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Levels of development of pedagogical activity. Pedagogical excellence. Innovative activity of a teacher as a way to professional modeling

1) reproductive level. The teacher knows how to tell others what he knows himself. This level of N.V. Kuzmina refers to unproductive;

2) adaptive level. The teacher can tailor his message to the characteristics of the audience. This is an unproductive level;

3) locally modeling level. The teacher owns the strategies for teaching students in individual sections of the course. He is able to formulate a pedagogical goal, select the means to achieve it, present the result of the progress of students in educational and cognitive activities. The level is medium productive.

4. The level that systematically models the knowledge of students. The teacher of this level owns the strategies for the formation of a system of knowledge, skills, and abilities in the subject as a whole. Level - productive.

5. Level systemically modeling the activities and behavior of students. The teacher of this level, unlike the previous one, has strategies for turning his subject into a means of forming the personality of students. This level is considered highly productive.

Teachers of the first two levels do not have special pedagogical abilities, only general talent is manifested. They appear only at the third level. At the fourth and fifth levels, pedagogical talent is manifested. The manifestation of pedagogical abilities increases with an increase in the level of productivity pedagogical activity.

learning task as structural component educational activity.

The most important component in the structure of studies. activity - educational task - it is offered to the student as a specific educational task, the formulation of which is important for the solution and its result. According to A.N. Leontiev, a task is a goal given under certain conditions. The main difference between the educational task and other various tasks is that its goal and result are to change the very subject of learning. actions, and not in changing the objects with which he acts (D.B. Elkonin). Almost all of the teaching activity presented as a system of educational tasks (D.B. Elbkonin, V.V. Davydov, A.G. Ball) they are given in the definition. textbook situations and involve the implementation of appropriate learning activities (subject, control, auxiliary). The structure of studies. The task consists of 2 components (A.G. Ball): 1 - the subject of the task in the initial state; 2- model of the required state of the learning task.

A procedure that provides a solution to the study. tasks, name the way to solve it (A.G. Ball). When study. problem solved. in one way, then the student's goal is to find him, and when the problem can be solved in several ways - uch. chooses the shortest and most economical way. At the same time, experience in the application of knowledge is accumulated, this contributes to the development of logical search techniques, the improvement of the mental abilities of children. At the beginning, students do not know how to set and solve studies. tasks - this function is performed by the teacher. Acceptance of the learning task by the student occurs when the teacher explains why it is necessary to complete the learning task. At this time, the student always compares the learning task with the meaning of the teaching for himself, with all the possibilities, that is, he defines or redefines it.

E.I. Mashbitssformulated. crazy. requirements for educational tasks: 1- More than one textbook should be designed. ass., and their set; 2- When designing a textbook system. ass it is necessary that it ensures the achievement of not only immediate, but also distant educational goals; 3- Proc. ass should ensure the assimilation of the system of means necessary for successful implementation. textbook deyat; 4- Study. ass should cost. in such a way that the means of action that need to be learned act as a direct product of training (this is the executive part) and (the orientation and control parts are a by-product).

This article describes the main pedagogical and psychological approaches to assessing the professional competence of a teacher. Diagnostic principles for determining professionalism, quality levels and basic elements are given. pedagogical competence.

The characterization of the essence and methods of a teacher's professional activity involves an analysis of its quality. In the psychological and pedagogical literature, many concepts are used to characterize pedagogical activity. These are “professional competence”, “pedagogical skill”, “professionalism”. They are interpreted by many authors in various senses and modifications. We will understand quality in the context of a teacher's professional work as a set of objective and subjective prerequisites for the performance of activities, the process of activity itself and its results, which are in varying degrees of compliance or inconsistency with the norms of professional pedagogical activity. Various authors have developed various variants and models of professionally significant personality traits. Here are just some approaches to determining the professionalism of an employee. N. V. Kuzmina defines professionalism as a qualitative characteristic of a subject of activity, a representative of a profession, which is determined by the measure of his possession of modern means of solving professional problems, productive ways of its implementation. Analyzing pedagogical activity, N. V. Kuzmina identifies five of its functional elements: gnostic, design, constructive, organizational, communicative. Depending on the results of the activity, the professionalism of each teacher can be characterized by one of the levels:

  1. reproductive- knows how to tell others what he knows himself;
  2. adaptive- knows how to adapt his message to the audience of listeners;
  3. locally-simulating- owns strategies for the formation of a system of knowledge, skills, abilities, relationships for individual sections of the course, program:
  4. system modeling knowledge- owns strategies for the formation of a system of knowledge, skills, abilities for the course as a whole;
  5. system modeling creativity- owns strategies for turning his subject into a means of forming creative personality capable of self-development in new conditions.

