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How to make the most of your day. How can you spend your weekend. What is useful to do with your husband in your free time

Every person has free time , after school or work, but often it is not spent on something that is beneficial. Therefore, it is important to know for yourself and others. Everyone wants happiness and joy, but no one does anything for this, since free time is mainly spent on laziness or temporary pleasures that only bring harm.

Psychologists in this article will tell you about how to make the most of your free time and through this achieve happiness and success in life. Everyone has their own desires and goals, but they all lead to a feeling of joy and happiness, temporary pleasure. Desires need to be developed, created and achieved, but also be careful with them, as they are realized unexpectedly.

Decide what you want

Those people who waste their free time they just don't know what they really want. After work and school, people mostly waste time for entertainment, watching television programs, but few people spend their free time usefully, to achieve their goals. Because basically, these goals do not exist, or they are so small and do not matter that they do not want to be achieved. So think carefully about what you want, create great desire achieve it and set a big goal to start taking action.

Engage in self-development

Going in for sports, self-knowledge and development, both mental and spiritual, is a very useful pastime, especially in free time. Developing yourself, you become better and begin to ask yourself questions about why you exist, who created you and why. Those who are busy with entertainment simply do not think about it, and as a result, they go through a gray and boring life filled with temporary pleasures that are replaced by suffering. All people need to understand how to believe in themselves and succeed, since it is the lack of faith and self-confidence that hinders the realization of desires and goals.

Start looking for yourself, your happiness and the meaning of life

Life and its meaning in the search for yourself, not the one you see in the mirror every day, but the higher power that exists true me that governs your body and mind. The higher mind is you, but it must be sought throughout life, by studying and understanding yourself, spiritual development , meditation. Stop comparing yourself with the biological body, then life will begin to seem much happier, more fun and filled with meaning. Those who seek meaning of life for selfish purposes, it will not be found and achieved, since the meaning is in the consciousness of what is still unknown to anyone.

Just smile and enjoy life

Life is one, and you need to enjoy it, because it is not in vain that we were sent to this world in this body and with their selfish needs. So we need to live and strive for highest goals but in such a way that we ourselves like it and bring happiness and joy. By smiling, you attract many good things into your life that will make your life brighter and happier. Give a smile to others and they will smile back, rejoice in what you already have and try to achieve what you want.

Spend your time the way you want

Your own business as you wish spend and live own life. But in order to live it not in vain, but usefully, you need not only to fill up, become better, achieve goals, enjoy, you also need to learn to realize why we were sent to this world, and for what purpose. After all, if you want to live a bright life with joy and happiness, just change your life and thoughts. Spend your free time learning to manage your thoughts and feelings, as they have a natural property to be realized. It is thoughts that create our reality, but often we do not pay attention to them. Focus on the good and what you want to achieve. Your thoughts will attract into your life what you most often talk about. thought. Therefore, it is also useful to understand how music makes you feel better, especially if it is your favorite music filled with positivity and joy. Spend your time for happiness, not for temporary pleasure, and then you will live life usefully.

Recently, psychologists have noted an increased amount of stress in the population. No wonder, because in cities there is a high pace of life, and, trying to be in time everywhere, a person receives a rather strong overstrain. Therefore, it is important for everyone to be able and know how to organize their time with maximum benefit for themselves. As a result, this will allow not only to keep up with everything, but also to find opportunities for personal affairs and recreation. Such a skill is needed not only for adults, but also for children. After all, it is from an early age that it is most effective to learn something.

Why do you need the ability to organize time?

Some people find it strange to learn how to manage their time. Someone considers this the lot of bores. Most likely, everyone is familiar with this type of personality, which is everywhere and always late? It is unlikely that he can cause pleasant sensations. But competent planning not only saves you from being late, but also allows you not to live with the feeling of "again the day was wasted." So, the advantages of organizing time:

  • There will be a constant rush.
  • The distraction goes away.
  • There is time for hobbies and meetings with friends.
  • There is no feeling that the days are "wasted".
  • Creation of working days and holidays.
  • No processing.

