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The object of study of social statistics is. Objects of social statistics. Modern tasks and system of indicators of socio-economic statistics

Subject and object of socio-economic statistics


As society developed, accounting and statistical work became deeper in content, wider in terms of the objects examined, and more perfect in terms of the rules applied.

During the formation of capitalism, the need for statistical information on the size and location of industrial and agricultural enterprises, production volumes and markets for goods, labor markets, raw materials, etc., increased significantly.

The expansion and complication of accounting and statistical work, covering mass phenomena in vast territories, required the establishment general rules processing and analysis of massive numerical data. There was a growing need for theoretical understanding and generalization of statistical practice. The accumulated factual materials served as a good starting point for the creation of a statistical theory. All this together led to the emergence in the second half of the 17th century. scientific statistics, which began to develop in two directions.

First direction originated in Germany and is known as state science, or descriptive school of statistics.Second direction development of statistical science originated in England and is known as the school political arithmetic. In the school of political arithmetic, there were two main directions:

    demographic (based D. Graunt, E. Halley), within the framework of which the patterns of population reproduction were studied, mortality tables were compiled for the insurance business with the determination of the probability of surviving to a certain age;

    statistical and economic(based W. Petty), which focused on methods of quantitative analysis of economic processes.

1. Socio-economic statistics

Term "statistics" (derived from Latin word status - state, state of affairs) was used in the meaning of "political state", hence the Italian stato - state and statista - connoisseur of states. This word entered scientific literature in the 18th century. and at first it was understood as "state science". But statistical science arose even earlier, in the middle of the 17th century, in response to the state's need to have consolidated data, generalized by countries, on the availability of resources for conducting production, trade, organizing interstate relations, etc. During this period, statistics was called political arithmetic. It was a science that combined the principles of political economy and statistics. Its ancestor was the English scientist W. Petty. In the first half of the XIX century. In the works of A. Quetelet and his followers, an attempt was made to present statistics as a science of the laws of social phenomena. However, these regularities were considered metaphysically. The laws of society were identified with the laws of nature (“social physics” by A. Quetelet). Then a formalistic interpretation of the subject of statistical science became widespread in statistics, reducing it to quantitative relations in isolation from the qualitative content of phenomena.

A great contribution to statistical practice and science was made by Russian scientists and public figures. In the works of M.V. Lomonosov, I.K. Kirilova, V.N. Tatishchev, and later K.I. Arseniev, the ideas of a comprehensive economic and statistical description of the country were developed. A.N. Radishchev formulated valuable proposals in the field of judicial statistics. In the works of D.P. Zhuravsky, the role of groupings in statistics is shown, a system of statistical indicators for studying social life is proposed. The history of statistics is described in the works of Yu.E. Janson. P.L. Chebyshev and his students formulated the mathematical basis for the scientifically based application of the sampling method. A.A. Chuprov was engaged in methods of establishing the relationship between phenomena, developed the theoretical foundations of mathematical statistics.

Currently, statistics (socio-economic statistics) is a social science that studies the patterns of formation and change in the quantitative relations of social phenomena, considered in direct connection with their qualitative content.

Socio-economic statistics, or statistics, is: 1) a branch of knowledge - a science that is a complex and branched system of scientific disciplines (sections) that have certain specifics and study the quantitative side of mass phenomena and processes in close connection with their qualitative side; 2) branch of practical activity - collection, processing, analysis and publication of mass data on the phenomena and processes of public life; 3) a set of digital information characterizing the state of mass phenomena and processes of social life or their totality;

4) a branch of statistics that uses the methods of mathematical statistics to study socio-economic processes and phenomena.

1.1 SES indicators

Socio-economic statistics is a scientific discipline that studies the quantitative characteristics of mass phenomena and processes in the economy and the social sphere. The data of socio-economic statistics provide a systematic quantitative description of the various economic and social processes taking place in society. This discipline includes such sections as socio-demographic statistics, population living standards statistics, labor and employment statistics, price statistics, investment statistics, national wealth statistics, statistics of various industries (transport, construction, population, agriculture, etc.). .).

The following indicators are used in socio-economic statistics:

Indicators of price dynamics;

Indicators of the volume and cost of manufactured products;

Indicators of the size and composition of the population;

Indicators of the standard of living of the population;

Indicators of income and expenses of the population;

Indicators of labor, material and financial resources;

Indicators of productivity and wages;

Indicators of the availability of fixed and working capital;

Macroeconomic indicators.

The above indicators are calculated by various methods using the tools of the general theory of statistics. An important condition in statistical methodology, ensuring the comparability of data in time and space and internationally is advocated.

1.2 Tasks of SES

The main tasks of socio-economic statistics are:

Provision of information necessary for state authorities to make appropriate decisions in the field of the formation of socio-economic policy and state programs;

Informing everyone stakeholders and institutions on the state of the economy and social sphere of the state and population groups;

Providing data on the results of the socio-economic development of the country to research institutions, socio-political organizations.

