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Extracurricular activities and communication of a younger student. Features of communication of younger students. Diagnosis of younger students to determine communication skills

Introduction 3 Chapter 1. Psychological and pedagogical foundations for the development of communication skills of younger students 6 1.1. Features of communication of younger students 6 1.2. Extracurricular activities and its impact on the development of communication among younger students 10 1.3. Means of studying the communication skills of younger students 20 Conclusion to Chapter 1 24 Chapter 2. Study of the features of the development of communication of younger students during extracurricular activities 26 2.1. Diagnosis of the formation of communication of younger students 26 2.2. Content pedagogical work on the development of communication of younger students in extracurricular activities 47 2.3. Comparative analysis results of experimental and search work 51 Conclusion to Chapter 2 52 Conclusion 53 List of references 56 Applications 61


Now school education in Russia is entering a qualitatively new stage, which is due to changes in public life. The conceptual foundations of the national education system are being formed, new concepts are being born, scientists are creating original educational and educational systems, testing new approaches to the study of various educational subjects, including the native language. Subject standards are being developed, the content of training is changing. All this testifies to the desire of teachers to serve Russia, to cherish the national elite of harmoniously developed, creatively thinking people. The relevance of research. Today there is an urgent need to improve the level of literacy of oral and written speech of citizens of the Russian Federation as a state factor, which requires a lot of effort and attention, primarily in the field of language education in primary and secondary schools. At the present stage, the goal of teaching the native language is to form a linguistic personality that uses language means in accordance with the situation of communication, that is, mastering the Russian language by younger students as a means of communication and cognition, familiarizing through the language with the storehouses of spirituality and culture, the achievements of the Russian people, education citizenship, patriotism, national identity. The essence of the problem lies in effective development speech activity of younger students. New knowledge in the Russian language lessons is always formed on previously produced basic skills, such as the ability to correlate sounds and letters, analyze words by structure and connections, select words and sentences depending on the purpose of the statement. The development of modern methods of speech preparation of children for school is impossible today without a combination with the latest scientific data of psycholinguistics, without relying on the research of well-known scientists and methodologists. In the works of methodologists D. I. Tikhomirov, M. A. Korf, V. P. Vakhterov, T. Lubnets, B. Grinchenko, P. Chepik, concern is expressed about the development of speech in the Russian Federation. Many well-known scientists worked on the study of this problem, including Vashulenko M. S., Savchenko A. Ya., Bogush A. M. Gripas N. Ya., Koval A. P., Sadovaya V. S., who deeply studied methodology of teaching the Russian language in primary school. However, low language culture many citizens of the Russian Federation necessitates new research on this problem. The purpose of the study is to investigate the speech development of a younger student in extracurricular activities. The object of the study is the speech of younger students. The subject of the study is the process of speech development of primary school students. The hypothesis of the study is that the process of developing the speech of primary school students will be more efficient if attention is paid to this in extracurricular activities. Objectives of the study: 1. To analyze the features of communication among younger students; 2. To reveal extracurricular activities and its impact on the development of communication among younger students; 3. Describe the methods and approaches to the speech development of younger students; 4. Demonstrate the methodology on specific examples. The methodological and theoretical basis of the study are the provisions on the leading role of activity and communication in the development of personality (B.G. Ananiev, A.V. Zaporozhets, A.N. Leontiev, M.I. Lisina, A.V. Petrovsky); psychological concept of social conditioning and individual expression of intellectual, emotional and volitional development (L.S. Vygotsky, A.V. Zaporozhets, A.N. Leontiev, S.L. Rubinstein), theoretical developments in the field of pedagogical technologies (V.P. .Bespalko, G.K. Selevko, V.A. Slastenin). To solve the tasks set, a set of research methods was used: theoretical analysis of philosophical, psychological, pedagogical literature in the aspect of the problem under study; direct observation of independent activity and communication of younger children school age in the holistic pedagogical process of the school; methods for identifying children's ideas about the culture of communication: conversations, discussion of problem situations, pedagogical experiment (search, ascertaining, forming); content analysis; quantitative and qualitative processing of empirical data. The reliability and validity of the results obtained is ensured by the use of methods adequate to the tasks and hypothesis of the study. Experienced experimental base - MOBU secondary school No. 5; 4th grade; The practical significance of the study - the results of the study can be used in their work by primary school teachers. The work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references.


In the course of the course study, the features of the development of speech of younger schoolchildren in extracurricular activities were revealed. The speech development of the child is the main tool with which he establishes contact with the environment, through which the socialization of the child takes place. At primary school age, the foundation is laid for a culture of thinking, speech and communication, communication skills, cognitive activity, figurative creative thinking . It is the elementary school that is called upon to form in children an interest in the beauty and wisdom of the living word, its significance in human life. Speech competence is one of the leading basic personality characteristics. What about the timely and high-quality development of coherent speech? an important condition for the full speech development of the student. The exercises and tasks presented in the second chapter ensure the formation and development of the communicative competencies of the individual, aimed at the student's realization of his individual abilities and the organization of a school dialogue between students, between a student and a teacher, between a student and a book. Searching, developing and stimulating learning dominates in learning activities. In addition to improving communicative competencies, the child develops the ability to learn, develops cognitive interest and the desire to create, which is especially important for the modern Russian school. Teachers are called upon to instill in children a love for the language, the ability to feel and comprehend its deep meaning and beauty, as V. A. Sukhomlinsky wrote, without respect, without love for the native word, there can be neither comprehensive human education, nor spiritual culture. From the first days of schooling, it is very important to create conditions for children so that their desire to learn Russian does not disappear. In the thesis, the problem of speech training of children was studied, an experimental methodology and pedagogical conditions for its implementation were developed and tested. 1. The speech readiness of children is the presence in it of a certain amount of knowledge and ideas about the environment; sufficient vocabulary, familiarity with the formulas of speech etiquette, figurative expressions, proverbs, sayings, riddles; mastering pure and correct sound pronunciation, grammatical correctness of speech; the ability to consistently, logically and coherently express themselves, retell texts, build a story; mastering phonetic perception and sound analysis of words; the ability to listen carefully to the answers of others, the teacher, purposefully and accurately answer questions; notice, correct speech errors (formation of evaluation and control actions), supplement the answers of peers. 2. Communicative readiness - the child's comprehensive use of linguistic and non-linguistic means (facial expressions, gestures, movements) for the purpose of communication; the ability to adequately and appropriately practically use the language in specific educational and social situations; the ability to independently navigate the situation of communication, initiative of communication; the ability to accept, solve independently a speech task. 3. Initiating the experiment, the criteria and indicators of the formation of speech readiness of younger students for school were determined: phonetic competence with indicators: correct pronunciation of sounds, development of phonemic hearing, expressiveness of speech; lexical competence with indicators: vocabulary richness, understanding of the semantics of words; grammatical competence with indicators: morphological correctness of speech, syntactic structure of speech, the presence of evaluative and control actions; diamonological competence with indicators: the ability to build a dialogue with a partner, coherent statements of a reproductive nature, coherent statements of a creative nature; communicative competence with indicators: the presence of speech etiquette formulas, initiative of communication. 4. The results of the ascertaining experiment showed that the vast majority of schoolchildren were at the average (22% experimental, 42% control group) and low (4% experimental, 24% control group) levels of speech preparedness. 5. At the formative stage of the study, linguodidactic models of the formation of speech readiness of younger students were developed. The experimental model occupied three stages: information-speech, active-communicative, evaluative-corrective. For each stage, a system of tasks was developed aimed at forming the speech readiness of schoolchildren. 6. Pedagogical conditions for the formation of speech readiness of children of primary school age were: communicative and speech orientation of education; the inclusion of the language in various activities (educational-cognitive, educational-speech, artistic-speech, theatrical-game, communicative) an integrated approach to the development of speech and language learning; adequate motivation of communicative and speech activity; involvement of parents in joint work to enhance the communicative and speech development of children. 7. The final stage of the study showed positive quantitative and qualitative changes in relation to the levels of formation of speech readiness.


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Group forms of interaction of younger students

An important task of elementary school is to teach children various forms of interaction.

Group work of students is the most effective form of organization educational process. Firstly, a certain emotional mood is created in the lesson, in which the child is not afraid to express his thoughts about something unfamiliar, unknown. Secondly, it is no secret that children are more successful in mastering unfamiliar actions and knowledge precisely in cooperation with peers. Thirdly, an understanding of their significance comes to children: “... my knowledge, skills are necessary for the group to successful implementation tasks". At the same time, the child develops communication and cooperation skills, which is the key to further successful learning. Fourth, only by cooperating in a group does a child learn to evaluate objectively his own work and the work of his peers. At the same time, the teacher receives additional motivational means for involving children in the content of education; the opportunity to combine teaching and upbringing in the classroom; build human and business relationships with children.