As you can see, obviously, knowing how to organize time effectively is useful for every adult. The main benefit is that in this way a person is saved from nervous overstrain, excitement and subsequent stress. In other words, wisely allocating time, you can maintain health.

Ways to organize time

For a long time of existence, there were many ways to organize your time. There is no single correct type, since you need to choose them based on individual features psyche. For example, each category has its own time management principles. It is clear that it is easier to organize the time of a student than the time of an employee in a significant position.

Fundamentals for planning

First of all, buy yourself a diary. What it will be - you decide. Some people prefer date-lined notebooks, others prefer weekly division, and still others need blank sheets. In any case, you will need something where you will record your schedule. Do not try to find the most expensive or cheapest option. Choose what you like. The main thing is that you feel comfortable using it.

Option for advanced - electronic diaries. There are many different kinds of programs that you can customize to your taste. Also, most of them have synchronization with a smartphone or tablet.

The key point: the diary should always be kept in front of your eyes and promptly make changes to it.

Before starting work

If you have not tried to organize your time before, then you will have to go through many difficulties. Therefore, immediately remember the phrase "The best is the enemy of the good" and try not to worry. When a person learns something, then not everything turns out well at once, and this is a normal phenomenon.

You should always strive for the ideal, but not everything will turn out right along the way, and this is normal, since it is not so easy to organize your time without knowing how to do it. So be persistent.

Decide on a life concept

In any business, it is important to be aware of your goals. To do this, in time management (this is the name of the branch of science on how to organize your time), it is customary to distinguish three types of goals. This is long term goals, medium-term goals and short-term goals. In general, the only difference is at what stage you decide to implement them.

Therefore, an important rule is to write down your goals. Be sure to do it on paper. Only then can you complete them. Why is this needed? When you write down a goal, you accept it and materialize it. When you see a list of goals, then you see your business plan. This is how you separate the wheat from the chaff, the secondary from the main. After all, before deciding how best to organize your time, you need to decide why you need it.

Set clear deadlines for achieving goals. Why is this needed? Blurred deadlines - blurry goals, resulting in an impossible achievement. And by clearly limiting yourself to a time frame, you take on certain obligations.

The Trick to Plan Your Goals

For those who are just learning how to organize their time, it is difficult to separate significant goals from secondary ones. This is especially difficult in terms of long-term goals. Perform a simple exercise: take blank sheets of paper and write down absolutely all desires, from simple to incredible. Anything and everything that comes to mind. Then put the lists aside and come back to them after a couple of days. Then write down only what is meaningful to you. This is how you get your list of long-term goals.

Feature of medium-term goals

You need to have a three or five year plan before your eyes. In other words, something global. You need to split it into a large number of small goals broken down into monthly blocks. These are small steps towards your big achievements. It is important to take into account such areas as health, recreation, sports, education, entertainment.

Always keep the resulting list in front of your eyes, as over time you can make adjustments to it.

How to organize your time correctly?

Having bought a diary - get into the habit of writing in it daily. Get in the habit of planning your day the night before. This approach will save you several hours. What are the benefits of this approach?

  • The order in which things are done.
  • Drawing up a route of movement.
  • In a dream, the subconscious mind absorbs information better.
  • A daily plan and long-term goals allow you to rank things.
  • Additional motivation.
  • Visibility of active and completed goals.

In other words, planning every day is a useful thing. It also allows you to correctly. This will allow you to immediately mark ineffective cases.

Consider your biological cycles. For each person there are individual periods of activity and its decline. Therefore, it is logical to plan your affairs precisely with them in mind. For example, labor-intensive tasks with a high concentration of attention should be carried out during the period of activity. This will allow you to work effectively.

Be sure to categorize all goals. This makes it easier for you to isolate microgoals within them and execute. For example, what do you do most of the day? Let's say it's work, home, personal care, free time, and sleep. Already in these categories, form a list of goals.

Ask for help? - Yes!

It seems strange to many people to shift their affairs to others. Actually it needs to be done. As much as you would like, your time and your personal opportunities are limited, so feel free to delegate part of the responsibilities. Decide on goals and objectives, find those who can do it, and delegate them. Discuss milestones and due dates. Do not forget to reward the performers at the end of the case.