The listed tasks of socio-economic statistics are in close interaction with the implementation of the program of socio-economic development of the country. In modern socio-economic statistics, great importance is attached to indicators of the economic situation, reflecting changes in the volume of production of gross domestic product (GDP) depending on the increase or decrease in the level of capacity utilization and, as a result, changes in consumer demand. Economic growth indicators indicate a change in the volume of GDP production as a result of increasing production capacity, attracting investment, and increasing labor productivity.

In addition to the above, an important task of socio-economic statistics is the analysis of the state budget, the study of its structure, dynamics, sources of formation and directions of spending. In this regard, various absolute and relative indicators are used, including the ratio of the state budget deficit to GDP to assess the effectiveness of fiscal and monetary policy. Another equally important task is to study the factors affecting the savings rate. Such factors are the size of the bank interest rate, the amount of disposable income, the profitability of deposits, etc.

At present, foreign economic relations are actively developing in Russia, therefore, there is an increased interest in reliable statistical data on foreign trade, in conducting statistical observation for exchange rates, in the analysis of factors influencing the dynamics of the exchange rate.

The next important task of socio-economic statistics is to analyze the activities of the money and stock markets and their impact on the formation of various macroeconomic indicators.

In this regard, statistical bodies are obliged, relying on an interconnected system of statistical indicators that comprehensively and fully characterize the relationship between socio-economic phenomena, to collect, process and provide for further analysis all the necessary information for policy development and management decision-making in the field of economy and social life of society. The study of the labor, material and financial resources of the country is another important task of socio-economic statistics, which is solved using the system of national accounts by compiling a balance of assets and liabilities.

Status Monitoring environment and its monitoring is also the responsibility of the statistical authorities, which must monitor the depletion of natural resources and provide the necessary information on the state of natural resources and the conditions for their consumption.

2. SES facility

Each science has its own object, subject and methodology of cognition of the real world. Science object are the phenomena of the real world, to which science extends its knowledge. Science subject constitutes the range of questions specific to a given science that are subject to investigation when science studies its object of knowledge. The principles, methods and techniques of studying the subject of science form the methodology of this science.

The object of study of socio-economic statistics is society in all its diversity of forms and manifestations. This connects socio-economic statistics with all other sciences that study society, the processes occurring in it, the laws of its development - with political economy, the economics of industry, agriculture, sociology, etc. In this common for all social sciences object, each of them finds its own specific aspect of study - any characteristic essential properties, aspects, relations of the phenomena of social life, certain areas of human activity, etc.

But do social phenomena have such properties, such a side that could be studied only by socio-economic statistics and, consequently, constitute the subject of knowledge of statistical science? The answer to this question is not very simple. Throughout the history of the development of socio-economic statistics, disputes have arisen and still arise on this issue. As noted in Chap. 1, some argue that socio-economic statistics has a specific object of knowledge and therefore is a science, others deny that it has an inherent object of knowledge only and consider it a doctrine of the method (statistical method of research). The latter argue that everything that socio-economic statistics studies is the subject of other sciences. However, it is necessary to distinguish between the object and the object of knowledge. Already from what has been said above about the social sciences, it is clear that one and the same object, depending on the complexity and diversity of its properties, relations, etc., can be studied and in many cases is studied by a number of sciences.

3. The subject of socio-economic statistics

Has a subject of knowledge and socio-economic statistics. Naturally, the question arises: what are the objective properties of the phenomena of social life that constitute the subject of knowledge of statistical science?

Along with qualitative certainty, the phenomena of social life are also characterized by quantitative certainty. Both of these aspects are inextricably linked. At any given historical moment, social and economic phenomena have certain dimensions, levels, and there are certain quantitative relationships between them.

These are, for example, the population of the country on a certain date, the ratio between the number of men and women, the growth rate of gross domestic product, its growth rate, and much more. It is these objectively existing dimensions, levels, quantitative relations that are in a state of continuous movement and change, which in general represent the quantitative side of economic and social phenomena, the patterns of their change, and constitute the subject of knowledge of socio-economic statistics.

Thus, socio-economic statistics studies the quantitative side of mass social and economic phenomena inextricably linked with their qualitative side, i.e. Qualitatively defined quantities and the regularities manifested in them. It studies production in the unity of the productive forces and production relations, the influence of natural and technical factors on quantitative changes in social life, the impact of the development of society and production on the environment.

Socio-economic statistics studies the production, consumption of material and spiritual goods in society, the patterns of their change, the economic and social conditions of people's lives.

With the help of the system quantitative indicators socio-economic statistics characterizes the qualitative aspects of the phenomena of social relations, the structure of society, etc.

The subject of the study of socio-economic statistics are also the processes taking place in the population - the birth rate, marriages, life expectancy, etc.

Statistical data reveals characteristic features, trends, patterns of development of social and economic phenomena and processes, connections and interdependencies between them.

Socio-economic statistics has developed a system of scientific concepts, categories and methods through which it cognizes its subject. The most important part of this system is the system of main indicators of the state and development of the economic and social life of society.

