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That got the Nobel. Nobel Prize winners from Russia and the USSR. It turns out it's not that simple.

The Nobel Prize is the highest award awarded for achievements in science, inventions and contributions to culture, as well as for the development of society. The tradition of rewarding people for works that contribute to the progress of mankind was introduced on the basis of Nobel's will. So what can you get Nobel Prize, which implies the delivery of not only memorial sign, but also a significant cash prize of more than $1 million. The award is given to specialists in physics, chemistry, literature, economics, medicine, as well as for establishing peace on earth.

How to get a Nobel Prize?

People who were able to make a discovery receive such a world award, and for this it is necessary to go through a certain path. What does it take to win a Nobel Prize:

  1. Start by getting higher education in the areas listed above. You will have to complete a master's degree and defend a dissertation.
  2. Having a Ph.D. or Ph.D. degree, one must make a discovery that will be useful to the whole world. As for literature, the work must be original and stand out among everyone. You should not expect that immediately after that you will be included in the list of applicants, since it usually takes about 30 years from the moment of opening to receiving the award.
  3. After the discovery is made, you need to work on your popularity, since at least 600 leading experts should know about your work. To do this, you need to participate in various exhibitions, presentations, be published in newspapers and magazines, etc. Fame is needed so that during the survey conducted by the Nobel Committee, professionals in their field mentioned you as a worthy participant.
  4. After that, the Nobel Committee and the Swedish Academy of Sciences conduct numerous consultations with various experts, and the most worthy applicants are selected from the list received, thanks to a survey. After that, a vote takes place, in which the members of the Nobel Committee participate, which makes it possible to determine the winners. If a person gets on this list, then soon he will receive a notice and can prepare for the Nobel lecture.

Speaking about how to get the Nobel Prize in economics, physics and other sciences, it will be interesting to look into the existing predictions of scientists for the future. For example, in physics in the coming years, one should not expect serious discoveries, since only the strengthening and expansion of the existing theory is taking place. Unfavorable prognosis in chemistry, so, according to the committee, it is no longer possible to make any discoveries. Biology has the greatest prospects for truly brilliant discoveries. Practically all research is carried out in the field of clones and genes.

It will also be interesting to know where the Nobel Prize is awarded and when the ceremony takes place. So, they collect the laureates for awarding on December 10 on the day of Nobel's death in the capital of Sweden at the Royal Academy of Music, but the peace prize is given in the capital of Norway. For several years now, the Peace Prize has been awarded not for what has already been done, but for future achievements that improve life.

Why don't mathematicians win the Nobel Prize?

Many are surprised by this fact, but Alfred Nobel himself decided so. There are several versions of why this happened. For example, mathematicians say that the scientist simply forgot to dictate it to the secretary, indicating the list of sciences for which it is worth giving the prize, believing that this goes without saying. Some argue that Alfred excluded mathematics quite consciously, since when creating dynamite, he did not use it, which means that science is completely unnecessary. According to the third version, forgetting about mathematics, Nobel took revenge on his wife's admirer, who was a famous professor of this particular science.

According to the website of the Nobel Committee, by studying the behavior of fruit flies in different phases of the day, researchers from the United States were able to look inside the biological clock of living organisms and explain the mechanism of their work.

Geoffrey Hall, a 72-year-old geneticist from the University of Maine, his 73-year-old colleague Michael Rosbash of the private Brandeis University, and Michael Young, 69, of Rockefeller University, have figured out how plants, animals and people adapt to the change of day and night. Scientists have discovered that circadian rhythms (from the Latin circa - “about”, “around” and the Latin dies - “day”) are regulated by the so-called period genes, which encode a protein that accumulates in the cells of living organisms at night and is consumed during the day.

2017 Nobel laureates Geoffrey Hall, Michael Rosbash and Michael Young began researching the molecular biological nature of living organisms' internal clocks in 1984.

“The biological clock regulates behavior, hormone levels, sleep, body temperature and metabolism. Our well-being deteriorates if there is a discrepancy between the external environment and our internal biological clock - for example, when we travel across multiple time zones. Nobel laureates have found signs that a chronic mismatch between a person's lifestyle and their biological rhythm, dictated by the internal clock, increases the risk of various diseases, ”the Nobel Committee website says.

Top 10 Nobel Laureates in Physiology or Medicine

There, on the website of the Nobel Committee, there is a list of the ten most popular laureates in the field of physiology and medicine for the entire time that it has been awarded, that is, since 1901. This rating of Nobel Prize winners was compiled by the number of page views of the site dedicated to their discoveries.

