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But also the whole world. "The world around" as a subject in elementary school: features, opportunities, methodological approaches. ? What is the contribution of the subject "World around" to the development and education of a younger student

In my opinion, the concept of "world around" is quite multifaceted, and each represents it differently. As for me, I consider the world that surrounds us interesting and surprising, and I am happy that I live in it.

The world that surrounds us

What is the environment? For one person it will space, which directly surrounds it, and for the other - Universe. If expressed plain language, this is all that is around us:

  • everything that is created by mankind;
  • Live nature;
  • inanimate nature.

However, the world is not only amazing, it is more amazing than we can imagine. There is a huge number of animals, phenomena and plants, the existence of which most people do not even suspect.

Amazing in the world

Lives in Madagascar amazing primate - rukonopozhka. Because of her slightly strange appearance, the locals are very wary of her. Their beliefs associate this animal with evil spirits and evil spirits. There is a sign that if you meet this animal, then death will inevitably overtake within a year.

One of the most mysterious phenomena creeping stones found at the bottom of a dry lake in the United States. Moving stones without outside help is beyond doubt, however, no one saw how this happens - they move once every few years. Scientists suggest that this is possible due to changes in temperature.

coconut crab It is rightfully considered the largest representative of crustaceans - its length often reaches 35 centimeters. He lives on land, in burrows, where he arranges for himself a soft "bed" made of coconut palm leaves.

The most amazing tree on the planet - baobab. The unique ability of this tree is survivability: if you remove the bark, then a new one will grow in the shortest possible time. The thickness of the trunk often reaches 10 meters and wood absorbs moisture like a sponge. It is believed that the tree is able to live for thousands of years, but in fact it is impossible to confirm - no annual rings.

Ant Panda has absolutely nothing to do with the spotted bear, except appearance. Actually, it's not even an ant, and the German wasp, sometimes called the "velvet ant" due to the many hairs that cover its body. Like any other wasp, this "ant" may well sting and the discomfort will last for several hours.

Air and water, continents and oceans, deep bowels of the Earth and oxygenated atmosphere blue sky, the diversity of the natural landscape and the amazing corners of the world.

All this is ours common Home- planet Earth!
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Planets and stars

In the infinite expansion of space, at a distance of many light years, there are galaxies, stars and objects of the mysterious world of the Universe.

The amazing world of the Universe, distant stars and our neighbors - planets solar system.
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Natural resources

Our planet contains a huge amount of natural resources, these are water, land and forest resources, minerals, solar and wind energy. Correct, not wasteful use of natural resources in conjunction with careful attitude to the environment, favors human life and generally allows the development of human society.
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Gifts and riches lie deep in the bowels of the Earth, thanks to which we can receive heat and energy, Construction Materials and mixtures, precious stones and semi-precious raw materials. Minerals are found in earth's crust and are formed from lava-magma, sedimentary rocks and natural minerals, formed over the long history of the Earth's formation processes. After development and extraction, minerals can be effectively used for commercial and industrial purposes.
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The industrial sector of the economy of each state is the most important factor in the development of relations in foreign economic and political relations on the world stage, and a developed agricultural sector becomes the key to well-being in the food needs of the population.
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Industry and energy sectors:

Branches of agriculture:

Industry and Agriculture Russia and countries of the world:

The peoples of the continents and countries of the world

There are more than 5 thousand peoples on Earth, many of which have their own language, although they can borrow the language of other countries for communication, nevertheless, each of the peoples has its own culture, its own folk costume, craft and traditions and customs passing from generation to generation.
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Peoples of the continents of the world:

Peoples of the countries of the world:

Ecology, nature and society

Man and nature are inextricably linked with each other. Creating a society, developing technical means to improve living conditions in the environment, a person interacts with the surrounding world of nature, uses the energy and forces of nature, uses Natural resources and stocks. Human understanding and respect for the values ​​of nature allows society to live in harmony with the nature of the surrounding world.
To the section...


VINOGRADOVA Natalya Fedorovna,
RYDZE Oksana Anatolyevna

The world” as a subject in primary school: features, capabilities, methodological approaches

Lecture plan for the course

Newspaper number

Title of the lecture

Lecture 1 Junior schoolchild and the world around: features of interaction.
Does a junior student perceive the world in the same way as an adult? What is "perceptual integrity"? Does the younger student show interest in nature, history, culture of his native country? Does the child's personality change under the influence of the world around him?