Many phenomena become precisely defined, significant only when they are statistically expressed, i.e. presented in the form of quantitative statistical indicators. It is impossible, for example, to form a clear idea of ​​the yield of any crop in a country without a generalized statistical expression of it in the form of an average yield, or to imagine the size of automobile production without statistical data on the production of automobiles by the country's industry, and so on.

Without quantitative characteristics, it is also impossible to imagine with sufficient clarity many economic categories of a general nature, the categories of political economy. What, for example, is the composition of social capital? This is the average value of its buildings in the sectors of the country's economy. K. Marx explains the concept of the structure of an industry and the economy as a whole as follows: “Numerous individual capitals invested in a particular branch of production differ more or less in their structure from each other. The average of their individual structures gives us the composition of the total capital of a given branch of production. Finally, the total average of these average structures of all branches of production gives us the composition of the social capital of a given country ... "


At the present stage in Russia, statistical authorities should use new modern technologies for collecting, processing, transmitting and disseminating statistical information.

The use of selective observation methods is expanding in the study of the activities of various economic entities and various social processes.

The basis of information systems should be database management systems, powerful packages for analysis, modern means of providing information for end use. Further development of electronic information exchange is associated with the transition to more advanced telecommunication systems using the capabilities of the Internet.

The transition to international methodology introduces changes in ideas about industrial economic activity, the attitude to the service sector is revised, the classification of economic sectors by spheres of activity is specified, a new division of the economy into sectors is introduced, new concepts of residents, transfers, economic territory, enclaves, etc. are introduced.


1. Statistics. 2nd ed. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2007.-288s.: Il.- (Series "Tutorial"). Rudakova R.P., Bukin L.L., Gavrilov V.I.

2. L.A. Golub. Socio-economic statistics. Tutorial. - M.: Humanitarian publishing center VLADOS, 2003.

3. V.N. Salin, E. P. Shpakovskaya. Socio-economic statistics. Textbook. - M.: JURIST, 2002.

4. Socio-economic statistics: workshop / Ed. V.N. Salina, E.P. Shpakovskaya. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2004.

5. I.I. Eliseeva, M.M. Yuzbashev. General theory of statistics. Textbook / Ed. I.I. Eliseeva. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2004.

6. State program for the transition of the PMR to the international system of accounting and statistics. Decree of the Government of the PMR No. 56 of February 25, 2000

Numerous definitions of statistics as a science of quantitative characteristics of social and natural phenomena and processes can be reduced to two variants of definitions: narrow and broad. In a broad sense, statistics is a science that studies mass phenomena occurring in combinations of certain factors or phenomena of a certain property and between interacting aggregates. The very same set, as the sum of facts, signs, phenomena, consists of elements, the disappearance of one of which does not destroy the qualitative characteristics of this set.

So, the population of the city remains its population even after one of the components of its content - an individual moved to another city or other locality or even left this country. Or agriculture, transport and industry remain certain aggregates corresponding to their characteristics even when the sectoral structure or their significance in the production of the gross national product undergoes noticeable changes. Different aggregates as a whole consist of units, which in turn can be characterized by their parameters, properties, their content, which affects the content of the entire aggregate that unites these units in units. If we are talking about industry, then statistics consider it as a set (sum) of enterprises. And each enterprise, forming one of its constituent units, in turn is characterized by its content in terms of the number of jobs, equipment, and the production of relevant statistics. A specific feature of statistics is that in all cases its data refer to the sum of factors, i.e. to the entire population. The characterization of individual individual data makes sense only as a basis, a basis for obtaining general and summary characteristics of the population under study. Thus, statistics as a science in a broad sense studies all mass phenomena, no matter what area they belong to. Studying a mass phenomenon, statistics characterizes it not only quantitatively. With the help of numerical values, but also qualitatively, revealing its content and dynamics of development.

Statistics in the narrow sense is a quantitative collection associated with the processing of data from individual observations, characteristic of objects, phenomena that make up the individual parameters of a unit of the population. So, for example, the average grain yield for the whole country reflects the total yield for all areas used for growing grain. But the yield of different plots, which can be reflected in a comparative relationship to each other and to find the maximum and minimum yields, is another statistic. Statistical analysis of the yield of various plots of land can be the basis for statistics of other features and parameters that characterize the studied population (yield in this case), such parameters as capital investments, technical equipment of production in the analyzed areas, etc. etc. In all these cases we are talking about statistics in the narrower sense of its definition.

Statistics as a science is a type of social and state activity aimed at obtaining, processing and analyzing information that characterizes the quantitative patterns of society in all its diversity and inseparable connection with its quantitative content. In this sense, the concept of "statistics" coincides with the concept of "statistical accounting". Accounting, in any society, is a means by which society has the necessary information about the state of the economy, social and other aspects of the life of society as a whole or its individual structures. This accounting makes it possible to carry out the appropriate organization and management of economic processes. Under the statistics is also understood the process of its "maintenance", implementation, i.e. collecting and processing data, facts necessary to obtain statistical information in the previously indicated senses of the content of the subject of statistics (in the broad and narrow sense of the subject).

