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How to increase stress resistance: useful advice from psychologists and doctors. The study of stress resistance of engineering and technical workers Stress resistance is characterized by

In fact, this is a set of qualities due to which the human body reacts to stressful factors as calmly as possible. It is important to understand that stress resistance is not:

  • The ability of a person to simply restrain, suppress emotions, outwardly remaining imperturbable, but inside being filled with a boiling lava of resentment, anger, irritation. Nothing good comes from this approach. Feelings accumulate, and then result in serious health problems. It is important to learn to respond to everything that happens for real, sincerely calmly.
  • It is also not indifference or coldness. Feeling human emotions, including negative ones, is quite normal and necessary. The point is that they should not undermine a person's health, relationships, and productivity at work.

Resilience can be developed

Any quality can be improved. It's just that for someone it comes easily, given the temperament and previous experience, but for someone not very much.

Like muscles. I worked with a barbell and dumbbells - and after six months you are playing with cast biceps.

I set out to learn how to manage stress - a few months of exercises, training, and if there is a need and opportunity, I will have to connect psychological trainings, as well as psychotherapy. And the man drove to work on public transport with trampled feet and a rumpled shirt, but with good mood never quarreled with anyone...

Let go of what does not depend on us

Often the cause of stress is negative feelings experienced in relation to the person by others. For example, if he achieved some success in the financial sector with his work and faced envy.

It is important to remember: any emotions are problems and the responsibility of the people who experience them. They need to be understood, forgiven and let go - and not drag along the burden of other people's baseless accusations.

Don't worry ahead of time

Very often we begin to worry even before there is a real reason for stress. If we learn not to do this, we save the lion's share of energy.

For example, before an important exam, a student imagines how tomorrow he will fail him, pulling out a ticket with a single question to which he does not know the answer, will lose his scholarship, will live from hand to mouth whole month... At a time when you need to calm down and direct all your strength to repeating the material, and just before the event, relax and get enough sleep.

Of course, if no preparation work has been carried out up to this point - when you don’t know the name of the subject that you will take, there are still reasons for unrest.

Understand how you feel

Psychologists say that in order to deal with stress, it is very important to clearly understand what emotions you experience at a certain moment. Alas, most often, trying to answer this question, people say: “Normal”, “Bad”, “Nothing”, “I don’t know”.

It is very important to get used to listening to yourself and your feelings. If you can’t even voice your condition, cope with it, all the more it will not work.

Don't make a big deal out of molehills

It is also a useful skill that can significantly reduce the amount of stress in our lives.

For example, the boss called a subordinate into the office and noted that he had found an error in an important report, and asked him to continue to carefully check the data. The manager simply provided the employee with feedback to help him become more efficient in the future, and a suspicious and insecure person may well begin to fantasize about the upcoming dismissal and months of lack of money. And it’s enough just to check the numbers again before the next delivery of the document.

change attitude

We cannot change many situations, but we are quite capable of transforming our attitude towards them. This is our sole responsibility.

In the event of a potential stressful situation you can imagine that this is a chair. We are not carpenters to redesign it. But we can choose the position in which it is most comfortable to sit on it.

look for the positive

When we are stressed, these words can not only not help, but also irritate.

But if you calm down and think, it turns out that in the vast majority of situations you can really find at least something good. At least a valuable experience that makes us smarter and wiser.

And next time we will not step on the rake with a running start and fill a smaller bump, then we will step, but we will have time to dodge the blow, and then, you see, we will completely bypass it.

Find time for rest and sports

Even the most balanced and calm person, overtired, is affected by stress factors. Therefore, everyone should allow himself a rest - a vacation, a day off, a few minutes during the day.

Resting is not a weakness, but an investment in your productivity.

When we feel that stress is about to take us captive, and there is no time for a long break, you can use simple tricks, which will take just a few minutes, but will help to return to tone. For example:

  • Close your eyes and breathe slowly for a couple of minutes.
  • Wash with cool water, and if possible, take an invigorating shower.
  • Have a cup of warm drink or plain water in silence.
  • Leave the room and walk (jog).
  • Talk to someone close (even on the phone).
  • Calculate mentally.
  • Draw (even if it seems that you don’t know how).
  • Cry (or laugh) when you find a secluded corner.
  • Say out loud (or even write down) the reasons for your irritation.
  • Just change the activity.
  • Pray.

