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How to properly organize your working time. How to organize your day the right way. The scope of work must be achievable

Most people start their day with the right intentions, energy, an ambitious to-do list, and a well-managed email flow. But the order comes to an end when there are meetings, messages and rush jobs from colleagues. In the end, all plans fall apart, and you go home tired and defeated.

But do not despair. This vicious circle can be broken by prioritizing, focusing, and betting on your own inexhaustible resource (although sometimes it doesn’t seem so) - energy. Listed below is everything you need to know about structuring your work throughout the day.

Choose what you really need to work on

There is a simple 2*2 matrix named after US President Dwight Eisenhower that will help you get your priorities right. Once a politician said that he always has two types of problems - urgent and important. Urgent is not important, and important is never urgent.

Most likely, when compiling a todo list, you also divide tasks into “urgent” and “important”. The Eisenhower matrix will help you figure out what the difference is between them. It consists of four cells and two axes - "urgency" and "importance". It only takes a few minutes to categorize each of your tasks in order to understand what activities you are wasting your time on.

Urgent but not important tasks tend to be a source of anxiety. They consist of messages from colleagues, invitations to meetings, and replies to FYI messages. These tasks force us to be constantly in “response mode”. In addition, they distract from the most important - important, but not urgent tasks. The latter do not have clear deadlines and, in the case of executives, for example, include working on strategic ideas, long-term planning, investing in talent, or building a brand. Can you imagine the consequences of postponing such cases?

Make time for deep work

Venture capitalist Sam Altman calls the hype surrounding the digital world “one of the greatest crises in the field of mental health of our time. We check smartphones 150 times a day, and according to computer science professor Cal Newport, this significantly reduces the ability to think clearly and creatively.

Newport believes that the opportunity to focus on deep work is the intensive execution of tasks per unit of time. He cites one of the tactics of University of Pennsylvania professor Adam Grant, which is to perform complex but important intellectual work for a long, uninterrupted period of time. For Grant, this means dedicating the fall semester to teaching, and the spring and summer semesters to research.

If your job does not allow you to spend maximum time on certain tasks, do not be discouraged. Newport recommends the introduction of "fixed productivity", which will allow you to create a clear, balanced schedule of work and rest. This means, among other things, the absence of work after 17:30. If this approach doesn't work, you can turn to a lighter version of deep work, the Pomodoro method, which involves a sequence of several 25-minute periods of hard work, separated from each other by rest periods.

Keep track of how much time you spend in meetings

Paul Graham, founder of startup incubator Y Combinator, distinguishes between two types of schedules - the “creator” schedule ( themaker) and manager. If during the day you alternate meetings, conferences, and answering letters, then most likely you are living according to the manager's schedule. They tend to organize their day by the hour. “Creators”, on the other hand, which includes writers, programmers, and artists, divide work into long, continuous stretches of time. As a rule, the schedules of both types of employees overlap at meetings. And each of them must understand the consequences of such meetings. Even a short meeting can force you to put off an ambitious project until later. Therefore, when planning your next meeting, be sure to ask yourself about the need for it.

Focus on your hidden resource - energy

Some good news - there is a new approach to time management that recommends focusing on your own energy. Unlike time, which tends to run out, energy can be replenished.

The basics of this method are described in the book "The Power of Total Participation" by Tony Schwartz and Jim Lauer. They lie in the fact that you can get the maximum performance from your staff only by strengthening and replenishing their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energy. So, physical energy can be replenished by organizing, for example, fitness classes. Replenishment of emotional energy lies in helping to combat stress, and mental energy - in working with long-term tasks. As for the spiritual component, people receive this energy when they see the meaning in what they do. They focus better and demonstrate perseverance.

Eat a frog

Have you ever faced dreaded tasks that are constantly present in the todo list and hang over the employee, depriving him of productivity and productivity? These tasks are called frogs. And they need to try to "eat" as quickly as possible.

Productivity combined with efficiency is the ability to work more, faster and at minimal cost, which is why modern employers require candidates to have precisely these qualities. How to become such a valuable and irreplaceable employee? First of all, to properly organize your work day and schedule, getting the most out of all your actions - and for this you should focus on the three aspects of your work life described below: time, work space and mental attitude.


Modern workers are known to be jack-of-all-trades loaded with a ton of tasks, so good time management is critical to improving productivity. Most of the time is usually taken by unexpected (and, as a rule, not the most important) questions, plus the process of switching from task to task, which can take up to half an hour. To avoid this, carefully plan your day and sort out work tasks that regularly fall on your head.

