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What is the name of the field of military glory in the Moscow region, on which the open-air museum is based. What is the name of the field of military glory in the Moscow region, on which the open-air museum is based What is the name of the field

  • Concept in mathematics
    • Field is an algebraic structure with two operations.
    • scalar, vector and tensor fields - in differential geometry (see Vector (mathematics) and tensor) and mathematical analysis - functions defined on manifolds.
  • Term field in physics usually means a physical object or quantity described by a scalar, vector or tensor field in the sense mathematical analysis or differential geometry, as well as the corresponding mathematical object itself. The space on which the physical field is defined is usually a physical three-dimensional space, a four-dimensional space-time, or some of their generalizations of another dimension.
    • Fundamental fields in modern physics underlie the description of all types of matter. For example:
      • electromagnetic field(electric field, magnetic field)
      • fermion fields.
    • Historically term field used in physics in the binary opposition field - substance in the context of the interaction of field and substance; this usage is sometimes still technically preserved, although in general it is somewhat outdated due to the expansion of the field concept (“substance” in modern physics is also described by special types of fundamental fields, as a rule, spinor fields).
    • In addition to fundamental fields, various fields are widely used in different areas of physics, such as, for example, the velocity field and the pressure field of a liquid, the deformation field of an elastic medium, etc.
  • Field in agriculture- one of the places for growing agricultural crops.
  • Field- venue for sports matches (see also court).
  • playing field chessboard - in other words, a cell.
  • Field (in printing house)- indent from the edge of the page to the content (blank space, possibly used for notes)
  • Concepts in computer science
    • Class field, structures, records in object-oriented programming.
    • Field (database) in relational databases.
    • A field in a binary file or packet in network protocols (see also bit field).
    • Edit field(English) edit box) is one of the well-known visual components, a GUI element.
  • Concept in linguistics
    • Functional-semantic field- a complex of multi-level units of the language, united by a common semantic meaning.
  • Field of Dreams- an entertaining TV game, the name of which is borrowed from the fairy tale "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio" - " field of wonders in the land of fools».
  • Field (heraldry).
  • Field- Judicial duel among the ancient Slavs.
  • Field- a village in the Onega district of the Arkhangelsk region.
  • fields- a village in the Medvezhyegorsk region of Karelia.

see also

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See what "Field" is in other dictionaries:

    Wed space outside the city, village, treeless, undeveloped, vast plain; therefore, the field is opposed to the village, forest, mountains, swamp, etc. Let's go out into the field or onto the field. The cattle walks in the field. It is not the field that feeds, but the cultivated field, and not just space ... Dictionary Dalia

    I, pl. fields, fields, cf. 1. A treeless plain, a flat (unlike a village, a forest) vast expanse. “And so they found a large field: there is a roam where in the wild.” Lermontov. "The prince rides across the field on a faithful horse." Pushkin. “Vladimir rode through the field, ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    - (17) 1. Treeless space, plain, meadow: ... groves in the path of Troyan through the fields to the mountains. 6. Not a storm the falcons brought across the wide fields. 6 7. Jumping themselves, like gray horses in the field. 8. Rusichi the great field with boarded shields is a barrier, look for honor for yourself, ... ... Dictionary-reference book "The Tale of Igor's Campaign"

    FIELD- The field is one of the most positive characters. However, its meaning depends on the state in which and at what time of the year you saw the field. See an unplowed, unsown field in early spring sleep means that this period of your life ... ... Big family dream book

    Arable land, meadow, glade, cornfield; background, plain, steppe. In an open field, in a wide expanse. Painting background. Fields of a hat, fields (edges, rims) of a book. See arena, edge, place. one field of berries ... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under.… … Synonym dictionary

    FIELD- (1) (see (13)), existing in the form (see) and described by a set of spatio-temporal distributions of physical. quantities characterizing the considered waves; (2) P. rotating magnetic] (3) P. holographic wave field (see (1)), ... ... Great Polytechnic Encyclopedia

    Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    FIELD, I, pl. me, her, cf. 1. Treeless plain, space. Walk across the field and across the field. On the field and on the field. Ice settlement (trans.: solid space of ice). 2. Land cultivated for sowing, a plot of land. Rye p. 3. Large flat area, ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    In physics, the space in which one can find physical influences(see Field theory). The concept of the field borrowed modern psychology. The field of feeling is a set of endings located in the nerve center (see Psychophysical level) ... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    1) treeless flat territory. 2) Plots of arable land into which the crop rotation area is divided, and field plots. 3) A site equipped for something (for example, a football field). 4) A combat area (for example, a battlefield). 5) Space, ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

All fields of the horoscope since ancient times have their historical names, which have passed to us by inheritance, we give their names on Latin:

I field: Vita (lat. "life") or Horosсopus ("sunrise"),

II field: Lucrum ("profit") or Porta inferna ("valley gate").

III field: Fratres ("brothers") or Dea ("goddess"):

IV field: Genitor ("parent") or Imum Coeli ("nadir"). More accurate translation

Imum Coeli is rather the "bottom of the sky", as indicated below that Medium coeli

there is (“middle of the sky”) and even lower is Imum Koeli (“Deepness of the Sky”) .

Field V: Nati ("descendants") or Fortuna bona ("good fortune").

Field VI: Valetudo ("health"), or Fortuna mala ("evil fate").

VII field: Uxor ("husband") or Occasus ("sunset").

VIII field: Mors ("death") or Porta superna ("high gate").

IX field: Pietas ("piety") or Deus ("God").

X field: Regnum ("kingdom") or Medium coeli ("middle of the sky").

XI field: Benefacta ("good deeds") or Genius bonus ("good genius").

XII field: Carcer ("prison") or Genius malus ("evil genius")

The degree of the zodiacal circle in which the corresponding field begins is called cusp fields. Cusps of fields I, IV, VII, X (the so-called Angular fields) have their own names:

Cusp of the 1st field - Ascendant(Asc, Ascendant).

Cusp of the VII field - Descendant(Dsc, Descendent).

Cusp IV field - Nadir, or Imum Koeli("The Depth of the Sky") (IC, Imum Coeli).

Cusp of the X field - Meridian, or Medium Coeli("Middle of the Sky") (MC, Medium

The cusps of the remaining fields do not have their own names.

Ascendant and Descendant form the horizontal axis of the horoscope: Ascendant is a point (degree of the Zodiac) rising in the eastern part of the horizon at a certain moment, for example, at the time of a person's birth. Descendant - a point that sets in the western part of the horizon. The meridian is a point located at the zenith (the highest point of the celestial sphere (see Volume 1. p. 2.2)) at the time of birth, Nadir is the lowest (invisible) point of the celestial sphere, located at the time of birth under the horizon.

fields field cusp Main characteristics
I field Dot "I" Appearance, constitution, manners, temperament, character, type of self-expression, self-perception.
II field point of opportunity Resources, property, income, budget, wealth, cash, sources of income and types of spending.
III field Communication point Brothers, sisters, neighbors, close relatives, friends, communication, primary and secondary education, short trips, vehicles, letters, papers, intellect, nervous system.
IV field point of origin family roots, parental home, own house, real estate, homeland, family, parents, father or mother, unconscious, intimate, beginning and end of life. In the female horoscope - sexual life.
V field attraction point Love, erotica, recreation, entertainment, play, pleasure, children, excitement, creativity, art, success, fame.
VI field point of power Service, daily worries, duties, subordinates, pets, well-being, illness, treatment, debts.
VII field Dot "You" Relationships with others, matrimony, partnerships, alliances, connections, marriage, partners, open enemies, competitors, contracts, lawsuits.
VIII field border point Common wealth, inheritance, insurance, wills, notarial deeds, investigations, crisis, transformations, longevity, violent death, secrets, sex, occult powers.
IX field spirit point worldview, philosophical beliefs, faith, religion, higher education, long-distance travels, court cases, authority, public institutions.
X field target point career, occupation, professional achievements, success, social status, reputation, rewards, karma, mother or father.
XI field Point of sociality Friends, associates, hopes, dreams, ideals, plans, realization of hopes, charity, gain, reforms.
XII field point of loneliness Secrets, deep memory, solitude, restriction of freedom, hospitals, shelters, prisons, suffering, fears, secret connections, secret enemies, hidden diseases, losses, occult studies, karma.

