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Computer programs for elementary school students. Useful applications for schoolchildren. Apps for Apple smartphones and tablets

Place of work: KOGOAU "Gymnasium No. 1", Kirovo-Chepetsk

The computer program teaches children to fill in the fields when writing addition and subtraction examples in a column. The desired field and number are selected with the mouse (first the field - when selected, it becomes green). Numbers can also be entered from the keyboard. The program additionally checks the correctness of the calculations.

Computer program for elementary school "Watchmaker"

Place of work: Education Centre
named after S.N. Olekhnika

Many children, even towards the end elementary school not fully master the ability to determine the time by the clock. In order for children to master this topic easily and forever, we suggest using the new little program "Watchmaker-demo". The watchmaker helps students develop and consolidate such an important skill - the ability to determine and quickly calculate the time.

Computer simulator for elementary school "Mathematical Tetris"

Computer simulator for elementary school "Mathematical Tetris" is designed to train and consolidate the multiplication table in elementary school.

Game "Word" Grade 4 World around

Place of work: MBOU "Okhteurskaya OSSH"

The game contains 20 words associated with the name of Russian mammals. The game works correctly in PowerPoint 2010. When starting a presentation, select Enable content for this session.

Multiplication table in cartoons 2.0

A math learning program that allows you to learn the multiplication table step by step using pictures and cartoon melodies. The program is divided into 9 stages. With correct answers, parts of the hidden picture are revealed to the child, and after the full appearance, a song from the corresponding cartoon sounds. The main goal is to interest the child in learning the multiplication table, to make the learning process interesting, visual, fun and attractive.

Dedicated to parents of future first-graders...

You often hear: "We study according to Vinogradova ...", "And in our class they teach according to Zankov." Unfortunately, most parents can only name the author curriculum, others will say “we were praised for it”, others, perhaps, will talk about specific pros and cons. But in general, the average parent hardly understands how all these programs differ. And no wonder. It is really difficult to get through the scientific style and terminology of pedagogical texts.

So let's get together and try to understand.

First, there is pedagogical system and a pedagogical program.

There are only three systems: Zankov system(developing), Elkonin-Davydov system(developing) and traditional(see Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 21, 2004 N 93).

There are much more programs. In addition to the officially recognized, there are many experimental systems, as well as copyright, intra-school, which we will not consider in this article.

Schematically it will look something like this:

All systems and programs approved by the Ministry of Education meet the main requirement: they allow the student to acquire the required minimum of knowledge. Authorship is manifested in the ways of presenting the material, additional information, organization learning activities.

Each system and program has its own author, so to speak, an ideological inspirer. But this does not mean that all textbooks in all subjects were written by him alone. Of course, a whole team worked on compiling the UMK (Educational and Methodological Kit)! Therefore, the names on the textbooks of your children, of course, will be different. But, despite the "collective creativity", all textbooks within the same program have the same:

  • Purpose (i.e. the result that should be obtained, the qualities that graduates who have studied in a particular program should eventually have)
  • Tasks (i.e. those steps by which the goal is achieved)
  • Principles (i.e. features of the organization of training, presentation of material, choice of methods that distinguish one program from another).
  • Content (in fact, the very educational material that the child will learn in the learning process. For example, the content of education in philology, mathematics, social science and natural science. In this part of the program, they differ in that some are limited to the state standard minimum, others include various additional knowledge, concepts, literature, as well as the order of filing educational material, which is inextricably linked with the principles.)

No bad or good programs. All programs considered in the article are approved by the Ministry of Education. And the developing system is no better and no worse than the traditional one. In fact, each system is designed for a certain mindset, or, in other words, a way of perceiving and mentally processing information. And these processes are individual for each child. Like metabolism, or let's say hair color. Therefore, in the description of each program, we have introduced the section “Features that will allow the child to successfully study in this program”, where we will describe the qualities that it is desirable for the child to have in order to show high results without overstraining.

Below we will sometimes give examples of schools that teach according to a particular program, but in fact, different classes the same school may study in different programs, especially where the choice of the program is made by the teachers themselves. And it's even good. Different programs and systems require different initial knowledge and skills from children, and it also largely depends on the personal qualities of the teacher whether he will be able to implement the program in full. Therefore, the teacher chooses a program that will allow him to work in the current situation with this particular team.

Zankov education system

In 1995 - 1996 L. V. Zankov's system is recognized as a parallel state system of primary education.

Target: the general development of students, which is understood as the development of the mind, will, schoolchildren and as a reliable basis for their assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities.