On the tenth line- Francis Crick, British molecular biologist, who received the Nobel Prize in 1962 together with James Watson and Maurice Wilkins "for their discoveries concerning the molecular structure of nucleic acids and their importance for the transmission of information in living systems," in other words, for the study of DNA.

On the eighth line ranking of the most popular Nobel laureates in the field of physiology and medicine is the immunologist Karl Landsteiner, who received the award in 1930 for the discovery of human blood groups, which made blood transfusion a common medical practice.

In seventh place- Chinese pharmacologist Tu Yuyu. Together with William Campbell and Satoshi Omura in 2015, she received the Nobel Prize “for discoveries in the field of new ways to treat malaria”, or rather, for the discovery of artemisinin, an annual preparation from wormwood, which helps fight this infectious disease. Note that Tu Yuyou became the first Chinese woman to be awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

In fifth place in the list of the most popular Nobel laureates is the Japanese Yoshinori Ohsumi, the winner of the award in the field of physiology and medicine in 2016. He discovered the mechanisms of autophagy.

On the fourth line- Robert Koch, German microbiologist who discovered the bacillus anthrax, vibrio cholerae and tubercle bacillus. Koch received the Nobel Prize in 1905 for his research on tuberculosis.

On the third place James Dewey Watson, an American biologist who received the award along with Francis Crick and Maurice Wilkins in 1952 for the discovery of the structure of DNA, is ranked among the Nobel Prize winners in Physiology or Medicine.

Well and most popular Nobel laureate in the field of physiology and medicine turned out to be Sir Alexander Fleming, a British bacteriologist who, along with colleagues Howard Flory and Ernst Boris Chain, received a prize in 1945 for the discovery of penicillin, which truly changed the course of history.

American scientist received an award for his contribution to understanding aspects of economic behavior

Economist Richard Thaler

Moscow. October 9th. website - The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in Stockholm named the winner of the Alfred Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics, which is often called the "Nobel Prize in Economics". The 49th Prize was awarded to the American economist Richard Thaler for research in the field of behavioral economics.

Richard Thaler, born in 1945, is Professor of Behavioral Science and Economics at the Booth School of Business at the University of Chicago. Thaler is best known as one of the behavioral finance theorists who collaborated with Daniel Kahneman (l. Winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics 2002).

Thaler is the author of the so-called "nudge theory" ("controlled choice"). The scientist formulated the concept of "libertarian paternalism" - a strategy focused on pushing a person to the optimal choice dictated by reason, and not by feelings or momentary desires.

The committee's press release notes that Thaler developed an analysis of economic decision making based on psychologically based assumptions.

The scientist explored the consequences of limited rationality, social preferences and insufficient self-control. He came to the conclusion that individual decisions that can be predicted depend on these qualities. Man is not a machine and he tends to err - such a leitmotif can be traced in many works of the laureate.

Thaler is one of the founders of such scientific direction like behavioral economics and behavioral finance. The scientist is the founder of the asset management company Fuller & Thaler Asset Management.

The announcement of the winner in the field of economics ends the "Nobel Week" -2017.

Unlike the Nobel Prizes in Physiology or Medicine, Chemistry, Physics and Literature, as well as the Peace Prize, the Prize in Economics was not established by Alfred Nobel himself, but by the Bank of Sweden in 1969.

In 2016, the winners of the award are Oliver Hart and Bengt Holmström with the wording "for their contribution to the theory of contracts". The theoretical works of the laureates describe, from the point of view of economic theory, how contracts between economic agents should be arranged.

In 2015, the Anglo-American economist Angus Deaton received the Nobel Prize in Economics "for his analysis of consumption, poverty and welfare." His research has contributed greatly to understanding how individual consumers make choices, which is important for shaping economic policies that promote prosperity and reduce poverty.

Nobel Laureates 2017

Earlier last week, the winners of other Nobel Prizes became known.

US scientists Geoffrey Hall, Michael Rozbash and Michael Young received the Nobel for their study of the molecular mechanisms that regulate the body's circadian rhythms. Reiner Weiss, Kip Thorne and Barry Barish received the award for their decisive contributions to the LIGO detector and for the observation of gravitational waves. Jacques Dubochet, Joachim Frank and Richard Henderson received the award in the field with the wording "for the development of high resolution cryoelectron microscopy for determining the structure of biomolecules in solution".