The necessary information can be collected in order to obtain generalized characteristics for the mass of cases of this kind of information. Such, for example, is information collected for population censuses, when periodically statistical services carry out nationwide campaigns to record the quantitative and qualitative composition of the population on a certain date. In other cases, statistics (as a specific type of activity) uses information recorded in the process of performing accounting functions for the main type of activity, the relevant services. This is how the statistics of births, deaths, marriages, divorces, traffic accidents, the number of students in schools, universities, etc. are formed. etc. This also includes the use of statistical information obtained from the reports of the work of enterprises, given by accountants, etc.

Statistics as a special type of activity with the above content allows, on the basis of scientific research identify statistical patterns. So the demand for any product is by its nature a phenomenon determined by various factors: income, the tastes of the population, fashion, season, etc. It can be argued that whenever prices fall, there is an increase in demand for the corresponding goods. But the measure of price reduction and the measure of demand growth can be determined only on the basis of statistical processing of data on sales of goods at the same or different prices. In this case, indicators of the so-called elasticity of demand and supply of goods are used, which is widely used in the marketing services of various firms. The general methodology for studying statistical populations is to use the basic principles that guide any science. These principles, as a kind of principles, include the following:

· objectivity of the studied phenomena and processes;

Identification of the relationship and consistency in which the content of the studied factors is manifested;

goal setting, i.e. achievement of the set goals on the part of the researcher studying the relevant statistical data.

This is expressed in obtaining information about trends, patterns and possible consequences of the development of the processes under study. Knowledge of the patterns of development of socio-economic processes that are of interest to society is of great practical importance. Among the features statistical analysis data should include the method of mass observation, the scientific validity of the qualitative content of the groupings and its results, the calculation and analysis of generalized and generalizing indicators of the objects under study. As for the specific methods of economic, industrial or statistics of culture, population, national wealth, etc., there may be specific methods for collecting, grouping and analyzing the corresponding aggregates (sum of facts). In economic statistics, for example, the balance method is widely used as the most common method of linking individual indicators in a single system of economic relations in social production. The methods used in economic statistics also include the compilation of groupings, the calculation of relative indicators (percentage ratio), comparisons, the calculation of various types of averages, indices, etc. The method of connecting links consists in the fact that two volumetric, i.e. Quantitative indicators are compared on the basis of the relationship existing between them. For example, productivity in natural indicators and hours worked, or volume of traffic in tons and average haulage in km. When analyzing the dynamics of the development of the national economy, the main method for identifying this dynamics (movement) is the index method, methods of analyzing time series. In the statistical analysis of the main economic patterns of the development of the national economy, an important statistical method is the calculation of the closeness of relationships between indicators.

The object of study of statistics is society in all its variety of forms and manifestations. In this respect statistics is a social science. From other sciences that study society and the processes taking place in it (such as history, economic theory, sociology, demography, etc.), statistics differs in its specific subject of knowledge and methodology for its study.

Thus, the range of questions that make up subject of statistics, associated with the study of the quantitative side of social phenomena and processes.

The socio-economic life of society manifests itself in various forms. mass events. The quantitative characteristics of such mass phenomena and processes, the patterns of their change, and the interrelationships between them constitute the subject of knowledge of statistics.

Every mass social phenomenon has a certain quality content, quality basis- belongs to a certain type of phenomena; has specific features and properties that reflect its internal feature (distinguishing it from other phenomena); proceeds within specific boundaries of time and space; characterized by a certain dynamics of development, relationships with other phenomena. However, along with qualitative certainty socio-economic phenomena are inherent in them and quantitative certainty, because at any given historical moment, socio-economic phenomena have certain dimensions, levels, and there are certain quantitative relationships between them. Studying the quantitative side of social phenomena, statistics always proceeds from analysis of their qualitative content using for this purpose scientific categories and theoretical positions economic theory, sectoral economics, demography, sociology, and other sciences related to statistics. The theoretical analysis of a phenomenon reveals its socio-economic essence, gives the phenomenon studied by statistics a qualitative certainty, which is necessary condition for the correct organization of statistical research and the correct interpretation of its results.

Thus, when conducting any statistical study, it is necessary first of all to understand quality basis studied social phenomenon. Only after the socio-economic essence of the phenomenon is clarified, statistics studies it with quantitative side, using for this purpose various kinds of numerical characteristics:

· phenomenon size- population, volume of production and sales, prices for goods, volumes of credit investments and the amount of profit of commercial banks, etc.;

· ratios and proportions of individual parts of the phenomenon- numerical characteristics of the composition of the population by age, sex, nationality, education; share of production of goods and services in the gross domestic product of the region; the number of marriages and divorces per 1000 people; per capita consumption of certain types of food products, etc.;

· the achieved level and intensity of development of the phenomenon- the average level of wages, the level of profitability of enterprises, the growth rate of prices for consumer goods, etc.;

· quantitative parameters and evaluation functions of dependencies between phenomena- a measure of the influence of the volume of output on the amount of profit, analytical expressions of the dependencies between the levels of income and expenditure of households, the size of the area and the cost of apartments, the amount of insurance payments and the cost of cars, etc.

