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Formation of creative abilities of younger students. Development of creative abilities of younger students in extracurricular activities

Creativity is far from new item research. The problem of human abilities has aroused great interest of people at all times. Analysis of the problem of the development of creative abilities will largely be determined by the content that we will invest in this concept. Very often, in ordinary consciousness, creative abilities are identified with abilities for various types of artistic activity, with the ability to draw beautifully, compose poetry, write music, etc. What is creativity really?

Obviously, the concept we are considering is closely related to the concept of "creativity", "creative activity". The opinions of scientists about what is considered creativity are contradictory. AT Everyday life creativity is usually called, firstly, activities in the field of art, secondly, design, creation, implementation of new projects, thirdly, scientific knowledge, the creation of the mind, fourthly, thinking in its highest form, going beyond the limits required for solving the problem that has arisen in already known ways, manifesting itself as imagination, which is a condition for mastery and initiative.

"Philosophical Encyclopedia" defines creativity as an activity that generates "something new, never before." Novelty resulting from creative activity, can be both objective and subjective. Objective value is recognized for such products of creativity, in which still unknown laws of the surrounding reality are revealed, connections between phenomena that were considered unrelated to each other are established and explained. The subjective value of creative products takes place when the creative product is not new in itself, objectively, but new for the person who first created it. These are for the most part the products of children's creativity in the field of drawing, modeling, writing poems and songs. In modern studies of European scientists, "creativity" is defined descriptively and acts as a combination of intellectual and personal factors.

So, creativity is an activity, the result of which are new material and spiritual values; the highest form of mental activity, independence, the ability to create something new, original. As a result of creative activity, creative abilities are formed and developed.

What is "creativity" or "creativity"? So, E.P. Torrens understood creativity as the ability to a heightened perception of shortcomings, gaps in knowledge, disharmony. In the structure of creative activity, he singled out:

  • 1. perception of the problem;
  • 2. search for a solution;
  • 3. the emergence and formulation of hypotheses;
  • 4. hypothesis testing;
  • 5. their modification;
  • 6. finding results.

It is noted that such factors as temperament, the ability to quickly assimilate and generate ideas (not to be critical of them) play an important role in creative activity; that creative solutions come at a moment of relaxation, distraction of attention.

The essence of creativity, according to S. Mednik, is in the ability to overcome stereotypes at the final stage of mental synthesis and in the use of a wide field of associations.

D.B. Bogoyavlenskaya singles out intellectual activity as the main indicator of creative abilities, which combines two components: cognitive (general mental abilities) and motivational. The criterion for the manifestation of creativity is the nature of the person's performance of the mental tasks offered to him.

I.V. Lvov believes that creativity is not a surge of emotions, it is inseparable from knowledge and skills, emotions accompany creativity, inspire human activity, increase the tone of its flow, the work of a human creator, give him strength. But only strict, proven knowledge and skills awaken the creative act.

Thus, in its most general form, the definition of creative abilities is as follows. Creativity is the individual psychological characteristics of the individual, which are related to the success of any activity, but are not limited to the knowledge, skills and abilities that have already been developed by the student.

Since the element of creativity can be present in any form human activity, then it is fair to speak not only of artistic creativity, but also of technical creativity, mathematical creativity, and so on. Creativity is an amalgamation of many qualities. And the question of the components of human creativity is still open, although at the moment there are several hypotheses concerning this problem.

Many psychologists associate the ability to creative activity, primarily with the peculiarities of thinking. In particular, the well-known American psychologist J. Gilford, who dealt with the problems of human intelligence, found that creative individuals are characterized by the so-called divergent thinking. People with this type of thinking, when solving a problem, do not concentrate all their efforts on finding the only right decision, and begin to look for solutions in all possible directions in order to consider as many options as possible. Such people tend to form new combinations of elements that most people know and use only in a certain way, or form links between two elements that at first glance have nothing in common. The divergent way of thinking underlies creative thinking which is characterized by the following main features:

  • 1. Quickness - the ability to express maximum amount ideas (in this case, it is not their quality that matters, but their quantity).
  • 2. Flexibility - the ability to express a wide variety of ideas.
  • 3. Originality - the ability to generate new non-standard ideas (this can manifest itself in answers, decisions that do not coincide with generally accepted ones).
  • 4. Completeness - the ability to improve your "product" or give it a finished look.

A well-known domestic researcher of the problem of creativity A.N. Luk, based on the biographies of prominent scientists, inventors, artists and musicians, highlights the following creative abilities:

  • 1. The ability to see the problem where others do not see it.
  • 2. The ability to collapse mental operations, replacing several concepts with one and using symbols that are more and more capacious in terms of information.
  • 3. The ability to apply the skills acquired in solving one problem to solving another.
  • 4. The ability to perceive reality as a whole, without splitting it into parts.
  • 5. The ability to easily associate distant concepts.
  • 6. The ability of memory to give out the right information at the right moment.
  • 7. Flexibility of thinking.
  • 8. The ability to choose one of the alternatives for solving a problem before it is tested.
  • 9. The ability to incorporate newly perceived information into existing knowledge systems.
  • 10. The ability to see things as they are, to distinguish what is observed from what is brought in by interpretation. Ease of generating ideas.
  • 11. Creative imagination.
  • 12. The ability to refine the details, to improve the original idea.

Candidates of Psychological Sciences V.T. Kudryavtsev and V. Sinelnikov, based on a wide historical and cultural material (history of philosophy, social sciences, art, individual areas of practice) identified the following universal creative abilities that have developed in the process of human history

  • 1. Imagination realism - a figurative grasp of some essential, general trend or pattern of development of an integral object, before a person has a clear idea about it and can enter it into a system of strict logical categories. The ability to see the whole before the parts.
  • 2. Supra-situational - transformative nature of creative solutions, the ability, when solving a problem, not just to choose from alternatives imposed from the outside, but to independently create an alternative.
  • 3. Experimentation - the ability to consciously and purposefully create conditions in which objects most clearly reveal their essence hidden in ordinary situations, as well as the ability to trace and analyze the features of the "behavior" of objects in these conditions.

Scientists and teachers involved in the development of programs and methods of creative education based on TRIZ (theory of inventive problem solving) and ARIZ (algorithm for solving inventive problems) believe that one of the components of a person’s creative potential is the following abilities:

  • 1. The ability to take risks.
  • 2. Divergent thinking.
  • 3. Flexibility in thought and action.
  • 4. Speed ​​of thinking.
  • 5. Ability to speak original ideas and invent new ones.
  • 6. Rich imagination.
  • 7. Perception of the ambiguity of things and phenomena.
  • 8. High aesthetic values.
  • 9. Developed intuition.

Analyzing the points of view presented above on the issue of the components of creative abilities, we can conclude that, despite the difference in approaches to their definition, researchers unanimously single out creative imagination and the quality of creative thinking as essential components of creative abilities.

The activation of creative activity is achieved, according to A. Osborne, due to the observance of four principles:

  • 1) the principle of exclusion of criticism (you can express any thought without fear that it will be recognized as bad);
  • 2) encouraging the most unbridled association (the wilder the idea, the better);
  • 3) requirements that the number of proposed ideas be as large as possible;
  • 4) recognition that the ideas expressed are not anyone's property, no one has the right to monopolize them; each participant has the right to combine the ideas expressed by others, modify them, “improve” and improve.

D.N. Druzhinin believes that in order to intensify creative activity, it is necessary:

  • 1) the lack of regulation of subject activity, more precisely, the absence of a model of regulated behavior;
  • 2) the presence of a positive model of creative behavior;
  • 3) Flexibility in thinking and acting. creating conditions for imitating creative behavior and blocking manifestations of aggressive and deductive behavior;
  • 4) social reinforcement of creative behavior.

The creative activity of the student increases his involvement in educational process, contributes to the successful assimilation of knowledge, stimulates intellectual efforts, self-confidence, fosters independence of views. M.N. Skatkin considers separate ways of activating creative activity:

  • 1) problematic presentation of knowledge;
  • 2) discussion;
  • 3) research method;
  • 4) creative work of students;
  • 5) creating an atmosphere of collective creative activity in the classroom.

In order to successfully activate the creative activity of schoolchildren, the teacher needs to see the effectiveness and productivity of his work. To do this, it is necessary to monitor the dynamics of the manifestation of the creative activity of each child. The elements of creativity and interaction of the elements of reproduction in the activity of a schoolchild, as well as in the activity of a mature person, should be distinguished according to two characteristic features:

  • 1) by the result (product) of activity;
  • 2) according to the way it proceeds (process).

It is obvious that in learning activities elements of students' creativity are manifested, first of all, in the peculiarities of its course, namely, in the ability to see the problem, to find new ways to solve specific practical and educational problems in non-standard situations.

Thus, we can conclude that creative activity is activated in a favorable atmosphere, with benevolent assessments from teachers, and encouragement of original statements. An important role is played by open questions that encourage students to think, to search for a variety of answers to the same questions curriculum. It is even better if the students themselves are allowed to ask such questions and answer them.

Creative activity can also be stimulated through the implementation of interdisciplinary connections, through an introduction to an unusual hypothetical situation. In the same direction, questions work, when answering which it is necessary to extract from memory all the information available in it, to creatively apply them in the situation that has arisen.

Creative activity contributes to the development of creative abilities, an increase in the intellectual level.

Thus, by creativity we understand the totality of the properties and qualities of a person necessary for the successful implementation of creative activity, allowing in the process of it to perform the transformation of objects, phenomena, visual, sensual and mental images, to discover something new for oneself, to seek and make original, non-standard solutions .

Collection output:


Kondratieva Nika Valerievna

post-graduate student of FSBEI HPE “Chuvash State Pedagogical University named after I.I. AND I. Yakovlev, Russian Federation, Cheboksary

E- mail: nikpnd@ gmail. com


Kondratyeva Nika

postgraduate studyChuvash State Pedagogical University I.J. Yakovlev», Russia, Cheboksary


The article is devoted to the actual problem of the development of creative abilities and creative thinking junior schoolchildren. In the course of its writing, an analysis of the points of view of scientists, teachers and psychologists was carried out, and ways to solve this problem were developed. The article will be useful to students of pedagogical universities, psychologists, elementary school teachers, managers creative circles, Methodists. The development of creative abilities of younger students is an important aspect pedagogical activity and an important component of the harmonious development of children of this age.


The article is dedicated to the actual problem of development of creative abilities and creative thinking of younger schoolchildren. In the course of writing was hold a detailed analysis of the points of view of scientists, educators, psychologists regards to development of creative abilities, were developed the solutions to the problem. Article will be relevant and useful for future teachers, psychologists, teachers of junior classes, art classes’ leaders and methodologists that make up the program of training of younger schoolchildren.

Keywords: Creative skills; personality; development; pedagogy elementary school; psychology of younger schoolchildren; development problem.

keywords: creativity; personality; development; pedagogy of primary school; psychology of younger students; the problem of development.

The development of a child's personality begins from infancy, but conscious socialization and personal adaptation begins at the age of 2-3, when the baby begins to actively explore the world. During this period, the main authorities are the parents. It is the parents who lay the first foundations for the socialization of children and develop their creative abilities, as well as prepare them for communication in preschool institutions - kindergartens and circles. The next period of development of the child's personality is the period from 3 to 7 years. At this time, the preschooler visits Kindergarten, communicates with his peers, another authority that influences the worldview of the child, in addition to parents, is the educator, so specialists preschool institutions must take this into account and use such a method of raising children and developing creative abilities in order to productively and correctly prepare the child for school. The third period of development of children is from 7 to 12 years. At this time, the main personal characteristics are laid, which will further affect adolescent development and overcoming the so-called "difficult age". In our opinion, this is the most important period in the development of creative abilities.

Creativity can be described as the activity of a child, as a result of which something new is created, which characterizes its creator from an unexpected side, and also allows you to acquire new knowledge and apply previously acquired knowledge.