How to organize the time of the child and teach him this?

Modern parents note: children have become inactive. Give them free rein, they will sit at the computer all day long. In fact, today you can meet two diametrically different concepts of behavior: to completely score on children, not to let them breathe from the school and the section. In this case, it is important to maintain a golden mean.

How to organize a student's time so that he has enough time for study and hobbies, sections, circles, etc.? Teach him already elementary school plan the day. Discuss with your child what he might be doing. For example, school, lunch, coming home, rest, preparation homework help around the house and personal time. Do not put pressure on him, only help with leading questions. Help your child follow the action plan at first. Over time, he will be completely independent in this regard.

Paradoxically, those children whose day is most occupied with school and circles are the best at managing their time. The fact is that they know how much they need to do, and therefore they try. At first, you need to clearly control the child’s trips there or there, but over time, this need will disappear.

How to organize your child's free time? - Remember that parents are the best example for children. Therefore, if you know how to plan time, manage it and make effective lists of goals, then the child will easily adopt this system from you.

In any case, remember that learning effective time management takes a lot of time, as it should become your habit. And it takes a long time to form a habit. Don't be discouraged if you can't do something or you forget to write something in, everything comes with experience.

Another useful trick is to learn to introspect. So you can determine which cases are ineffective for the day, and which ones are effective.

Once I was a workaholic, and from the word “day off” I almost broke out in a cold sweat. In order not to be alone with my own idleness, I took work home, so Saturday and Sunday were almost no different from Monday, and I was happy that I spend every day with benefit. Imagine my surprise when I realized that the weekend can be spent properly and without any work! Moreover, working on weekends is even contraindicated. And so, if you constantly ask yourself questions: “How to spend a day off with benefit?” and “What to do on the weekend? » - this article is for you!

long box

In my diary, the number of current tasks is growing at the rate of reproduction of hamsters. Nothing compares to this wonderful feeling when you put a tick in front of the item, which means “done”. It turned out that the checkboxes are marked much faster if you open the notorious “long drawer” on weekends and take out everything that is stale.

Two years ago, I bought myself a bike and dreamed of riding it all the warm season, I had enough for a couple of trips. But it’s so cool to ride around the city, go out into nature, feel how the wind develops your hair. Everything is decided, this year I will ride regularly on weekends.

I'm ashamed to admit it, but for some reason I couldn't send the promised book to my friend for two months. My favorite reader has been waiting for half a year for me to buy him a beautiful backlit cover. The cistern in the toilet was leaking, adding to my water bills.

It was impossible to meet my cousin, who had moved to my city for three years (!) already. For some reason, I didn’t have time to do my hair, and one day in the mirror I saw something like Kurt Cobain. This was the last straw.

"Long box" burst. Now, every weekend, I sort out my to-do lists and, with a feeling of incredible relief, make new ones.

Poster and draw

On Friday evening I open an Internet poster. Sometimes it seems to me that there is nothing in it that would please me. This is a false impression. If I don't know this jazz singer, I'm indifferent to this film premiere, I doubt the fascination of this exhibition, then I just listen to my intuition.

Yes, sometimes it really is better to stay at home and reread one of Freud's bestsellers. More often than not, however, the world reveals something amazing to me: an amazing voice, a touching story, moving slides. It is enough just to take your eyes off the Facebook feed, and your ass off the easy chair. And - voila! - life boils.

One movie, one book, one post

Movies aren't just about Spider-Man. A rare weekend goes by without a good movie that gives the brain a portion of healthy food.

I usually read several books at the same time, and over the weekend I try to finish one of them. It's great when you can go to another reality for a few hours. Here it is - a real chance to live several lives in one. It's strange why not everyone uses it.

I will definitely systematize the thoughts that have accumulated over the week: I am writing a post in LiveJournal, pouring everything into it, but especially tears and bile. So my loved ones get a little less negativity from me.

Weird things

There was a time when I only ate ice cream. I just didn’t want to experiment, you never know, I’ll take strawberry, but it will ruin my mood. Needless to say, the day I ordered non-creamy ice cream became a milestone (well, maybe a little less than Bastille Day, but still ...)!