The quantitative characteristics of phenomena are established in statistics with the obligatory indication specific time and specific place within which the phenomenon is observed and measured.

Goals of quantitative analysis can be very diverse - an assessment of the severity of the phenomenon of certain qualitative properties; obtaining numerical characteristics of the internal structure of the phenomenon; identification and quantitative expression of patterns and features of the development of the phenomenon; the study of the measure of the influence of some phenomena on others. ultimate goal of any statistical study are those statistical conclusions and meaningful conclusions about the state and patterns of development of the studied social phenomena that follow from the results of the analysis of the collected and processed data.

Thus, the range of issues that make up the content of statistics is related to the study of the quantitative characteristics of mass social phenomena in close connection with the qualitative content of these phenomena, their manifestation and development within certain temporal and spatial boundaries.

In other words, subject of statistics as a social science is the quantitative side of qualitatively defined mass socio-economic phenomena and processes, the laws of their relationships and development in the specific conditions of place and time.

The concept of "social statistics" has two interpretations: as a field of science and as a field of practical activity. social statistics as a field of science develops a system of techniques and methods for collecting, processing and analyzing numerical information about social phenomena and processes in society. social statistics as an area of ​​practice is aimed at the performance by state statistics bodies and other organizations of work on the collection and generalization of numerical materials characterizing certain social processes.

Social statistics is a branch of statistics that studies the massive changes that occur in the social life of a society over a certain period of time.

The subject of social statistics is society in all its diversity of forms and manifestations, as well as the quantitative side of social phenomena (objectively existing dimensions, levels that are in a state of continuous movement) inextricably linked with their qualitative side.

The purpose of social statistics is the development of such indicators that can reveal the development of the social conditions of people's lives throughout the development of society. Thanks to social statistics, a complete picture of a person's lifestyle is reproduced: his way of life, living conditions in a particular historical period.

Social statistics has the following main tasks:

1) complete the reproduction of the model of state statistics, adapted to the conditions of the development of market relations;

2) to increase the managerial functions of state statistics bodies in general, the process of information display of social phenomena in the country; to form uniform methods and rules for sectoral systems of statistical information; ensure high efficiency and maximum reliability of statistical data;

3) develop scientifically based statistical methods and techniques similar to the needs of society in present stage and international standards; increase the software-technological and technical level of the system;

4) organize the statistical activities of the executive authorities, create conditions for the use by these bodies of official statistical standards when they conduct sectoral statistical observations;

5) prepare statistical information, research and evaluate, draw up national reports, necessary balance calculations; guarantee the completeness and scientific validity of all official statistical information;

6) provide users with access to open statistical information by disseminating official reports on social position countries, publications of statistical compilations on an equal footing.

No. 116. Methods of measurement and system of indicators

Statistical analysis of phenomena and processes occurring in the social life of society is carried out using methods specific to statistics - methods of generalizing indicators that give a numerical measurement of the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of an object, the links between them, and the trends in their measurement. These indicators reflect the social life of the society, which is the subject of the study of social statistics. Among the most significant areas studies in social statistics include:

Social and demographic structure of the population and its dynamics;

Standards of living;

The level of well-being;

The level of public health;

Culture and education;

moral statistics;

Public opinion;

Political life.

For each area of ​​research, a scorecard, sources of information are determined and there are specific approaches to the use of statistical materials in order to regulate the social situation in the country and regions. At the same time, all these areas ultimately provide a single consistent and integrated information about the picture of social life, about the trends and patterns of development of society.

To display and study the quantitative and qualitative aspects of the phenomena and processes of social life in social statistics, a system of indicators is used. A statistical indicator is the most important category of social statistics. This is a very capacious and widely used concept. It is saturated with specific content in relation to various phenomena, their properties, forms. A statistical indicator is directly related to the quantitative side of a social phenomenon. Therefore, a statistical indicator is a quantitative-qualitative concept. It is impossible to name a specific statistical indicator without mentioning its qualitative content. Such, for example, are indicators of real disposable money income, the volume of paid services, the average life expectancy of the population, and others.

Statistics develops a special methodology obtaining information: selecting, measuring, fixing and aggregating data, as well as their subsequent transformations. Such special methods include: mass statistical observations, grouping method, methods of averages, indices, balance method and a number of others. Statistics as a science includes the following sections: general theory statistics, economic statistics, sectoral statistics - industrial, agricultural, construction, transport, communications, etc. It is within the framework of sectoral statistics that social statistics is currently being developed.

Statistical analysis of phenomena and processes occurring in the social life of society is carried out using methods specific to statistics - methods of generalizing indicators that give a numerical measurement of the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of an object, the relationships between them, and the trends in their change.

These indicators reflect the social life of the society, which is the subject of the study of social statistics.

