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Stress resistance and ways to improve it. How to increase stress resistance? Useful tips and tricks. What is stress tolerance

Basically, stress is called harmful effects that can worsen a person’s emotional state, increase anxiety, and in especially difficult cases, even lead to the development of psychosomatic diseases. In fact, stress can be beneficial to the body, as it moderately stimulates adaptive abilities, mobilizes the psyche and body, and helps to direct efforts to the most important areas. True, all this is possible only with high stress resistance. What is it and how to strengthen it?

Stress and stress resistance - what is known about them

In a broad sense, stress is understood as almost all external influences that a person experiences. Stress can be emotional or physical. In the first case, they mean phenomena and events that contribute to the emergence of anxiety, the appearance of nervousness, and so on. At the same time, emotional stress can also act positively. For example, if you get a promotion at work or a nice person shows interest in you, you too will experience stress. But positive content, not negative.

As for physical stress, then it is caused mainly by strong loads to which a person is not accustomed. Intensive training or carrying heavy bags stimulates the development of a stressful state. And indirectly physical influences affect the emotional state.

That is, both components are inextricably linked. It is impossible to separate them, therefore, when increasing stress resistance, it is important to remember this moment. Stress resistance itself is the body's ability not only to reflect external influences, but also to use them for the benefit of development. If stress resistance is at a high level, you can successfully cope with emotional and physical stress, even directing them to your own benefit.

What causes stress resistance to decrease?

The level of stress resistance can vary depending on various factors. Normally, protection from stress is at such a level that a person can cope with everyday duties, confront conflicts, enjoy physical activity. But it happens that stress resistance decreases. Sharply or gradually - it does not matter. The main thing is to find out why this happens. Resilience can be damaged by:

  • improper organization of the daily routine;
  • a pessimistic outlook on life is the inability to enjoy the little things;
  • lack of skills of self-control, relaxation, maintaining calm;
  • lack of understanding of their emotional and physical state;
  • diseases and disorders of the natural activity of the body.

As can be seen, both psychological and physiological factors can improve protection from stress factors. Accordingly, if we want to give advice on increasing stress resistance, we will have to pay attention to all these points. About the most effective ways and we'll talk.

How can you improve stress tolerance?

There are many different techniques and methods of protection against negative stress. Let's start with perhaps the most successful ways to strengthen stress resistance through working with your own body. After all, we said above that the physiological and emotional components of stress resistance are closely related to each other. Taking into account such a feature, we can give such advice on strengthening the adaptive abilities of the body.

  1. Proper nutrition. Oddly enough, it is best to start with a diet correction. To protect against stress, you first need to maintain a high level of vitamin D. It is important because it has the properties of the strongest antioxidant that protects against emotional burnout. This component is found mainly in oily fish. Be sure to include in the menu such varieties of fish as mackerel, tuna, salmon.
  2. Sunbathing. You can also increase the concentration of vitamin D in the body by taking the so-called sunbathing. You need a sufficient dose of ultraviolet, and to get it, being in the sun is the best method. A solarium would work too. But it is associated with unpleasant side effects.
  3. Physical discharge. The impact of stress leads to the appearance of spasms, increased muscle tone. There is nothing useful in this. You will have to form the habit of using energy correctly so that spasms do not occur. To do this, for example, you can run on your own or go to the gym. It is not necessary to bring yourself to an exhausted state, but a good load will be very useful.
  4. Autogenic training, meditation, relaxation techniques. Here you can find many suitable options for your lifestyle, psychological preparation and so on. We emphasize that here in question about religious or philosophical content. This refers to the physical side of such activities.

Even if you follow only these tips, the level of stress resistance will gradually return to normal. But you can protect yourself from stress with the help of not only physiology. Psychology will also be helpful. Therefore, now it is worth moving on to the psychological component to increase stress resistance.

Let's not talk about the really deep psychological work, which can be carried out, perhaps, by a specialist. We will touch only those moments that are within our power and without the involvement of professionals. Psychologists themselves give a lot of advice on strengthening stress resistance. But simple and effective among them come across, unfortunately, not so often. Therefore, we will try to present only those that help especially well.