Field division


Fields I, II, III, IV, V, VI are called night, or Northern, since they are below the horizon, therefore, they form the Northern Hemisphere.

Night fields belong to the inner, hidden from prying eyes sphere of human life. The planets located in these fields are below the horizon and are not visible to the earthly observer. If most of the planets are in this sphere, then this position defines the “inner” person. This is a person with a deep inner content, who is not attracted by the outer side of life. He may have more magical power, phenomenal and extrasensory abilities, extraordinary intuition, the gift of prophecy. He is unable to overcome resistance from outside. Such a person should not suffer the vicissitudes of fate, but simply endure calmly and patiently, perceiving what is destined by fate. Such a distribution of planets often directs a person along the path of a mystic, metaphysician, occultist. These are people with a strong psyche, but with a tendency to internal intuitive life. A person is closed and subjective, avoids communication, prefers to work alone, at home or in a circle of close people.

Fields VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII are called daytime, or Southern, as they are above the horizon, and form the Southern Hemisphere.

Daily fields belong to the outer sphere of human life. The planets located in the Day hemisphere are visible to the earth observer, as they are above the horizon. Planets above the horizon give a person a realistic outlook on life, make him more objective. If most of the planets of the horoscope are in this sphere, such a position defines a "business" person. A person lives an external life, the focus of his consciousness is completely concentrated on external events. Such a person always knows exactly what he wants and what he can achieve. He can independently, without outside help, move forward, achieve a high social position and gain honors and glory, as well as material wealth. This is easily given with a good cosmic status of the planets in case of favorable configurations. Even under not entirely favorable conditions, such a person will have enough strength to overcome the obstacles that stand in his way and pacify competitors. Especially favorable is the position when the Sun, Jupiter, Venus or dominants are near the Meridian ( rulers) birth or X field of the horoscope. A person owes his position solely to the conditions of his birth, thanks to the environment in which he found himself, to strong character traits. A planetary cluster near the MC or in the X field indicate the power of man over environment. This is a strong dominant personality. In horoscopes the mighty of the world Therefore, we can often see the Sun in conjunction with Jupiter on the MC.

Each field forms a pair with its opposite field and is, as it were, its reflection. Opposite fields form the so-called axes:

I - VII - personality axis;

II - VIII - welfare axis;

III - IX - the axis of relationships;

IV - X - the axis of social growth;

V - XI - the axis of drives;

VI - XII - the axis of service.

Let's take a look at these couples.

I - VII field

First field shows the person. A person owes his successes and defeats, first of all, to himself.

seventh field Shows the influence other people have on a person. Man's affairs depend on others.

Interaction Example these fields: either a person uses the energy or capabilities of others to achieve their goals, or other people use the potential of a person for their own purposes. It depends on the severity of the field, on the quantity and quality of the planets that are in these fields.

II - VIII field

Second field shows how a person earns his livelihood. Money as a result of the efforts of the person himself.

eighth field shows the possibility of income that is not directly related to the physical efforts of a person, and his financial situation depends on other people. There may be values ​​earned by joint efforts, or money not earned by a person, but inherited by him, for example.

Interaction Example: a person works, and part of the earnings goes as taxes or to pay insurance, which are returned to him through insurance and social payments funds.

III - IX field

Third field- the immediate environment that surrounds a person. Man is free to change something in his environment. Free to communicate or not to communicate. To study or not to study.

Ninth field This is an environment that is not subject to the will of man. Having chosen, for example, a confession, he follows its canons and has no right to change anything there, he can become its guide, a missionary.

Interaction Example: disparate information is combined into a system of knowledge, which, in turn, is returned to the world in the form of lectures, books, teachings.

IV - X field

The fourth field is foundations, home, traditions. The intimate life of a person. A person has the right to follow the traditions of the family, the right to refuse them. He leaves his parental home and creates his own family.

The tenth field is career, position in society. A person is dependent on circumstances, social growth does not depend entirely on the efforts of a person, extraneous factors intervene here.

Interaction example: a vivid example: a profession inherited from ancestors, a working dynasty.

V-XI field

The fifth field is creativity, human actions that bring him joy and emotional satisfaction.

Eleventh field - plans, hopes associated with other people.