The most effective approach to the definition of the subject of social statistics, in which at the same time separate aspects of the social life of society are singled out for analysis and their unity and interconnection are taken into account.

The most significant areas of research in social statistics include: the social and demographic structure of the population and its dynamics, the standard of living of the population, the level of well-being, the level of health of the population, culture and education, moral statistics, public opinion, political life.

Social statistics is characterized by a plurality of research objects. They can be divided into two types:

1) Consumers of services, material and spiritual values, information. They are represented by individual and group objects. Individual the object is a person (population as a set of individuals). This is also the entire population and its individual categories, depending on the subsequent social process. Collective object - a group of persons jointly carrying out consumption, jointly participating in the social process. Such objects are: family, labor collective, garden partnership, etc.

2) Persons, organizations, structures providing services to the population, organizing a particular social process. Their activities determine the volume and quality of the services and values ​​provided.

The production and consumption of services, values, information are two interrelated aspects of the process. Thus, a housing problem can be disclosed if information is received on different types objects: families, where the system of indicators characterizes housing conditions and their dynamics, and organizations that form the housing market (construction organizations, housing departments, various intermediary firms for the exchange, purchase, sale and rental of housing, etc.).

Society and governing bodies need to see what goals social development should be put forward in this or that period, whether they are achieved or not. This requires the publication of data on key social indicators. In our country, such data are contained in statistical collections published by local and central state statistical bodies. Publications of social indicators for the countries of the world are carried out by international organizations: the UN, the European Union, the World Bank.

Topic 13. The system of statistical indicators of industries and sectors of the economy, the main groupings and classifications in statistics

Socio-economic statistics  is:

■ branch of knowledge  science, which is a complex and branched system of scientific disciplines (sections) that have certain specifics and study the quantitative side of mass phenomena and processes in close connection with their qualitative side;

■ branch of practice  collection, processing, analysis and publication of mass data on the phenomena and processes of public life;

■ a set of digital information characterizing the state of mass phenomena and processes of public life or their totality;

■ branch of statistics using methods mathematical statistics for the study of socio-economic processes and phenomena.

Currently socio-economic statistics(or statistics)  is a social science that studies the patterns of formation and change in the quantitative relations of social phenomena, considered in direct connection with their qualitative content.

The object of study socio-economic statistics is society in all its diversity of forms and manifestations. This connects socio-economic statistics and all other sciences that study society and the processes taking place in it, the laws of its development, with political economy, the economics of industry, agriculture, sociology, etc. In this common object for all social sciences, each of them finds its own a specific aspect of the study, any characteristic essential properties, aspects, relations of the phenomena of social life, certain areas of human activity, etc.

The phenomena of social life, along with qualitative, are also characterized by quantitative certainty. Both of these aspects are inextricably linked. At each specific historical moment, social and economic phenomena have certain dimensions, levels, and there are quantitative relationships between them. These are, for example, the population of the country on a certain date, the ratio between the number of men and women, the growth rate of gross domestic product, its growth rate, and much more. These objectively existing dimensions, levels, quantitative relations, which are in a state of continuous movement and change, representing in general the quantitative side of economic and social phenomena, the laws of their change, constitute the subject of knowledge of socio-economic statistics.

Thus, socio-economic statistics studies the quantitative side of mass social and economic phenomena in close connection with their qualitative side, i.e., qualitatively determined quantities and the regularities manifested in them. Socio-economic statistics studies the production and consumption of material and spiritual goods in society, the patterns of their change, the economic and social conditions of people's lives.

With the help of the system quantitative indicators socio-economic statistics characterizes the qualitative aspects of phenomena, social relations, the structure of society, etc. The processes occurring in the population, such as birth rate, marriages, life expectancy, etc., are also the subject of study of socio-economic statistics. characteristics, trends, patterns of development of social and economic phenomena and processes, connections and dependencies between them.

The system of indicators of statistics is a set of interconnected blocks of economic information that characterize both various aspects of the economic process and its development at the macro and micro levels.

The study of the quantitative side of social phenomena takes place in several stages. At the first stage, statistical data are collected, during which statistical information is obtained about the phenomena and processes that are subject to statistical analysis. Registration of essential features of the elements of the statistical population is called statistical observation. Thus, the population census records predetermined characteristics of all the inhabitants of the country according to a carefully developed plan.

Observation makes it possible to characterize the whole variety of conditions and ways of manifestation of the studied social patterns and to obtain characteristics of the processes as a whole.

At the second stage, the statistical data collected as a result of observations are subjected to systematization and grouping. This stage is called summary of statistics. The most important method used at this stage is the method of statistical groupings. The diversity of the phenomena of social life requires the identification of their types and structure. For example, according to the population census, it is necessary to determine its social groups and classes, groups by sex, age.

Groupings are of fundamental importance, since they make it possible to single out homogeneous aggregates, divide them into groups and subgroups according to essential features, and thereby give a generalized description of the entire object. At this stage, they move from describing individual units to describing their groups and the object as a whole by counting the totals, calculating general indicators in the form relative and average values .