  1. Discussing problems with others. Any person experiencing stress also feels the need to voice their own problems. So he just needs to talk. Don't hold on to strong feelings. Voice them, consult with relatives, close friends.
  2. Managing your own life. It certainly sounds too vague. In practice, this means that you must make your own decisions. No need to give the initiative to outsiders. Even if at the workplace you only carry out assignments, if possible, make your own useful recommendations, form an individual working style.
  3. Planning. The strongest fear is the one that arises suddenly. To make stress resistance high, try to plan your actions in advance and predict possible obstacles on the way. Then you will be prepared, and troubles will not hit you so hard.
  4. Letting go of a bad past. Often, events cause anxiety and do not allow you to live normally for the reason that you have already failed in the past. Remember that a second chance should always be used in the light of previous mistakes. For example, don't assume that a new relationship will necessarily lead to failure, because it was the same with the old ones. This is a completely wrong approach, which only interferes with life.
  5. Solving problems sequentially. It happens that at the same time a bunch of very different problems that need to be addressed urgently are piled up at once. It's wrong to grab everything at once. Take the most difficult problem and try to solve it first. Then you will move on to the smaller ones.
  6. Visualization of a positive outcome. And finally, optimism brings a lot of benefits to increasing stress resistance. That is what we are talking about here. It is necessary not only to believe in the good, but also to imagine the positive outcome of any disturbing event. Then you will immediately set yourself up for success.

There are still incredibly many different psychological tips on this topic. We just tried to choose exactly those that, without excess water, allow you to overcome stress and create more pleasant conditions for life.

Increasing stress resistance - an investment in the future

Abroad, the problem of low stress resistance is used to being solved with the help of pills. This approach gives a quick, but very short-lived result. Pills only increase physiological protection against stress, but do not allow you to solve original problem. Don't go down the wrong path. Antidepressants are needed only in the most extreme situations, but they are rare. Take care of your emotional and physical condition. Then stress resistance will be high all the time.

Life modern man not without stress and emotional upheaval. Sometimes various experiences come into life so suddenly that there is no way to immediately respond to the changes that are taking place. Stress resistance is a way to overcome difficult situations by developing special behavior programs. Most people in similar situations act in a certain way and for a long time are not inclined to change the method of responding.

Someone actively expresses his position in life, others withdraw into themselves and do not show their feelings in any way. However, having tolerance to stress, a person not only forms, but also increases susceptibility to stress. It will be much easier for such a person to subsequently cope with any emotional upheavals. How to increase stress resistance? There are several simple ways that can and should be taken into account.

be cheerful

Active life position allows not only to avoid failures, but also to maintain a kind of “immunity” against the onslaught of adverse events. Psychology gives advice that can be useful to people who are used to taking responsibility for what is happening. To be cheerful means to try to notice favorable events in life, to be able to celebrate your own unique abilities and talents.

A person who knows how to rejoice will never offend his interlocutor in vain, will not hurt his loved ones. He will not get upset over trifles. It is not easy to train your own will. To do this, you need to give up selfishness to some extent and focus on the fulfillment of the main task. Balance is achieved by working on yourself.

Achievements matter

How to develop stress tolerance for a person who is not confident in himself? He needs to try to concentrate as much as possible on his activities. It is best to find for yourself such an occupation that would captivate you with your head, make you believe in the available prospects. Achievements have great importance for the individual for the reason that in this way she gets used to celebrating the victories she has. The fact is that low stress resistance takes away emotional strength from a person, makes him doubt the available opportunities. Resistance to stress incredibly trains the will, helps to cultivate tolerance.

An increase in stress resistance is due precisely to the fact that a person begins to believe more in his own prospects. When thinking about how to develop stress resistance, you should be very aware of your own perspectives. The development of stress resistance will certainly change the character of the individual. No one can remain the same after coming out of a difficult situation. A person always becomes stronger, overcoming significant obstacles. The formation of stress resistance is a long process that takes not a single day. The greater the result a person seeks to achieve, the more decisively he must act. Resistance to stress helps to increase the psychological resistance of the body, develop the habit of not giving in to difficulties.