In group work, one cannot expect quick results, everything is mastered practically. You should not move on to more complex work until the simplest forms of communication have been worked out. It takes time, practice, analysis of mistakes. This requires hard work from the teacher.

I distinguish three stages in the formation of forms of interaction between students, both among themselves and with adults.

First stage falls at the beginning of education in the 1st grade (September - October). The task of this stage is to train joint activities in small group consisting of two to five people. This work is organized in a form familiar to children - a game that requires the participation of each member of the group. It is important that the material of the lessons is not related to academic subjects, and at the end of the game there should be a discussion, i.e. reflection.

I will give an example of the games that I spend at the first stage of teaching children to interact.

Game "Introduction"

The students and the teacher sit in a circle. Each student, passing the ball clockwise, says his name. Then, passing the ball counterclockwise, the children say the name of the neighbor.

Game "Name someone else"

The students sit in a circle. Among them, a leader is selected, who, naming the name of the participant in the game, throws the ball to him.

At the end of the game, a conversation is held.

- Did you like this game? Who in the band did you enjoy playing with the most? Who in the group did not quarrel? Why didn't the game work? (In case of failure.) Why was the game successful? (In case of success.)

The final point is self-assessment according to the "magic rulers" or scales. The criteria for grading on the scales are proposed by the children themselves.

Teacher.What would you like to praise yourself for?

Students.We never dropped the ball. We remember all the names.

Teacher.What was most important - not to drop the ball or to get to know each other?


Currently, in my first grade, children of different ages (six and seven years old) are studying, which determines different motivations. gaming activity. Younger students come to school to play, while older students perceive the game at school as a frivolous event. To overcome such situations, I change the composition of the groups, as well as the roles of children within the group. Depending on the situation, you can complicate the conditions of the game.

Second phase begins around November of 1st grade and ends at the beginning or middle of 2nd grade. It includes the inclusion in group work of subject material related to the implementation of practical tasks.

I give the first tasks on a well-known to children educational material to focus on learning how to interact with each other.

I will give examples of practical tasks, on the basis of which group interaction of students is organized.

In a literacy lesson in grade 1, students should make a sound model of a word, working in pairs. One pronounces the word, highlighting the sounds intonation, and the other makes up the model of the word. Then there is a role reversal.

In a mathematics lesson in grade 1, I often organize work on repeating the composition of a number within 10 in pairs, using magnetic boards, cards with numbers and a grid divided into two halves. The task is given to repeat the composition of any number within 10. One student attaches a number to his half of the lattice, the other complements this number to a given number by the teacher. Then the roles change.

At the lesson of the world around us in grade 1, when studying the topic "Wild and Domestic Animals", children in groups of six need tomake a joint story - a description of the animal.

(Children of each group have parts of a picture of a certain animal: dogs, bears, crows, frogs). Connect the parts of the animal correctly.

    Plan your story:

    1 student - Name the animal

    2 student - Domestic or wild animal.

    3 student - Where did you see this animal? Habitat.

    4 student - What does it look like? (essential features)

    5 student - What does he eat?

    6 student - What benefits does it bring to people?

Children, performing the task set for themselves, tried to adhere togroup rules:

1. Work in a group together, remember - you are one team.
2. Take an active part in the work, do not stand aside.
3. Don't be afraid to speak your mind.
4. Work quietly, do not try to outshout everyone. Respect the opinions of other group members.
5. Think for yourself, don't rely on others.
6. Answer at the blackboard loudly, clearly, briefly.
7. If the group answers incorrectly, do not blame anyone, answer for yourself. Remember that everyone has the right to make mistakes.
8. If you cannot choose who will represent your group at the board, then use the counting or drawing lots.

Third stage starts around the middle1 class, when stable groups are formed in the team, in which children can take on different responsibilities. In2 In the classroom, a form of retention of joint work of schoolchildren is the activity of students in developing instructions (procedures or algorithms of work) as a means of forming an individual educational action - planning.

2nd grade math lessonit is necessary to compare the perimeters of the figures with the help of wire or thread.

To perform it, a group of children consisting of three students needs to distribute object operations among themselves. The first member of the group measures length, the second - supports the thread (wire), the third - records the measurement result. When comparing the perimeters of the next two figures, the students switch roles.

It is important to avoid a situation where the students perform the same role each time, as they do not try themselves in different positions. Can't be forced to common work children who do not want to work together should be allowed to sit elsewhere for a student who wants to work alone. Before presenting the “product” of joint work, the children must exchange opinions, therefore absolute silence cannot be demanded in the classroom. We have a conditional signal that indicates that the permissible noise level has been exceeded (an ordinary bell).

Already from the second grade in the classroom literary reading I use group forms of student interaction when working with text. For example, groups are invited to distribute parts of the story among themselves, read it in a chain (or to themselves - each part depending on the size and nature of the work), retell each part of it to get a collective retelling of the entire text. Group work is no less interesting when studying works that can be read by roles. Having previously found out from the children how many characters are in the story or fairy tale, I write out the last ones on the board. Then I propose to form groups and distribute roles among its members. I aim the guys at the fact that the work of the group is important, and not of each individual. This led to the fact that children began to have a differentiated approach to the distribution of responsibilities in the group. As a rule, the strongest student takes on the role of the author, and the remaining roles are distributed according to the degree of difficulty. The whole group performs at the board. And every time we become witnesses of the birth of a small performance, played out in faces. Both those who stand at the blackboard and those who sit in the classroom get pleasure.

The organization of group work activates the educational activity of students, increases the effectiveness of the lesson.

Extracurricular activities of students combines all types of schoolchildren's activities (except for educational activities and in the classroom), in which it is possible and expedient to solve the problems of their education and socialization.

According to the Federal Basic Curriculum for educational institutions Russian Federation the organization of classes in the areas of extracurricular activities is an integral part of the educational process at school.

Types and directions of extracurricular activities.

The following types of extracurricular activities are available for implementation at the school:

  1. gaming activity;
  2. cognitive activity;
  3. problem-value communication;
  4. leisure and entertainment activities (leisure communication);
  5. artistic creativity;
  6. social creativity (socially transformative volunteering);
  7. labor (production) activity;
  8. sports and recreation activities;
  9. tourist and local history activities;

1. Extracurricular cognitive activity schoolchildren can be organized in the form of electives, cognitive circles, a scientific society of students, intellectual clubs (like "What? Where? When?"), library evenings, didactic theaters, educational excursions, olympiads, quizzes.

At first glance, it may seem that all these forms in themselves make it possible to achieve first level results(acquisition of social knowledge by schoolchildren, understanding of social reality and Everyday life).

However, this is not entirely true. This level of results can be achieved only if the object of children's cognitive activity is the actual social world, i.e. knowledge of the life of people and society: its structure and principles of existence, norms of ethics and morality, basic social values ​​of monuments of world and national culture, features interethnic and interfaith relations.

Moreover, not only and not so much fundamental knowledge will be important, but those that a person needs for a full-fledged living of everyday life, successful socialization in society: how to behave with a person in a wheelchair, what can and cannot be done in the temple, how to search and find the necessary information, what rights a person has in a hospital, how to dispose of household waste safely for nature, how to pay utility bills correctly. The lack of elementary social knowledge can make the life of a person and his immediate environment very difficult.

Within the framework of extracurricular cognitive activity of schoolchildren, it is also possible to achieve results of the second level (the formation of a positive attitude of children to the basic values ​​of society). To do this, the value component must be introduced into the content of cognitive activity.

In this regard, teachers are recommended to initiate and organize the work of schoolchildren with educational information, inviting them to discuss it, express their opinion, and develop their position in relation to it. It can be health information and bad habits, moral and immoral actions of people, heroism and cowardice, war and ecology.

As an example, let's name several potentially controversial topics from different fields of knowledge:

For elementary school

Pollution of nature: can life in a city be like this

as pleasant as in the country or in the village?

Is it difficult to live in our society for a person in a wheelchair?

My appearance: a private matter or respect for other people?

2. Problem-value communication.

problematic- value communication, unlike leisure communication, affects not only the emotional world of the child, but also his perception of life, its values, meaning. Problem-value communication of schoolchildren can be organized in the form of ethical conversations, debates, thematic disputes, problem-value discussions.

For achievement first level results- the acquisition by schoolchildren of social knowledge, understanding of the social reality of everyday life - the optimal form of ethical conversation.

An ethical conversation is not a teacher's lecture on moral issues. This is a detailed personal statement of the initiator of the conversation addressed to the listeners, imbued with genuine emotions and experiences and necessarily aimed at obtaining feedback from the listeners (in the form of questions, answers, remarks).