Teachers located at reproductive level activities, wholly absorbed by the subject taught, its retelling, close to the text.

On the adaptive level activity number structural elements pedagogical system and the connections between them are increasing. The teacher is looking for ways to adapt educational information to the audience. But at the same time, the main thing is information.

On the local modeling level activity, sufficient knowledge of information allows the teacher to start searching in various ways of presenting it. He is able to accumulate psychological knowledge about the group and about individual students.

On the system modeling level knowledge, the goals of the pedagogical system fall into the zone of active attention of the teacher. Only at this level of activity does the question arise as to what extent individual system the work of the teacher is subordinated to the target result.

System modeling level creativity corresponds to the highest skill of the teacher, when his attention is focused on the personality of the student, when the teacher turns subject as a means of forming the student's creative personality, capable of professional and personal self-affirmation.

The next no less important aspect of the teacher's activity is the question of pedagogical abilities. They are defined as individual, stable personality characteristics, consisting of a specific sensitivity to the object, process and results, which allows finding productive ways to solve problems in specific conditions. Pedagogical abilities are considered as a functioning system, therefore the main criterion of abilities is the result of activity.

The study of the issues of structure, functions of general and special abilities, requirements for a teacher made it possible to proceed to the study of one of the most important characteristics teaching staff- their professional competence.

As the main elements of pedagogical competence, N.V. Kuzmina highlights the following:

  1. Special competence in the field of the taught discipline.
  2. Methodological competence in the field of methods of formation of knowledge, skills and abilities of students.
  3. Psychological and pedagogical competence in the field of education.
  4. Differential-psychological competence in the field of motives, abilities, orientation of trainees.
  5. Reflection of pedagogical activity or autopsychological competence.

Special competence includes in-depth knowledge, qualifications and experience in the field of the taught subject in which the training is conducted; knowledge of ways to solve technical, creative problems.

Methodical competence includes ownership various methods learning, knowledge of didactic methods, techniques and the ability to apply them in the learning process, knowledge of the psychological mechanisms of mastering knowledge and skills in the learning process.

Psychological and pedagogical competence implies possession pedagogical diagnostics, the ability to build pedagogically expedient relationships with students, to carry out individual work based on the results of pedagogical diagnostics; knowledge developmental psychology, psychology of interpersonal and pedagogical communication; the ability to awaken and develop in students a steady interest in the chosen specialty, in the subject being taught.

Differential psychological competence includes the ability to identify personal characteristics, attitudes and orientation of trainees, to determine and take into account the emotional state of people; the ability to competently build relationships with managers, colleagues, students.

Autopsychological competence implies the ability to realize the level of one's own activity, one's abilities; knowledge about the ways of professional self-improvement; the ability to see the causes of shortcomings in their work, in themselves; desire for self-improvement.

Now we come to the analysis of the quality and criteria for evaluating the activities of the teacher. We note right away that today scientists, methodologists, employees of educational institutions have accumulated a huge amount of analytical material, but so far there are no clear and scientifically based criteria for evaluating the work of teachers. This happens for three reasons.

Firstly, everything that is somehow connected with the peculiarities of pedagogical activity becomes the criteria, and it is forgotten that the criteria are only features used as a “measurement of work” of a teacher.

Secondly, the authors, who give a list of various criteria, seem to stop halfway: the principle of activity is not fully maintained, the analysis ends at the composition level, without moving to the systematization of individual elements, their logical ordering, identifying the share of each of the elements in the whole system.

There are three blocks of criteria for assessing general pedagogical skills: a block of criteria for assessing general pedagogical skills, a block of criteria for assessing special skills, and a block of criteria for assessing the results of a teacher's activities (mainly the skills and abilities of students).

The most simplified model, reflecting the category of quality of pedagogical activity, includes its three levels:

  1. normative
  2. transformative
  3. creative.

Regulatory level typical for teachers focused on the standard, the reference quality of pedagogical activity, striving for its preservation and maintenance.