Talents and Opportunities

Every person has some sort of ability. You just need to be able to detect them in time and cultivate them in yourself. The ability of a person is his individual characteristic, God's gift which is given from above. A stress-resistant person is more attentive to his talents and does not let them go to the wind. Knowing your worth is especially necessary when a negative experience was gained in childhood or adolescence. To cultivate stress resistance in oneself means that one must strive to realize one's talents and abilities. High stress resistance appears in that person who is ready to work on himself every day, to make certain efforts for achievements. Otherwise, you should not hope for quick results. With low self-giving, stress captures the whole person, does not allow her to be herself.

Overcoming despair

In life, sometimes it happens that faith in one's own prospects disappears and one's hands give up. This is completely normal, especially when there is no necessary positive experience in overcoming difficulties. Stress resistance is the ability not to be afraid when failures literally follow one after another. A person must learn not only to act openly, but to do it in inappropriate conditions, not hoping for anyone's mercy.

Sense of responsibility

How to become stress-resistant, if failures continue to haunt you? Is it worth it to fight them? Of course, one should not give up, especially when the situation can still be somehow corrected. Thinking about what stress resistance is, you need to be able to take responsibility. Unfortunately, not everyone is capable of this. At work, people have to perform many tasks at the same time. In order not to panic, you sometimes need to be able to calm yourself, persuade, even redistribute responsibilities with colleagues. A sense of responsibility is the best defense against all sorts of experiences. When a person acquires the habit of not blaming others for what happens to him, the process of spiritual growth begins.

Stress and stress resistance are concepts that, in fact, govern human life. Life cannot be lived without difficulties. Only then does a person become truly strong when he knows how to cope with his own emotions. At work, you need to be as focused as possible on the activities performed. Any advice from colleagues should be taken as some kind of hint, help, and not as reproaches and suspicions.

Developing stress resistance is necessary for everyone and everyone who strives for a comfortable existence. Otherwise, constant anxiety will appear, the person becomes irritable and absent-minded. Developing self-confidence begins with consciously thinking through your own perspectives and additional actions. Stress resistance is a kind of skill that you need to strive to develop in yourself. Formation positive attitude to life is a special skill that is not inherent in everyone. In some cases, it is necessary not only to develop a different vision of the situation, but also to resort to objective treatment.

Working with thoughts

A person's thoughts are what shape his daily reality. Even if a person does not think about his feelings, they significantly affect the mood. Someone tends to give in to any feelings and sensations very quickly. Such people often cry, often feel like victims of circumstances. Sometimes they think that nothing depends on them. Weak people, as a rule, tend to shift their own responsibility onto outsiders. Is it possible to overcome these manifestations with the help of stress resistance? There is no doubt about that!

Working with thoughts consists in becoming aware of those beliefs that are rushing through the head every day. Watching your thoughts does not mean suppressing them. The body's resistance to stress is determined by how rarely a person gets sick. If there is a tendency to depression, then there is a long work to be done on yourself. We need to try to form a different attitude to life, more joyful and positive. The stronger the mental organization, the better man copes with everyday challenges. It is necessary to develop an active attitude to life constantly, without taking temporary breaks. Only in this case it is possible to talk about the education of high stress resistance.

Problem Solving

Human life cannot always go measuredly and smoothly. Sometimes there are some unpredictable situations that turn everything upside down! The fact is that everyone has their own attitude to what is happening. Some people quickly forget about what happened, while others will constantly scroll through various unpleasant details in their heads. Solving the difficulties that arise helps to develop a stable attitude towards life, to become the master of one's own existence.

Thus, stress resistance is strongly associated with the internal resources of the individual. To increase stress resistance, you need to try to change your attitude towards life.

Stress has become an integral part of life today, especially for people who live in big cities. They are constantly in a state of tension, in an eternal race. Therefore, the question of how to develop stress tolerance visits almost every one of them. Since there are enough difficult situations and events in life, and they appear from time to time. There are circumstances that make you completely reconsider your views on life and life in general beyond recognition.