Well, about sports - the best anti-stress activity has not yet been invented, so doing some kind of sport is the best thing a person can do for his health, not only physical, but also psychological.

Get started, sign up for a gym,

Comedies, positive books, anecdotes, communication with nice people - all this is not just a way to spend time with something useless. These are very effective and useful stress management tools.

Simply, you can sit back, pick up your favorite tablet, phone or laptop, and relax with the help of modern online coloring "Antistress". They will help you gain peace and collect your thoughts.

Choose how you want to paint.

Temporary distraction is not an option

Often, when experiencing stress, you can hear advice of this kind: “Just get distracted by something,” or: “Imagine that there is a glass wall in front of you, and the problems are behind it, but they do not concern you.” Obviously, this is more like the principle of an ostrich that hides its head in the sand, or a child that closes its eyes and believes that no one sees it because of this.

When you can just leave

Sometimes it happens that stress becomes a constant companion of a person for reasons beyond his control. For example, he finds himself in an organization where there is a very unfavorable organizational climate: it is customary to substitute each other, deceive, evade responsibility. Not everyone can feel comfortable in such an environment. So sometimes it's best to cut the Gordian knot - to leave the abode of stress. Let's say, change jobs - and go to a team where it is customary to live according to normal human laws.

stress interview

Some employers, when selecting new employees, use the so-called. stressful interview - when the candidate is put in an awkward position, asked deeply personal questions, provoked to aggression, they can even insult or humiliate.

All this is done in order to check the level of stress resistance of the applicant for the position.
Many experienced recruiters argue that the use of such methods is incorrect and unprofessional, and it is possible to test a person’s ability to withstand stress in a more humane way (for example, using the so-called competency interview). So the decision on whether to stay in such a company remains with the candidate.



There is only one way to remove stress from your life - to drop everything and go to desert island. Yes, and it is not very reliable: either the coconut will not crack, then the rain will put out the fire, then at night the bushes will rustle threateningly near the hut ... So we need to learn to live with stress and manage it, ensuring that stress factors bring a minimum of harm to our health, relationships and work. Stress resistance can be increased both independently and by seeking help from a psychologist or psychotherapist.

A person is exposed to many stressors on a daily basis. Each of these meetings is fraught with the emergence, which in turn is capable of moving into. Experts note that it is impossible to avoid all stressogens, respectively, it is necessary to develop stress resistance and be able to cope with stress.

Stress arises due to the reactions of the body in the cognitive and affective sphere. That is, if he interprets the situation as dangerous, threatening or challenging, then stress arises. However, it was noted that there are factors that cause stress on biological level, here the attitude of the individual does not play a role. We are talking about substances such as coffee, alcohol, cigarettes, an abundance of sugar and so on.

Stress resistance - set personal qualities, which determines the ability of a person to control the impact of external stimuli and remain emotionally calm in a stressful situation.

Diagnostics and levels of stress resistance

In working with stress, it is useful to be able to diagnose the level of stress resistance and the specifics of stress response. To do this, I propose to get acquainted with two methods.

Diagnostics of the state of stress (O. N. Istratova)

The questionnaire allows you to determine the characteristics of a person's response to stress, in particular the degree of self-control and the level of emotional lability. The technique is suitable for all people over 18 years of age.

So, answer "yes" or "no" to the following statements:

  1. I always try to do the work to the end, but often I do not have time and have to catch up.
  2. Looking in the mirror, I see traces of fatigue and overwork on my face.
  3. At work and at home - continuous trouble.
  4. I fight hard with my bad habits, but I can't.
  5. I'm worried about the future.
  6. I often need alcohol, a cigarette, or sleeping pills (sedatives) to unwind after a hard day's work.
  7. Everything around is changing very quickly. Change makes my head spin. It would be nice if the changes would not happen so quickly.
  8. I love my family and friends, but often feel bored and empty around them.
  9. In my youth, I achieved nothing and often feel disappointed in myself.