Tasks: one of the most important tasks is to educate the junior schoolchild about himself as a value. Education should be focused not so much on the whole class as a whole, but on each individual student. At the same time, the goal is not to “pull up” weak students to the level of strong ones, but to reveal the individuality and optimally develop each student, regardless of whether he is considered “strong” or “weak” in the class.

Principles: student independence, creative comprehension of the material. The teacher does not give the schoolchildren the truth, but makes them "dig" for themselves. The scheme is the opposite of the traditional one: first examples are given, and students themselves must draw theoretical conclusions. Learned material is also reinforced practical tasks. The new didactic principles of this system are the rapid mastering of the material, a high level of difficulty, and the leading role of theoretical knowledge. Comprehension of concepts should occur in the understanding of systemic relationships.

Systematic work is carried out on the overall development of all students, including both strong and weak ones. It is important for students to be aware of their learning process.

Features that will allow the child to successfully study under this program: the willingness to work at a high pace, the ability to reflect, independently search for and assimilate information, and the willingness to be creative in solving the problem.

  • - the system is clearly and completely described, you can't say better

Elkonin-Davydov education system

If Zankov teaches at a high speed, then Davydov follows the saying "go slower - you will continue."

The educational system of D. B. Elkonin-V.V. Davydov has already more than 40 years of history of existence: first in the form of developments and experiments, and in 1996, by the decision of the Board of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the educational system of Elkonin-Davydov was recognized as one of the three government systems, along with the traditional system and the system of developmental education L. V. Zankova.

Target: formation of a system of scientific concepts, educational independence and initiative. Developing in a child the ability to think unusually and deeply


  1. to form in elementary school graduates the ability to reflect, which at primary school age reveals itself through:
  • knowledge of one's ignorance, the ability to distinguish between the known and the unknown;
  • the ability to indicate in an underdetermined situation what knowledge and skills are not enough for successful action;
  • the ability to consider and evaluate one's own thoughts and actions "from the side", not considering one's own point of view as the only possible one;
  • the ability to critically, but not categorically evaluate the thoughts and actions of other people, referring to their reasons.
  • develop the ability for meaningful analysis and meaningful planning.

  • The formation of these abilities is detected if:

    • students can identify a system of tasks of one class that have a single principle of their construction, but differ external features conditions (meaningful analysis);
    • students can mentally build a chain of actions, and then perform them smoothly and accurately.
    • develop the student's creativity and imagination.


    1. The main principle of this system is to teach children to acquire knowledge, to search for it on their own, and not to memorize school truths.
    2. The subject of assimilation are general methods of action - methods of solving a class of problems. They start learning subject. In the following, the general method of action is concretized in relation to particular cases. The program is arranged in such a way that in each subsequent section the already mastered method of action is concretized and developed.
    3. Mastering the general method begins with a subject-practical action.
    4. Student work is built as a search and trial of means for solving a problem. Therefore, the student's judgment, which differs from the generally accepted one, is considered not as a mistake, but as a test of thought.

    Features that will allow the child to successfully study in this program: the same that were described for the Zankov program. Exception: It is unlikely that you will have to work at a fast pace. Rather, thoroughness, attention to detail, the ability to generalize are useful.

    School 2100 (School 2000, Peterson program)

    The program is aimed primarily at the development and improvement of the traditional content of education.

    Target: ensure the natural and effective integration of the child into society.


    • create readiness for productive work
    • to form a readiness for further education and, more broadly, for lifelong education in general.
    • to cultivate a natural-scientific and general humanitarian outlook.
    • provide a certain level of general cultural development. An example is the formation (cultivation) of a schoolchild of the skills of an adequate artistic perception of at least literature
    • to form certain personal properties that ensure its successful socio-psychological adaptation in society, successful social activity and successful social and personal development
    • provide maximum opportunities for the formation of the student's attitude to creative activity and skills of creative activity
    • to form knowledge, attitudes and basic skills of pedagogical activity.


    The principle of adaptability. The school seeks, on the one hand, to adapt as much as possible to students with their individual characteristics, on the other hand, to respond as flexibly as possible to sociocultural changes in the environment.

    development principle. The main task of the school is the development of the student, and, first of all, the holistic development of his personality and the readiness of the personality for further development.

    The principle of psychological comfort. This includes, firstly, the removal of all stress-forming factors educational process. Secondly, this principle involves the creation in the educational process of a relaxed, stimulating creative activity of the student.