Lecture 2 Development and education elementary school student- the purpose of studying the subject "World around". Why was the subject "Natural History" replaced by "The World"? What is the contribution of the subject "World around" to the development and upbringing of a younger student? What personality traits are developed mainly in the lessons of the world around?

Lecture 3 What to teach: what knowledge about the world around us is relevant for a younger student. What does "current knowledge" mean? Why should the content of knowledge about the surrounding world be integrated? Under what conditions does knowledge become value relations?

Test № 1.

Lecture 4 The lesson of the "surrounding world": types and structure. Why can't a combined lesson be a priority when studying the world around us? What types of lessons reflect the specifics of the surrounding world as an object of study? Why should a game, logical and creative tasks be mandatory structural units of a lesson?

Lecture 5 When a junior schoolchild is active: methods of activating cognitive activity in the lessons of the "surrounding world". Under what conditions for the organization of cognitive activity is a younger student active, initiative, independent and working in the zone of proximal development?

Lecture 6 What is learning autonomy and how to develop it? What is the difference between home and school independence? What skills ensure the development of educational independence?

Control work number 2.

Lecture 7 Younger students work together: the use of various forms of organization of learning in the lessons of the world around. When does learning become a collective activity? What is the didactic value different forms organization of joint activities?

Lecture 8 Do I need to know the "World Around" to the mark? Can relationships and feelings be measured by a mark? How to evaluate knowledge about the world?

Final work.

Lecture 2

The development and education of a younger student is the goal of studying the subject "The world around us"

The theme of the round table.“Is the subject “The world around us” necessary in elementary school?

Members: methodologist UO, head teacher, teacher, parent.

Head teacher Subject "World around" recently included in the primary school curriculum, before that the school studied the subject of "Natural Science". And I think that for a junior high school student, he was very successful. The kids loved this item.

Teacher. I agree: for how many years children have successfully studied natural history! The course "The World Around" is quite complex, contains a significant amount of information from many areas (biology, geography, social science, physics and even chemistry). The child is already overloaded with knowledge of the Russian language and mathematics, and here such a load: to read, conduct experiments, invent ... This is unbearable for children of this age. And how much suffering this subject brings to the teacher! Each lesson takes time to prepare...

Methodist UO. Let me remind dear colleagues that in the history of the development of primary education there has always been an integrated subject that introduces children to different sides the surrounding world. This started in the 19th century by K.D. Ushinsky in "The Native Word", A.Ya. Gerd in the "World of God" and later - in the course "Natural Science and Geography", which was studied in the 20s of the XX century and included knowledge about the relationship between man and nature.

Parent. I must admit that the amount of knowledge today is really very large. But mine youngest daughter, studying this subject, has a much more solid stock of knowledge about life in society than the eldest, who studied natural history. In my opinion, the subject "World around" is extremely necessary for the younger student, because it allows him to navigate in the environment, to take right decisions about how to behave in nature, monitor your own health, learn the rules of relationships and the culture of the country.

Methodist UO. This is especially important today, when we have lost the values ​​of Soviet society, and have not yet acquired new ones.

Teacher. But this course is much more difficult than natural history. It is very multifaceted, requiring (primarily from the teacher!) the desire and ability to explore, to discover something new. Although, I agree, the results of our work are more obvious.

Parent. You say that the course is difficult, but the difficulties of the process of cognition (available, of course) are more interesting than their absence. And one more thing: a lot of what is being studied, the child already knows. But for some reason, many teachers still make you learn everything that is written in the textbook. Has nothing really changed in 20-30 years, and our children, like us and our parents, should develop the ability to cram?

Methodist UO. I propose to discuss all these problems:

    Why was the subject "Natural History" replaced by "The World"?

    What is the contribution of the subject "World around" to the development and upbringing of a younger student?

    What personality traits are developed mainly in the lessons of the world around?

? Why was the subject "Natural Studies" replaced by the subject "World around"?