Count the statements to which you answered “yes” (“yes” - one point, “no” - zero points). Analyze the results:

  • 0-4 points - a high level of self-regulation in stressful situations. You know how to manage your emotions, in a situation of stress you are restrained. You are not prone to irritation and blaming others or yourself for what happened.
  • 5-7 points - the average level of self-regulation. You manage to keep your composure with varying degrees of success. Sometimes you are restrained even in the most difficult situations, and sometimes you lose your temper because of some little thing.
  • 8-9 points - low level of self-regulation. You are overtired and exhausted. The ability to self-control and self-control is poorly developed. You urgently need to learn self-regulation.

Do you have stress resistance (E. G. Kasimova)?

Answer yes, not particularly, or no to the following questions:

Summarize: "yes" - 3 points, "not particularly" - 2 points, "no" - 0 points. Check out the results:

  • More than 180 points. You are very stressed, unrestrained and impatient, quick-tempered, easily lose your temper. Your nervous system clearly shattered, which makes you and your loved ones suffer.
  • 100-180 points. The largest group, which includes people with average stress tolerance. Only a very unpleasant event can piss you off. You don't pay attention to minor annoyances. You are immune to them.
  • Less than 100 points. You are abnormally calm, one might say callous and indifferent to everything that happens. Probably close people often consider you "thick-skinned." Complete indifference is not the best sign.

Development of stress tolerance

Training in management and coping with stress is carried out in two alternative directions:

  • change in environmental conditions, requirements put forward to the individual;
  • change and behavior, work with the sphere of cognitive and social response.

Both of these methods allow you to achieve the main goal of the work - to destroy the chain of reactions that cause distress and its negative manifestations, to stop the stress mechanism.

First of all, a person must realize his problem, determine the characteristics and nature of stress factors. After that, find ways to change the environmental conditions (for example, eliminating noise, lowering the temperature) or the psychosocial environment ( conflict people at work, mismatch with a partner). Or a person realizes that in order to fulfill the requirements of the environment, he must change his capabilities, and begins to work on himself, for example, learns to decide.

If you can not change the situation, then you need to change your attitude towards it, that is, change the perception of the requirements, their importance or their capabilities. In order to determine the significance of the situation (and whether it is necessary to pay attention to it at all, worry about failure and difficulties), one must imagine the worst outcome of events, then assess in the perspective of a lifetime (what impact this adverse outcome will have on life in a broad sense). ).

Help from a specialist

The change in the perception of the situation and the possibilities of the individual occurs in the context of individual consultations or psychotherapy, where discussions and conversations take place between the client and the specialist. Sometimes medication is indicated.

Positively in the development of stress resistance have proven themselves, on which:

  • discussions are held on problematic topics, for example, participants are asked to recall the current ones that have arisen over the past six months (month);
  • difficult situations are played through role-playing games, coping behavior strategies are tested;
  • popular under stress are analyzed and discussed (search for support, analysis of the situation, avoidance);
  • using brainstorming, other possible effective behaviors are recorded;
  • Participants use introspection to record their current and desired skills.

Independent work

It is not necessary to attend trainings, you can independently try to figure out the situation according to the following plan:

  1. problem orientation. It involves determining the fact, the presence of a problem, accepting the inevitability and normality of life's difficulties, convincing oneself that the problem is solvable, perceiving the situation as opportunities for positive changes, etc. Most effective method at this stage - .
  2. Definition and formulation of the problem. It involves collecting information on the problem (the more a person knows, the lower the anxiety), dividing information into objective facts and subjective experiences (assumptions, assessments), identifying the main problem elements from the whole situation (stumbling blocks), drawing up a written plan to achieve a real goal and the desired outcome of the situation.
  3. Definition alternative ways solutions. Write down as many solutions to the situation as you can. Record even the most fantastic ideas. Later, from all the options, it will be possible to choose the optimal one or combine several alternatives into one solution.
  4. Decision-making. Choose the option that will allow you to completely solve problems with a favorable outcome, will not delay the solution or mask the problem, but will solve it. To make it easier, write down the possible consequences for each option (they are short-term and long-term, aimed at yourself or others). Every decision has its consequences, often both positive and negative. Your task is to evaluate the consequences and the ability to cope with them in terms of your own values, priorities and opportunities.
  5. Implementation of the solution and evaluation of its effectiveness. In essence, the analysis of consequences is The final stage- verification of the solution.