    The principle of the image of the world. The student's idea of ​​the objective and social world should be unified and holistic. As a result of the teaching, he should develop a kind of scheme of the world order, the universe, in which specific, subject knowledge takes its specific place.

    The principle of the integrity of the content of education. In other words, all "objects" are interconnected.

    The principle of systematicity. Education should be systematic, consistent with the laws of personal and intellectual development of the child and adolescent, and included in common system continuous education.

    The principle of semantic attitude to the world. The image of the world for a child is not an abstract, cold knowledge about it. This is not knowledge for me, but this is my knowledge. This is not the world around me: this is the world of which I am a part and which I somehow experience and comprehend for myself.

    The principle of the orienting function of knowledge. A task general education- to help the student form an indicative basis, which he can and should use in various types of his cognitive and productive activity.

    Features that will allow the child to successfully study under this program: Since the program, as conceived by the authors, has something in common with the Elkonin-Davydov system, all the qualities that were described above will come in handy. But since this is still a traditional program designed for the "average student", almost any child will be able to successfully learn from it.

    "School of Russia" (Pleshakov)

    This is the elementary school kit that we all learned from, with some modifications.

    Target: education of schoolchildren as citizens of Russia. The Russian school should become a school of spiritual and moral development.

    Tasks. The main purpose of elementary school, according to the authors, is educational. Hence the tasks:

    • child's development human qualities that meet the ideas of true humanity: kindness, tolerance, responsibility, the ability to empathize, willingness to help another
    • Teaching children to read, write and count correct speech, instill certain labor and health-saving skills, teach the basics of safe life
    • formation of natural motivation for learning

    Principles: fundamentality, reliability, stability, openness to new things.

    Problem-search approach. It provides for the creation of problem situations, making assumptions, searching for evidence, formulating conclusions, comparing results with a standard.

    Features that will allow the child to successfully study in this program: No special qualities are required from the child. Of course, the more abilities developed in a child, the better. For example, the ability to self-esteem, willingness to work in problem situations. But according to this program, even the most unprepared children for school study well.

    "Harmony" edited by N. B. Istomina

    This system correlates with the main ideas of developmental education and, in particular, with the Zankov system, in which Natalya Borisovna Istomina herself worked for a very long time.

    Target: multilateral development of the child, comfortable learning, prepares the mental apparatus of the child for further learning. Overcoming the differences between traditional and developmental learning patterns.

    Tasks: ensure that the child understands the issues being studied, create conditions for harmonious relations between the teacher and the student and children with each other, create situations for each student to succeed in cognitive activity.

    Principles: organization of educational activities of students associated with the formulation of an educational task, with its solution, self-control and self-assessment; organization of productive communication, which is necessary condition formation of educational activities; the formation of concepts that provide in an accessible way for the younger school age level of awareness of cause-and-effect relationships, patterns and dependencies.

    Features that will allow the child to successfully study under this program: the requirements for the features of the child's thought process follow from the connection with the Zankov system declared by the author. But like any traditional system, this program softens the requirements imposed on the student by the Zankov program.

    "Primary school of the 21st century" (Vinogradova)

    Target: organization of educational activities junior schoolchildren in such a way as to provide comfortable conditions for the development of the child in the process of mastering knowledge, skills and abilities.


    • the formation of the main components of learning activity (if we discuss the position of a student, then this is the answer to the questions “why am I studying”, “what should I do to solve this learning task”, “how do I complete the learning task and how do I do it”, “ what are my successes and what am I not succeeding in?”
    • organization of the educational process in such a way as to ensure a situation of success for each student and the opportunity to learn at an individual pace.

    Principles: the main principle of education is that the primary school should be nature-friendly, that is, meet the needs of children of this age (in cognition, communication, various productive activities), take into account typological and individual characteristics their cognitive activity and level of socialization. A schoolchild is not just a “spectator”, “listener”, but a “researcher”.

    Content: in accordance with the main principle (conformity to nature) Special attention the authors paid attention to the implementation of the function of "soft" adaptation of children to new activities. A system has been developed for using role-playing in teaching, which makes it possible to develop various facets of role-playing behavior, and hence the imagination and creativity of the student. All textbooks provide additional educational content, giving everyone the opportunity to work in accordance with their capabilities (for example, introducing interesting texts into the textbook from the very beginning of learning on the material of the full alphabet for well-read children).

    Features that will allow the child to successfully study under this program: based on the principles, it can be assumed that this program will be comfortable for children who need soft adaptation to everything new for them, whether it be a team or type of activity. All courses have a long preparatory period.

