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The content of literary education. Goals and objectives of literary education. Methodological bases for determining the goal of the initial stage of literary education

Technologies and methods of teaching literature Philology Team of authors --

1.3.3. Components of the content of school literary education

Keywords:scientific component, aesthetic component, existential component, communicative component.

The goals and objectives of literary education, the specifics of literature as an academic subject determine the nature and characteristics of its content. Let us turn to the description of the components of the content of the school literature course.

The logic of our reasoning is based on the possibilities of studying a work of art from four angles, which are listed in chapter 1, section 1.1. In this case, the content of literature as an academic subject is an inseparable unity of four components: scientific, aesthetic, communicative, existential,(or personal).

Literary history, literary theory and literary criticism - scientific, or literary component - make it possible to study the laws of the internal organization of a literary text, the external life of a writer and his works in the social and literary process, as well as the peculiarities of his perception and interpretation in historical reality.

The artistic form in which the text is clothed is the embodiment of the art of the word and was created according to aesthetic laws. As a result of studying the artistic features of a work, schoolchildren develop the ability to perceive literature as a fact of art, develop an aesthetic taste.

The content of a literary work reflects the idea of ​​the author about being, about the universe, about man and his place in the world. So, according to M.M. Bakhtin, "the world of a work of art is an organized, ordered and complete world ... around a given person as his value environment." That is why the content of the work is in close contact with the humanitarian disciplines that consider various aspects of human existence (with history, philosophy, ethics, aesthetics, sociology, psychology, psycholinguistics, etc.), and expands the presentation about being, about the universe, promotes self-determination of students in the world of values, the formation of their worldview.

Existential Component initially implies an appeal to the so-called "existential values" (A. Maslow). In the interpretation of the American psychologist A. Maslow, this concept means the highest, ultimate values ​​that cannot be reduced to any other - truth, beauty, goodness, perfection, simplicity, integrity, etc. Existential values ​​function like needs, hence A. Maslow calls them metaneeds, since the loss of these values ​​leads to metapathological personality disorders - diseases of the soul. Existential values ​​contain the meaning of life for most people, but many simply do not know about it. One of the tasks of a literature teacher is to give an idea about them to students already at school.

Existential Component conditionally can also be called personal, since without understanding these issues it is impossible to become personal qualities person.

Communicative component introduces students to the aspect of relationships:

The writer and his contemporaries

Artistic work and the world of culture,

Heroes of works and the world around, etc.

In addition, the communicative content of the process of literary education consists in relations, in the ways of activity and cognition, in the form of interaction of its participants.

Inseparable connection in one school subject scientific foundations history and theory of literature, literary criticism, linguistics, rhetoric, relationship with various art forms, akin to literature figurative, artistic embodiment of the creative thinking of the author, and in addition, the presence existential and communicative components associated with the universal search for truth, reflected in philosophy, religion, ethics, are truly unique and, with properly organized teaching, can create tremendous opportunities for influencing students.

That is why the structure of the content of literature as an academic subject should include:

1) literary, or scientific, component;

2) existential, or value-semantic, component;

3) aesthetic component;

4) communicative, or dialogical, component.

This text is an introductory piece. From the book Technologies and Methods of Teaching Literature author Philology Team of authors --

CHAPTER 1 Literature as an academic subject in the system of school philological education Literature as a school discipline has a number of distinctive features, which determine its special position among other school subjects and must

From the author's book

1.1. The Specificity of Literature as an Educational Subject in the System of School Philological Education Keywords: educational field "Philology", scientific component, aesthetic component, existential component, communicative component. School literature course

From the author's book

1.2. Goals and objectives of literary education The goals and objectives of modern school literary education are defined in the State Educational Standard, which is the normative basis for variable programs, creatively meaningful and designed

From the author's book

1.3.1. Documents Regulating the Content of Literary Education Key words: State educational standard, literary education programs, basic curriculum. The content of school literary education at the conceptual level

From the author's book

1.3.2. Programs of School Literary Education Key words: principle of concentres, chronological (linear) principle. Based on the State Educational Standard for Literature and Sample Programs basic and complete general education on literature

From the author's book

1.4. Stages of school literary education In accordance with the State Educational Standard for Literature in Modern general education school the following levels of literary education are defined: grades 1–4 - the stage of primary general

From the author's book

CHAPTER 3 The process of school literary education 3.1. Essence and components of the process of school literary education New concepts: educational process, process of literary education, components of the process of literary education, aesthetic

From the author's book

3.1. The essence and components of the process of school literary education New concepts: the educational process, the process of literary education, the components of the process of literary education, the aesthetic component, the existential component, the communicative

From the author's book

3.3. Objects of study in the process of literary education The specificity of literature as an academic subject determines the nature and characteristics of its content. Let us turn to the description of the objects of study in the school literature course. The object indicated in the previous paragraph

From the author's book

3.4.1. Reading and its role in the process of literary education KEY QUOTE “... The best and surest thing that we can learn from various pedagogical opinions about the teaching of literature in gymnasiums is that writers should be read. Reading is the basis of theoretical

From the author's book

3.4.3. Types of reading in the process of literary education USEFUL QUOTE “Reading is a window through which children see and learn about the world and themselves. It opens before the child only when, along with reading, simultaneously with it, and even before the book is opened for the first time,

From the author's book

3.5. Pedagogical communication in the process of literary education 3.5.1. Communication as the main mechanism of interaction in the educational process

From the author's book

3.5.2. Dialogical Communication in the Process of Literary Education Key concepts: dialogue, dialogueness, monologueness, dialogue experience. USEFUL QUOTE "Dialogue is the only form of relation to a person-person that preserves his freedom and incompletion." MM.

