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Physics and Mathematics School of niu itmo. Non-classical admission to the university Itmo fizmat school entrance to your personal account

Classes: senior. In grades 5 and 10, selection is carried out for vacancies and is carried out in the form of competitive tests of students ( test papers, interview). Applicants take an exam in mathematics and the Russian language, from the 10th grade - another physics.

The lyceum has a strong teaching staff. It provides students with the knowledge and skills of basic courses and in-depth courses in mathematics, physics, and information technology. The high quality of education at the lyceum confirms participation in international competitions, victories in the Olympiads and admission of its graduates to the higher educational institutions of the city. The school has trained graduates, including more than 200 doctors of science and thousands of candidates of science.

Classes: middle and senior. In grades 8, 9, 10, admission is carried out on a competitive basis based on the results of the entrance Olympiad in mathematics (two rounds). In the 5th grade, admission is carried out on a competitive basis based on the results of introductory olympiads in mathematics and the Russian language. One of the leading educational institutions of Russia in physics and mathematics. In-depth study of mathematics, physics, programming.

The Lyceum has 22 graduates. Dean of the Faculty of Physics of St. Petersburg State University Alexander Sergeevich Chirtsov is also a graduate of this lyceum. The Education Informatization Center operates. have existed for many years math circles. Every summer they go out of town to a math camp. There is a department additional education of 43 groups, in which about 700 students are involved - both in the lyceum and in other schools. The department works in 6 directions. There is a sports club "Olimp" (5 directions, 150 people), a stadium, gyms.

Classes: 5, 8, 9, 10. Admission conditions - rating Olympiads. One of the oldest educational institutions in the city. In 1990 he received the status of a physical and mathematical lyceum and an experimental base-laboratory of standards for teaching physics, mathematics and computer science. Among all schools in the world, 239 lyceums studied the largest number winners of international olympiads in mathematics. In 2013, in the list of 25 strongest schools in Russia (in terms of the Unified State Examination and Olympiads), compiled for the first time by the Moscow Center for Continuous Mathematical Education, the lyceum took third place.

The Center for Mathematical Education at the Lyceum is world famous. In addition to regular classes, he holds open olympiads, organizes a summer mathematical camp. The lyceum has a physical center, a center information technologies, a chemical center, a theater studio, a journalistic club, various circles and sections.

Physics and mathematics classes: 5-10. The lyceum entered the top ten best schools in the city in terms of USE results in mathematics and physics in 2009. For several years he took part in space educational experiments (for example, the experiment on growing plants at the International space station). Classes in the lyceum are divided into technical (in-depth study of physics and mathematics) and natural sciences (in-depth study of physics, computer science and mathematics). Admission to class 1 is carried out on a declarative basis. Admission to grades 5-10 is carried out on a competitive basis, based on the results of entrance examinations.

Almost all lyceum graduates successfully enter universities, mainly technical ones. The Lyceum has signed cooperation agreements with the University of Aerospace Instrumentation, Electrotechnical University, St. Petersburg ITMO. High school students have the opportunity to study in winter school at the Faculty of Physics, St. Petersburg State University. There are 38 different circles and sections in the lyceum.

5. Physics and Mathematics School No. 644 (ranking according to the Unified State Examination - 67.60)

Classes: middle and senior. The program of in-depth study of mathematics and physics is implemented starting from the 8th grade (mathematics - 8 hours, physics - 3 hours). Preparation for admission to them is carried out from the 1st grade. An agreement was signed with the Physics and Mathematics Lyceum No. 239 on cooperation in the field of education. In accordance with this agreement, from September 1, 2013, one lyceum 5th grade was opened on the basis of the school, in which pupils from Primorsky district schools are admitted on a competitive basis.

The school is in experimental mode. A system of school student self-government has been created and is successfully operating. There is a network of various electives, circles and sections. In 2012, the school won the competition between educational institutions implementing innovative educational programs. According to the results of work for 2012, it was included in the national register of " Top Schools Russia".

Classes: middle and senior. The school organizes and conducts additional classes for in-depth study of mathematics and physics by students in grades 7-10. The school cooperates with St. Petersburg state university ways of communication. It was opened at the direction of the Ministry of Railways of the USSR in 1988 to improve the physical and mathematical training of future railway transport specialists.