1. Start your day with a structured time for yourself.: check the mail and social media news that have accumulated overnight and sort through all the information. Write short answers and instructions so colleagues and subordinates can get to work. Time out larger tasks and discard the unnecessary and unimportant.

2. Being on the way to work, you can use this time very usefully and productively: Continue coordinating tasks, view news bulletins, get updates, and create a daily schedule. By the time you arrive at the office, you will be armed and prepared.

3. Reduce meeting time by 25%- in the end, you will get the same amount of work done. By cutting one five-person work meeting from one hour to 45 minutes, you save 25 hours per month of work time. That's about 300 hours a year, or almost two months of work!

4. Plan regular breaks throughout the day, because running from meeting to meeting is not productive: you will only exhaust yourself and lose concentration. Resting between routine tasks increases efficiency and keeps the mind clear and organized. If possible, it would even be a good idea to take a 10 to 20 minute nap after dinner.


This is your working environment: both office and home. It is also an important element for improving labor productivity.

5. Work "out of the office" whenever possible. If you need to write an important document or research difficult topic, then the absence of office noise and other distractions will only improve concentration. Some employers see telecommuting as having other benefits, including reduced travel time, shorter lunches and fewer sick days.

6. Determine the places where you usually go for work information so as not to be distracted by other objects. For example, limit yourself to email, necessary blogs, chat tools, and social media purely for work. Then you will be less tempted to relax on entertainment sites.

7. Turn off all pop-up notifications on mobile devices and computer so that they do not disturb concentration and do not irritate. By the way, limit the number of email checks so that you don’t get distracted for no reason.

mental attitude

Get yourself into a state of mind where you can focus on the most important tasks of the moment.

8. Talk, don't email. Pick up the phone and talk or walk around the office and chat with colleagues. When you work remotely, use the chat. Personal communication gives the exact direction of action and instantly clears up any misunderstandings. You're wasting a lot of time texting via e-mail and creating the longest chains of emails that can get confusing.

9. Break Big Tasks into Small Pieces; this will reduce the feeling of congestion and the desire to procrastinate. To do this, it is recommended to use the so-called agile methodology for task management.

10. Create action checklists for repetitive tasks to reduce errors, especially when you are overworked or pressed for time.

Alexandra Savina

Ability to work from home- in pajamas, on a convenient schedule, without the need to go to the office twice a day in a crowded transport - it seems to many the ultimate dream. In practice, everything is not so rosy and working on the couch, alas, is not suitable for everyone: if you are more motivated and more productive in the environment of other people than alone, it may be worth choosing a traditional office. But even if you are sure that this is your option, pitfalls cannot be avoided - we tell you how to get around them.

Set a clear schedule

Working from home doesn't always mean less work than the office - even if you don't spend time commuting. Most likely, you will have to set your own schedule in order to meet deadlines. Good news in that it is not necessary to adhere to the standard nine-to-five scheme: if you are more productive in the evening, nothing prevents you from starting at two or, for example, breaking the day into several blocks when you need to go somewhere. The main thing is to stick to the plan, and then it will be easier to get down to business.

Fight distractions

Do not forget to communicate with colleagues and superiors

If you are not an independent freelancer, but part of a team, you need to keep abreast of the company and understand how things are going with common projects. For those who work from home, this can be difficult: some issues are faster and more habitual for colleagues to discuss out loud, and some important announcements may simply be forgotten to be told to you. In such a situation, the responsibility to monitor the situation falls partly on you: talk to colleagues and superiors more often and find out how things are going so as not to fall out of the process.

Consider nutrition

Another important point to think about if you decide to work from home is food. Anyone who has ever stayed in their own apartment for a whole day at work knows how likely it is to spend it with tea and cookies, or constantly break away from business to look in the refrigerator again. Remember that at home you decide what food will be on your plate - this applies to main meals and snacks.

To limit the number of trips to the refrigerator, you can try setting an alarm or setting reminders on your smartphone that it's time to take a break (for lunch or for a snack). This is better than eating right at the computer: while working, you can quietly eat more than you would like, and it’s more difficult to pay attention to the taste of food.

Another problem is to find time for lunch and cooking (do it right in the middle of the working day? And when do you wash the dishes?). There is a way out: you can, for example, prepare lunches for the week ahead on weekends, or you can go out for lunch near the house - just because you are not in the office does not mean that you cannot afford a break.