Interaction example: a person receives support from friends or sponsors or becomes the head of a community.

VI-XII field

sixth field a person himself chooses a place of service, keeps a diet or carries out preventive procedures.

The twelfth field is labor service (prison, settlement, monastery) or treatment in a hospital, where the method of treatment is chosen by doctors, not by a person.

Interaction example: failure to comply with the required diet can lead to a hospital bed.

Each field of the horoscope has its share of participation in the affairs of the opposite field, which is called accidental influence.


cardinal fields, or Angular - I, IV, VII and X.

Cardinal fields have the properties and qualities of the signs of the Zodiac of the Cardinal Cross - Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn - and indicate the personality, body of a person and the resources of his body. The more planets in the signs of this cross, the more events happen in a person's life. These events change something in a person's life, give it a new turn. People of the cardinal cross act immediately, decisively and independently.

Succedent fields, or Subsequent - II, V, VIII and XI.

the fields have the properties and qualities of the signs of the Zodiac of the Fixed Cross - Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius - and indicate the world of feelings, the human psyche, his material interests and opportunities. For people of this cross, events occur more on a psychological level. People with planets in Succedent fields first weigh their resources and then decide what to do. Hence the slow response. They have a waiting position.

cadence fields, or Falling - III, VI, IX and XII.

the fields have the properties and qualities of the signs of the Zodiac of the Mutable Cross - Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces - and indicate the intellectuality of a person, his spiritual potential and mental activity. The people of this cross, before getting down to business, collect all possible information, consult, doubt. They do not solve the problem immediately, like people of the cardinal cross, but are looking for ways to get around it, looking for causes, trying to avoid consequences.


Fields, like the signs of the Zodiac, are divided by elements.

fieryfields– I, V, IX correspond to the signs of the Zodiac fiery trine, also called fields of life.

The Trigon of Life includes fields that symbolize the life of a person in the body, soul and spirit. Planets concentrated in the Fiery Trine indicate that the environment forces a person to be active, creative. A person with such an arrangement of planets is active, active, able to ignite others with his idea.

Earthfields– II, VI, X correspond to the signs of the Zodiac earthly trine, also called fields of Welfare or activity fields.

The Trigon of Activity includes fields related to the financial situation of a person, shows where and under what conditions a person can earn money, as well as career opportunities. The people of this trine are distinguished by activity, practicality, realism. This Trine is clearly expressed in the horoscopes of businessmen and entrepreneurs.

airfields– III, VII, XI correspond to the signs of the Zodiac air trine, also called Relations fields.

The Trigon of Relationships includes fields that characterize the relationship of a person with his environment, related, partner, friendly. The people of this trine are mobile, sociable, easy-going. Their life is connected with information, they study almost all their lives, they are interested in everything, they lead a social life.

waterfields– IV, VIII, XII correspond to the signs of the Zodiac Water trine, also called fields of feelings or Transform fields.

The trigon of Transformation includes fields that characterize the inner life of a person, hidden from the outside world. Life makes people of this trigon be sensitive to changes in outside world to have time to adapt to them. Such people can become dependent on circumstances and come to terms with them, acquiring complexes, or they can reach a different level of consciousness, find the strength in themselves to overcome circumstances. (end of quote from volume 3 of S.A. Vronsky “classical astrology”)

house structure

In this chapter we will consider the factors that characterize the houses of the horoscope.

Each house starts on its own cusp and ends before the cusp of the next house. The sign on the cusp of the house reflects how things are going in the sphere of this house. The spheres of houses, the cusps of which are located in fiery signs, are perceived by a person as something bright and short-lived. These areas attract the attention of others. For example, people with an Ascendant in fiery signs have a bright appearance, start business with optimism, feeling uplifted, etc. The spheres of houses, the cusps of which fall into the earth signs, are perceived as more extended in time and requiring a certain amount of work and concentration. People with an ascending earth sign usually sway for a long time before starting any business, trying to plan their activities. Houses with cusps in air signs are perceived as something light, associated with contacts, exchange. Houses with cusps in water signs are perceived as something viscous or inconspicuous, requiring emotional inclusion.

