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Why am I all lazy? Laziness as a defense mechanism

Incredible Facts

Laziness is a very multi-valued phenomenon, containing a decent number of different underlying reasons. Two have absolutely different people and laziness will be different. Of course, the result will be the same for everyone - complete absence useful action, but the reasons will differ.

The word "laziness" comes from the Latin "lenus" - sluggish, slow. Laziness is the lack or absence of labor, the preference for doing nothing to work. It is considered a vice, because it is believed that a lazy person is a parasite on society.

It is important to note that despite the widespread opinion that laziness is doing nothing, in fact, laziness is still an activity, because a person begins to do a lot of things, but not what is really needed.

Such people can watch TV shows, go shopping, sit in social networks, brew tea, wipe the dust from flowers for the hundredth time, sleep, reason, meditate, shift paper from folder to folder, write lists of various cases in hindsight, immediately crossing out items and so on. But all this does not bring him closer to the intended goal. There are many sources of what is called laziness, let's look at the most common ones.

When everyone is lazy

1. Lazy body

It is believed that laziness is a character trait of a person. However, this is not always the case. For example, if a person constantly lies and does nothing, does not read, does not watch TV, does not eat, then this is not laziness, but something more serious.

Often, the lack or lack of motivation and energy has somatic roots: organic brain damage, beriberi, the use of psychoactive drugs or other substances, endocrine diseases, and others.

If there is suspicion that the physical health, then you must immediately consult a doctor, take tests and be treated. It is also necessary to exclude the presence of various mental disorders and depression.

Pay attention to food and sleep patterns. Ideally, contact a nutritionist to draw up an individual diet that takes into account all the characteristics of the body. And, of course, sport is a wonderful assistant on the way to an active and energetic life.

2. Perfectionism

It is better to do it perfectly, but never, than today, but somehow.

Perfectionism can often be found disguised as laziness, it manifests itself in two ways:

A person puts everything off until the last moment or does not do it at all because he does not have confidence in a 100 percent result.

A person starts, but gives up halfway, having met an obstacle or made a mistake.

In both cases, the situation is exacerbated by feelings of guilt, self-kicking and soul-searching. For such a person to be considered lazy is a big problem, because then he will actually turn out to be imperfect.

For this reason, perfectionists often try to avoid new activities, masking it in various ways: they try to justify their inactivity, devalue other people's successes, and so on.

What is laziness talking about?

3. Accumulation of problems, stress and overwork

When a person turns into a driven horse, there is no sense from him. Often we drive ourselves even harder, although the energy is running out. We must not forget that our body has limited resources.

If on the eve of an attack of laziness you had difficult weeks, months or years, then give yourself the opportunity to fully relax. In this case, laziness is the body's natural need to recover.

However, it is necessary not only to take yourself to the coast, but also not to self-flagellate, thinking that life is passing by while you are lying on a sunbed here. You need to learn how to balance work and leisure.

On the other hand, the accumulation of problems, without having a plan for solving them, greatly takes away strength, which may be the last. Because of this, you cannot move forward, because the amount of work required is growing by leaps and bounds.

In this case, the solution is to start small. Ask for advice, make a plan, step forward. Allow your brain to receive positive feedback, give it a sense of success, for which it will thank you with active work.

4. Lack of faith in yourself or its lack, increased anxiety

People who have a high degree of anxiety always scroll through a huge number of scary scenarios in their heads. And this, unfortunately, not only exhausts a person morally, but also convinces him not to do anything and not even try.

Plus, such people develop an allergy to problems, they think that something unpleasant will definitely happen to them, which they will not be able to cope with. Such an installation keeps a person at the start in constant tension.

Therefore, it is unlikely that an anxious person stays in a comfort zone from which he is afraid to leave. Regular experiences are a strong discomfort. Succumbing to these attitudes, a person loses the opportunity to gain new experience.

Laziness in human life

5. The person does not tolerate uncertainty

Each of us wants to have some kind of guarantee. However, there is a category of people who decide to do nothing at all if there are no guarantees.

Many of us do not dare to realize small goals, let alone go to our dreams, just because we want to have a 100 percent guarantee of success. Such a person is very afraid of uncertainty, so he does not take a single step.