If we look into textbooks on the history of pedagogy and take an interest in curricula and the nomenclature of subjects that are in different historical times schoolchildren studied primary school, let us pay attention to the fact that for the first time a course similar to natural history appeared in the second half of the 18th century. Author of "The Inscription of Natural History, published for the Public Schools Russian Empire... "(1786) V.F. Zuev proposed to acquaint elementary school students with inanimate nature ("Fossil Kingdom"), plants ("Vegetable Kingdom"), animals ("Animal Kingdom"). The authors of all natural history courses that were studied later, up to the 90s of the 19th century (A. Gerd, L. Sevruk, I. Polyansky, D. Kaigorodov, V. Goroshchenko, A. Nizova, Z.A. Klepinina, L. F. Melchakov, A.A. Pleshakov), focused on expanding the knowledge acquired by children. Gradually, more and more new sections were introduced, reflecting the field of natural science knowledge: soil, natural communities, the structure of the human body, ecology, etc. The authors based the course on the idea of ​​diversity kingdoms of nature, characteristics of their representatives.

It is also interesting to note that from time to time the subject "Natural Studies" ("Natural Science") was removed as an independent subject and replaced by explanatory reading in reading and mother tongue. It was during the time of K.D. Ushinsky and his followers; this was for nearly thirty years between 1937 and 1966. This course of acquaintance with the world could not, of course, solve all the educational and educational tasks, but it had one advantage - the world was studied in its entirety.

The study of history was also included in different historical times in the curriculum of primary school students. Thus, the “Charter of gymnasiums and progymnasiums” (1864) provided for the study of an episodic course in history in grades 3–4, an elementary course in social science in the 20s of the 20th century was compulsory subject in grades 2–3 of elementary school, then (in the 1930s) a course in the history of the USSR was introduced. Unfortunately, later acquaintance with history, modern life society remained within the explanatory reading.

Perhaps, the violation of the principle of natural conformity of education (children of primary school age cognize the world holistically) became the main reason for the emergence of the subject "The World around" on the basis of "Natural Studies".

No matter how interesting and useful natural history was, it did not solve the problems of the social development of the younger schoolchild. It is known that man is not only a biological being, but also a social one.

Moreover, a person is born as a biological being, but develops as a social being, as a member of a certain society that exists at a certain time and in a certain space. A person cannot develop outside of society, not a single Mowgli in real life could not become a complete person.

The trinity of the surrounding world (nature-man-society) became the main conceptual idea in the development of a new elementary school subject "The World around". First, this was implemented in the author's program "The World Around" N.F. Vinogradova, and then reflected in the state standard and curriculum, where since the beginning of the 90s the subject "The world around" has appeared.

Taking into account the peculiarities of modern society and the social side of people's lives, the problem of expanding knowledge about the world around us has become special meaning. Today, the state and society have set the most important task for the school: to educate the higher feelings of the younger generation, to form ideas about the history of our state, to develop value relations and guidelines.

? What is the contribution of the subject "World around" to the development and upbringing of a younger student?

Let us pay attention to the fact that the availability of knowledge, the assimilation of any information is an essential indicator of development, but not the most important.

An outstanding child psychologist L.S. Vygotsky defined child development as a result of learning that does not coincide with its content, that is, as personality neoplasms that fundamentally distinguish the child at the end of education from him at the beginning. These are changes that occur in the psyche (in perception, attention, imagination, thinking, speech and memory), in personal development (in understanding oneself, self-control and self-esteem, managing one's feelings and actions, etc.), in relation to the world around and activities which the child is engaged in, etc.

What are the characteristics of development that are most important for a younger student, are formed when studying the subject "The world around"?

    The ability to apply the acquired knowledge, choose a rational way to solve a learning problem;

    the desire to be independent and take the initiative in studying the surrounding reality, to find ways to get, systematization, generalization of information;

    the ability to carry out educational cooperation, choose a partner for activities, appropriate ways of working together;

    the ability to assess one's ignorance, find the cause of a mistake and ways to correct it, determine the need to acquire new knowledge.

One of the main objectives of the subject under consideration is the development of the general culture of the student. The activity of an elementary school teacher is aimed at the formation of elements ecological culture, the development of moral feelings, as well as a culture of behavior in society.