(The planet located in the house carries important information how things are going in this house. Planets modify the influence of the sign on the cusp, but do not cancel it. For example, the Ascendant in Cancer suggests that a person is emotionally involved in the beginning of any business, secretive and cautious in his endeavors. An important characteristic of a person will be sensitivity to the world around him, the ability to perceive the emotions of others. However, if the Ascendant falls at the end of the sign, and Mercury in Leo is in the first house, then it can be assumed that along with sensitivity and caution at the beginning of any business, a person will actively explore the world, attract attention to himself with his questions or intellectual reasoning, he will have desire to be the first to make contact with others, and not to take a wait-and-see attitude, as it would be in the absence of planets in the 1st house. In this case, along with emotionality, dependence on the support of loved ones and the ability to organically fit into any new business (adapt), the basic characteristic of a person will be curiosity and some superficiality in obtaining information.)

Knowing the principles of the planets, you yourself can successfully compose such descriptions. Considering aspects, one should first of all give preference to major exact aspects. Orbis for aspects of planets with house cusps is + - 5 degrees for major and + - 1 for minor aspects. In addition, when interpreting aspects to cusps, one should take into account not only the nature of the planet, but also the house in which it stands and the house it rules, and this, as you understand, is not written in any reference book. We will talk more about the interpretation of planets in houses and their aspects in the following chapters.

“The planets in the house and the sign on its top characterize the properties and capabilities of a particular house in a particular horoscope. That's why the "material" from which the work at home is built is the sign on top and the planets in it.

For example, the first house in Leo with Venus rising. Whatever the aspects of Venus and the Sun (ruler of the first house in this horoscope), the very fact that the ascendant is in Leo and Venus at sunrise characterize the properties of this house.

This means that the main material component of the sphere of the house is described by the sign on the cusp and the planet in the house. In the above example with the Ascendant in Leo and ascending Venus, the material from which the manifestations of the first house are built, fiery and at the same time under the influence of Venus, a person will manifest himself gently, culturally, trying to please others. Optimism, self-confidence, narcissism at the beginning of any business and a penchant for noble deeds, generosity inherent in Leo, will be combined with pleasant manners, a peaceful character, determined by Venus. These qualities will determine the main external manifestations of a person.

If we want to know what the partners of a person are, then we need to consider the 7th house, the sign on the cusp and the planets in it. For example, the Descendant in Aquarius and Jupiter in the 7th house describe quite successful, stubborn and freedom-loving partners. Joint activity will expand the horizons of human consciousness.

In the same way, you can approach the description of any spheres of life.

It often happens that some houses are filled with planets, while others, on the contrary, are empty. A house filled with planets often plays a very important role in our lives, and can be associated with it or with them. important events, here there is a set of energy and the development of the principles of the planets. However, our life is not limited to these areas. As a rule, there are quite a lot of relationships in the horoscope: aspect or control, which determine the inclusion of houses in which there are no planets. A little later we will look at them in detail. Now it is important to understand that the absence of planets in the houses does not mean that the sphere of the house is not eventful for a person. For example, if you do not have planets in the 4th or 7th house, you should not think that your personal life will not play an important role for you (traditionally, official marriage in astrology goes through 4, 7 and 10 houses). Simply, the training ground for marriage planets is closely related to other realms.

Each house has its own ruler. The ruler is the planet that rules the sign on the cusp of the house. For example, if the 4th house falls in Aquarius, then Uranus is its ruler. The position of the ruler describes the expectations of a person regarding the sphere of this house, the goals that a person sets for himself (or that confronts him life circumstances) in the sphere of this house. If the 4th house is in Aquarius, and Uranus (its ruler) is in Scorpio and in the 12th house, then we can expect that the person does not understand very well what he expects from the family, or the place where the person was born may turn out to be hidden or inaccessible to the person ( for example, his goal is to move away from his place of birth). The ruler of the 4th house also shows expectations from his own family (not the parental one, but the one that the person himself creates). In this case, the expectations from the future family will be some very unusual (Uranus), the person will hide them from others (12th house). Perhaps a person will want a house of loneliness, a feeling of being cut off from the outside world.

What are the real conditions, the initial possibilities of a person in relation to the house, the significator of the house shows. Relatively speaking, the ruler is our desires, and the significator is their fulfillment (with the help of which desires are realized) and our launching pad in the sphere of this house. If in each horoscope the rulers of the houses are different, then the significators remain the same. The significator of the first house is Mars, the second - Venus, the third - Mercury, the fourth - the Moon, etc.

