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Written French alphabet with translation into Russian. French alphabet with pronunciation and transcription. Diacritics and ligatures

Have you decided to learn French? Amazing!
Where to start?
Of course, from the alphabet!
The alphabet is the basis of any language, and the language is the basis of the culture of the people.
The origin of the French alphabet is the Latin alphabet. It has 26 letters: 6 vowels ( a, e, i, o,u, y) and 20 consonants.
In addition to these familiar letters, French 2 combinations of letters are used (ligatures œ and æ ) and 5 diacritics.
For example, these are: é , à , ô , ï , ç .
For this lesson, specially selected French words familiar to every Russian-speaking person.
And you will once again be able to see how deeply the Russian language is connected with French.
Getting to know France through the alphabet!

I suggest watching a video to learn how to pronounce French letters.

Now, right now, you will be able to read some French words and understand them without translation. I'm even sure of it! After all, they are consonant with the words of the Russian language. Moreover, most of them got into the Russian language from French. How closely our cultures are intertwined!

I offer some entertaining exercises for learning the French alphabet. Bon courage!

Exercice n°1 : Knock Knock! Who lives in the house?
Find the missing letters.

1. J, T, Q, D, H
2. J, Q, T, I, H
3. J, Q, T, E, I
4. M, Q, S, J, I

Exercice n°2 : At recess (à la récré).
Make a list of the children's names in alphabetical order.

1. Amélie, Daniel, Helène, Henri, Luc, Jean, Juliette
2. Amélie, Daniel, Helène, Henri, Jean, Juliette, Luc
3. Amélie, Daniel, Jean, Juliette, Henri, Hélène, Luc
4. Amélie, Daniel, Henri, Hélène, Luc, Jean, Juliette

Exercicen°3 : Vowel or consonant?
Choose a category for each letter.

Consonants (consonnes) Vowels (voyelles)

l b a r j v e i k g q h y w m d f o u s x t n c p z

Exercice n°4 : What letter is missing?
All French words are consonant with the words of the Russian language.


Exercicen°5 : It is interesting! One and the same, but in a different way.

Question n°1
About the time at which something should happen an important event, we say "at X hour", and the French say ...
1. per hour Y
2. per hour H
3. per hour X

Question n°2
We use the expression "from A to Z", which means "everything from beginning to end." And the French say...
1. A to W
2. A to B
3. A to Z

Exercicen°6 : Why don't we go to the cinema? Let's see the flyer!
The title of the movie includes a letter. Replace it with the appropriate letter of the French alphabet.

Question n°1
"... means vendetta"

Question n°2
"War of the Worlds …"
1. X

Question n°3
"Team …"
2. A

Question n°4
"People …"
1. X
2. L

Exercicen°7 : Letter puzzle. Try to read the encrypted words.
Yes, yes, you also know these French words well.

The basis of any language is, first of all, the alphabet. On our site, we have already talked about the features of the French alphabet, about the rules for reading certain letter combinations, about various phonetic features of the French language.

Today we want to dwell in more detail on the French alphabet, namely, on its capital letters and transcriptions.

If you want to learn how to write uppercase French letters, then here they are, in front of you. The table is divided into columns: the first with block letters, the second with capital letters and the third with the Russian transcription of these letters.

Friends, if you want to learn how to beautifully display French letters in a letter, then practice on a piece of paper, trying to write letters as in our table.

French alphabet with transcription

Graphic symbols you need to know

We have already considered in more detail all the graphic symbols of the French language. But since today we are talking about the alphabet, it is worth briefly recalling them.

  • Accent aigu: e. It is used only with the letter e and means a closed sound [e]: enchante
  • Accent grave: à, è, ù: la,frere,
  • Accent circonflexe: â, ê, î, ô, û: â me,ê tre, plaî t,clô turer, dû
  • Cedille: ç: francais
  • Trema: ë, ï, ü, ÿ: Citroë n, maï s

Friends, remember that if you do not follow all these graphic symbols in a letter, then this is considered a spelling error. Therefore, in a dictation, in an essay or other written work points are deducted for this, and your score will be lower.

Also, don't forget the so-called ligatures: æ, œ. However, they are often replaced by two letters: ae (or the phonetic notation é), oe.

The letters k, w and the ligature æ (rather rare) are used only in foreign words (kilo - kilogram, wagon - wagon, nævus - wart), as well as in proper names.

Learn the alphabet with your child!

Friends, if you decide that it's time for your child to learn French, then where to start, if not with the alphabet?

