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Improving the professional pedagogical competence of teachers. Improving the professional competence of a teacher as a means of improving the quality of education in a preschool educational institution. quality training of specialists

Improvement of professional competence

teaching staff college as a condition

quality training of specialists

In ensuring the functioning of the quality management system vocational education an important role belongs to carefully planned work to improve the level of professional skills of teachers.

Today's requirements make us take a fresh look at the activities of the teacher as a key figure in the educational process. The professional competence of a teacher is now considered, on the one hand, as a criterion for the quality of vocational training, and on the other, as a personality trait, which is characterized by a high quality of performance of labor functions, a culture of work and interpersonal communications, and the ability to proactively and creatively solve professional problems.

All the competencies of a teacher can be conditionally divided into professional (activity component) and personal (personal component).

If we are talking about the high pedagogical qualification of a teacher, then the high quality of his work is assumed. The category of quality in pedagogy is rather controversial, it is interpreted ambiguously not only in the mechanisms of detection, but also in its purpose. Let's imagine how much intelligence, wisdom, and skill it takes to enter the audience to understand what will be accepted from the prepared and what will not.

Work on professional development pedagogical competence teachers at GBPOU MO "Noginsk College" is built on the basis of a model of a system for improving the professional and pedagogical competence of teachers of a promising program for improving the skills of managers and teachers, annual plans for improving the professional and pedagogical competence of teachers. This structure includes on-the-job training of teachers, on-the-job training, learning, generalization and dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience.

When planning work to improve pedagogical competence at academic year the opinions of teachers are taken into account, for which a survey is conducted. For the most part, teachers are satisfied with the advanced training system that exists in the college. The overwhelming majority choose permanent methodical seminars, visiting open classes and extracurricular activities their colleagues, participation in seminars and scientific-practical conferences held at the regional, regional, all-Russian, international levels. Teachers plan to improve their qualifications at courses at advanced training institutes no more than once every five years.

On-the-job training provides for collective and individual forms. Self-education is the most important link in the system of improving the professionalism of teachers. Individual advanced training is planned annually by each teacher according to the work plan for improving pedagogical skills. When drawing up individual plans, the following basic requirements are observed: taking into account the level of own vocational training and pedagogical skills; relationship with the work plan of the subject (cyclic) commission and the plans of the educational, methodical work college; clear wording and the specific nature of the activities with an indication of the timing of their implementation.

An important component in the organization of work to improve the qualifications of teachers in the college is the holding of open lessons, extracurricular activities, class hours, master classes. They are held with the aim of disseminating advanced pedagogical experience; help to identify and show concrete examples, what forms, methods and examples of holistic use when studying the most complex topics of the program, how best to use technical means learning and how to achieve good assimilation with a minimum of study time educational material. After conducting open classes, extra-curricular activities, class hours, seminars - workshops are held.

Since modern educational institution professional education is a complex highly organized institution, then in order to successfully solve the tasks set, including the improvement of the professional and pedagogical competence of teachers, constant monitoring and analysis of the results obtained is necessary. In Noginsk College, monitoring activities are carried out in accordance with the Regulations on the system of intra-college monitoring of the professional and pedagogical competence of teachers, the scheme for conducting monitoring activities, and the plan for comprehensive-generalizing monitoring of the activities of the subject (cyclic) commission. Evaluation of the level conducted by the teacher training session is determined by the methodology and technology of system analysis of the lesson.

Holistic systematic work in the college to improve the professional and pedagogical competence of teachers leads to positive changes in the personal and professional sphere of teachers, to their transition to a higher level of professional self-awareness.

Improving the professional competence of a teacher

Every time has its signs. The present time is a time of change. And, first of all, these changes are connected with the life of the school, with the increased requirements for the learning process. If earlier education was given for a long time and was intended to ensure the uninterrupted professional activity of a person in any one industry or field of activity, now we are talking about the formation of a fundamentally new system education that is constantly updated. Moreover, the key characteristic of such education is not only the transfer of knowledge and technology, but also the formation of creative competencies.

The professional development of a teacher is a complex, multifaceted process of a person entering the profession, characterized by an ambiguous contribution of personal and activity components with the leading role of the teacher's personality.

The teacher's professional competence model should contain knowledge about all components of the educational process (goals, content, means, object, result, etc.), about oneself as a subject of professional activity. It should also include experience in applying the techniques of professional activity and a creative component.