    The choice is ours. I hope you and I managed to figure out at least approximately “what kind of animal this is” - the program. And now we will be able to consciously approach the choice of school, class, teacher. We can roughly imagine what questions to ask in order to assess whether a given teacher in a given school will be able to fully implement the principles of the chosen program ... We will be able to properly prepare the child for the beginning schoolwork, taking into account, as far as possible, the inclinations and character of our small, but personalities.


    By the way, we are now studying at the school of the 21st century. Daughter loves it, it's all true. Was it difficult? No, the tasks are arranged in such a way that each child is given depending on the level of preparation.

    This program generates examples from the multiplication table. The solver needs to write down the correct answer in a special field and press the CHECK button. After pressing the program will give the result.

    You can skip tasks by clicking on the example you want to skip, but all skips will be counted and after clicking on the RESULTS button, the number of correct and incorrect answers will be shown, as well as the number of skipped tasks.

    The program will be useful to anyone who wants to repeat and consolidate knowledge of the multiplication table.

    The program requires a java virtual machine (JVM) installed on the computer.

    Subject: Mathematics

    The program generates number sequences of different lengths (up to 12 characters) and displays them on the screen. The user selects the display time of the row and its length. After pressing START, the row is displayed and disappears after a specified time, and the user must repeat it. The program is quite easy to use and will be useful for memory development. The program requires java installed on the computer.

    Item: Metasubject

    Automatic analysis of diagnostics. The table contains 4 methods: "Questionnaire for assessing the level of school motivation of N. Luskanova"; "Student Questionnaire" (according to N.Yu. Yashina); Methodology "What am I?"; "Attention test" (P. Ya. Galperin, S. L. Kabylnitskaya).

    For each method, a table with automatic output of results was compiled. Points must be put in gray cells. The conclusions obtained for each indicator are entered into the Summary Diagnostic Sheet. The archive contains materials on diagnostics.

    Item: Metasubject

    Target audience: for grade 3

    Dictation analysis and grammar task in the 1st grade with individual diagnostics for each student.

    The teacher marks the work; if the student made a mistake, you need to put + from the drop-down list, if there were no mistakes, leave the cell empty. The upper cells are active - you can enter the classification of errors. In individual sheets, the program automatically processes data for each student. The table has instructions.

    Subject: Russian language

    The table contains a list of educational achievements that the teacher evaluates at the end of the year for students. 5 is used for evaluation point system(description attached). For each student, a report is displayed after filling in the main table.
    The template provides for changes: you can change the class by a quarter, as described in the table. The table was compiled based on the material of Berdikulova L.I. (the document is attached to the archive).

    Item: Metasubject

    Target audience: for teachers

    Analysis and processing of control cheating in grade 1 with individual diagnostics for each student.

    The teacher enters the text of the work in the upper cells; makes a mark for the work; the number of corrections that the student made when copying; indicates errors and the words in which they were made. In individual sheets, the program automatically processes data for each student; if many mistakes are made, recommendations "How to copy the text correctly" are displayed, which can be printed out for parents.

    The table has detailed instructions.

    Subject: Russian language

    Target audience: for grade 1

    Analysis and processing of data around the world (VPR) in the 4th grade. After filling in the table on the sheets of achievements for each student, a report appears on the formation of subject and meta-subject results of mastering the main educational program primary general education.

    On the "Analysis" sheet, the mark will be set only after the variant number has been entered.

    Subject: The world

    Target audience: for grade 4

    Analysis and processing of data on the Russian language (VPR) in the 4th grade. After filling in the table on the sheets of achievements for each student, a report appears on the formation of subject and meta-subject results of mastering the main educational program of primary general education.

    After entering the results for each task, the program displays an analysis of the work performed. The number of correctly completed tasks, the names of students who completed each task are displayed. On individual sheets for students, the skills learned on high level; skills to pay attention to.

    Subject: Russian language

    Target audience: for grade 4

    A variety of smart assistants have long penetrated our lives. Today, no one can be surprised by a smartphone or tablet, such equipment is available and widely represented! However, gadgets are associated with entertainment, and in fact with their help you can simplify the process of learning. school curriculum, it is only necessary to apply a few special applications. With them, learning will become truly visual, interactive. Electronic gadgets are indispensable helpers of the modern student, which have a wide range of communication capabilities and make everyday tasks much easier!

    For example, simulator applications in a playful way train skills that are indispensable for a school desk!