For kids preschool age educational and entertaining videos and songs in French about letters are perfect. While listening to the song, your baby and you yourself can sing along to the announcer, thus mastering the alphabet and the first words in French.

We want to offer you several options to help your child learn the French alphabet quickly.

Here a very cute kitten will help the child learn the letters and repeat them after him or with him. Play the video for your baby for as long as you want! And yes, the kitten has a great pronunciation!

And this sweet song with a pleasant melody will double the speed of learning the French alphabet. The letters are carried by a funny train, so learning will be easy and fun. Sing along with the locomotive!

And in this wonderful video, French letters are accompanied by words and cute drawings. Not only auditory, but also visual information appears before the baby, which facilitates and speeds up the process of mastering the alphabet, and also makes it doubly interesting.

Such videos for children can be both watched and simply listened to while learning the French alphabet and the language in general. Be close to your child to come to his aid at any time and explain what he did not understand or did not hear.

Several ways to learn the alphabet

If you are an adult, then it will not be difficult for you to learn the French alphabet: just listen to it several times and repeat after the announcer, and voilà - you already know it! The main thing is to practice the correct pronunciation.

Paint the letters however you like!

But with the baby, the situation is different, he will need your help and patience.

  • Firstly, you can use those alphabetical videos that we suggested; find other alphabet videos.
  • Second, make learning French letters creative by drawing each letter on a separate piece of paper. Draw with your kid, make each letter colorful, patterned and colorful.
  • Thirdly, draw or select a suitable picture for each letter, for example: a - abeille, b - bâteau, etc.

Now, repeating the entire alphabet several times, show the child each letter separately, and let him pronounce it. After five or six such lessons, your baby will fully master the French alphabet and will be able to say it easily, freely and without hesitation!

We wish you good luck, friends and see you soon!

is the basis French(Le Francais). Its ancestor is the Latin alphabet. The French alphabet consists of 26 letters, 2 letter compounds (ligatures Ææ Œœ) and 5 diacritics.

Rice. from the textbook I.N. Popova, Zh.A. Kazakova - Grammar of the French language.

Feature of the French alphabet is the fact that the letters w, k and ligatures Æ æ used only in foreign words and proper names. Alphabet complement icon ç (cedille), and 3 diacritics written above vowels: acute (accent aigu), grave (accent grave) and circumflex (accent circonflexe). There is also diaeresis, or trema (tréma): Ëë, Ïï, Üü, Ÿÿ , but it is very rare, mostly in proper names. With the help of silent letters and other techniques, words and grammatical forms that coincide in pronunciation are distinguished.

History of the French alphabet and language

As mentioned above, French is derived from Latin and belongs to the Romance group of languages. Among all descendants Latin, the French language differs most of all from it in comparison with other brother languages. The first evolutionary stage of the French language was Old French. It was formed from a mixture of colloquial Latin (its North Gaulish dialect) and the language of the Franks. Old French existed approximately from the 10th to the 14th century AD and then passed into Middle French. The first written evidence of the Old French language was the documents known as " Strasbourg Oaths", which refer to the year 842.

Of course, the predecessors of the French language were far from it. modern look. On the this moment French is spoken by about 270 million people worldwide. According to statistics, French is one of the most studied languages. foreign languages and included in 6 official languages UN. French is the state language in many countries of the world: France, Canada, Monaco, etc. Basically, these are states - former colonies of France. A curious fact is that in France itself the language became official only in 1992.

--> French letters and spelling

French writing is based on Latin alphabet, consisting of 26 pairs of letters (lowercase and uppercase). In addition, the French language uses diacritics(superscript) signs and 2 ligatures(weave of letters). A feature of French orthography is the use of letter combinations that perform the function of one letter, as well as the presence of diacritical letters that are not pronounced by themselves, but indicate the reading of an adjacent letter, or perform a separating function.

French alphabet

The French language uses the Latin alphabet, which has 26 letters to represent 35 phonemes.

A aJ jS s
BbK kT t
c cl lU u
D dM mVv
e eN nWw
F fO oX x
G gPpY y
H hQ qZz
I iR r

The letters k and w are used only in words of foreign origin.

The letter h is not pronounced by itself, but may indicate readings of adjacent letters. When using the letter h at the beginning of a word in French, they distinguish h mute (h muet) and h aspirated (h aspire). With words that start with h aspirated, linking is prohibited. In addition, there is no truncation of the article before such words. In dictionary h aspirated, usually denoted by an asterisk (*).