Transformation level quality implies the achievement of a positive result of pedagogical activity through the development and search for a new one, which, as a rule, is already being implemented somewhere, by someone. Teachers working at this level of quality more fully reflect their individuality in pedagogical activity, they are characterized by a focus on the norms of individual progress.

Creative level - is more focused on norms, ideals that set long-term goals in this type of activity, and individual norms. It is typical for teachers research work who have their own teaching methods, are constantly in creative search.

The accumulated experience in the certification of teaching and management personnel convinces us that when studying the professional competence of teaching staff of educational institutions, they are guided by the following basic diagnostic requirements:

  1. The study of professional competence should be aimed at identifying individual characteristics professional growth.
  2. Assessment of professional and pedagogical competence should be carried out not only by comparing the results obtained with any norms, average values, but also by comparing them with the results of previous diagnostics (not necessarily carried out in connection with certification) in order to identify the nature of progress in development, professional growth teacher.
  3. Diagnostics of professional competence is needed not only to identify current level but also to identify possible individual ways of improvement.
  4. The study of professional and pedagogical competence should be based on introspection, self-diagnosis of the effectiveness of the professional activities of teachers and leaders to create motivation for self-improvement and professional growth.
  5. The level of professional competence should be considered as a meaningful characteristic of the teacher's activity, and the process of self-improvement, professional growth - as a development, a change in qualitatively unique stages of activity.

You can not use the results of diagnostics for "having labels", they should be guided by the construction of a reasonable system of work with personnel. The study of the work of engineering and pedagogical personnel on a diagnostic basis makes it possible to work on the generalization and dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience.

The specific conditions for the activities of educational institutions and the teachers themselves determine the need to comply with the following rules:

  1. Diagnostics of the level of professional competence of an employee is important and necessary not as an end in itself, but as a means of identifying the level of professionalism of the entire team educational institution, its pedagogical potential, the capabilities of the team in the implementation of the put forward goals for the development of the institution.
  2. The study of professional competence should not be tied only to the certification of personnel, but should be a continuous process and cover all engineering, teaching and management personnel.
  3. When diagnosing professional competence, it is important to take into account the individual characteristics of the employee.

Basic principles underlying diagnosis:

a) The principle of humanism and optimism, which involves reliance on strengths personality, on human dignity;
b) The principle of complexity, which implies, when studying professional competence, taking into account all the components that make it up;
c) The principle of unity of personality and activity;
d) The principle of reliability and validity of a diagnostic technique;
e) The principle of trust in the results of self-diagnosis of the teacher.

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  7. Krasovsky Yu.D. Organizational behavior. M., 1999.
  8. Krasovsky Yu.D. Managing the behavior of personnel in the company. M., 1997.
  9. Kruden G.J., Sherman A.W. Foreign experience in personnel management. Part III: Ensuring the human resource potential of the organization. M., 2001.
  10. Kunz G., O "Donnell S. Management: system and situational analysis of managerial functions: In 2 vols. Vol. II. M., 1989.
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Levchuk Svetlana Vasilievna, Associate Professor of the Department of Humanities and social and economic disciplines of the Tambov OIPKRO

Pedagogical activity has the same characteristics as any other kind human activity. This is, first of all:




A specific characteristic of pedagogical activity is its productivity. N.V. Kuzmina identifies five levels of productivity of pedagogical activity:

I level - (minimum) reproductive; the teacher can and knows how to tell others what he knows himself; unproductive.

II level - (low) adaptive; the teacher is able to adapt his message to the characteristics of the audience; unproductive.

Level III - (medium) local modeling; the teacher owns strategies for teaching students knowledge, skills, skills in certain sections of the course (i.e., he knows how to formulate a pedagogical goal, be aware of the desired result and select a system and sequence for including students in educational activities; average productive.

IV level - (high) system-modeling knowledge of students; the teacher owns strategies for the formation of the desired system of knowledge, skills and abilities of students in their subject as a whole; productive.

Level V - (highest) system-modeling the activity and behavior of students; the teacher has strategies for turning his subject into a means of shaping the personality of the student, his needs for self-education, self-education, self-development; highly productive.