Many researchers, such as V. Zenkovsky, D.N. Nikandrov, Z.I. Ravkin, V.A. Slastenin and some others, come to the conclusion that creativity and creative abilities are organically inherent in children's nature, since the child "invariably strives for creativity, using all the means available to him" .

Exist a large number of researchers' points of view on the problem of developing the creative abilities of younger schoolchildren.

For example, V.I. Andreev, G.S. Altshuller, M.I. Makhmutov, T.V. Kudryavtsev, A.M. Matyushkin, E.I. Mashbits, A.I. Uman, A.V. Khutorskoy and some others argue that the creative abilities of primary school children can be developed by creating problem situations, in the process of performing creative tasks, as well as developing personal orientation.

Children from early school age should show independence, develop thinking, self-realization. Teachers and parents should in every possible way encourage the initiative of the child, and also guide him, but not with orders, but with friendly advice, remembering that they are already indisputable authorities for children at this age. In the future, the development of such qualities will greatly help in the further socialization of a schoolchild, a teenager.

Strategy modern education is to give "the opportunity to all students, without exception, to show their talents and all their creative potential, which implies the possibility of realizing their personal plans and interests" .

Vygotsky L.S. in his writings, he claims that the basis of any creative activity is experience. To do this, parents, teachers of elementary grades should in every possible way encourage the child in his independent knowledge of the world around him, of course, under strict unobtrusive guidance. As L.S. Vygodsky, teachers are responsible for the development of creative abilities of younger students, they must stimulate the development of creative abilities, direct development in the right direction, and also create an environment that requires creative abilities, but at the same time provides opportunities for their manifestation.

Creativity needs to be developed, giving complete freedom of action, without insisting on the obligatory manifestation of them. A creative approach to solving a particular problem should be encouraged and supported in every possible way. As L.S. Vygotsky, it is important to direct pedagogical work on the development of the imagination of younger students, since this quality will be necessary in the further development of the child's personality and his active socialization in society.

Academician L.V. Zankov also gave not the last place to creativity in the educational program for younger students. In his works, he argued that it was necessary to teach younger students music, fine arts, literary reading, and in every possible way to develop and encourage their creative abilities. At the same time, it is necessary to encourage children to independently search for information, create a positive emotional and creative mood in the classroom, and also, with the help of art, teach subjects that, it would seem, have nothing to do with creativity, for example, mathematics. This is possible with the help of special textbooks and didactic materials, in which you can draw, come up with tasks yourself with your favorite characters of younger students, give an answer to the question of the problem by coloring objects or their images. A child of primary school age acquires knowledge, but at the same time acquires the skills of independent thinking, creative perception of surrounding objects, and also develops his creative abilities. Psychologists and teachers should teach younger students critical, creative thinking, independence.

The problem of developing the creative abilities of younger schoolchildren was considered not only by domestic, but also by foreign scientists, in particular D. Reznulli and H. Passov.

D. Reznulli in his writings develops the idea that the curriculum of younger students should contain all aspects in order to develop the creative abilities of students. In particular, take into account the needs and desires of each child individually, focus on the individual abilities of younger students, and also not limit their need for a more detailed study of a particular issue of interest to them.

The American scientist H. Passov, who developed not a single curriculum, paid special attention to the abilities of children for creativity and creative thinking, and also provided for the development of the creative abilities of younger students through school curriculum. It is necessary to encourage every manifestation of creativity in any subject, as well as the desire to learn new things, initiative and independent thinking.

The creative abilities of younger students differ from the creative abilities of older students and adults. For younger students, creativity is part of the creation of personality, the development of aesthetic concepts and perception, as well as a means of self-expression.

Creativity determines the character of children, develops in them independence, dedication to what they love. As a result of creative activity, speed of reaction, resourcefulness, and originality of thinking develop.

At the same time, however, younger students in their creative activities are often guided by what they have already read in books, seen in films or in life - as their parents and peers do, so teachers and parents need to be an example of creative behavior for their students and children of primary school age.

The choice of certain life phenomena, characters, lines of behavior by children of primary school age is reflected in their creative activity, therefore, by analyzing the reflection in drawings, in verbal or dance creativity, one can judge the psychological and creative development of a younger student.

Scientists A.G. Gogoberidze and V.A. Derkunskaya note that creativity allows the child to discover himself, new in himself. They considered the results of the application of creative abilities as the results of expressing the inner world of a younger student, his values. Thus, the child opens his inner world surrounding .

According to E.I. Nikolaev, the manifestation of creative abilities depends on the individual qualities of students, as well as the originality of the activity in which one can show creative abilities.

ON THE. Vetlugin and T.G. Kozakova argued that creativity and creative abilities should develop freely, but under the reasonable, sensitive guidance of teachers and parents. The creative abilities of younger schoolchildren should and can develop only in a free atmosphere, without coercion, on the principles of interest and independence of the child. At the same time, for primary school age, in addition to the subjective side of creative activity, which manifests itself in the form of knowledge of properties and relations in the objective world, procedural or plot-role-playing games, productive activities such as drawing, designing, the child’s independent setting of cognitive and research tasks, the formulation hypotheses, independent search for their solutions.

Scientists A.N. Luca, V.T. Kudryavtsev, V. Sinelnikov and others distinguish the most significant creative abilities inherent in, among other things, younger students:

· creative imagination;

the ability to see the whole before the particular;

the ability to apply previously acquired skills in new conditions;

Flexibility of thinking

the ability to visualize the general trend or pattern of development of an integral object, before a person has a clear idea about it and can fit it into a system of strict logical categories;

the ability to incorporate newly perceived information into existing knowledge systems;

The ability to independently choose an alternative;

· Ability to generate ideas.

However, creativity develops only within the framework of children's activities, so it is necessary to encourage the participation of younger students in various creative teams or any other activity related to creativity.

However, in modern educational institutions, in particular in schools, do not always take into account the individual abilities of each student, and the curriculum is calculated for the "average student", so the creative abilities of some younger students simply do not develop.

There are many programs designed to develop children with learning difficulties or disabilities. mental development However, there are practically no implemented programs that are designed and develop creatively developed, gifted children who have a high level of development of creative abilities.

All training should be based on taking into account the individual abilities, personal characteristics of each child, as well as develop the creative thinking of younger students, thereby preparing them for further adoption. independent decisions in adolescence and adulthood.

Studies by psychologists and educators show that in the absence of programs for the individual development of younger students, creative abilities may not develop or even be lost due to the wrong approach to the development of the child's personality. As a result, this can lead to problems in the socialization of the child, as well as the lack of one's own opinion. A talented, creative person must be developed and supported in everything.

The experience of foreign studies and the practice of early detection of giftedness in children and students indicate the need to create a special state program that ensures the intensive development of research and the use of accumulated practical experience in identifying gifted and talented younger students and developing their creative abilities.

As a result, we can conclude that the development of creative abilities of younger students is an important aspect of pedagogical activity and education of children of this age. They must become active, independent, be able to make decisions, creatively approach problem solving, which is necessary for further successful socialization in society.


  1. Altshuller G.S. Find an idea: Introduction to the theory of inventive problem solving / G.S. Altshuller. 2nd ed., add. Novosibirsk: Science. Sib. otd., 1991. - 225 p.
  2. Andreev V.I. Pedagogy: textbook. course for creative self-development / V.I. Andreev. 2nd ed. Kazan: Center innovative technologies, 2000. - 608 p.
  3. Aikina L.P. Essence and specificity of creative abilities of younger schoolchildren // World of science, culture, education. - 2011. - No. 5 (30). - pp. 6-8
  4. Vygotsky L.S. Imagination and creativity in childhood: psychological essay/ L.S. Vygotsky. M.: Enlightenment, 1991. - 93 p.
  5. Gogoberidze A.G. Theory and methods of musical education of preschool children / A.G. Gogoberidze, V.A. Derkunskaya. M.: Academy, 2005. - 320 p.
  6. Zankov L.V. Selected pedagogical works / L.V. Zankov. 3rd ed., supplement. M.: House of Pedagogy, 1999. - 608 p.
  7. Zenkovsky V.V. Psychology of childhood / V.V. Zenkovsky. M.: Academy, 1996. - 346 p.
  8. Kudryavtsev V.T. Diagnostics of the creative potential and intellectual readiness of children for developing schooling/ V.T. Kudryavtsev. M.: RINO, 1999.
  9. Matyushkin A.M. Problem situations in thinking and learning / A.M. Matyushkin. M., 1972. - 168 p.
  10. Nikolaeva E.I. Psychology of children's creativity / E.I. Nikolaev. St. Petersburg: Piter, 2010. - 232 p.
  11. Leites N.S. Psychology of giftedness in children and adolescents / N.S. Leites. M.: Academy, 1996. - 416 p.

Development of creative abilities of younger students

The main goal of the school as a social institution in modern conditions is the versatile development of children, their cognitive interests, creative abilities, general educational skills, self-education skills capable of self-realization of the individual.

It is sometimes said that the ability to create is the lot of a few and a creative person is a gift from the gods. Maybe there is some truth in this, since it is known that Pushkins and Mozarts are born quite rarely. But school education and training is not the education of geniuses, but the formation of a personality who can think independently, outside the box.

One child asked the famous writer D. Rodari: "What do you need to do and how to work to become a storyteller?" “Study mathematics properly,” he heard in response.

Indeed, the ability to create something new, unusual, is laid down in childhood, through the development of higher mental functions, such as thinking and imagination.

There has been a lot of talk lately about creativity. Why is the development of schoolchildren's creativity becoming one of the actual problems modern education? Creativity- "a personal quality, which is the ability to be creative in various spheres of life, as well as the ability to provide support in creative self-realization to other people." - L. N. Kulikova.

My own vision of “creativity” led me to the understanding that our children know a lot, but they can do little, and if they can, they do it at a low creative level. That's why I put the following goals and objectives:

Develop children's imagination, cause-and-effect thinking, linguistic flair, creative imagination;

Develop the ability to compose stories and fairy tales;

Solve complex problematic tasks;

Build curiosity;

The desire for knowledge of the new, unknown;

To form the ability to think logically, outside the box;

Develop speech, logic thinking;

Increase motivation for self-improvement.

I use the basic principles of creative education:

Individual approach;

Personal example (“do as I do!”);

Formation of search activity (interest, craving for new things, for knowledge);

Do not impose your opinion and the opinion of others, no matter how true it may be;

Methods of education and training:

Active (games; independent activities under the guidance of an adult; search, research, practical, related to the independent search and discovery of certain truths by schoolchildren, contributing to the activation of cognitive and creative activity).

Passive (own example, conversations).

It is important to consider what needs to be created conditions for the successful development of creative abilities.

These include:

early start;

creating an environment that is ahead of the development of children;

    providing great freedom in the choice of activities, in the alternation of cases, in the choice of ways of working;

    help from adults (the freedom granted to the child not only does not exclude, but, on the contrary, implies unobtrusive, intelligent, benevolent help from adults. The most difficult thing here, perhaps, is not to turn freedom into impunity, and help into a hint).

The level of development of creative abilities depends on the content and methods of teaching at school. Using a variety of teaching methods, including games, systematically, purposefully develop children's mobility and flexibility of thinking, teaches them to reason, not to cram, but to think, draw conclusions for themselves, find new original approaches, evidence, etc.

The development of creative abilities is carried out in all lessons and extracurricular activities.

Lesson - remains the main form of education and upbringing of the student primary school. It is within the framework of the educational activity of a younger student that the tasks of developing his imagination and thinking, fantasy, ability to analyze and synthesize are first of all solved. The educational programs on which primary school teachers work at our school imply solving the problems of developing the child's creative abilities in educational activities.

For the development of creative thinking and creative imagination of primary school students are offered the following tasks:

    classify objects, situations, phenomena on various grounds;

    establish causal relationships;

    see interconnections and identify new connections between systems;

    consider the system in development;

    make forward-looking assumptions;

    highlight the opposite features of the object;

    identify and form contradictions;

    to separate conflicting properties of objects in space and time;

    represent spatial objects.

largest effect in the development of creative abilities junior student can provide:

    daily inclusion of creative tasks and exercises in the educational process,

    implementation of circle or optional classes according to a specially designed program,

    involvement of students in creative interaction of an applied nature with peers;

    didactic and plot-role-playing games in the classroom and outside of school hours;

    excursions, observations;

    creative workshops.