A well-organized conversation is always a flexible combination of programming and improvisation.

As part of an ethical conversation, the main channel of communication is the Teacher - Children. This form does not imply active communication between schoolchildren (the maximum allowable is the exchange of children with short remarks). And without defending your opinion in the face of another, especially a peer (he is equal to me, therefore, in case of failure, it is difficult to attribute everything to superiority in age, experience, knowledge), it is not easy to understand whether the child is ready to seriously answer for his words. In other words, whether he appreciates what he claims or not.

You can understand this by participating in debates.

This educational form is able, if used correctly, to achieve second level results- formation positive relationship schoolchildren to the basic values ​​of our society and to social reality in general.

Debates are arranged according to the role principle: the participant can defend before the judges the point of view that he does not share in reality.

The task of transition to practical action initially faces the participants in the problem-value discussion. The discussion is structured in such a way that a person faces a choice: to act or not? It is this educational form that is designed to contribute to the achievement third level results- obtaining by schoolchildren the experience of independent social action.

3.Leisure - entertainment activities

(leisure communication).

It is possible to achieve educational results of the first level in the leisure and entertainment activities of schoolchildren (the acquisition of social knowledge by schoolchildren, a primary understanding of social reality and everyday life) within the framework of such a well-known form as a cultural trip to the theater, museum, concert hall, gallery.

However, the cultural campaign of the cultural campaign is different.

For example, it is common to visit school class museum

goes according to the following scheme:

the distributor of museum tickets comes to the school;

the class teacher at his own discretion chooses

topic and inform students about it;

schoolchildren voluntarily-compulsorily pass

teacher or responsible classmate money for

the class goes to the museum;

discussion, if it occurs, is

spontaneous nature.

Turning a cultural trip to a museum from a formal action into an educational event, the teacher will have to organize it in a fundamentally different way, in particular:

meet with the students with the distributor

museum tickets;

organize the preparation of a welcome message for schoolchildren

visits to the museum;

agree with the museum staff that one of them

meet the guys, introduce them to

museum space;

arrange after viewing the exhibits, a meeting with

museum staff;

invite students who wish to perform creative

works and donate them to the museum.

To achieve educational results of the second level in the leisure and entertainment activities of children (the formation of a positive attitude of the student to the basic values ​​of our society and to social reality as a whole), such forms as a concert, dramatization, a festive "light" are aimed, of course, provided that the organization is organized by the forces themselves schoolchildren.

In order for the leisure and entertainment activities of schoolchildren to begin to ensure the achievement of educational results of the third level (children gaining experience in independent social action), it must be transferred to the public space. In other words, start building the leisure of other people who do not fall into the category of relatives. For example, you can organize a fair in the school area.

The algorithm of the fair includes:

total collection, which may be accompanied by a ruler,

carnival procession;

free movement of participants in space;

free choice of attraction and participation in it;

final collection, with or without auction.

4.Game activity.

In the variety of definitions of the game, we will cite the following as a reference: the game is an action that takes place within certain limits of place, time, meaning in a foreseeable manner and according to voluntarily adopted rules, outside the sphere of material benefit and necessity; accompanied by mood and feelings of uplift and tension of detachment and delight (J. Huizinga)

First, the game expands the scope pedagogical activity, enriches the professional position of the teacher with the so-called game position.

The game position of the teacher, according to S.D. Polyakov, follows from two main features of the game - duality and role.

Two-dimensionality is the deployment of play behavior in two spaces at once: in real circumstances and in a conditional space, where the owners are not the tasks of real communication activity, but imaginary conditions abstracted from reality.

Participants in gaming communication, gaming activities, to one degree or another, are aware of the role-based nature of their behavior.

Game communication turns out to be a powerful educational tool, because it helps the teacher to perform various maneuvers in the field of business and personal communication.

5. Social creativity (socially transformative volunteering).

Today it is no longer necessary to prove that there is a special type of educational outcomes associated with the socialization of students. However, the task of socialization can be interpreted in different ways. The most fundamental difference has to do with the understanding of socialization. The most fundamental difference is connected with the understanding of socialization either as adaptation to existing social conditions, or as adaptation to existing social conditions, or as providing the possibility of effective transformative activity in a changing society.

The main content of the second understanding of socialization is the transfer of a child, a teenager into the position of an active member of civil society, capable of self-determination on the basis of values, developing their own understanding and goals, developing projects for the transformation of society and its individual institutions, and implementing these projects. In other words, we are talking about the formation of a young subject of social creativity.

Social creativity is the highest form of social activity: the creative process; aimed at transforming and creating qualitatively new forms of social relations and social life.

The social creativity of schoolchildren is the voluntary, feasible participation of children in the improvement, improvement of social relations, the transformation of the situation that is developing in the society around them.

Such activity is always associated with the personal initiative of the student, the search for non-standard solutions, the risk of choice, personal responsibility to a group of peers, a teacher, the public.

6. Artistic creativity.

The relevance and pedagogical expediency of the program of extracurricular activities in the field of artistic creativity of adolescents is due to the need to resolve real

contradictions that have developed in the theory and practice of education in the new socio-cultural conditions, in particular, the limited strategy of "introduction to culture" in the context of the expansion of mass culture.

7. Labor (industrial) activity.

Under the traditional definition of labor as a conscious, energy-consuming, generally recognized expedient activity that requires a person to make efforts and carry out work, educational activities also fall.

However, the principle “good education is real work”, which rightly elevates the teaching, has recently been used unfortunately, and as a cover for the disappearance of other, non-educational forms of labor activity of children from school life. That is why, speaking about the labor activity of schoolchildren, we introduce a clarification - “production”. We are talking about labor in which boys and girls at least produce a product (thing, service, information, etc.), which is significant not only for them, but also for other people.

Achievement of educational results of the first level in the labor activity of schoolchildren (the acquisition by schoolchildren of social knowledge, a primary understanding of social reality and everyday life) is possible within the framework of such well-known educational forms, as circle classes in technical creativity (aeromodelling, ship modeling, etc.), home crafts, folk crafts. It is here that the child's understanding of the culture of work, the ethics of labor relations, the contribution of labor to the meaningfulness of everyday existence is laid, the sense of productive independence, the feeling and awareness of involvement in the world of working adults grows.

For modern junior schoolchildren, it turns out to be surprisingly interesting and useful to engage in technical creativity with Lego constructors.

For achievement in work educational results of the second level(the formation of positive attitudes of a schoolchild to the basic values ​​of our society and to social reality in general) are aimed at such forms as a collective labor game, a children's production team under the guidance of an adult. Here, in addition to productivity, a special production communication becomes an educating factor.

The wonderful collective labor games “Mail” and “Factory” are described by I. P. Ivanov in his book “Encyclopedia of Collective Creative Affairs”.

Children's and adult educational production necessarily enters the economic market, begins to produce socially useful products.

And precisely because of this, it is that educational

a form that ensures achievement in labor activity

educational results of the third level- receiving by children

experience of independent social action.

8. Sports and recreation activities.

On the topic of educational opportunities for extracurricular sports and recreational activities, a special educational program has been prepared, which presents educational results and effects, cultural forms and content of activities.

In our school, 2 hours of extracurricular activities are conducted: "The ABC of keeping animals", "Rhetoric".

The ABCs of Animal Care course is designed for 33 hours.

The purpose of the course is to form in children a culture of communication with animals as part of an ecological culture, a humane attitude

to animals, mastering science-based ways of interacting with animals, as well as the need for active personal support for events and actions aimed at caring for animals. Communication with animals contains a unique developmental potential, and the course program makes it possible to use it.

In the classroom, children are happy to talk about their favorite pets, draw, sculpt animal figures.

Also obtain information from additional literature.

We take a lot of information from the periodical magazine "Moy zoomir".

The work program on "Rhetoric" is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State educational standard primary general education and the author's program T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, N.V. Ladyzhenskaya.

The relevance of the choice is determined by the following factors:

Based on diagnostic indicators, students have poor communication skills;

33 hours per year (1 hour per week) are allotted for study. The topics of the classes are formulated according to the author's methodological recommendations.

