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Every woman dreams of being perfect. Already in high school, and maybe even earlier, girls seriously begin to think about the proportions of their own figure, the beauty of the face and ... structural features of the intimate parts of the body. In our society, it is considered shameful to speak out loud about your labia minora, and this is when even adult women have complexes associated with the shape and size of the external genital organs. Plastic surgeons successfully use this to earn money, so we decided to dispel the myths and tell you when a lady should be calm and in what cases a doctor should be consulted.

The shape of the labia minora: norm and pathology

medical manipulation, during which the shape of the labia changes, is called labioplasty. Women resort to it, the shape of the external genital organs of which creates problems in sexual life or causes certain difficulties of a functional nature (pain from rubbing with panties, difficulties in playing sports, etc.). Unfortunately, many people are sure that the labia minora should be hidden under the large ones and rush to the plastic surgery clinic to eliminate the disadvantage. For ladies and men who have complaints about the intimate organs of a companion, for a start it would be worthwhile to understand the classification of the labia minora by shape and size:

1. The length of the labia in the stretched state is:
a) no more than 1 cm - pseudo ideal;
b) 2–4 cm is the norm;
c) 4-6 cm - the third degree of elongation (it is worth consulting with a plastic surgeon);
d) more than 6 cm - the fourth degree of elongation (labioplasty is recommended).

2. The length of the protrusion of the labia minora beyond the large ones (when the woman is standing):
a) zero degree;
b) the first degree - 1-3 cm:
c) the second degree - over 3 cm (most often corrected).

According to statistics, in 30% of women, the labia minora is longer than the outer ones. In some countries they are deliberately stretched. In many girls, one small labia differs from the second in length. And that's okay.

3. According to the shape of the edges of the labia minora, there are:
a) even;
b) carved.
Both options are the norm.

Why can the labia minora have non-standard shapes and sizes?

The small labia of the girl appear in the womb. Most often, a woman is born into the world with intimate organs of a certain shape. This feature is inherited. The color and thickness of the labia minora can vary: usually, the older the woman, the darker and thinner they are. The bluish color of the intimate organs is noted in pregnant women or in women with inflammation. In the latter case, redness is almost always present.

It is believed that the size of the labia minora depends on the level of testosterone during puberty. If the hormone is higher than expected, intimate lips grow longer.

In addition, the size and shape of the labia may become different:

- after childbirth;
- due to significant weight loss;
- from chronic diseases;
- as a result of age-related changes;
- in the presence of an excess amount of male hormones in an adult female body.

Thus, labioplasty is indicated when the labia are different in appearance, they do not look aesthetically pleasing, they cause inconvenience due to their large length during sports or during everyday walking. Intimate plastic surgery is a salvation for those women who are unhappy with their small lips after childbirth or due to age-related changes, have congenital fusion of the external genitalia.

If the labia minora prevent you from living a full life, you should definitely contact the plastic surgery clinic. However, if their length and shape are within the normal range, there is no need to rush, because any operation can lead to undesirable consequences. Moreover, many men admit that they like it when a woman has large labia. Love yourself the way nature made you!

The length and shape of the labia minora: when to consult a surgeon
The normal length of the labia minora or you should not smack the fever
We arm ourselves against plastic surgery: what should be the labia

The length and shape of the labia minora is something that is not customary to speak out loud
Many girls want to have a perfect body and are afraid that their small labia are not like everyone else
It turns out that protruding beyond the large labia minora is not a reason to do labioplasty

Labia (labia) is a pair of female reproductive organs, which are divided into small (internal, pudendal) and large (external or external). Each of these organs has an individual structure and function. Together with the vagina and clitoris, they form the vulva.

Although in fact these are just small folds of skin, their importance for the normal functioning of the female body is great. The labia minora covers the vagina, protecting it from infection by maintaining a certain temperature and normal humidity. Too large or, conversely, small sizes of these protective folds can cause diseases of the genital organs, discomfort, dryness of the mucous membrane. Therefore, the aesthetics of the external genitalia for every woman is no less important than the beauty of the face and figure.

External labia

External labia (they are also called "large") - these are two folds of skin located on the sides of the genital slit. Their main function is to protect the vagina from pathogenic factors. environment, as well as maintaining the required temperature in the female reproductive organs. Because they contain minimal amount nerve endings, they are not an erogenous zone. In the thickness of the outer labia are the Bartholin glands, adipose tissue and venous plexuses. Outside - pronounced hairline. Very often, their skin is subject to increased pigmentation. With sexual stimulation, the labia majora, along with the walls of the vagina and the clitoris, become engorged with blood. When stimulated, the Bartholin glands (located near the vaginal opening) secrete a fluid that provides lubrication for intercourse.