The most effective area for the development of children's creative abilities is art, artistic activity. This is facilitated by the lessons of literary creativity and the Russian language, music, visual arts, technology. But, such a subject as mathematics (computer science can be included here) also has many opportunities for developing the creative potential of students, although some consider mathematics to be a “dry” science. It seems that mathematics and creativity are two incompatible things. The geometric material has a lot in common with the artistic perception of the world, since a large place in geometry belongs to figurative thinking. This can be used because the thinking of younger schoolchildren is visual-figurative and visual-effective.

I believe that the game is a field of creativity. It is in the game that flexibility and originality of thinking are manifested. They come to our classes fairy-tale heroes: Dunno, Pencil, Pinocchio, Point, Samodelkin, Compass. Children help them to carry out any tasks, travel with them around the country of Mathematics. The development of creative abilities (memory, attention, imagination, observation) occurs, for example, when performing tasks:

How many triangles are in the picture? (other geometric shapes?).

How are the pictures different?

Color the areas where you will meet such figures (samples of various figures and a large drawing that these figures make up are given).

Continue the line.

Draw the drawings so that they are the same, etc.

To develop the imagination:

Draw what you want. Write a geometric description of your drawing.

Draw in such a way that you get some kind of object. Let's Dream Game.

Tasks are jokes.

Solving partial-search problems of different levels. (Here I offer children tasks, the solution of which they find on their own without the participation of a teacher or with his little help, discover new knowledge and ways of obtaining it).

Tasks to identify patterns:

Divide the figures into groups.

Find the "extra" drawing.

Draw a pink line longer than green, green longer than blue, and brown equal to the pink line.

Find a pattern and draw all the following polygons.

By what principle were these figures combined, etc.

Solving creative problems. (Such tasks require greater or complete independence and are designed for search activities, an extraordinary, non-traditional approach and creative application of knowledge).

When planning lessons, think through each question that can be answered ambiguously so that each child can speak out about their knowledge of the subject that I start talking about.

Already in literacy lessons, we observe and compare objects, pictures, words in various meanings. I give such tasks: tell me everything you know about this subject, word; find as many similarities and differences as possible; think of a story based on the picture; guess what happened, followed by reading the illustrated story; listen and draw all the objects that are mentioned in the work. In order to “talk” all students, we very often play the game “Theater”, where in turn each child says the words of the hero in his voice. Here in the lessons we learn the culture of speech, the ability to regulate the strength of the voice, pace, facial expressions. There is a task to “finish the rhyme”, the children are surprised that the beginning is the same for everyone, but the end is different for everyone.

In reading lessons, as often as possible, I give students the opportunity to talk about what they felt, experienced while reading, to talk about their own mood; be able to evaluate the actions of the heroes of the work, the attitude of the author to the events described. Assessing the actions of the heroes of the read work, the student must argue his answer. For the development of creative thinking, you can use a variety of methods in Russian language and reading lessons. For example: pick up words similar or opposite in meaning; continue the story; make a note; come up with a fairy tale, words, phrases; make sentences with words, from these words, according to the picture, according to the scheme, with the phrase; distribute the offer; compose a story on questions, on the content of the text, on pictures, based on your own impressions; draw a word picture for the story; title the story, parts of the story; poems, etc. When reading fairy tales and stories, I ask the question: “Could the fairy tale or story have a different plot?”, Or “Change the story or fairy tale so that the end is joyful”; use the “if only…” technique, for example, “What would happen if…”; a technique associated with the processing of a well-known fairy tale in connection with the introduction of a new element into it. "Guess the object" (highlighting the features of the object); “Unusual uses” (it is proposed to list the ways in which various things are used). These exercises help students to consider objects, phenomena, various tasks from different points of view, teach them to reason, prove and express original ideas.

The inclusion of such tasks in the structure of lessons creates an opportunity to involve students in creative activities that are feasible for them, which is necessary condition formation of various creative qualities schoolchildren's thinking.

The creative abilities of students are fully manifested in the lessons of fine arts and technology. The leading motives for these types of activities for a younger student is the desire for creative self-realization.

The same method of teaching in the organization of creative independent work children favors the project method of teaching.

Many guys create joint creative projects.

While doing creative project, the prerequisites are created for the formation of active creative activity among students, the development of aesthetic taste, imaginative thinking, and spatial imagination. All design stages require the individual interest of students, intellectual preparation, the search for materials, tools, and technological implementation. So the students have an additional interest in obtaining the knowledge necessary to complete the project.

Even the German teacher Diesterweg (follower) Pestalozzi wrote that it is more useful to consider the same subject from ten different sides than the study of ten different subjects from one side.


    Vinokurova N.K. Development of creative abilities of students. -

2. Simakovskiy A.E. Development of creative thinking of children. -

Yaroslavl, 1997.

3.Vygotsky L.S. Imagination and creativity in childhood. -

4. Savkueva V.Yu. Solving creative problems as a condition for the development of creative thinking. /Elementary School. 2004. No. 7.

Olga Sergeevna Zheglova
Development of creative abilities of younger students

The theme of the extended day was and remains topical. A lesson, of course, is a necessity for both the teacher and the child. Extension is a different kind of necessity. The stay of a child in an extended day group helps the process of becoming a person, guarantees his safety and health. The main time in the afternoon should not be absorbed by self-preparation, homework, but should contribute to the development child's personality traits development of creative abilities, communication skills.

Nature creativity not fully explored, although creative thinking is the highest manifestation of the human phenomenon. The whole history of mankind is history creativity. Based on the clues of nature, people invented and began to improve tools and household items. As development society, problems appeared that became more difficult to solve only by trial and error than by simple imitation of nature. New challenges require a deeper, more meaningful and creative solution.

Development of creative abilities- an important task primary education, because this process permeates all stages child personality development, awakens initiative, independence of decisions, the habit of free expression, self-confidence.

Outside of the lesson, children can organically realize their identity in games, creative pursuits, free communication. Anyone who does not get along well with mathematics will turn out, for example, to be a cheerful entertainer, a storyteller. And those who do not read smartly will amaze their comrades with fiction, crafts made by their own hands. But, you and I perfectly understand what to do fruitfully in an extended day group of 4-6 hours, it is difficult for both children and educators. And this is where various methods come in handy. means of education that contribute to the development of the creative potential of the child.

Changing activities is important. In my work with children, I use the following: applique, origami, solving puzzles, crossword puzzles, drawing in various techniques, sport games, games - relay races indoors and outdoors.

Fine creation children are basically decorative, colorful. Proceeding from this, in the subject of classes, I try to include tasks of decorative, creative nature: I involve the means of folk art, as well as include tasks for illustrating fairy tales, stories, poems, drawing by observation, representation, memory.

In my work I use a series of books "I am learning to draw", all kinds of stencils. The children redraw with great pleasure. Some come up with whole pictures, plots. The guys and I make books - home-made books based on fairy tales, poems. First grades attend theater "On the Neva", after watching the performance, I ask the guys to remember what they watched and draw it on paper. Next, a book is compiled - homemade, stitched together, a story is compiled together with the teacher or the children write it on their own.

When drawing, you can take part in the discussion. A great moment to analyze the works, their defenses. Here, each child is an individual, each unique. How much fiction, fantasy, ingenuity children will show. But it is not easy to understand these drawings. For every child starting create, it is important to find good word and a good tip. The essence of drawing in a group does not require the execution of standard programs. And manifestations creativity, their emancipation. Greatest satisfaction provide children with activities that contribute to the diversified development, give work to the hands and head, meet their personal interests and inclinations.

Many children say: "I like it so. I don't like being forced". There is no limit to children's imagination. And then they try to defend their work, explain. Why is one of them happy and the other sad? And when children see the results of their work, they gain self-confidence.

Other forms can be included in the lesson plan work: sculpt from plasticine, work in the origami technique, design using all kinds of sets of designers. This, in my opinion, is one of the favorite activities of many children. There is no limit to the imagination of children here. Work individually, but mostly in groups (collectively). It turns out original crafts, which they then beat. We all try to create together, unitedly. I stick principle: "Guys let's be friends".

In the course of self-training, it is necessary to conduct games on development of attention, memory, thinking, physical minutes, poetic pauses, tasks of a fabulous nature, funny tasks, games - travel. The value of the self-training game can hardly be overestimated. Here child's horizons develop, ingenuity. The game makes it possible to switch from one type of activity to another and thereby relieve fatigue. But the main thing is the game helps to assimilate and consolidate knowledge in all subjects.

I offer some tasks that I like very much children:

1. On development attention - speed reading training, various mazes, exercises with vowel and consonant tables, tasks for restoring signs, numbers, letters,

2. For development memory - mathematical words, repeat after me, continue "chain" interrelated words, consider an unfamiliar object and describe it, consider a reproduction of a picture and describe from memory, illustrate a fairy tale, a story with stylized drawings, gestures, facial expressions,

3. For development thinking - continue a series of numbers, compare conditions and solutions to problems, highlight a group of numbers. Words by feature, compare expressions without performing calculations.

Necessary develop children have the ability to correctly express their thoughts, justify their opinions, the ability to conduct a discussion, communicate with adults and peers. Here it is necessary to use the potential of each student. To do this, provide for tasks of varying complexity, additional tasks of increased complexity, give children the right to choose. Let not everyone cope with the task, but this is not necessary. The main thing is that the guys can choose a task according to their abilities. Children have different interests and aptitudes. It is important for an adult to identify the characteristics of each. All children are talented, reveal this talent. We must help open up.

I really like the statement of the wonderful teacher Sh. A. Amonashvili “Kids should be put at the desk only in order to create the most favorable conditions for timely development of their creative inclinations which at this age begin to awaken and which are important for further successful advancement in their cognitive activity.

So, the use of various forms, means, contribute to the activation of creative thinking will enable students to master the following qualities:

1. the ability to freely adapt in society,

2. the ability to see the world from different angles,

3. the ability to feel the problem and try to solve it yourself,

4. notice the beauty of the surrounding world and be interested in it,

5. be kind to nature.

Related publications:

Development of creative abilities At present, the range of innovative educational programs, technologies, and methods aimed at developing common and.

The development of phonemic perception in younger students Consultation for parents Topic: Development of phonemic perception of younger students. Purpose: familiarization with the features of the development of phonemic.

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Development of the child's creative abilities Purpose: to promote the formation of parents' ideas about the development of creative abilities in children of middle preschool age. Tasks:.

The urgency of the problem. The problem of the development of abilities is not new for psychological and pedagogical research, but is still relevant. It is no secret that schools and parents are concerned about the development of students' abilities.

Society is interested in the fact that a person begins to work exactly where he can bring maximum benefit. And for this, the school must help pupils find their place in life.

Labor is a necessary condition for life and the all-round development of man.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation gives a person the right to choose an occupation and profession in accordance with the abilities, vocation, and the state's needs for personnel.

Whatever the individual capabilities of the student, but if he does not have the desire to learn, then there will be no success. True, a positive attitude to learning is also closely related to abilities. It has been noted many times in the psychological and pedagogical literature that the desire to learn increases when learning is successful, and goes out due to failures.

Failures can be explained not only by the lack of knowledge that should have been acquired at the previous stages of education, but also by the undeveloped abilities of the child.

The main task of primary school is to ensure the development of the child's personality. The sources of the full development of the child are two types of activity

Firstly, any child develops as he masters the past experience of mankind through familiarization with modern culture.

At the heart of this process is educational activity, which is aimed at mastering the child with the knowledge and skills necessary for life in society.

Secondly, the child in the process of development independently realizes his abilities, thanks to creative activity. Unlike educational, creative activity is not aimed at mastering already known knowledge.