The school program is coordinated with the program general education schools. It allows you to deeply study these subjects within the framework of school course and prepare for the final exams at school, in the form of the Unified State Examination. Training is carried out by correspondence. During the year, the student is given 5-6 tasks in each subject with tests. He is sent methodical literature, which summarizes the main theoretical issues. The school employs experienced teachers of the departments " higher mathematics" and "Physics" PGUPS. The duration of training in each class is 8 months.

The hero of this story is Ilya Glebov, a schoolboy from Monchegorsk, a small town in the Murmansk region. In the city of forty thousand, there are several secondary schools, a gymnasium, a lyceum, and not so many good tutors - so when the family started talking about preparing for the Unified State Examination in computer science, Ilya decided to rely on Internet resources. And, as it turned out, he made the right decision - he scored 97 points in computer science. But in this story, the preparation process turned out to be even more interesting than the result:
Everything really happened when I was preparing for the exam in computer science. There was a task number 27. The point is that it had a lot of parameters - x1, x2, x3, x4, x5 and so on. I had to try and sort it out.

And I was so tired of doing it that I just decided to take a break and read something. I came across an article about a vulnerability on Facebook and decided to try this method on VK

  • We send a request to send SMS to subscriber A with session_id C, he receives the code 1234
  • We send a request to send SMS to subscriber B with session_id C, he receives the code 1234
  • Now, if subscriber A knows the phone number of subscriber B, he can restore his page.
It was possible to restore only the page to which the last SMS with a similar session_id came.

First of all, Ilya reported the vulnerability in a report on HackerOne. Vkontakte reacted promptly and fixed the vulnerability in 17 hours, after which the Mail.Ru Group holding, which includes Vkontakte, paid Ilya $ 3,000 - two thousand for finding a vulnerability and another thousand - under the bug bounty program from ICQ (messenger used the same ilbverify library as Vkontakte).

From a post on Habré to university admission

In July, having already passed all the exams, Ilya wrote about the vulnerability on Habré. This material became his debut on the site, collected almost 70 thousand views and, of course, interested ITMO University:
Ilya's post very quickly got into the top of Habr's day, and then weeks, and I, like many of my colleagues, regularly visit specialized resources. Therefore, the very next day after the publication, we discussed both the entry itself and one of Ilya’s comments in the telegram chat of the department, where he, answering a question about choosing a university, listed the universities of St. Petersburg, but did not mention ITMO.

– Nikolai Pshenichny, Head of the Career Guidance and Talent Relations Department of the Strategic Communications Department

In a conversation with Ilya, it turned out that the only problem was his 60 USE scores in mathematics - Ilya believed that because of this, he would not have the opportunity to study at ITMO University, except on a paid basis. However, a misfire in one exam should not be fatal, especially when we are talking about a student who demonstrates not at all school knowledge in a specialized subject.

Ilya wrote a post on Habré on July 9. Four days later, he met with representatives of the Admissions Committee and the Dean of the Faculty of Information Security and Computer Technologies at ITMO University.

Danil Zakoldaev (dean) noted that in terms of knowledge, Ilya is not inferior to other strong applicants. Moreover, he understands such disciplines as "Hardware and software information protection" and "Web programming" at the level of a 3-4 year student:

Ilya's knowledge in some subject areas far exceeds the requirements for children of his age: his interest in reverse engineering and the desire to develop himself are obvious. We expect that he will withstand a serious load of basic disciplines in the first year of study and will be able to reveal his talents in the field information security.

– Danil Zakoldaev

ITMO recommended Ilya to apply for training in educational program"Information Security Technologies" of the mega-faculty "Computer Technologies and Management". Since the sum of the USE scores did not allow the student to go to the budget, the university management offered him to study at the expense of the university - and in the future, if Ilya studies "good" and "excellent", transfer him to free education.

Alexey Itin, Danil Zakoldaev, Ilya Glebov, Natalya Glebova (Ilya's mother) and Nikolai Pshenichny. Photo of ITMO University

“Ilya is not the first applicant whom ITMO University offered to study at the university’s expense. Proactive work with schools and the search for talented motivated students who are not winners of the Olympiads or high scorers is one of the strategic tasks of the university. As part of the development of a unified community of ITMO.FAMILY University, next year it is planned to implement a separate program to search for and support such applicants. We are waiting for new “stars” on Habré,” says Anna Veklich, First Deputy Chairman Admission Committee, Head of the Department for Strategic Communications at ITMO University.