Professional pedagogical skills, which are a combination of the most diverse actions of a teacher, correlate with the functions of pedagogical activity, to a large extent reveal the individual psychological characteristics of a teacher, testify to his professional competence.

Given that it is at school that emotional and social formation personality, special requirements are placed on the teacher, who is called upon to ensure this formation. The school is teachers who are open to everything new, who understand child psychology and the peculiarities of the development of schoolchildren. Therefore, it is quite obvious that today, more than ever, a teacher needs not only to teach in a new way, but also to learn in a new way. First of all, to learn new pedagogical thinking, to learn to be in a constant creative search for approaches and techniques that ensure co-authorship, cooperation with students in all work.

the main task modern school- revealing the abilities of each student, educating a personality ready for life in a high-tech world. Therefore, it is not surprising that the part of the presidential address, which is devoted to the development strategy Russian education widely discussed by educators. The main emphasis in the President's message was placed on school education, since it is precisely this that is the defining and longest stage in the life of every person. According to the President, the education sector is not a set of services, but, above all, a space for the formation of a moral, harmonious person, a responsible citizen of Russia.

Therefore, the teacher is in a constant creative search for an answer to the question: “How to teach a student?” The tasks facing the teacher today are fundamentally different from those that were carried out by him quite recently. It is not enough for a modern teacher to transfer ready-made knowledge to his students, to give an orientation for memorizing them. The very first task of educational policy in present stage is to achieve the modern quality of education, its compliance with the current and future needs of the individual, the development of its cognitive and creativity. To achieve these goals, the teacher needs to formulate them through learning activities student and work on organizing the learning process in order to achieve maximum results. And setting various goals involves the use various methods and teaching methods. Therefore, the teacher needs to have a lot of techniques, methods and strategies in his arsenal, since he has to solve problems of different levels. But we should also not forget that the forms of teaching used should vary according to the age, level of preparedness of students, and their interests. The presence of a culture of educational work suggests that high demands are placed on students, but at the same time they are not afraid to take risks, expressing any idea.

A modern teacher should identify the best qualities inherent in a child, encourage children to get joy from the acquired knowledge, so that after graduating from school they are clearly aware of their place in society and can work for its benefit, and are also ready to participate in solving promising problems. tasks of our society.

The teacher must be a professional in his field, and professionalism is determined by the purposeful formation of such qualities as self-improvement, erudition and high culture labor. The professional growth of a teacher is impossible without a self-educational need. For a modern teacher, it is very important never to stop there, but to go forward, because the work of a teacher is a great source for unlimited creativity. For a modern teacher, his profession is an opportunity for self-realization, a source of self-satisfaction and recognition. Modern teacher- a person who is able to smile and be interested in everything that surrounds him, because the school is alive as long as the teacher in it is interesting to the child. And no matter from what positions we approach the question of the role of the teacher in modern society We recognize it as key. After all, the teacher is the main link, the basis and soul of the education system. Society expects from the teacher a high level of effort, dynamics of thought, initiative, perseverance and full dedication to teaching and educating the future generation.

In the context of the modernization of education at the present stage, one of the central tasks is to improve the social status of a teacher, legislative framework regulation of the status of teachers.

One of the tasks Russian legislation in the field of education is a clear definition of the rights and obligations of teachers, the creation of appropriate conditions for their fruitful activities, legal and social protection. This task was reaffirmed by the President Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin: “The main goal that we set as part of the modernization of education is, first of all, the growth of quality school education. The solution of this particular task is subject to work on updating the material and training base schools, to improve professional qualifications, the prestige of teaching work, including through its fair, well-deserved remuneration. What should a teacher be like? new school? Is he ready to meet modern requirements for the learning process?

The status of a teacher is an indicator of the effectiveness of the state and social structure. The professional development of a teacher is of paramount importance in the development of society as a whole: the personality of the teacher, as well as his professional knowledge, is the value capital of society. The teacher is able to convey to the students only those value orientations that are inherent in him.

Therefore, one of the directions is the development of teacher potential. Much attention is paid to organizing continuous professional development of teachers, improving the forms and methods of teaching, and increasing the professional competence of teachers. The professional competence of a teacher is understood as a set of professional and personal qualities necessary for successful pedagogical activity. Professionally competent can be called a teacher who is sufficiently high level carries out pedagogical activity, pedagogical communication achieves consistently high results in the education and upbringing of students. The development of professional competence is the development of a creative individuality, the formation of susceptibility to pedagogical innovation, ability to adapt in a changing pedagogical environment.