From the author's book

CHAPTER 4 Organization of the process of literary education Key words: organizational form of education, extracurricular work, classification of lessons, non-traditional lesson, lesson structure, independent activity. USEFUL QUOTE "Organizational form of learning -

From the author's book

4.1. Forms of organization of the process of literary education The main forms of organization of the process of literary education of schoolchildren are: lesson; independent activity of students; extracurricular activities. Successful implementation of the process of literary

From the author's book

6.2. Method of projects in the process of school literary education Among personality-oriented methods, a special place in the process of modern literary education of schoolchildren belongs design methodology. Methodists in both foreign and Russian science

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Primary Literary Education in the System of Continuous Literary Education of Schoolchildren

In modern conditions of cardinal changes in the social life of our country, radical change in the field of education, the problem of literary education at school acquires particular urgency. It is known that at a turning point historical eras native language and literature become symbols of national identity. In the context of the spiritual and moral revival of Russia, the social significance subject "literature" in the formation of the spiritual culture of the Russian people. The main goal of this subject can be defined as follows - to help each student become educated, cultured person spiritually rich and moral personality. Today, the school received a state order for the education of students, and in “ educational standards» Each school subject is treated as an educational area. This means that human education is not equal to learning, it is a fundamentally different concept.

The meaning of the word "education" goes back to the root "image", and if we consider it as a definition of the process, then this is the formation of one's image, the image of "I". The formation of the image of "I" occurs under the influence of certain samples that a person finds in life and in Culture. Literature is a part of Culture, and, consequently, the study of literature, its texts, the laws of development is one of the ways of education. A person who is being formed refracts the fragments of the "become" culture presented to him from the outside through the prism of his "I", merges the products of someone else's experience with the testimony of his own, comprehends them, i.e. gives its own meaning. At the same time, he creates a new, previously non-existent culture, which can only exist on the verge of cultures (M.M. Bakhtin).

A literary work is studied as a result of creative activity, as a culturally significant phenomenon, as an aesthetic transformation of reality. In accordance with this, in the process of literary education, it is necessary to educate a reader who is capable of fully perceiving literary works in the context of the spiritual culture of mankind and prepared for independent communication with the art of the word.

Considering literary education as a unity of three components - creativity - co-creation - skills, we understand that its result is the literary development of a student, which involves not only the growth of emotional and aesthetic culture and literary and creative abilities, not only the accumulation of reading experience and conceptual apparatus, but and self-realization in the field of activity.

Literaryeducationthere isprocessoccurrenceschildinculturemeansliterature.

In accordance with the structure of the school and the psychological and age characteristics of students, the following stages (stages) of literary education are distinguished.

Initialclasses(initialstep). Students master the basics of reading culture and, above all, the ability to read meaningfully, consciously and expressively. All this work is aimed at developing emotional susceptibility, creative imagination, imagination of schoolchildren, and awakening interest in literature. Modern methodologists put the formation of the reader at the center of training in reading and literature at this stage. Such a learning goal is put forward in the programs of O.V. Dzhezheley, R.N. and E.V. Buneev, G.N. Kudina and Z.N. Novlyanskaya. Other programs focus on the study of the specifics of literature as an art form (the program of L.E. Streltsova and N.D. Tamrchenko) or on the communicative properties of art in general and literature in particular (the program of V.A. Levin). In the system of developing education, L.V. Zankov proclaims the idea of ​​cognition of a broad picture of the world on the basis of reading literary works of various types and types (Z.I. Romanovskaya). The literary principle is put forward as one of the leading principles of teaching reading in the program of V.G. Goretsky and L.F. Klimanova. Thus, literary knowledge, to one degree or another, is necessarily included in modern system training in primary school.

Y-IXclasses-nextstageinliteraryeducationschoolboy. Literature at this stage acts as an independent subject. Students gradually enter different artistic systems and become aware of their specifics. In accordance with the age interests and abilities of students, a list of works intended for textual study, review conversations and independent reading. Compared with the primary grades, the reading experience of students increases. The circle of their reading includes a wide variety of works, more complex in content, representing the domestic and foreign literature different eras. Much attention is paid to lyrics, works of heroic, romantic, fantastic content. At the same time, concepts are formed about some general properties of literature (figuration), about the structure of a work of art (theme, idea, position of the author, plot, composition). Students consider literary heroes in development, in the relationship of characters and circumstances, they get acquainted with the most important moments in the creative history of works, generalize observations on the genre features of literature.

X-XIclasses-nextstageinliteraryeducationschoolchildren. The course is built on a historical and literary basis. Students have a need for broad generalizations, for a holistic understanding of the life and historical destinies of the people and mankind, the role and significance of art, the creative paths of the writer, their contribution to the national and world culture. They reach a level of intellectual and moral development, when it is possible and necessary to solve complex moral issues, to form evaluative positions, a historical approach to the phenomena of artistic culture. The understanding of literature as a source of irreplaceable emotional and aesthetic experiences that have a huge impact on the personality of the reader is deepened.

The subject of reading and studying are the top works of different eras for writers and literature - from antiquity to the present day, which have great educational potential, taken in unity with the creative path of the writer and the movement of literature. Simultaneously with the analysis of these works, students get acquainted with some stages in the development of the literary language. They master the area of ​​literary theory that characterizes the general properties of literature (imagery, unity of content and form, the social role of literature) and the literary process (direction, style), generalize their knowledge about the personality of the writer, about the ways of expressing the author's consciousness.

Thus, from stage to stage, the list and content of the studied works of art, the range of assimilated theoretical knowledge is enriched, methods of mastering a literary text are being improved.

Consequently, the literary education of the younger schoolchild is included in a single process of the literary education of students.

2. According to scientists, at the present stage, literary education in elementary school should be based on two leading principles: artistic and aesthetic and literary criticism.

The artistic and aesthetic principle should determine the principles for selecting works for reading, introduce the student to artistic texts that reveal to us the riches of the surrounding world and human relations. Such texts give rise to a sense of harmony, beauty, teach to understand the beautiful, appreciate it, form their own attitude to the surrounding reality.

The literary principle is realized in the analysis of a work of art. The artistic image as the language of art and literature in particular is brought to the fore. This principle covers all areas literary creativity and genres.