The Nobel Prize for 2017 was awarded to the Japanese-born British writer Kazuo Ishiguro, who "in novels of great emotional power uncovered the abyss lurking beneath our illusory sense of connection with the world."

The Nobel Prize in 2017 was awarded to the International Campaign for the Extermination nuclear weapons(International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, ICAN).


The awards ceremony will traditionally take place in Stockholm on December 10, the day of the death of the founder of the Nobel Prizes, the Swedish entrepreneur and inventor Alfred Nobel (1833-1896). The Peace Prize, at the behest of Nobel, is awarded in Oslo, and all the others - in Stockholm.

Nobel Prize winners in 2017 will receive 9 million Swedish kronor (about $1.12 million). For the first time since 2001, the Nobel Foundation decided the size of prizes for laureates by 12.5%. Previously, the winners received 8 million Swedish kronor (about $931,000).

Every year, for many years, the Nobel Prize has been awarded in Stockholm (Sweden) and Oslo (Norway).

The award is very prestigious and is awarded only to the most deserving representatives who have achieved significant achievements and play an important role in the development of all mankind. In the article we have grouped Nobel Prize winners from Russia and the USSR by fields of science.

History of the Nobel Prize

The prize was invented by Alfred Nobel, after whom it is called. He was also the first laureate to receive the award for the invention of dynamite in 1867. In 1890, the Nobel Foundation was founded, designed to pay prizes to awarded laureates. His initial capital was the savings of Alfred Nobel, accumulated by him throughout his life.

The size of the Nobel Prize is quite high, for example, in 2010 it was about one and a half billion dollars. Prizes are awarded in the following areas: medicine and physiology, physics, chemistry and literature.

In addition, a peace prize is awarded - for active actions in establishing peace throughout the world. Our compatriots have been nominated more than once for the Nobel Prize, which is prestigious in all respects, and often become laureates.

Nobel Prize Winners in Physics

1958 - Igor Tamm, Ilya Frank and Pavel Cherenkov were the first to receive the Nobel Prize. The award was presented for collective research into the field of gamma radiation and its effects on various liquids.

During the experiments, a blue glow was discovered, later called the "Cherenkov effect". The discovery made it possible to use new techniques in measuring and detecting the velocities of nuclear, high-energy particles. This was a huge breakthrough for experimental nuclear physics.

In 1962 - Lev Landau. A legendary figure in the history of the development of physics. He conducted a lot of research in various fields of physics and mechanics. He made a huge contribution to the development of many branches of science.

He received his award for the creation and detailed description quantum fluid theory, as well as for experimental studies various condensed matter. The main experiments were carried out with liquid helium.

In 1964 - Alexander Prokhorov and Nikolai Basov. The award was received for joint developments in the field of radiophysics and quantum electronics. These studies made it possible to invent molecular generators - masers, as well as special amplifiers that concentrate radiation into one powerful beam.

1978 -, In 1978, using the example of helium, he discovered the phenomenon of superfluidity - the ability of a substance that is in the state of a quantum liquid and in temperature conditions close to absolute zero to penetrate without any friction through the smallest holes.

2000 - Zhores Alferov- awarded for the development of fundamentally new semiconductors that can withstand huge energy flows and are used in the creation of ultra-fast computers. In DVD drives, which are equipped with all modern computers, laser recording to disc uses just these technologies.

2003 - trio: Vitaly Ginzburg, American Anthony Leggett and Alexei Abrikosov- for a theory explaining two phenomena quantum physics– superfluidity and superconductivity of various materials.

AT modern science they are used to create superconductors used in ultra-precise diagnostic medical equipment, in scientific equipment involved in research related to particle acceleration and many other physical phenomena.

2010 - Andrey Game and Konstantin Novoselov (former citizens Russia, now subjects of the Kingdom of Great Britain) received an award for the discovery of graphene and the study of its properties. It captures and converts light into electrical energy 20 times more than all previously discovered materials and increases the speed of the Internet connection.

Nobel Prize Winners in Chemistry

1956 - Nikolai Semenov author of many scientific achievements. However, his most famous work, for which he received this prestigious award, was the study of various chain reactions occurring at high temperatures. This discovery made it possible to gain control over all ongoing processes and to predict the final outcome of each process.