However, it is important to remember that our whole life is a series of uncertainties combined with our attempts to streamline it. If we make too many attempts, something very important escapes us, because the 24-hour insurance regime leads to the fact that we live without movement.

Don't expect guaranteed success or 100% certainty, because implementation only happens along the way.

6. Lack or lack of self-control

Probably most often when we call a person lazy, we mean a lack of will, endurance and self-control. The worst thing a person does in such a situation is to wait for inspiration. On its own, it appears quite rarely and lingers for a very short time. It can be compared to the appetite that comes with eating.

The cessation of activity always leads to lethargy,
and after sluggishness comes decrepitude.

Why do you think we often choose the wrong universities, teams, jobs? Why are we unlucky in our careers and personal lives? Why do we choose the wrong partners so often? Why do we live so poorly?

Our laziness is to blame for everything! Yes, imagine, if you think about it, it is precisely in it that the cause of all our troubles.

Laziness actually means avoiding difficulties and problematic situations.
Alfred Adler.

We are too lazy to change something, look, strain, work, go to the other end of the city, study, clean up after ourselves, take care of our body and health. We are looking for places where we can do nothing and get high for it. wages, rest on their laurels and successfully stop in their development. We are too lazy to work and strain, and we are looking for fairy princes who can provide us with everything we need. Then we suffer all our lives with this “prince”, endure his cruelty, selfishness, tyranny and other shortcomings, but we don’t want to lose anything, because we would have to think and act independently. And we are too lazy to do it!

We are too lazy to wash the dishes and take out the trash, wash my husband's socks and go to the store. And we quarrel with him, because he does not want to do anything either. He's too lazy to do it after work! We quarrel and part with our loved ones in the hope of finally finding a workaholic, but again we run into a chronic lazy person who does not crawl away from the computer and can only eat Chinese noodles, so as not to get a job.

Miracles don't happen. A lazy person who avoids difficulties and problems rarely achieves anything in life.

He habitually looks for excuses and consolations in order to shift the blame for his trivial laziness on circumstances, people, the state, moon eclipse or global warming, if only he would not be torn away from the usual, relaxing life cycles. He is even ready to perform low-paid and routine work, as long as he is not forced to be active.

Laziness explains our inertia and unpreparedness for the novelty of relationships and actions that prevent us from moving forward and achieving goals.

inertia(from Latin inertia - immobility, inactivity) - a concept used in psychophysiology to denote low mobility of the nervous system.

Instead of working on our figure and engaging in self-education and improving our skills, we prefer to call all men "our ...", and the bosses "fools" who do not know how to appreciate us. We often allow ourselves to commit mean and bad actions, because honest actions require effort. By doing nothing, people learn to do bad things.

A lazy and inert person falls into such a sticky network of dependence on his own idleness that he himself does not notice how he is losing his best features. Sometimes turning into a real moral freak.

A husband and wife lived in the same village - the lazy Tyuni and the loafer Uri. Tyuni and Uri did nothing for days on end, only slept. They were even too lazy to boil tea for themselves and get up to drink water. They had a donkey, but Tyuni's parents fed him. After the death of Tyuni's parents, the couple continued to live the same way. The villagers decided to teach the lazy people a lesson: to bury them alive so that they would not set a bad example for the youth. The idlers were put on a cart, covered with an old, worn carpet, and taken to the cemetery. On the way, from the scorching sun, Uri became ill, and she threw off the carpet, and when the cart drove up to the cemetery, Tyuni and Uri began to moan and groan. At this time, a rider appeared at the cemetery gate and asked: - Where are you taking these people? - These people are idlers, we want to bury them so that they do not have a bad influence on our youth, - one of the peasants answered. “They still don’t have bread to feed themselves, and in the end they will starve to death,” said another. The rider felt sorry for the lazy people, and he said: - Do not bury them alive, I will give them wheat, and they will live. Tyuni, hearing the horseman's words, shouted: - Is this wheat threshed or does it still need to be threshed? - Will he bake bread or not? - in turn, asked the lazy Uri. - B-ah-ah, do such people still exist in this world ?! exclaimed the horseman in surprise, and galloped away.

Probably, none of us would like to be like the heroes of this Armenian parable. But, damn it, how we are like them, especially after a hard day's work!