It contributes to the manifestation of the child's initiative, self-realization, the embodiment of his own ideas, which are aimed at creating a new one.

By carrying out these types of activities, children solve different problems and with different goals.

So, in educational activity, educational and training tasks are solved in order to master some skill, to master this or that rule. In creative activity, search and creative tasks are solved in order to develop the child's abilities. Therefore, if in the process of educational activity a general ability to learn is formed, then within the framework of creative activity a general ability to seek and find new solutions, unusual ways to achieve the desired result, new approaches to considering the proposed situation is formed. If we talk about the current state of the modern elementary school in our country, it should be noted that the main place in its activities is still occupied by the cognitive activity of schoolchildren, and not creative, therefore, we designated the topic of our study as “Pedagogical guidance for the development of creative abilities of younger students” .

Target research:

determine and test in practice the pedagogical conditions that contribute to the development of the creative abilities of a younger student.

Object of study:

development of the abilities of school-age children.

Subject of study:

the process of developing the creative abilities of a younger student.

Research hypothesis:

the process of developing the creative abilities of a younger student will be more effective if:

Conditions have been created conducive to the development of creative abilities, both in educational and extracurricular activities of the student;

Developing work with children is built on a diagnostic basis;

Based on the goal, hypothesis and taking into account the specifics of the subject of research, the following tasks:

1. To study and analyze the scientific and methodological literature and practical experience on the problem.

2. Provide diagnostics for the development of creative abilities.

3. Determine the forms and content of work to develop the creative abilities of younger students both in class and in extracurricular activities.

To achieve the goal of the study and solve the tasks set, the following were used: research methods: theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature, scientific research, study of pedagogical experience, diagnostic methods.

Chapter 1. The development of creative abilities of a younger student as a pedagogical problem.

1.1. The essence of the concept is ability.

In the first paragraph, we will consider the essential characteristics of abilities.

This problem was dealt with by such luminaries of Russian psychology as B.G. Ananiev, A.N. Leontiev, S. L. Rubinshtein, B. M. Teplov, N. S. Leites and others. The conceptual apparatus, content and main provisions of the theory of abilities were developed mainly in the works of these scientists.

So, abilities are understood as individual psychological and motor characteristics of an individual, which are related to the success of any activity, but are not limited to the knowledge, skills and abilities that have already been developed in the child. At the same time, success in any activity can be ensured not by a separate ability, but only by that peculiar combination of them that characterizes a person.

Domestic psychologists A. N. Leontiev and B. M. Teplov studied abilities from different points of view. The focus of attention is B.M. Teplov were individually - the psychological prerequisites for the unequal successful development of certain functions and skills; A.N. Leontiev was mainly interested in how qualitatively mental functions and processes arise from natural prerequisites based on the structures of human activity (in the spirit of the concept of higher mental functions, according to L.S. Vygotsky).

Neither one nor the other did not deny the innate inequality of inclinations, on the one hand, and the ambiguous connection of these inclinations with the final success of complex forms of activity, on the other, however, the emphasis differed, as did the use of concepts. B.M. Teplov, in the context of differential psychophysiology, connected the concept of abilities primarily with biologically determined differences, A.N. Leontiev, in the context of a systematic understanding of psychological functions and their development, referred this word to complex, cultivated, “become” human functions.

Definition: “Ability” = mental characteristics on which the possibility, implementation and degree of success of an activity depends.

If we turn to the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” by S.I. Ozhegov, he considers the concept of “ability” as follows: ability is natural giftedness, talent.

A man of great ability. Mental abilities for artistic activity. Able - having the ability to do something, gifted. able to do something; possessing some property. Able to work. This person is capable of anything / will stop at nothing.

In the Pedagogical Encyclopedic Dictionary, ability is interpreted as individual psychological characteristics of a person, which are

conditions successful implementation certain activity. They include both individual knowledge and skills, and readiness to learn in a new way and methods of activity.

Different criteria are used to classify abilities. So sensorimotor, perceptual, mnemonic, imaginative, mental, and communicative abilities can be distinguished. One or another subject area can serve as another criterion, according to which abilities can be qualified as scientific / linguistic, humanitarian /, creative / musical, literary, artistic, engineering /.

There are also general and special: general - these are the properties of the mind that underlie various special ones, distinguished in accordance with the types of activity in which they appear / technical, artistic, musical /.

The components that make up the structure of special abilities are identified, which makes it possible to form pedagogical recommendations aimed at improving the efficiency of the formation of abilities in students.

In the "Pedagogical Encyclopedia" the ability is considered as a property of the individual, which is essential in the performance of a particular activity. Usually, the ability is assessed in accordance with the requirements for different types of labor to the psycho-physiological characteristics of a person; you can also talk about the ability to learn or to play.

The ability to act includes a complex structure of simpler abilities. They can be expressed in the speed of assimilation and the correct application of relevant knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as in the originality of their use.

In the process of learning, the first of these manifestations of abilities is more easily detected, while the latter are of decisive importance in creative activity. According to the social significance of the abilities shown by a person, expressed in the results of his work, capable, talented and brilliant people are distinguished.

In the Philosophical Dictionary, abilities are defined as individual characteristics personalities, which are subjective conditions for the successful implementation of a certain kind of activity. Abilities are not limited to the individual's knowledge, skills and abilities. They are found primarily in the speed, depth and strength of mastering the methods and techniques of some activity, they are internal mental regulators that determine the possibility of acquiring them.

In the history of philosophy, the ability for a long period was interpreted as the properties of the soul, special powers that are inherited and inherent in the individual. Qualitative, the level of development of abilities is expressed by the concept of talent and genius. Their distinction is usually made according to the nature of the resulting products of activity. Talent is such a set of abilities that allows you to get a product of activity that is distinguished by novelty, high perfection and social significance. Genius is the highest stage in the development of talent, which makes it possible to make fundamental changes in one or another area of ​​creativity.

A large place in psychological and pedagogical research is occupied by the problem of the formation of abilities and specific types of activity. They show the possibility of developing abilities through the creation of a personal attitude to mastering the subject of activity.

The textbook "Psychology" (edited by Doctor of Psychology A.A. Krylov) gives several definitions of abilities

1. Abilities are the properties of the human soul, understood as a set of all kinds of mental processes and states. This is the broadest and oldest definition in psychology.

2. Abilities are a high level of development of general and special knowledge, skills and abilities that ensure the successful performance of various types of activities by a person. This definition appeared in the psychology of the 18th-19th centuries and is still in use today.

3.Ability is something that does not come down to knowledge, skills and abilities, but ensures their rapid acquisition, consolidation and effective use in practice.

This definition is the most common. A significant contribution to the theory of abilities was made by the domestic scientist B.M. Teplov .. He proposed the third of the listed definitions of the concept of ability .. The concept of “ability”, in his opinion, contains three ideas:

  1. Individual psychological characteristics that distinguish one person from another;
  2. not any, in general, individual characteristics, but only those that are related to the success of the implementation of any activity or many activities;
  3. the concept is not limited to the knowledge, skills or abilities that a given person has already developed.

An ability that does not develop, which a person ceases to use in practice, does not manifest itself over time.

Only thanks to certain conditions associated with the systematic pursuit of such complex human activities as music, technical and artistic creativity, creative abilities develop. We support them and develop them further. Our successful activity does not depend on any one, but on a combination of different abilities, moreover, this combination gives the same result. In the absence of the necessary inclinations for the development of some abilities, their deficiency can be made up for by a stronger development of others.

Krutetsky V.A. The concept of ability is based on two indicators: the speed of mastering the activity and the quality of achievements. A person is considered capable - quickly and successfully masters any activity, easily acquires the appropriate skills and abilities in comparison with other people, - achieves achievements that significantly exceed the average level.

Abilities are individual - psychological characteristics of a person that meet the requirements of this activity and are a condition for its successful implementation, abilities - individual characteristics that distinguish one person from another / long, flexible fingers of a pianist or a tall basketball player are not abilities /.

Abilities include (ear of music, sense of rhythm, constructive imagination, speed of motor reactions - for an athlete, subtlety of color discrimination for an artist - painter).

Along with the individual characteristics of mental processes (sensations and perceptions, memory, thinking, imagination), more complex individual psychological characteristics are also abilities. They include emotional and volitional moments, elements of attitude to activity and some features of mental processes, but are not limited to any particular mental manifestations (mathematical orientation of the mind or aesthetic position in the field of literary creativity).

Any activity requires from a person not one particular ability, but a number of interrelated abilities.

Lack, weak development of any one particular ability can be compensated (compensated) by the enhanced development of others.

Krutetsky V.A. believes that the ability is formed, and therefore, is found only in the process of the corresponding activity. Without observing a person in activity, it is impossible to judge the presence or absence of his abilities. It is impossible to talk about musical abilities if the child has not yet been engaged in at least elementary forms of musical activity, if he has not yet been taught music. Only in the course of this training (moreover, correct training) will it become clear what his abilities are, quickly and easily or slowly and with difficulty, a sense of rhythm, musical memory will be formed in him.

A person is not born capable of this or that activity, his abilities are formed, formed, developed in a properly organized corresponding activity, during his life, under the influence of training and education.

Abilities are lifelong, not innate education. In activities aimed at meeting needs, people's abilities were historically created and developed. During historical development human society, new needs arose, people created new areas of activity, thereby stimulating the development of new abilities.

It should be emphasized the close and inextricable connection of abilities with knowledge, skills and abilities. On the one hand, abilities depend on knowledge, skills, and on the other hand, abilities develop in the process of acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities. Knowledge, skills and abilities also depend on abilities - abilities allow faster, easier, stronger and deeper mastery of the relevant knowledge, skills and skills.

In activities aimed at meeting needs, people's abilities were historically created and developed. In the course of the historical development of human society, new needs arose, people created new areas of activity, thereby stimulating the development of new abilities.

In the psychological and pedagogical literature, special and general abilities are distinguished.

General - include (human success in a variety of activities) mental, subtlety and accuracy of manual movements, developed memory, perfect speech.

Special abilities are the abilities that are necessary for the successful performance of any one specific activity - musical, artistic and visual, mathematical, literary, constructive and technical, etc. These abilities also represent the unity of individual private abilities.

Special - determine the success of a person in specific activities that require inclinations and their development / musical, mathematical, linguistic, technical, literary, artistic, creative, sports /.

The presence of general abilities in a person does not exclude the development of special ones and vice versa.

And often they mutually complement and enrich each other.

Theoretical and practical abilities differ in that the former predetermine a person's inclination to abstract-theoretical reflections, and the latter to concrete, practical actions. These abilities often do not combine with each other, meeting together only in gifted, multi-talented people.

Educational and creative are different from each other. The former determine the success of education and upbringing, the assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities by a person, the formation of personality traits. The second - the creation of objects of material and spiritual culture, the production of new ideas, discoveries and inventions, individual creativity, in various fields of human activity.

The ability to communicate, interact with people, subject-activity, or subject-cognitive.

These include speech as a means of communication (its communicative functions) Interpersonal perception and evaluation of people, social and pedagogical adaptation to various situations: to get in touch with various people, to win them over, to influence them.

The absence of such abilities in man would be an insurmountable obstacle to his transformation from a biological being into a social one.

In the development of communication skills, one can single out the stages of formation, one's own specific inclinations. These include the innate ability of children to respond to the face and voice of the mother (the animation complex), the ability to understand states, guess intentions and adapt their behavior to the mood of other people and follow certain social norms in communication / the ability to communicate with people to behave in order to be accepted , convince others, achieve mutual understanding, influence people /.

To general mental ability include, for example, such qualities of the mind as mental activity, criticality, systematicity, speed of mental orientation, a high level of analytical and synthetic activity, focused attention

A high level of ability development is called talent.

Talent is the most favorable combination of abilities that make it possible to perform a certain activity especially successfully and creatively, on the one hand, an inclination for this activity, a peculiar need for it, on the other, and great diligence and perseverance, on the third. Talent can manifest itself in any human activity, and not just in the field of science or art. Therefore, a talented person can be an attending physician, a teacher, a pilot, an innovator in agricultural production, and a skilled worker.