By the way, the analysis of fictional problem situations is a great exercise for increasing stress resistance. Regularly replenish your theoretical base of overcoming stress by analyzing the presented plan of problem situations encountered in life. Examples of such situations can be taken from books, films, the lives of friends and acquaintances, and your own experience.

In addition, to independently overcome and prevent stress, people use:

  • relaxation;
  • meditation;
  • physical exercise;
  • prayers (self-hypnosis effect);
  • breathing techniques;
  • massage;
  • other .

Both independently and accompanied by a specialist, the method of hypnosis and auto-training is used. Auto-training increases efficiency, trains, and forms the skills of self-control and self-observation. The consciousness of a person changes, as a result of which he controls his mood, is calm, cheerful and balanced. Hypnosis is used to relax and increase self-confidence.

Often the overcoming of stress is hindered by inadequate perception of this phenomenon. Here are a few abstracts on the problem that are worth knowing:

  • Stress provokes the development of real diseases. It is a mistake to assume that all symptoms are in the imagination of the individual.
  • Not weak people are more susceptible to stress, but the most loaded at work and with a high level of aspirations in life.
  • We are not always responsible for the events taking place in life, but how to respond to them, we choose ourselves. We are responsible for stress.
  • It is not always possible to feel the real strength of the stress experienced. Usually the opposite, the more stress, the less we feel the symptoms. And only when stress turns into distress, they become apparent.
  • Not always the reaction to the stimulus is instantaneous. Sometimes stress develops after the irritant leaves life, which makes it difficult to accurately determine the causes of the condition.
  • Stress, its prevention and overcoming are individual. The sources of stress, symptoms, effects and treatment differ from person to person. Moreover, methods of coping with stress differ not only from person to person, but also from case to case.
  • Not all methods of relaxation used by people are actually such. For example, yoga is much healthier than watching TV. However, do not forget about the previous point.

Increasing stress resistance involves large-scale work on oneself, personal development. AT this case the problem is not solved locally. Stress tolerance largely depends on the following personal characteristics:

  • Locus of control. It can be external (attributing responsibility for the events of one's life to external conditions, other people and higher powers) and internal (understanding one's own responsibility for all events in life). People with an internal locus of control are self-confident, persistent, consistent, balanced, sociable, friendly, prone to introspection. The external locus of control is accompanied by uncertainty in one's strengths and abilities, imbalance, suspicion, postponing goals,. People with an internal locus of control are more resistant to stress, disease, psychological problems kind of loss of self-esteem.
  • . It is closely related to the need for self-affirmation of the personality, and, accordingly, the style of behavior. Inadequate self-esteem is always a negative factor that provides a predisposition to stress. With low self-esteem, a person takes on too much responsibility, blames himself; when overestimated, he shifts responsibility to other people.

Self-esteem, in fact, determines a person's confidence in the ability to cope with life's difficulties. The restructuring of thinking and perception of problems involves mandatory work to improve and correct self-esteem.

In addition, when restructuring thinking, it is important to assess the correctness of the requirements of the individual put forward to himself. Separately, work is carried out with and, the desire of the individual to meet someone's expectations. Following stereotypes or someone else's beliefs is a popular cause of stress. As soon as the narrow framework of stereotypical thinking does not coincide with reality (and this happens often), a person will find himself in a very unpleasant state. Chronic stress is most often based on this very reason.

Rules of anti-stress life

  1. Don't be afraid to talk about your problems, get someone to talk to. Also support him.
  2. Don't hesitate to take breaks. Force yourself to relieve stress with your favorite activity, distract from problems.
  3. Subdue aggression and anger. Don't make decisions like this.
  4. Know how to give in and agree, even if you are right. Of course, if your life does not depend on it.
  5. Break each case, each problem into many feasible stages and tasks. Build a hierarchy among tasks, start work with the most important tasks.
  6. Don't try to be perfect and the best at everything. Each person is unique and beautiful in their own field. Mind your own business.
  7. Allow others to be themselves. Do not try to remake people, make them comfortable for yourself, do not make excessive demands, let them be themselves. Try to criticize less. Look not for flaws, but for virtues. Focus on them.
  8. Be fair to competition. There is no need to try to overtake all people in the life race, this is again a matter of individuality.
  9. Don't withdraw into yourself. From self-pity and withdrawal from society, the situation will not get better. Only your activity will provide a solution to problems. Try to find other ways of interacting with society and approaches to people if something does not work out.

