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Now global warming or global cooling. What awaits humanity, global warming or global cooling? Global cooling and ice age are not the same

    Global cooling 6200 BC- Reconstruction of the temperature of the GISP2 glacier over the past 10 thousand years, indicating periods of cooling. Cooling 6200 BC. e. (8.2 thousand years ago) is indicated by number 5. Global cooling 6200 BC. e. the most severe ... ... Wikipedia

    Global cooling 6200 BC e.- Reconstruction of the temperature of the GISP2 glacier over the past 10 thousand years, indicating periods of cooling. Cooling 6200 BC. e. (8.2 thousand years ago) is numbered 5. Global ... Wikipedia

    global dimming- (English Global dimming) the effect caused by natural (volcanism) and man-made pollution of the atmosphere with dust and other particles, as a result of which the amount of solar radiation falling on the Earth's surface decreases. Effect ... ... Wikipedia

    Global warming - Global warming the process of a gradual increase in the average annual temperature of the Earth's atmosphere and the World Ocean in the XX and XXI centuries. The position of the Interstate Panel on Climate Change ... Wikipedia

    ice Age- This section is missing references to information sources. Information must be verifiable, otherwise it may be questioned and removed. You can ... Wikipedia

    Changing of the climate- This article is about the phenomenon in general. For current global climate change, see Global warming. Climate change fluctuations in the climate of the Earth as a whole or its individual regions over time, expressed in statistical terms ... ... Wikipedia

    Paleoclimatology- Paleoclimatology is the science of the history of changes in the Earth's climate. Contents 1 History of science 2 Methods 3 Basic provisions ... Wikipedia

    The methane hydrate gun hypothesis- (English clathrate gun hypothesis) is a generalized name for a series of hypotheses that a rising level of ocean temperatures (and / or a drop in ocean level) can trigger a sudden release of methane from methane hydrate deposits under ... ... Wikipedia

    global warming- Global warming is the process of a gradual increase in the average annual temperature of the Earth's atmosphere and the oceans. Scientific opinion expressed by the Interstate Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) of the United Nations, and directly supported by ... ... Wikipedia

    End of the world- This term has other meanings, see End of the World (meanings). The death of mankind in the view of the artist (see also ... Wikipedia


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  • How beautiful this world is, O. Margolina. And yet life is beautiful! Despite the incitement of enmity and hatred towards each other, despite the deterioration of everything and everywhere, despite the destruction of the family and marriage, despite globalization, ...

In a joint statement of various scientific organizations and academies, it is said that the Little Ice Age is beginning on Earth. In an address to the heads of the world's leading governments and the UN, scientists said: "Humanity is in danger of its continued existence."

Here is a list of organizations that wrote this statement:

German Academy of Sciences, Leopoldina
Indian National Science Academy
Indonesian Academy of Sciences
Royal Irish Academy
Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei (Italy)
Academy of Sciences Malaysia
Academy Council of the Royal Society of New Zealand
Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Turkish Academy of Sciences
Global Atmosphere Watch Program (GAW)
Global Climate Observing System (GCOS)
World Climate Program (WCP)
World Climate Research Program (WCRP)
World Weather Research Program (WWRP)
World Weather Watch Program (WWW)
Commission for Agricultural Meteorology
Commission for Atmospheric Science
Australian Academy of Sciences
Brazilian Academy of Sciences
Royal Society of Canada
Caribbean Academy of Sciences
Chinese Academy of Sciences
French Academy of Sciences

“False information about global warming does not stand up to scrutiny. Recent observations and analysis prove catastrophic and global climate change. Our planet is entering the Little Ice Age. This is due to many factors and not only terrestrial, but also with the fall of solar activity. A new period of history has begun - the period of the Threat to the Existence of Mankind.

A sharp change in temperature in 2017.

Climate change in Antarctica and the South Pole

“Data collected from around the world indicate that a catastrophic cooling scenario is being realized in the coming years. Global cooling has already begun and all of humanity will feel its devastating consequences within 4-6 years,” the report says.

A sharp drop in the average water temperature in the equatorial part Pacific Ocean and in the northeast Atlantic Ocean.

Scientists emphasize that the data collected recently indicate that the intermediate water masses are cooling at a catastrophic rate.

Temperature change in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

Temperature change in Greenland.

Tracing the relationship of global temperature changes, we can see that this is closely related to solar activity.