The goals and objectives of rhetoric as a subject of the philological cycle are to teach speech, develop communication skills, to teach younger students to communicate effectively in different situations, to solve various communication tasks that life itself puts before students.


communication skills



December 2007

Introduction ................................................ ................................................. .... 4

1. Psychological and pedagogical foundations for the development of communication skills of younger students .............................................................. ................................................. ......... 7

1. 2. Peculiarities of communication of younger students .............................. 17

1. 3. Extracurricular activities and its impact on the development of communication of younger students.................................................................. ................................................... 28

1. 4. Means of learning communication skills

younger students .................................................................. .................... 36

2. Organization of work on the development of communication skills………….37

2.1.Diagnostics to determine communication skills…………….37

2.2. Formative work of communication skills……………………42

The table does not present all, but only the main mental states of schoolchildren, marked as the most common. When processing the results, it is also necessary to take into account the features of the image. The presence of strong shading, the small size of the drawing often indicate an unfavorable physical condition of the child, tension, stiffness, etc., while large sizes indicate the opposite. The survey was conducted in 1st grade. In the course of the study, it was found that, in general, the emotional background in the classroom is positive, the main, most common mental states are friendliness, goodwill, joy, daydreaming, fantasizing. Children are focused on communication in a team, communicative interaction with each other.

2.2. Formative work of communication skills.

The ability to communicate, or communication skills, is defined by psychologists as individual psychological characteristics of a person that ensure the effectiveness of her communication and compatibility with other people. Communication skills include:

1) the desire to make contact with others ("I want");

2) knowledge of the norms and rules that must be followed when communicating with others ("I know");

3) the ability to organize communication (“I can”).

Therefore, the task of the teacher is to teach children to communicate, interact with each other, develop the necessary skills and communication skills.

The formation of the first aspect of communication skills - "I want to communicate" is associated with some difficulties that almost every child has at certain moments in his life. This is slowness, stubbornness, imbalance, aggressiveness, self-doubt, fears, lies, etc. There are many reasons for this: dysfunctional relationships in the family, which manifest themselves in the inconsistency and inconsistency of education; type nervous system, affecting the characteristics of temperament; psychophysiological disorders and hereditary diseases.

Cut out.

At. What do you guys think, what happened next? Let's try to continue the story. How are the boys doing now?

Zarina L. After such an insult, the boy went home and never made friends with them or talked to them again.

StasikTo . The boy wiped away his tears and told his dad that he had been offended, and they began to decide together what to do next.

Zhenya TO. The next day, the boys felt ashamed that they offended the little one, and the guys began to build a tower together, which turned out to be very beautiful, everyone was happy.

U. Well done, interesting stories. And now listen to what was the continuation in the author's story:

The next day the boys saw him in the same place. He was building his earthen house again, and, dipping his red hands into the tin, carefully erected the second floor.

This story, I think, taught you a lot, made you think about your actions: you can’t laugh at the mistakes of another, you need to help. I suggest you draw a continuation of the story with the boy. Now we will have a book with pictures, i.e. your drawings. You are older now and you know what to do. And in the fall, children who still do not know many rules of behavior will come to our school. We will show them this book, and they will learn from it how to live together in the classroom.

Also, the teacher can conduct a game exercise “Let's play the situation” with the children.

The child is offered a situation in which he must portray himself. Situations can be varied. Parents and teachers can come up with them themselves, or they can take real ones. Situation examples:

Your friend asked at you your favorite toy and returned it broken.

You found a weak, frozen kitten on the street.

Unfamiliar children are playing an interesting game in the yard. .

After playing games and playing exercises, it is very important to analyze together with the children the actions and actions of each child, discuss various options for getting out of the current situations so that the children gain the necessary experience of interacting with people around them, expand their understanding of the ethical and moral standards of morality.

Observing the behavior of children in real life we can say that it is not always easy for them to follow the rule, to overcome their unwillingness to act according to moral standards. The child must be able to organize communication, therefore the formation of the 3rd component - “I can” is associated primarily with the development of his emotional-volitional sphere. Through moral and intellectual growth, children develop the ability to gradually overcome the impulsiveness of their behavior.

The main requirements for voluntary behavior are presented in a situation of moral choice, where there is a struggle of motives, ending in the victory of one of them.

One of the conditions influencing the decision of the child, according to most researchers, is the presence of other people, significant adults or peers, their assessment, as well as the inclusion of the “I-Image” in this process.

Therefore, for the development of volitional efforts, it is very important to organize the practical activities of children, to constantly exercise them in performing certain actions, as a result of which they have the opportunity to “learn” from their mistakes. The experience gained in this way creates the possibility of foreseeing some of the consequences of one's actions, deliberately inhibits the child's desires that interfere with the implementation of the rules of behavior.

To implement the above tasks, it is advisable to use the method of creating problem situations.

Solving semantic tasks, the child not only discovers his emotional experience, but also develops it, facing the need to realize it. personal meaning, own motives and attitudes. Only a conscious decision by the subject of situations of moral, moral, personal choice allows, according to the researcher, to get closer to understanding what are the values ​​of the individual.

In the classroom, you can specifically create a problem situation in order to gain practical experience for children in implementing the rules of conduct, taking into account the interests and condition of their peers.

Getting into a situation of moral choice, the child needs to independently organize his behavior, taking into account the interests and emotional state of his peers, apply an adequate rule and show the necessary volitional efforts.

So, the teacher organized an interesting outdoor game, which the children played with great pleasure and interest, at this time the second teacher entered and “accidentally” scattered pencils from the box.

The reaction in children was mixed. Some tried to immediately help the teacher, the rest were not immediately involved in this process. Two guys did not come up at all, they continued to play without noticing what was happening. However, two of the most active children gave up this activity and ran to the playing children as soon as they saw that the "passive children" continued to play.

Teacher. What really responsive and well-mannered guys we have, they immediately helped me collect pencils, noticed in time and did not remain indifferent. Marina, why did you help me?

Marina L. I am good, I always help everyone and yesterday I helped Irinka untie her hat.

U. And you, Lena?

Lena V. Because we know if someone needs your help, you need to help immediately, this is how cultured children behave.

U. Ilyusha, Olya, why did you stay to play, didn't you help me?

Ilya P. I I thought that without me the weight would be removed.

OlyaL. I wanted to play, it was very interesting.

U. Dima, at first you wanted to help. Why did you run away?

Dima A. Yes, everyone has almost collected what to push in vain.

At. Guys, I am happy for those children who, despite the fact that they really wanted to play, helped me. They acted as well-mannered, sympathetic people who are always ready to help, everyone should do this, and then life will be much better and easier for us.

Cut out.

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Sasha. Dima, where are you?!

1st bully. Be calm, bro, he will come.

high school student. Sasha, what are you looking for?!

Sasha. Yes wallet.

high school student. What for?!

Sasha. Buy a bun with compote...

high school student. No need, they'll bring it now.

Sasha. No need, I'm on my own! (The first hooligan brings diarrhea with three glasses of compote and buns, offers Sasha.)

Sasha. Thank you, but I can buy myself ....

high school student. Come on, come on, Sanya, play. (Sasha embarrassedly begins to eat, at this time the 2nd bully appears.)

2nd bully. Wow, let's refresh now! Didn't understand! Where is my bun, where is my compote?

1st bully (Sachet). Both on!

high school student (pretending). Yes, what are we...

Sasha. Sorry, this is yours, but I'll buy it now... (Starts to feel pockets.)

high school student. Have you lost something?

Sasha. Well, yes, the wallet, it was here, but now for some reason it is not there.

high school student. But we can't leave him hungry.

1st bully. Do you want to eat?

2nd bully. Breaking teeth!

Sasha. I understand, but there's nothing I can do right now.

High school student. Sashulya, debt payment is red.

Sasha. But understand, I don't have any money now... (A kid from primary school walks past, holding breakfast in his hands.)

high school student (baby). Stop/ (Sachet) Here's a bun for you, here's your compote.

Sasha. What are you?! I can't take from the younger one.

1st bully. And you try! (To the kid, showing his fist behind Sasha's back.) This is your bun! This is your compote!

Baby. (Sniffing.) Take it, I don't want...

Sasha. You really don't want to? (The baby, crying, gives everything to Sasha and runs away. Confused Sasha hands out breakfast to the 2nd bully.)

2nd bully(laughing). I don't want to!

Sasha. How do you not want?! Because of you, I took a bun with compote from the baby. (A musical accent sounds. Sasha, as if enchanted, freezes.)

1st bully. Haha. Down and Out trouble started!

High school student. Look into it, Sanya, and we have business, do not be bored, we will now meet often. (Sasha is left alone, Dima returns. He touches his friend on the shoulder, he seems to wake up.)

Dima. Well, are you gone?

Sasha. Gone.

Dima. Somehow I don't like them. This one said that the director was calling, I stuck around like a fool in the waiting room until the secretary said that he wasn’t there at all ... Why, it’s not clear.

Sasha. Yes, normal boys, just joking. Here's a bun for you, here's a compote for you, I'm off.

Dima. Sasha, wait, we were going to help the wall newspaper draw.

Sasha. Haha. You need it, you draw, and I went. (Exits.)