1977 - Ilya Prigozhy n (a native of Russia, lives in Belgium) received an award for the theory of dispassive structures and for research on non-equilibrium thermodynamics, which made it possible to bridge many gaps between biological, chemical and social research fields.

Nobel laureates in medicine and physiology

1904 - Ivan Pavlov, first Russian academician- Nobel Prize-winning physiologist. He was engaged in the study of the physiology of digestion and the nervous regulation of the processes occurring during this. Awarded by the Nobel Committee for the study of the main digestive glands and their functions.

It was he who divided all the reflexes of the digestive tract into conditional and unconditioned. Thanks to these data, a clearer understanding of the vital aspects of what is happening in the human body has been obtained.

1908 - Ilya Mechnikov- made many outstanding discoveries that allowed the development of experimental medicine and biology of the twentieth century to continue. I. Mechnikov received the Nobel Prize jointly with the German biologist P. Ehrlich for developing the theory of immunity.

Research in this area and the creation of the theory took the academician 25 years. But it is thanks to these studies that the phenomena by which the human body becomes immune to many diseases have become clear.

Nobel Laureates in Economics

1975 - Leonid Kantorovich- the only Soviet economist and mathematician who deserved the highest rating for his economic activity. It was he who put mathematics at the service of production and thereby simplified the organization and planning of all production processes. Received an award for his great contribution to the theory of optimal allocation of resources.

Winners of the Nobel Prize in Literature

1933 - Ivan Bunin- received the title of laureate for two books: "The Life of Arseniev" and "The Gentleman from San Francisco." And, of course, for his contribution to the development of traditional Russian culture. The artistic talent of the author, artistry and truthfulness, made it possible to recreate a typically Russian multifaceted character in lyrical prose.

1958 - Boris Pasternak- many times claimed the role of the Nobel Prize winner, even before the release of his world-famous novel "Doctor Zhivago", which became the decisive argument in choosing the winner.

The prize was awarded with the wording: "for the greatest achievements in poetry and for maintaining the traditions of the great, mighty Russian novel."

However, Pasternak, being recognized in his homeland as an "anti-Soviet" element, being under heavy pressure from the Soviet authorities, was forced to refuse. The son of the great writer received the medal and diploma 30 years later.

1965 - Mikhail Sholokhov- unlike Pasternak and Solzhenitsyn, he was actively supported by the government of his native country, his stories describing the life and way of life of the settlers of the small homeland of the writer - the Don Cossacks, were repeatedly published in all popular publications.

M. Sholokhov's books were popular among Soviet readers. In addition to the "Cossack" theme, the author has repeatedly written about the great patriotic war, the echoes of which were still alive in the memory of the entire Soviet people. However, he received recognition from foreign colleagues by writing the novel Quiet Don, which tells about the Don Cossacks in a difficult period of life, full of revolutions and wars. For this novel, he was awarded the Nobel Prize.

1970 - Alexander Solzhenitsyn, before collapse Soviet power was a banned author. He spent time in prison for criticizing the leadership of the USSR. His works were considered openly anti-Soviet and were not published on the territory of the USSR countries. Most famous works, such as "In the First Circle", "The Gulag Archipelago" and "The Cancer Ward", were published in the West and enjoyed very high popularity there.

For his contribution to the development of the traditions of Russian literature and the highly moral force of his works, Solzhenitsyn was awarded the Nobel Prize. However, he was not released for the presentation, forbidding him to leave the territory of the USSR. Representatives of the committee, who tried to present the award to the laureate at home, were also denied entry.

After 4 years, Solzhenitsyn was expelled from the country, and only then, with a great delay, was he able to be awarded a well-deserved award. Return to Russia, the writer was able after the collapse of Soviet power.

1987 - Joseph Brodsky, who was an outcast in the USSR and, under pressure from the authorities, deprived of citizenship, received the Nobel Prize, being a US citizen. With the wording: “for clarity of thought, for intense poetic and literary creativity". After receiving the award, the poet's works were no longer boycotted at home. For the first time, in the USSR, they were published in the popular publication Novy Mir.

Nobel Peace Prize Laureates

1975 - Andrey Sakharov Russian physicist, fighter for human rights. Being one of the founders of the first Soviet hydrogen bomb, actively fought for the signing of a moratorium on a ban on nuclear weapons testing, provoking an arms race. In addition to his many other merits, Sakharov is the author of the draft constitution of the USSR.

Being the leader of the human rights movement defending human rights and freedoms, he was recognized as a dissident and was deprived of all awards and prizes previously awarded for his active work.