We see one of the strongest global climate fluctuations during the Holocene, Small ice Age marked by a long cooling period from the 14th to the 19th century AD. This cooling was associated with a decrease in solar activity and was especially strong during solar minima in 1645-1715. AD and 1790-1830. n. e. These solar activity minima are known, the Maunder minimum and the Dalton minimum. The time for a new low has already come.

Drop in temperature in the South China Sea

“And this is just the beginning, we will face an increasing number of abnormal weather events every day. There will be no place on Earth that these changes will not touch. All countries in the world will be affected by these changes. A new ice age is coming, the entire weather system of the planet is changing and collapsing. Under attack will be all the most important infrastructure for the survival of people. Hunger and cold, that's what humanity expects in the coming years," scientists write.

Global changes are clearly visible from the cataclysms already taking place around the globe. recent anomalous phenomena Russia is a very clear example of such changes. Tornadoes, tornadoes, hurricanes, snow in summer, hail, sharp drops in temperature have all been seen by the whole world. Russian meteorologists are no longer able to give a clear and distinct explanation of the reasons why all this is happening, and no one in the whole world will be able to give these explanations.

There is an explanation and it is real - everything that is happening is just the beginning of global cooling and it will affect not only Russia, all of humanity in all countries of the world will fall under its blow.

“We urge heads of state and government around the world to take our report very seriously. It's about about the survival of all mankind, and whether it will exist on this planet at all. This is a danger that our modern civilization has not yet encountered in its history. To all leaders. of all the countries of our world, it is necessary now to prepare their countries and people for what awaits them in the very near future. Now is not the time for wars and political strife - it's time to unite in order to survive. Humanity is in danger and only by joint efforts can we try to survive,” the report says.

All this did not begin today or yesterday, but no one wanted to pay attention to the formidable signs. Alarming climate change began back in 2013, when snow suddenly fell in Romania at the most inopportune time period for this, and the most severe winter in 200 years came in Germany, abnormal cold and snowfall came in the USA, and a record low temperatures were set in Antarctica for the entire time of observation, frosts hit Syria and this list goes on and on.

In 2014, the situation did not improve, but became even worse. The number of weather anomalies only increased. There are so many of them that it makes no sense to list everything, it's obvious.

The Gulf Stream has stopped and this is indicated by data from The Earth Wind Map and The NOAA Data Satellite. The Gulf Stream is a warm current, it has become cold and such an anomaly does not bode well for us.

Some climatologists could no longer remain silent and support false assurances about global warming. for example, NASA climatologist John L. Casey, publicly stated that a radical shift has occurred in the global climate and this is not an accident, not a temporary change, but a pattern that changes our climate globally and for decades to come. He warned that if the scientific community and governments around the world do not act in the face of global cooling, the consequences for humanity will be catastrophic.

John L. Casey has warned that the planet is entering a global ice age that will last at least 30 years. Mass death of people and famine, that's what humanity expects.

The Research and Development Corporation (GCSR) is an independent research institute based in Orlando, Florida, USA. It aims to alert governments, media and people to prepare for catastrophic climate change.

Scientists collaborating with GCSR believe that global cooling will be accompanied by the activation of volcanoes and catastrophic earthquakes. Severe frosts, blizzards, snowfalls, global anomalous cooling will last not a year or two, but 30 or 50 years.

Scientists who had the courage to go against the current deceitful system of "global warming" wrote articles, spoke in the media, wrote appeals to the leaders of states, but no one listened to them. The year 2017 has come and already everyone in the world sees for themselves and begins to realize that something incomprehensible and frightening is happening with the weather on earth.

Awareness comes, but time is lost, and if this awareness does not come from those on whom the fate of people depends, the countries they rule will soon disappear.

Professor of the Department of World Economy V.A.Gorbanev - about the situation around climate change.

The Paris Agreement is based on the well-known alarmist reports of the International Panel on Climate Change, which draws an unambiguous conclusion about global warming, and anthropogenic activities and, above all, energy are to blame for this warming.

Most Russian scientists do not share such a one-sided approach. Indeed, many prominent scientists in Russia, but especially abroad, support this point of view, relying on mathematical models. However, there are also many scientists who do not support this point of view, but their opinion is not heard or does not want to hear.

First, let's talk about the causes of climate change. If you look at the course of changes in atmospheric temperature, starting from the Precambrian era, then periods of cooling and warming are clearly traced. It is difficult to explain the reason for such fluctuations. According to Russian scientists, the most likely cause is the variability of the climate system.