Diacritics and ligatures

feature graphics system French is the application of the following diacritics:

  • accent aigu or acute(´) is placed above the letter e to indicate [e] closed: l’été
  • accent grave or gravity(`) is placed over the letter e to indicate [ɛ] open (mère), as well as over other letters to distinguish between homonyms (words with the same sound): la - là, ou - où.
  • accent circumflexe or circumflex(ˆ) is placed over different vowels and indicates that the given sound is long: fête, ôter
  • trema or diaeresis(¨) is placed above the vowels and indicates that they must be pronounced separately from the preceding vowel sound: Citroën
  • cedille or cedilla(¸) placed under c means pronunciation [s], not [k], before vowels other than i and e : garçon
  • apostrophe or apostrophe(') denotes the omission of a final vowel before a word beginning with a vowel or h silent: l'arbre (le => l'), j'habite ( je => j')

The following are French letters with diacritics:

French uses two ligatures: Æ æ and Œ œ .

Ligature œ occurs in both loanwords and native words, and can represent the sounds [e], [ɛ], [œ] and [ø], for example

- [e]: œdème (edema)
- [ɛ]: œstrogène (estrogen)
- [œ]: cœur (heart)
- [ø]: nœud (knot)

Ligature æ pronounced as [e] and found in words borrowed from Latin, for example, nævus (nevus), cæcum (caecum)

letter combinations

Due to the discrepancy between the number of letters and sounds, certain graphic principles are used. In French, the positional principle is used, which consists in the fact that the meaning of a given letter is specified by its connection with neighboring letters (in Russian, the syllabic principle: a combination of a consonant with a vowel receives a single designation). Thus, some letters in various combinations may indicate sounds that do not correspond to their alphabetic meaning.

There are 3 types of letter combinations, all of which are presented in French:

  • progressive (x+ A): the reading of a letter depends on the next letter (letters c , g )
  • regressive (A+ x ): dependence of reading a letter on the previous one (ill before a vowel or consonant)
  • bilateral (A+ x+ B): s between two consonants

Spelling principles

French makes more extensive use of principles less closely related to the sound of a word or living phonetic alternations. This, for example, etymological principle (the spelling characteristic of the language from which the word is borrowed is preserved), traditional principle (the former pronunciation or outdated spelling techniques are reflected). This circumstance increases the discrepancy between sound and spelling in the text.

Alphabet Français pour les Enfants

But still, at a certain stage in the study of any language, it is necessary to learn the alphabet. Let's try to make this process more interesting for children!

French alphabet

The spelling and names of letters (namely letters, not the sounds that they can convey in writing):

latin letter

French letter name

Russian correspondence

latin letter

French letter name

Russian correspondence

Poems about the French alphabet


Le chat s'est decide

A saisir un hache

Pour couper la ficelle

Ou le jambon sale

Est pendu tout l'éte

Le jambon est tombe

Tout juste sur son nez

— Le voici étourdi

— Et nous avons le temps

— De redire a present

Notre alphabet sans lui.

Toutes les choses pour bien s'amuser

e,comme ensemble

j,comme je vous aime!

l,comme lire ensemble

m,comme manger ensemble

n,comme nager ensemble

voila toutes les choses pour bien s'amuser!


L'alphabet tombe du buffet,

Heurte le plancher,

Roule dans les coins

Les james du A sont tordues,

Le point du I est parti,

La barre du H s'est barree

Pour doubler celle du T,

Le R a la jambe cassee,

Il manque une boucle au B

Qui se confond avec le P,

Le S, déroulé, tourne en rond,

Le O a creve comme un ballon.

Quant au W, c'est tout un probleme:

s'est mis la tête en bas

Et fait semblant d'être le M

Les oeufs

— A, B, C, D, E,
Mais où sont les oeufs?
F, G, H, I, J,
Non, pas dans mon lit!
K, L, M, N, O,
Pas dans le piano!
P, Q, R, S, T,
Pas dans le grenier!
U, V, W
Et pour les trouver,
X, Y, Z,
Il faut qu'on nous aide!

Qui a vu passer?

— A B C
Qui a vu passer?
La tête a Joseph
Quand elle est party
Elle avait des ailes
Pour aller la haut
Voler dans les airs
N'est pas revenue
Pour la retrouver
Il faut que tu m'aides

Un et un font deux

A B C D E un et un font deux
K L M N O je vais au tableau
P Q R S T pour y reciter
U V W tout mon alphabet
X Y Z sans que l'on m'aide!