Avoid isolation

Many people are discouraged from working from home by potential loneliness: the option when all you can talk to your own cat for the whole day is not suitable for everyone. Even if you are comfortable working alone, complete isolation should still be avoided - otherwise there is a chance to stop leaving the apartment unnoticed. Do not forget to communicate with people outside of messengers and periodically go for walks to warm up and get some fresh air. For a change, you can try coworking or work in a cafe.

Organize your workspace

In order to quickly tune in to the working mood, experts advise to allocate a special zone. Just sitting on the couch with a laptop and a dog is not enough, but a separate surface is enough - the main thing is that you feel that a new stage of the day begins when you get up from the table. “By allocating a clear space, I build boundaries between work and home. When I'm in my office, I don't think about home. When I'm in the home zone, I don't think about business,” says Virginia Ginsburg, owner of Swell Strategies, a business consulting and coaching company.

For the same reason, those who work from home are often advised to change out of their pajamas into "work" clothes. This, of course, does not mean that it is necessary to sit at the computer in a jacket - you can choose any one in which you feel comfortable.

Deal with household chores

Many people believe that working from home will help them do twice as much - perform work tasks, and at the same time deal with household chores. But, most likely, everything will be the other way around: if you are trying to solve a serious issue, household chores will only be a distraction - at least because you will not be able to focus on one thing. Although, of course, you can try to find a balance - for example, think about a project while you load the washing machine, or take breaks for mechanical tasks. The main thing to remember is that in work time it is work that should remain a priority - and that it is impossible to do everything at once.

Ask everyone to leave you alone

If you are not alone at home, the number of distractions only increases - remember the story of Professor Robert Kelly, who was interviewing the BBC live, when his children suddenly ran into the office. In order not to find yourself in the same situation, try to draw clearer boundaries: yes, you are actually at home, but this does not mean that relatives and neighbors can contact you for any non-urgent issue or that you can always interrupt for a half-hour phone call. Business hours are business hours, no matter where you are.

Don't work all day long

This item is especially difficult for those who, even leaving the office, cannot stop checking work mail. Some experts believe that getting rid of workaholism for those who work from home is more difficult than overcoming a lack of motivation. If this is your case, build clear boundaries - otherwise you yourself may not notice how you sit at the table from ten in the morning until late at night. You can come up with a special ritual that will help you understand that the work is over, for example, make a circle around the yard - walk the dog or just walk around.

Hello! In this article, we will talk about planning the working day.

Today you will learn:

  1. Why plan your working day;
  2. Who needs it;
  3. How to plan your work day.

Working day planning

In the 21st century, the rhythm of life has noticeably accelerated and continues to gain momentum. If earlier, in order to be successful, it was required to do one amount of work, now, to achieve success, you need to do a lot more. And people start to face the lack of time. If you chase after all the daily tasks that life throws at us every day, there is no time at all.

Working day planning is a tool that helps not only to effectively use working time, but also to reduce it. This is not a banal to-do list that needs to be completed in a strict order. Planning is the ability to choose what needs to be done, why and when.

That is why good planning not only structures everything you do in a day, but also frees up your time. First of all, you need to do the most important things - this is the main rule. It is useful for every person who has free time at work and does not have a clear schedule to allocate his time correctly.

What does planning include?

Working time planning includes:

  • Prioritization.
  • Select important tasks.
  • Search better ways their decisions.
  • Search for employment in your free time.

Prioritization helps you understand what needs attention, what can resolve itself, and what issue should just be ignored. Time and information have become much more valuable than before, and getting angry at something that does not give a result is a meaningless thing.

Selecting Important Tasks- almost the same as prioritization, only within one working day. You choose what will bring an important result, what needs to be done urgently, and what can be postponed.

Finding the Best Ways to Solve Problems is a very important point. When planning, you should consider not only what you will do, but also how best to do it. At the same time, it is important not only to save time, but to do everything as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Working with free time should also be included in the work plan. Do you have 2 hours a day freed up that you can spend on something? You can tell your boss about it, and he will load you with work, you can educate yourself, or you can make efforts to develop your own project.

Why is it important to plan your workday?

Anyone who has ever dealt with freelancing, business or "work at will" (like a taxi) understands the importance of arranging things throughout the day. But, for example, most office workers do not consider it necessary to plan their working day.