These can be various unpleasant events. In them, a person begins to experience a huge storm negative emotions which he thinks he can't handle on his own. This gives him self-doubt, as a result, apathy and disappointment in life arise.

Resilient people

But those who quickly come to their senses after the experienced stress and adapt to new life circumstances and conditions. Often help them in this for the development of stress resistance.

But there is no one algorithm of actions for all people (the same). There are certain practices from which each person can choose which method is suitable for him. To be more precise, this is a set of effective exercises. But since the critical stress threshold for each person is different, then the choice of a set must be approached individually.

The article will tell you how to develop stress resistance. It will also describe techniques that help to survive difficult situations. Everyone can choose for himself a certain complex, which will be acceptable to him.

What is stress tolerance?

Stress tolerance involves the adaptation of a person in a critical situation for him. life situation. For example, these may be psychological trauma, threats, tragedies, health problems, in relationships with loved ones, problems at work, material difficulties, and so on. Stress resistance involves the ability to cope with such circumstances and quickly return to a normal state of mind.

In the course of research, it was found that every person can have this quality. After all, it is not something supernatural. If you observe, people often show it. It is very important to understand that people who develop stress resistance in themselves do not become indifferent to suffering and easily survive any difficulties. Pain on an emotional level and serious psychological trauma will not go away, just a person will learn to cope with them, experience them less painfully and enter the normal course.

But such a quality as stress resistance is not an innate trait. You need to know that this is a skill acquired throughout a person's life. This feature implies in general the beliefs, actions, train of thought of a person that he acquires in the process of his development.

Development of the level of stress tolerance

Stress resistance is a whole complex of factors. According to the results of research, it was determined that the level of resilience often depends on the support and care of the family and the environment of the person. Relationships in which a person feels love and a high degree of trust are important. This helps to develop the skill of stress tolerance and the belief that one can cope with many life circumstances.

Help to get enough high level stress resistance factors such as:

  • the ability to build life plans and translate them into reality or take steps towards their implementation in order to get as close as possible to the goal;
  • self-confidence, a real and objective assessment of one's skills and talents, the correct calculation of one's strengths in any business and undertaking;
  • positive problem-solving and communication skills;
  • the ability to control your emotions and the flow of feelings.

All of the above qualities can be developed both in combination and separately. This can be done both independently, engaging in self-development, and with the help of the services of a specialist.

How to develop stress resistance? Strategies

You need to be aware that psychological resistance to stress in life is not something one-time, not a condition that can happen once and never happen again. Everyone is different, so everyone reacts differently. The method by which one person can cope with stress will not always help another. For each person, different strategies in the fight should be applied, depending on his character and personality type. The American Psychological Association offers 10 effective methods that help fight stress. They can be used to develop your own strategy for developing resistance to various irritating factors.

How to develop stress resistance in yourself? 10 rules will be presented below.

Crisis is not a problem from which there is no way out

When a person is unable to change the course of the situation and the circumstances that he has to endure, it is necessary to change his attitude and reaction to them. Try to look beyond the framework of the present. One must imagine that the situation will be much better in the future. Thus, subconsciously a person will begin to pull himself out of the existing life circumstances and strive to improve them. It is important to pay attention to even the smallest details and reasons why the condition improves, and try to return to them more often.

Good relationships with close circle of people

Good relationship with family, friends play not last role In human life. Since if they are trusting, relatives will always be able to both just listen and lend a helping hand if necessary.

So a person becomes more confident in his abilities and a reliable rear. Feeling supported and protected is very important. This increases the level of stress resistance. Also, many psychologists are convinced that participation in various associations, such as adequate religious organizations and interest groups, can really help a person cope with difficulties. Also, by helping other people, a person helps himself.

Set a goal and strive for it

This is a very important point. You need to set certain goals. And step by step strive to achieve them. You can do something that brings you at least one step closer to your goal every day. And then, over time, the tasks that seemed simply impossible and huge will become more understandable, and the person himself will not notice how he came to what he so wanted to achieve.

See things in perspective

How to develop stress resistance? It is necessary to look at the current difficult situation as if from the outside and adequately assess it, without giving vent to emotions. Thus, many things will fall into place. A person will be able to see more clearly how to proceed further. Here it is important not to make an elephant out of a fly. And evaluate everything objectively.