At the third stage of statistical research, the analysis and generalization of facts are carried out and regularities are found in the studied phenomena. This stage of the study is characterized by the use of the entire arsenal of statistical research methods. Statistical analysis allows us to draw conclusions about the state of the socio-economic phenomenon under study, about the patterns of its development. Conclusions and analysis are presented, as a rule, in text form and are accompanied by graphic and tabular illustrations .

Methodological basis socio-economic statistics are dialectical and historical materialism and political economy. General principles and methods scientific knowledge, developed in materialistic dialectics, serve as a foundation for understanding and correct use of statistical methodology. Of particular importance for revealing the specifics of statistics is the dialectical materialist interpretation of such philosophical categories as quality and quantity, causality, necessity and chance, the general, particular and separate, law and regularity.

Based on the laws of such an interpretation, socio-economic statistics develops specific techniques, methods of research that correspond to the nature of the phenomena it studies and, as a whole, constitute the method of socio-economic statistics, or, in other words, its methodology. Socio-economic statistics uses the methods of deduction and induction in its research.

Let us consider some features of the statistical methodology. They can be summarized as follows:

■ precise measurement and description of mass data;

■ measurement and analysis of differentiation of phenomena;

■ the use of summary (generalizing) indicators to characterize phenomena and patterns of their development.

The first feature is so characteristic of statistics that statistics is often defined as the science of mass phenomena. This is inaccurate, because all sciences deal with mass phenomena. But for statistical methods, it is most characteristic not to study individual objects, individual population units , but the measurement of general quantitative ratios and the establishment of trends and patterns in the development of a set of phenomena. For example, statistics studies the change in labor productivity not of an individual worker, but of a set of workers in a set of enterprises. The same is the case with the study of cost, price movements, etc.

Of exceptional importance for statistical methodology is law of large numbers. Its content is as follows: in the mass of individual phenomena, the general regularity manifests itself more fully and more accurately, the more of them are covered by observation. In the numbers that sum up the result of mass observation, certain patterns appear that cannot be detected on a small number of facts. The law of large numbers expresses the dialectic of the accidental and the necessary. Under certain conditions, the value of an individual element in the aggregate can be considered as a random variable, given that it not only automatically obeys some general pattern, but is also determined by the action of many factors that do not depend on this general pattern. Thus, the life expectancy of an individual is determined both by the general conditions of life in the country, and by many individual characteristics his life and body. It is impossible to judge the life expectancy of people, about its change over a certain period from a small group of fragmentary data, because each individual value will be random: “The internal law that makes its way through these accidents and regulates them becomes visible only when they are covered in large masses" 1 .

Due to the mutual cancellation of random deviations, the averages calculated for quantities of the same type become typical, reflecting the action of constant and significant factors under given conditions of time and place. Tendencies and regularities discovered with the help of the law of large numbers are valid only as mass tendencies, but not as laws for each individual element.

Statistical research is always based on the mass observation of facts. But the law of large numbers is not a regulator of the processes studied by statistics, it does not explain the internal mechanism of the processes of formation of the patterns of qualitative changes in phenomena. It characterizes only one of the forms of manifestation of regularities in mass quantitative relations.

The operation of the law of large numbers can be expressed by means of mathematics. Thus, in probability theory it is proved that arithmetic mean random variables with a sufficiently large number of them with a probability close to unity (i.e., reliability), arbitrarily little differs from mathematical expectation this average. This means that the larger the volume of observation, the more accurate the observed average values reproduce the patterns of the studied population. This is the basis for the use of the sampling method, which is essential in statistics. However, it should be noted that some scientists reject, and sometimes simply downplay or hush up the meaning of the law of large numbers.

An important role is played by the concept of "statistical regularity". statistical regularity there is an objective quantitative regularity of the mass process. It is found as a result of mass statistical observation. This determines its relationship with the law of large numbers. Any noticeable change in the conditions for the existence of a given set will have an impact on the statistical regularity. In this sense, it is a kind of litmus test for the constancy of factors.

The statistical regularity determines the low probability of large deviations of the actual frequencies of the trait variants from the theoretical ones. For example, stores have an assortment corresponding to average demand with a reserve stock to ensure that demand may fluctuate under normal conditions. The share of the reserve stock of goods decreases with an increase in the number of buyers. With a certain probability, a statistical regularity determines the stability of average values ​​while maintaining a constant set of conditions that give rise to this phenomenon.

The official statistical methodology, approved by the Federal State Statistics Service, is mandatory for federal executive government bodies, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local self-government, legal entities , their branches and representative offices of citizens engaged in entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity, when conducting state observations.

To eliminate the information disunity of the federal executive authorities and the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, ensure the unity of the methodology and principles for the formation of statistical information, create a single information and statistical space at the federal level, a special section has been allocated as part of the federal program of statistical work, containing statistical work performed by federal executive authorities on issues within their jurisdiction.