Of course, the best excuse and explanation for our laziness is fatigue. Indeed, many people work so intensely during the day, so little relaxation during the performance of complex work tasks, do not go on vacation and work on weekends, that the syndrome chronic fatigue who visits them, gives them the full right to rest and justifies laziness. In this situation, laziness saves us from overexertion, gives our body the opportunity to recover. If we did not do this, we would come to physical exhaustion and disease.

Fatigue- this is a normal response of the body to physical, mental or intellectual stress, passing after a normal rest. As a result, this condition does not require treatment.

Sometimes fatigue does not go away after rest, and then we are talking about illness. They call it asthenia or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Asthenia(from the Greek astheneia - impotence, weakness) - abnormal, spontaneous weakness (lethargy), which occurs without physical or intellectual stress, continues for a long time and does not disappear after rest. Occurs after routine work, excessive physical, mental or mental stress, with improper alternation of work and rest, systematic lack of sleep, adaptation to new climatic conditions, such as information neurosis, manager syndrome, white collar syndrome, management personnel syndrome, etc.

Asthenia is often confused with another similar disease, of viral origin, covering inveterate workaholics and people with weakened immune systems.

This is chronic fatigue syndrome. Typical complaints of patients with chronic fatigue:

- decreased tone;

- chronic cold

- migraine,

- pain in the joints;

- insomnia, irritability,

- memory impairment

- distraction

- mood disorder, panic disorder,

Hair falls out and fingerprints disappear.

"You can follow psychological features serving as a favorable environment for the development of the disease. Women get sick more often than men, and young people more often than the elderly. The disease usually occurs in workaholics, very energetic, ambitious, responsible, but at the same time with a vulnerable nervous system. They want to feel better than everyone around them, move mountains, accomplish the impossible. They have set the bar for their own capabilities. Such people strive to do everything that they were entrusted with, and even more. Usually they are active, businesslike, prosperous,” the academician believes. Russian Academy natural sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the SSC Immunocorrection Laboratory, Head of Research on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Professor N.G. Artsimovich.

Both asthenia and CFS are diseases that require treatment!

They have nothing to do with laziness, which stems from the simple desire of a person to avoid difficulties.

Very often, hiding behind imaginary illnesses, a person tries to avoid some important decisions in his life or not to do what seems problematic or uninteresting. Chronic illnesses and eternal complaints, the search for non-existent symptoms and the treatment of fictitious diseases, on the one hand, attract increased attention to a person from others. On the other hand, they exclude his participation in active work. And if laziness is traditionally condemned in our society, then the disease serves as a fireproof letter of protection for such lazy people, justifying their inaction.

How long can a person play the difficult role of a painful sufferer? Imagine, some cunning people exploit other people's attention all their lives and avoid labor.

But just think, what is their life filled with? What are they doing, poor recumbents, forced to diligently live up to their image? And what about the side effects of constant inactivity, physical inactivity and swallowing medicines? And the sidelong glances of relatives, passionately wishing not for the speedy recovery of the chronically ill, but for ridding themselves of the yoke, even by his sudden departure to another world. Terrible, right?

If fatigue after work passes, and we all lie on the couch out of habit and are unable to force ourselves to do something, then we are talking about the most elementary laziness.

Laziness turns into chronic forms, enslaving and changing our psyche, attitude to life, reshaping our destiny and influencing our happiness in the most direct way. Everything around seems to contribute to this: the softness of the pillows, the attractive power of the entertaining blue screen, the presence of banknotes.

Especially prone to laziness are people who have already achieved success, having the means for an idle life. They consider the opportunity to indulge in idleness as a reward for effort. And they don’t notice that once they succumb to it, they become dependent on the villain, who contributes to our degradation and turns us into fat penguins who are too lazy to even crawl, let alone fly.

We are lying on the couch, like the textbook Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, who once showed great promise, but was never able to overcome his inertia and laziness in order to do something wonderful in life. But remember “For our laziness, we are punished not only by our failures, but also by the successes of others.” Jules Renard

1. It's no secret that even though laziness is considered the "mother of all vices", almost everyone is lazy. Periodically, the so-called "healthy laziness" affects up to 100% of the population, regardless of age, economic and social status.