In fact, the main reason for planning a working day is to increase your own efficiency. If you listen to your own body, you can understand that some things are better for you at one time, and some at another. For example, it is more convenient for you to make calls to other companies after lunch, since you have already woken up, but have not had time to get tired yet, and monotonous work is done faster in the evening, so it is better to postpone driving information into the database until 5-6 hours.

Planning a working day takes into account not only the basic elements of solving problems, but also the personal preferences of each person. Time management was not made to impose the same pattern of high performance on everyone. You must adjust your tasks to the characteristics of your body.

Organizing and planning your day allows you to get more done in less time, leaving time for the things you love.

Who should plan their working day

Everyone should be able to plan their working day. This way you can save time and work more efficiently. But there are 3 categories of people who are simply obliged to engage in personal planning.

. The most undisciplined worker is the freelancer. He does not have a clear schedule, and only the deadline reminds him that it is time to sit down to do something. That is why it is very important for freelancers who work with several clients to plan their working day. It often turns out that new orders appear with a difference of one or two days, and if you delay until the last one, you may not have time to work on two projects.

businessmen. Everything here is almost the same as in freelancing. Especially if it's an online business. On the one hand, you can rest easy at home when your employees are working, but on the other hand, this approach will inevitably prove to be a failure. In the West, the cult of workaholism flourishes among businessmen. They believe that if you do not work 60 hours a week, then you are lazy and you have nothing to do in business.

Leaders. The leader will not always be a businessman. The owner of the company may not take an active part in the affairs of his company, but its director takes responsibility for the operation of the whole mechanism. That is why the leaders of medium and large companies must use their time effectively, because the future of the company depends on their decisions in the long term. Planning the manager's working day is a way to most effectively allocate your time between strategically important tasks.

Working Day Planning Methods

There are many ways to properly plan your work day. But one of the most effective Eisenhower Matrix. Its essence is as follows.

There are 4 squares:

  1. Square A - Urgent and important matters.
  2. Square B - non-urgent and important things.
  3. Square C - urgent and unimportant matters.
  4. Square D - non-urgent and unimportant things.

Square A should almost always be empty. With proper planning, all important tasks should settle in square B and be carried out as they approach A.

Square B These are important things that will help you achieve your goal. This includes all tasks that need to be completed within 1 business day.

Square C means urgent and unimportant cases that need to be transferred to other people. A prime example of urgent but unimportant things is to call a potential client. An employee can do this, you better focus on other things.

Square D, means that there are non-urgent and unimportant things that do not bring you closer to the goal, do not give positive emotions and, in principle, are not needed. In this box, you should write down all useless ideas.

This division of tasks according to their importance and urgency allows you to understand what needs to be paid attention to during the working day, and what can be safely forgotten. The matrix helps not only in work processes, but also in Everyday life. If you want to learn English, it is interesting for you and will help you in your career - this is square B. But if you want to learn Spanish just for the sake of knowing it - this is D, and you can safely forget about it.

Rules for scheduling the working day

There are several rules for how to effectively manage your working day. For convenience, we will divide the day into 3 parts:

  • The begining of the work day.
  • Main workflow.
  • Completion.

Morning is the most important step. Depending on how much you slept, how you got up and what you did, your mood, psychological attitude and performance will depend.

The principles of the "right" morning include the following:

  • Positive attitude. If you wake up every day thinking you hate your job, your productivity will decrease. Try to start the morning with pleasant thoughts.
  • Try not to "swing". Have you noticed that after you get up in the morning, you need another 30-40 minutes to finally recover? This is time not worth wasting. Immediately after waking up, take a shower, make coffee and instead of half an hour "to nowhere", you can have breakfast in peace.
  • A leisurely breakfast and the way to work. Starting the day slowly is very important. When you are in a hurry, the body spends extra energy and nerves that could be used for more productive work. If you can't afford a hearty breakfast and a leisurely ride, go to bed later and wake up earlier.
  • Key tasks. Most successful business people tend to argue that the most important tasks need to be done in the morning. As the saying goes, “If you want to do everything, eat a frog for breakfast.” The role of the frog is the case for which you do not want to take on at all. Make it in the morning, and the positive attitude from the fact that “the frog is eaten” will last all day.