If in the above example the Moon (significator of the 4th house) is in Cancer and in the 8th house, trine to Uranus in the 12th house, then we can say that a person will satisfy his desires regarding the place of residence and living conditions in adulthood. Crisis situations in the family or an abundance of relatives, which are united in one clan, or inheritance, or very close relations with the mother, which can suddenly break due to her passing away, will help him in this. There can be quite a few options. The family in which a person was born (Moon in Cancer in the 8th house) for some reason may be at some point on the verge of survival (8th house) and the relationship with the mother can be very close, emotional. Her model of the family easily (by trine) flows into his ideas about his own family life. And if the mother alone was engaged in raising a child, then in adulthood this person will hardly be able to create long-term family relationships.

Planets in the 4th house can modify the family environment somewhat. For example, in the example above, Mars in the 4th house can make the loose environment of the house conflicted or overdressed. It will be important for a person to be a leader in the family, to actively deal with family problems.

With favorable aspect general the significator and the ruler of the house, a person often has successful situations that contribute to the solution of the tasks set in the sphere of the house. With a tense aspect, a person will periodically have problems in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis house. For example, a person who has a tense aspect of Mercury to the ruler of the 3rd house will often meet problem situations travel, education, contacts. It will be difficult for him to realize desires relating to this area. Here, of course, aspects to the cusp or to the planets in the house can come to the rescue. Or a person can use the powerful energy of a tense aspect to develop this sphere. In this area, a lot will depend on his own efforts (here we can recall A. Podvodny, who wrote about the study of stressful aspects).

It should also be noted that if a house occupies two or more signs, then it has co-rulers. For example, the 5th house may begin in Virgo and end in Scorpio. In this case, Mercury will be the ruler of the 5th house, and Venus will be the co-ruler (because Libra enters the 5th house) and Pluto, because. 5th house ends in Scorpio. Venus and Pluto - co-rulers of the 5th house - describe the second layer of problems associated with this house. With a favorable aspect of the ruler with the co-rulers, the person perceives the tasks associated with the house as a matter of course. The solution of some questions helps to solve the following problems. With an unfavorable aspect, a person needs to decide on his own desires, because. here a person can have strong contradictions at the internal level.

    FIELD, -I, pl. fields, cf.

    1. Treeless plain. The hare jumped out of the forest and ran through the field. Pushkin, Young lady-peasant. The sun was descending towards the grove, illuminating the field with unbearable brightness.. || A plot of land sown or cultivated for sowing. Wheat field.He sees how his father fertilizes the field, How he throws grain into the loose earth, How the field then begins to turn green, How the ear grows, pours the grain. N. Nekrasov, Peasant children. The sun-colored fields, clad in golden rye, seemed deserted. M. Gorky, Three days.

    2. what or which. Extensive the space of something. [The schooner] stands still in the middle of the ice field. Kaverin, Two captains. Here the coast is close - and you can see a muddy swaying field of coastal reeds. Furmanov, Red landing. || A specially equipped platform designed for any. actions. Airfield. Football field.- The weather is not flying, - I said, - and the landing field is sour. The plane won't come. Karpov, Don't be born happy. || Space, surface, used for something or available for something. actions. Shooting field.We leave for the stone pier. The minefield begins. Novikov-Priboy, Submariners, The assistant prepares for the operation - wipes the surgical field with alcohol, iodine solution. Kovanov, Vocation.

    3. Phys. A special form of matter is the carrier of physical interactions. sound field. A magnetic field. Electric field.

    4. trans.; what or which. Area of ​​activity, manifestations of smth. Here, a wide field was opened for Okonor's mockery of fellow soldiers. Fet, Early years of my life. You expect something special, something good from me - what a field for disappointment! Chekhov, Letter to A. N. Pleshcheev, 23 Jan. 1888. The field of contact between socialism and capitalism is wider than purely market relations. A. Rumyantsev, Problems modern science about society.