Pedagogical skill - a complex of personality traits that ensures a high level of self-organization of professional activity. Such important properties include: the humanistic orientation of the teacher's activity, his professional knowledge, pedagogical abilities and pedagogical technique. Pedagogical excellence is a self-organizing system in the personality structure, where the humanistic orientation acts as a system-forming factor, which makes it possible to build the pedagogical process expediently, with the requirements of society. The foundation for the development of a teacher's professional skills, which gives him depth, solidity, meaningfulness of actions, is professional knowledge. Orientation and professional knowledge make up the skeleton, the "skeleton" high level professionalism in activities, which ensures the integrity of a self-organizing system. Pedagogical abilities are the yeast of mastery, ensuring the speed of its improvement. Technique, based on knowledge and abilities, allows all means of influence to be linked to the goal, thereby harmonizing the structure of pedagogical activity.


1. Kuzmina N.V. Essays on the psychology of work of a teacher: Psychological structure activities of the teacher and the formation of his personality. L., 1967.

2. Mitina L.M. The teacher as a person and professional psychological problems). M., 1994.

3. Rean A.A., Bordovskaya N.V., Rozum S.I. Psychology and Pedagogy. SPb., 2000.

4. Rean A.A., Kolominsky Ya.L. Social pedagogical psychology. SPb., 1999.

5. Sukhomlinsky V.A. About education. 3rd ed. M., 1979.

6. Ushinsky K.D. Problems of Pedagogy. M., 2002.

7. Feldstein D.I. Problems of developmental and pedagogical psychology: Fav. psychol. tr. M., 1995.

5. sincere love for children desire to understand and help them.

Levels of pedagogical creativity: reproductive, adaptive, locally modeling, system modeling.

The professionalism of each teacher can be characterized by one of the levels:

1. Reproductive (very low). knows how to tell others what he knows himself;

2. Adaptive (low). knows how to adapt his message to the audience of listeners;

3. Locally modeling (average, sufficient). This level is characterized by high quality in certain areas of educational work with students. owns strategies for the formation of the ZUN system for individual sections of the program;

4. System modeling (higher). This is a manifestation of a creative attitude to all types of activities, the implementation of a scientific search for ways to increase the effectiveness of the educational process. System modeling knowledge – owns strategies for the formation of a system of knowledge, skills, skills for the course as a whole;

System-modeling creativity- owns strategies for turning his subject into a means of forming a creative personality capable of self-development in new conditions.

Teachers who are at the reproductive level of activity are completely absorbed in the subject being taught, its retelling, close to the text.

At the adaptive level, the number of structural elements of the pedagogical system and the links between them increases. The teacher is looking for how to adapt educational information to the characteristics of the audience, but information remains the main thing.

At the local modeling level of activity, sufficient knowledge of information allows the teacher to start looking for different ways of presenting it. At the same time, he is able to accumulate psychological knowledge about the class and about individual students.

At the level of system-modeling knowledge, the goals of the pedagogical system fall into the zone of active attention of the teacher. Only at this level of activity the question arises of the extent to which the individual system of the teacher's work is subordinated to the target result.

The level of system-modeling creativity corresponds to the highest skill of the teacher, when his attention is focused on the personality of the student, when the teacher turns the subject into a means of forming the creative personality of the student, capable of self-development and personal self-affirmation.

in various directions: moral, legal, anti-drug, environmental, labor, economic, aesthetic, physical, etc. The implementation of the content and tasks of each of these areas involves taking into account the specifics of the future professional activities of specialists, the necessary human and professional qualities for this.

Organizational physical education of students includes the following main areas:

General preparatory direction provides comprehensive physical training students and maintaining it at the level of requirements state program physical education.

Sports direction provides specialized systematic classes in one of the sports in the departments of sports improvement (sections), as well as participation in sports competitions in order to improve the level of sportsmanship.

Professional applied direction promotes the use of physical education in relation to the chosen specialty, taking into account its features.

Hygienic direction provides for the use of physical education to restore health and improve health.

Health-improving and recreational direction provides for the use of physical education in the organization of recreation and cultural leisure on weekends and during the holidays to improve health.

Medical direction ensures the restoration of health in general or individual functions of the body, reduced or lost as a result of diseases, injuries.

system of moral values are divided into absolutely eternal, national, civil, family and personal life values ​​(A. Vishnevsky).

1. Absolutely eternal values. These are universal human values ​​that have a universal meaning and an unlimited scope (goodness, truth, love, honesty, dignity, beauty, wisdom, justice).

2. National values. They are significant for one people, but they are not always shared by other peoples.

3. Civic values. They are based on the recognition of the dignity of people and find their application in democratic societies.