In this regard, new alternative programs for literary reading are emerging. As methodological science shows, acquaintance with a work of art has always occupied a valuable place in the lesson, but at different times it was considered from different points of view. Like any art, literature is polyfunctional. Cognition of life, aesthetic exploration of the world by means of fiction is firmly connected with its educational function, with the solution of worldview and moral issues, it involves the activation of the intellectual and emotional-aesthetic sphere of the reader. All these aspects of a literary work should take place in the lessons of literary reading.

Today, the attitude to literary concepts in the process of literary education is changing. They become only a means to achieve the main goal. K.D.Ushinsky noted that the young reader “first of all, is fascinated by the very thought, content, phenomenon, fact, and not the form of expression of thought. It is impossible to think of a more senile occupation than caring for the finishing of forms. This is luxury. Desire comes already when there is a lot of content in the mind, when the new ceases to interest us much. And for a child, the whole world is still new and entertaining.

In order to conduct productive work with a work of art and know when the activity of a child-reader, organized by the teacher, could become independent, it is necessary to pay attention to the reading process itself and the features of its organization in elementary school.

The perception of a work of art must be taught, gradually revealing the secrets of a literary work of art. The figurative form of art, affecting the emotional sphere of the child, produces profound changes in the child's psyche. A work of art, influencing the imagination of students, evokes empathy in them, activates emotions.

The most significant factor in perception is the factor of emotionality, a person's ability to experience. As O.I. Nikiforova noted, the ability of direct figurative and emotional perception works of art is not elementary and innate. It is necessary to teach children this, as well as the operations of the imagination, which contribute to the direct and complete reconstruction of the images of literary works.

The child has to do a lot of spiritual work before a full-fledged perception of the work takes place. He needs to go through all the layers of the artistic structure, through the plot, the plot, understand the figurative structure of the work and rise to the top of its ideological and artistic meaning. It is important that the reader, step by step, climbing the steps of comprehension of art, gradually penetrate into the artistic and figurative fabric of the work, plunging into the multidimensional world created by the artist. The subject of the child's comprehension is both the content of the work and its form. In a literary text, all components of content and form are organically linked; they should not be divided into constituent elements, but should be observed as they function as a whole.

It is necessary to teach the child to read, "peer" into the artistic word so that it reveals its secrets to him. V.S. Asmus said that the content of a work of art does not pass from the book to the reader’s head, like water overflowing from one jug to another. It is reproduced, recreated by the reader himself according to the guidelines given in the work itself, according to the final results determined by the mental, spiritual activity of the reader. Reading fiction is a creative process, and this is how it should be in elementary school for a younger student - a novice reader. Therefore, today the lessons of literary reading should solve the following tasks:

To develop in children the ability to fully perceive a work of art, empathize with the characters, and emotionally respond to what they read;

To teach children to feel and understand the figurative language of a work of art, expressive means that create an artistic image, to develop the figurative thinking of students;

Help to accumulate the aesthetic experience of listening to works of art literature, to cultivate artistic taste;

To form the need for constant independent reading of the book, to develop interest in literary creativity;

Enrich sensory experience the child, his real ideas about the world and nature;

Ensure the child's language development.

In a modern elementary school, the teacher is faced with the task of literary development of younger students. Literary development, as N.D. Moldavskaya noted, means the formation of the ability to think in verbal and artistic images. Mastering poetic speech is the main condition for the successful development of this ability, which is necessary for every reading person. Literary development can be defined as the process of developing the ability to directly perceive the art of the word, the complex skills to consciously analyze and evaluate what is read, guided by the artistic taste developed from the first reading lessons at school. The literary development of a child involves the upbringing of an aesthetically developed reader who is able to understand the author of a literary text and generate his own judgment about the work and the life phenomena reflected in it, mastering the dialogue between the reader and the writer. Such a relationship between the reader, the text and the writer is mastered in the process of practical literary activity of the schoolchildren themselves, who work in various positions (G.N. Kudina, Z.N. Novlyanskaya).

The aesthetically advanced reader faces two challenges. The first is to see inner world heroes through the eyes of the author. The second is to develop your own point of view on what the author depicts and expresses, agree with him or enter into an argument and see the conditional world of the work with your own eyes - “the eyes of the reader”. Both of these tasks can be solved only through a specific "correspondence" dialogue between the author and the reader, mediated by a literary text. According to M.M. Bakhtin, a literary work is an artistic "model" of the world, inside which there are always two mismatched consciousnesses - the hero and the author. The author, who creates his own model, gets used to the hero (sees the surrounding reality through his eyes) and at the same time maintains the position of “outside location”, i.e. looks at the hero with his own eyes, evaluates him in one way or another and, shaping his life in a work of art, places his milestones and pointers intended for the reader in the text.

An aesthetically developed reader also performs a dual act: getting used to the world created by the author, directly empathizing with the hero, he simultaneously tries to see everything that happens through the eyes of the author, looks for the appropriate author's milestones and indicators, according to which he recreates the model created by the author, i.e. accompanies the author's position - will create the author. And at the same time, he develops his own point of view and compares it with the author's.

An aesthetically undeveloped reader (direct) reader, if he gets used to the hero and directly empathizes with him, then, not noticing the author's milestones and pointers, sometimes inadequately understands the inner world of the hero. Such a reader develops only his own view of the world created by the author, does not accompany the author's point of view, and often does not even suspect its existence. As a result, he does not understand the author, does not enter into a dialogue with him, "co-creation of those who understand" does not occur.

Consequently, the main task of the stage of primary literary education is the education of a qualified reader, since it is impossible to give systematic literary knowledge to a first-grader child who cannot read and has no reading experience. This stage helps the child to make the transition from the position of the listener, the “co-author” of the text to the position of the reader-interpreter, i.e. take the first step of distancing (detachment) from the text.

The younger schoolboy is a "naive realist". At this age, he does not realize the special laws of constructing a literary text and does not notice the form of the work. His thinking is still active-figurative. The child does not separate the object, the word denoting this object, and the action that is performed with this object, therefore, in the child's mind, the form is not separated from the content, but merges with it. Often a complex form gets in the way of understanding the content.