The development of talents depends decisively on socio-historical conditions. Class society hinders the development of talents among the representatives of the exploited classes. And even if in such conditions the people gave a lot of outstanding talents (M.V. Lomonosov - the son of a fisherman - Pomor, T.G. Shevchenko - the son of a serf, the inventor of the steam locomotive Stephenson - the son of a worker), then this only speaks of how talented people, how great are the possibilities of the working people.

Consequently, it can be argued that the cognitive abilities required by the modern school can rightfully be considered generic universal. These abilities are the same signs of belonging to the human race, as are the human senses, the activity of his muscles, etc. If there are few or no achievers among schoolchildren, this must be explained by the fact that some teaching methods do not activate generic abilities, do not form them, just as there are children who cannot show the strength of their muscles, their physical dexterity due to unpreparedness to their application. No one, as a rule, should fall behind in teaching. If there are such at school, it is only because they were not ready for learning: some because of the insufficiency of their previous knowledge, others because of the inability to use their generic abilities in educational activities.

There is a great formula by K.E. Tsiolkovsky, which opens the veil over the secret of the birth of a creative mind: “First I discovered truths known to many, then I began to discover truths known to some, and finally I began to discover truths unknown to anyone.” Apparently, this is what it is. the path of the formation of the creative side of the intellect, the path of development of inventive and research talent. Our duty is to help the child embark on this path.

Thus, abilities cannot be either innate or genetic formations - they are a product of development. The inborn factors underlying abilities are inclinations.

Makings are defined as anatomical and physiological features of the brain, nervous and muscular systems, analyzers or sensory organs (B.M. Teplov,

S.L. Rubinstein, B.G. Ananiev, K.M. Gurevich, A.V. Rodionov, N.S. Leites and others).

1.2. Conditions for the transition of natural inclinations into abilities.

Having examined the essential characteristics of abilities in the previous paragraph, it is necessary to develop the following important aspect of this problem, in our opinion: the conditions for the transition of hereditary potency into abilities.

At birth, each child has certain inclinations for the development of abilities and personal qualities, which are finally formed in the process of individual development and learning. but in order for the abilities to develop, it is not enough to give the child knowledge, skills and abilities. It is very important to form such personal qualities that would become the driving force behind all his educational activities, as well as determine the further fate of the knowledge gained: whether they remain dead weight or will be creatively implemented.

Psychologists recognize the well-known role of natural, biological factors as natural prerequisites for the development of abilities. Such natural prerequisites for the development of abilities are called inclinations.

Inclinations are some congenital anatomical and physiological features of the brain, nervous system, analyzers that determine the natural individual differences between people.

Inclinations influence the process of formation and development of abilities. All other things being equal, the presence of favorable inclinations for this activity contributes to the successful formation of abilities facilitates their development. Of course, only the presence of especially favorable inclinations and especially favorable living and working conditions explain the extremely high levels of achievement.

The inclinations include some innate features of the visual and auditory analyzers. The typological properties of the nervous system also act as inclinations, on which the speed of formation of temporary nerve connections, their strength, the strength of concentrated attention, the endurance of the nervous system, and mental performance depend. It has now been established that, along with the fact that typological properties (strength, balance and mobility of nervous processes) characterize nervous system in general, they can characterize the work of individual areas of the cortex (visual, auditory, motor, etc.) in a completely different way.

In this case, the typological properties are partial (“partial” in Latin means “partial”, “separate”), since it characterizes the work of only certain parts of the cerebral cortex. Partial properties can already more definitely be considered the makings of abilities associated with the work of the visual or auditory analyzer, with the speed and accuracy of movements.

The level of development and correlation of the first and second signal systems should also be considered as inclinations. Depending on the characteristics of the relationship between signal systems, I.P. Pavlov distinguished three specifically human types of higher nervous activity: art type with the relative predominance of the first signal system; thinking type with the relative predominance of the second signal system; average type with relative balance of signaling systems. For people of the artistic type, the brightness of direct impressions, the imagery of perception and memory, the richness and liveliness of the imagination, and emotionality are characteristic.

Thinking type people tend to analyze and systematize, to generalized, abstract thinking.

Individual features of the structure of individual sections of the cerebral cortex can also be inclinations.

It should be remembered that inclinations do not include abilities and do not guarantee their development. Inclinations are only one of the conditions for the formation of abilities. Not a single person, no matter how favorable inclinations he may have, can become an outstanding musician, artist, mathematician, poet, without doing a lot and persistently in the relevant activities. There are many examples in life when people with very favorable inclinations were never able to realize their potential in life and remained mediocre performers in precisely the activity in which they could achieve great success if their life had turned out differently. And vice versa, even in the absence of good inclinations, a hardworking and persistent person with strong and stable interests and inclinations for any activity can achieve certain success in it.

For example, on the basis of such an inclination as speed, accuracy, subtlety and dexterity of movement, depending on the conditions of life and activity, both the ability for smooth and coordinated movements of the body of a gymnast, and the ability for fine and precise movements of the surgeon’s hand, and the ability for quick and the plastic fingers of a violinist.

On the basis of the artistic type, the abilities of an actor, and a writer, an artist, and a musician can develop, on the basis of a thinking type, the abilities of a mathematician, and a linguist, and a philosopher.

With favorable inclinations and under optimal conditions of life and activity, a child’s abilities, for example, musical, literary, visual arts, and mathematics, can form very early and develop very quickly (which sometimes creates the illusion of innate abilities). (17, p.6-12.)

According to R.S. Nemov terms and conditions The development of a person's social abilities are the following circumstances of his life:

1. The presence of a society, a socio-cultural environment created by the labor of many generations of people. This environment is artificial, it includes many objects of material and spiritual culture that ensure the existence of a person and the satisfaction of his own human needs.

2. The lack of natural inclinations to use the appropriate items and the need to learn this from childhood.

3. The need to participate in various complex and highly organized human activities.

4. The presence from birth around a person of educated and civilized people who already have the abilities he needs and are able to convey to him necessary knowledge, skills and abilities, while having the appropriate means of training and education.

5. Absence from birth in a person of rigid, programmed structures of behavior such as innate instincts, immaturity of the corresponding brain structures that ensure the functioning of the psyche and the possibility of their formation under the influence of training and education.

Each of these circumstances is necessary for the transformation of a person as a biological being, from birth possessing elementary abilities that are characteristic of many higher animals, into a social being, acquiring and developing in itself human abilities proper, the socio-cultural environment develops abilities (use of objects, material and spiritual culture).

A teacher who carefully studies students, for the correct organization of the educational process and individual approach in teaching and upbringing it is important to know what the student's abilities are for, and to what extent these abilities are expressed. The student's abilities can be judged by observing his manifestations in the corresponding activity. In practice, one can judge abilities by the totality the following indicators:

1) for the rapid advancement (rate of advancement) of the student in mastering the relevant activity;

2) by quality level his achievements;

3) by a strong, effective and stable inclination of a person to engage in this activity

The successful implementation of a particular activity, even in the presence of abilities, depends on a certain combination of personality traits. Only abilities that are not combined with the corresponding orientation of the personality, its emotional and volitional properties, cannot lead to high achievements. First of all, abilities are closely related to an active positive attitude towards the relevant activity, interest in it, a tendency to engage in it, which at a high level of development turns into passion, into a vital need for this type of activity.

Interests are manifested in the desire for knowledge of the object, a thorough study of it in all details. Propensity - the desire to perform the corresponding activity. Personal interests and inclinations do not always coincide. You can be interested in music and not have an inclination to study it. You can be interested in sports and remain only a “fan” and a connoisseur of sports, without even doing morning exercises. But in children and adults capable of a certain activity, interests and inclinations, as a rule, are combined.

Interests and inclinations for a certain activity usually develop in unity with the development of abilities for it. For example, the interest and inclination of the student to mathematics make him intensively engage in this subject, which in turn develops mathematical abilities. Developing mathematical abilities provide certain achievements, successes in the field of mathematics, which cause a joyful feeling of satisfaction in the student. This feeling causes an even deeper interest in the subject, a tendency to engage in it even more.

For success in activity, in addition to the presence of abilities, interests and inclinations, a number of character traits are necessary, first of all, diligence, organization, concentration, purposefulness, perseverance. Without the presence of these qualities, even outstanding abilities will not lead to reliable, significant achievements.

Many people think that everything is easy and simple for capable people, without much difficulty.

This is not true. The development of abilities requires a long, persistent study and a lot of hard work. As a rule, abilities are always combined with exceptional ability to work and diligence. It is not for nothing that all talented people emphasize that talent is labor multiplied by patience, it is a propensity for endless labor.

I.E. Repin said that a high level of achievement is a reward for hard labor. And one of the greatest scientists in the history of mankind - A. Einstein once said in a joking manner that he achieved success only because he was distinguished by "stubbornness of a mule and terrible curiosity."

At school, sometimes there are students who, thanks to their abilities, grasp everything on the fly, do well, despite laziness, disorganization. But in life they usually do not live up to expectations, and precisely because they are not accustomed to work seriously and in an organized manner, to persistently overcome obstacles.

Such personality traits as self-criticism, exactingness to oneself are very important. These qualities give rise to dissatisfaction with the first results of labor and the desire to do even better, more perfect. This is what forced the great inventor T. Edison to do thousands of experiments in order to find, for example, the most successful battery design. It was this that made A.M. Gorky redo the manuscript of the book “Mother” seven times. Leo Tolstoy's work "Kreutzer Sonata" is small in volume. But the manuscripts of all versions of this work, all notes, notes and sketches are 160 times larger than the work itself.

Such a character trait as modesty is also very important. Confidence in one's exclusivity, nourished by uncertain praises and delights, is often detrimental to abilities, since in this case arrogance, self-admiration and narcissism, and disdain for others are formed. A person stops working on improving the product of his labor, obstacles cause him irritation and disappointment, and all this hinders the development of abilities.

The initial prerequisite for the development of abilities are those innate inclinations with which the child is born. At the same time, the biologically inherited properties of a person do not determine his abilities. The brain does not contain certain abilities, but only the ability to form them. Being a prerequisite for the successful activity of a person, his abilities, to one degree or another, are the product of his activity. In other words, what will be the attitude of a person to reality, such is the result.

Abilities include in their structure of skills, therefore, knowledge and skills. The ease, speed and quality of the formation of each skill, skills depend on the existing abilities.

It's over early development abilities will allow them to be more fully formed by adulthood. Skills, knowledge, abilities, having become personality traits, turn into elements of new, changed human abilities, lead to new more complex species activities. There is some " chain reaction” developing abilities based on existing ones.

With the inclinations, abilities can develop very quickly even under adverse circumstances. However, excellent inclinations in themselves do not automatically ensure high achievements. On the other hand, even in the absence of inclinations (but not with complete ones), a person can, under certain conditions, achieve significant success in the relevant activity.

So, in this paragraph, we examined the conditions for the transition of natural inclinations into abilities.

1.3. The development of the child's abilities in primary school age.

Having considered in the previous paragraph the conditions for the transition of natural inclinations into abilities, it is necessary to develop the next aspect of this problem, in our opinion, as a characteristic of the mechanism for developing the creative abilities of younger schoolchildren.

As a result of experimental studies, among the abilities of the individual, a special kind of ability was singled out - to generate unusual ideas, deviate in thinking from traditional patterns, quickly resolve problem situations. This ability was called creativity (creativity)

Under the creative (creative) abilities of students understand "... the comprehensive capabilities of the student in the performance of activities and actions aimed at creation."

Creativity covers a certain set of mental and personal qualities that determine the ability to be creative. One of the components of creativity is the ability of the individual.

A creative product must be distinguished from a creative process. The product of creative thinking can be judged by its originality and its value, the creative process by its sensitivity to the problem, the ability to synthesize, the ability to recreate the missing details (do not follow the beaten path), the fluency of thought, etc. These attributes of creativity are common to both science and art.