Tasks socio-economic statistics determined by the socio-economic needs of society. Socio-economic statistics solves a wide range of problems. First of all, this is a comprehensive and in-depth study of the state and development of the country's economy, various social and economic processes taking place in it, and their patterns by collecting, processing, analyzing and summarizing data about them.

Special attention should be given to improving the methodology for analyzing the most important proportions: between production and consumption, consumption and accumulation, between the production of means of production and the production of consumer goods, between individual industries; studying the structure of the economy and technical and economic shifts, scientific and technological progress; identifying imbalances that may arise in the economy; opening and fuller use of all the possibilities of a market economy. Great importance also has an assessment of the state of the economy and the standard of living of the population.

At the present stage, when extensive factors of economic development are becoming more and more limited, the task of socio-economic statistics to analyze the efficiency of the economy in the new conditions is of exceptional importance.

Currently statistics represents the most important element of the society's information infrastructure. It serves to satisfy the need for information of all users - both public authorities and agents of new market relations. Statistical data is needed by entrepreneurs, the scientific community, the media, and the population.

The main function of state statistics bodies is the quantitative and qualitative description of the most important socio-economic processes taking place in the country. This is achieved using the system statistical indicators calculated on the basis of information collected through statistical surveys. The adequacy of the description of the ongoing processes largely depends on the methods used for collecting and processing primary data.

In Russia, in accordance with the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics, adopted by the UN Statistical Commission in 1994, special measures were taken to guarantee the confidentiality of the collected statistical information. A corresponding entry was introduced on the forms of the federal state statistical observation, which helps to obtain better and more objective information from the enterprise.

The transition to the principle of obtaining statistical information from enterprises involves, first of all, maintaining the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations ( USREO ). The register for each economic entity contains information about its legal and actual location, industry affiliation, main economic characteristics(volume of production, cost of fixed assets, number of employees, etc.). On the basis of USREO, sub-registers of small enterprises, construction organizations, retail and wholesale trade organizations, etc. are created and maintained.

Subregisters are the source of the formation of the general population of objects of observation, which is a list of existing legal entities , their representative offices and branches. The creation of a general population makes it possible to provide a methodological basis for the transition to an integrated principle of collecting information and conducting statistical analysis for a comparable range of objects.

Changes are constantly made to the sub-registers: liquidated units are excluded, data on enterprises being reorganized are specified, all changes that have occurred in them are noted, and newly created enterprises are added. It should be noted that in each register there is a significant number of inactive enterprises, for their identification and clarification of their position, accounting reports, data from tax authorities, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, etc. are used.

Maintaining sub-registers will ensure the completeness and reliability of the totality of objects of statistical observation. The USREO and sub-registers are used to form sampling frames in sample observations, while the registers themselves serve as a source of statistical data.

The change in the functions of many federal executive bodies and the rejection of administrative methods of managing economic entities have led to the need to ensure the collection and processing of statistical information on a number of sectors of the economy (transport, communications, housing and communal services, trade, individual industries). social sphere) through the bodies of state statistics, and not through the relevant ministries and departments, as was the case before. There is a clear trend towards the centralization of the formation of statistical reporting in the system of statistics and to the release of other departments from these functions.

In order to update and improve the system of indicators characterizing socio-economic and demographic processes in society, taking into account the requirements for building a system of national accounts, as well as the needs of federal government bodies and other users, the Federal State Statistics Service (formerly Goskomstat of Russia) regularly reviews the current forms federal state statistical observation centralized in the bodies of state statistics.

The main principles for the formation of a statistical information base when approving the forms of federal state statistical observation are the unification and simplification of the forms and composition of their indicators, the elimination of duplication of information, and the reduction of the burden on reporting organizations and the budget.

Unified forms of statistical observation include forms No. 1-enterprise "Basic information about the activities of the enterprise", No. P-1 "Information on the production and shipment of goods and services", No. P-2 "Information on investments", No. P-3 " Information on the financial condition of the organization”, No. P-4 “Information on the number, wages and movement of workers.

Small businesses fill out Form No. PM.

Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations state information system, consisting of an organizationally ordered set of documents and information technologies, providing accounting and identification of business entities undergoing state registration on the territory of the Russian Federation.

General Population Database (HS DB) an information system created on the basis of the USREO, the data bank "Accounting statements of organizations" and data statistical observation , built on the basis of unified methodological, software, technological and technical solutions for all levels of state statistics bodies.

General set of objects of statistical observation (GS) list legal entities , their branches, representative offices, other objects of statistical observation operating on the territory of the Russian Federation, characterized by an established set of individual characteristics necessary for the organization of specific statistical observations.

The general population provides for the identification of the main type of activity by codes according to OKDP. The filling in of this requisite will be adjusted as the OKDP is implemented in accordance with additional teaching materials. Data on the availability of licenses for the right to engage in certain types of activities, including the activity code, will be included in the GS after the appropriate refinement of the methodology and software and technological means of interaction USREO with registers of legal and individuals  licensees (these registers are maintained by bodies specially authorized for licensing activities).