Therefore, one of the tasks of the teacher is to teach children the "external" point of view, i.e. the ability to understand the structure of the work and to assimilate the patterns of construction of the artistic world.

The creative activity of the child is generally recognized as an obligatory component of the system of elementary literary education of a schoolchild.

The modern method of teaching reading and literature is based on theoretical principles developed by such sciences as literary criticism, psychology, pedagogy, and physiology. For the correct organization of the process of familiarizing the child with literature, the teacher must take into account the specifics of the work of art, the psychophysiological foundations of the process of reading on different stages learning, features of perception and assimilation of the text by younger students, etc.

The objective content of any work is reality. In works of art, reality is represented in images. Imagery has a number of features that determine the originality of a work of art and its difference from a scientific text. Literature as a subject of art has an aesthetic nature, therefore, a lesson in literary reading should be built on an aesthetic basis.

The methodology for analyzing a work of art in primary school cannot but take into account psychological features perceptions of children of primary school age.

To date, the following problems of methodological science can be noted:

1. The problem of reading, the perception of fiction as the art of the word; formation of the reader, his spiritual world.

2. Mutual enrichment of literary criticism and methods of teaching reading and literature.

3. Deepening the links between the perception of the work, its interpretation, analysis and independent activity of students.

4. The problem of studying the literary development of students, and not only in the research aspect, but as a basis school teaching literature, choice of programs, technologies of lessons, concepts at different stages of the literary development of children.

5. Historical change in the methods and techniques of studying literature, designing new ones, relying on traditional ones.

6. Formation of a new type of relationship between the teacher and students, education of the creative principles of the individual.

7. Search for new lesson structures, modeling other forms of conducting classes.


literary education creativity class

1. Bogdanova O.Yu. Bogdanova O.Yu., Leonov S.A., Chertov V.F. Methods of teaching literature: Textbook for students of pedagogical universities; Ed. O.Yu.Bogdanova. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 1999.

2. Lvov M.R. et al. Methods of teaching the Russian language in primary school: Proc. Allowance for students. Higher Ped. Proc. institutions / M.R. Lvov, V.G. Goretsky, O.V. Sosnovskaya. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2000.

3. Omorokova M.I. Basics of teaching reading to younger students: Tutorial for students of pedagogical universities. - M.: Ventana-Graf, 2005.

4. Russian language in primary grades: Theory and practice of teaching: Textbook for students of pedagogical educational institutions on special. "Pedagogy and methods of early. education” / M.S. Soloveychik, P.S. Zhedek, N.N. Svetlovskaya and others; Under the editorship of M.S. Soloveychik. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy". 1997.

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First component(knowledge) is formed by mastering a variety of literary and theoretical material: a) works of Russian folklore and literature; b) some of the best achievements of the verbal art of other peoples of the world; c) information about the main periods of the Russian and world literary process; d) biographical information about the life and work of the most prominent writers; e) basic literary concepts.

All these elements of the content of education should be presented comprehensively, in interconnection, in different aspects - historical-functional, problem-thematic, genre-generic, in compliance with the principles of continuity and accessibility.

The basis of training courses for all stages of literary education is literary works, which are selected taking into account their aesthetic merits, universal significance, educational value, relevance to our time, accessibility and interest to students.

The amount of knowledge about the personality of the writer, his creative evolution is determined depending on the age of the students, the number of hours devoted to the study of his works, as well as the role of the writer in the literary process.

Knowledge of literature plays an important role in the study of literature. litera theorytours. Their selection is carried out according to the following criteria: a) the specifics of the work under study, its generic and genre nature; b) the role of the concept in the development of specific material; c) the significance of the concept in the formation of reading (perception, analysis, evaluation of works) and speech skills.

Second component the content of education - a system of special (reading) skills - is formed on the basis of knowledge of the theory, history of literature, understanding of the specifics of a work of art. It creates the basis for further literary self-education of students.

The necessary reading skills in the study of literature are the following:

- skills associated with the aesthetic perception of a literary work (imagine, imagine pictures and images created by the writer; express primary impressions, etc.);

- analytical skills (analysis of the episode, plot, composition, artistic language, etc.);

- synthesizing skills (ability to compare, generalize, draw conclusions);

- skills related to the evaluation of a work of art (skills aimed at personal reading, perception of a work of art, its generic, genre and compositional features, moral and aesthetic ideals, social significance; reasoned expression of one's attitude to the studied, as well as independently read work from the lists for further reading).

Third component- experience of independent literary and creative activity. It is acquired by students in the process of full-fledged primary perception of the text at an emotional-figurative level, its independent interpretation, manifestation of a personal attitude to the work, teaching oral and written compositions of different genres, mastering the skills of creative interpretation of a verbal and artistic text with the help of other types of art (by the method of verbal drawing , illustrations, creating mise-en-scenes, etc.).

Fourth component- the formation of a system of moral norms of attitude towards the world, people, oneself - is ensured primarily by the selection of works for compulsory study, reading and discussion, additional reading. It is supposed not only to systematize knowledge, but also to comprehend it at the worldview and aesthetic levels. It is important to ensure that students understand the role of literature for their spiritual development, for the development of self-awareness and moral self-improvement.

Structure of literary education based on the principle of continuity. Each of the stages of literary education of students has its own goals, content and is built taking into account the age characteristics of students, the level of their literary competence.

Since the main object of study in V-IX classes- a work of art, the main objectives of training should be aimed at ensuring that, based on the knowledge and skills acquired in grades I-IV, form students' understanding of literature as an art, of the specific, genre, style features of works, the components of their structure, way of expressing life in art. When selecting works, the interest of students in the problems of modernity, in adventure, fantasy literature, in such works is taken into account, where the situation of moral choice, the act of the hero, the motives of his behavior, i.e., that contributes to the ethical and psychological self-knowledge of a person, are brought to the fore. Special attention should be given to works that reveal the harmony of human relationships with the outside world, as well as works about the historical path of the people and its outstanding heroes.