The area between the entrance of the vagina and the anus, below the labia majora, is called the perineum. It ranges in length from 2 to 5 centimeters.

According to women and gynecologists, the labia changes during pregnancy. This is considered a natural and normal process, which is associated with a change in hormonal levels. So, when carrying a child, blood circulation in all organs of the small pelvis increases, which leads to an increase in both small and external labia. Swelling of the external genitalia and discoloration are one of the likely symptoms of conception. About seven days after fertilization, the lips swell and become juicy and elastic. During pregnancy, varicose veins and various seals are often observed in the thickness of the labia majora, which usually disappear before childbirth.

Small labia

The labia minor is part of the female reproductive system and consists of two "lips" or folds of skin on the outside of the vaginal opening. Each labia minora has two legs - external and internal. The outer legs are attached to the back of the clitoris, and the inner legs are attached to the head of the clitoris (on the back). The main role of these small folds is to protect the clitoris, urethra and vulva.


In healthy women, the labia minora is light to dark pink in color, and sometimes brown or purple. The general tone of a woman's skin does not always match the color of her shameful lips. So some women who have a dark brown complexion have light pink folds, while some women with a very fair complexion have intimate skin that is dark brown or purple. Pretty much any combination is considered normal, but if the area becomes dull or begins to change colors, it could be indicative of a skin condition or a rare cancer. After pregnancy and childbirth surgical operations, infectious diseases that cause tissue changes, their size usually increases.

The average norms of the structure of the labia

Their physiological structure in women is the same, but the anatomical features are individual in each specific case. Types of shameful lips are different: in some women they are large, thick, in others, on the contrary, they are thin, stretched. Appearance labia minora depends on factors such as:

  • genetics;
  • ethnicity;
  • body mass;
  • age;
  • features of intrauterine development;
  • the presence of diseases of the vagina;
  • the presence of mechanical influences;
  • traumatic injuries;
  • surgical interventions;
  • religious beliefs (circumcision);
  • hormone imbalance.

According to research, in 80% of cases, the anatomy and structure of a woman's labia depends on genetic factors. The narrow and short labia minor often prevails among the French, Italians, and Greeks. Small sizes are also observed among the Germans, Spaniards. Women living throughout the African or American continent often have narrow vaginas with long labia.


These folds protect some of the more sensitive parts of the female genital anatomy. They cover the clitoris, in which there are many sexual nerve endings, they are the shield of the vestibule of the vulva, which contains the openings of the urethra and vagina. The anatomical function is to seal the vaginal opening and protect the vagina from foreign bodies, drying out and the penetration of microbes. In addition, together with the fatty pads of the external labia, they provide mechanical protection.

In women, the opening of the urethra (urethra) is located at the top, between the labia, and they can act as a kind of regulator, directing the flow of urine in a certain direction and act as a barrier, preventing urine from entering the vaginal cavity. However, with an excessive length of the labia minor and its deformities, the emptying of the bladder is accompanied by a random scattering of urine in the most unexpected directions.

During vaginal intercourse, the labia minora can stimulate the entire vulva, clitoris, and vagina of the woman and her partner's penis. Stimulation of the clitoris can occur through the tension of its frenulum when pulling the inner labia with fingers or during friction.


The labia minora is often asymmetrical, which in practical terms means that they are usually of several different sizes or lengths and one side may hang lower than the other. In most cases, this does not indicate any problem, and is actually considered “normal” for most women. During puberty, a woman experiences many hormonal and subsequent changes during appearance. One of these changes occurs due to increased levels of estrogen in the body - an increase in the labia minora. In some, this is genetically determined. Due to trauma, constant friction, or in the case of chronic infections, the labia minor can increase in size. Pregnancy is a new, wonderful stage in a woman's life, in which a rush of blood to the genital area can lead to a subsequent increase in the length and width of the labia minora.


In many women, the initial symptoms of genital infections, especially itching, burning, swelling, and discomfort, begin with irritation here and then spread to the vulva and vagina. Other symptoms that may occur are pain in the lower abdomen, burning when urinating, increased vaginal discharge that is thick, yellow, green, etc. The most common causes of inflammation of the labia minora are STDs, thrush and bacterial vaginosis.

Being very sensitive in its structure to any irritation and anything with a location in the area of ​​​​natural excretions (vagina, urethra, anus), where traces of urine, vaginal discharge, smegma and even feces can be present, the labia minora can suffer from inflammatory processes, such as vulvitis. It often starts in these folds of the skin as it they are often wet and subjected to constant mechanical stress. The likelihood of inflammation can be reduced by proper regular hygienic cleansing of the vulva, using water and proven products designed for women's delicate areas. Also, it may be interesting to sometimes carry out such a procedure as "vaginal cleaning" - a general cleaning of an intimate place.