A, B, C, D
le chat s'est decide
E, F, G, H,
a saisir une hache
I, J, K, L,
pour couper la ficelle
M, N, O, P,
ou le jambon sale
Q, R, S, T,
est pendu tout l'éte
U, V, W
le jambon est tombé
X, Y, Z,
tout juste sur son "pet".
le voici etoudi
et nous avons le temps
redire a present
notre alphabet sans lui.
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z.

French Alphabet Games

It will be very good if you play all the games with your child in French. Let it be the most simple sentences but in French.

1. Draw a few letters on paper, and then, together with your child, draw their eyes, mouth, ears, hair, arms, legs, clothes. They can be turned into humans or animals. The names of these creatures will be the names of the corresponding letters. Then the letters can participate in various skits, visit each other. For example, you can play around with the word "family" (Famille): let each letter be one of the family members, they will be dressed differently and of different sizes, and together they form the word family.

Examples of possible phrases:

  • Ce sont nos lettres. Le nom de cette lettre est A et le nom de cette lettre est B (These are our letters. This letter is called A, and this letter is called Be)
  • Posons le nom de ces lettres. Quel est ton nom? Mon nom est B. Ravi de te rencontrer, B! Mon nom est C. (Let's get acquainted with these letters. What is your name? My name is Be. Very nice, Be. My name is Se)
  • Regard! Cette lettre est comme un lapin. (Look! This letter looks like a hare!)

2. You can also sculpt letters from plasticine (let, for example, funny multi-colored worms turn into letters), you can make crafts from paper and other materials.

3. You can buy letters with magnets, draw letters (just letters, words or whole sentences) on a magnetic board with a washable felt-tip pen, and then the child must put the corresponding letter in the right place on the board. The same can be done with paper and glue, fabric and Velcro.

4. The variety of word games with letters depends on the number of words the child knows in French. You can call with the child in turn for each letter:

  • Food
  • items in the house
  • body parts
  • objects on the street
  • animals, etc.

If the child only learns words or does not know how they are spelled, name the words from such a list yourself.

I offer you a list with tips. Friends! Who will have ideas what words can be entered in the empty fields, write in the comments ... my fantasy is over 🙁

Letters Animals, birds, insects, fish House, furniture, dishes Food clothing
A abeille (bee), araignée (spider) auto (car) apricot (apricot)
B baleine (whale) bureau (desk) banane (banana), beurre (butter) bottes (boots)
C chat (cat), chien (dog), coq (rooster), canard (duck), cheval (horse) chaise (chair), couteau (knife), chambre (room), cuisinière (stove), cuillère (spoon) carotte (carrot), crème glacée (ice cream), citron (lemon) chapeau (cap), chaussettes (socks), costume (suit), chemise (shirt), chaussure (shoes)
D dinosaure (dinosaur) divan (sofa)
E elephant (elephant) étage (floor), étagère (shelf) eau echarpe
F frigo (refrigerator), fer (iron), fenêtre (window) fruit (fruit), fromage (cheese) fourrure (fur coat)
G girafe (giraffe), grenouille (frog) garage (garage) gants (gloves)
H hippopotame (hippo), hérisson (hedgehog) huile (oil)
J jaguar (jaguar) jardin (garden), journal (newspaper), jouets (toys) jus (juice) jaquette (jacket), jeans (jeans), jupe (skirt)
I image (picture)
K kiwi (kiwi)
L lion (lion), léopard (leopard), lièvre (hare), loup (wolf) lampe (lamp), lit (bed), livre (book) lait (milk), legumes (vegetables)
M mouton (sheep) miroir (mirror), montre (clock), maison (house), mur (wall) macaroni (pasta), melon (melon) manteau (coat)
O ours (bear), oiseau (bird), oie (goose) ordinateur (computer) orange (orange), oignion (onion), œuf (egg)
P papillon (butterfly), pullet (chicken), poisson (fish), panda (panda), porc (pig) peinture (picture), porte (doors) pâtes (pasta), poire (pear), pomme (apple), pommes de terre (potato) pain (bread), pullet (chicken), poisson (fish), pastèque (watermelon) pantalon (trousers), pajama (pajamas)
R rat (rat), rhinocéros (rhinoceros), renard (fox) radio (radio), rideaux (curtains) riz (rice) robe (dress)
S singe (monkey), souris (mouse), serpent (snake) sofa (sofa) sel (salt), sucre (sugar) short (shorts)
T tigre (tiger), tortue (turtle) table (table), TV (TV), tapis (carpet), tableau (picture), toit (roof) thé (tea), tarte (pie) t-shirt (t-shirt)
V vache (cow) voiture (machine) viande (meat) veste (jacket)
W wapiti (moose) wall (wall)
Z zebre (zebra)