Talent Search

The ITMO University team carefully studies the materials published on Habré. Unfortunately, organizing a talent search for habraposts is not easy:
A systematic search for applicants on Habré is impossible for objective reasons: although IT competencies are submissive to all ages, most often the youngest applicants, if they participate in discussions and publish records, do not focus on the fact that they are still studying at school […]

It is important to understand that the story of Ilya's admission to ITMO University is a coincidence, which became possible due to the fact that staff and students of our university regularly read this blog. If you like, you can say that the post fell into the right hands of the Admissions Officer. To seriously recommend such a path in the future, perhaps we would not. But it is also impossible not to encourage such achievements of motivated schoolchildren. As always, you need to look for the golden mean.

– Nikolay Pshenichny

If you regularly share your ideas and best practices with the community, then you can, firstly, get feedback from other habrazhiteli - about how relevant the chosen topic is and how it can be developed, people will tell you, in terms of knowledge, sometimes they are in no way inferior to your teachers . And the experience of creating strong materials and feedback from the community will help prepare reports for scientific and practical conferences, such as, for example, the Congress of Young Scientists at ITMO University. By the way, participation in the Congress is one of the many individual achievements for which we give additional points to the Unified State Examination.

So, how to declare yourself to a talented applicant:

1. Try to go beyond the "comfort zone" - that is, in the case of applicants, outside the school curriculum. The story of Ilya is an excellent example of the fact that not only USE scores, but also your curiosity, perseverance and hard work - as well as your interests in those areas that are not included in the school curriculum.

2. Pay attention to what you are really interested in - in addition to solving "mandatory" tasks. Develop your hobbies, find friends in thematic communities, participate in specialized online activities, do not be lazy to spend your energy on olympiads, the results of which can be credited in the universities of your dreams.

3. Do not be afraid to make yourself known on specialized resources like Habr - share your knowledge and experience, regardless of age. There is no need to hide the fact that you are still in school either - remember that ITMO University appreciates and carefully reads Habr.

4. Unfortunately, high karma alone and a large number of posts on Habré will not be enough for admission. Elijah's case in this case is a rare and fortunate combination of circumstances. On the other hand, your post on Habré can turn into a report at a specialized conference - and this is already a significant and guaranteed contribution to entering a university.

5. In many universities, individual achievements are valued at admission - they can play a role in enrollment. For example, ITMO University has a whole list of achievements for which you can add points to your USE results. Among them are the ITMO.Vkontakte Olympiad, the Tournament of Two Capitals, language certificates, achievements in sports, and much more.

6. And most importantly - choose what inspires you. If it is IT, new technologies, robotics, photonics, bioengineering - we will be glad to see you among our students!

general information

The Physics and Mathematics School (PMS) of ITMO University is organized for students in grades 8-11 (enrollment is in grades 8, 9 and 10) and provides in-depth training in physics and mathematics in the amount of 408 to 728 hours. Training is carried out by highly qualified teachers of NRU ITMO in the evening after classes at a secondary school.

While studying at PMS, students study physics and mathematics at profile level, which ensures successful preparation for participation in subject Olympiads, passing the GIA (grade 9) and the Unified State Examination (grade 11), and subsequent education at the university. During school year introductory tours of the departments and laboratories of the university, lectures on career guidance. PMS graduates successfully enter and study at NRU ITMO and other higher educational institutions of the city.

Students are provided with educational and methodological literature developed by PMS teachers. During the academic year, tests and tests are held, and at the end of the semesters - examination sessions. Electronic journal, posted on the PMS website, allows parents to monitor the progress of their children and communicate interactively with teachers.

Admission to the PMS is based on the results of the entrance test. Registration for 8th, 9th and 10th grades takes place from April to June and early September. Testing takes place in May, June and September.

Students take the winter session at ITMO University, and the summer session (optional) at the Yagodnoye Educational, Sports and Recreation Center. This Center is located in the Priozersky district of the Leningrad region, in a pine forest on the lake. Children can successfully combine study with recreation and sports. Those who wish to take the summer session at Yagodnoye undergo additional preparation for exams.