The over-vigorous rubbing of the labia of young girls during washing, combined with the lack of estrogen in the child's body, can lead to a condition known as "fused labia minora" or synechia. They disrupt the normal process of urination, urine can accumulate, causing pain and inflammation.


Many girls who are to be examined by a gynecologist (at school, clinic, during a medical examination in a antenatal clinic, etc.) are concerned about how the doctor will react to enlarged (long, dark, different sizes) labia? Do they record this defect in the medical record, do they inform the parents about the discovery made? As for gynecologists, they see dozens of options for the structure of female intimate organs during medical examinations in one day. Moreover, according to statistics, approximately 30% of all girls have enlarged labia minora. The gynecologist is not at all interested and does not care, since this is not a disease, but a variant of the normal structure, unless, of course, we take clinical cases of obvious hypertrophy. The doctor at the physical examination has the task of identifying signs of various kinds of infections, the state of development of the genital tract, etc. And what kind of labia the gynecologist generally does not usually note in medical records. So there is no reason to worry.


For many women, the unsightly anatomical variations of the genitals are a source of considerable distress. Hormonal influences, tissue weakness, genetic factors or age-related changes can cause these abnormalities in appearance. Particularly undesirable are perceived enlarged labia minora and flabbiness of the outer ones. Inconveniences such as pain when wearing tight clothes, during sports activities (horse riding, jogging, cycling), intussusception (sagging) of the pubic lips during intercourse, as well as hygiene difficulties, can stimulate women to correct them. The strongest motivation is sometimes experienced psychological suffering, which can affect sexual life.

2012-07-17 18:29:46

Olga asks:

Good day.
1) I have a question similar to Marina's. Between the anus and the entrance to the vagina there is a small soft (easy to stretch) wrinkled darkish piece of skin. He does not bother at all, but he looks neochen! You said it was a piece of hymen, but I'm still a virgin. So what could it be?
2) The question is: can veins be slightly visible on the skin between the labia minora and labia majora?
3) Why is my skin on the extreme side of the labia minora a little darker and the edges seem to be uneven (well, that is, not straight, but with small notches, like a roundish fence chtoli), maybe they are inflamed? Although there are no complaints. No pain, no discomfort.

Thank you in advance for your response!

Responsible Kravchuk Inna Ivanovna:

Dear Olga. Now we invite you to a face-to-face consultation, during which we will answer all questions in an exhaustive way and, with the help of video colposcopy, we will show how everything can be brought from a “not very” state to a “very” state. We hasten to correct our mistake and we are waiting for you.

2011-07-22 23:20:58

Lera asks:

Hello, I am 24 years old, I have irritation in the vaginal area (on the labia minora on the inside, at the entrance to the vagina). It itches, burns, it is unpleasant to go to the toilet. Roughnesses are located on both sides and look like small bubbles, and are located very close to each other, even slightly overlapping each other. There is also irritation at the entrance to the vagina. Also there is white mucus, like a plaque. There is no smell. There are no marks on the underwear. There is no visible swelling of the labia. It just appeared today, in one day. I have not had sexual intercourse for about a week, I have one partner and does not change (we are each other's first, so I have no suspicions of a venereal disease).
Looking forward to your reply, thanks in advance.

Responsible Velichko Tatyana Ivanovna:

Dear Lera! From your description of the problem, it looks very much like genital herpes, or it could also be yeast vaginitis. Both of these infections are not related to sexually transmitted diseases. Most often, they are in the body in a dormant state and become aggravated under certain conditions: for example, hypothermia, malnutrition, nervous stress. But, to determine the exact pathogen and prescribe treatment, an examination is necessary and it is imperative to pass smears.

2010-12-04 21:43:22

Olga asks:

Hello, I suspect thrush. Some kind of rash appeared on the labia minora, very small, like dots white color. How much I observed, very rarely there are curdled discharge, odorless, sometimes itching (especially during menstruation and a couple of days after). this is what it looks like
Is this a milkmaid?

Responsible Velichko Tatyana Ivanovna:

Dear Olga, according to your description, genital herpes can manifest itself in this way. To establish an accurate diagnosis, an examination and tests are needed: a smear and a blood test for JgM and G to viral herpes in dynamics.

2008-06-22 11:46:44

Anna asks:

Hello, I saw a girl's question about the structure of the genital organs, I saw a picture, but this is not shown there. I have a question about the labia minora. I read. that they come in different sizes, which is normal, but it still worries me. is it normal when their size is too seems to me that this does not look aesthetically pleasing. They are even slightly visible in a calm state from the labia majora. Can this be changed somehow? Or do you need to calm down? Thanks in advance.