Works offered for study in V class, grouped into sections based on problem-thematic proximity. The leading literary problem of this course is the type of literature. The basic principle of structuring literature courses VI-VIII classes - genre-chronological, in which in each class schoolchildren study the top works of classical literature, corresponding to their age and level of reading interests. In every class at the lessons of Russian literature there is an acquaintance with new writers and poets. The inclusion in the program of each class, starting from the fifth, of works from different historical periods and artistic systems allows in the next classes to put forward the problem of the literary direction, to give a deeper understanding of classicism, romanticism, realism.

In the fifth grade, efforts are made to develop an interest in reading with attention to the artistic features of both folklore and literary works; here an important place is occupied by the acquaintance with the ideological and artistic structure of the work (theme, hero, plot), accessible to students, work on the artistic word, its ambiguity, figurative and expressive means (metaphor, comparison, epithet and their role in the text of the work), emotional fullness.

In grades VI-VIII, this work deepens. For each class, its own scientific and didactic aspect of the study of literature is determined, which determines the content and structure of the program, its methodology and methodology, the selection and cyclization of the material, the list of literary and theoretical concepts for students to master. The study of literary works acquires a purposeful, systematic character.

FROM IX class course design principles linear on a historical and literary basis, but, unlike previous classes, with a deeper study of literary texts.

Artistically significant works of different eras, studied in the context of historical circumstances and in conjunction with the facts of the writer's biography, are in the field of view of students in grade IX. Particular attention in the learning process is paid to the following issues: genre and generic features of works of art, literary hero, artistic image.

The student's increasing level of artistic perception of literary works ensures the overall development of the student's personality.

Among the important types of educational activities is the literary creativity of students (recitation of poetic works, oral verbal drawing, illustration, composing fairy tales, poems, writing according to proverbs, creating a script for a movie or a play based on a fragment or a small epic work, comparing an episode of an epic work with its film adaptation, staging on the stage or an illustration to it). The use of works of other types of art in the learning process is important.

AT X-XI classes, the need for an ideological and artistic understanding of the historical path of literature, the cultural development of the people, and the role of outstanding figures of culture and art in this is growing significantly. Therefore, the study of literature is directly associated with common characteristic historical epochs, creative way writers, their contribution to the development of literature and culture of their time. Thus, students gradually form ideas about the historical and literary process.

In the 11th grade, as the final literary education in general educational institutions, knowledge on the theory and history of literature is systematized.


  • Standard of primary general education in literary reading in educational institutions, 1286.01kb.
  • The main educational program of primary general education go secondary school No. 625, 1828.17kb.
  • ^ 2. 3. Contents initial stage literary education

    The main difference between the productive model of education and the reproductive one is “in a fundamentally different dominant content (culture), understanding of a person as an integral being in the process of becoming, where the goal of the school is to “cultivate” a person capable of cultural creation” (18, p. 12). Therefore, the content of education must be correlated with the elements of culture. Modern didactics proceeds from the fact that education is designed to pass on to the younger generation the social experience accumulated by mankind, in which four main components are distinguished:

    1) knowledge about nature, society, man, methods of activity;

    2) experience in the implementation of known methods of activity;

    3) experience of creative activity;

    4) the experience of an emotional-valuable attitude to reality, which has become the object or means of activity (193).

    These four elements of social experience correspond to four types of educational content that embody different learning objectives. All types of educational content are interconnected. Knowledge has a price only when a person is able to put it into practice both in already known situations and in new, non-standard conditions, and for this he must master not only the knowledge itself, but also other types of educational content, i.e. to learn to carry out known methods of activity, to master the experience of creativity. Special attention modern science gives the fourth component of social culture. The sad experience of the twentieth century has shown that progress in the development and assimilation of knowledge can lead to the regression of mankind if it is not supported by the formation of the spiritual sphere of the individual. The tasks of moral education can be solved if they are embodied in the content of education, and not just declared as a desired result. Therefore, an extremely significant element of the content of education should be the experience of an emotional-value attitude to the world, the development of which requires not only and not so much a system of knowledge, but the development of the emotional sphere of the individual.

    The methodological interpretation of the didactic approach to determining the content of education requires, first of all, consideration of the role of each of the elements of social experience in solving the problems of the literary development of schoolchildren and, on this basis, determining the relationship between the individual elements of the content of literary education.

    Literary education aims to form a personality ready for perceptual reading and literary and creative activity. Consequently, the main element of the content of literary education should be the experience of creative activity, embodied in the perception of a work of art and in the creation of one's own text. However, experience cannot be transferred, it can only be acquired in the course of independent activity, during which students develop certain creative skills, understood as readiness, the ability to most effectively perform actions in accordance with the goals and conditions of the activity. Therefore, the leading element of the content of literary education will be system of reading and literary and creative skills.

    The formation of skills requires reliance on knowledge. From the totality of knowledge presented in social experience, one should select that which will ensure the productivity of reading and literary and creative activity, i.e. knowledge about the object of perception - a work of art, the object of production - the text, about the methods of activity. The expediency of familiarizing younger students with literary concepts has been questioned more than once because of the fear that, not supported by sufficient reading experience, it will lead not to a deepening of perception, but to separation direct perception from the analysis of the text, to the formal assimilation of concepts. Therefore, as was shown in the first chapter, a number of modern concepts of primary education minimize the familiarization of younger students with literary concepts, which leads to a decrease in the level of education. On the other hand, there are programs that put forward the study of the theory of literature as a primary task, as a result of which the logic of science begins to prevail over the specifics of the age development of the child. Obviously, it is necessary to find a "golden mean", to determine the amount of necessary knowledge and the level of their assimilation in junior school age. The starting point for this is the content of the system of reading and literary and creative skills. The selection of knowledge will be determined by the need for this knowledge in order to master the system of skills. Knowledge should not be presented to children ready-made. During the analysis, observations are accumulated over the features of literary works, in the future they are generalized and serve as a support for the analysis of new works.