Classes are held twice a week at weekdays in the evenings for 3 academic hours in the 9th - 11th grades and for 2 academic hours - in the 8th.

In addition to the full-time course, the school has developed a correspondence (distance) course for those living in remote regions.

According to the results of Olympiads in Physics and Mathematics, the PMS has become one of the leading schools and since 2008, the administration of St. Petersburg has been ranked among the elite educational institutions cities.

Preparation for the GIA, Unified State Examination, Olympiads

Full-time and part-time students have the opportunity to work with the PMS electronic course based on the materials of the unified state exam in physics and mathematics and Olympiad assignments of previous years.

Share of PMS graduates,
who continued their education in higher educational institutions

Year of issue Entered the university Entered the budget form of education
2007 100.0% 94.9%
2008 100.0% 92.7%
2009 98.6% 97.1%
2010 100.0% 97.6%
2011 100.0% 100.0%
2012 100.0% 94.0%
2013 100.0% 95.7%
2014 100.0% 95.0%

Maya Toivovna Glumova

23.09.2009, 19:38

23.09.2009, 20:07

Here is this one:
My son went there in 10th grade. In any case, it pleases, because knowledge is never superfluous, but I would like feedback and impressions from those who have already studied there. What really confuses me is that most applicants are accepted, as I understand it.
This is my second year going there. Wants to enter ITMO.

24.09.2009, 00:41

24.09.2009, 00:44

and with physics, by the way, not everyone is really bad :)
That year I heard about a group (now it is 11th grade), which solves problems very well. They didn’t even solve simple problems with them, they weren’t interested.
So there are pleasant surprises :)

Maya Toivovna Glumova

24.09.2009, 19:12

This is my second year going there. Wants to enter ITMO.
Why does it bother you? There are few high school students now, and they have the opportunity to recruit a certain number of groups. If few applicants come, then they take almost everyone. It would come twice as much as you can take - they would take half, etc. :))
The other day open doors they explain that they do not take only very weak ones, who clearly cannot pull it. But these people don’t come in the main;) why do they need a technical university if they are not at all friendly with mathematics: 046: The rest are distributed according to the levels of mathematics: the strongest - in one group, the weaker - in the second, etc. They look at mathematics, because with physics, according to them, everyone is about equally bad: 065:

It was embarrassing because my son practically flunked mathematics, which they themselves said. True, he has no problems with physics, he wrote very well there. Probably why they took it :).
Diona, does your son like studying there? Interesting? Difficult?

Maya Toivovna Glumova

24.09.2009, 19:15

the school is good. I don’t know mathematicians, physicists are very good - I would calmly give my child to study with any of them.
It is worth learning, especially if you are not very confident in the school level of knowledge and the ability to prepare yourself. They will teach you how to solve problems (of course, if the child wants it). The guys take part in the ITMO Internet Olympiad. The graduation rate is high.
The percentage of those who ended up entering the university on a budget (the majority, of course, at ITMO) is also high, and the faculties are not khuhry-mukhra, but KTU, IF.

Thanks, very comforting read.
My son's problem is precisely that he has clearly technical inclinations, and mathematics and physics are at school: 010 :. In short, we have a humanitarian school, it happened that way. But it was the math teacher who recommended the FMS to ITMO.

24.09.2009, 19:42

It was embarrassing because my son practically flunked mathematics, which they themselves said. True, he has no problems with physics, he wrote very well there. Probably why they took it :).
I suspect that now it is very tight with the children ... I hope for this: 008:
I remember when we went to the 1st grade, the schools barely took two classes each (and in some places only one ...) - despite the fact that the second classes in the same schools were three or more.
Plus, they were disheartened by the results of the admissions campaign - 2009:043: According to the vice-rector, this year the "locals" were able to enter almost exclusively through the Olympiads - the rest of the places were taken by beneficiaries and graduates from regions with unrealistically high scores - ours turned out to be practically uncompetitive ...