Dima. It was as if they had changed ... No, something is wrong here.


Sad background music. Sasha returns home, casually throwing his clothes around.

Sasha. The weather is nasty, the weight of the legs got wet. (Cat meows.) Well, scat, you'll still be confused here. (Throws a slipper at the cat, then a briefcase.) I have to do my homework... I don't want to... I can't... I fall asleep. (Falls on the bed and falls asleep. The musical theme of Evil sounds, and it itself appears, but already in an ominous royal attire.)

Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word,

Listen, Sasha, my song -

Boy you are now unkind.

My servant is now obedient!

Hooray, my army has arrived, now I will bring up another slob and lazybones.

Sasha (jumping out of bed). Who are you?!

Evil. Who, who?! Grandfather Pihto!

Sasha. Now get out of my apartment!

3 l about. No, you can't get rid of me now.

Sasha. What?! Yes, I will throw you out by force! (Makes a decisive impulse towards Evil, but Evil, putting out his hand, seems to have erected an invisible wall that stops the boy.)

Evil. Well, now you're already angry! Charming! (He lowers his hand, Sasha falls, having lost an invisible support.)

Sasha. Who are you, after all?

3 l about. Your evil.

Sasha. But there is no evil in me.

3 l about. But what about a little boy who you left hungry by stealing breakfast? But what about the wall newspaper that you promised to make? And this is just the beginning.

Sasha. Ah-ah-ah! Yes, you dream of me! And if you are evil, then why are you fearless?!

Evil. Naivnyak. This is the deceit - to do bad deeds with a good face! (Crying is heard in the room, in the opposite direction from Evil, a modestly dressed girl is highlighted, wiping her tears.)

Sasha. Who else are you?

Good. You will not recognise me?

Sasha. No.

Good. I am your good...

Evil. Ltd! An old friend of the nurses dismissed!

Good. I say goodbye to you, Sasha, where Evil has settled, there is no place for me.

Evil. That's right, honey, get out of here.

Good. Sasha, why are you silent?!

Sasha(laughing). What am I?! Two girls: I hope you won't fight, although you can, that's funny!

Good. Farewell, Sasha.

Evil. Well done! How he sent it off.

Sasha. No, that's enough, it's time to wake up! (He shakes his head, trying to shake off the dream. Light and sound effects. Good and Evil disappear, and the cat Murzik in human form sits on the bed behind Sasha. Sasha opens her eyes, looks around, not finding her companions.)

Sasha. They disappeared, apparently, I woke up.

Murzik. Yes, you, in general, did not sleep!

Sasha. Who else are you?

Murzik. I? Murzik.

Sasha. That's my cat's name.

Murzik. And I am your cat, in which you launched a slipper today. (Sasha tries to pinch himself and cries out in pain.) In vain you will only instruct bruises, I told you - you are not sleeping. You've got yourself into trouble, master.

Sasha. What, where?

Murzik. You allowed Evil to inhabit you and said goodbye to Good.

Sasha. What are you driving, Murzila, you will still load me with fairy tales, when I wake up, I will bring you a nix.

Murzik. Woo, Sasha, your illness is progressing. Did he understand what he said?

Sasha (as if awakened). And really, what are those words? (Jerking, as if something inside him had switched.) What's the difference! Well, get out of here!

Murzik. As you say, master, only soon you will call yourself.

Sasha. Move, I said! No, no, this is a nightmare, you need to wake up! Away, away! (The lights go out, a musical accent sounds.)

Scene 5

The noise of the school, mise-en-scene, similar to the 1st. Dima is waiting for his friend. Sasha enters, he walks past.

Cut out.

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Let's write our laws - the rules of life in our class. Let's think together and decide what laws are important to observe every day, so that all of us in the class feel comfortable and pleasant, so that no one's mood spoils. Let's write down the rules to help everyone be friends. And for this, carefully look at the table. Let's think about which of the laws written on the board are not suitable for people's lives, for life in our class. (The participants in the game express their opinion in turn. As a result, the law-words located on the left side of the table are erased from the board.)

Teacher. So we made up the rules (laws) for every day. These rules, I hope, will help us to be friends, to live together, in peace and harmony. Let's read the rules again all together in unison. (The teacher and children read the laws in unison.) As you can see, these are very simple, but also very important rules. Let's be guided by these rules in the life of our class.

5. Homecoming.

Teacher. This is where our journey ends. Don't you feel anything? And it seems to me that we have changed a little - we have become a little kinder. Is not it so?! Now let's get back to class. To do this, you need to perform the farewell ritual - a handshake in a circle (Children depict a ray of sunshine that goes in a circle, with a gesture, a smile, etc.).

6. Reflection.

Teacher. Guys, please share your impressions, answer the questions:

What did you enjoy the most while playing?

What can you tell at home about the game-journey?

What was the most important and why?

What do you remember important and interesting for yourself?

What will be useful to you in life?

What can you thank your classmates for (one, several, all?)

(Students answer one or more questions as they wish.)

7. Ethical charge of kindness.

The teacher expresses to the children his confidence that they will always be friendly, attentive, compliant, try not to offend each other so that there are no conflict situations in the class.

As practice shows, lessons culturecommunication for younger students - one of the most favorite. They help to remove the fear of independent expression; instill the skill to analyze their actions and passing events; children recognize themselves as a communication partner, discover the most diverse sides of their personality (those that help to establish contact with others and those that interfere with this).


1. Rybalko's perception of space in children. - M., 1984.

2. Aseev psychology: Textbook. - Irkutsk, 1989. Developmental and pedagogical psychology / Ed. and others - M., 1984.

3. Bozovic and its formation in childhood. - M., 1989.

4. Developmental and pedagogical psychology / Ed. Rovsky. - M., 2006.

5. Davydov developmental learning. - M., 1986.

6. Dubina L. Development of communication skills in children. // Primary school, 2005. - No. 10. P. 7.

7. Kalmykov's thinking as the basis of learning. - M., 1981.

8. Klyanchenko children to communicate. / / Primary school, 2006. - No. 6. S. 63-68.

9. Leites and giftedness in childhood. - M., 1984.

10. Maximov's communication skills of younger students. // Primary school plus before and after, 2005. - No. 1. P. 3-7.

11. World of childhood: junior schoolchild. - M., 1988.

12. Obukhova Jean Piaget: for and against. - M., 1981.

13. Ozerova of the communicative culture of children. // Primary school, 2004. - No. 11. S. 65-70.

14. Zack of theoretical thinking in younger students. - M., 1984.

15. Study of the development of cognitive activity. - M., 1971. Pencil representations in children: a textbook. -M., 2005.

16. Kazartseva OM. Culture of speech communication: Uch. settlement for students ped. uch. establishments. - M.: Nauka, 1998.

17. Leontiev communication. -2nd ed., rev. and additional - M.: Meaning, 1997.

18. Leontiev, consciousness, personality. - M., 1975.

19. Methods of teaching the culture of communication in high school /, et al. Voronezh, 1995.

20. Mudrik as a factor in the education of schoolchildren. - M.: Enlightenment, 1984.

21. Mukhina of the genesis of personality: Proc. allowance for the special course. - M., 2001.

22. Nikiforov of man. - L., 1989

23. Rutter M. Help for difficult children. - M., 1987.

24. Rogov book of a practical psychologist: Uch. settlement in 2 books. - 3rd ed. - Prince. 2: The work of a psychologist with adults. Corrective techniques and exercises. - Humanitarian ed. center VLA-DOS, 2001.

25. Rubinshtein questions of psychology and the problem of personality // Problems of general psychology. - M., 1998.

26. Smirnov psychological works: In 2 volumes - M., 1987.

27. Jacobson life of a schoolboy. - M., 1998.

28. Sternin's behavior and national culture of the people//Philological Notes. - 1993. No. 3. p. 182.

29. Learning to communicate with a child: A guide for primary school teachers /, etc. - M .: Education, 1993.

30. Freud 3. Sadness and melancholy // Main psychological theories in psychoanalysis. - M., 1978.

31. Freud A. Psychology I and defense mechanisms: Per. from English. - M., 1993.

32., About children's independence // Questions of psychology. - 1990. - No. 6. - S. 37 - 44.