Sometimes friends invite me to do something that they really like. For example, shoot at the shooting range. You know, I'm not at all a fan of military style and stories about partisans. But! "Shooters", as it turned out, great put in order thoughts.

I also have a special “sport”: I buy discounts on entertainment on coupon sites. No, I'm not at all chasing a supposedly low price, I'm interested in something else - the very possibility of doing something unusual.

That's how I discovered squash. Now my loved one and I go to the court at least once a month to really torture each other in this crazy dance with a small black ball. My friends ask how I made myself such beautiful legs, but for some reason they don’t believe my stories about miracle squash and continue to eat Pringles for dinner.

And I also attended a tea ceremony, rode an ATV, saddled a horse, flew a paraglider. I'm thinking about trying ropejumping ... So the question about "What to do on the weekend" disappeared for me by itself. Well, at least next weekend...

All this expands my boundaries, opens up new mental patterns, energizes me. I like to call weekends OUT. This is a really deep exhalation followed by a full chest inhalation.

Now you know how to spend a day off for the benefit of the soul and body, and I hope you apply this knowledge on the next day off.

Weekends are the time for which you want to relax and have time to do everything that is not enough for precious hours on weekdays. However, one often hears the following dialogue - “How did you spend your weekend?”, “No way, slept off, watched a movie.” Why is this happening and how to make sure that Saturday and Sunday are not in vain, but also do not become another working day?

Why lazy weekends are dangerous

It seems that such a devote Saturday and Sunday to sleep? Behind working week we get tired, there is not enough time to sleep, and a weekend spent in “half nap” should have solved this problem. But, most often we encounter the opposite effect, after such sleepy days we feel even more unrested and tired. Here's what's wrong with weekends like this:

1. The mode of sleep and wakefulness gets off. During the working week, our body gets used to a certain schedule, and on weekends we begin to break it, and this is the same stress for the body as any other change, and stress is simply harmful for the body;

2. We stay up late on Sunday because we got up late in the morning and do not want to sleep. And, therefore, we do not get enough sleep on Monday, which leads to rapid fatigue;

3. We lose motivation. There is a saying - "Who gets up early, God gives him." This phrase means the following - we belong to the animal world, which means that our body is naturally set up to wake up at dawn and fall asleep at sunset. Of course, this recommendation should not be taken literally, but it is worth remembering that waking up closer to dinner than breakfast is quite harmful, as it contradicts the very nature of man. In addition, the more we “lie on the couch”, the less we want to get up and do something. This effect is familiar to almost everyone;

4. Sleep and rest are not the same thing. We can sleep for 12 hours, but it will not be a complete rest. A good rest is fresh air and new impressions, not dreaming.

Useful weekend. Learning to plan business and leisure

So, in order for the weekend not to be in vain, it is worth following a few rules.

First, plan ahead for everything you want to do these days. For example, cleaning, going for a walk, going to the movies, making a new recipe for a cake. Be sure to include in the list activities that give you pleasure and new experiences, these are still days off, and not days of "housekeeping and country planting."

Secondly, increase your sleep time by a maximum of 1.5-2 hours. This is enough to feel cheerful, but will not disrupt the daily routine very much.

Thirdly, at least one item of your plan should be devoted to achieving your cherished goal. Each of us has a dream. Someone wants to learn a language, someone wants to lose weight, someone dreams of a vacation abroad. One day, Saturday or Sunday, plan to do at least something that will bring you closer to your cherished goal. This will help you stay motivated to achieve success and instill confidence in yourself.

A weekend spent for the benefit of the soul and body will bring you much more benefit and pleasant impressions than the longest sleep.

1. Classics of the genre. Light candles, prepare fragrant tea and talk about everything in the world. In the cycle of life, there is so little time left for spiritual conversations with a loved one.

2. Romantic astronomy. Gaze at the stars with a constellation map or telescope. Dream up, creating your own original combinations of stars.

3. Themed dinner. Try to cook a dish from French or, and then eat a joint culinary masterpiece with a glass of good wine.

4. Evening for body and soul. Find a spa program for two. Aroma massage with essential oils, body wrap with honey, vanilla-scented sauna and delicious tea… What could be better?