The influence of external factors is unlikely. For example, the impact of greenhouse gases could not be significant, because their concentration remained fairly stable, and concentration fluctuations carbon dioxide does not match temperature fluctuations. During the interglacial period (110–140 thousand years ago), the average temperature at the Earth’s surface was 2°C higher than the present one, and the concentration of carbon dioxide is much lower, so the discrepancy between the modern relatively low temperature and very high level concentration of carbon dioxide.

At the same time, the internal variability of the climate system may well have caused significant temperature fluctuations. In particular, a change in the regime of the ice sheet, which can either desalinate or, conversely, increase salinity sea ​​waters, directly affects the change in the density of water masses. As a result, the geography and intensity of the global water circulation in the World Ocean is changing, which in turn has a powerful effect on the circulation and thermal regime of the atmosphere. A similar effect is exerted by energy-active zones in the World Ocean, which were studied by G.I. Marchuk. According to Murmansk experts, in last years increased ice cover around the Kola Peninsula, i.e. cooling is observed. It is known that there is a cooling in Antarctica. Those. climate change is happening, but
in which direction, while it is difficult to understand.

Now regarding the role of man in this change. Professor G.M. Kruchenitsky in his report “On the fundamental scientific failure of the concept of anthropogenic global warming” spoke very simply: “Anthropogenic global warming is not an erroneous hypothesis. This is banter!” The author emphasizes that climate models have three classes of difficulties, each of which would be enough to permanently close all so-called "climate modeling". All models use the Navier-Stokes equation in a rotating coordinate system. This equation, designed to describe the flow of a liquid, includes the phenomenon of turbulence when the Reynolds number is exceeded. And if there is turbulence, then there is no single solution. And if there is no single solution, then numerical methods cannot be applied. But only they are used in climate modeling.

This reason for the wave is sufficient for the question of the reliability of model predictions of climate not to be discussed.

Almost 20 years ago, the Russian scientist-geographer Corr. RAS Andrey Kapitsa said that global warming does not exist, it is a myth. On the contrary, since 1975 there has been a slow cooling. Another myth the scientist called the influence of man and his activities on climate change. The climate on our planet is changing regardless of our desire or unwillingness. Moreover, carbon dioxide emissions, which are considered the main cause of the "greenhouse effect", are precisely the result of natural natural warming, which has now been replaced by an equally natural cycle of "cooling" of the planet. This happens, approximately, according to the following scheme: the climate changes cyclically from ice ages to warming, but at the same time, when the World Ocean, the main repository of carbon dioxide, warms up even by half a degree, a powerful emission into the atmosphere occurs. When the temperature changes towards minus, the concentration of carbon dioxide begins to decrease. In addition, its content is also affected by the activity of volcanoes and Forest fires. But not industrial human activity, concludes Kapitsa.

Scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences come to the final conclusion: the opinion of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, expressed at the request of the President of Russia, about total absence scientific justification anthropogenic origin of the observed climate changes, is convincingly confirmed at the level of elementary estimates!

This is about science. Now a few words about the Paris Agreement.

At the opening of the talks in Paris, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that “regardless of the outcome of the international climate conference, and even if it fails, Russia will still reduce harmful emissions by 2030 to 70% of basic level 1990

The Minister of Ecology of Russia noted that in terms of emissions, Russia is in the top four, but it is far behind China, the United States, and India, which are the main "pollutants" of the planet. At the same time, as noted, we have not ratified the Agreement. We are going to do this in 2019. However, the business community urged Vladimir Putin not to approve the document. The RSPP stated that the implementation of the provisions would negatively affect the pace economic growth. The head of the Union, Alexander Shokhin, noted that Russia had already exceeded its obligation to bring emissions into the atmosphere below the level of 1990. The volume of greenhouse gas emissions in Russia decreased by 30% compared to 1990. And if we take into account the natural absorption capacity of Russian forests, then we can talk about a decrease in emissions over a quarter of a century by almost 46%.

The United States, as you know, withdrew from the Agreement. It, according to Trump, is beneficial to other countries, but not to the United States, since it imposes a "draconian financial and economic burden" on the country. The fulfillment of US obligations will lead to the loss of 2.7 million jobs by 2025, including 440 thousand jobs in industry. We, as I just said, have already fulfilled the terms of the Agreement. Therefore, Russia does not face such problems now. But we need to look ahead: now they are not, but in the future, when the economy grows at a faster pace, such problems will certainly arise.