2. The main symptoms of laziness include "brown bear syndrome", that is, a person seems to fall into hibernation, and at any time of the year and day. Hibernation periods last from 12 hours to 15 days.

3. Because of laziness, Darwin, Churchill, Picasso, and even Einstein were never favorites of teachers. The latter generally enjoyed a reputation as a notorious lazy and slow-witted.

4. Laziness in the workplace usually occurs when subordinates are ordered by the boss seem frankly useless. Or when employees have no interest in the work performed.

5. Bouts of laziness can also be seasonal. Such laziness appears, as a rule, in the spring. The cause of seasonal laziness can be vitamin deficiency, as well as the first rays of an active and irritating sun.

6. In addition to seasonal, there is daily laziness. All people are divided into "owls" and "larks", and therefore it is almost impossible to make the "lark" work in the evening, and the "owl" in the morning. The only way out is for everyone to work hard at their own time. Alas, this does not always work.

7. However, these are all manifestations of "healthy laziness." But the reason that you do not want to do anything may be a disease, or rather, a lack of the hormone melatonin in the body.

8. It turns out that women are 4 times lazier than men. Scientists offer them to be treated for laziness with the help of a special diet that promotes the production of melatonin.

9. Scientists have found that laziness is good for health. Doing as little as possible is much more beneficial for the body than exhausting yourself with physical exercises. However, scientists do not object to moderate physical activity, for example, quiet walks. First of all, this applies to people of middle and older age, who should use energy more economically.

10. Incidentally, laziness can be the result of elemental overload, or it can be purely medical reasons for example, low blood sugar, problems with the heart or blood vessels. If you feel chronic fatigue, consult a neurologist.

11. Scientists from Australia also believe that laziness is not a vice, but a painful condition, which they call motivational deficiency syndrome. It affects every fifth inhabitant of our planet and is characterized by irresistible and relaxing apathy.

12. According to psychologists, laziness is based on negative emotions: fear, guilt, annoyance. Only by understanding the causes of their occurrence, you can overcome laziness. In other words, laziness cannot be resisted, it must be prevented.

13. Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol wrote that “a Russian person has an enemy, an irreconcilable, dangerous enemy, without which he would be a giant. This enemy is laziness.

14. Classification of lazy people:

  • Lazybones is weakened. Laziness arises due to the low physical tone of a person. In this case, reproaches and forceful instructions are of little help. As the saying goes, you can't jump above your head. A person needs to improve his tone. You can use vitamins for this. Jogging, gymnastics, yoga, swimming are useful. And, oddly enough, such a lazy person needs to get enough sleep.
  • Bored lazy. A person does not want to do work because he is bored. Unloved work, uninteresting people for him - all this aggravates your laziness. But this kind of laziness is easy to fight. You just need to muster up the courage and admit that this is “not yours” and do what you like. Then there will be no place for laziness.
  • Lazybones disorganized. You are lazy and can not get into the right rhythm. Such laziness is the most dangerous and only a forceful influence on oneself can help here. Start each morning by asking, “What should I do today?” And strictly follow the plan. It is important not to dwell on failures. And do not forget to praise yourself for victories.
  • Lazy inventive. It is thanks to such lazy people that our lives are made easier. Too lazy to dig the ground with a shovel, the lazy excavator came up with. Too lazy to clean - invented a vacuum cleaner. Maybe you, because of laziness to do some work, will make the invention of the century? So, if you are a lazy person, then this does not mean at all that you are lost to society forever.

15. Another definition of laziness is "the need to conserve energy." According to Wikipedia.

Has it happened to you that you need to do something, but you don’t want to. Laziness.

Laziness is sometimes so strong that a person gives up and obeys it. Laziness is omnipotent and omnipresent, they say she was born long before us.

Laziness is often called the greatest human vice, but is it really so bad? Let's figure it out.

So what is laziness.

By definition, V.I. Dalia it

“disgust from work, from business, occupations; inclination towards idleness and parasitism.

In fact, laziness is such a phenomenon can be considered much broader.