    Quick Brain is a mathematical simulator aimed at practicing mental counting. The main goal is to quickly solve mathematical problems for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division! With each correct answer, the complexity of tasks increases, which makes you concentrate and stimulates the speed of solving.

    Among the modes: choice of answer, true / false, entering the answer manually. Separately, you can work out the multiplication table - useful for elementary school students. Not without a game, the application has a built-in mathematical puzzle 2048 A well-thought-out interface allows you to train literally on the go: in transport, during a break. Application testing was carried out on a smartphone.

    Stress and spelling simulators are primarily aimed at those who are preparing for the exam. At the same time, the proposed situations are ubiquitous in the school curriculum. Interactive apps help you effortlessly memorize difficult spelling and stress situations.

    Those who study foreign languages ​​cannot do without DuoLingo. The interactive simulator develops reading, speaking, writing and listening comprehension. The main feature is the game form and the ability to be tested on the go.

    For Russian-speaking users, lessons are available in English, German, French and Spanish. You can take an unlimited number of courses at the same time. First of all, the application determines the current level of training, after which an individual program is built. DuoLingo focuses on conversational vocabulary and is based on short tasks and questions. For more motivation, you can assign the desired amount of time spent on training per day.

    It can be said without exaggeration that Photomath- camera-calculator. Instead of traditional data entry, the application uses the camera for recognition mathematical examples. The program can do: linear, square, trigonometric, logarithmic equations and inequalities, as well as entire systems, factorials and integrals. In addition to the response, the system demonstrates detailed solution. The application is suitable for students of all grades, as well as parents who want to control the execution of tasks.

    The traditional way of entering examples into the calculator cannot be called visual, additional skills are required. MyScript Calculator works with the most visual - handwritten input. The working screen imitates paper, no keys with mathematical operations. In addition to basic mathematical operations, MyScript Calculator supports fractions, degrees, roots, modules, trigonometry. Unfortunately, the application does not solve the example step by step, but immediately shows the finished answer.

    Parents' concern for their child is natural. modern cities pose many dangers. The tracker application allows you to control the location of the child and other family members. All you need is a smartphone with GPS connected to the internet. A smartphone was used for testing. There were no problems with GPS, and the connection via LTE made it possible to quickly receive information about movements. It should be understood that control is based on trust, it is necessary to explain that the tracker is due to care, and not the desire to totally track every step of the child. Do not forget about the personal space of your child!

    GeoLoc is an advanced tracker app. In addition to the basic ability to track the location of devices within the same family, the following functions are available: battery level control, SOS button, family chat, the ability to get directions to any smartphone within the group.

    For convenience, you can assign safe zones, for example: school, home, football section, and so on. The service will notify parents if the child enters or leaves the designated area. At the same time, the application supports the right to personal space, if necessary, the parent can temporarily disable tracking of their smartphone.

    Another indispensable tool for a student is a tablet with an Internet connection. We have at our disposal - an interesting choice for the child. For their little money, the tablet is even equipped with a cover - extremely unusual! After all, no matter how large a smartphone is, it is more convenient to view web pages and documents on a tablet. In the learning process, there are more and more books and textbooks in electronic format, which have to be downloaded right during class. I note that teachers react more calmly to a tablet than to a smartphone - a toy.

    Polaris Office is a versatile mobile office suite that supports Word, Power Point, Excel, Google Docs and Adobe PDF documents. textbooks, teaching aids, tests, - the program will cope with everything! At the same time, the application is lightweight - it takes about 50 MB, which is why it works quickly on almost any device.

    A tablet is an assistant not only at school, special services will help you complete all tasks at home. One of them - Brainly, also known as the portal of Knowledge in Russia. It's kind of social network, its main task is mutual assistance in completing school assignments in any subject. There are already more than six million solved exercises in the service database, and you can always ask your question. Brainly is an indispensable assistant that makes homework easier.

    During self-preparation, theory cannot be dispensed with. Foxford Tutorial- an advanced reference book that collects theory from grades 1 to 11. Depending on the class, the number of items varies. Only mathematics is available for elementary school, then the number of disciplines presented grows, the maximum is collected for high school. The selected material is based on the school curriculum, many topics are given at the basic and advanced levels.

    In addition to directories, which collected a large number of subjects, it is useful to use specialized applications for subjects of particular interest. One of them - Physics by Study Apps. The application collects and sorts theory around school course The material is short but clear. Also, Study Apps has a guide to biology, mathematics, chemistry and social studies.