Since the lessons are based on concrete and close to the children material, they affect their feelings, allow you to compare your experience with the acquired, to have your own point of view. For example, in the 2nd grade, children study the rather difficult topic “Russia is your Motherland”. To work with a text that is difficult for a second-grader, the textbook offers two emotional supports. The first - the story "What Daddy Told About" - depicts an emotional situation that is familiar to almost every child: dad returns from a business trip and talks to the children about how he missed home. In the process of reading and discussing the text, children can answer the following questions: “Have such stories happened to you? When did you miss home? Do you remember your hometown, street, house, when you leave for other places? Why does a person miss home?

As a result of a collective discussion, schoolchildren come to the conclusion: a person gets used to his home, where he is always comfortable and well, where he is expected and missed. Homeland is also native home Therefore, a person cannot live long without his Fatherland.

At the same time, the teacher offers another emotional support: the students are looking at a reproduction of the painting by I.I. Levitan "Evening bells". It is especially important to draw the attention of children to such words: “The poet conveys his love for the Motherland with words, the composer with a melody, and the artist with paints.” This will prepare students to analyze the meaning of I. Shaferan's poem "Red Sun" (p. 52 in the textbook for the 2nd grade)- the poet conveys his feeling of love for native land, nature, motherland.

Of course, a personal attitude to an event, a moral norm is not easily formed in a junior schoolchild. For this, it is necessary to build a system of emotional “helps”: give examples from the lives of children, revive their experience, use visual material, etc.

Let's take an example. In the 4th grade, the topic "From birth to old age" is studied. At one of the lessons, the children are invited to speculate on the topic “Why do old people need your help?”. As the first emotional support in the discussion of the topic, the teacher uses the life experience of the student. The fourth-grader compares the image of an elderly person, available in his past experience, with the image presented in the text of the textbook. In this case, the emotional support is combined with the content: the experience of children is enriched by specific life situations.

The second emotional support is a reproduction of a painting by the remarkable Russian artist V.M. Vasnetsov "From apartment to apartment". Comparing his experience of communicating with older people, looking at the picture, the student gets the opportunity to think about whether the attitude towards the elderly is normal, which we often observe how we behave ourselves. Perhaps, having discussed with classmates the importance and need for attention to the elderly, the student will devote some time to his relatives, say good word old people, will provide all possible assistance if necessary. The third emotional support is students' stories about how they help grandparents, and a discussion of the situation "Grandma came home."

Lessons from the environment with their proper organization, they make it possible to develop the most important intellectual qualities of the student: the ability to compare, classify, draw conclusions. For example, when studying the topic “Your first acquaintance with the stars” in the 2nd grade, the teacher suggests considering two diagrams and discussing the following problem: “In ancient times, when drawing the Universe, people placed the Earth in the center - approximately as shown in the first diagram, – and thought that the Sun revolves around the Earth. Compare diagrams. Which of them seems correct to you from the point of view of modern astronomy? (The second diagram shows modern look on the structure of the solar system.

As a result of the discussion, the children come to the following conclusion: in ancient times, people had a misconception about the role of the Sun in the solar system. This star is the center of the solar system, and the earth revolves around the sun. Thus, the comparison of two different points of view becomes the basis for a correct understanding of the connections in the surrounding world.

Among the goals of studying the surrounding world, one of the most important is the development of socially significant personality traits, value ideas about nature, people, and society. It is aimed at achieving it as the content of the course , and all components of the method of getting acquainted with nature, society, people, etc. Problem situations are especially important for the formation of a positive attitude towards the world and its knowledge.

For example, during a discussion in the 4th grade of problematic issues: “Why did Russian soldiers always burn bridges behind them?”, “Why did they say: “There is nowhere to retreat. Moscow is behind us!”, “What do the words of A.S. Pushkin, said about Kutuzov: “When the voice of the people's faith ...” (see tutorial)?”, “Why did the words of the song “Get up, the country is huge ...” inspired people to exploits?” etc. - children develop the highest moral feelings - patriotism, pride in heroic story native country, admiration for the exploits of our ancestors.