Let’s take a look at a few of the most common manifestations of laziness:

Laziness as a lack of motivation in the absence of understanding of one's purpose

From a literary point of view, this is a typical Oblomov, the character of Ivan Goncharov from the novel "Oblomov", part of the trilogy " ordinary story". For those who have not read this epoch-making work, I will tell you a little about the plot. The novel tells about the life of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. He lives in St. Petersburg with his servant, practically does not leave the house and does not even get up from the sofa. He does not work anywhere, does not engage in any activity, but only dreams of a cozy and serene life in his native Oblomovka estate. No problems can budge him.

Remember how in the song “Rasp ** yay” by the Leningrad group “But I don’t go to work and don’t listen to the radio, but what God will give me a drink and a meal.”

A person does not have subconscious motivation, and there is no conscious motivation either. Sometimes, in critical cases, a person can force himself to do something, but this is extremely rare.

Do you think that this is all some kind of joke and deliberate exaggeration?

I have a friend, a typical Oblomov. He grew up in a rich family, he lived well, he was taught in a big way, but, alas, he didn’t earn money. Time passed, the boy grew up, graduated from the institute ... and filed a lawsuit against his parents because they refused to provide for him and called him a parasite. After that, there were such stories that at least write "Oblomov 2".

He does not officially work anywhere, only earns extra money. They do not want to officially take him to work because he does not fulfill his promises and does not observe labor discipline. If some money falls, he lowers it on the very first day, even if this amount is 50,000-100,000 rubles. At the same time, he is very distracted, he can easily forget a large amount of money or valuables somewhere.

One day when he tried to get a job Good work with a decent salary, we had an interesting dialogue with him. He had to come to work at 8 in the morning, and he, of course, came to dinner, and even then not every day. When I asked why he agreed to such conditions, if he cannot come to work so early (he lives in the region and likes to sleep), he answers me:

"I took a paycheck, not a job."

There are also opposite examples.

A person is greatly influenced by his environment and the society in which he grew up. A person who grew up in a family with little income considers such a life to be the norm. In the Soviet Union there was such a thing as the "working class". Having finished 8 classes secondary school he went to the factory, got up every day on the factory whistle, and so day after day throughout his life.

Now there are also a lot of such stories, including in Moscow. Such a person may have a wife (husband), children, a small salary in a state organization, a room in a hostel. People are so used to such a life that they do not want to change anything. Nothing spoils people like a stable low salary, they are in a comfort zone and do not want to change anything. What if it gets even worse?

What to advise here? With the Oblomovs, everything is clear, here, as they say, "in a bag and with an awl." The second category is more difficult, those people who grew up below the poverty line, an orphan or in a “bad neighborhood” often have a strong motivation to make their lives, or at least the lives of their children, better. And those who grew up “in the comfort zone” are more difficult.

Tip one:

Laziness as a defense mechanism

Laziness is a very effective mechanism for refusing to do work that will not bring benefits. As if the body is constantly working in energy saving mode, mobilizing this energy when it is needed.

You will never see a wild boar that ran all day long and then says: I need to sit down to rest, I'm tired. There were so many things today.

Laziness appears when you do not understand why to do this or that work, when the goal is not inspiring (see my previous article). When the goal you are trying to achieve is important to you, there is no trace of laziness. You are ready to work for hours without interruption for food and sleep.

And if you feel like you need to do something but don't want to get out of bed to do it, then reconsider the purpose of the event. Is it really important to you?

Another aspect of reluctance to do something is when there is no clear understanding of what needs to be done. So sometimes you open a task manager where there are a lot of overdue tasks, look at it, take a breath and close it. Has it happened to you? Or you are trying to do one task and are constantly distracted. The point here is that the brain does not understand what needs to be done and tries to switch to another task that is more understandable to it.

In the first case, stop using task managers if you don’t look at them at least once a day. A huge number of overdue tasks will only upset you and will in no way contribute to productive work. All people are different, it is impossible to create one universal technique for everyone. If you're told that to-do lists, hard timekeeping, the Pomodoro technique, and other popular stuff is cool and a must-have, don't believe it! Try it for a month and see if it suits you or not.

If lists are not your thing, then a good way to start doing something is to think in the evening and determine what 5-6 tasks will bring you tomorrow highest score and focus on them in the morning.