Exercise for the development of stress tolerance

Obsession with negative emotions is another problem that requires separate consideration. In the fight against negative emotions and thoughts, the technique of concentration (switching) will help: at the moment of tension and an abundance of thoughts, emotions, find some object in the room, for example, the clock hand. Follow the arrow and don't think about anything.

It's not as easy as it seems. Thoughts will come periodically - again focus on the arrow. Do this exercise every day, even when you are at rest. The purpose of the lesson is to gain control over your thoughts. Start with 3-5 minutes. Repeat the exercise 2 times a day, preferably after waking up and before going to bed.

Combine this technique with relaxation:

  • before the exercise, take a comfortable position (lying or sitting);
  • close your eyes, breathe calmly and deeply;
  • after the exercise, lie down (sit) for some more time with your eyes closed;
  • repeat the breathing exercise.

There is a widespread belief that after relaxation comes drowsiness. In fact, a good deep relaxation, on the contrary, improves efficiency and memory, gives vigor, clarifies the mind.


It is possible to overcome stress only by activity (search activity), but not in the form of a senseless and dangerous fuss, but with a well-thought-out plan of action. You can't just wait, you need to help yourself. Such qualities as emotional stability, endurance, perseverance, openness, goodwill, determination, low level of anxiety contribute to the increase in stress resistance.

Sometimes people intuitively and subconsciously look for ways to relax, rest, relax. So, laziness is sometimes a sign of overwork and attempts by the body to change activities, to relax. It is important to be able to relax and calm down in order to restore resources and set yourself up for productive work.

Increasing stress resistance is a regular work on oneself, personal development. A person who knows who he is and where he is going is difficult to lead astray. Thus, in order to increase stress resistance and prevent stress, you need to work on your body (nutrition, sports, care), (exit of emotions, everyday joys, hobbies as an outlet and a favorite business in which success is sure to come), mind (self-acceptance and love for yourself, regular development).

We all know the word stress. Usually with this word we have not the most pleasant memories. The concept of stress was first introduced by the Canadian endocrinologist Hans Seliev in the middle of the 20th century.

He proved that when exposed to cold or heat, during joyful or vice versa unpleasant events, as well as during trauma, certain hormones are secreted by the adrenal cortex that help the human body adapt to environmental changes. Based on this, stress can be otherwise represented as physiological and psychological reactions of the body under extreme influences on it, causing adaptive activities.

For example, we are in a difficult life situation. At the same time, our body is mobilized and comes to full combat readiness. Our brain receives a signal of danger. Our bodies begin to produce hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol.

As a result, we feel tension, increased breathing, increased pressure. Thus, our nervous system, without our knowledge, sends a call to the body to prepare for an emergency.

In the development of stress, there are three stages.

Stress begins with a stage called stage of mobilization or anxiety. This stage occurs during a stressful situation and is characterized by excitement, increased heart rate, arousal, concentration of attention on the object of stress. This state is familiar to many before the exam, important meeting. The body is ready to protect itself from stress. And if all actions have been taken, then the excitement and stress end and do not move to another stage.

The second stage is called resistance stage. This stage occurs if the stressor continues to be affected. The human body actively counteracts stress by adapting.

And the third stage - exhaustion stage. At this stage, with continued stress, a person’s strength is depleted, stress completely takes control over him, the human body experiences the destructive effects of stress. The effect of stress becomes pathological, which can lead to various diseases (high blood pressure, stroke) and depressive reactions.

Most people react to extreme situations a feeling of anxiety, fear, excitement, or, conversely, fall into a stupor. But some, more emotionally stable, are able to take control of their emotions even in a stressful situation, mobilize internal resources and overcome stress without a negative impact on their body.