The value positions of the junior schoolchild are manifested in his activities - first in educational situations, then in everyday life. The younger student in his statements, comments on his drawings and illustrations of the textbook, in essays, stories-etudes, reflects his own understanding of the events of the country, learns to compare his emotional states with the relationships that the authors of art paintings express in their works, literary works, sculptural compositions, etc. For example, in the textbook for the 4th grade, a number of posters dedicated to the Great Patriotic War were selected. Looking at them, fourth-graders pay attention to the visual means used by artists, to how they depict our soldiers and fascist enemies. So, the poster "What Hitler wants and what he will get" means visual arts actually names a number of reasons why Hitler unleashed a war with Soviet Union: “Hitler wants to take bread from the peasants; wants to give the factories to the bourgeoisie; wants to strew the earth with coffins; wants to make the free slaves.

Of course, in junior school age the development of the child's reflection is just beginning. In order for the student to learn to evaluate the results of his activities, in order to successfully form his self-esteem and self-control, a special exercise is introduced already in the 1st grade: "Evaluate how you completed the task." The student carefully reads himself (or listens to the teacher) all the answers to the assessment of the assignment:

- quickly, correctly, independently;
– right, but slowly;
- right, but with the help of others;
- fast, but wrong.

Then the student chooses from the answers one that, from his point of view, corresponds to the process of his activity and the result obtained. Since the student can choose only one answer out of four, this forces him to first analyze all the proposed answers. The experience of using this and similar exercises shows that by the end of the first year of study, children fairly objectively assess their activities, which makes it possible to introduce more differentiated assessments in the next grades.

The process of studying the world around us, to a greater extent than all other educational disciplines of elementary school, contributes to the development of children's erudition.

When studying the course, students master a fairly large amount of knowledge from various educational areas - natural science, geography, social science, anatomy, etc. This means that the subject "The World Around" is cultural, shaping the culture and erudition of the child. The study of nature, society and man contributes to the moral formation of the individual, the formation of a humane attitude towards all living things. The child learns the rules of behavior, learns to interact with other people, to understand himself, to control his behavior.

For example, in the 2nd grade, in the lessons on the topic “Who lives next to you,” children learn the rules of a culture of behavior and attitudes towards people. To get away from edification, the formal memorization of the rules, it is necessary to pay more attention to the emotional side of human actions. The conclusion that the students will draw is: “Without rules, society cannot exist. Rules help people live without trouble. Compliance with the rules allows you to organize life. ( Here is an example from a 2nd grade textbook. pp. 42–43.)

An important aspect of the personality of a growing child is the upbringing of an ecological culture. Children learn the ABC of the laws of the life of nature, learn about the interaction of plant and animal organisms, the need for a careful, diligent and reasonable attitude to the natural environment. In the learning process, the experience of assessing human behavior in nature is formed, the skills and abilities of caring for animals and plants are developed, providing them with the necessary assistance both in artificial and natural habitats. At the heart of the aesthetic education of junior schoolchildren is figurative, emotional perception objects created by nature and man. Diversity, brightness, dynamism of the objects of the surrounding world affect the stability of emotional impressions, and the relationship between emotional and cognitive becomes a condition for the development of aesthetic feelings.

Constantly observing the phenomena of the surrounding world and being in interaction with its objects and objects, the younger student acquires not only a great sensory experience. He develops the ability to analyze, establish connections and dependencies, classify, compare, generalize the observed, draw conclusions - that is, he learns to be a student.

In the process of getting acquainted with the outside world, it is quite easy to create situations of surprise, questions, assumptions, foresight, which become the basis for the emergence of the motive for obtaining knowledge, acquire particular importance in the development of logical thinking and coherent speech (speech-reasoning).

Let us now present the goals of the subject in the form of a diagram.

Leading goals of the subject "World around"

Goals determined by the natural history content of the subject:

    formation of systematized knowledge about the diversity of nature and the conditions of its life;

    development of a positive attitude towards nature, elements of ecological culture;

    formation of skills of careful, creative attitude to nature.

Goals determined by the social science content of the subject:

    education of the principles of higher moral feelings (relationship to the Motherland, its culture and history), tolerance, etc.;

    fostering a culture of behavior and relationships;

    developing the ability to empathize, show attention, provide assistance, etc.

Objectives due to the integrated nature of the course content:

    formation of a general culture and erudition of schoolchildren;

    development of value relations to the world around, moral and aesthetic feelings;

    awareness of oneself as a part of nature and a member of society.