Based on modern requirements, it is possible to determine the main ways of developing the professional competence of a teacher:

Work in methodical associations, creative groups;
- research activities;
- self-educational activity;
- innovative activity, development and use of new pedagogical technologies;
- translation of own pedagogical experience, etc.

But none of the listed methods will be effective if the teacher himself does not realize the need to improve his own professional competence.

Competence in pedagogical activity at a boarding school reflects the teacher's ability to organize interaction with children, communicate with them, manage their activities and evaluate its results. This is manifested in the preparation and conduct of classes, in the ability of the teacher to manage the class (group). The teacher tries to organize the work of each child, create a working mood and a business environment. All this increases the interest, attention, educational and cognitive activity of students (pupils). This behavior of the teacher allows you to find an approach to individual students (pupils), taking into account their individual abilities, to help positively express themselves.

In the classroom, the teacher combines various forms of collective and individual work, organizes independent work students (pupils), reduces the same type of exercises. Creates a situation of active communication - not only a monologue, but also a dialogue that allows the student (pupil) to express himself, show initiative, independence in the ways of choice cognitive activity, types of learning tasks, type and forms didactic material.

And as it is said in the project "Concepts of Spiritual - moral education Russian schoolchildren": "It is impossible to be an effective teacher without revealing to the students his "creed", the principles of his attitude to events and people, the elements of his life experience. The valuable role of the teacher is unique. The teacher as an exemplary citizen is a servant of the temple, carrying his cross to his Calvary in front of the eyes of the children and not expecting an earthly reward.

This is the image of an ideal teacher - educator for all time. Therefore, increasing the professional level of the teacher and the formation of a pedagogical corps that meets the needs modern life, is an necessary condition work of a boarding school in the education system of Russia, a condition that must meet the level of modern quality of education.

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Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Work in methodical associations, creative groups; Open Lessons RMO teachers "> Work in methodical associations, creative groups; Open lessons of the RMO teachers of technology

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Work in methodological associations, creative groups; Participation in the master">!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Work in methodological associations, creative groups; Participation in the master"> Работа в методических объединениях, творческих группах; Участие в мастер - классах!}

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Work in methodological associations, creative groups; "Magic batik" " Temari"> Работа в методических объединениях, творческих группах; «Волшебный батик» «Темари - японское искусство вышивки шаров» «Современные образовательные технологии в практике работы педагогов. Проект как способ развития творческого начала» в рамках районного семинара заместителей директоров школ по учебно – !} educational work Conducting master classes

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Innovation activity, development of new pedagogical technologies, ICT ">

Src="" alt="(!LANG:> Innovative activity, development of new pedagogical technologies, ICT Innovative pedagogical project" ""> Инновационная деятельность, освоение новых педагогических технологий, ИКТ Инновационный педагогический проект» « Технология проектов как способ развития творческих способностей учащихся на уроках технологии» . Цель инновационного проекта - разработка педагогического подхода к формированию у детей, находящихся на разных уровнях развития творческих способностей, креативного отношения к различным видам деятельности. Задачи проекта: Изучить !} theoretical basis design technology; implement design technology in educational process; Track the dynamics of the development of the creative abilities of students from grades 6 to 8.


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Improving the professional competence of a teacher as a means of improving the quality of education in a preschool educational institution

One of the most important areas of activity, in the context of modernization in the system education, is the development of human resources. Priority of this direction of development education is also fixed in the Strategy for the Development of the Russian education until 2020, GEF preschool education.

“A developing society needs modern educated, moral, enterprising people who can make their own decisions, are capable of cooperation, are distinguished by mobility, dynamism, constructiveness, are ready for intercultural interaction, and have a sense of responsibility for the fate of the country, for its socio-economic prosperity.

If a understand the essence of change,then you can determine the most important points: learning becomes activity-developing, which should ensure the formation of personal qualities of pupils, while it is democratic and humane, based on the joint activities of an adult and children. These innovations entail significant and qualitative changes, especially in the practice of the work of the educator. Undoubtedly, teacher in the process of education and upbringing - a key figure.