    YouTube is the most popular video hosting, which is perceived as an entertainment resource. Although video lectures are published on it, which help to master the missed material and prepare for control work and exams.

    Today, knowledge is more accessible than ever, heavy textbooks fade into the background, all that is needed is a few electronic gadgets! Complement the picture - an electronic reader. The editors of Trashbox got acquainted with the reader. All the necessary literature will fit into its internal drive with a capacity of 4 GB. There will even be a place to download music that you can listen to while reading. But there is also a slot for microSD memory cards up to 32 GB.

    We really made sure that electronic gadgets are indispensable helpers of a modern student, which have ample opportunities and greatly facilitate the performance of everyday tasks! The future belongs to such technology, you only need to change your perception and your attitude towards it. After all, a smartphone, tablet and reader are not just toys, but powerful working tools that increase the effectiveness of learning!

    Or send it to a school, lyceum or gymnasium, study assistants are never superfluous. We have selected 35 sites with which the study of the school curriculum will become a real holiday for both the child and the parents.

    1. is a real storehouse, there are video lessons, simulators and tests for all school subjects from grades 1 to 11.

    2. - a stunningly beautiful program that simulates a planetarium. Indispensable for anyone interested in astronomy, given that this subject will soon appear in the school curriculum.

    You can search for nebulae and galaxies on this site for hours.

    3. - the site has ready-made homework in various subjects and textbooks, but sections with online versions of school textbooks and biographies of Russian writers are more valuable here.
    4. - "high-speed" lessons on English language for entry level.
    5. is 2000 works of the school curriculum in a summary.
    6. - an interactive service for learning English. There is free and extended paid access (the cost for a year is comparable to 2-3 lessons with a tutor).
    7. - a large online children's library that contains the texts of program works on literature from grades 1 to 11.

    On the portal you can read software works online

    8. - a huge reference and information portal on the rules and complexities of the Russian language.
    9. - a portal that contains links to useful resources, books and texts in all subjects of the school curriculum.

    On the site you can find textbooks and assignments in many school subjects.

    10. - an interesting service for learning English for students of varying degrees of preparation.
    11. - a site with a huge number of biographies of writers, summaries and full texts literary works and hundreds of critical articles.
    12. - mathematics program from 1st to 11th grade, preparation for exams in the subject and ready-made homework.
    13. - online solver and calculator with solutions of examples and equations in mathematics of varying complexity.
    14. - textbooks, problem books, laboratory works and tests in physics for students in grades 7-9 and physics teachers.
    15. - project of the Department of General Nuclear Physics, Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University. Lectures on physics and a separate section for schoolchildren "Popular about science".
    16. - collection of publications in chemistry, contains textbooks and workshops on the subject, developed, among other things, at Moscow State University. Lomonosov.
    17. - interactive multimedia tutorial on organic chemistry for schoolchildren.
    18. - electronic training course " open biology” with division into areas “Botany”, “Zoology”, “Human”, “ General biology"and" Ecology.
    19. - a mega-encyclopedia about animals inhabiting the planet. is a national project that collects author's developments and presentations of teachers in all subjects.
    21. - an educational portal with a huge number of lectures, reports and reference books on various subjects.
    22. - universal popular science online encyclopedia.
    23. - universal dictionary and interdisciplinary encyclopedia.
    24. - e-library non-fiction
    25. - an online platform where students learn school items in an interactive and fun way. In addition, subject Olympiads are held here and archives of already held Olympiads are stored.
    26. - interesting quests and tasks in mathematics, logic, reading and English for children aged 5-10.

    Pixelmania is one of the most interesting tasks on the site, children can do it for a long time.

    27. - a collection of elementary school lessons from grades 1 to 4 in mathematics, the Russian language, the world around and literacy. Access is paid, but the cost for a year does not exceed a thousand rubles.
    28. - a magazine dedicated to entertaining questions and problems in mathematics, linguistics, physics and other sciences.
    29. - online courses in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, engineering, architecture, art history, linguistics.
    30. - free educational videos and lessons in physics and mathematics.
    31. - online school from 5th to 11th grade. The resource has preparation for the OGE, USE and Olympiads.
    32. - Internet circles and Olympiads in foreign languages, chess, mathematics and science subjects for students in grades 1-9. Access is paid.
    33. - a convenient and simple service for learning English.
    34. - math service for students in grades 5-11. Detailed analysis topics and step-by-step problem solving.
    35. - online translator from a dozen languages, as well as grammar for English, German and French.

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