But, alas, not all people are emotionally stable. Psychologists note that there are only 25-30 percent of emotionally stable people in the world. These usually include people in such extreme professions as the military or firefighters. What is stress resistance and is it possible to develop it in yourself?

Stress resistance can be characterized as a set of personal qualities, thanks to which a person is able to endure various kinds of emotional overload, while remaining calm and balanced.

There is a few rules, following which you can cultivate stress resistance in yourself- Ability to deal with stressful situations.

  • Don't think about your problems all the time. The life of any of us is simply unthinkable without problems. So what's the point of thinking about them, you need to try to solve them! If in this moment If a problem is unsolvable, then you should not constantly worry about it. The time will come, and you will definitely solve this problem, but for now forget about it.
  • Have a good rest. Give yourself time to rest. And when you rest, take a break, don't think about your problems. Go to the cinema more often, preferably a comedy genre, concerts, get out in the company of people who are pleasant to you in nature.
  • Change your attitude. If you can't change something, just try to change your attitude towards it.
  • Learn to let off steam. Restrained people are usually considered stress-resistant. However, this is not so, these people simply hide their emotions, and the negative gradually accumulates, destroying a person. Therefore, from time to time it is necessary to get rid of the accumulated negativity. There are many ways to help you with this. For example, you can beat a pillow. Or watch a comedy, laughing at the top of your lungs, to tears. Or visit a football match or a rock concert where you can scream and whistle from the bottom of your heart.
  • Go in for sports. It has been scientifically proven that any physical activity helps relieve stress.
  • Learn to breathe properly. Proper breathing help you stay calm in any stressful situation.
  • Feel free to cry. This advice also applies to men. After all, with tears, all the accumulated negativity and tension leaves the soul.
  • Start a diary. As they say, paper will endure everything. You can write down on paper everything that worries you at the moment, your grievances that you cannot express to your offenders. Then, when the problem or resentment is put on paper, you can tear or burn your diary.
  • get enough sleep. Sound and long sleep is the best medicine in the fight against stress.
  • Find yourself a pleasant hobby, which will help you disconnect from everyday problems and bring joyful moments.

Remember that problems cannot be avoided. They just need to learn how to deal with them. Spend more time building your resilience. Don't let negative emotions take over you. And then out of all the vicissitudes of life you can emerge victorious!

Basically, stress is called harmful effects that can worsen a person’s emotional state, increase anxiety, and in especially difficult cases, even lead to the development of psychosomatic diseases. In fact, stress can be beneficial to the body, as it moderately stimulates adaptive abilities, mobilizes the psyche and body, and helps to direct efforts to the most important areas. True, all this is possible only with high stress tolerance. What is it and how to strengthen it?

Stress and stress resistance - what is known about them

In a broad sense, stress is understood as almost all external influences that a person experiences. Stress can be emotional or physical. In the first case, they mean phenomena and events that contribute to the emergence of anxiety, the appearance of nervousness, and so on. At the same time, emotional stress can also act positively. For example, if you get a promotion at work or a nice person shows interest in you, you too will experience stress. But positive content, not negative.

As for physical stress, then it is caused mainly by strong loads to which a person is not accustomed. Intensive training or carrying heavy bags stimulates the development of a stressful state. And indirectly physical influences affect the emotional state.

That is, both components are inextricably linked. It is impossible to separate them, therefore, when increasing stress resistance, it is important to remember this moment. Stress resistance itself is the body's ability not only to reflect external influences, but also to use them for the benefit of development. If stress tolerance is high level, you can successfully cope with emotional and physical stress, directing them even to your own benefit.

What causes stress resistance to decrease?

The level of stress resistance can vary depending on various factors. Normally, protection from stress is at such a level that a person can cope with everyday duties, confront conflicts, enjoy physical activity. But it happens that stress resistance decreases. Sharply or gradually - it does not matter. The main thing is to find out why this happens. Resilience can be damaged by:

  • improper organization of the daily routine;
  • a pessimistic outlook on life is the inability to enjoy the little things;
  • lack of skills of self-control, relaxation, maintaining calm;
  • lack of understanding of their emotional and physical state;
  • diseases and disorders of the natural activity of the body.