5. Photo history. Arrange a creative home photo session. You will need a camera (or a smartphone with a good camera), a tripod, and a creative mood!

6. Back to the past. Review the wedding video and joint photos. These beautiful, bonding moments will remind you how much you love each other and how wonderful it is to be one family.

7. First date again. Imagine that you are two strangers who really liked each other and decided to go to a cafe together. Try not to leave the role for a while. You can rediscover each other.

8. Family portrait. Both pleasant and useful. Such a canvas can prompt the study of a pedigree and the compilation of a family historical book for future generations.

9. Reincarnation. In each person lives an unfamiliar and unexpected personality for us. Try to reincarnate into the personality that you always wanted to try on. Dressing up, changing your demeanor, and even creating a new biography will help you with this.

10. Renewal of feelings. Rent a honeymoon suite at a hotel, dress up for the occasion, hire an elite taxi and spend time like newlyweds. May there be only you, love and happiness in the whole world!

Game lovers

1. Evening in the anti-cafe. A great way to change the situation, play enough, have fun and meet interesting people.

2. Game night. Fight on the game console for the title of the best gamer or form a strong team of two fighters. Passing exciting levels will color the evening with vivid emotions.

3. Board games. Start with the classic ones (chess, checkers, backgammon), and then move on to Monopoly, Tower, Battle of the Sexes and a hundred more funny, mystical, serious, logical ones.

4. Dungeons and Dragons. This is an amazing fantasy tabletop role-playing game that you can get lost in for more than one hour. You can search for D&D organizers in your city and simply join the team. Playing on your own will require reading the manual, having character sheets, and a set of dice with a given number of sides.

5. Game store. This is a paradise for gamers. Here you can not only try out a lot of new games that have just appeared on sale, but also replenish your home collection.

6. Puzzles and games on paper. Forgotten, but not lost their relevance, "Tic-tac-toe on an endless field", "Labyrinth", "Sea battle", "Points", "Balda", "Football 8 × 12".

7. Intellectual battles. Discover, for example, logic game go with a deep strategic content, which is one of the five basic disciplines of the World Mind Games.

8. Puzzles. Instead of classic puzzles with thousands of elements, you can try to assemble spherical or figured puzzles.

9. Entertainment games. In advance, create a selection of fun games suitable for fun pastime. For example, the popular pantomime game "Crocodile" will charge you with a positive mood for the whole evening.

10. Passage of quests. Original plots, surroundings, interesting tasks, riddles, puzzles and the opportunity to be anyone. Choose any quest you like.

Active and restless

1. Sports event. Go to any sporting event in your city and cheer for any selected team from the bottom of your heart.

2. Step forward. Playing sports is indescribable. Be sure to go for a trial workout in the gym, swim in the pool or try yourself in martial arts.

3. Shopping. As you know, you can walk more than one kilometer through the shopping center. Both useful and pleasant. At the same time, look for gifts for relatives and friends.

4. Dance lesson. Passionate bachata, classical waltz, incendiary salsa, rumba, foxtrot or tango - communicate in body language and have fun.

5. Trying new things. A great option for a date - a joint visit to a class in a new way for you physical activity such as yoga or stretching.

6. Fitness for two. Evening jogging, warming up on simulators, doing stretching exercises and preparing a light dinner together is the perfect plan for an active, healthy and enjoyable evening.

7. Forward with the wind. Go for a bike ride, go rollerblading, or try skateboarding. On the way, you can fly a kite and admire the beautiful scenery. Open up new horizons of possibilities.

8. Dance simulator. If you absolutely do not want to leave the house, then you can plunge into the world of movements with animated dancers to popular music tracks. Move along with your partner, learning dance elements and earning points.

9. Alone with nature. Make an interesting city walking route. Visit places where you have never been before.

10. Picnic. Arrange a camping trip with an overnight stay in a tent under the stars and long conversations by the fire. Let it take only one day, but it will remain in memory for many years.