The main workflow consists of the following tasks:

  • Solve urgent problems. It is important to understand that if during the working day some urgent business has fallen on you, you do not need to switch all your attention exclusively to it. First you need to understand whether it is important or not. If important, then you need to immediately proceed to it. If not, transfer responsibility for its implementation to another person.
  • Keep deadlines. Every day you must set yourself approximate deadlines for which you must cope with the entire volume of tasks. It is important that it is not “Do everything before 18:00”, but “At 14:00 - start making a plan, at 15:00 - analyze the indicators, at 16:00 - write a report”, etc.
  • Order in the workplace. This is an implicit but very important point. If your desk is a mess, your eyes will constantly get lost among it. And if some foreign document appears at the workplace, you can start studying it and just lose 20-30 minutes.
  • Don't follow impulses. It's the most important. There are some triggers that make you shift your focus from work to something less important. Call a friend when you're reviewing a sales plan? It is better not to do this, then you will lose concentration and you can easily miss the working mood.
  • Group your routine. It is very important. If you need to make 60 phone calls during the day, then it is better to break them into several small groups, 10 to 15 at a time. After the call, you can perform another task. By constantly switching from routine to vigorous activity, you can do much more.

The end of the working day is based on the following principles:

  • Complete what is needed. There is a group of cases that fall into the “important but not urgent” square. They are best completed during the working day, and the “important and urgent” square is always kept empty.
  • Check your results against the plan. Everything you did in a day should be compared with what you planned. If you have just begun to plan your working day, then small deviations from the plan will be in the order of things. Try to keep them as few as possible.
  • Make a plan for the next day. It is best to do this at the end of the previous working day. So you keep the working mood and, but it is important to draw up a real program of affairs.

If you are a leader, then during the working day you should work closely with your secretary.

Remember that these are all general tips. They don't take into account your individual characteristics. If it is more convenient for you to do urgent work in the afternoon, and not in the morning, this is your right. If you prefer to do a big and difficult task last, and this does not affect your mood for one day in any way, make it last.

The planning of the working day should be individual.

The main mistakes when planning a working day

Despite the fact that the practice of time management is firmly settled in our lives, most people commit typical mistakes when planning their work day. Here are a few of them.

Mistake 1. Incorrect prioritization.

The Eisenhower Matrix tells us that we have important things to do. But many people can easily confuse what is important to them. Square A, which should remain empty and is responsible for urgent and important matters, they often confuse with C, where unimportant matters have accumulated that require immediate attention.

It is important to remember that you should spend energy only on what is important to you in this moment time. You should work for the future when things can be postponed and properly planned.

Mistake 2. Too much time is spent on trifles.

In order to explain why first of all it is necessary to make a “base”, and only then the little things, we will use the Pareto Law. It says that 20% of efforts give 80% of results. That is, when you work on something important, you spend 20% of the effort and achieve 80% of the result. When you work on the little things, you get 4 times less result, and spend 4 times more energy.

Let's consider a small example. You need to launch an advertising campaign. If you create 10 creatives, select keywords and phrases for them, and launch them on prepared sites, then this will be 20% of the work that will give 80% of the result. But if you spend time editing fonts and images, selecting and polishing phrases, and finding additional platforms for advertising, you will spend much more effort. All this will need to be done, but after the start of the advertising campaign, when you achieve the first result.

Mistake 3. Lack of time for personal matters.

Each person should have a personal life and freedom of choice of occupation. If you have a lot to do and you don't find one or two hours to do your hobby, then this is bad planning for your own day. Scheduling working time is important not only because it allows you to do more. It gives you the opportunity to do what you love without haste.

In our world, there are many people and professions that work from home.

These are freelancers, and programmers, and creative people, and entrepreneurs. Basically, these are people whose activities are connected with the Internet.

There are many benefits to working from home:

  • flexible free work schedule;
  • saving time on the road to the workplace;
  • no need to wake up too early;
  • you can always dine with homemade food, and not some fast food or business lunch;
  • other.

Do not forget about negative aspects home office.

If you have a habit of constantly being distracted by other things and entertainment, or constantly postponing things for later, at home this will interfere with your work even more.

What is the habit of going briefly into social networks that absorb a person for a long time.

I recently wrote out to myself the phrase of the editor-in-chief of LifeHacker Slava Baransky:

You can't say it right!

As the consequences of spontaneous sitting in social networks- projects not delivered on time, blockages and problems.

If you work from home or plan to switch to a home schedule in the future, then the tips in this article will help you organize this process and make it as productive as possible.