In the second case, goal decomposition will help. You need to break the goal into steps that you and other performers can understand. For example, is it a clear goal to conduct market research? For a marketer, of course, but for a novice startup, additional clarifications are needed, a checklist of necessary actions.

An interesting example is given by the psychotherapist N.V. Karyagin

Imagine that a person is too lazy to do sports. The more weight he gains, the harder it is to walk and the less you want to move. What will happen if you remove such a "fuse" as laziness? He will lose weight, become prettier, become more sexually attractive, and the opposite sex will begin to show interest in him. Here may be a problem. If he attracted attention and a relationship began, then you will have to build these relationships, master new roles. Or it may happen that the relationship will be short-lived, and you need to have strength and stability in order to survive the breakup. Many people are so afraid to experience such situations that not having a relationship is a much safer and more comfortable state. And then with your sport =)

Laziness as a sign of genius.

A lazy employee is a good employee, right?

Many, probably, will not check me, but there is a great deal of truth in this.

Richard Koch in his book "Manager 80/20" tells the story of the German Field Marshal Erich von Manstein, a participant in the First and Second World Wars. He led the blitzkrieg that quickly conquered France, and then commanded the XI Army of the Wehrmacht, whose successful actions in Crimea against Soviet army culminated in the capture of Sevastopol in June 1942.

Manstein divided his officers into four categories, depending on their intelligence, stupidity, hard work and laziness.

1. First group

These are lazy and stupid officers. Leave them alone, they do no harm.

2. Second group

These are smart and hardworking officers. They make excellent staff officers, from whom even the smallest details do not escape.

3. Third group

Hardworking morons. These people are dangerous, they load everyone with completely unnecessary work. They should be shot on the spot.

4. Fourth group

Smart bastards. These people deserve the highest positions.

Thus, laziness in itself is not a virtue, but it is very useful in combination with high level intellect.

The famous British philosopher and public figure Bertrand Russell said:

"The way to happiness and prosperity is through organized work reduction"

How can this be achieved? In fact, we have plenty of time, it is more than enough. We just squander it on an exciting fight with "problems" and pointless meetings.

Remember the Esenhower matrix.

A. Important urgent matters. These are burning things when you need to drop everything and start putting out the fire. It is better not to bring things to such a state. When you successfully complete an important and urgent matter, you feel a surge of strength and a lot of different emotions - joy, pride, satisfaction with the work done, but this takes a lot of effort and it is impossible to work in this mode for a long time.

B. Non-urgent and important matters. Current (planned) work, this category also includes business planning, training, development, and everything that brings you closer to achieving your goal. If you start cases in this category, then they can go to square A and they will need to be done in time pressure mode.

C. Urgent and unimportant. Basically, this is some kind of routine and unscheduled work, or someone asked you to do work that is not part of your responsibilities. This work in no way leads you to the desired goal. Long stay in this square is harmful. It is extremely important not to confuse doing in this box with things in box A (important and urgent).

D. Non-urgent and unimportant. These are things that can be abandoned, as they will not bring the desired return. This is watching TV, empty conversations, meaningless Internet surfing, social networks (if you are not an SMM specialist) providing all kinds of services and doing things that are not related to your immediate goals.

To be as productive as possible, try to focus on square B. For example, I have a piece of paper on my desktop where this matrix is ​​drawn and I periodically ask myself: in which square am I?

It is the smart and lazy who are usually very creative people. Give them free rein, and they will offer a lot of non-standard and original solutions to the problem with one single goal - to complete the task as quickly and efficiently as possible. the minimum amount efforts.

It is to lazy and intelligent people that we are indebted for many rationalization inventions.

But what if you still need to do it, but you don’t want to?

Sometimes it happens that we, smart lazy people, become a hostage of our mind. Without sufficient motivation, the brain begins to strongly resist leaving the control zone, because this threatens it with large energy losses when mastering new activities.

An important point, the smarter a person, the more skillfully he justifies himself to himself and to others. It happened to me that I set a SMART goal, but then justified myself to myself and refused to achieve the goal just because it does not pass according to SMART, moreover, according to such an exotic criterion as “goal organicity”, its relevance (relevant).

It also happens that we do not fulfill the task set by the management, because we believe that the task is not set correctly or is simply stupid. Here I will not dwell on this in detail, this situation will be discussed in future articles.