Change in life is part of it

Some goals for a certain period of time may not be available for any reason. You shouldn't panic because of this. You need to rethink which circumstances you can still change, and which you can’t. And start acting, starting from the circumstances that can be changed by making some effort.

Act, don't wait

In any adverse situation, you need to act as actively as possible. To turn them into better side need to make decisions. Do not hope and wait until the problem goes away by itself.

Find ways of self-development and self-knowledge

It happens that in this process people learn a lot about themselves. They realize that they have grown spiritually on the way out of some difficult life situation. And after the hardships experienced, they gained self-confidence, their attitude towards people and life in general changed. There was a change in outlook on life and a reassessment of values.

Look at yourself positively

You should trust personal experience and intuition in the decision difficult problems. You need to develop self-confidence.

be an optimist

It is necessary, in spite of everything, to try to maintain hope that the Good times. It is important to try to visualize what you are striving for, and not waste time thinking about your fears.

To take care

Pay attention to your feelings and needs, take part in activities that bring pleasure and relaxation. This affects the development of stress tolerance. Exercises like meditation help a lot too. Physical exercise is also essential.

You need to help yourself keep a clear mind and a healthy body so that you always have the strength to deal with stress.


Now you know how to develop at home. We have covered ten basic rules that will help you achieve the desired effect.

In fact, this is a set of qualities due to which the human body reacts to stressful factors as calmly as possible. It is important to understand that stress resistance is not:

  • The ability of a person to simply restrain, suppress emotions, outwardly remaining imperturbable, but inside being filled with a boiling lava of resentment, anger, irritation. Nothing good comes from this approach. Feelings accumulate, and then result in serious health problems. It is important to learn to respond to everything that happens for real, sincerely calmly.
  • It is also not indifference or coldness. Feeling human emotions, including negative ones, is quite normal and necessary. The point is that they should not undermine a person's health, relationships, and productivity at work.

Resilience can be developed

Any quality can be improved. It's just that for someone it comes easily, given the temperament and previous experience, but for someone not very much.

Like muscles. I worked with a barbell and dumbbells - and after six months you are playing with cast biceps.

I set out to learn how to manage stress - a few months of exercises, training, and if there is a need and opportunity, I will have to connect psychological trainings, as well as psychotherapy. And the man drove to work on public transport with trampled feet and a rumpled shirt, but with good mood never quarreled with anyone...

Let go of what does not depend on us

Often the cause of stress is the negative feelings experienced in relation to a person by others. For example, if he achieved some success in the financial sector with his work and faced envy.

It is important to remember: any emotions are problems and the responsibility of the people who experience them. They need to be understood, forgiven and let go - and not drag along the burden of other people's baseless accusations.

Don't worry ahead of time

Very often we begin to worry even before there is a real reason for stress. If we learn not to do this, we save the lion's share of energy.

For example, before an important exam, a student imagines how tomorrow he will fail him, pulling out a ticket with a single question to which he does not know the answer, will lose his scholarship, will live from hand to mouth whole month... At a time when you need to calm down and direct all your strength to repeating the material, and just before the event, relax and get enough sleep.

Of course, if no preparation work has been carried out up to this point - when you don’t know the name of the subject that you will take, there are still reasons for unrest.

Understand how you feel

Psychologists say that in order to deal with stress, it is very important to clearly understand what emotions you experience at a certain moment. Alas, most often, trying to answer this question, people say: “Normal”, “Bad”, “Nothing”, “I don’t know”.

It is very important to get used to listening to yourself and your feelings. If you can’t even voice your condition, cope with it, all the more it will not work.

Don't make a big deal out of molehills

It is also a useful skill that can significantly reduce the amount of stress in our lives.

For example, the boss called a subordinate into the office and noted that he had found an error in an important report, and asked him to continue to carefully check the data. The manager simply provided the employee with feedback to help him become more efficient in the future, and a suspicious and insecure person may well begin to fantasize about the upcoming dismissal and months of lack of money. And it’s enough just to check the numbers again before the next delivery of the document.

change attitude

We cannot change many situations, but we are quite capable of transforming our attitude towards them. This is our sole responsibility.