33. Elkonin teaching younger students. - M., 1984.


Chapter 1. Theoretical basis extracurricular activities of younger students

1 Essence and content of extracurricular activities

1.2 Models for organizing extracurricular activities

3 Forms of organization of extracurricular activities of younger students

Chapter 2. Organization of interaction between school and family in extracurricular activities of younger students

1 Organization of work with parents in the artistic and aesthetic direction

2 Features of the organization of work with parents in the sports and recreation area

3 Features of the organization of the competition "Dad, Mom, I - a sports family" as one of the forms of achieving educational results in the sports and recreation area



Appendix 1

Appendix 2


Currently, the actual problem is the interaction of the family and the school in extracurricular activities. Since the family and the school are two main and equal subjects of education and socialization of the individual during childhood and adolescence. Speaking about the relationship between the school and the family, first of all, it is important to note that they should be based on the principles of interconnection, mutual continuity and complementarity in educational activities. Not a division of functions, not a decrease in the responsibility of the family, but a deepening educational process by including the teaching staff in it is the only correct way to improve the quality of education and upbringing. The parent community should feel like a colleague of the teaching staff in the development and implementation of specific educational tasks, programs of pedagogical influence, taking into account the contingent of this educational institution and its family and household environment.

The basis of any interaction is the realization of the needs of its participants. It is obvious that production, socio-political institutions are very far from the problems of free development of a person's personality, while the main interests of the family and educational institutions in the development of the personality and the socialization of the child objectively coincide. Another thing is that the complexities and contradictions of real life, as well as established traditions, as a rule, breed these social institutions, which are most important for the formation of a child’s personality, according to different sides From him. That is why generalization, analysis of features and further interaction between the family and educational institutions in the interests of the development of the child's personality are relevant.

From all of the above, we can say that the topic of interaction between the school and the family in the extracurricular activities of younger students is relevant.

The object of this work is the extracurricular activities of younger students.

Thing term paper- interaction between the school and the family in the extracurricular activities of younger students.

The purpose of the course work: The study of the interaction of school and family in extracurricular activities of younger students.

The following tasks follow from the purpose of this course work:

To study and analyze the psychological, pedagogical, methodological literature on this topic;

To reveal the essence of the organization of extracurricular activities in elementary school;

To identify the features of the interaction between the school and the family in the extracurricular activities of younger students;

Develop a plan for extracurricular activities to organize the competition "Dad, Mom, I'm a happy family"

In this course work, methods such as analysis and synthesis of literature, abstraction, concretization, generalization were used.

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of extracurricular activities of younger students

.1 Essence and content of extracurricular activities

Many schools under extracurricular activities accept additional education or traditional club work. Regardless of who organized it, it can be considered a part of extracurricular activities only if its goals and objectives, methods of organizing activities are aimed at achieving meta-subject and personal results determined by the educational program of the school.

For additional education the main thing is the organization of children's activities, their favorite thing, which fully meets the internal needs of the child. The formation of meta-subject results in additional education necessarily has a subordinate significance. Therefore, not all additional education is an extracurricular activity.

Distinctive features of extracurricular activities are: the content of extracurricular activities is based on the study of the interests and needs of children of different age groups, it is possible to take into account the needs and interests of children and their families; extracurricular activities are built on the conditions of voluntary participation, activity and amateur performance of children; the psychological atmosphere in the extracurricular activities is informal, which contributes to the formation of equal relations between children and teachers based on common interests and values.

Supposed high level interpersonal relations between the teacher and children; students are allowed to move from one group to another (by subject, level of intellectual development, head teacher).

Based on this, extracurricular activities are purposeful educational activities organized in their free time (many teachers understand this phrase as the second half of the day) for the socialization of children and adolescents of a certain age group, the formation of their need to participate in socially significant practices and self-government, creating conditions for the development of significant positive personality traits , realization of their creative and cognitive activity in various activities, participation in meaningful leisure.

If extracurricular activities are rationally used by a student, then each child acquires the ability to:

Appraisal of oneself, one's own individual characteristics and opportunities;

Reliably navigate the natural and social world;

It's smart to take independent solutions;

Accumulate experience in individual and collective activities (creative, performing, reproductive);

Apply the experience gained in your life;

Directions of extracurricular activities

Sports and recreation direction

General cultural direction

Social direction (project activity)

General intellectual (scientific and educational direction)

Sports and health direction

Provides the formation of the foundations of a healthy and safe lifestyle among primary school students is one of the priority goals. The knowledge, skills and abilities acquired at the lesson of physical culture should subsequently be consolidated in the system of independent forms of physical exercises: morning exercises and hygienic gymnastics before lessons, physical education and outdoor games at breaks and during walks, additional classes. Interaction of educational and extracurricular activities in the sports and health direction, it helps to enhance the health effect achieved during the active use by schoolchildren of the acquired knowledge, methods and physical exercises in sports and health activities, the daily routine, and independent physical exercises.

General cultural direction

The problem of forming a conscious citizen with strong convictions is rightfully at the forefront of the ideological and moral education and is the main problem of education in general. It is important to educate from an early age collectivism, exactingness towards oneself and each other, honesty and truthfulness, perseverance, diligence, the need to benefit others. Without assimilation of the norms of relationships, it is impossible to form social activity, in the process of development of which there is an increase in the level of self-determination of the child, an expansion of his understanding of his place in the system of relations “I and my peers”, “I and adults”, “I and society”. The direction of extracurricular work associated with the general cultural direction can be represented by the following types of activities: social creativity, volunteer activities, labor activity, etc., taking into account the resources available, the desired results and the specifics of the educational institution. The general cultural direction of schoolchildren already in the primary grades should teach children independence in organizing their own individual, group and collective activities.

Scientific - cognitive (general intellectual) direction

Extracurricular cognitive activity of schoolchildren can be organized in the form of electives, circles of a cognitive orientation, a scientific society of students, intellectual clubs (like the club "What? Where? When?"), library evenings, didactic theaters, educational excursions, olympiads, quizzes, etc. P.

The acquisition by students of social knowledge, understanding of social reality and everyday life can be achieved only if the object of cognitive activity of children becomes the social world itself, i.e. knowledge of the life of people and society: its structure and principles of existence, ethics and morality, basic public values, monuments of world and national culture, features of interethnic and interfaith relations.

Project (social) direction

How a student can apply his knowledge, how competent he is in a broad extracurricular context, his future self-determination depends. This is not only the ability to acquire and apply knowledge, it is communication skills, self-control and self-assessment skills, development creativity.

Independent or managed project activity of younger students helps to realize their creative potential. Any attempts to thematically limit the project activities of students within the framework subject or organizational - the framework of the lesson (mini-projects of students as a form independent work) are a substitute for the ideas of using the project method in educational process. In the process of project activities, the younger student uses the knowledge gained, chooses certain learning activities.

Military-patriotic direction

Military-patriotic education at school is constituent part complex and multilateral process of personality formation. Its basis is the formation and development in children of devotion to the Motherland and pride in it in any economic and political situations.

1.2 Models for organizing extracurricular activities

When organizing extracurricular activities of students, an educational institution uses the possibilities of educational institutions of additional education for children, organizations of culture and sports. Currently, there are four main models for organizing extracurricular activities in a comprehensive school.

The first model is characterized by a random set of circles, sections, clubs, the work of which is not always combined with each other, the connections with school-wide life are also situational and fragmentary. All extracurricular work and extracurricular activities of the school are completely dependent on the available human and material resources; strategic lines development of the organization of children's activities in the afternoon is not adjusted. Unfortunately, so far this is the most common model. But even this option of organizing extracurricular activities at school makes some sense, since it contributes to the employment of children and the definition of the spectrum of their extracurricular interests.

The second model is distinguished by the internal organization of each of the structures of the educational system available at the school, although a single system is not yet fully functioning. Nevertheless, in such models there are original forms of work that unite both children and adults (associations, creative laboratories, expeditions , hobby centers, etc.). Clubs, circles, studios similar in profile can be combined into club centers operating according to a single program. However, these centers exist in the school in isolation; connections with general school work are also fragmentary. Quite often, in such schools, the field of additional education becomes an open search area in the process of updating the content of basic education, a kind of reserve and an experimental laboratory.

The third model for organizing extracurricular activities can be built on the basis of close interaction between a general education school and one or more institutions of additional education for children or a cultural institution - a center for children's creativity, a club at the place of residence, a sports or music school, library, theater, museum, etc. Such cooperation should be carried out on a regular basis. A school and a specialized institution, as a rule, develop a joint program of activities, which largely determines the content of extracurricular activities in a given school. The fourth model of organization of extracurricular activities in modern school involves a deep integration of basic and additional education of children. The definition of the content of their activities and ways of organizing it is based on common conceptual ideas that ensure the development of the institution as a whole. This is an educational complex, a school-club, a communal-type school.