As can be seen, both psychological and physiological factors can improve protection from stress factors. Accordingly, if we want to give advice on increasing stress resistance, we will have to pay attention to all these points. About the most effective ways and we'll talk.

How can you improve stress tolerance?

There are many different techniques and methods of protection against negative stress. Let's start with perhaps the most successful ways to strengthen stress resistance through working with your own body. After all, we said above that the physiological and emotional components of stress resistance are closely related to each other. Taking into account such a feature, we can give such advice on strengthening the adaptive abilities of the body.

  1. Proper nutrition. Oddly enough, it is best to start with a diet correction. To protect against stress, you first need to maintain a high level of vitamin D. It is important because it has the properties of the strongest antioxidant that protects against emotional burnout. This component is found mainly in oily fish. Be sure to include in the menu such varieties of fish as mackerel, tuna, salmon.
  2. Sunbathing. You can also increase the concentration of vitamin D in the body by taking the so-called sunbathing. You need a sufficient dose of ultraviolet radiation, and to get it, being in the sun is best method. A solarium would work too. But it is associated with unpleasant side effects.
  3. Physical discharge. The impact of stress leads to the appearance of spasms, increased muscle tone. There is nothing useful in this. You will have to form the habit of using energy correctly so that spasms do not occur. To do this, for example, you can run on your own or go to the gym. It is not necessary to bring yourself to an exhausted state, but a good load will be very useful.
  4. Autogenic training, meditation, relaxation techniques. Here you can find many suitable options for your lifestyle, psychological preparation and so on. We emphasize that here in question about religious or philosophical content. This refers to the physical side of such activities.

Even if you follow only these tips, the level of stress resistance will gradually return to normal. But you can protect yourself from stress with the help of not only physiology. Psychology will also be helpful. Therefore, now it is worth moving on to the psychological component to increase stress resistance.

Let's not talk about the really deep psychological work, which can be carried out, perhaps, by a specialist. We will touch only those moments that are within our power and without the involvement of professionals. Psychologists themselves give a lot of advice on strengthening stress resistance. But simple and effective among them come across, unfortunately, not so often. Therefore, we will try to present only those that help especially well.

  1. Discussing problems with others. Any person experiencing stress also feels the need to voice their own problems. So he just needs to talk. Don't hold on to strong feelings. Voice them, consult with relatives, close friends.
  2. Managing your own life. It certainly sounds too vague. In practice, this means that you must make your own decisions. No need to give the initiative to outsiders. Even if at the workplace you only carry out assignments, if possible, make your own useful recommendations, form an individual working style.
  3. Planning. The strongest fear is the one that arises suddenly. To make stress resistance high, try to plan your actions in advance and predict possible obstacles on the way. Then you will be prepared, and troubles will not hit you so hard.
  4. Letting go of a bad past. Often, events cause anxiety and do not allow you to live normally for the reason that you have already failed in the past. Remember that a second chance should always be used in the light of previous mistakes. For example, don't assume that a new relationship will necessarily lead to failure, because it was the same with the old ones. This is a completely wrong approach, which only interferes with life.
  5. Solving problems sequentially. It happens that at the same time a bunch of very different problems that need to be addressed urgently are piled up at once. It's wrong to grab everything at once. Take the most difficult problem and try to solve it first. Then you will move on to the smaller ones.
  6. Visualization of a positive outcome. And finally, optimism brings a lot of benefits to increasing stress resistance. That is what we are talking about here. It is necessary not only to believe in the good, but also to imagine the positive outcome of any disturbing event. Then you will immediately set yourself up for success.

There are still incredibly many different psychological tips on this topic. We just tried to choose exactly those that, without excess water, allow you to overcome stress and create more pleasant conditions for life.

Increasing stress resistance - an investment in the future

Abroad, the problem of low stress resistance is used to being solved with the help of pills. This approach gives a quick, but very short-lived result. Pills only increase physiological protection against stress, but do not allow you to solve original problem. Don't go down the wrong path. Antidepressants are needed only in the most extreme situations, but they are rare. Take care of your emotional and physical condition. Then stress resistance will be high all the time.