At the present stage, a necessary aspect has become a review of priorities professional activities of teachersECE and bringing it into line with three important legal documents:

GEF DO (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155);

- “On approval professional standard« teacher» (pedagogical activities in the field of preschool, primary general, basic general, middle general education ) (educator, teacher)"(Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated October 18, 2013 No. 544n);

Letter "Model code professional ethics of pedagogical employees of organizations that carry out educational activities» (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated February 6, 2014 No. 09-148).

level professionalism educator in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and the Standard teacher is given great importance.

Educator. What qualities should have a caregiver today?

The most important thing is love for children. Without this, the teacher will not be able to give the children anything. In the preschool educational institution, the main thing is the creation of psychological comfort for children separated from their mother, and conditions for the development of children. The ability to teach a child the amount of knowledge, skills and abilities that he must master by school, of course, is very important, but, as practice shows, if the child is not comfortable in kindergarten, training will not give the proper result, an individual differentiated approach to each child.

Modern teacher impossible to imagine without such qualities as optimism, vital activity, sociability, mobility, learning ability, ability to keep up with the times, possession computer technology.

At the present stage, a new concept has appeared « professional competence» , which manifests itself in the ability teacher effectively implement pedagogical activity defined by job responsibilities.

What pedagogical competencies should own a modern educator?

Competence innovative work and the exploratory nature of the activity is the ability of educators to develop new or use already known modern technologies, projects educational activities with children; effectively apply those types of cooperation with families that correspond to the goals, objectives and principles of the Federal State Educational Standard; in excellence master the techniques of cognitive and developmental interaction with children, methods educational activities that will help psychological and pedagogical support for positive socialization, personality development of preschoolers and optimization educational process with the entire group of pupils, which corresponds to the principles educational standard.

Communication competence. All teachers should be sufficiently sociable, friendly, patient in interaction with their pupils. They should be able to organize various types of communication both with the entire group of children, and in the course of individual interaction with each pupil. Educators must master various forms, methods and techniques to create social situations of development in their age groups.

predictive competence implies pedagogical educational process and implementation of preschool programs education with their students; planning or foresight possible changes In the organisation educationalactivities with children:

Based on results pedagogical diagnostics,

Taking into account special educational needs of children,

Taking into account the interests and needs of the families of pupils.

It is very important that the modern educator, not only in excellence mastered the content and methodology of working with children, but also carried out pedagogical design and implementation activities educational process, spent pedagogical diagnostics and, on its basis, built and implemented individual educational routes for children. For this he must be a professional in his field thinking, capable of analysis and creative processing of information.

Diagnostic competence. Possessing it, educators must carry out pedagogical diagnostics to use it to analyze your own professionalism through the prism of the individual development of their pupils for the subsequent alignment of individual educational developmental trajectories of children. The main point of diagnostic competencies lies in the ability of the educator to track the effectiveness of their pedagogical impacts on children, to carry out self-assessment pedagogical competencies and their specific self-design in case of their absence. Diagnostic competence, so way, is closely related to the prognostic one.

Didactic competence. Pedagogical technologies is a component preschool didactics. Educators choose or create the technologies themselves to implement the variable part educational program. The volume of the part of the program formed by the participants educational relations, can reach 40% in accordance with GEF. All educators should study modern innovative technologies and apply them to educational activities in accordance with age characteristics their pupils.

Informational competence. Educators must attend RMOs, take courses advanced training actively and effectively study the information field pedagogical educational activities of teachers all regions of our country, using periodic pedagogical publications and pedagogical Internet portals.

Cultural and culturological competence provides for a level general knowledge, the use of nursery fiction, knowledge of program verses by heart, possession of prosodic speech components. teachers must own the intonational expressiveness of speech, so that the process of communication of children with the teacher was interesting, fascinating and developing the interest of preschoolers in oral speech, the use of the artistic word. These competencies oblige teachers to knowing by heart program verses, counting rhymes, myrilok, nursery rhymes, proverbs, sayings, riddles, texts for outdoor games with rules and round dance games. These two competencies include the level of general behavioral culture of educators, suggest their conflict-free, tactful, correct model of interaction, built by them with children: authoritarian, democratic, liberal or mixed model.