1.3 Forms of organization of extracurricular activities of a younger student

In the scientific and methodological manual Grigoriev D.V. “Extracurricular activities of schoolchildren. Methodical constructor” it is recommended to organize the following forms of organization:

The level of education in the type of extracurricular activities Acquisition of social knowledge by the student Formation of a value attitude to social. reality Gaining experience of independent social action1. FictionRole-playing gameBusiness gameSocial modeling gameCognitive Cognitive conversations, subject electives, Olympiads.Didactic theater, public review of knowledge, intellectual club “What? Where? When?" Children's research projects, out-of-school activities of a cognitive orientation (student conferences, intellectual marathons, etc.), school museum-club 3. Problem-value communication Ethical conversation Debates, thematic debate Problem-value discussion with the participation of external experts leisure communication) Cultural trips to theaters, museums, concert halls, exhibitions Concerts, dramatizations, festive “lights” at the class and school levels Leisure and entertainment events for schoolchildren in the society surrounding the school (charity concerts, tours of school amateur performances, etc.) 5. Artistic creativityArtistic circlesArt exhibitions, art festivals, performances in the classroom, schoolArtistic actions of schoolchildren in the society surrounding the school6. Social creativity (socially transformative volunteer activity) Social tests (initiative participation of the child in social events organized by adults) KTD (collective creative work) Social project 7. Labor (industrial) activity Design classes, circles of technical creativity, home crafts productive games ("Post Office", "City of Masters", "Factory"), children's production team under the guidance of an adult Children-adult educational production8. Sports and health activities Classes in sports sections, conversations about healthy lifestyles, participation in health procedures. School sports tournaments and health promotions Sports and health promotions for schoolchildren in the society surrounding the school9. Tourist and local history activitiesEducational tour, tourist trip, local history clubTourist trip, local history clubTourist and local history expedition Search and local history expedition School Museum of Local Lore

Many schools under extracurricular activities accept additional education or traditional club work. For additional education, the main thing is the organization of children's activities, their favorite thing, which fully meets the internal needs of the child. Distinctive features of extracurricular activities are: the content of extracurricular activities is based on the study of the interests and needs of children of different age groups, it is possible to take into account the needs and interests of children and their families.

Currently, there are four main models for organizing extracurricular activities in a comprehensive school.

In the scientific and methodological manual Grigoriev D.V. “Extracurricular activities of schoolchildren. Methodological constructor" it is recommended to organize the following types of extracurricular activities at school: game, cognitive, problem-value communication, leisure and entertainment activities (leisure communication), artistic creativity, social creativity (socially transformative volunteer activity), labor (industrial) activity, sports and health-improving activities, tourist and local history activities.

Chapter 2. Organization of interaction between school and family in extracurricular activities of younger students

2.1 Organization of work with parents in the artistic and aesthetic direction

after school student sports competition

The purpose of the artistic and aesthetic direction is: the formation of culture, as part of a common spiritual development all participants in the educational process.

Artistic and aesthetic activity may have the following content:

familiarization with the national and world heritage;

stimulation of the emotional and value attitude of students and parents to the national culture;

organizing the activities of students and parents in creative matters.

In the artistic and aesthetic direction, the participation of parents will allow an informal approach to organizing excursions to exhibitions in museums, theaters, and concerts. In this direction, it is proposed to organize exhibitions of the works of parents, a concert with the participation of parents, a performance where parents and students play the main and secondary roles.

There are standard forms of interaction between the school and the family in the artistic and aesthetic direction:


Visiting museums;

Collective creative affairs;

Watching performances, films;

Along with the standard forms of interaction in the sports and recreation area, non-standard ones are offered, i.e. rarely used in school:

Participation in exhibitions and amateur art competitions;

Organization of circles, sections, clubs by parents.

2.2 Features of the organization of work with parents in the sports and recreation area

The purpose of the sports and health direction is: the formation of a healthy lifestyle ideology among students and their parents through the interaction of the school, the student and his family.

Sports and recreation activities may have the following content:

involvement of parents in joint sports and recreational activities;

conversations with parents about the importance and necessity of a healthy lifestyle;

ensuring the safety and strengthening of the health of students, teachers and parents by creating safe and comfortable learning conditions.

In schools, traditionally, you can plan the following activities:

"Health Day" together with parents;

competitions "Mom, dad, I am a sports family";

thematic parent meetings"For a healthy lifestyle" with the involvement of specialists who reveal the features of catering and hardening of schoolchildren;

"Tourist's Day" with the involvement of relatives for short trips and long excursions;

"Skier's Day", within which family competitions will be held;

Meetings of the family health club with the organization of a joint field trip.

There are standard forms of interaction between the school and the family in the sports and recreation area:

Travel trips with parents;

"Health Days" with parents. Thematic days, for example, "Tourist's Day", "Skier's Day" Decade "For a healthy lifestyle"

Competition "Dad, Mom, I am a sports family"

Thematic parent meetings, conferences.

In addition to standard forms of interaction in schools, non-standard ones are also offered:

Family health and fitness club. The club as a socio-pedagogical phenomenon is a unity of diversity, the integration of cognitive, developmental, communicative activities of parents and children, which is based on the free search for ways to form a healthy lifestyle, interest in physical culture, creativity

Competition "The best sports class of the school"

2.3 Features of the organization of the competition "Dad, Mom, I - a sports family" as one of the forms of achieving educational results in the sports and recreation area

The competition “Dad, Mom, I am a sports family” is held to strengthen the “family-school” ties aimed at fostering a healthy lifestyle.

Competition is a method of directing the natural need of schoolchildren to rivalry and priority on education. necessary to a person and quality society. Competing among themselves, schoolchildren quickly master the experience of social behavior, develop physical, moral, aesthetic qualities. Competition is especially important for those who are lagging behind: by comparing their results with the achievements of their comrades, they receive new incentives for growth and begin to make more efforts.

The organization of a competition is a difficult task that requires knowledge of the psychology of education, compliance with a number of important conditions and requirements, among which we note the following.

Instructions for the competition "Dad, Mom, I - a sports family" for the teacher:

Prepare a competition plan. Think over all the stages, the opening ceremony and awards. Decorate the gym with balloons, flags and fun posters. Be sure to make a list of children who will participate in the competition. Choose relays that are age appropriate. Develop a system for calculating results and penalty points.

Depending on the type of competition, select the necessary sports equipment - balls, light dumbbells, jump ropes, mats, mini-gates. Place the inventory so that it is convenient to take it<#"justify">Conclusion

The purpose of the course work was to study the interaction between the school and the family in extracurricular activities of younger students. To achieve the tasks set, the psychological and pedagogical, methodical literature on the research issue. The essence and features of the organization of extracurricular activities of a junior schoolchild in the field of interaction between the school and the family are revealed.

Thus, we can conclude that the organization of extracurricular activities of younger students is an obligatory part of the educational process at school. Extracurricular activities increase the space in which students can develop their creative and cognitive activity. The new Federal State Educational Standard assumes that in elementary school, studying subjects, a student at the level of his age should master the methods of cognitive and creative activity.

As a result of the theoretical research the features of organizing work with parents in the sports and recreation area were considered and a summary of the event of the competition "Dad, Mom, I - a sports family" was developed. This form of sports and recreation direction at school is focused on achieving the second level, i.e. formation of a value attitude to social reality.

The practical significance of this work lies in the fact that the developed teaching materials can be used in the educational process by primary school teachers, students in the practice of extracurricular educational work.

As a result of this course work, the goal and objectives were implemented in full.


1.Bayborodova L.V. Extracurricular activities of schoolchildren in groups of different ages / L.V. Baiborodova.- M.: Enlightenment, 2013.-177p.

.Bragutsa A.V. Development of cooperation between younger schoolchildren in extracurricular activities / A.V. Braguta // Primary school.- 2011.- №6.- p.53-55

.Grigoriev D.V. Extracurricular activities of younger students. Methodological constructor: A guide for the teacher / D.V. Grigoriev, P.V. Stepanov.- M.: Enlightenment, 2010.- 223p.

.How to organize a competition [electronic resource], Access mode: #"justify">. Malenkova L.I. Theory and methods of education / L.I. Malenkova.- M.: Pedagogical community of Russia, 2004.- 480s.

.Methodological advice on the organization of extracurricular activities of primary school students. Access mode: #"justify"> Appendix 1

sports holiday

“Dad, mom, I am a sports family!”

For sports there are no borders and distances! It is understandable to the peoples of all the earth! He is the property of our entire planet! Sport gives happiness of friendship and love!

Goal: Strengthening the ties "family - school", aimed at fostering a healthy lifestyle.

Objectives: 1. Promote a healthy lifestyle, promote family involvement in physical education and sports;

To educate children and parents of positive emotions from a joint event;

To carry out the relationship in the physical education of children between the school and the family;

Event scenario

Leading. Good afternoon dear friends! Today we are holding a sports festival "Dad, Mom, I am a sports family." We have a family holiday, in which not only children, but also their parents will take part.