Problems of creativity have been widely developed in domestic psychology. Currently, researchers are searching for an integral indicator that characterizes a creative person. This indicator can be defined as a certain combination of factors or considered as a continuous unity of procedural and personal components of creative thinking (A.V. Brushlinsky).

A great contribution to the development of problems of abilities, creative thinking was made by psychologists like B.M. Teplov, S.L. Rubinshtein, B.G. Ananiev, N.S. Leites, V.A. Krutetsky, A.G. Kovalev, K.K. Platonov, A.M. Matyushkin, V.D. Shadrikov, Yu.D. Babaeva, V.N. Druzhinin, I.I. Ilyasov, V.I. Panov, I.V. Kalish, M.A. Kholodnaya, N.B. Shumakova, V.S. Yurkevich and others.

Adhering to the position of scientists who define creative abilities as an independent factor, the development of which is the result of teaching the creative activity of younger students, we single out the components of creative (creative) abilities of younger students:

* creative thinking,

* creative imagination,

* application of methods of organization of creative activity.

For the development of creative thinking and creative imagination of primary school students, it is necessary to offer the following tasks:

  • classify objects, situations, phenomena on various grounds;
  • establish causal relationships;
  • see interconnections and identify new connections between systems;
  • consider the system in development;
  • make forward-looking assumptions;
  • highlight the opposite features of the object;
  • identify and form contradictions;
  • to separate conflicting properties of objects in space and time;
  • represent spatial objects.

Creative tasks are differentiated according to such parameters as

  • the complexity of the problem situations contained in them,
  • the complexity of the mental operations necessary to solve them;
  • forms of representation of contradictions (explicit, hidden).

In this regard, three levels of complexity of the content of the system of creative tasks are distinguished.

Tasks of the III (initial) level of complexity are presented to students of the first and second grades. A specific object, phenomenon or human resource acts as an object at this level. Creative tasks of this level contain a problematic issue or a problematic situation, involve the use of the method of enumeration of options or heuristic methods of creativity and are designed to develop creative intuition and spatial productive imagination.

Tasks of the II level of complexity are one step lower and are aimed at developing the foundations of systemic thinking, productive imagination, mainly algorithmic methods of creativity.

Under the object in the tasks of this level is the concept of “system”, as well as the resources of systems. They are presented in the form of a vague problem situation or contain contradictions in an explicit form.

The purpose of tasks of this type is to develop the foundations of students' systemic thinking.

Tasks I (highest, high, advanced) level of complexity. These are open tasks from various fields of knowledge containing hidden contradictions. Biosystems, polysystems, resources of any systems are considered as an object. Tasks of this type are offered to students in the third and fourth years of study. They are aimed at developing the foundations of dialectical thinking, controlled imagination, and the conscious application of algorithmic and heuristic methods of creativity.

The methods of creativity chosen by students when performing tasks characterize the corresponding levels of development of creative thinking, creative imagination. Thus, the transition to new level The development of creative abilities of younger students occurs in the process of accumulation of creative activity by each student.

Level III - involves the performance of tasks based on the enumeration of options and the accumulated creative experience in preschool age and heuristic methods. The following creative methods are used:

  • focal object method,
  • morphological analysis,
  • method control questions,
  • separate typical methods of fantasizing.

Level II - involves the performance of creative tasks based on heuristic methods and TRIZ elements, such as:

  • method little people,
  • methods of overcoming psychological inertia,
  • system operator,
  • resource approach,
  • laws of system development.

Level I - involves the performance of creative tasks based on the thinking tools of TRIZ:

* adapted algorithm for solving inventive problems,

* techniques for resolving contradictions in space and time,

* typical methods of conflict resolution.

Domestic psychologists and teachers (L.I. Aidarova, L.S. Vygotsky, L.V. Zankov, V.V. Davydov, Z.I. Kolmykova, V.A. Krutetsky, D.B. Elkonin and others.) emphasize the importance of educational activity for the formation of creative thinking, cognitive activity, the accumulation of subjective experience of the creative search activity of students.

The experience of creative activity, according to researchers, is an independent structural element of the content of education:

  • transfer of previously acquired knowledge to a new situation,
  • independent vision of the problem, alternatives for its solution,
  • combining previously learned methods into new and different ones.

Analysis of the main psychological neoplasms and the nature of the leading activity of this age period, modern requirements for the organization of training as creative process, which the student together with the teacher, in a certain sense, build themselves; orientation at this age on the subject of activity and ways to transform it suggest the possibility of accumulating creative experience not only in the process of cognition, but also in such activities as the creation and transformation of specific objects, situations, phenomena, creative application of knowledge gained in the learning process.

In the psychological and pedagogical literature on this issue, definitions of creative activities are given.

Cognition is “... the educational activity of the student, understanding it as a process of creative activity that forms their knowledge.”

At primary school age, in the first place, there is a division of play and labor, that is, activities carried out for the sake of pleasure that the child will receive in the process of the activity itself and activities aimed at achieving an objectively significant and socially assessed result. This distinction between play and work, including educational work, is an important feature of school age.

The importance of imagination in primary school age is the highest and necessary human ability. However, it is this ability that needs special care in terms of development. And it develops especially intensively at the age of 5 to 15 years. And if this period of imagination is not specially developed, in the future there will be a rapid decrease in the activity of this function.

Along with a decrease in a person’s ability to fantasize, a person becomes impoverished, the possibilities of creative thinking decrease, interest in art, science, and so on goes out.

Younger students carry out most of their vigorous activity with the help of imagination. Their games are the fruit of the wild work of fantasy, they are enthusiastically engaged in creative activities. The psychological basis of the latter is also creative imagination. When in the process of learning children are faced with the need to understand abstract material and they need analogies, supports in general lack life experience, imagination also comes to the aid of the child. Thus, the significance of the function of imagination in mental development is great.

However, fantasy, like any form of mental reflection, must have a positive direction of development. It should contribute to a better knowledge of the world around self-disclosure and self-improvement of the individual, and not develop into passive daydreaming, replacing real life dreams. To accomplish this task, it is necessary to help the child use his imagination in the direction of progressive self-development, to enhance the cognitive activity of schoolchildren, in particular the development of theoretical, abstract thinking, attention, speech and creativity in general. Children of primary school age are very fond of doing art. It allows the child to reveal his personality in the most complete free form. All artistic activity is based on active imagination, creative thinking. These features provide the child with a new, unusual view of the world.

They contribute to the development of thinking, memory, enrich his individual life experience! According to L.S. Vygotsky, imagination provides the following activities of the child:

Building an image, the end result of his activity,

Creation of a program of behavior in a situation of uncertainty, creation of images that replace activities,

Creation of images of described objects.

For the development of the child, the formation of many interests is very important.

It should be noted that the student is generally characterized by a cognitive attitude to the world. Such a curious orientation has an objective expediency. Interest in everything expands the child's life experience, introduces him to various activities, activates his various abilities.

Children, unlike adults, are able to express themselves in artistic activities. They are happy to perform on stage, participate in concerts, competitions, exhibitions and quizzes. The developed ability of imagination, typical for children of primary school age, gradually loses its activity as the age increases.

Summing up the results of the paragraph, we come to the following conclusion.

A child of primary school age, in the conditions of upbringing and education, begins to occupy a new place in the system of social relations accessible to him. This is primarily due to his admission to school, which imposes certain social duties on the child, requiring a conscious and responsible attitude towards it, and with his new position in the family, where he also receives new duties. At primary school age, the child for the first time becomes, both at school and in the family, a member of a real work collective, which is the main condition for the formation of his personality. The consequence of this new position of the child in the family and at school is a change in the nature of the child's activities. Live in organized by the school and the teacher in a collective leads to the development of complex, social feelings in the child and to the practical mastery of the most important forms and rules of social behavior. The transition to the systematic assimilation of knowledge at school is a fundamental fact that forms the personality of a younger student and gradually restructures his cognitive processes.

The range of creative tasks solved at the initial stage of education is unusually wide in complexity - from finding a malfunction in a motor or solving a puzzle, to inventing a new machine or scientific discovery, but their essence is the same: when they are solved, an experience of creativity occurs, a new path is found, or something new is created. This is where the special qualities of the mind are required, such as observation, the ability to compare and analyze, combine, find connections and dependencies, patterns, etc. all that in the aggregate constitutes creative abilities.

Creative activity, which is more complex in its essence, is available only to a person.

There is a great “formula” that opens the veil over the secret of the birth of a creative mind: “First, open the truth known to many, then open the truths known to some, and finally open the truths unknown to anyone.” Apparently, this is the path to the formation of the creative side of the intellect, the path to the development of inventive talent. Our duty is to help the child embark on this path..

The school always has a goal: to create conditions for the formation of a personality capable of creativity and ready to serve modern production. Therefore, the elementary school, working for the future, should be focused on the development of the creative abilities of the individual.

Chapter 2. Pedagogical conditions for the development of creative abilities of primary school students.

In the first chapter, we examined the essence of the concept of ability, the conditions for the transition of natural inclinations into abilities, and the characteristics of the creative abilities of a younger student.

In the second chapter, we reveal the pedagogical conditions for the development of the child's creative personality both in extracurricular and extracurricular activities, and in class activities.

2.1. The study of the development of creative abilities.

The topic of our research was to determine the conditions for the development of the creative abilities of a child of primary school age, the characteristics of which were given in the first chapter of the thesis

The focus of our work is children of primary school age. As we noted above, this age is the most favorable for the development of the imagination and creativity of the individual. Younger school age characterized by the activation of the functions of the imagination, first recreating, and then creative.

Scientific analysis of the problem, the practice of the work of educational institutions shows that developmental work does not have an effective result if it is not based on a preliminary and current study of the level of development of a particular ability of the child. D.B. Elkonin pointed out the controllability of the development of abilities, the need to take into account the initial level and control the development process, which contributes to the choice of directions in subsequent work. Therefore, the first step in our research work was the study of the development of creative abilities of primary school students No. 9 of the city of Mariinsk, which became the starting point for constructing a formative experiment.

Research by scientists convincingly proves that the basis of many gaps in the development of a child's creative abilities is a low level of development of a person's culture.

Based on the understanding of culture as:

a) systems of specific human activities;

b) the totality of spiritual values;

c) the process of self-realization of the creative essence of man.

we have identified the following components of the object of study (creativity), which can be the basis for identifying diagnostic parameters, as well as guidelines that determine the goals and objectives of the content and the effectiveness of educational activities:

  1. Literacy
  2. Competence
  3. Value-semantic component
  4. Reflection
  5. cultural creativity

Literacy is the basics of culture, in particular knowledge about creative abilities, from which its development begins, taking into account age and individual characteristics.

Literacy means the acquisition of knowledge, which can manifest itself in outlook, erudition, awareness, both in terms of scientific knowledge and in terms of everyday experience, drawn from traditions, customs, direct communication of a person with other people. Literacy involves mastering the system of signs and their meanings. (18, from 75.)

In the definition of competence, we adhere to the definition given in the work of M.A. Kholodny: "Competence is a special type of organization of subject-specific knowledge, which allows making effective decisions in the relevant field of activity."

The main difference between literacy and competence is that a literate person knows, understands (for example, how to behave in a given situation), and a competent person can really and effectively use knowledge in solving certain problems. The tasks of developing competence are not just to know more and better about the costume, but to include this knowledge in life practice.

Creativity is a set of personally significant and personally valuable aspirations, ideals, beliefs, views, positions, relationships, beliefs, human activities, relationships with others.

Value, unlike the norm, implies a choice, which is why, in situations of choice, the characteristics related to the value-semantic component of human culture are most clearly defined.

Reflection is tracking the goals, process and results of one's activity in the appropriation of culture, awareness of those internal changes that are taking place, as well as oneself as a changing personality, subject of activity and relationships.

Cultural creativity means that a person already in childhood is not only a creation of culture, but also its creator. Creativity is inherent in development already at preschool age. These components do not exist in isolation from each other.