? What personality traits are developed mainly in the lessons of the world around?

If we proceed from the position adopted in didactics that the intended goals of learning are the planned result of the didactic process, then the implementation of the above-mentioned main goals of the education of a younger student will lead to the emergence of “new formations” (L.S. Vygotsky) of his personality.

These new qualities of the child's personality will help him interact with the world and himself, and will become elements of his readiness for such interaction.

Let us single out the main components of the readiness of the younger student to interact with the outside world.

1. INTELLIGENT READINESS- the ability to work with information of various types, the ability to apply knowledge in non-standard situations, to determine the way of constructing a learning task; own (at the age level) the methods of independent acquisition of new knowledge. Intellectual readiness also includes the necessary level of development of cognitive interests, the student's ability to work in search conditions, the ability to put forward and discuss assumptions, and conduct small studies.

2. PERSONAL READINESS- the desire and ability to show independence, initiative, purposefulness, strong-willed effort in overcoming difficulties; the ability to plan and organize their activities, to master the elementary rules of educational cooperation.

3. COMMUNICATION READINESS- the ability to use the means of language and speech to receive and transmit information, the ability to participate in an educational dialogue, to build monologues of various types.

4. REFLEXIVE READINESS- the ability to monitor and evaluate their activities, to foresee the possible consequences of their actions, to find and eliminate the cause of the difficulties that arise; consciousness dignity the ability to objectively assess their educational achievements and strive to improve them.

5. BUSINESS (activity) READINESS- the ability to translate a practical task into an educational one, to design one's activity from setting a goal to obtaining a result; the ability to apply an algorithm of actions; ability to work under conditions of choice.

6. CREATIVE READINESS– the ability to solve a learning problem creatively; wish
and the ability to refuse from the model, to achieve originality and novelty of the solution.

7. EMOTIONAL READINESS- a system of educational and cognitive motives (reasonable desire to learn), adequate emotional reaction on various learning situations, the ability to use and acquire sensory experience.

From the above, it follows that the characteristics of the readiness of a younger student is indifferent to the content of education, that is, these qualities of a student can be formed at any lesson.

Questions for self-examination

1. Prove the special significance of the surrounding world for social development child.

2. What is the attitude of the parents of students in your class to the subject "World around"?

3. Describe one of the goals of studying the subject.

4. How do you understand the readiness of a junior schoolchild for life in the modern world around him?

5. Express your opinion on the question: “Is it necessary to adjust the learning process in connection with changes in the current social situation?”

1. Vinogradova N.F.. Conceptual foundations for the construction of the educational and methodological set "Primary school of the XXI century". – M.: Ventana-Graf, 2005.

2. Vinogradova N.F.. Strategy Russian Federation in the field of development of education for the period up to 2008: priorities of education as a contribution to the socio-economic development of the country // Elementary education. – 2005. – № 5.

3. Vinogradova N.F.. How to implement student-centered education in elementary school? // Elementary School. - 2001. - No. 9.

4. Vinogradova N.F.. Education should be developing // Primary education. - 2004. - No. 2.

5. Vinogradova N.F. How to develop reflective abilities. Elementary education. - 2005. - No. 4.

6. Zhurova L.E., Vinogradova N.F.. Educational activity: Program for elementary school // In Sat. "Programs for the Four-Year Elementary School". – M.: Ventana-Graf, 2005.

From the first grade, children study the “world around them”.

The variety of topics covered, the variety teaching aids different authors could not simplify the lives of children and parents. And unfortunately, this subject is still one of the most controversial and controversial.

Crafts and experiments are done by parents, they also create projects, help children draw the ringing of mosquito wings or traditional costumes, and on the Internet there are a huge number of photos of textbook pages that make fun of today's system of studying the world around us:

The globally leading goals of studying the subject "World around" are as follows:

  • formation of systematized knowledge about the diversity of nature and the conditions of its life;
  • development of a positive attitude towards nature, elements of ecological culture;
  • formation of skills of careful, creative attitude to nature.
  • education of the principles of higher moral feelings (relationship to the Motherland, its culture and history), tolerance, etc.;
  • fostering a culture of behavior and relationships;
  • developing the ability to empathize, show attention, provide assistance, etc.
  • formation of a general culture and erudition of schoolchildren;
  • development of value relations to the world around, moral and aesthetic feelings;
  • awareness of oneself as a part of nature and a member of society.