Therefore, in conclusion, I would like to emphasize that from both scientific and practical points of view, the provisions of the Paris Agreement do not look convincing enough, and, in our opinion, we need to wait for its ratification. First of all, it is necessary to direct the efforts of scientists to solve the problem: in this moment warming or cooling is coming and what is the role of man in this process. When these problems will be solved by international scientific community in the form of consensus, then it will be possible to create appropriate adequate international mechanisms and make the necessary decisions.

). He predicts that global warming, which will come in less than 50 years, will lead to terrible cataclysms: earthquakes, tsunamis and a new ice age. It turns out that Zharvin scientific world not alone. Laboratory manager space research Main (Pulkovo) observatory Russian Academy Sci. Khabibullo ABDUSAMATOV is sure: it will start getting colder in five years! The St. Petersburg astronomer explains the causes of climate change in his own way.

The sun is shining, but it does not warm

Khabibullo Abdusamatov believes that the Sun is to blame for everything - both in global warming and in the coming cooling. He discovered that throughout the 20th century, our star shone brighter and brighter, which is why the average temperature on Earth rose by 0.6 degrees per 100 years (these data are considered evidence of global warming). And in the early 90s, the Sun stopped baking so zealously.

We did not feel this because we continue to bask on the remnants of the heat that the planet has accumulated. But stocks don't last forever. It will take a few years, and the temperature will begin to fall, - explains the scientist. - The ocean accumulates heat in the first place, and it also determines the climate on the planet. And oceanologists say that since 2003 the year is coming cooling of the upper layers of the ocean.

Abdusamatov spoke about his theory at the symposium of the International Astronomical Union and at the Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism of the Russian Academy of Sciences. There were no serious objections.

Greenhouse effect - fiction

But what about the greenhouse effect, which seems to be to blame for global warming? An astronomer from St. Petersburg is sure: man has nothing to do with it at all, and there is no greenhouse effect in nature!

The scheme of this effect is familiar to every summer resident, - explains Khabibullo. - Greenhouse glass transmits the sun's rays, but infrared radiation and carbon dioxide from the ground does not let back. Due to this, the temperature in the room rises.

But in the atmosphere this "glass" simply does not exist! This was proved by scientists from the Pulkovo Observatory. Carbon dioxide travels quietly through the air layers and does not think to accumulate under the skies. Abdusamatov refers to the research of polar explorers. They drilled four kilometers of ice near the Vostok station in Antarctica and Greenland and took samples of rocks that are several hundred thousand years old. In both cases, it turned out that the amount of carbon dioxide increased before, and the temperature on Earth changed regularly. But the accumulation of gas did not precede, but, on the contrary, was a consequence of warming.

This means that warming has nothing to do with the greenhouse effect! - says Khabibullo.

The scientific community reacted painfully to this statement by Abdusamatov. After all, 168 countries signed the Kyoto Protocol, which states: the greenhouse effect must be fought, emissions must be reduced harmful gases in atmosphere. Hundreds of billions of dollars are spent to fight the scourge, dozens of scientists defend dissertations.

Let's start freezing in 2012

Abdusamatov established that the Sun shines stronger or weaker, obeying strict cycles: 11 years and centuries. And it won't be long before it gets colder. The secular cycle of the small glow of the Sun will begin in 2012. The temperature on the planet will begin to decrease and by 2050 will reach a minimum. On average, it will become 1.2 - 1.3 degrees colder than now. Trifle? But after all, global warming is measured by even smaller figures - 0.6 degrees per hundred years! Khabibullo cites as an example the cold season of 1645-1715. In the new ice age, humanity will have to freeze in the same way.

Then the Seine and the Thames were covered with ice, all the canals of Holland froze, - Abdusamatov scares (for comparison: this January it was about +10 degrees in Paris, and in London, and in Amsterdam - what kind of ice is there! - Ed.). - On the thick crust of the icy Dnieper and Moskva rivers, our ancestors organized fairs. Abnormal cold frightened the Vikings who conquered Greenland. Seeing that glaciers were advancing on the previously green island, they decided to get out.

Russia lacks sun rays will become noticeable in 15 years, winters will become longer and colder. And by 2050 the north of the country will be covered deep snow. White snow will reflect sunlight, and this will cause even more cooling.