    For full-fledged communication with art, younger students lack life experience, understanding of relationships between people, knowledge of how and in what way a person’s inner state is manifested, etc. The vocabulary of children is poor, the syntactic structure of speech is undeveloped. Thoughtful reading, analysis of the work broaden the horizons of the child, contribute to the acquisition of psychological knowledge, develop his speech. Thus, a literary work itself is a source of knowledge necessary for the formation of reading and literary and creative skills. But the student needs the help of a teacher to acquire this knowledge.

    The task of developing a child's reading outlook requires the introduction of bibliographic knowledge, a thoughtful selection of the circle of classroom and extracurricular reading. Informatization of modern society has led to the need for the formation of information knowledge and skills.

    The second type of content of education - the experience of implementing known methods of activity - is embodied in first-order skills and habits, that is, it can be automated. With regard to literary education, this is the operational side of reading (analytical and bibliographic) and literary and creative skills. Naturally, the content of this element also depends on the content of the skill system. Since the specifics of the initial stage of literary education is the need for systematic work on the formation of reading skills, the second component of the content of education should include the qualitative characteristics of reading skills.

    The fourth type of the content of education - the experience of an emotional and value attitude to reality - in its content aspect, of course, correlates with the system of national and universal values. However, the peculiarity of the emotional-value attitude is that it is not the result of knowledge.

    Speaking about the educational opportunities of school art disciplines, A.A. Melik-Pashayev wrote that “they, due to the specifics of their content, form the inner world of a person, and do not broadcast objective knowledge(although, of course, they contain them in a subordinate form) ”(129, p. 12). “In order for this spiritual process to really take place - the introduction of the child to artistic culture - the teacher must organize the “living” and solving by children, at a level accessible to them, of real creative tasks related to those that were set and solved by the creators of artistic culture. The child must understand "from the inside" for the sake of which great works were created, what universal (and therefore inherent!) Ideas-feelings they express, by what means this expressiveness itself was achieved. Only then will the child be able to “appropriate” those human abilities, values, that attitude to life that is objectified in the sphere of artistic culture” (128, p. 8).

    A literary work provides the reader with the opportunity, through empathy with the hero and the author, to join the values ​​developed by mankind. The child's own creativity also requires him to realize his position, to evaluate life phenomena. However, in order for these possibilities to be realized, it is necessary to build the study of a work of art and work on an essay in such a way as to touch the soul of the child, so that the idea of ​​​​the work and the future text is not presented to the student in finished form, so that it is not only realized by the child, but would also be experienced by him. Therefore, this type of educational content should be methodically interpreted as an emotional-evaluative activity, the content of which is determined by the content of the system of reading and literary and creative skills.

    So, all elements of the content of literary education are interconnected, their specific content is determined by the content of the leading type - the system of reading and literary and creative skills that ensure the child's mastering the experience of creative activity, and, consequently, advancement in literary development.

    ^ 2.3.1. The system of reading and literary and creative skills

    The modern approach to the literary and speech development of students through the formation of their reading and speech skills has developed on the basis of didactic and methodological traditions. Although the problem of special development was not the subject of theoretical understanding of scientists of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, it is implicitly present in the works of such prominent educators as K.D. Ushinsky, V.I. Vodovozov, V.A. Stoyunin, V.P. Ostrogorsky, Ts.P. Baltalon, emphasizing the need to develop the mind, feelings, imagination, speech of children.

    In the works of M.A. Rybnikova's student appeared as an active character, as a "methodological factor". The methodological system developed by her is based on the development of students' own literary creativity and the formation of a qualified reader. The path "from a small writer to a big reader", indicated by M.A. Rybnikova, is successfully developing in a number of modern programs.

    Development of the theory of activity (A.N. Leontiev, 102), research into the process of perception of a work and the generation of speech (L.I. Belenkaya, 6; L.G. Zhabitskaya, 47; A.V. Zaporozhets, 52; N.G. Morozova , 139; O.I. Nikiforova, 140-142; L.N. Rozhina, 169; P.M. Yakobson, 210, etc.), the success of the methodology in the field of analysis of a work of art (T.G. Brazhe, 13, 14 ; G.A. Gukovsky, 41; G.N. Ionin (56, 57; M.G. Kachurin, 61, 62; E.A. Maimin, 114; V.G. Marantsman, 117; N.D. Moldavskaya , 136, 137, etc.), and the development of students' speech (N.I. Zhinkin, 49, V.A. Kustareva, N.S. Rozhdestvensky, 89; A.I. Lipkina, M.I. Omorokova, 107; M.R. Lvov, 110, 111; N.A. Plenkin, 152, etc.) made it possible to formulate the problem of the formation of speech, and then reading skills.

    T.A. Ladyzhenskaya developed a fundamentally new approach to the development of coherent speech of students, based on the formation of a complex of skills to create a text (91). This idea is fruitfully embodied in the practice of the school. The programs "Speech and culture of communication" (92), "Children's rhetoric" (93) resolve issues speech development children at the interdisciplinary level. In the study by G.S. Shchegoleva, carried out under the guidance of T.G. Ramzaeva (207), the productivity of a systematic approach to the development of coherent speech was proved, a system of speech skills was developed, formed at special lessons in the development of speech.

    The question of the possibility and expediency of developing reading skills in schoolchildren was first raised by N.Ya. Meshcheryakova and L.Ya. Grishina in 1976 (133). Further development of methodological thought was associated with the development of reading skills complexes (N.Ya. Meshcheryakova, L.Ya. Grishina, 40, 134, 135; N.D. Moldavskaya, 138; V.G. Marantsman, 120; A.M. Safonova, 179, etc.), with the search for ways to form them, both through special exercises (Z.D. Doroshenko, 45; O.G. Zenchenko, 55; V.I. 115, N.Ya. Meshcheryakova, L.Ya. Grishina, 134, 135), and in the process of analyzing the work (N.I. Kudryashov, 85; V.G. Marantsman, 120, 121; A.M. Safonova, 179 and others).