Diona, does your son like studying there? Interesting? Difficult?
Still, I really want to know.
According to him, it is not difficult for him anywhere: 046:
This year, due to the coincidence of the days of his last year's group with the days of the treatment he needed, he was transferred to another group, a stronger one. He likes it much more there: 065: he says it's more interesting - the pace is higher, there is no time to relax ... Now he wants to gain a foothold in this group (he was transferred only for the duration of treatment). I don't know how long his zeal will last... independent work he is not very inclined, so the more organized classes he has, the better.

He says that they go through about the same thing as at school, but in a different order and generally organized in a different way - at a higher, "institutional" level, or something ... and so it is clearer to him :))


02.04.2010, 13:40

02.04.2010, 15:44

I looked.
It's a little expensive for us - 13500 per semester ... hmmm ..
Now we are considering the option of studying with them at the Academy of Informatics and Programming for schoolchildren.
But these will be evening additional classes, and not school, of course ...

02.04.2010, 15:47

I'll raise the topic. Suddenly there will be more reviews.
My son decided to enter the 9th grade. I'm afraid it will be hard for him to ride for three years :(.

Do you have anything closer? After all, a strong physics and mathematics school in the city is not alone ...: ded:


02.04.2010, 15:47

02.04.2010, 15:59

So for 13500 also evening. Physics once a week, Maths once a week.

Indeed ... Sorry, the word "school" confused me - for some reason I decided that this was a real physics and mathematics school ...

Good luck to you! :flower:


02.04.2010, 16:20

Our goals are not entirely different))) Programming is our priority, and physics and mathematics are necessary, because there is no teaching at school. And we won’t pull tutors financially. :(Here we are waiting for Sunday to go to an open day and watch and listen.
Good luck to you too. :flower:

07.04.2010, 03:09


07.04.2010, 11:12

Good afternoon .. did you manage to get on the opening day. doors? How are the impressions? They were very interested in the school, but unlike the Academy of Informatics for Schools. there is only one such day...
Hello. Yes we were. Son liked it. After the introduction (general points) we stayed to listen to information about the Faculty of Information Technology and Programming. We found out the number of places in the specialties of interest. Popom went to a meeting with the director of the FMS. A very nice woman, but she only teaches students. You can sign up for admission to the school through the ITMO website. In general, we are waiting for the end of May, and we will try our hand.

07.04.2010, 12:38

Indeed ... Sorry, the word "school" confused me - for some reason I decided that this was a real physics and mathematics school ...
Well, yes, then everything is clear with the price - at the Academy, the son will study (if he enters) in the evening once a week and it costs about 11,000-12,000 a year. And at school, there are twice as many classes.

But you see, we are definitely interested in and need programming - it seems to mean that it will be and future profession(ttt...). And he does not want to study physics and mathematics additionally. Only by necessity.

So we have different goals-tasks :))
Good luck to you! :flower:

07.04.2010, 13:51

It is also not entirely clear to me what kind of m.b. fmsh 2 times a week after class.:016:
And programming is well taught in circles: at ITMO (Department of Parfenov), in Anichkov (department of technology), FTS, 30, 239 (?). 7th-8th grade and up. And it's free ;). True, the children are mostly from physics and mathematics schools. In summer and winter there is a camp LKSh A novice programmer can also get to level D :)
Olympiads are held for schoolchildren: with access to the region, Russia and international
There are also foreign Internet Olympiads, Olympiads in command programming for schoolchildren and students

Thanks Mishele, we already know all this;)
Now I am very closely engaged in searches, so this information has already been "scrambled". Moreover, I want not just a "circle", but something more serious - with a training program designed for 2-3 years, with certain prospects (as far as this is even possible). Moreover, the son is finishing the basic course this year - he can move on.

And why don't you write anything about the Academy of Informatics for schoolchildren at the Polytechnic University? In theory, it should be no weaker than the Academy of Programming at ITMO....

Computing Technology Center - not considered. :015: :001:

Many thanks to everyone in advance! :support: :flower:

07.04.2010, 14:45

Hello. Yes we were. Son liked it. After the introduction (general points) we stayed to listen to information about the Faculty of Information Technology and Programming. We found out the number of places in the specialties of interest. Popom went to a meeting with the director of the FMS. A very nice woman, but she only teaches students. You can sign up for admission to the school through the ITMO website. In general, we are waiting for the end of May, and we will try our hand.

I did not find a section for recording on the site ..... And you? And how can I find out the dates of entrance examinations?