How to overcome resistance?

2. Consider what accomplishing this goal will give you

3. Turn work into a game and give yourself rewards for completing each step

4. Read my previous article

5. Read my next articles

The article would not be complete if I did not talk about the last type of laziness.

Laziness as an external manifestation of fatigue.

Sometimes, no matter how cool the idea is, there is no desire to do anything.

This does not mean that this goal is not important for us, just that sometimes we need to take a break. I offer a short digression into esotericism in order to understand more deeply why sometimes energy leaves us.

Lack of physical activity

Even if you are engaged only in intellectual activities, physical activity is a must, at least exercises in the morning. As they say, "without physical activity begins to fall apart not only the body, but also the case. Muscle tone decreases, the body cannot cope with accumulated toxins, as a result, chronic fatigue syndrome. You did not strain, as a result, there is no strength. Neither physical, nor emotional, nor mental.

Lack of emotional load

Do you think soap operas, DOM-2 and other programs are watched only by stupid women?

I hasten to disappoint you, this is not always the case. We (men) watch the World Cup, not because we cannot live without the ball? In this case, we would already be running around the stadium. We all need emotions, and different ones.

Sometimes we swear from a lack of negative emotions, the main thing is not to pour out these emotions on other people. It’s better to watch a movie or read a book that evokes a variety of strong emotions, just don’t try them on yourself - this is not your life. I usually watch art house in cinemas, author's and festival films, mostly dramas. You sit, worry, but at the same time you understand that this has nothing to do with you. Then you just go about your business and don't remember.

Some people like to watch news and politics in order to tickle their nerves. However, everything is good in moderation, do not go too far, otherwise you risk becoming a grump and a loser.

Lack of intellectual load

Despite the fact that we are faced with a huge amount of information every day, the lack of intellectual load is a scourge. modern world. Our mind is filled to capacity, processing a huge amount of data, but all this is an idle move. Even the slightest difficulties cause strong tension and irritation.

It is easier for us to read a dozen publics or sites on the Internet in search of some funny anecdotes, cats, quotes, tips than to apply any of the techniques or tips offered on these sites. You need to get used to learning from your experience, and not from books. Do not confuse a large number of viewed information with mental activity. It is necessary to use such tools as analysis, synthesis, analogies. Before reading, always ask yourself questions: why am I reading this information? how can i use it in my life?

The lack of intellectual load reduces the number of neural connections in the brain, which is one of the causes of aging, illness, depression, memory loss and decreased will.

Some advise playing chess, solving crosswords and crossword puzzles. This is certainly useful, but in the first case you develop logic, and in the other case, memory. There is not a single neural connection here. New connections arise only with the development of new skills and the solution of non-trivial problems. All this is provided in abundance to those who are trying to qualitatively change their lives and get out of their comfort zone.

Do not confuse laziness and idleness.

Idleness is not always caused by laziness. Sometimes a person simply does not have a goal, he lives aimlessly, does not understand the purpose of his existence. He does nothing for days on end and that suits him.


So, let's sum up. Sloth is a very cool thing, created hundreds of years ago and a perfectly working mechanism, but it is only effective in combination with a high IQ.

Sometimes a person's behavior looks like laziness, but it is not. A smart person will first choose the most reasonable, adequate and efficient way of doing it, and then he will begin to complete the task, since he knows that 80% of any work can be done in 20% of the time allotted for this. We do not take into account perfectionists here, they will also be discussed in the following articles.

Usually people don't connect purposefulness and laziness, but just the desire to find The best decision, requiring minimal effort - the highest form of manifestation of laziness.

Be lazy and enjoy life, but do not forget that laziness is different. Don't fall for her provocations.

Does it happen to you that plans are written, goals are set, but another day has passed, and you have not done anything?

And it seems that they persuaded themselves, but did not advance a single step.

Or they dreamed all day, but did not manage to organize their day and did not dare to do something.

And most often we state that this is laziness and begin to “fight” with it. But this struggle, as a rule, does not end with anything.

Because there is no laziness, there are deep reasons why we cannot do what we have planned or what needs to be done.

I propose to deal with this.