For the same activity he received the title of laureate in the Peace Prize category.

1990 - Mikhail Gorbachev - the first and only president of the USSR. During his activity, the following large-scale events were produced that affected the whole world:

  • The so-called "Perestroika" - an attempt to reform Soviet system, to introduce into the USSR the leading signs of democracy: freedom of speech and the press, publicity, the possibility of free democratic elections, the reform of the socialist economy in the direction of a market economy model.
  • End of the Cold War.
  • Conclusion Soviet troops from the territory of Afghanistan.
  • Rejection of all communist ideologies and further persecution of all dissidents.
  • The collapse of the USSR as a result of its transition to democracy.

For all these merits, Mikhail Gorbachev was awarded the Nobel Prize with the wording: "for the leading role in peace processes that make up an important part of the life of the entire international society." Today, the personality of Mikhail Gorbachev is perceived Russian society very ambiguous and his activities during the collapse of the USSR causes a lot of heated debate. Whereas in the West his authority was and continues to be undeniable. He received recognition as a Nobel Peace Prize winner precisely in Western society, but not in Russia.

Probably, only the desire of mankind for self-expression and heroic deeds contributes to the emergence of unusually tenacious initiatives. So a gentleman by the name of Nobel took it and decided to leave his money to his descendants in order to reward the gentlemen who distinguished themselves in one area or another. He has long rested in the damp earth, and the people remember him. The population is waiting (some impatiently) when the next lucky ones will be announced. And the candidates try, set goals, even intrigue, trying to climb this Olympus of glory. And if everything is clear with scientists and researchers - they receive their awards for real achievements or discoveries, then how do the Nobel Peace Prize winners stand out? Interesting? Let's figure it out.

Who awards the prize and for what?

There is a special committee whose main task is to select and approve
nominations for the highest award in the field. The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded to people who have distinguished themselves in promoting security and stability on the planet. It is issued annually. The procedure takes place in Oslo, the tenth of December. At the same time, both international organizations and national governments can propose a candidate who will become a laureate. They are listed in the Charter of the Committee. Any person who has been or is a member of the Nobel Committee is also eligible to participate in the nomination process. In addition, the Charter gives such privileges to university professors involved in politics or history.

When they study who received the Nobel Peace Prize, they will definitely come across the name of another political figure whose activities do not cause criticism. Such a person is Tenzin Gyatso, the Dalai Lama. This is an absolutely outstanding personality. From an early age, he was forced to take on spiritual leadership. Buddhists recognized the boy as the incarnation of the deceased lama. Subsequently, he had to shoulder the political responsibility for Tibet (at the age of sixteen). All his work is based on kindness, tolerance and love (from the wording of the Nobel Committee). It should be added that he was unable to reach an agreement with the Chinese government. Now he lives and carries out his ideas in exile.

It turns out that not everything is so simple!

There are also very controversial winners of this high award. The committee is often criticized for being too politicized. Residents of the post-Soviet space consider Mikhail Gorbachev to be such a figure. The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to such a controversial person from the point of view of the world community as Yasser Arafat.

This decision of the Committee is considered scandalous on the grounds that this laureate did not deny military ways to achieve his goals. On his account not only battles, but also terrorist acts. He himself proclaimed the destruction of an entire sovereign state (Israel) as his goal. That is, despite the fact that Arafat fought for the well-being of the inhabitants of the Middle East, it is difficult to assign the title of peacemaker to him. Another scandalous figure is Barack Obama. The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to him in 2009. It must be said that the Committee had to put up with a flurry of criticism of this decision.

More about Obama

In the world press, the opinion is still flickering that the President of the States was awarded the award "in advance". At that time, he had just taken office, he had not yet distinguished himself in anything significant. And the initiatives and decisions that he subsequently took do not at all explain why he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

Obama is considered the president who unleashed the largest number military conflicts. Their victims are incalculable due to the "hybrid nature" of these collisions (the term appeared quite recently). He had to make decisions about bombing and ground operations. He is criticized for the invasion of Syria, unrest in Iraq and Ukraine. Nevertheless, Obama received the Nobel Peace Prize and is listed among its laureates.

This "advance reward" leads to more and more scandals. As zones of aggravation of tensions emerge, some politicians are in favor of the annulment of this award. There is an opinion that such non-peaceful behavior dishonors a high premium. In the Russian Federation, of course, they believe that V.V. Putin is a more worthy candidate. The Nobel Peace Prize may yet be awarded to him for his true tenacity in conflict resolution.