In the event of a potential stressful situation you can imagine that this is a chair. We are not carpenters to redesign it. But we can choose the position in which it is most comfortable to sit on it.

look for the positive

When we are stressed, these words can not only not help, but also irritate.

But if you calm down and think, it turns out that in the vast majority of situations you can really find at least something good. At least a valuable experience that makes us smarter and wiser.

And next time we will not step on the rake with a running start and fill a smaller bump, then we will step, but we will have time to dodge the blow, and then, you see, we will completely bypass it.

Find time for rest and sports

Even the most balanced and calm person, overtired, is affected by stress factors. Therefore, everyone should allow himself a rest - a vacation, a day off, a few minutes during the day.

Resting is not a weakness, but an investment in your productivity.

When we feel that stress is about to take us captive, and there is no time for a long break, you can use simple tricks, which will take just a few minutes, but will help to return to tone. For example:

  • Close your eyes and breathe slowly for a couple of minutes.
  • Wash with cool water, and if possible, take an invigorating shower.
  • Have a cup of warm drink or plain water in silence.
  • Leave the room and walk (jog).
  • Talk to someone close (even on the phone).
  • Calculate mentally.
  • Draw (even if it seems that you don’t know how).
  • Cry (or laugh) when you find a secluded corner.
  • Say out loud (or even write down) the reasons for your irritation.
  • Just change the activity.
  • Pray.

Well, about sports - the best anti-stress activity has not yet been invented, so doing some kind of sport is the best thing a person can do for his health, not only physical, but also psychological.

Get started, sign up for a gym,

Comedies, positive books, anecdotes, communication with nice people - all this is not just a way to spend time with something useless. These are very effective and useful stress management tools.

Simply, you can sit back, pick up your favorite tablet, phone or laptop, and relax with the help of modern online coloring "Antistress". They will help you gain peace and collect your thoughts.

Choose how you want to paint.

Temporary distraction is not an option

Often, when experiencing stress, you can hear advice of this kind: “Just get distracted by something,” or: “Imagine that there is a glass wall in front of you, and the problems are behind it, but they do not concern you.” Obviously, this is more like the principle of an ostrich that hides its head in the sand, or a child that closes its eyes and believes that no one sees it because of this.

When you can just leave

Sometimes it happens that stress becomes a constant companion of a person for reasons beyond his control. For example, he finds himself in an organization where there is a very unfavorable organizational climate: it is customary to substitute each other, deceive, evade responsibility. Not everyone can feel comfortable in such an environment. So sometimes it's best to cut the Gordian knot - to leave the abode of stress. Let's say, change jobs - and go to a team where it is customary to live according to normal human laws.

stress interview

Some employers, when selecting new employees, use the so-called. stressful interview - when the candidate is put in an awkward position, asked deeply personal questions, provoked to aggression, they can even insult or humiliate.

All this is done in order to check the level of stress resistance of the applicant for the position.
Many experienced recruiters argue that the use of such methods is incorrect and unprofessional, and it is possible to test a person’s ability to withstand stress in a more humane way (for example, using the so-called competency interview). So the decision on whether to stay in such a company remains with the candidate.



There is only one way to remove stress from your life - to drop everything and go to desert island. Yes, and it is not very reliable: either the coconut will not crack, then the rain will put out the fire, then at night the bushes will rustle menacingly near the hut ... So you need to learn to live with stress and manage it, ensuring that stress factors bring a minimum of harm to our health, relationships and work. Stress resistance can be increased both independently and by seeking help from a psychologist or psychotherapist.

What is stress?
The concepts of "stress" and "stress resistance" have firmly entered the life of modern man. Successful businessmen and businesslike housewives, students and schoolchildren, managers and subordinates experience the consequences of stress and want to increase their resistance to stress. Professional stress is caused by obstinate clients, endless calls, deadlines. Emotional stress can also arise from the performance of household duties, from the desire to meet the inflated requirements of society. In a stressful situation, people are strained by information overload, lack of time, a lack of positive emotions and an excess of negative emotions. We all believe that stress is evil, and we need to get rid of it. Is it really? Can stress be good for the psyche?