    In the course of the study conducted by the author (23), a system of skills to analyze a work of art was developed, the effectiveness of a systematic approach to the formation of reading skills was experimentally confirmed, it was proved that mastering the system of skills to analyze a work of art in elementary school occurs in the process of text analysis based on mastering the techniques of analyzing a work of art , assimilation of initial literary ideas and experience of emotional and evaluative activity. Therefore, in this paper, we will first of all pay attention to the nature of the relationship between the system of reading and the system of literary and creative skills.

    These skills are interpreted as secondary, creative skills, they reflect the child's readiness to act effectively in accordance with the goals and conditions of the activity. The goals of the activity in the perception of a literary text and in the creation of one's own work are directly opposite, and the conditions are very close, although not identical. So, a talented reader seeks to comprehend the idea of ​​a work of art through its form, to join the author’s worldview, and the writer (when creating a text, a schoolboy becomes a “little writer”, in the words of M.A. Rybnikova) seeks to know the world, express his worldview in a word and influence to the addressee. At the same time, the writer and the reader communicate with the help of verbal and artistic images, which indicates the closeness of the conditions for perceptual and productive creative activity. Naturally, the aesthetic significance of a work of art and student work is incomparable, and we are talking not at all about equalizing them, but only about the experience of creative activity that a younger student acquires when communicating with a work of art, and which he needs when creating his own text. Therefore, it seems appropriate to bring reading and literary and creative skills into a single system and establish links between them. Private skills included in the system are presented in Table 7.

    Table 7

    The system of reading and literary and creative skills

    Reading Skills

    Literary and creative


    The ability to perceive figurative and expressive means of language in accordance with their function in a work of art

    The ability to select and use language tools similar to those studied to implement their plan

    The ability to recreate in the imagination the pictures of life created by the writer

    The ability to convey one's life impressions with the help of verbal artistic image

    The ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships, to see the logic of the development of action in an epic work, the dynamics of emotions in lyrics

    The ability to build the composition of one's own statement, based on the author's intention and the chosen type of speech (narration, description, reasoning)

    The ability to holistically perceive the image-character, the image-experience, as one of the elements of the work, which serves to reveal the idea

    The ability to reveal the author's intention through the introduction of a character, landscape into the text

    The ability to see the author's assessment, attitude, position in all elements of the work

    The ability to subordinate the author's intention to all elements of the text

    The ability to master the artistic idea of ​​the work

    Ability to identify the author's intent

    The structure of the system reflects the structure of the object of perception and creation - the text, therefore, the idea of ​​the level organization of a work of art is the starting point for building a system of skills. “At the lower level, the work is composed of words. Here the verbal image is inseparable from the properties and qualities of the material from which it is recreated. The foundation of the image is laid, its formation takes place first in the form of a complex of words, then complexes of phrases, paragraphs, fragments, chapters. Above the level of the word, a syntactic level arises, above the syntactic level, a logical one, above the logical level, the sphere of rhythmic and stylistic organization extends, and only above these layers does artistic expressiveness and content, evidence and persuasiveness arise, then the logic of composition comes into play and the contours of the building begin to emerge - a system of images , their dynamics” (30, p. 82). In accordance with the level organization of the work, particular skills are distinguished associated with a certain structural element of the text: language, artistic image, composition, image-character, image-experience, author's position, artistic idea.

    Let us consider in comparison private reading and literary and creative skills.

    1. The ability to perceive the figurative and expressive means of the language in accordance with their function in a work of art and the ability to select and use linguistic means similar to those studied to realize their intention.
    Traditionally, work on the language of a work of art in elementary school was reduced to the so-called vocabulary work, in which the lexical meaning of words incomprehensible to the child was clarified, a synonymous series was selected in order to expand vocabulary. Such work lies outside of aesthetic activity, since we are talking about the word as a linguistic unit, about the "unrefracted" artistic material.

    Perceptual activity of the reader begins with the perception of the word as artistic speech. The concepts of "speech" and " artistic speech" are not identical: "All properties, all elements of speech, becoming the material of the form of the art of the word, thereby enter into a different system, turn into properties and elements of a qualitatively different phenomenon (art, and not speech activity)", - writes V.V. Kozhinov ( 71, p. 244) “A literary text is built on top of its graphic reinforcement, declaring itself as a carrier of artistic meaning – with rhythm, pauses, tempo, intonation, voicing of what is spoken, a special poetic time” (30, p. 33).

    The perception of a work on a verbal rather than an aesthetic level leads to the identification of art with reality. At the same time, the reader is enriched with knowledge of another life situation, but the main goal of turning to art - the spiritual development of the world is not realized. Full communication with art requires the perception of the word as a means of creating an artistic image, that is, in accordance with the function that these figurative and expressive means of language perform in a given work of art. G.A. Gukovsky emphasized that “both the image of the hero, and the composition of the work, and the landscape, and the plot, and the theme, and the whole complex complex of reflecting reality in literature are given only in the forms of the word, language, in their relationships, interconnections, arrangements, etc. etc." (44, p. 88). The endless variety of works of art makes it unlikely that it is possible to enumerate all the figurative and expressive means of the language, as well as their functions in the work. The point is not to compile a register of expressive means and teach the student to look for examples for a certain item in a previously known list or to use a ready-made stamp in his speech. The reader not only does not need to know the names of various tropes, but also does not need to single out the so-called "figurative expressions" in the text and explain their meanings, translating the image into a logical formula and thereby destroying it. It is necessary to teach the student to adequately perceive the means with which he meets when reading, that is, delving into the construction of a phrase, into the choice of a word, to think about the author's choice, to recreate the artistic image in his imagination, to understand and evaluate the actions of the characters, to comprehend the author's assessment, etc. d. The accumulation of reader observations leads to the formation of initial knowledge about the nature of the artistic word.