Responsible Dankovich Natalia Alexandrovna:

Indeed, every woman and girl has a unique structure of the genital organs. Therefore, it is not necessary to complex, maybe this will be your advantage. If something bothers you, then today there are methods of plastic surgery. You can make an appointment with me for a consultation tel.80674058272. Together we will decide what to do.

2008-03-05 17:18:28

Nick asks:

Help me please! I have a problem! Since the age of 5 or 6, I have noticed that my genitals are not the same as those of other girls !!! My small labia come out of the big ones and stick out! they look like one and huge and folded. I heard they do surgeries! But aren't there other methods besides surgical interventions? I really want to get rid of them or at least reduce them as much as possible! It worries me a lot! Are there any methods? maybe long-acting, but helping? maybe some compresses, or baths, ointments? Thanks in advance.

Responsible Karapetyan Eliz Martinovna:

An increase in the labia minora is most often congenital. An adequate method for getting rid of this problem would be plastic surgery to reduce the size of the labia minora. You should not be afraid of it, since it is carried out on an outpatient basis (no need to go to the hospital) and painlessly (using painkillers). Recovery after surgery is also quite fast, since the genitals are well supplied with blood, which contributes to rapid tissue regeneration.

2013-02-25 21:30:19

Masha asks:

The last 7 months have been constantly tormented by acne on the labia.
Occur inside the labia majora, less often - inside the small ones. Usually 3-4 at a time, I'll fly a little - and again, in a different place. Acne is on the labia, not at the base of the vagina, and in different places. They look like a dense red base-knob and a small white head on top (you can squeeze it out if you want, but then the base still remains for another 2-3 days, and I try not to do this). Now, compared to pimples six months ago, they began to appear faster and pass faster, otherwise at first there could be one pimple for 3 weeks at all (and did not squeeze out).
I visited a gynecologist: cervical leukocytes were increased to 40 (seemingly due to erosion), rod flora, STD-12 is negative (incl. 2 herpes viruses), the hospital complex is all negative, HPV is all negative. Showed her these pimples, she said, "It's just an inflammation of the sebaceous glands, it's okay."
But they bother me! They are ugly, unpleasant, sometimes hurt, and most importantly - they did not exist before! ..
I tried not to use pads, changed all my underwear to cotton, stopped playing sports, showered strictly twice a day, loose clothes, breaks in sex (in the hope that they would heal), went to the sea (what if sea ​​water will help?). And they still come up! Help, please - where to go, what to do?.. Thank you!

The soil is a complex system consisting of mineral and organic components. It serves as a substrate for plant development. For successful farming, it is necessary to know the features and ways of soil formation - this helps to increase its fertility, that is, it is of great economic importance.

The composition of the soil includes four main components:
1) mineral substance;
2) organic matter;
3) air;
4) water, which is more correctly called a soil solution, since certain substances are always dissolved in it.

Mineral matter of the soil

By soil consists of mineral components of different sizes: stones, crushed stone and "fine earth". The latter is usually subdivided in the order of coarsening of particles into clay, silt and sand. The mechanical composition of the soil is determined by the relative content of sand, silt and clay in it.

The mechanical composition of the soil strongly influences the drainage, nutrient content and temperature regime of the soil, in other words, the structure of the soil from an agronomic point of view. Medium- and fine-textured soils such as clays, loams and silts are usually more suitable for plant growth, as they contain sufficient nutrients and are better able to retain water with dissolved salts. Sandy soils drain faster and lose nutrients through leaching, but are beneficial for early harvests; in spring they dry out and warm up faster than clay ones. The presence of stones, i.e. particles with a diameter of more than 2 mm, is important from the point of view of wear of agricultural implements and the effect on drainage. Usually, as the content of stones in the soil increases, its ability to retain water decreases.

soil organic matter

organic matter, as a rule, makes up only a small volume fraction of the soil, but it is very important, since it determines many of its properties. This is main source plant nutrients such as phosphorus, nitrogen and sulfur; it contributes to the formation of soil aggregates, i.e., a finely cloddy structure, which is especially important for heavy soils, since as a result water permeability and aeration increase; it serves as food for microorganisms. Soil organic matter is divided into detritus or dead organic matter (MOB) and biota.

Humus(humus) is the organic material resulting from the incomplete decomposition of MOB. A significant part of it does not exist in a free form, but is associated with inorganic molecules, primarily with clay soil particles. Together with them, humus constitutes the so-called absorption complex of the soil, which is extremely important for almost all physical, chemical and biological processes occurring in it, in particular for the retention of water and nutrients.

Among soil organisms occupy a special place earthworms. These detritophages, along with MOB, swallow a large number of mineral particles. Moving between different layers of soil, the worms constantly mix it. In addition, they leave passages that facilitate its aeration and drainage, thereby improving its structure and associated properties. Earthworms thrive best in a neutral and slightly acidic environment, rarely occurring at a pH below 4.5.