They are not opposed, but only conditionally divided into processes of development of creativity.

Relationships can appear between almost all components; the organization of reflection allows to achieve transformations in the value-semantic sphere, which can affect the improvement of literacy and competence.

Since our experiment is practice-oriented, we used empirical research methods. Based on the parameters identified by some scientists (literacy, competence, creativity), based on the sections of the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of a child of primary school age, we developed a set of diagnostic tasks that were aimed at determining the degree of severity fantasies of each child, which gave us initial ideas about the development of his creative imagination

To more accurately determine the level of development of students' creative abilities, it is necessary to analyze and evaluate each independently completed creative task. The pedagogical assessment of the results of the creative activity of students was carried out by us using the “Fantasy” scale, developed by G.S. Altshuller to assess the presence of fantastic ideas and, thus, allowing to assess the level of imagination (the scale is adapted to the junior school question by M.S. Gafitulin, T.A. Sidorchuk).

The Fantasy scale includes five indicators:

  • novelty (assessed on a 4-level scale: copying an object (situation, phenomenon), minor change in the prototype, obtaining a fundamentally new object (situation, phenomenon));
  • persuasiveness (convincing is a reasonable idea described by the child with sufficient certainty).

Data scientific works they say that research conducted in real life is legitimate if it is aimed at improving the educational environment in which the child is formed, contributing to social practice, at creating pedagogical conditions conducive to the development of creativity in the child.

Our initial research showed the need for painstaking and purposeful work with more than half of the students to develop their creative abilities, which stimulated us to identify and create conditions conducive to the development of creative abilities.

We assumed that the greatest effect in the development of the creative abilities of a younger student can be

  • daily inclusion of creative tasks and exercises in the educational process,
  • implementation of circle or optional classes according to a specially designed program,
  • involvement of students in creative interaction of an applied nature with peers and adults by connecting the families of students,

Didactic and plot - role-playing games in the classroom and outside of class

Excursions, observations;

Creative workshops;

Trainings conducted by the psychologist of an educational institution.

Analysis of the results of diagnostics of the development of creative abilities of younger students was carried out through a system of creative tasks, which allowed:

* to form requirements for a system of tasks that will allow you to purposefully develop these abilities;

* consider the content of various training courses as a resource for tasks for younger students;

* offer ways to organize the creative activity of students and tools for pedagogical diagnostics;

* formulate organizational requirements for the learning process at the primary level of the school.

All this made it possible to concretize and solve the problem of developing the creative abilities of younger students through a system of creative tasks.

2.2. The development of the child's creative abilities in educational activities.

Adhering to the position of scientists who believe that the most appropriate form of development of creative (creative) abilities is teaching the creative activity of younger students. For such training, at the first stage of our experimental work we have chosen a lesson.

Lesson - remains the main form of education and upbringing of primary school students. It is within the framework of the educational activity of a junior schoolchild that, first of all, the tasks of developing his imagination and thinking, fantasy, ability to analyze and synthesize (isolate the structure of an object, identify relationships, understand the principles of organization, create a new one) are solved.

It should be noted that modern educational programs for younger students imply solving the problems of developing the child's creative abilities in educational activities.

So, as part of the implementation of the program on literary reading, the work of a primary school teacher should be aimed not only at developing reading skills, but also at:

  • development of creative and recreative imagination of students,
  • enrichment of the moral, aesthetic and cognitive experience of the child.
  • At the same time, the choice of forms, methods, means for solving the designated tasks traditionally causes difficulties for primary school teachers.

Any activity, including creative, can be represented

in the form of certain tasks. I.E. Unt defines creative tasks as “…tasks requiring creative activity from students, in which the student himself must find a way to solve, apply knowledge in new conditions, create something subjectively (sometimes objectively) new”

The effectiveness of the development of creative abilities largely depends on the material on the basis of which the task was compiled. Based on the analysis of psychological, pedagogical and scientific and methodological literature (G.S. Altshuller, V.A. Bukhvalov, A.A. Danilov, A.M. Matyushkin and others), we identified the following requirements for creative tasks:

  • compliance with the conditions of the chosen methods of creativity;
  • the possibility of different solutions;
  • accounting current level solutions;
  • taking into account the age interests of students.

Considering these requirements, we have built a system of creative tasks, which is understood as an ordered set of interrelated tasks focused on objects, situations, phenomena and aimed at developing the creative abilities of younger students in the educational process.

The system of creative tasks includes target, content, activity and result components.

We have replaced the traditional assignments for writing essays in the Russian language lessons with cooperation in the cool handwritten magazine “Fireflies”. In order to get their creative work on the pages of the magazine, students must not only spell correctly write the work, but also be creative in its design. All this stimulates younger students to independent, without pressure from adults, the desire to write poetry, fairy tales.

No less opportunities for the development of creative abilities of students have lessons in natural history, environmental culture. One of the most important tasks is the education of a humane, creative personality, the formation of a careful attitude to the riches of nature and society. We sought to consider the available cognitive material in an inseparable, organic unity with the development of the child's creative abilities, to form a holistic view of the world and a person's place in it.

At the lessons of labor training, a lot of work is done to develop creative thinking and imagination in children of primary school age.

An analysis of textbooks for elementary school (a set of textbooks “School of Russia”) showed that the creative tasks contained in them are mainly classified as “conditionally creative”, the product of which are essays, presentations, drawings, crafts, etc. Part of the tasks is aimed at developing the intuition of students; finding multiple answers; creative tasks that require permission are not offered by any of the programs used in schools.

The proposed tasks involve the use in the creative activity of younger students mainly of methods based on intuitive procedures (such as the method of enumeration of options, morphological analysis, analogy, etc.). Modeling, a resource approach, and some fantasizing techniques are actively used. However, the programs do not provide for the purposeful development of students' creative abilities.

Meanwhile, for the effective development of the creative abilities of schoolchildren, the use of heuristic methods should be combined with the use of algorithmic methods of creativity.

Particular attention is paid to the creative activity of the student himself. The content of creative activity refers to its two forms - external and internal. The external content of education is characterized by the educational environment, the internal content is the property of the individual himself, created on the basis of the student's personal experience as a result of his activity.

When selecting the content for the system of creative tasks, we took into account two factors:

  1. The fact that the creative activity of younger schoolchildren is carried out mainly on the problems already solved by society,
  2. Creative possibilities of the content of primary school subjects.

Each of the selected groups is one of the components of the creative activity of students, has its own purpose, content, offers the use certain methods performs certain functions. Thus, each group of tasks is a necessary condition for the student to accumulate subjective creative experience.

Group 1 - "Knowledge".

The goal is the accumulation of creative experience of cognition of reality.

Acquired Skills:

  • to study objects, situations, phenomena on the basis of selected features - color, shape, size, material, purpose, time, location, part-whole;
  • to consider in the contradictions that determine their development;
  • to model phenomena, taking into account their features, system connections, quantitative and qualitative characteristics, patterns of development.

Group 2 - "Creation".

The goal is the accumulation by students of creative experience in creating objects of situations, phenomena.

The ability to create original creative products is acquired, which involves:

* obtaining a qualitatively new idea of ​​the subject of creative activity;

* Orientation to the ideal end result of the development of the system;

* rediscovery of already existing objects and phenomena with the help of dialectical logic.

Group 3 - "Transformation".

The goal is the acquisition of creative experience in the transformation of objects, situations, phenomena.

Acquired Skills:

  • simulate fantastic (real) changes appearance systems (shape, color, material, arrangement of parts, etc.);
  • simulate change internal structure systems;
  • take into account when changing properties of the system, resources, the dialectical nature of objects, situations, phenomena.

Group 4 - "Use in a new capacity."

The goal is the accumulation by students of the experience of a creative approach to the use of existing objects, situations, phenomena.

Acquired Skills:

  • consider the objects of the situation, phenomena from different points of view;
  • find fantastic applications for real-life systems;
  • carry out the transfer of functions to various areas of application;
  • get a positive effect by using the negative qualities of systems, universalization, obtaining systemic effects.

In order to accumulate creative experience, the student must be aware (reflect) of the process of performing creative tasks.

The organization of students' awareness of their own creative activity involves current and final reflection.

Current reflection is implemented in the process of students performing tasks in workbook and involves self-fixation of the level of achievement of students (emotional mood, acquisition new information and practical experience, the degree of personal advancement based on previous experience).

The final reflection involves the periodic performance of thematic examinations.

Both at the current and at the final stage of reflection, the teacher fixes what methods for solving creative tasks students use, and draws a conclusion about the progress of students, about the level of development of creative thinking and imagination.

By reflexive actions in our work, we understood

  • willingness and ability of students to think creatively to overcome problem situations;
  • the ability to acquire new meaning and values;
  • ability to set and decide non-standard tasks in conditions of collective and individual activity;
  • ability to adapt in unusual interpersonal systems of relations;
  • humanity (determined by a positive transformation aimed at creation);
  • artistic value (estimated by the degree of use of expressive means when presenting an idea);
  • subjective assessment (given without substantiation and evidence, at the level of likes or dislikes). This methodology can be supplemented with an indicator of the level of the method used.

Thus, the organization of the creative activity of younger students, taking into account the chosen strategy, involves the introduction of the following changes in the educational process:

  • involvement of students in systematic joint creative activity based on personal-activity interaction, focused on cognition, creation, transformation, use of objects of material and spiritual culture in a new quality, the obligatory result of which should be the receipt of a creative product;
  • systematic use of creative methods that ensure the advancement of students in the development of creative abilities by accumulating experience in creative activity when performing gradually more complex creative tasks as part of an additional curriculum;
  • intermediate and final diagnosis of creative abilities of younger students.

2.3. Implementation of the program “Creativity Lessons”.

Implementation of the program of creative tasks within the framework of academic disciplines elementary school succeeds only in the first grade. Starting from the second grade, the lack of tasks containing contradictions in the subjects and the lack of time to master the methods of organizing the creative activity of students compensates optional course "Lessons of creativity".

The main objectives of the course:

  • development of a productive, spatial, controlled imagination;
  • training in the purposeful use of heuristic methods to perform creative tasks.

In the explanatory note to the program, that the course is designed for 102 academic hours from the second grade of a four-year elementary school (34,34,34 hours, respectively) and contains about 500 tasks of a creative nature, however, based on the results of the initial diagnosis of the development of creative abilities of our experimental class, we did our thematic planning as part of extracurricular activities with students in grades 2 and 3.

Thematic planning of the course "Lessons of creativity".

Sections 2 classes

Number of hours

Sections 3 classes

Number of hours

Sections 4 classes

Number of hours

Object and its features

Bi - and polysystems

Human Resources

Laws of system development


Fantasizing techniques

Techniques for resolving contradictions

Methods for activating thinking


Qualities of a creative person

To organize the content of the course, an approach was used that allows parallel inclusion of creative tasks focused on cognition, the creation, transformation and use of objects, situations, phenomena of various levels of complexity, which ensures progress in the development of students in an individual mode, while maintaining the integrity of the learning system.

So, for example, in the section “Object and its features” when studying the topic

“Form” tasks focused on knowledge “Creation and transformation of objects” were used (make a riddle; think up new form; divide into groups; connect objects of the natural and technical world, similar in shape; find objects similar to a circle, square, triangle). And in the topic

“Material” - tasks for the knowledge, creation and use of objects in a new capacity (“What from what?”, “Make a riddle”, “Find a new use for an old rubber toy”, “think up new material and explain how to use it).

According to the principles of the personal-activity approach, all completed creative tasks ended with practical activities that are meaningful and accessible to younger students - visual activity, schematization, construction, writing fairy tales (stories), compiling riddles, descriptions, comparisons, metaphors, proverbs, fantastic plots. The development of students' creative abilities is considered from the standpoint of personal acquisitions, the continuous "building up" of the experience of creative activity by each student.

We presented the activities for the implementation of the system of creative tasks in four areas focused on;

1) knowledge of objects, situations, phenomena;

2) creation of new objects, situations, phenomena;

3) transformation of objects, situations, phenomena;

4) the use of objects, situations, phenomena in a new quality.