FROM scientific point of vision, any change in the activity of the body is a constant stress. And parting with a loved one, and going to the store for bread is stressful. Just in each case, a different degree of adaptation is needed. You can experience stress even in your sleep. Stop stress means stop life. All living organisms must be able to adapt to different situations. Stressors increase our adaptive capacity. What matters is not the level of stress, but whether the body can adapt to it. If you successfully cope with life and professional tasks, the problem of stress does not concern you. But if the forces are not enough, chronic stress becomes harmful. It greatly depletes the mental and physical resources of the body. To designate this type of stress, Hans Selye introduced the special term "distress" and even wrote the book "Stress without Distress".

Thus, you should not be afraid of stress. There is nothing wrong with stress itself. On the contrary, stress is very beneficial. It forces our body to constantly train. Coping with stress is about minimizing harmful effects. And in this aspect, the best way out is the correct prevention of stress.

The main causes of stress
As we have already found out, harmful stress has one main reason - the external influence has exceeded the adaptive capabilities of the body. A situation has arisen in which a person cannot cope with himself, develop a clear strategy of behavior. Or there is a strategy, but there are no forces or abilities for its implementation. The brain does not know what commands to give to the organs. And miracles begin to happen to the human body. Stress can manifest itself through allergic reactions, nervous tics, pain in various organs, sleep and digestive disorders, disorders of the respiratory, cardiovascular, reproductive and excretory systems. Everything is possible. It is impossible to guess how your body will behave under the influence of harmful stress. These are the effects of stress.

Moreover, at what point it will fail in your body, depends on many factors. The level of stress resistance is influenced by the general state of physical and mental health, daily routine, nutritional habits, uniformity of mental and physical stress, living conditions, social environment, character professional activity, marital status, quality interpersonal relationships, preferred behavioral strategies, the presence of pets. This list can be continued indefinitely.

Let's try to systematize those phenomena that are most often the cause of adaptation disorders:

1. Limited resources. To perform any activity, a person needs certain resources: time, money, assistants, abilities. They need to be sought, mined, developed, protected. It takes a lot of effort to achieve these goals. For some, solving such problems is as easy as gnawing seeds. And someone, feeling a lack of resources, begins to get very nervous, get lost, make mistakes, take out irritation on others.

2. Situation of uncertainty. To make informed decisions, a person needs to know what will happen to him tomorrow, what he should prepare for. For example, it is important for an employee to understand how the manager will evaluate his work. The uncertainty is unnerving. The brain, not knowing when it will be possible to relax, just in case, keeps the psyche in constant combat readiness. It seems that at this particular moment, nothing important is happening. And the forces needed are the same as during the most intense activity.

3. or "excellent student syndrome". Some people in any situation strive to do any business on "5+". It is important for them to always be on top and have time for everything. A perfectionist has an ideal appearance, a prestigious job, a comfortable home, a loving spouse and well-behaved children. But behind a beautiful facade, there are usually a lot of problems. Inner world a person with an excellent student syndrome is as far from ideal as possible. He is torn apart by constant doubts and contradictions. A perfectionist is desperately afraid of making a mistake, constantly worrying about what people will think and how he looks from the outside. Unhappy and twitchy, he suffers himself and torments those around him with endless nit-picking and teachings.

4. Social tension. The sphere of interpersonal communication is overflowing with various impulses and incentives. Communication can inspire and inspire. And it can be seriously tiring. The need to communicate with large quantity people, take into account their opinions, tastes and habits - a 100% stress factor. This group includes specific personality traits that annoy you, as well as all the negative phenomena that accompany human relations: injustice, manipulation, conflict, high expectations, etc.

Increasing stress resistance
Stress resistance is the ability to withstand heavy loads without loss of adaptation. You should not worry if you manage to successfully interact with the outside world, and in general you are satisfied with your life. Most likely, you have a high stress tolerance. Your main task is to prevent stress. If you often “fall out of your hands”, you experience chronic fatigue, sudden mood swings, changes in appetite, sleep problems, frequent conflicts are signs of stress. The more such signs, the more likely your stress resistance features need to be corrected.