About money

People are often interested not so much in the achievements of the individuals awarded this award, but in its amount. The Nobel Peace Prize really can amaze the imagination. The fact is that all the funds of the Committee do not just lie in financial institutions. They "work", increasing in size. According to the will, the profit is divided into five parts. They are not the same and become more and more impressive from year to year. So, the very first amount, handed in 1901, was equal to forty-two thousand dollars. In 2003, the amount was already 1.35 million. Its size is influenced by the state of the world economy. Dividends that go to payments can not only increase, but also decrease. For example, in 2007 the amount of the premium was 1.542 million, and by 2008 it "melted" (1.4 million dollars).

These funds are distributed in five equal shares according to nominations, and then - according to the number of laureates, in accordance with the rules according to which the Nobel Peace Prize is awarded. How much money will go to awards in each year is determined by the Committee, having carried out the appropriate calculations of earnings from securities and other assets.

Russian laureates

Our fellow citizens received such an award only twice. In addition to Gorbachev, the scientist Andrei Sakharov was awarded such an honor. However, not his scientific works gave rise to the award. Sakharov was considered a human rights activist and a fighter against the regime. AT Soviet times he was severely criticized and persecuted. The scientist worked on the creation of hydrogen weapons. Despite this, he openly advocated a ban on testing weapons of mass destruction, against the arms race. His ideas were very popular in society and did not like the ruling elite at all.

Sakharov is considered to be a passionate champion of peace, who suffered for his views. The Nobel Committee used the wording: "for courage in the fight against abuse of power ...". Nevertheless, he was rather an idealist, a kind and non-aggressive person (according to the recollections of his colleagues). More Russians did not receive high awards, which does not mean that worthy personalities do not live in our country. Quicker, given fact can be perceived as a political engagement of the Committee, the use of awards in geopolitical competition.

Who has not received an award, but deserves it?

Many politicians believe that Mahatma Gandhi, more than all other figures, deserved a high award. This man dealt with the organization of the struggle of the Indians against the colonialists. Gandhi not only had to devise ways in which the weak and unarmed population could oppose the British army, but they also had to be correlated with the characteristics of the local religion. This method was invented by him. It has been called non-violent resistance and is often used today. Mahatma Gandhi was proposed to the Committee five times. Only there were "more worthy" candidates (which again can be explained by the politicization of this organization). Subsequently officials those responsible for awarding the Nobel Prize expressed their regret that Gandhi did not become a laureate.

Incidents of the Nobel Committee

There are such incredible things in the history of this organization that today can only be perceived anecdotally. So, as you know, none other than Adolf Hitler was nominated for this award in 1939. Fortunately, he did not receive the Nobel Peace Prize. And it's not about the money. What would be the prestige of an organization that would call a peacemaker a person guilty of the death of millions of inhabitants of our planet? The Nobel Committee refused to award it, explaining its decision by the attitude of the Nazis towards the Jews.

Nevertheless, at the time of his nomination, Hitler's activities looked quite progressive for the German intelligentsia. He had just concluded two large peace agreements, raised industry, took care of the development of science and art. Nowadays, people understand how absurd and unfounded Hitler's claims for the award were. But at that time, the inhabitants of Germany perceived him as a real leader, leading them to a brighter life. Yes, it was true to some extent. He really cared about the Germans, only at the expense of people of other nationalities. To the credit of the members of the Nobel Committee, they understood this and refused his candidacy for the prize.

Collective laureates

This award was awarded three times to organizations that are somehow connected with the Red Cross. If we take into account the first laureate - its organizer, then four. It should be noted that this international organization undoubtedly deserves such a high appraisal. Its representatives always find a field for activity. Whether in areas of bloody conflict or epidemics, they are often at the center of the action, lending a much-needed hand of support to unfortunate people in distress. By the way, once the UN became the laureate of the award (2001), earlier its peacekeeping forces (1988) and the refugee service (1981) were noted. Of the not very well-known organizations-winners, the International Labor Organization (1969) can be mentioned. It is possible that we do not hear about the wave because a lot of time has passed since its influence in the world was so great that it was awarded an award.

There are many winners of this major award. The names of some went down in history with courage and courage, others - with scandals and intrigues. The third is not remembered at all. Nevertheless, people want this award to fall into the hands of truly worthy individuals, regardless of the political situation.