".

Coniferous forests are distributed over a huge part of the land.
Due to the widespread
they, along with tropical forests, are the lungs of our planet.

20 interesting facts about everything.

  1. In 1890 figurines of the sage Fukurum were brought from Japan to Russia. Now they are better known as matryoshka.
  1. The only number that is twice the sum of its constituent digits is 18.
  1. Until 1600, watches had only one hand - the hour hand.
  1. In June 1963, British tennis player Michael Sangster hit the ball at 247 km/h. This is the most powerful serve ever recorded.

I would not want to be on the same court with him.)))

  1. Banana is a berry.
  1. When we look at the furthest of visible stars, we are looking at 4 billion years in the past. Light from it, propagating at a speed of almost 300,000 km. Per second, reaches us only after this time. Here's to you special theory relativity.
  1. You can't sneeze with your eyes open. You can check it out!
  1. Flamingos do not turn pink from birth, but because of a special diet. They eat blue-green algae, which turn pink during digestion. Here is the morning bird
  2. Lightning travels so fast that it can circle the globe eight times in a second.
  1. Humans and elephants are the only creatures that react emotionally to the remains of their own kind.
  1. If you fill a teaspoon with the substance that makes up neutron stars, then its weight will be approximately 110 million tons.
  1. The thickest newspaper ever released - in America (New York Times) dated October 17, 1965, weighed almost 3.5 kilograms, it had 945 pages.
  1. Apple pits contain cyogenic glycosides. 50-60 grams of these seeds can lead to severe poisoning of an adult.
  1. Most tropical fish can survive if instead of water they are placed in an aquarium filled with blood, since blood is as close as possible to sea water in its composition.
  1. The human eye is so sensitive that if you sit on the top of a mountain on a moonless night, you can detect a burning match from a distance of 80 km.
  1. With an ordinary pencil, you can draw a line of 55 km.
  1. Everyone knows the phrase of Julius Caesar: “I came, I saw, I conquered!”, but they don’t know that this expression referred to Turkey.
  1. One good ballpoint pen can write about 50,000 words.
  2. Redwood bark is refractory. If a fire breaks out in a forest where redwood species grow, the fire spreads inside the trunk.

(To be continued….)

Ten interesting facts about animals

1. Why do crocodiles swallow stones?
Crocodiles fill their stomachs not only with caught gaping animals, but also with stones. Rather, precisely because the diet of an ordinary crocodile includes turtles, fish, birds, giraffes, buffaloes and even lions, the crocodile needs stones in the stomach to grind all this food. In addition, the stones serve as ballast when submerged under water.

3. How can birds still navigate in flight?

It seems that many were interested in how birds manage to fly thousands of kilometers without maps and accurately hit the designated point. It turns out that for orientation, birds use ferromagnets "built-in" by mother nature, with the help of which they orient themselves along magnetic fields planets. In addition, pigeons, for example, are able to remember conspicuous features on the ground, by which they navigate.

4. In winter, for beavers in a day - 29 hours?

When winter comes, beavers become real "homebodies", because they do not come out of their dark holes made of mud and wood at all. In the warm season, these nocturnal animals leave their dwellings at sunset, and come at dawn. However, in dark burrows in winter, beavers lose their daily regimen, and for them 29 hours "fit" in a day.

5. Moles are not blind at all?

Research recent years refuted the prevailing opinion that moles are blind, as they live underground. In fact, moles have fairly sharp, albeit limited, vision. And the light seen by the mole serves as a sign of danger, because the penetration of light for him means nothing more than the fact that a predator has entered the hole.

6. Altruism in nature?

Many people think that in wild nature there is no place for altruism between animals, since under conditions of natural selection the strongest survive. However, scientists give many examples, proving the opposite. For example, recently it was possible to prove that the chicks of many species of birds make special sounds that notify their relatives that food has been found. The photo shows a meerkat, the most altruistic comrade.

8. Giraffe's unique circulatory system?

Since the brain of a giraffe rises above its own body at a height of 5 meters, the problem of blood supply to the brain arises. It turns out that in order to put the blood to such a height, the giraffe has a heart twice as strong as, for example, cows; the specific structure of the veins prevents a sharp rush of blood when lowering the head down. And so that the blood does not stagnate in the legs, the skin on the legs of the giraffe is unusually stretched. That's what nature has done!