Connoisseurs of peace and tranquility

1. Rustling pages. Read your favorite books, wrapping yourself in a cozy blanket and making hot berry tea.

2. At the peak of calm. Take a thermos, sandwiches, warm blankets and spend the evening on the roof high-rise building watching life boil far below.

3. Library evening. Spend time in the library with a cup of coffee. You may be able to get to an evening of poetry or a bard song.

4. Movie night. Find out in advance in which cafe the movie night will be held. This is a great opportunity to take a break from the hustle and bustle and travel through fictional worlds.

5. Trip out of town. Autumn forest, a secluded house with a fireplace and the two of you. You can walk, fish, take pictures, warm your legs by the fire and enjoy the slow pace of life.

6. Riding lesson. Communication with horses relaxes, relieves stress and brings real happiness. No wonder hippotherapy works wonders.

7. Swimming with dolphins. An evening with these fantastic creatures will give you a real childhood joy and an excellent memory.

8. Feeding the birds. Stock up on bird treats and head to the nearest park. And take a walk, and breathe the air, and make the birds pleasant.

9. Cultural program. An excellent solution for everyone who does not like fuss will be a visit to a performance, opera, ballet.

10. Live music. You can book a table in a jazz club or a blues club. An unforgettable evening is guaranteed.


1. Lead us, Susanin. Make a map of attractions in your city or area. Find as much information as you can about them in advance and take a walking tour in the evening, telling each other about what you have learned.

2. We explore the microworld. Borrow a microscope from friends or acquaintances for the evening. You can make at least fifty discoveries at a time.

3. Be scientists. Conducting chemical experiments or creating your own watercolors at home will bring a lot of fun.

4. Handmade gifts. This can include creating your own, author's candles or a family recipe for one amazing dessert. And the resulting masterpiece can be presented to your loved ones.

5. Taste it. Go to a cafe where you have never been and order a dish from Indian, Japanese, Korean or any other cuisine.

6. Industrial tourism. If you want to know how real chocolate is made, wine or Coca-Cola drinks are made, visit the corresponding enterprise with a tour. It will be really informative and interesting.

7. Focuses. Have an evening of wonders and try some unusual magic tricks or math tricks. You can learn the secrets of magic the day before the joint evening.

8. Learning together. Finally start learning what you like foreign language. Together it is much more fun and productive.

9. Lectures. An excellent find for the curious will be a visit to open popular science lectures, which are often held in higher educational institutions. This also includes chamber meetings with interesting creative people.

10. Origami. The art of origami is the folding of unusual paper figures. For example, on the eve of Halloween, you can try to fold a creepy hand with claws or a gravestone.

extreme lovers

1. Making a tattoo. A romantic adventure filled with adrenaline. The tattoo will become your little, original secret.

2. Change of image. Change the style, hairstyles and hair color in the beauty salon. Look at life in a new way.

3. Rock climbing. The first lesson on the climbing wall can turn into a common passion with subsequent trips to overcome real rocky terrain.

4. Ghostbusters. Spend the night in a place steeped in scary legends and mystical fame. Try to take otherworldly inhabitants on camera and feel the true nature.

5. Two warriors. Play paintball or laser tag - high-tech games taking place in real time and space. Modern weapons, well-equipped training grounds, famous scenarios computer games and movies will help you unwind and feel like a team.

6. Jailoo tourism. It's absolutely the new kind tourism, which involves rest in complete isolation from civilization in places where mobile communications do not work and there is no electricity. A good opportunity to test your resourcefulness, endurance and patience.

7. Parkour. Parkour is urban acrobatics. Try to run through the city obstacles, flying over fences and steps, climbing walls and over rooftops. If you are not avid tracers, familiarize yourself with the style in advance and be extremely careful.

8. Overexposure for the animal. Borrow a cat or dog by contacting animal welfare groups. If your house does not have a permanent pet, then for you it will most likely become an extremely spent period, and the animal will be given the opportunity to feel love and care.

9. Ticket to anywhere. Buy tickets for the first train you come across and go to a new city for you. Stay there for at least a few hours, soak up new impressions and come back.

10. Dare. Spontaneously make the decision to participate together in a competition or competition that you have always feared. Get over yourself and get support from a loved one.

How do you spend evenings together?