Laziness can arise when we are afraid to start the business that we have planned. We are afraid of making mistakes, we are afraid that we will not cope, and later we will face condemnation. And then our subconscious mind decides that it is better to do nothing than to get a bad result. It turns out that laziness acts as a protector.

In this case, you need to pay attention once again that perhaps you are striving for something perfect and are afraid of imperfection.

Laziness often appears when a person is afraid of responsibility not used to making decisions and being responsible for them. Everyone around thinks it's laziness. But in fact, we simply do not want to act and take responsibility for ourselves. As a rule, in such cases, we wait for help and support, but do not say it out loud.

Laziness indicates that your life has a lot of routine, responsibilities and little interest. You are so tired of running in a vicious circle "work-home-work" that your body signals: something is going wrong, it's time to change this scheme and bring in something alive, joyful, something that ignites you. After all, when it is interesting for us to live, laziness takes off as if by hand.

What are you interested in? What captures your attention?

Laziness always appears when we have not decided what we want. Undecided on our desires.

If you can’t get down to some important business and are constantly sitting, for example, on social networks, then this may be a signal for you that you simply simply don’t know what to do. You don't have much information, you are badly savvy, you need more time to figure it out. You do not have a clear understanding of what to do.

Laziness says that there is not enough motivation. Usually men are so lazy.

Behind laziness, another important thing can be hidden - resistance to change and change. For example, a woman wants to lose weight, but the only thing she does is pour tea or coffee, take buns and cakes, and watch TV shows. She cannot pull herself together, cannot find time, she is too lazy to take care of herself.

What is really behind this behavior?

Fear of change. If she loses weight, she will become more attractive, men will begin to show attention to her. Alternatively, she is afraid of this attention, does not know how to respond to it, or she is afraid of relationships, because something can go wrong, she is afraid of pain associated with one or another development of events. And being overweight and lazy is a great defense against all this.

And another very important point - our laziness often hides fear and fear of losing that support and attention. from people close to us. Because if I start doing everything independently and actively, then those around me will understand that I no longer need their help and attention. And that's probably scary.

What to do?

Determine what exactly lies behind laziness.

  • What are you resisting?
  • What are you afraid of?
  • What don't you want?
  • Why is it “beneficial” for you not to do this?

“Then you need to take action. Make movement for the sake of movement. To start the energy. Energy will give you confidence and bring pleasure.

When we do not move for a long time, we are lazy, it drags on like a swamp, it is difficult for us to do even elementary things. When we do not use our energy, we are overcome by weakness. This is a property of energy. If we move a little, do not fully use our reserve, then we become slow, unbearable and lethargic.

It is your first actions that should become the impulse that will launch the necessary changes.

- Look for motivation, for example, you can’t do the cleaning in any way, invite guests, a friend or young man. No, not so that they can clean up for you, but so that there is a motivation to clean up before they arrive.

Here I am, while I was waiting for a friend to visit from another city, and I washed the windows, and washed the curtains, and hung the picture, which for two years I still could not decide where to hang, and dismantled all the cabinets. All during the day and not even tired. It is amazing! And that's the miracle of motivation.

- Come up with something new, unusual.

For example, I decided to do a photo shoot. I sewed three dresses in a week, and there is still a charge left: I also cut out a jacket and a new dress. And before that, I just could not start for two weeks.

If you are too lazy to take care of yourself, you don’t want anything, go and do, for example, a bright manicure, or a new styling, this will lead to new transformations. Go from simple to complex. And then you might want to go to the gym, get ready for the beach season.

And in general, any physical exercises are very useful, they trigger the desire to move, to do something. Start the will to live!

- When you start planning something, thinking - plan to do something real and not fantastic. When we do not know what is being done and how, most often we are attacked by laziness.

Before you start something, you need to prepare, collect information, talk with professionals, recharge from them. To do what I call the insistence work. Sometimes I just need to “insist” a matter, let it mature, and then it is done easily and simply.

- And the easiest way to overcome laziness is to take small steps every day. in the direction of your desire or goal. You can sit and prepare for a year, but still do nothing, or you can take 365 steps in a year. Imagine the path you will take!

Remember: At the first stage, it is not the result that matters, but the rhythm and regularity!

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Tatyana Dzutseva

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