9. Do elephants have great memories?

The brain of elephants is the largest among mammals, its weight is about 5 kilograms. Although it is very difficult to measure intelligence in animals (it is also difficult to do in humans), the brain-to-body mass ratio approaches that of chimpanzees, indicating high mental capacity. At least the latest research proves that these giants have excellent memories.

10. Do parrots not only imitate sounds?

There is an opinion according to which the "talking" parrot simply reproduces the heard set of sounds. However, a thirty-year study of this ability of our feathered friends shows the opposite. It turns out that parrots can solve simple linguistic problems at the level of 4-6 year old children, and even combine memorized words into new units.

Interesting facts for children are very popular. After all, babies constantly need food for the mind. Often for this reason they are called "why". They want to know everything, and they ask thousands of questions. In this article, we have collected the most that will help children expand their horizons and increase their level of erudition.

Although in fairness it must be said that even not all adults know what we will tell you about right now. So let's go!

    1. Have you heard the expression: “This is a no-brainer”? This phrase was coined by Soviet children. When there were many children in schools, classes were formed with the letters A, B, C, D and D. However, for lagging children with poor academic performance there were additional classes: E, F, I. the expression "no brainer" was used to explain the most elementary things that even the last losers understand.
    2. The shortest war in human history lasted 38 minutes. This happened in 1896. When England attacked Zanzibar, the Sultan surrendered exactly 38 minutes later, with the loss of about 570 men. From the side of England, only one soldier was wounded.
    3. Maybe you know who invented ordinary scissors? Or do you think they have always existed? So scissors were invented by one of the greatest scientists of all time -.
    4. Did you know that you can't sneeze with your eyes open? So either sneeze or look both ways. One out of two!
    1. And this interesting fact for children will surprise many children. The fact is that in China, no matter how ridiculous it sounds, people who know English language more than in . Think how it is possible! As a hint, let's add that English is taught in all Chinese schools, and the population of the country is 1.3 billion people, compared to 320 million in the United States.
    2. Do you know which living creature has the biggest eyes? This is a giant squid. Its eye is approximately the size of a soccer ball. He probably has something!
    3. But about the ostrich, you most likely heard various jokes, they say, this is a very stupid creature. If this is true, then it is not surprising. After all, the eyes of an ostrich are larger than its brain! Can you imagine such a thing?!
    4. More about this strange bird. There is a common myth that when they are afraid of something, they hide their heads in the sand. So know that this is not true, but pure fiction.
    5. Despite the fact that we are talking about interesting facts for children, we allow ourselves one more remark. In general, a starfish (these are such animals) does not have a brain at all. Shame on them, I guess!
    6. Human ears and nose never stop growing. With the help of this interesting fact, children will understand why grandparents sometimes have such big ears or noses.
    7. Interestingly, women blink almost twice as often as men. Maybe they're just more shy?
    8. Who are lefties? These are those who are much more comfortable writing and doing all things not with their right, but with their left hand. So it is believed that left-handers live a few years less than right-handers. This is due to the fact that almost all things in the world are created for right-handers, so accidents often happen to left-handers. However, with all this, it was among the left-handers that there were the greatest and most brilliant people in the entire history of mankind.
    9. Among the interesting facts for children, you can find the statement that in a lifetime, a person eats approximately 8 in a dream. But this is absolute nonsense - do not believe it!
    10. Have you ever seen ? What do you think his horn is made of? Okay, let's not torture you, but let's just say that the horn of a rhinoceros consists of thickened hair, not bone. How!
    11. The youngest pope ascended the throne at the age of 11. So you don't have to be an adult to achieve great goals.
    12. Do you like to sleep when you have to go, for example, to school? If yes, then you will love this fun fact for kids. The fact is that snails can sleep for three years. Imagine how reluctant they are to go somewhere!
    1. Whites are one of the most dangerous and powerful predators on earth. However, they are also one of the most beautiful animals! So the skin of polar bears is black. And the fur is not white, but transparent, can you imagine!
    2. Do you know which muscle is the strongest in humans? Do you think it's biceps? No, my friends, the strongest muscle in the human body is the tongue (see).
    3. Surely you know that all animals are conditionally divided into two types: domestic and wild. So over the past 4 thousand years, not a single animal has become a domestic animal. Cats, dogs, horses and many other animals known to us were tamed more than 4 thousand years ago.
    4. Did you know that all babies are born without kneecaps? They appear only after two years.
    5. And this is an interesting fact for female children. A Barbie doll, if she were of ordinary human height, would have a neck twice as long as a standard one.
    6. Another fact from the animal world. As unfortunate as it sounds, he can't stick his tongue out.

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