A fairly common misconception is the desire to avoid stress. The level of stress resistance remains the same. Some people think that overcoming stress happens by itself if you get more rest. Of course, you need to rest. Quality and pleasure. Have a rest? And now - to work! The formation of stress resistance occurs if you train a lot and hard. It is in the area that causes you the most inconvenience. You just need to do it wisely. Our task is to help the psyche, and not to load it even more. We offer you an algorithm aimed at the true development of stress resistance, and not the accompanying factors that have an indirect effect on it.

STEP 1. Determine the root of evil. Take a blank sheet of paper, divide it with a vertical line into two columns. In the first one, at the very top, write the question: “What annoys me?”. And then write whatever comes to mind. List in detail events, facts and assumptions, your mistakes, the names of specific people, their qualities, behaviors, etc. Next, once again study in detail the item "Causes of stress" and write out in the second column the names of the main items: resources, uncertainty, etc. Try to draw an arrow from each item in the first column to one of the items in the second column. In this way, you will be able to find the area in which you most often have problems (the one with the most arrows). Start working with her. Increasing stress resistance occurs through the acquisition of useful skills of self-regulation, activity planning, introspection and self-management. It is better to increase the quality of stress resistance gradually.

STEP 2. Be specific. What exactly do you want in the designated area? The answer "To be good" will not work. The option “Let the world or people change” is also unpromising. Figure out what you want to do with yourself? Learn to manage time? Earn Money? Is it smart to spend? Improve any particular quality of your personality? Learn to understand and accept people? Establish productive relationships? There may be thousands of options. And each one is attractive in its own way. Formulate your specific, measurable and achievable goal.

STEP 3. Generate ideas. Convert your goal into a search term and collect as much information as possible. The Internet has long ceased to be a global garbage dump. Now on the Internet you can find a lot of useful and high-quality information. Rely on your common sense and life experience. First of all, pay attention to materials or resources that contain information about the author (at least the last name, ideally, contacts). Gather information about the author of the material you are interested in, evaluate the level of his professional qualifications and achievements in the area of ​​interest to you. Look for an online community, a group in in social networks, or LiveJournal, where people share their personal experience upon your request.

STEP 3. Take action! Make a detailed plan and start acting in a given direction. Try to set aside at least 20-30 minutes a day to bring your ideas to life. Nothing works for those who do nothing!

STEP 4. Broadcast! Try to carefully record your experience. This will help to make the work of self-improvement more conscious, and in the future to take into account the mistakes made. Share your experience. Perhaps someone right now lacks your support.
So, step by step, starting with concrete small successes, a increased stress resistance personality.

In conclusion, we recall once again that stress is easier to prevent than to eliminate its consequences later. Here are some life principles that make up the prevention of stress:

1. Live joyfully! Positive emotions help to increase immunity and normalize all body functions. To a lucky man neither viruses nor human malice are terrible. Learn to see the positive in your surroundings. Rejoice in simple things: the sun, a smile, beauty, delicious food. Try to keep people positive.

2. Be content with little! Do not seek to embrace the immensity. Remember that human needs are insatiable. To make a person happy, you do not need to increase his capabilities, you need to reduce his needs. We do not urge you to lie on the couch and spit at the ceiling. But it is still very useful to prioritize, focus on the main thing and do what really brings pleasure.

3. Love yourself! This world needs every person just the way he is. With all its features: height, weight, eye color and abilities. Learn to be positive about any manifestations of your own individuality. It is impossible not to love a person who brings positive to the world!

4. Learn to forgive! The people around you and the world as a whole don't owe you anything. No one is obliged to guess your desires, help and support. It's great if you have all this in your life. Well, if not, it doesn't matter either. You shouldn't be offended. Learn to understand people, the motives of their actions. Don't ask too much of people. Be tolerant of human weaknesses.

5. Create! The person who is busy productive activity, no time to think about the little things and troubles. Practice creativity in every area of ​​your life. Experiment! Create! Create beautiful and necessary things, ideas, communities!