Competencies of self-education, self-education, self-improvement. These competencies are areas of personal and professional self-improvement of educators. They completely or to a large extent depend on themselves, but the aspect of the guiding influence of the head and senior educator is also important. self-education should be done systematically. These competencies suppose independent study contemporary pedagogical experience. The effectiveness of these competencies is the exchange of experience, the transmission of one's own pedagogical experience and perception of the experience of colleagues in the region and country. This competence in the process of mutual visits, conducting open views by educators educational activities, in speeches at teachers' councils, placement of author's abstracts on the website of the DOO, on pedagogical Internet portals, during the participation of educators in competitions professional skills of teachers of various levels: DOO, municipal, regional, federal.

Competence of intensity of professional activity. This modern requirement is realized throughmotivational need:

AT professional and personal growth from the educators themselves;

The ability to be in a constant innovative mode educational activities of a modern preschool educational institution;

in the ability to carry out educational process in groups at high professional level;

In the ability to accumulate best practices, modern technologies of interaction with children and families of pupils;

The ability to implement on time pedagogical diagnostics and develop and implement in the activities of IOTR for each child;

The ability to adequately assess one's own pedagogical competencies, constantly improve them; show off your pedagogical skills at RMS, in the system of open views, publish your experience in professional journals , be certified for qualification categories;

In the ability to create PPRS in accordance with the calendar and thematic planning (KTP, own ICT technologies and use digital educational resources(DOR) in educational activities.

On the this moment there is a problem of formation teacher, which has competence, creativity, willingness to use and create innovations, the ability to conduct experimental work. Systematic work organized with teachers to improve professional competence help bring them to the next level.

One of the features of personnel management is the increasing role of the employee's personality, namely, to his level of professional competence. One of the factors influencing the level of motivation is the process of developing the professional competence of the staff. The professional competence of the personnel is a set professional knowledge, skills acquired in the process labor activity personnel who contribute to the performance of functional duties with high productivity. The process of its development and improvement is understood as a purposeful activity of an employee to acquire certain competencies in accordance with modern working conditions and professional requirements.

Motivation and the development of personnel’s professional competence to achieve results that affect it serve as links that unite all levels of motivation into a single system that can ensure the attraction and retention of talented employees, as well as the rational use of their personal and group potential.

The development of professional competence is conventionally presented within the framework of three vectors:

The process of developing professional competence in modern conditions is purposefully implemented through learning technologies that initiate active educational and cognitive activity of an employee, motivation, organizational culture, professional identity, develop him personal qualities, allow you to build an individual trajectory for the development of professional competencies of employees.

Modern conditions dictate the need for a transition to a system model of programmatic development of the professional competence of the personnel of organizations. The new systematic approach provides for: 1) modernization of the traditional system of educational development of professional competence; 2) formation of a professionally adaptive system of educational coaching through the organization comprehensive support labor professional development personnel of the organization, as well as the implementation of projects for the socio-cultural and motivational development of the professional competence of employees.

Modernization of the traditional system of educational development of professional competence defines three the most important directions:

1. Implementation of an integrated mechanism for interconnecting the needs of an economic organization in a particular system of employee competencies and optimization educational programs formation of professional competence.

2. Readiness for a continuous search for new, economically relevant knowledge, competent implementation of information processes, which is the basis of the employee's professional competencies.

3. Qualified professional activity implies the need to develop not only formal professional knowledge, skills, but also motivational potential.

The formation of a professionally adaptive system of educational coaching through the organization of comprehensive support for the labor professional development of employees of the organization includes three major subsystems:

1. Development and implementation within the framework of an economic organization of an independent project aimed at enhancing the process of mastering and updating the professional experience of an employee.

2. Formation of a socially transparent system of social assessment and prospects for the development of professional competence of employees of the organization.

3. Ensuring the compilation of a generalized socio-professional portrait of various groups of workers, determining the range of their professional interests, problems and motivations, as well as readiness to perceive new knowledge and their application in socio-cultural and labor practice.

Thus, it can be assumed that additional ways of developing and improving professional competence contribute to the creation of a favorable educational climate for the organization, which directly affects the increase in labor efficiency, changing the model of labor behavior from extensive to intensive, as well as the level of motivational background. Considering the importance of developing the professional competence of personnel and the organization itself, it allows us to conclude that the development and improvement of professional competence is a natural need for personnel and contributes to an increase in the level of motivation. However, in order for this need to become the leading one for an employee, it is necessary to create the necessary organizational and educational conditions in the organization.