4. Family values. They cover the moral foundations of family life, generational relationships, the laws of marital fidelity, caring for children, the memory of ancestors, and the like.

5. Values ​​of personal life. They are important primarily for the person himself, they determine the traits of his character, behavior, her economic success, the style of private life, etc.

parenting method- this is a way of influence of the educator on the consciousness, will and behavior of the pet in order to form the desired qualities in him, the comprehensive harmonious development of the personality.

General methods of education traditionally classified according to their functional orientation. On this basis, the following three groups of methods are distinguished:

Formation of worldview and spiritual and axiological orientations;

Methods of organizing activities and shaping behavior;

Methods of stimulating and correcting the behavior and activities of the individual.

Beliefs - this is a method that provides for a deliberate purposeful impact on the consciousness, will and feelings of pupils in order to form stable beliefs in them.

Example - a method of education that provides for the organization of a role model in order to optimize the process of social inheritance.

methods takes requirement as a method of pedagogical influence on the mind of a pet in order to cause, stimulate or inhibit certain types of its activities.

Exercises - this is a method of education, which provides for a systematic, organized, repeated performance of certain actions in order to master them, increase their effectiveness and form skills and abilities.

method accustoming, which provides for the organization of systematic and regular performance by pupils of certain actions with elements of coercion, obligation in order to form specific behavioral habits.

OK - this is a way of pedagogical influence on the personality, which expresses a positive assessment of the pet's behavior by the educator in order to consolidate positive qualities and stimulate activity. condemnation - this is a method of education, which provides for the influence of the teacher on the personality of the pupil in order to condemn or inhibit his negative actions and deeds.

In educational work with student youth, various forms should be used. : direct educational, production activities, participation in public affairs, behavior in everyday life.

large spectrum forms of activity that contribute to the formation of a comprehensive developed personality. These are training sessions (lectures, seminars, practical classes), practice, scientific circles, creative studios, excursions, trips, various forms and types of socially useful work, etc.

The main form of activity that ensures the education of the student's personality, his formation of professionalism, is different types training sessions. Here there is an educational impact on the consciousness and will of students, on the one hand, through the content educational material, on the other hand, through the organization of students on academic work and above all through the moral and spiritual potential of the teacher.

A prominent place in the system of education of student youth occupy the means of education, the property of material and spiritual culture (artistic and scientific literature, media, items visual arts, cinema), forms and types educational work (meetings, conferences, games, sports activities, etc.), which are used in the process of educational work.

Teaching as a specific type of activity of students. The purpose and structure of the teaching (motives, learning activities, actions of control, evaluation and analysis of results), the relationship of structural elements.

Doctrine acts as a type of activity, the purpose of which is the acquisition by a person of knowledge, skills and abilities that are ultimately necessary for the performance of labor activity.

Learning activities - leading activity school age, within which there is a controlled appropriation of the foundations of social experience, primarily in the form of intellectual basic operations and theoretical concepts.

Participate in learning activities necessarily two persons: 1) a teacher; 2) student.

Giving students knowledge, the teacher teaches them to think and observe, to express what they understand in speech. The student acquires not only knowledge, but also a way to think independently, to acquire knowledge. Well-organized training is educational in nature. In the process of learning, the personality of the student is formed: its orientation, strong-willed character traits, abilities, etc.

Structure- this is a relatively stable system of links of elements that form a whole (thing). The learning activity of the subject has a structure that includes the following components: I) motivation, 2) learning tasks in specific situations, 3) learning activities; 4) control turning into self-control; 5) assessment, u passing into self-assessment.


Local- local, peculiar to this place.

In the activities of teachers of different levels of productivity, perspective and operational design are correlated in different ways. Hence, it is so important, when starting to design the pedagogical process, to see the place of each pedagogical task, be it a lesson or an educational event, in the structure of a holistic pedagogical process. For teachers of the highest, system-modeling level of activity, design activities are dominant, i.e. long-term, technology. The fundamental difference between the activities of teachers of the reproductive, adaptive and locally modeling levels of activity is that they have dominant technologies of the lesson, and not the subject as a whole; educational event, and not the pedagogical process as a whole.

If the teacher is sufficiently focused on the requirements for students, i.e. to the final goals, then he does not experience any particular difficulties both in designing a holistic pedagogical process, as well as individual lessons and educational activities.

See also:

And pedagogy, and psychology originally existed in the bosom of philosophy, from which it first spun pedagogy and then psychology.


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