    5. Base, background, on which patterns are applied, images. In this coat of arms, a post station with a milestone was depicted on a golden field. Saltykov-Shchedrin, All year round. On its facade, Petrukha hung a large signboard - it was written in gold on a blue field; "The Merry Shelter of P. Ya. Filimonov's Friends". M. Gorky, Three.

    6. usually pl. h. (fields, -her). A narrow strip along the edge of a sheet in a book, manuscript, etc., left free from text. Notebook with margins.I sorted through the books that Native had once brought with her from afar, I read random notes in the margins. N. Nekrasov, From the poem: Mother. He took the report and wrote on the margin in his large handwriting: Deserves the death penalty». L. Tolstoy, Hadji Murad.

    7. pl. h. (fields, -her). The folded edge of the hat. Both mother and daughter wore wide-brimmed straw hats pulled down to their ears. Chekhov, New cottage. Turoboev's ironic eyes looked at Samghin from under the brim of his hat. M. Gorky, Life of Klim Samgin.

    8. Specialist. Work, research activities in natural conditions. - In field? --- Aren't we going to work in the taiga? - Don't you know that any research is called a field? Field research. Voronin, Two lives.

    9. Hunt. Hunting, hunting trip. Indefatigable hunters hunted in my time up to seventy [quails] in one field. S. Aksakov, Stories and memories of a hunter. The hunting sign that if the first beast and the first bird are not lost, then the field will be happy, turned out to be fair.

What is the name of the field military glory in the Moscow region, on which the open-air museum is based

2.14. Specify the features of the new style in painting, which were formed at the end of the 17th century.
- preservation of the rules of icon painting, developed by the Stoglavy Cathedral in 1551.
- departure from the old canons (25%) +/answer/ ++
- striving for reality (25%) +/answer/ ++
- aspiration for everyday genres (25%) +/answer/ ++
- preservation of the canonical regulation of art
- affirmation of the priority of Western art
- rejection of church dogmas in the field of icon painting (25%) +/answer/ ++

2.15. The creative activity of Simon Ushakov is connected with:
- journalism
- architecture
- theater
- icon painting + / answer / ++
- literature + / answer / ++
- music

2.16. characteristic features"Moscow baroque" of the late 17th century. were:
- clarity and symmetry of the composition (50%) + / answer / ++
- preservation of the style of church architecture
- preservation of the Art Nouveau style
- multi-tiered (50%) + / answer / ++
- multicolor decorative building treatment (50%) +/answer/ ++
- careful development of details of the building structure (50%). +/answer/ ++

2.17. V.I. Bazhenov owns the authorship of the architectural structure:
- University of Moscow
- Pashkov's house in Moscow (50%) + / answer / ++
- Palace in Tsaritsyn (50%) + / answer / ++
- Senate in the Moscow Kremlin
- Church of the Savior on Blood
- Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg

2.20. A.V. Shchusev worked in the field of:
- literature
- architectures +/answer/ ++
- sculptures
- painting
- charts
- music

2.21 In the village of Konstantinovo Ryazan region the museum of the poet is located:
- S.A. Yesenina + / answer / ++
- E.G. Bagritsky
- V.V. Mayakovsky
- K.M.Simonova
- A.T. Tvardovsky
- M. V. Isakovsky

2.23. What is the name of the field of military glory in the Moscow region, on which the open-air museum is based?
- Kulikovo
- Prokhorovskoye
- Kuchkovo
- Borodino + / answer / ++
- Shiryaevo
- Vorontsovo

2.24. The authors of the text of the anthem Soviet Union, sounded
in 1943 were:
- K.Simonov
-S. Mikhalkov (50%) + / answer / ++
- G. El Registan (50% 0 + / answer / ++
- M.Isakovsky
- V. Solovyov-Sedoy

2.25. Laureates Nobel Prize in the field of literature were:
- M. Sholokhov (25%) +/answer/ ++
- A. Solzhenitsyn (25%) + / answer / ++
- B. Pasternak (25%) + / answer / ++
- V.Grossman
-.I.Brodsky (25%) + / answer / ++
- V. Nekrasov

2.26. During the years of perestroika and glasnost, films were released:
- Cranes are Flying
- Chairman
- Repentance (50%) +/answer/ ++
- The fate of man
- Cold summer of the fifty-third (50%) + / answer / ++
- Chapaev