Let us dwell on the main points of the implementation of the selected areas at various levels of complexity.

“Lessons of creativity” were realized in the following directions.


The implementation of the first direction of work involves the implementation by students of creative tasks focused on the knowledge of objects, situations, phenomena in order to accumulate experience in creative activity. They are represented by the following thematic series: “Yes-No”, “Signs”, “Natural world”, “Technical world”, “Human organism”, “Theatrical”, “Fantastic stories”, “What is good?” These tasks involve the use of dichotomy methods, control questions, and individual fantasizing techniques.

"Creating a New"

When implementing the second direction, students perform creative tasks focused on creating a new one:

  • "My business card";
  • "Compose a riddle";
  • “Come up with your own color (shape, material, sign)”;
  • “Picture your memory”;
  • “Come up with a fairy tale (story) about……..”;
  • “Invent a new balloon (shoes, clothes)”;
  • “Invent a telephone for the deaf”, etc.

To complete these tasks, we used separate fantasizing techniques (splitting, combining, shifting in time, increasing, decreasing, vice versa) and methods of activating thinking - synectics, the method of focal objects, morphological analysis, control questions. The mastering of the methods took place mainly in group activities, followed by collective discussion.

“Object Transformation”

To create the experience of creative activity, students were asked to perform the following tasks on the transformation of objects, situations, phenomena:

  • "The Rover on Mars";
  • “Fruit Packing Problem”;
  • “The problem of drying gunpowder”;
  • “Problem about separation of a microbe”;
  • “Come up with a label for a bottle of poison”, etc.;

As a result of the implementation, the students have expanded the possibilities of transforming objects, situations, phenomena by changing intra-system relationships, replacing system properties, and identifying additional system resources.

“Use in a new capacity”

A feature of the organization of work on creative tasks is the use of a resource approach in combination with previously used methods. Students perform the following creative tasks:

  • “Find a use for the discovery of the ancients in our days”;
  • “Baboons and tangerines”;
  • “Problem about the publicity stunt”;
  • “The problem of the first people on the moon”;
  • Series of tasks “Problems of the third millennium”;
  • “Winnie the Pooh decides out loud”;
  • "Narnia" etc.

As a result of their implementation under the guidance of a teacher, students were able to master the ability to quickly find an original application for the properties shown in an object.

Repeated diagnostics according to previously selected indicators led us to the following conclusions:

The systematic conduct of extracurricular activities, the use of algorithmic methods made it possible to expand the possibilities of children in the transformation of objects, they achieved the transformation of ideas, various operations.


In the process of research, we analyzed in detail the essential

characteristics of abilities, their theoretical aspects, pedagogical management of the process of development of creative abilities in a school environment. Creativity as a formative concept seems to us especially important and relevant today.

The problem of pedagogical management of the development of creative abilities was considered by us from different angles: we used the program of the author G.V. Terekhova “Creativity Lessons”, which can be used as a course in optional classes.

This problem is reflected in the educational and leisure activities of the school.

We have made an attempt to build a system

performing creative tasks at each lesson in the process of teaching younger students. By the system of creative tasks, we mean an ordered set of interrelated tasks focused on knowledge, creation, transformation in a new quality objects, situations and phenomena of educational reality.

One of the pedagogical conditions for the effectiveness of the system of creative tasks is the personal-activity interaction of students and the teacher in the process of their implementation. Its essence lies in the inseparability of direct and reverse effects, the organic combination of changes in the subjects influencing each other, the awareness of interaction as co-creation.

In the course of experimental work, we came to the conclusion that one of the pedagogical conditions for the effectiveness of the system of creative tasks is the personal-activity interaction of students and teacher in the course of their implementation. Its essence lies in the inseparability of direct and reverse effects, the organic combination of changes that affect each other, the understanding of interaction as co-creation.

The personal-activity interaction of a teacher and students in the process of organizing creative activity is understood as a combination of organizational forms of education, a binary approach to the choice of methods and a creative style of activity.

With this approach, the organizational function of the teacher is strengthened, it involves the choice of optimal methods, forms, techniques, and the function of the student is to acquire the skills of organizing independent creative activity, choosing the way to perform a creative task, the nature of interpersonal relationships in the creative process.

All these measures will allow children to be actively involved as subjects in all types of creative activity.

The accumulation by each student of the experience of independent creative activity involves the active use of collective, individual and group forms of work at various stages of performing creative tasks.

The individual form allows you to activate the personal experience of the student, develops the ability to independently identify a specific problem for solution.

The group form develops the ability to coordinate one's point of view with the opinion of comrades, the ability to listen and analyze the areas of search proposed by group members.

The collective form expands the ability of students to analyze the current situation in a wider interaction with peers, parents, teachers, provides the child with the opportunity to find out different points of view on solving a creative problem.

Thus, the effectiveness of the work being done is largely determined by the nature of the relationship between students. and between students and teachers.

In this regard, some conclusions and recommendations can be drawn:

The results of our observations, the questioning of students and their parents indicate that the child's creative abilities develop in all types of activities that are significant to him, provided that the following conditions are met:

  • the presence of an interest formed in children in performing creative tasks;
  • the implementation of creative tasks as the most important component of not only classroom, but also extracurricular activities of the student;
  • uniting by a common thematic and problematic core of educational and extracurricular forms of work, in which children learn to reflect on the problems of creativity and translate these reflections into practical activities;

Creative work should unfold in the interaction of children with each other and adults, be lived by them depending on specific conditions in interesting game and event situations;

Encourage students' parents to create home conditions for the development of the child's creative abilities, include parents in the creative affairs of the school.


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Explanatory note


Primary school age is a particularly important period of the child's psychological development, the intensive development of all mental functions, the formation of complex activities, the laying of the foundations of creative abilities, the formation of the structure of motives and needs, moral standards, self-esteem, elements of volitional regulation of behavior.

“Creativity and personality”, “creative personality and society”, “creativity” - this is an incomplete list of issues that are in the focus of attention of psychologists, teachers, parents.

Creativity is a complex mental process associated with the character, interests, abilities of the individual.

Imagination is his focus.

A new product received by a person in creativity can be objectively new (a socially significant discovery) and subjectively new (a discovery for oneself). The development of the creative process, in turn, enriches the imagination, expands the knowledge, experience and interests of the child.

Creative activity develops the feelings of children, contributes to a more optimal and intensive development of higher mental functions,

such as memory, thinking. perception, attention

The latter, in turn, determine the success of the child's studies.

Creative activity develops the personality of the child, helps him to assimilate moral and moral norms. By creating a work of creativity, the child reflects in them his understanding life values, their personality traits. Children of primary school age love to make art. They sing and dance with enthusiasm. they sculpt and draw, compose fairy tales, and are engaged in folk crafts. Creativity makes a child's life richer, fuller, more joyful. Children are able to engage in creativity regardless of personal complexes. An adult, often critically evaluating his creative abilities, is embarrassed to show them.

Every child has their own. only his inherent features that can be recognized early enough.

Program goal:

  • development of systematic, dialectical thinking;
  • development of a productive, spatial, controlled imagination;
  • training in the purposeful use of heuristic and algorithmic methods to perform creative tasks.

Program objectives:

1. create conditions for the development of students' creative abilities.

2. contribute to the education of aesthetic feelings, susceptibility

child to the world, and appreciation of the beautiful.

Basic working methods:

individual, group, collective.

Classes are structured in such a way that there is a frequent change in activities, while the principle from complex to simpler is observed during each task, dynamic pauses are held. Many younger students need to develop sensory and motor skills, so the classes include exercises to develop graphic skills, fine motor skills of the hand.

Reflection at the end of the lesson includes a discussion with the children about what they learned in the lesson and what they liked the most.

This program is designed for 68 academic hours from the second grade of a four-year elementary school (34.34 hours, respectively) and contains about 500 creative tasks.

We presented the activities for the implementation of the system of creative tasks in four areas focused on:

  1. knowledge of objects, situations, phenomena;
  2. creation of new objects, situations, phenomena;
  3. transformation of objects, situations, phenomena;
  4. the use of objects, situations, phenomena in a new quality.

Structure and content of the program:

The entire course of study is a system of interrelated topics that reveal the diverse connections of objective practical activity in nature with the world of creativity and art.

In order to develop creative abilities, children are included in various forms and activities.

The name of the program “Creativity Lessons” is not accidental.

The idea of ​​the program is an individual, group, collective approach, after each lesson there is a reflection each student analyzes his attitude to the lessons, whether he succeeded creative work.

In this regard, the purpose of this work is to draw up a program for the development of creative abilities of children of primary school age.

The program for the development of younger schoolchildren makes it possible to positively influence the formation of the personality of a growing person through a system of classes, to trace the dynamics of changes in personality development, and to obtain grounds for predicting the further course of the child's mental development.

Techniques and methods of working with children correspond to the age and individual psychological characteristics of younger students.

Thematic planning for grade 2

Topic name

Number of hours


Object and its features

The natural and technical world

Object and its features



Human Resources

sense organs




Independent creative work

Fantasizing techniques

On the contrary, fragmentation-combination

Animation, movable - immobile

Shift in time, increase-decrease.

Problem solving

Methods for activating thinking

Selection method, morphological analysis

Focal object method

Independent creative work

Thematic planning for grade 3

the date Topic name Number of hours
September Repetition 1
System 8
Systems function 1
System Resources 1
Perfect end result 1
October Problem solving 2
System - man 1
November 1
Laws of systems development 10
Law of Systems Development 1
Law of Completeness of Parts 1
December Law of S-shaped development of systems 1
January The law of agreement - mismatch 1
Problem solving 2
Independent creative work 1
Modeling 10
Order in the "brain attic"
Algorithm 1
Formulation of the problem 1
February Models 1
March Task Models 1
April Modeling by little people 3
Problem solving 1
April Independent creative work 1
Analogues 6
Analogues 1
Nature and technology 2
Analogues in creative tasks 2
May Independent creative work 1
Results: 34

Subject parent meetings in 2nd grade

Topics for parent meetings in grade 3.

The use of creative tasks in the educational activities of younger students

Thematic series

Job types

Possibilities of educational subjects


Creation of theatrical effects, development of costumes for scenery, staging finds

Cognition, creation, transformation, use in a new capacity.

Artistic work, literary reading.

"Natural World"

Finding correspondences between natural and technical objects, studying the possibilities of natural analogues for the development of technology

Creation, transformation

The world


Relationship analysis

heroes of the works of Clive Staples Lewis

knowledge, creation

extracurricular reading

"Winnie the Pooh decides out loud"

Solving problems in fairy-tale situations from the works of J. Rodari, L. Carroll,

A.A.Milna, J.Tolkien, A.Lindgren, N.A.Nekrasov, Russian folk tales, myths ancient greece; writing fairy tales, stories

Creation, transformation, use in a new capacity

Literacy education

Literary reading

"Natural World"

The study of animals, the formation of a humane attitude of man to nature, the cultivation of cultivated plants, the study of the senses. memory. thinking, attention, natural and social features person; studying the problems of people with disabilities

Cognition, creation, transformation, use in a new capacity

literacy education,

The world

Literary reading

Russian language


Solving and compiling tasks for attention, encryption puzzles, tasks with matches, charades, crosswords

Creation, transformation


The world

Literacy education

Literary reading

Russian language


The study of the signs of objects (colors, shapes, sizes, materials, destinations, location in space, natural phenomena; drawing up riddles, metaphors, comparisons

Knowledge, creation, transformation,

new use


The world

Literacy education

Literary reading

Russian language


Studying the problems associated with human spaceflight: troubleshooting, water supply, operation of equipment in conditions of other planets; performance in a state of weightlessness

Creation, transformation, use in a new capacity

Literacy education

Artistic labor

The world

"Land of Unfinished Business"

Consideration of problems identified by students from various fields of knowledge

Transformation, use in a new capacity

The world