Why does the sun shine unevenly? So far, there is no consensus. In the bowels of the star, thermonuclear reactions are raging, most likely, the inconstancy of the star is associated with them. When the temperature in the solar core rises, the pressure rises - the Sun "inflates" and the Earth gets more light and heat from it. It is more convenient to study the details from space. Employees of the Pulkovo Observatory have developed special equipment, and the cosmonauts promised that in 2008 they would capture it on the ISS in order to measure changes in the shape and diameter of the Sun as part of the Astrometry project. These data will help to more accurately predict the timing and strength of global cooling.


One of Khabibullo Abdusamatov's arguments is that it periodically gets warmer and colder on Mars. And exactly at the same time as on Earth! These are the results of recent NASA research. But there are no Martians on the Red Planet, much less factories, cars and other sources of greenhouse gases. This means that the climate of both us and our neighbors is influenced exclusively by the Sun and its “mood” changes.


In the Australian town of Dubbo (it is located in the state of New South Wales), the cold snap has been going on for a hundred years! While global warming is being talked about all over the world, daily air temperatures have been steadily dropping throughout the 20th century. Summers there are now much cooler than they were in the early 1900s, and winter frosts are cracking more and more often! These paradoxical data are presented by Mark Howden, an employee of the Australian research organization CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization). The melting of the ice sheet that covered much of North America, was the main cause of a sharp cooling that began about 12.8 thousand years ago, British and Canadian scientists write in an article published on Thursday in the journal Nature.

2. During the period of severe cooling of the climate, which lasted about one and a half thousand years, in some regions the temperature was 15 degrees lower than the current one, and the transition from a warmer climate occurred in just a decade.

A study by Julian Murton of the University of Sussex and his colleagues proved the hypothesis that drastic climate change was caused by melting giant glacier occupied the eastern part of the territory modern Canada, and then the breakthrough of the glacial Lake Agassiz and the ingress of huge volumes of fresh water into the North Atlantic.

colder and lighter fresh water formed a "screen" on the surface of the ocean, cooling the surface air, as a result of which much more drifting ice was formed, and the Gulf Stream - a warm current that determines the climate of almost the entire northern hemisphere - was "chopped off" and stopped reaching northern latitudes.

The authors of the work recall that the hypothesis about the fatal role of Lake Agassiz in the onset of cooling was published in Nature back in 1989 by a group of scientists led by Wallace Broecker. However, there was no definitive evidence for this connection.


Merton's group found the last missing link in this chain - traces of powerful water flows leading from the glacial lake to the ocean. They studied sediments in the Mackenzie Delta region and found signs of severe erosion that could only be explained by the overflow and outburst of an ancient glacial lake.

3.The problem of climate shifts taking place on our planet has acquired unprecedented relevance in recent years. Literally everyone, from an academician to a housewife, is not averse to speculating about global warming today. The media are happy to replicate the frightening predictions of experts who cannot agree among themselves on exactly what the "greenhouse effect" threatens humanity with - a global flood or a terrible drought. Meanwhile, according to Russian scientists, in the coming decades, a completely different misfortune awaits us, and global warming will be replaced by global cooling during our lifetime, and there, you see, not far from a new ice age.

According to experts of the Main Astronomical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Pulkovo), the period of low temperatures will be replaced by warming only at the beginning of the 22nd century. Scientists base their conclusions on data from observations of eleven-year and centenary fluctuations in solar activity. The researchers claim that in the 20th century, the Sun increased the amount of radiated energy, and now the flux has reached a maximum, but soon a decline in solar activity will begin. After that, a decrease in the average annual temperature of the Earth's surface should be expected.

"Based on our research, we have developed a scenario for global cooling of the Earth's climate by the middle of this century and the onset of the next 200-year cycle of global climate warming at the beginning of the 22nd century," said Khabibullo Abdusamatov, head of the space research sector at the Pulkovo Observatory, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, speaking at a joint conference of scientists and environmental activists in London.

According to the researcher, the cooling will begin in 2012-2015, and its peak will be in 2055-2060. By this time, the temperature may drop to the level of the so-called Maunder minimum, which took place in late XVII century. Then in Holland all canals froze, and in Greenland, due to the advance of glaciers, people were forced to leave many settlements.

As Abdusamatov said, new confirmations of this hypothesis came to him and his colleagues from foreign researchers. "The other day I received a very important letter by e-mail. Western colleagues reported that in 2003-2005 some cooling of the upper layers of the World Ocean was observed, which is fully consistent with the results of our research," the scientist said.