It's great that we have a desire to make friends with each other and it's nice to see people with a kind, friendly smile and a happy look. And if it's a family - it's doubly nice.

At all times, people have striven for a healthy lifestyle, wanting to know the limits of their capabilities, not being afraid to challenge fate. And often came out victorious. And this is sport: life, health, risk, search, victory.

Today, family competitions of the most daring and resolute, the most resourceful and cheerful are being played out before your eyes.

But it doesn't matter who becomes the winner in our rather comic competition, and there will definitely be a winner, the main thing is that we all feel the atmosphere of the holiday, the atmosphere of goodwill, mutual respect and understanding.

And since we have competitions, it means that there should be a jury, strict and fair. Host: And now we will get acquainted with the main characters of our sports festival. Let's welcome them. (Called families _______________________)

Look - we have a whole class gathered here, Together with us, dads, moms. Dads left the sofas, Moms left the pans, And they put on their suits. Moderator: We think that our participants are ready to take part in the competition. Let's say hello to our teams again. Let's start the competition.

We have a large supply of ventures, And all of them, friends, are for you! And now, without delay, we begin the competition. First competition. Cheerful family. In this relay race, dads start first. At the signal of the judge, the dads run to the CS (control post), run around it and come back. They take the mother’s hand together with the mother, run to the CS without disengaging their hands, run around her, return, take the child’s hand and the three of them run to the CS and back. While running, you can not disengage your hands. The team that finishes the competition first without violating the rules wins.

Inventory: Rack.

Second competition. Winter-winter-winter.

The team (father, mother and child) get on their skis and, at the signal of the judge, move to the CS. Bypass it and come back. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

Inventory: skis Leading: When you go to storm the relay race, Victory is not very visible to us. But all the same, we will reach victory, No fluff to you, team, no pen!

(Judges count the results of two competitions, the performance of school athletes)

Third competition. "Relay with a balloon - a well."

At the referee's signal, the first participant (child) leads the balloon with a stick. Near the CS without the help of hands (only with the help of a stick) drives the ball into the bucket. Then he takes the ball with his hands and runs, passing back the baton to the next participant (mother). Mom does the same, and then dads do the same. The team that finishes the relay race the fastest without breaking the rules wins.

Equipment: clubs, balloons. Fourth competition: Carrying balls.

They sit one after another on the bench (child, mom, dad), balls (6 balls) lie in front of them in a hoop. At the signal of the referee, the child takes one ball and carries it to the hoop, which lies near the CS and puts the ball into it, then returns back. Mom does the same, but with only two balls. Then dad runs with three balls, puts them in a hoop, and comes back. He takes the mother and the child by the hand, together they run to the hoop with balls, the father takes all 6 balls and runs back, and the mother and child help to carry them.

Equipment: hoops, balls

Host: While the judges are counting the results of past competitions, we will watch the performance of the school athletes. Fifth competition. Tourist fun (crossing, spider). Mom and dad hold a gymnastic stick and carry the child on it to a certain mark (the child weighs on a stick not touching the floor), having reached the mark (hoop), the parents lower the child into the hoop, leave the gymnastic stick, take the “spider” and three of them with the “spider” » run to the CS, run around it and return to the mark. They leave the “spider”, take the gymnastic stick and carry the child back Inventory: gymnastic stick, hoop, “spider”

Leading: To make the test more interesting, We complicated the competition, So as not to get three into trouble, We will give one jump rope

Sixth competition. interaction and solidarity.

A child with a handkerchief in his hands stands at the start line. Mom and dad with their legs tied and hugging their waists, at the signal of the judge, run to the COP and back. They run up to the child, take a scarf and with their free hands tie a scarf on the child’s head. After the child takes the ball and in the “cuttlefish” position moves to the KS, takes the ball in his hands and runs back. Mom and dad untie their legs during this time and decide who will run with a hoop and who will jump with a rope. Deciding dad (mom) go to the CS and rotate the hoop, run back, mom (dad) jump rope to the CS, run back. The team that finishes the competition first wins.

Equipment: handkerchiefs, hoop, jump rope

Leading. So the last competition of our sports festival has ended and while the jury is summing up the results, I will play a game with the audience. I read riddles and you solve them.

I wake up early in the morning Together with the ruddy sun, I fill the bed myself, I quickly do .... (exercises).

Not offended, but inflated. They lead him across the field, And they will hit him - nothing at all. Do not keep up with .... (ball).

There is a cry on the ice platform, A student rushes to the gate. Everyone shouts: “Puck! Hockey stick! Bey! fun game.... (hockey).

Two birch horses Carry me through the snow. These red horses And their name is .... (skiing).

Who will catch up with me on the ice? We are racing. And it’s not the horses that carry me, but the shiny ones ... (skates).

I took two oak bars, two iron runners. I stuffed planks on the bars. Give me snow. Ready ... (sled).

On a clear morning along the road Dew glistens on the grass. Feet go along the road And two wheels run. The riddle has an answer. This is my ... (bike).

Host: Well done! You guessed them very well, but I think it's time to give the floor to the jury. Now we will find out whose family today has become the best, friendly and athletic.

(The jury sums up the results of the competition. Certificates and prizes are awarded.

Appendix 2

extracurricular activity"Dad, mom, I am a sports family"

rallying "families", involving students in systematic classes physical culture and sports; contribute to the formation of a healthy lifestyle, values ​​in family relationships, the formation personal qualities(love, mutual assistance, friendship, solidarity).

Create a cheerful and joyful mood for children and their parents.

Develop physical qualities: endurance, speed, reaction power.

To carry out the relationship in the physical education of children between the school and the family.

Event progress

Hello dear guests! We welcome you to the sports festival "Dad, Mom, I am a sports family!" Today we have family teams visiting us: (team name). Our teams are very excited, let's greet them with applause.

Music sounds, commands come out.

Starts are waiting for you ahead.

And the teams are all strong. Let's shout together, kids.

Everyone, everyone, everyone.

Physical Education!

Today we have a jury at the sports festival that will evaluate your results. Without a jury, we are nowhere, Who will evaluate you then. Follow the teams, Do not write a lot of fines.

competition: "Representation of teams"

Each team introduces itself.

Competition: "Guess"

Opposite each team are letters, on command everyone runs to the letters. From these letters it is necessary to compose the expression "Cheerful starts". The team that completes the expression in the shortest time wins.

competition "Baron Munchausen"

A fabulous traveler, he loved to fly on the core, so you have to overcome the distance from the start line to the cone and back, holding the ball between your knees. The team that completes the task faster wins.

Who helps at the construction site? And he unloads the wagons, Very strong guys, they will help you when you need it.

competition: "Movers"

Near each team there are baskets in which there are 2 small stuffed balls for a child, 2 medium stuffed balls for moms, 2 large stuffed balls for dads, and in front of each team there are empty baskets. On command, everyone carries one ball: a child, mom, dad, and so on until all the balls are transferred to an empty basket. The team that completes the task the fastest wins. Whose family is the fastest? Only here they are waiting for success. We will tell you how to jump, And we will help and tell you.

competition: "Merry relay race"

On command, a child jumps on a hop, then mom rides an inflatable horse, and then dad runs in a foam diaper,

While the jury will sum up the results for 4 competitions, the teams will have a rest, and we will play with the audience.

What kind sport games with the ball you know?

What is the beginning and end of a run called? (start, finish)

What equipment do judges use? (whistle, flag, cards)

What animal lives in the gym? (goat)

Hula hoop is it? (hoop)

How is hockey played? (hockey stick)

The floor is given to the jury.

competition: "Nimble couple"

Ahead is a child in hoops, holding a hoop in his hands. Mom and dad hold on to the hoop, while they pinch the balloon with their foreheads.

On command, they all run together to the landmark and back. The team that completes the fastest wins.

7 competition "General cleaning"

Opposite each team, a pile of sawdust is poured. On command, the child, holding a scoop and a broom, runs up to this hill and sweeps, sawdust, runs back and pours into a bucket, then mom, holding a rag in her hands, runs and wipes the floor where he lay, sawdust, dad, holding a bucket in his hands , a broom, a rag runs around a landmark.

The team that completes the task faster wins.

competition "Hockey players"

Opposite each team are five cones at a distance of 1 meter. On command, dad, holding a stick in his hands, circles the cones with a snake with a tennis ball, then mom, a child.

The team that completes the task faster wins.

competition: "Caterpillar"

Each team becomes a sports caterpillar, on command they move to the landmark and back. The team that completes the task faster wins.

competition "Song"

Each team sings a sports-themed song. And now summing up the results of all competitions, while the jury is conferring, we will all watch the musical number together. The floor is given to the jury, the winners of the teams are called, the song “I, you, he, she is a friendly family together” sounds.


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