    When creating their own statement, children rely on the knowledge gained, they learn to convey their mood through a description of nature, the mood of a character through a description of facial expressions, gestures, etc. Children do not copy the sample text, but use language means similar to those studied in accordance with their speech task and the material underlying the composition.

    M.M. Bakhtin wrote: “The form is determined by the given content, on the one hand, and the peculiarity of the material and the methods of its processing, on the other hand. A purely material artistic task is a technical experiment. Artistic reception cannot be only a method of processing verbal material (the linguistic givenness of words), it must first of all be a method of processing a certain content, but at the same time with the help of a certain material ”(5, pp. 176-177). Although this statement is dedicated to the activities of professional writers, it is also important for the methodology, since it helps to substantiate the content of one of the literary and creative skills, emphasizing the importance of a conscious search for a form that reveals and realizes the author's intention of the child. What is needed is an independent choice of form, and not the fulfillment of the task of the teacher, who made this choice for the student and proposes to introduce certain figures of speech, ready-made comparisons, epithets, etc. into the essay. The development of speech does not consist in the technical mastery of techniques, but in the acquisition of creative experience in the search for an adequate combination of content and form. In the process of editing their own composition under the guidance of a teacher, children achieve greater expressiveness and accuracy of speech, replacing repeated words, choosing synonyms that more accurately reflect the thought, changing the word order in the sentence and thereby emphasizing the desired shade of meaning, etc.

    In the process of text analysis, younger students, under the guidance of a teacher, at each lesson observe how the work is "made", based on these observations, they form initial literary and speech ideas about the word as a means of creating an artistic image and a means of expressing the author's attitude; about the ambiguity of the word, about figurative meaning, epithet, comparison, metaphor, synonyms and antonyms; about rhythm, rhyme, sound writing as expressive means, about styles of speech.

    The method of text analysis, as mentioned above, performs a dual role: it serves as a means of penetrating into artistic text, mastering his ideas and a means of forming knowledge and skills. The formation of the skills under consideration is facilitated by such methods of text analysis and types of work on the development of speech, such as

    Identification of figurative and expressive means of language in order to recreate pictures of life, characterization of characters, identify the author's position;

    Selection of synonyms in order to comprehend the shades of the meaning of the word and the awareness of the author's choice;

    Stylistic analysis, stylistic experiment;

    Selection of comparisons, epithets in order to convey the impression of objects and phenomena, attitudes towards them;

    Sketches, descriptions expressing the mood of the author;

    Compilation of riddles;

    Emotional and evaluative activity (realizing the fourth element of the content of education - the experience of an emotionally valuable attitude to the world), corresponding to the skills under consideration, is as follows:

    The transfer in speech of one's attitude to objects and phenomena.

    “The verbal form does not exhaust, does not cover the image, but only serves as its basis, the starting point for its design and implementation as some kind of very special dynamic reality” (30, p. 33). Therefore, only the ability to perceive the figurative and expressive means of the language in accordance with their function in a work of art and to select and use language means similar to those studied to achieve their own speech goal, for all their importance, is not enough to ensure a full-fledged reading and literary and creative activity.

    Reading Circle

    The subject of study of school disciplines of the aesthetic cycle, and in particular literary reading, in contrast to natural - scientific subjects are not knowledge as such, but works of art. Each of the variable programs of primary literary education, in accordance with the goals and objectives put forward, determines its own range of compulsory classroom reading, many programs offer a list of works for independent (out-of-class) reading.

    The reading circle is the most mobile element of the content of education. Determining the circle of reading, the authors of the UFO school curriculum solve two main tasks: what works to select for class and independent reading, in what sequence to acquaint students with them. In accordance with these tasks, two groups of principles can be distinguished: the principles of reading selection and the principles of the arrangement of literary material. Let's consider them in more detail.

    Principles for selecting a circle of reading.

    aesthetic principle manifested in the selection of works in terms of their aesthetic significance. The same principle requires that texts be given without adaptation and abbreviations. If the work is difficult for the perception of younger students, it is better to refuse to include it in the program than to include it in a truncated and distorted form. The time will come when the children will grow up and read it in its entirety.

    According to the principle of combining accessibility and focus on the literary development of schoolchildren, the reading interests and abilities of children should not only be taken into account. But also to be formed in the course of training. Younger students prefer funny, humorous works, fairy tales, game poetry, about animals. Natural childish cheerfulness is reflected in the rejection of sad works. Of course, the program should include funny poems, humorous stories, fairy tales. But if we limit ourselves to such literature, the development of the reader will slow down. The circle of reading should include works that expand the life and reader's horizons, works with a tragic ending, difficult to understand. Only in the case when there is a contradiction between the potential of meaning, the way of existence artistic idea and the actual level of the literary development of the student, his growth as a reader is possible.

    However, it is necessary to "dose" the measure of the complexity of the text, taking into account this factor both in the selection and in determining the sequence of studying literary works. A work in which the study of literary works. Works in which everything is available to younger students can be recommended for independent reading, while at school, when the child perceives the text together with peers and adults, a more qualified reader is a teacher. It makes sense to turn to such texts in which there is a certain potential of meaning that is accessible to children, but requires special work, the efforts of the reader.

    The principle of thematic diversity. It serves to ensure the fourth element of the content of education - familiarization with the world, the development of value orientations. Therefore, it is important to select works in such a way that they reveal the main lines of the relationship of man with the world: man and man, man and society, man and nature, man and art, man and history, man and homeland.

    Principle of Genre Diversity works is necessary to give students the experience of communicating with literary works different genres, to form certain genre expectations.

    The principle of species diversity involves introducing into the circle of reading not only artistic, but also children's educational literature, familiarization with reference books, which is a specific feature of primary education. A few decades ago, the meaning of learning cognitive was primarily to give children the necessary information about the world around them. The number of cognitive texts almost exceeded the number of works of art. Despite the fact that natural history was formed into an independent subject, reading cognitive books in literature lessons is necessary. junior schoolchild and today, in order to learn to consciously choose ways to communicate with different texts to master the ability to navigate the book world.