And the idea seems to be clear: it is necessary to acquaint children with the diversity of the surrounding world and give basic knowledge about the sciences, which will then be studied by separate subjects.

But in fact, we have complex, confusing texts, the absence of a single standard for a textbook. Topics covered vary greatly from program to program. And most importantly, children cannot complete assignments in workbooks, projects and much more without the help of their parents.

It is sometimes difficult even for parents to find the main idea in the text, to highlight the essence.

At the training "33 techniques effective learning»we analyzed the paragraph of the world around us:

The parents read the text three times before they got to the point and prepared the Hamburger helper to retell the text.

At the same time, we, adults, have the skill of working with information and can process it several times faster than children. On the go, separating the important from the unimportant, the actual from the “water”.

As a result, it turns out that the information presented in textbooks requires a special approach to elaboration.

We decided to help parents and children learn to explore the world around them in such a way as to save energy, nerves and time.

Since the study of the world around us is one of the most controversial issues both for parents of schoolchildren and for family education, we collected all the experience and combined it into a training:

"The world. All you need to know"

The training will take place this Sunday, March 4th. The training starts at 10:00 Moscow time. Live streaming is free

You will receive ready-made tools for studying the subject, a review and analysis of literature and textbooks, and answer the question "How to study the subject of the world around you with a child"

You will learn:

  1. Why do we study the world around us?
  2. What problems do children face in learning?
  3. How to make the study of the surrounding world simple, understandable and interesting.
  4. On the air, you will fully analyze the world around you for grade 3.

You'll get detailed analysis subject, as well as a universal algorithm, with the help of which you can disassemble the textbook for any class around the world in 1 day and prepare the child for successful certification.

In the training materials of the Premium version you will receive:

1. Recording of the training, which you can watch at any convenient time
2. Presentations and materials used in the training.
3. Intelligence map on the world around for grades 3 and 4 (review of textbooks)
4. Intelligence map according to the textbooks of the School of Russia program from grades 1 to 4.
5. Helpers for studying the subject

The training is conducted by: Renata Kirilina and effective learning expert Marina Baraboshkina.

- ▲ world (of which) habitation surrounding world. the world is a totality, a system of everything that exists. light. white light (which is just not in the white light). god's light. ↓ consciousness ... Ideographic dictionary Russian language

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Model of space and time by R. L. Bartini, illustration for the work "Multiple geometries and multiplicity of physics" in the book "Modeling of dynamical systems" (together with P. G. Kuznetsov) Bartini's world is an abstraction, according to which time, like ... Wikipedia

"World of equal worlds"- After the fall " iron curtain» modern world became different. The world order with two superpowers has been replaced by multipolarity and multidimensionality of the communication space. On the horizons of the emerging New World international relationshipsGeoeconomic dictionary-reference book

- 'THE WORLD AS WILL AND REPRESENTATION' (published in 1818, supplemented in editions of 1844 and 1859) by Schopenhauer. In the preface, the author explains that the material of the work is presented systematically, in order to facilitate its assimilation, but must ... ...

The world, space, order and image of things, which are intended by God for human life. I. WORD PEACE IN OT: 1) Heb. The OT does not know a single designation for the concept of M., which can be expressed in different ways: a) the words the whole earth (Genesis 11:1,8,9) or ... ... Brockhaus Bible Encyclopedia

- (published in 1818, supplemented in editions of 1844 and 1859) Schopenhauer's work. In the preface, the author explains that the material of the work is presented systematically, in order to facilitate its assimilation, but must function as an integral organism, i.e. ... ... History of Philosophy: Encyclopedia

Aya, oh. Located, located around, nearby. Oh, the situation, the area. About the items. Oh world. Fight for purity environment. ◁ Surrounding, wow; cf. O. light, sad. Believe in changing the environment. Interest, indifference to ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary


  • The world around, M. N. Danilova, I. R. Koltunova, O. N. Lazareva. …
  • The world around, Kadomtseva N. The world around is one of the most interesting and useful subjects in elementary school. If your child is already preparing to start school, this book is for you. Developmental and educational tasks collected ...