The consequences of future climate change can be very serious, says Khabibullo Abdusamatov. In his opinion, the governments of the world powers should prepare in advance for the cold news

It seems that the scientific community is completely confused about the issue of climate change on the planet. Some assure us that global warming threatens us, others scare us with global cooling. What should we ordinary people do? Let's try to figure out what we can expect from the heavenly office in the near future.

We are not to blame!

In the second half of the 20th century, everyone was convinced that global warming was underway, and man was to blame. The rapid development of industry, the release of large amounts of carbon dioxide and, as a result, the greenhouse effect. To reduce emissions, special projects were created, new technologies were introduced, and there was a lot of talk about how dangerous it is for all of us.

And now researchers from the University of Syracuse, New York State, declare that humanity is not to blame for global climate change. In any case, as strong as is commonly believed. A team of scientists looked at weather data going back to the Middle Ages and found that global warming has happened before and then followed by the Little Ice Age. So, from the 8th to the 13th century, the temperature was even higher than now. But the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere increased only in the 20th century. This means that a person does not influence the weather as much as they say in official version which fundamentally changes the approach to the climate problem.

The warm period then gave way to another little ice age, which ended by the 19th century. According to some scientists, we live in a period of natural warming on the planet. And people are not to blame for this - there are other mechanisms that affect the temperature regime. For example, solar Activity and the number of cosmic particles in our system.

More cold than warm...

As noted above, the weather shows cyclicity. So, we can safely say that the warming will someday replace the next ice age. Many scientists agree with this, the only question is when this will happen. At the same time, I would like to recall that the last Little Ice Age was a very unpleasant phenomenon on a global scale. It was then that the Bosphorus (1621) and the Adriatic Sea (1709) froze. In Europe in 1664 the weather was so cold that birds froze on the fly, and the snow in France did not melt until April. In Russia, at the beginning of the 17th century, frosts began already in July.

There are fears that we are in for an ice age much more serious than the last. It is predicted that the heat will be only in the equatorial regions, and this may happen in the next 50 years!

Warming has stopped, cooling is ahead

A scientist from the Pulkovo Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences Khabibullo Abdusamatov is sure that in the next 50 years we will face a global cooling. The planet is waiting for another small ice age. According to the scientist, we have already experienced global warming, and it peaked at the end of the 20th century. Now we are going through a transitional period - the activity of the sun has already decreased, which means that a decrease in temperature will soon be observed. We do not feel significant changes due to the fact that the World Ocean has warmed up well and works as a kind of battery, maintaining the temperature regime for the time being. But in the next 10 years, the situation may change and cooling will begin.

The scientist believes that by 2020 the cooling will become noticeable: winters will be colder and longer. The Little Ice Age itself will begin around 2055. The average temperature is expected to drop by 1-1.5 degrees, but even this will be enough for us to feel the change. After all, the last global warming, which was trumpeted lately, was associated with an increase in temperature of only 0.7 degrees.

The most vulnerable, the scientist believes, are the northern regions of the world - there the cooling will be felt the most. In the south, it will not be so significant, but it will still affect all areas of life. The consolation is that, according to the scientist's forecasts, the peak of cold temperatures will last about 50 years, then gradual warming will begin.

Kyoto Protocol, or another government conspiracy?

The existence of the Kyoto Protocol is not a great boon for everyone living on the planet. The fact is that in fact there is no consensus on what kind of weather scenario awaits us in the future, there are only assumptions. No one knows what will actually happen, but at the same time, for some reason, according to official data, we all live with global warming. That is why the Kyoto Protocol exists, imposing serious obligations on the countries that sign it.

If we assume that global cooling does happen, then it is better to prepare for it in advance, but the signed Kyoto Protocol does not make it possible to do this. In addition, huge sums are allocated annually to reduce the level of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. If we take into account that they still have little effect on anything, then in the event of the abolition of the Kyoto Protocol, which gives the rights different countries emit a certain amount of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, someone will be deprived of such a chic feeder ...

What to prepare for and what to expect?

No one can say for sure what will happen to the weather in the next 100 years. Despite all the technical inventions and accumulated knowledge, we can only make hypotheses. Or, as scientists say, predictions that can either come true or not. Nevertheless, the likelihood that another ice age awaits us exists, and it is considerable. And the fact that global warming has begun to decline has already been proven. Maybe it's time to squeeze the cold closer to the equator, but we don't know? What a pity that the weather forecast is always so unreliable...