07.04.2010, 14:50

Why is there no division into faculties on their website? And how can I find out the dates of entrance examinations?
Entrance examinations at the end of May, in June and in September. You need to leave an application here: REGISTRATION IN FMS
In mid-May, they will call you back and choose a convenient time (month) for testing. I have information from the open day.

07.04.2010, 14:56


07.04.2010, 14:59

Thank you all found! I just didn’t understand at first and thought that the school was also divided into faculties .. And what class are you planning?
in the 9th.

07.04.2010, 15:49

Thanks Mishele, we already know all this;)
Now I am very closely engaged in searches, so this information has already been "scrambled". Moreover, I want not just a "circle", but something more serious - with a training program designed for 2-3 years, with certain prospects (as far as this is even possible).
Much more serious. This is Olympiad programming. After these circles, children are taken without exams to ITMO to Parfenov, to mat-mech (matobes and chistmat), PM-PU, where they train the best programmers for us and the west :)) Polytech is rather weak in this regard. The programmers themselves do not consider the FTC as a worthwhile place for growing personnel :).

07.04.2010, 16:46

It is also not entirely clear to me what kind of m.b. fmsh 2 times a week after class.:016:

Very simple. Once classes in mathematics, once in physics. Unlike mat. circles, the whole school program in mathematics and physics, intensively and in depth. Children are divided into several levels, depending on the test results - there are groups of "weak" ones, there are stronger ones, with different rates of passing the material, respectively, strong groups get more, weak ones raise their level. More or less like this. That is, it is designed for children from ordinary schools who lack the level of mathematics and physics that is given in their schools (or who need help in mastering and systematizing it, like mine :))). There are children there from humanitarian schools (as a rule, they fall into the "weak" groups), and from district physics and mathematics schools. Of course, this is hardly necessary for children from the PMS of the city set, but for the rest it is not superfluous at all.

The point is that the teachers of the institute, according to them, are completely unsatisfied with the level of training in basic subjects (and at ITMO it is still physics and mathematics, not programming) of the majority of graduates of public schools entering them. And the purpose of this evening PMS is not only to prepare schoolchildren for entering a university, but also to provide a level of training that will allow them to special problems study at this university. Of course, if a child receives sufficient training elsewhere (in a city PMS, with a strong teacher in a regular school, with a tutor, on his own, etc.), then he does not need such help.

07.04.2010, 17:32

Much more serious. This is Olympiad programming. After these circles, children are taken without exams to ITMO to Parfenov, to mat-fur (matobes and chistmat), PM-PU, where they train the best programmers for us and the West :)).
That's for sure.:053: In the autumn at ITMO DOD, students 30 and 239 were gathered in a separate classroom and offered to study in this circle. But first it was necessary to write an introductory Olympiad, i.e. and from these children they selected the most capable. The circle is led by Pavel Marfin and another boy (I forgot), both are world or European champions.

07.04.2010, 18:20

mishele and Werte!

Thanks for the information, but for some reason I don't see any "circles" on the ITMO website (especially free ones) :008:
There is a programming academy and a computer center for children and youth.

And I don't see any DOD either. Am I looking at something wrong? :008:
Here is the official website of ITMO. Poke your finger please... :091:

07.04.2010, 19:04

Oops, I spelled the manager's name wrong! Pavel Mavrin - so it is necessary. There is really no information about the mug on the site, I'll try to look. But the Academy knows about the circle, you can ask them.

07.04.2010, 19:30

Yeah, at least I found Parfyonova in Personalities.
But Mavrin is gone.
It seems that their site .... hmm-mm ... not quite "fresh" ... :((

But I'll call there, let's say, WHAT TO ASK THAT? How does "DOD" stand for?
And it will be like in a damaged phone - "they say you have a circle ....".

07.04.2010, 20:17

DOD - open day. Go to the page of the Academy of Informatics and Programming, there is a subsection "Olympiad Programming" (look at the top right). Then "courses to prepare for the Olympiads." Although it also does not seem to be very fresh. But there is Zubok's phone downstairs, you can ask him everything. And this fall, the circle was definitely recruited, I myself was at a meeting with Parfenov. With him came the guys-champions, who then conduct classes in this circle.