The main and primary task, if your workplace at home - properly organize and correctly distribute your working time.

The biggest challenge we face when working from home is the relaxing home atmosphere. How difficult it is sometimes to get into a working mood.

What will help us to work as productively as in the office, as well as in the presence of the boss.

1. Get ready for work.

Even if you just need to sit at the computer to start your workday at home and that's it.

You should not wear a business suit at home, but all other rituals must be observed unconditionally: change out of pajamas, take a morning shower, comb your hair, change clothes.

Get ready for work

In general, tune in as soon as possible to the working mood.

Think very carefully about where and what will be in your home office.

Make sure you have everything you need to get the job done right at your fingertips:

  • A computer;
  • Telephone;
  • Printer;
  • Sheets for records;
  • Pens, markers, pencils;
  • I even make sure that there is a bottle of drinking water nearby.

Think over even such trifles as whether the sun will shine on your monitor or whether you will be distracted by screams from the playground and cars passing near the house.

The more nuances and little things you take into account, the better you will work at home.

How to organize working time at home (photo)

Plus, all your loved ones should know that your workplace is an untouchable zone, to which no one has the right to access.

Be sure to accustom them to this, otherwise, as they say in Odessa, "you will have nerves."

3. Try to start your work day earlier than you planned.

In your MyLifeOrganized profile, you can do this by highlighting the main 3 tasks for the working day as favorites.

Now you can use your favorite tasks as a beacon and as an indicator of the effectiveness of your working day.

Before starting a productive work day, check your email so that you don’t get distracted by such trifles later.

Try to start your work day earlier than you planned.

I am often asked, when can a productive person afford to watch the news or some kind of entertainment portal?

If you really need it, do this activity for yourself as a reward for some completed area of ​​\u200b\u200bwork, or for doing four tomatoes with the maximum return (4 tomatoes - according to the Pomidoro 4 technique for 25 minutes of full concentration). And again, this is limited in time.

4. You need to know when your productivity peaks.

It has long been known that depending on who the person is by type - a lark or an owl, there is a time of day when he is most productive.
Be sure to calculate this time for yourself. Determine by experience.

Do anything to get to know him, but at this time you need to do only the most important things. Those things that you have identified as your favorite tasks, as beacons of your working day.

You need to know your productivity peaks

Thus, the most difficult tasks will be solved much easier (they still need to be solved). And you can solve less complex and important tasks the rest of the time.

Recognize the peaks of your productivity!

5. Stick to your work schedule

In any conditions, place, in the office or at home, the working day should consist of successive, alternating phases of concentrated work and rest.

If you constantly stick to the same schedule, then it will become a habit for you and it will become a natural activity for you.

It can be either some kind of strict schedule in the form of a table or diagram.

I'm more comfortable using:

  • 25 minutes of work - 5 minutes of rest;
  • 4 x 25 minutes of work - 15-30 minutes of rest;
  • Somewhere between them is an hour for lunch;
  • Brilliant and simple.

The main thing in the work schedule is not to be like this:

How to organize work and leisure during working hours at home

6. Communicate with colleagues during the working day

In order not to feel distant from other employees, you can keep in touch with them using Skype: to correspond, answer video calls, hold conferences, discuss joint projects.

Communicate with colleagues during the working day

Just beware that Skype will turn into a distraction and communication will not be of a working nature.

You can control each other with colleagues via Skype. You will always be aware of all the cases performed by others, but at the same time do not let them be distracted from the project.

7. End your working day, just like in the office, on time!

Always, if there are no urgently important matters, work only according to the schedule. Resist the temptation to get carried away and earn money. Working time is over - we turn off the computer, put things in order on the desktop and switch to another type of activity: recreation, sports, family, communication with friends.

End your working day on time, just like in the office.

Our life does not consist only of work. We also do not forget about other areas of our life.

On weekends, if possible, try not to work at all. Get high from life. Choose your favorite item from the "Brightness of Life" folder and complete it!

What to do if you can’t organize your work and workplace at home on your own

Answers on questions

What to do?

In MyLifeOrganized, we will write down all your tasks and projects, who exactly, what and when should be done.

When to do?

In coach sessions, I help people find time not only for work, but also for even distribution between all areas of life balance.

How to do?

We can work on any issue of your effectiveness during coaching sessions, which will allow you not to waste your energy, time and energy, but to concentrate on your goals and desires.

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